#rich james potter
meakajamespotter · 12 days
Another Fanfic Idea (Marauders)
In a world where one per cent of the population has powers. In this kingdom, people with powers are condemned to a death sentence because they are considered a danger to society. Set in a Middle Ages vibe and universe but with fantasy, three children of three noble families—Regulus, Pandora, and Dorcas—have to run away because their powers were discovered. They try to escape to a nearby kingdom where powers are allowed and even celebrated, ruled by Prince James.
Sirius doesn't hesitate one minute and runs away with his brother Regulus and group, along the way, they save someone with their powers from a pirate attack, that someone reveals themselves to be Prince James. As a reward, they are invited to join his court.
Meanwhile, one of the pirates, Remus was on the pirate boat that sank in the ocean after the defense. He was holding onto a piece of wood unconscious when Sirius saw him and insisted on rescuing him. Now, they all stick together at Prince James’s court, trying to stay safe while dealing with magic and new norms and culture.
( I don't know if it makes sense 🤔 it does in my head, though )
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wolvesandshine · 8 months
AU where Sirius runs away from his famous family and lives his life as a normal guy TM and meets James. Fast forward a couple years and James hooks up with someone and is later forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement but both of them have feelings so they continue dating in secret. It’s not until James introduces him to Sirius that they realise that James has been hooking up with none other than Regulus Black and that he’d been best friends with the scandalous Sirius Black who had run away years ago.
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wafflinglumos · 9 months
Sirius and James were not the same type of rich, I see this a lot, and a lot of people think that it’s canon, which is just, incorrect. James came from new money, Sirius came from old money.
Fleamont Potter’s business heavily, HEAVILY contributed to James’ wealth, sure Harry by our terms and by wizard terms inherited a LOT, absolutely, but from what we know from canon it’s incomparable to the Blacks fortune, it’s like comparing Draco’s and Harry’s wealth at the start of the series, you can’t.
Another thing to add is that the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black has that name for a reason, now sure, just because they’re known doesn’t mean they’re rich but we can quite confidently say they were, if you wanted to argue for the Potters’ being wealthier, you could I guess say that at the time the Blacks were a declining old money family, but they were still incredibly, INCREDIBLY wealthy.
We don’t know for certain how rich they were, or if they were richer than the Malfoys but because of how money works, old money specifically, we can say that at some point in the last few centuries(pre 1980) that they were as rich, or even richer than the Malfoys, however they weren’t as rich as them when it reached the 80’s. We can also guess they had the same amount of money or one of them had more, because Narcissa married Lucius so theoretically, Narcissa would have to be on the same level as Lucius in terms of wealth and vice versa.
Another thing we can use to calculate their wealth is their past history with house elves, from what we know from Ronald Weasley in Chamber of Secrets, a wizard/witch has to be “rolling in dough” to have a house elf, we can then look at the wall of dead house elves heads that the family had, and can make assumptions from there.
So, with all this information, we don’t have an exact amount, but, we know that even if they weren’t as wealthy as we paint them they were still known, and their opinions were highly regarded by an astounding amount, but then again, they were still insanely rich, and in terms of wealth and fame, leagues above the Potters.
The Potters were extremely wealthy, but the Blacks were loaded.
Anyways that’s the end of my Ted talk.
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Im soooo tired of seeing my baby (Peter Pettigrew) get ignored in fanon content :(((
He was one of the four marauders!!! EQUALLY IMPORTANT!!!!
sooooo many people ignore him because of what he did.
but back in the 70s? He was just my little guy
Young Peter baking at the Potters over Christmas break?? Sirius is constantly licking batter from the spoons. Remus is always trying to add a little more cinnamon and a dash more vanilla, I think these cookies could use some more chocolate chips you know? Effie sharing family recipes with him??
Young Peter who was the tallest in the group until 13~14 where everyone else shot up like bean poles? Peter stuck being the shortest from there on out. they all tease him about it but James crawls into his bed one night because hey wormy, I know we like to joke, but you aren't uncomfortable right? you sure this isn't bothering you? because I would feel horrible if it was.
Also James and Sirius were close, but Peter and James were close. like, James and Sirius would go everywhere and do everything with each other but those quiet nights? when James just needed someone to talk to or cry to? James would always crawl into Peter's bed and they would talk about everything until the sun peeked in through the curtains.
Young Peter who always recommends their parties are potlucks because all of his friends are such great cooks? (even if he spits out whatever Sirius is trying to convince them is cooked properly)
Young Peter who is great at lying and has saved the boys too many times to count. (Looking straight at James and Sirius 👀) like Remus would try to lie but the staff knew he was just as bad as the rest of them but Peter? The sweet one? The kind one? Nooooooo he would neeeeeever
anyone else got some headcanons? any ships? please my plants are dying
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starlittragedies · 2 months
one of the headcanons that i truly stand by is sirius, james, the slytherin skittles/ the pantheon (except for dorcas) are all so polite and well-mannered.
i mean yes, these blokes were notorious for being mean, troublemakers, and have a bit of psychopathic tendencies (i’m looking at pandora & the slytherins) but you can never catch them slouching, i mean sirius tried once (as an act of defiance) but in the end he hated how it made his back feel.
you can always see them walking around the halls of hogwarts with pristine posture (making them more intimidating than they are), you can see how tidy they eat when they are at the great hall, not to mention how most of them are invited to the slug club (where their table manners are really showed), and when anyone from their circle finally gets an invite, these are the first people they go to for fashion tips to make sure that they are dressed appropriately for the occasion.
these children were raised by purebloods, high members of society, they are expected to behave as a true heir should. even james.
james, having the greatest childhood in comparison with the others, is not saved from the hour long etiquette session held by a tutor (or in his case his mum). people are forgetting that is father is a literal business man & potioneer with one of the greatest wizard inventions ever, they were definitely invited to some balls and expensive galas where james needed to act “proper”.
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
sirius black cannot figure out chopsticks. james has tried to teach him on several occasions and it just... never worked. the purpose of 17 different utensils has been burned into his brain but chopsticks? my man has one in each hand stabbing his beef aggressively without results.
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where-is-vivian · 1 year
[the language he speaks is money]
James, taking galleons from his wallet: How much is it? I'll pay.
Regulus, holding a huge pile of expensive books, with a frown: No, I pay.
James, smiling, simply glad Regulus found the books he wanted: No, no, I insist. How much?
Regulus: No. I pay.
James: Reggie... How much?
Regulus: Don't "Reggie" me, keep your money. I don't need it.
James, smiling wryly now, because he thinks Reg is funny (and cute): Let me pay. I'm happy to pay them for you.
Regulus, rolling his eyes at how cheesy he is: Let me exploit my parents' money instead.
James: Okay...
Regulus: Thanks. *goes to pay*
James, sneaking just before him to get to the librarian's register: Hello sir, I'll pay for this, *pointing at Regulus' books* how much is it?
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
yknow how when big chested men wear polo shits and it looks all slutty because it’s laying flat on top and then starts creasing underneath the pec….and it looks like annoyingly sexy for it being a damn Polo Shirt……..yeah,, james potter.
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siriusthirdcousin · 1 year
regulus and sirius getting into screaming matches because one of them used the other's hair products without asking again
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lexithwrites · 7 months
Tumblr media
good for the soul
or the one where sirius and regulus are little shits that need straightening out and end up on the potter's farm where they meet the farm hands, chaos ensues
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aprill-99 · 2 years
On a scale from Avatar the Last Airbender (“what adaptation?”) to Lockwood and Co (“nearly word-perfect dialogue, the only changes were slight and were certified improvements if anything”) how good was the adaptation of your fave original content?
*Shadow and Bone is the middle ground for (“Substantial changes were made to the original, but I don’t even care cuz goddamn this shit slaps.”)
Asking for SCIENCE.
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solarisburns · 7 months
james potter was not always the man that people would want to tell fond stories of. there were years where he was a boy. He was not yet an auror, a hero, a legend, just a boy. He was spoiled and would look down on others who he did not understand. He was cruel in the name of humor, and his pranks could be considered bullying and hateful. He was obnoxious and half of his classmates bordered on punching him in the face if he didn't shut up soon. He didn't understand why Lily did not fancy him, let me be clear he did not harass her, but he would try to make himself seem cooler and end up more of an ass. He would try and gain her affection in the wrong ways. He was loud and mean and stupid and a dumb boy.
but he grew. he may not have lived a long enough life to be a true adult but he grew. He realized that what he was doing was not funny but mean and he would apologize. He would be more respectful in class and understand he and his friends were not the only people who matter in the room. James would listen and learn from those who were not the same as him. the stories of the asshole from school grew into of james who would tell stories to the first years. to james whose pranks were funny and no longer cruel, well a little cruel when the war found itself in hogwarts halls and potter was fighting the only way any of them knew how. to james was passionate and wanted others to succeed. to james the go to if you needed help with transfiguration. to james no longer the bully but the one who would stand up for others. To james who would make mistakes and would apologise, or he wouldn't because he was human. He was not perfect but he was funny and kind and he would be missed.
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levforfakes · 8 months
lily evans listening to material girl as she walks down the hallway with james holding the radio and regulus carrying the bag
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pearlynia · 9 months
I wish I get a dollar everytime I think of dead gay wizards and their lovers who are also very dead and very gay wizards.
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
Lily' birthday- jily snippet
"You're spending your birthday in the library?"
Lily ignored James, carrying on writing her notes for Potions as James sat down opposite her.
He placed his head in his hands and peered over at her work, "Interesting, interesting."
Lily huffed, looking up, "You don't even take potions, whilst I love it; yet I am finding this specific topic excruciatingly boring, so how is this interesting to you?"
James grinned, "Your handwriting is just really shit. I can't read a word of it so I'm imagining you're writing about transfiguration."
Lily snorted, "Well, I'm not."
"What a shame", he sighed.
She nodded in agreement as she glanced back down to her work. He sat quietly opposite her as she did so.
After almost ten minutes, she glanced back up with a frown.
"Are you just going to sit there?"
"Until you finish."
"Well what if I'm planning on working until the library shuts at nine... in about seven hours."
James shrugged, "I can keep myself entertained."
Lily groaned and shook her head.
James let out a laugh, "I did not think you were so dirty minded, Miss Evans. Merlin, I meant I'll do some doodling or something."
"For seven hours?"
He leaned back in his chair, hand coming up to brush his hair out his eyes, "You don't want the company?"
"No, I'm happy for the company. But shouldn't you be practicing quidditch or corrupting the youth with Sirius?"
"No, it's your birthday. If you're set on studying until the evening then I'll happily keep you company."
Lily smiled, "Well, I'm not actually going to do that. I'll only be here for an hour or so more and then Mary and Marlene are taking me rollerskating... Do you want to come with us? I was planning on inviting Remus anyway, and so you, Sirius, and Peter by extension."
James nodded, "Yeah. I'd- I mean we would like that."
Lily beamed, "Okay."
Lily smiled at him again before slowly moving her gaze back to her notes. James stole one of her sheets of paper and doodled as Lily worked. As Lily began to pack away, James folded then slid the paper into her bag. His doodles of Lily as a jedi surrounded by hearts now resting in Lily's bag.
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adh-james-version · 3 months
Xander and Emma from Bunk’d are a version of Jegulus
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