#rich james potter
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fourquartertoast · 5 months ago
Peter: *reading the menu* What's antipasta? Sirius: Spaghetti's worst nightmare. Peter: *nodding* The archenemy of penne. Sirius: Fettucine's foe. Peter: Rival de ravioli. Sirius: The bane of – James: It's Italian. It means pre-pasta. Like an appetizer. *sighs in 'uncultured swines'* Peter: Sirius: Peter: Remus: Gnocchi's nemesis. Sirius and Peter: *cheers*
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meakajamespotter · 6 months ago
Another Fanfic Idea (Marauders)
In a world where one per cent of the population has powers. In this kingdom, people with powers are condemned to a death sentence because they are considered a danger to society. Set in a Middle Ages vibe and universe but with fantasy, three children of three noble families—Regulus, Pandora, and Dorcas—have to run away because their powers were discovered. They try to escape to a nearby kingdom where powers are allowed and even celebrated, ruled by Prince James.
Sirius doesn't hesitate one minute and runs away with his brother Regulus and group, along the way, they save someone with their powers from a pirate attack, that someone reveals themselves to be Prince James. As a reward, they are invited to join his court.
Meanwhile, one of the pirates, Remus was on the pirate boat that sank in the ocean after the defense. He was holding onto a piece of wood unconscious when Sirius saw him and insisted on rescuing him. Now, they all stick together at Prince James’s court, trying to stay safe while dealing with magic and new norms and culture.
( I don't know if it makes sense 🤔 it does in my head, though )
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aithusarosekiller · 4 months ago
One thing I love about Jegulus is that the rest of the school are just living their normal teen years, falling in love and being messy and stupid like everybody else. Some of them will have horrible breakups over the war but it's normal and human. Then Jegulus are there having their whole massive Greek tragedy complete with extensive metaphors, secret rooms and an intrinsically deep, historical aspect to their entire relationship that it unmatched by any other on the planet. And somehow they're still a secret from everybody else, their love reads like one of the epics but it's so small and hidden.
They're just that dramatic ig
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maxdibert · 5 months ago
If James bullied Severus because the latter knew a lot or liked dark magic, then why didn’t he also target the wealthy pure-bloods from important families? Instead, he conveniently chose a poor half-blood boy with no financial resources or family support as the main target of his taunts and abuse.
James hated dark magic, but rather than torment all the future dark wizards who were already showing signs of what they would become, he decided to go after someone who couldn’t defend himself socially or economically. James didn’t go after the boys with money and strong family support because he knew that would have consequences. Bullying someone with present, well-resourced, and influential parents could cause him problems. With Severus, he didn’t have to worry. He was a nobody. Just a poor half-Muggle kid who couldn’t even afford decent clothes. He was the easy prey, and that’s basic bully behavior: you go after the person you perceive as the most vulnerable. The dark magic excuse is just that—an excuse. James targeted Severus because his social and economic position allowed it, while Severus’ situation made it so there were no consequences for James’ actions.
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hootietpants · 2 months ago
"You guys are overreacting! What James did wasn't SA!"
Like James Potter was the king of consent. The guy couldn't take a "no" for an answer. He literally THREATENED Lily to go out with him. But sure Severus was the creep.
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ultravioletbrit · 6 months ago
“vintage” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 253 words
Regulus is standing with James in their garage looking at what is probably the saddest excuse for a car Regulus has ever seen.
“It’s old.” Regulus says.
“It’s vintage.” James counters.
“It’s ugly.” Regulus is walking around the car.
“It’s… okay, yes, it is ugly. But it won’t be when I’m done with it.” Regulus walks towards James with a skeptical look.
“I promise, it’ll be beautiful. You’ll see.” James tells him. “Please, can I keep it?” James pouts.
Regulus smiles fondly at James and wraps his arms around his waist.
“Jamie, you don’t need my permission to keep it. But I don’t understand why you don’t just want to buy a new car. You know, one that actually runs?” Regulus asks him.
“Restoring it, rebuilding it, is the whole point. It’s not just about the car, it’s about the process.” James has a glimmer in his eyes that makes him look absolutely beautiful.
“The process?” Regulus says, amused and endeared by how excited James is.
“Yes! It’ll be fun. Doesn’t it sound fun?” James runs his hand over the hood of the car and his finger tips turn black from the dust and dirt.
“It sounds dirty.” Regulus tells him.
“You don’t want to help?” James teasingly wiggles his fingers towards Regulus.
“I’ll watch.” Regulus grabs James’ wrist to avoid the dirt but uses his hold on him to pull James in for a kiss.
And Regulus quickly realizes that watching a sweaty, greasy, dirty James is, indeed, a lot of fun.
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siriusblackdevotee · 3 months ago
you say "prongsfoot is incest bc the Potters basically adopted him!1!!"
I hear "they unashamedly fuck 24/7 inside their (James's) bedroom."
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somecluelessidiot · 2 months ago
[On a date]
Regulus: So... what's your favourite colour?
James: Really? Don't ask me dumb questions.
Regulus: Okay. How is amortentia brewed in a potions lab? Give the names of the ingredients and the exact measurements of each one.
James: My favourite colour is red.
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wolvesandshine · 1 year ago
AU where Sirius runs away from his famous family and lives his life as a normal guy TM and meets James. Fast forward a couple years and James hooks up with someone and is later forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement but both of them have feelings so they continue dating in secret. It’s not until James introduces him to Sirius that they realise that James has been hooking up with none other than Regulus Black and that he’d been best friends with the scandalous Sirius Black who had run away years ago.
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wafflinglumos · 1 year ago
Sirius and James were not the same type of rich, I see this a lot, and a lot of people think that it’s canon, which is just, incorrect. James came from new money, Sirius came from old money.
Fleamont Potter’s business heavily, HEAVILY contributed to James’ wealth, sure Harry by our terms and by wizard terms inherited a LOT, absolutely, but from what we know from canon it’s incomparable to the Blacks fortune, it’s like comparing Draco’s and Harry’s wealth at the start of the series, you can’t.
Another thing to add is that the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black has that name for a reason, now sure, just because they’re known doesn’t mean they’re rich but we can quite confidently say they were, if you wanted to argue for the Potters’ being wealthier, you could I guess say that at the time the Blacks were a declining old money family, but they were still incredibly, INCREDIBLY wealthy.
We don’t know for certain how rich they were, or if they were richer than the Malfoys but because of how money works, old money specifically, we can say that at some point in the last few centuries(pre 1980) that they were as rich, or even richer than the Malfoys, however they weren’t as rich as them when it reached the 80’s. We can also guess they had the same amount of money or one of them had more, because Narcissa married Lucius so theoretically, Narcissa would have to be on the same level as Lucius in terms of wealth and vice versa.
Another thing we can use to calculate their wealth is their past history with house elves, from what we know from Ronald Weasley in Chamber of Secrets, a wizard/witch has to be “rolling in dough” to have a house elf, we can then look at the wall of dead house elves heads that the family had, and can make assumptions from there.
So, with all this information, we don’t have an exact amount, but, we know that even if they weren’t as wealthy as we paint them they were still known, and their opinions were highly regarded by an astounding amount, but then again, they were still insanely rich, and in terms of wealth and fame, leagues above the Potters.
The Potters were extremely wealthy, but the Blacks were loaded.
Anyways that’s the end of my Ted talk.
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imsiriuslyreading · 2 months ago
As You Walk On By (Will You Call My Name?)
His Royal Highness, James Potter, is attending University this year. Lily Evans doesn't care. Not one bit.
Set in the eighties, James convinces his parents to allow him to attend Hogwarts uni with Sirius and Peter. He and his friends will come face to face with people who don't worship the ground he walks on, nor are they particularly impressed by any of their money or status. Add in some royal scandals, protests and musical declarations of love, and we've got ourselves a bit of a romcom.
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enbysiriusblack · 27 days ago
jamie (james) in my genderbent au
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starlittragedies · 8 months ago
one of the headcanons that i truly stand by is sirius, james, the slytherin skittles/ the pantheon (except for dorcas) are all so polite and well-mannered.
i mean yes, these blokes were notorious for being mean, troublemakers, and have a bit of psychopathic tendencies (i’m looking at pandora & the slytherins) but you can never catch them slouching, i mean sirius tried once (as an act of defiance) but in the end he hated how it made his back feel.
you can always see them walking around the halls of hogwarts with pristine posture (making them more intimidating than they are), you can see how tidy they eat when they are at the great hall, not to mention how most of them are invited to the slug club (where their table manners are really showed), and when anyone from their circle finally gets an invite, these are the first people they go to for fashion tips to make sure that they are dressed appropriately for the occasion.
these children were raised by purebloods, high members of society, they are expected to behave as a true heir should. even james.
james, having the greatest childhood in comparison with the others, is not saved from the hour long etiquette session held by a tutor (or in his case his mum). people are forgetting that is father is a literal business man & potioneer with one of the greatest wizard inventions ever, they were definitely invited to some balls and expensive galas where james needed to act “proper”.
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maxdibert · 4 months ago
‘Severus didn’t care if Lily’s husband was killed—he wasn’t worried about her; he just wanted to get the girl at all costs.’
Correction: Severus couldn’t care less if the rich brat who harassed, stalked, and tormented him for seven years of his life—a privileged, possessive jerk who couldn’t stand the idea of the girl he liked having a friend who didn’t fit his idea of ‘proper masculinity’ and who was an easy target because of his looks and social class—was killed. Because no victim is required to care about what happens to their abuser. Expecting Severus to have empathy for someone who reduced him to a ‘thing’ to take out his personal frustrations on is like asking a woman who was assaulted to feel sorry for her attacker. And for the record, Severus hadn’t spoken to Lily in six years; all he wanted was to make sure she wasn’t killed.
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where-is-vivian · 2 years ago
[the language he speaks is money]
James, taking galleons from his wallet: How much is it? I'll pay.
Regulus, holding a huge pile of expensive books, with a frown: No, I pay.
James, smiling, simply glad Regulus found the books he wanted: No, no, I insist. How much?
Regulus: No. I pay.
James: Reggie... How much?
Regulus: Don't "Reggie" me, keep your money. I don't need it.
James, smiling wryly now, because he thinks Reg is funny (and cute): Let me pay. I'm happy to pay them for you.
Regulus, rolling his eyes at how cheesy he is: Let me exploit my parents' money instead.
James: Okay...
Regulus: Thanks. *goes to pay*
James, sneaking just before him to get to the librarian's register: Hello sir, I'll pay for this, *pointing at Regulus' books* how much is it?
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 9 months ago
sirius black cannot figure out chopsticks. james has tried to teach him on several occasions and it just... never worked. the purpose of 17 different utensils has been burned into his brain but chopsticks? my man has one in each hand stabbing his beef aggressively without results.
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