#jeggyverse microfic
ultravioletbrit · 3 days
“spin” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 410 words
CW: drinking / smoking
“Ok! We’re playing fuck, marry, kill!” Barty announces, overly excited.
The party has been over for a while, but there’s still a group of them lingering in the common room playing random drinking games and they’re all fairly drunk by this point.
“Alright…” Barty thinks, looking around the circle “Reg! Fuck, marry, kill–”
“James.” Regulus answers instantly without letting Barty finish.
“Ugh. Reggie, you have to wait for the… wait what?!” Sirius starts then cuts himself off when he registers what Regulus said.
“You want to fuck James?!” Sirius asks looking shocked and appalled.
“You want to marry me?” James swoons with hearts in his eyes.
“I think you’re both focusing on the wrong thing here.” Peter tries to interject.
“I think we should have played spin the bottle instead.” Marlene grumbles under her breath from the other side of the circle.
“The bottle’s pointing at James!” Regulus yells as he starts crawling across the circle to James.
“No one even spun the bottle, Reg.” Dorcas tries to grab Regulus but he’s too far away, so she just falls back to where she was laying in Marlene’s lap.
“I don’t think Reg knows how to play any of these games.” Remus says as he passes a joint to Peter so he can try to grab Sirius who just got out of the chair the two of them are sharing.
“Stop that right now! What is happening!?” Sirius trips on his way to try and pull Regulus off James to stop what has turned into a rather intense make out session.
“Is no one concerned that Reg wants to kill James?” Peter asks seriously as he lets out a puff of smoke.
“He doesn’t actually want to kill James, you high idiot.” Mary rolls her eyes and smacks Peter on the back of the head as she steals the joint.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Reg has some weird kinks.” Evan says as he’s reaching for the half empty bottle in the middle of the circle that was never spun, but is pointing at James.
“I think everyone’s really drunk and we should all go to bed.” Lily announces from her spot on the floor, dropping her head on the couch behind her.
“I think you’re really pretty.” Pandora looks at Lily from where she is laying upside down on the couch with her legs hanging over the back, her head laying right beside Lily’s.
Regulus and James continue to make out, completely oblivious to everything else around them.
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dare - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 188
"I just want to be sure you know," Sirius says, looking stressed, "he's off-limits. Like, completely. Not even a weird look, Prongs."
"Alright, alright," James drawls, leaning back in the booth they're sitting in. "I'm not an animal, Pads, I can restrain myself."
"Yeah, but, he's very much your type," Sirius says, waving his hands in the air.
James tilts his head. "My type? What do you-?"
But then the most beautiful man in the world enters his field of vision. He's all dark curls and silver eyes, his expression haughty and sullen. His small frame makes James was to pick him up and throw him over his shoulder, and right away, he realizes why Sirius was worried. Because all of his brain cells seem to have disappeared.
"Sirius. Sirius's friend," Regulus greets shortly, and James feels hot allover at the snub, because yes he does indeed like them a bit mean.
"Regulus. Pads has told me so much about you," James starts, a huge, adoring grin on his face.
"Don't you dare," Sirius whispers through gritted teeth.
But Regulus is already smirking, his eyes glued to James's.
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vinylfoxbooks · 13 days
September 6 - Glass | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 292
“So since you’re dating Remus now,” Mary says to Sirius, “That leaves James as the only straight one in your group, right?”
Marlene nearly spits out her drink at that, “You think James is straight?”
“You don’t think that he is?” 
“Please,” Dorcas adds from where she’s sitting behind Marlene, “That boy is not straight. The closet is glass.”
Mary moves from looking at the two of them to flitting between Sirius and Lily, “Do you guys think that James is gay? I mean, you dated him, Lily. And you’re his best friend, Sirius.”
Lily hums, “I think there’s a possibility that he likes men, too. James feels like the type of person to not care about gender.”
“I don’t see it,” Mary shakes her head, “Sirius, what about you?” Sirius just shrugs, not sure of what to say. It’s not like he can just go, ‘yeah, James is completely and utterly in love with my little brother and brought several men to the dorm before then’ and completely out his best friend.
Mary groans at his lack of reaction, talking about how he’s impossible to work with. She turns to Alice and Frank, “You two, back me up here. Frank, you work with James all the time. There’s no way that he’s gay.” However, she stops short when the portrait to the common room swings open and James comes walking in. And while that’s normal, what isn’t is that he’s pulling Regulus behind him by the hand, leaning into the younger’s body and laughing at something, absolutely enamoured by the sight of Regulus. He’s quick to lead the younger Black towards the boy’s dormitories and Mary groans, “I guess that answers my question. There was absolutely no straight explanation for that.”
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onthemerits · 1 month
denial - 246 words - daily microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse
"--is a river in Egypt," Peter joked, eyeing James and Regulus where they sat on the other side of the pool.
They weren't doing anything, strictly speaking, just sitting up on the chaise lounge chairs, facing each other.
As Sirius watched, James leaned forward, hands on his knees.
And Regulus didn't lean away. He just narrowed his eyes and gestured emphatically with his hands.
"It is a bit odd," Remus conceded.
Peter shot a mischievous look at Sirius.
"I wonder if they know they're flirting--"
"They're not flirting," Sirius snapped. "They're arguing."
As if to prove his point, Regulus stood up and stormed off without so much as a backward glance.
Sirius shot Peter a told-you-so look.
"Reg!" James called. After a moment of apparent indecision, he jogged after Regulus.
Sirius looked down, his face twisted in annoyance. What the hell was James doing calling Regulus "Reg"?
And if James didn't quite manage to get all the way out of sight before catching Regulus by the waist and pulling him in... and if Remus and Peter watched, wide-eyed, as Regulus turned with a glare and wrapped his arms around James' neck... and if James and Regulus kissed right there, just barely still visible to the three boys by the pool... well that was no one's business but their own.
It certainly wasn't Sirius', Remus and Peter seemed to agree with just a shared look. He could live in denial for a little while longer.
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toujoursrab · 1 month
Prompt: Under (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 536
“Prongsie, I’m telling you, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” Sirius declared, his eyes watching the toaster as he waited for his breakfast to pop up. Sirius didn’t like toast that much, but he was oddly fascinated by the muggle appliance Remus swore by.
Regulus peered over at James from the top of his teacup, sending him a quizzical glare. James seemed to have read his mind, shrugging and swallowing the food in his mouth before asking the question they both wanted an answer to. “What are you talking about, Pads?”
“Gid. You’ve been a mess over him since the breakup.” Sirius looked over at his brothers, who were occupying the breakfast nook, just in time to see Regulus roll his eyes at the mention of James’ ex before sipping his tea.
James leaned back in his chair, a mischievous look taking over his features. “I have? I think I’ve been doing just fine. Better than fine, really.”
Despite his brother questioning his very secret and newly claimed boyfriend, Regulus found amusement in this situation. “Didn’t you break up four months ago?” he feigned ignorance.
“They did, and James has been in ruins since. He’s been withdrawing, canceling plans, I showed up to his flat the other night and he wouldn’t let me in because he was crying and said I couldn’t see him like this. Me! His best friend! Couldn’t see him crying! I’ve seen his cock for fucks sake. I know about the mole underneath his bal—”
“I told you my plant died and I was conducting a funeral!” James cut Sirius off before he could go into more details about his mole placements. Those were for Regulus to find on his own, thank you very much. Regulus was doing his best to stifle his laughter, only to let a few chuckles slip when James nudged his shin underneath the table with his sock clad feet.
“You didn’t let me pay my respects.”
“It was a private ceremony.”
“I’m your best friend!” His tone went up two octaves before lowering. “How do you have a funeral for a plant, anyway? Isn’t it already buried?” Sirius soon found himself looking away from the table as the toaster popped, signaling his food was finished. He grabbed the toast with his hands, hissing when he burnt the tips of his fingers.  
Regulus set his cup of earl grey on the table. “You’re getting off topic. Potter, it’s alright to be sad over a failed relationship. But I think Sirius might be on to something; the best way to get over someone is to get underneath someone else.”
James tilted his head curiously, a small smile forming on his lips. “Oh yeah? Gonna help me test that theory, Reg?” he challenged, now leaning forward in his chair.
“I just might.” Regulus murmured, glancing over at his brother to see his back turned to them. He looked back at James, the both of them leaning in until their lips met in a chaste kiss. At the same time, Sirius turned away from the counter to face them, the piece of toast in his hand dropping to the floor as he shrieked.
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mistress-violence · 23 days
Prompt: Magazine from @into-the-jeggyverse (August 27)
Word count: 569 words
Pairing: Jegulus (modern AU)
⚠️ Warnings: masturbation assumptions
Regulus had already started unpacking the kitchen utensils while James, Sirius and Remus brought the last boxes into the house. He wanted to offer his brother and his brother's fiancé a tea after they offered to help him and James move in their new apartment. He forgot how chaotic the three of them can be when they are together though, which is why all the boxes were mixed up and out of place.
He managed to find the cups and cutlery in the bathroom and the kettle in the bedroom, but he wasn't successful in locating the kettle yet. He set aside a box full of books and one of toiletries, hoping the one at the bottom would be what he was looking for. Regulus raised his eyebrows when instead of the kettle he found a box with "College" written on it.
He knew it wasn't his, but the curiosity was too big. He took the scissors and cut the strip of tape from the top before opening it. Inside were things Regulus had expected: James' old football gear, his graduation album, pictures of James and his friends during college, little things that held memories from his student years. While looking among the small plush toys won at the carnivals and the penis-shaped magnets received at every birthday for the past 10 years (an inside joke in their group of friends), Regulus discovered something at the bottom.
James entered the front door with two boxes in hand, which he immediately placed in the hall. He briefly searched for Regulus around until he found him in the living room, looking over a Playboy magazine. His Playboy magazine from college...
Regulus immediately lifted his head with a look that was hard to describe. It was something between repressed anger, confusion and desire for blood.
"I can explain!" James said immediately, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
Regulus didn't say anything, just popped his tongue and turned the open magazine towards James.
"What's going on here?" Sirius asked, appearing from behind James with a box in hand.
His gaze ran to the magazine and his mouth opened. It was an ad for Obscurius, a perfume from the Black family beauty line. Regulus' picture took up the entire page, with an expression that would make even a professional model jealous. It was a part of Regulus' dark past, when he was still under his mother's shoe, a loyal servant of Black beauty company. All kinds of hearts were drawn over the picture with red permanent marker.
"Can you explain this to me, Potter?" Regulus said, pressing each syllable.
"I swear I've had it since before I met you, Reg, I bought it for the tits!" James tried to defend himself, taking a step back.
"Why is the page sticky? What did you do with it, Potter?"
"I think I hear my phone ringing. Excuse me!"
"James Fleamont Potter, go right back and tell me why the pages are sticky!" Regulus shouted, running after his lover.
"What's with all this noise?" asked Remus, bringing the last boxes into the house.
Sirius was standing in the doorway, his hand over his mouth and a visible shock on his face. He received too much information about his friend's old habits than he wanted to know.
"Let's go home, now," Sirius hissed, trying to leave the apartment as quickly as possible with a confused Remus behind him.
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lovegoodskies · 1 month
under - @into-the-jeggyverse - 213 words
No, no. This couldn’t be happening. Regulus looked out the window to see James pulling into the driveway. He had agreed to watch James’ young son, Harry. Harry was three now, and Regulus loved him as well. Harry and Regulus got on well, Harry adored him as well. Harry had asked Regulus to play hide and seek with him, a game that he would play forever if he could. 
It had been 30 minutes and Regulus still couldn’t find Harry. He looked high and low, under every bed, and every closet. He froze in his spot as the door opened and he heard James yell his name. James walked into the lounge, where Regulus was still frozen. “Where’s Harry?” James asked and then looked at the horror on his face. “Hide and seek?”
“Uh,” Regulus croaked out, before nodding.”It’s been 30 minutes.” 
“Did you look under the blanket in the closet?” James asked. Blanket in the closet? Regulus didn’t remember seeing a blanket. He watched James walk over to the hall closet, and open the door. He turned on the light inside it and moved a blanket as Regulus walked over. Harry was asleep on the floor, under a blanket. 
“Oh, thank god,” Regulus exclaimed and let out a sigh of relief. 
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courfee · 1 month
@into-the-jeggyverse | "mo(u)ld" | wc: 500
“– so forgive me if this sounds too bold you’ve grown on me like cheesy mould I want to love you for all eternity Which is why I ask: Will you marry me?”
Sirius stares at James for several seconds. “You can’t be fucking serious, Prongs.”
“Only fucking his brother, mate,” James jokes to overplay his nerves.
Sirius slowly lets James’ note sink down on the table. “Absolutely not,” he says. “I am not letting you marry my brother if this is your idea of a proposal speech. Forget it.”
James whines, “He said a personal poem is the most romantic thing he can think of, I thought–”
“This is not a poem.”
“What? Of course it is, it rhymes!” James insists.
Sirius snorts. “If this is your only definition of what a poem is, I don’t have to be the one to bar you from proposing, Regulus is going to do that all by himself.” He runs his hands through his hair in despair, getting them stuck in the sunglasses he pushed on top of his head earlier. “I mean you compared him to fucking mould. There is nothing romantic about this! Him declining your proposal would be the best outcome you could hope for at this rate!”
James entire face falls and he looks utterly defeated. “I just wanted to make it perfect for him,” he says meekly. “He deserves to be courted with romance and poetry and all the things he loves, that was the best I could do. And if that’s my best then– then maybe I’m not meant to marry him...”
“No, fuck you,” Sirius snaps. “Absolutely not. James, my brother might love his cheesy novels and romantic poetry, but he loves you more, and you’re not going to take his perfect happy ending away from him because you don’t know what a poem is.”
“He said yes to dating you, right?”
James nods in confusion.
“Not some renowned Mr Darcy poet. He wanted to date you, Merlin knows why.” Sirius gives another despairing glance to the note. “So when you propose to him you give my brother exactly what he wants.” He gives James a stern look. “Which is you. Alright?”
James lets the words sink in before he nods slowly. “Alright,” he agrees eventually. “I– You’re right. Thank you.”
“No problem. Just... maybe run the next idea by me as well. Just in case.”
James lets out a little laugh and repeats, “Thank you.”
Sirius reaches across the table and ruffles his best friend’s hair. Then his gaze falls on the speech in front of him once more.
James’ eyes follow his. “Feel free to burn it,” he grimaces.
“Oh, absolutely not,” Sirius says with a mischievous grin and folds the paper up to put it in his pocket. “I’m going to include this in my best man speech at your wedding.” He hesitates for a second before adding, “After Reggie has said his vows and can’t back out of marrying you anymore.”
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gelly-fsh · 21 days
Microfic prompt: Theater || @into-the-jeggyverse || word count: 355
Sirius knew he was going to get an earful from the Drama Director for entering the theater unannounced. She was really particular which who were the deserving of touching the theater grounds outside of Show day, but to Sirius she was just a cranky lady with too many eccentricities. It's not like he was up to anything mischievous really, he just wanted a smoke before having to go find Reggie and head home.
The theater was not empty, however, as he could hear the muffled sound of a song, but familiar as it was he could not really place it.
He didn't hear any sort of passionate discussions or screamed directions that were so normal to find in the place, just the faint sound of the music. At this point, curiosity was gaining force at such a rapid speed his rationality could not keep up with, so he decided to take a clearer peek to what was happening on stage.
He never imagined to see what he saw next.
At the center of the stage, Sirius was able to see two figures slow dancing to a song he suddenly recognized as 'Everybody Loves Somebody', but the surprise didn't come on what they were doing. The surprise came because of the who.
It was James and Regulus, intertwined in an embrace so delicate and tender Sirius suddenly felt as if he was interrupting a sacred moment. Probably, he was.
Something stranges happens to your brain, when you enter a situation you were not supposed to witness and find out information you were not supposed to know. Every thought in Sirius brain dissappear, leaving behind a quiet that could only be associated with something.
Seeing them dance slowly, with smiles too big for their faces and eyes twinkling with joy, Sirius just felt peace. The hearts of the people he loved the most were taken care of by the most capable hands he knew, and that was enough for him.
For now, he would let them be. He would let them keep their little secret for a while longer. And honestly, he wanted to quit cigarettes anyway.
Everybody finds somebody someplace
There's no telling where love may appear
Something in my heart keeps saying
My someplace is here
- Dean Martin
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thundersarts · 10 days
starchaser microfic - sep 9 - curl | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 998
Over two years of dating– alongside a whole decade of knowing each other – had given Regulus enough experience of reading James' telltales to know when he was needed. Most importantly, it had given James the security and comfort to ask for help when it was needed.
It did take a while, though, before he could let himself do it.
James was a steady force, a hand to hold onto, a lifeline. He was safety, he was a breeze of cold air on a hot day and the fireplace when the chill approached without warning. He would make sure the people he cared about knew they could reach out for him whenever they needed, without shame or judgment.
The times when they did reach out, he kept his words like an oath. James listened, held, comforted, distracted and gave advice– whichever was either needed or wanted the most at the given time. And it was always fine, really. Fine.
Until the moment prompted him to be the one opening up.
He gets it, he really does. Baring your soul open for someone feels less scary when the energy is matched. Trading secrets, a story for a story, all of that.
At these times, he feels like he mastered the art of deflecting. Whether it is tossing it off with a joke, circling back to the subject they were beforehand or straight up lying with a small everything is fine, don't worry.
Unfortunately, there's only so much you can keep within yourself before it overflows, or so he learned.
When it happened, he wasn't alone, though he was supposed to be.
His and Regulus' shared flat was meant to be empty until monday, when Regulus would come back from Narcissa's place after spending the weekend to meet his newborn cousin. Only some minutes past two of that cloudy sunday, instead, Regulus showed up to find James still on the bed of their bedroom and a stream of seemingly endless tears wetting his cheeks.
What felt like ages of spilled tears and slurred words through sobs and hiccups filling the bedroom eventually turned into soft spoken words of encouragement while James spoke his mind through whispers that Regulus could only hear because James had his head buried in the crook of Regulus' neck while he was curled into his embrace.
It was a steady– as steady as getting better can be, with all of its ups and downs – development until they got to the point they were, where James spoke instead of whispered that he wasn't feeling well, where he would ask to be held instead of reaching out for touch and crossing his fingers in hopes that Regulus randomly wanted to hug him for hours on end as much as James needed to be hugged then.
So, when James came home early from uni after skipping half of his classes for the day, finding Regulus sitting on the couch with a book and a green highlighter on hand and the TV long forgotten on a show he was rewatching, he didn't hesitate to ask.
"Can you lie down with me for a bit?"
Regulus nodded and closed his book with the highlighter between the pages. James leaned down to take off his shoes and put them aside, and was met with a warm hand caressing his cheek and a chast kiss at the corner of his mouth when he looked up again.
Regulus smiled softly at him. "Want me to make some tea before we go to bed?"
He shook his head, putting his arms around his boyfriend. "I'd take some hot chocolate when it gets colder tonight, though."
James felt more than heard Regulus snort, but he would feel his body relaxed near his to know there was probably a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Once he let go of the embrace, Regulus held his hand and pulled him all the way to their bedroom, leaving the light off and closing the curtains to keep them in the dark after a questioning glance to James, who just nodded at the silent question.
"How do you want me?" he asked, gently pushing James down until he was sitting in the bed and he was looking down at him, hands toying with the overgrown hair at the back of his head.
James put his hands on each side of Regulus' waist and maneuvered them around until Regulus ended up leaning on his back with his legs spread, James fitting right in the space between them, lying face down, head resting on Regulus' chest and his arms around his midriff. It took no time at all for Regulus' hands to busy themselves with his hair, playing with his curls while James hummed softly to the feeling.
It didn't take long until words were flowing out of James' mouth. He told him about the rude teacher, who seemed to take pleasure in humiliating half of his class during the presentation of a project – James included –, the way the team was on edge after their keeper got injured and everyone seemed to be taking the stress of the situation out on each other, a disagreement with Marlene thanks to it…
Regulus listened quietly, humming and dropping comments every once in a while and offering to hex said teacher and maybe ask Peter for advice and prank him like you and the boys did back in Hogwarts.
That got a laugh out of James, and when he looked up to meet Regulus' eyes, he knew from the smug smile that that was exactly the reaction he wanted to pull out of him.
And, damn it, James loved him for it. And for a whole lot more, too.
He let go of Regulus to brace himself on the bed and reach up to kiss him, slow and gentle, just a warm brush of lips that had James feeling weak all over.
It's here, he thought. It's here that I want to stay.
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James: *kissing Regulus aggressively* Sirius: *Walks in* Hi! James: … Regulus: … Sirius: bye! *Slams door*
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ultravioletbrit · 1 day
“hiss” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 208 words
Regulus is reading by the lake with his back resting against a large tree. Suddenly he hears a light hissing in his ear and swats at the side of his head, only for his hand to smack James right in the face.
“Did you just hiss in my ear?” Regulus asks incredulously, ignoring the way James is rubbing the red mark on his cheek.
“Yes! Last night you said you love my hisses!” James defends himself.
“I said I love your kisses, you idiot.” Regulus rolls his eyes.
“Oh, thank God. I was so bloody confused!” James says with a relieved sigh.
“Why would I say I love your hisses? What does that even mean?” Regulus questions as James settles against the tree beside him.
“I don’t know!” James throws his hands up. “Why do you think I was so confused and hissed in your ear?!”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” Regulus says with a fond chuckle.
“Yes, you may have told me once or twice.” James smiles back and they gaze at each other for a moment.
“So…?” Regulus says after a beat of silence.
“So, what?” James asks and Regulus just raises his eyebrow with a tiny smirk.
“Oh. Right. Kisses.” James finally catches on and leans in to kiss Regulus.
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museum - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 146
"Hmm, okay," James said, thinking a bit before posing his next question. "Worst first date?"
They'd finally been able to go on an official date after hiding away for so long. Both were basking in the happiness of it, staring at each other over their meals in the small restaurant, simply enjoying being together.
"Hm..." Regulus pretended to ponder, before answering. "This one bloke took me to a museum. It was dreadfully boring."
James's mouth popped open and his eyes widened. "But we...we just went to.."
Regulus's serious expression broke into a teasing grin. "Joking. I had a lovely time, James."
The other man gaped before bursting into laughter. "Merlin, Reg, you scared me!" he chuckled, eyes bright and expression adoring.
"My actual worst first date was definitely when Mother tried to arrange my marriage to Pandora," Regulus continued calmly, grinning.
James choked on his food.
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vinylfoxbooks · 28 days
August 22 - Dare | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 860 Slightly suggestive
“Truth or dare, Reggie?” Barty asks, practically falling over his best friend with his intoxication.
“Oh come on!” Evan pushes, both figuratively and literally as he shoves Regulus’ shoulder, “You’ve said dare for the past several rounds.” 
Regulus, not nearly as drunk as his friends, rolls his eyes, “That’s because I know that you guys will have me do something stupid or shameful and I’d rather keep my dignity.”
“You’re just not drunk enough,” Barty pushes, “And that’s the entire point of dares. I’m gonna give you a dare.” Barty squints for a second while he’s thinking before he straightens up, “I know! I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Potter.” 
Regulus sneers at the idea, “I didn’t even choose dare.”
“And my question was a courtesy,” Barty replies, “I was gonna dare you no matter what. Now do it, lover boy.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Regulus murmurs to his best friend before reluctantly standing up and watching James with a glare as they stand up themselves. One of the Gryffindor girls lead them to an empty closet near the common room and shout that they’ve got seven minutes. Regulus leans against the wall nearest to the door while James crosses to the entire other end of the closet, and it sounds like they sink down to the floor. 
They don’t talk for a while, they have nothing to say, until James starts tapping his foot. 
Tap, tap, tap.
“Can you stop that?” Regulus snaps, “Merlin, can’t you sit still for even a couple minutes?” “Sorry that I have fucking issues.” James sneers back, “Can’t you learn to keep your mouth shut for five fucking minutes instead of being an arse?”
“Oh, I’m the arse? And what about the way that you fucking act around me and my friends.”
“I. Don’t. Like. You.” James says, slowing down their words, “I’m nice to everyone else around me, but I don’t like you or your stupid ass boyfriends. The only reason that I put up with you is because Sirius likes you, though I don’t see why.” 
“I’d rather you hate me than be all over me the way that you were Evans. I’m honestly shocked at how she ended up wanting to spend time around you in the end. You’re a fucking twat.”
“At least I have friends, oh and I can apologize and take accountability for the shit that I do.”
“Oh get off your high horse.” 
“Says the person that thinks they’re better than everyone because they dress formally and do well in school.”
“I am better than you. At least I can sit still and do schoolwork on time.”
James scoffs, “I’m mentally ill, I literally can’t do that sometimes. I literally can’t stop moving sometimes, it’s called mental illness, medically. Despite that, I do just fine in school, just not in the same way as you.”
“Oh,” Regulus falters. He may be an asshole, specifically to one James Potter, but he’s not going to make fun of someone for something that they can’t help but he also didn’t know this. Nonetheless, he doesn’t back down, only changes his approach, “Doesn’t give your massive fucking ego an excuse. You think you’re so hot and that no one can touch you.”
“Oh, so you think that about me?” James asks, and it sounds like they’re standing up, “I sure don’t think that about myself, I just go about my day, as the person that I am. It’s wildly telling that you think that.”
“Please,” Regulus scoffs in an attempt to recover from the counterargument. He can feel his cheeks warming and he forces himself to believe that it’s anger -- not the fact that James is getting closer to him in a dark, enclosed space away from everyone, their voice growing more… 
It’s hatred, it’s anger that makes Regulus’ cheeks hot, and James can’t see it anyway, “You’d be stupid to not realise how everyone looks at you, I’m just relaying popular word to your arrogant arse.”
James laughs cruelly before they’re standing chest to chest with Regulus and one of them is surging forward to connect their lips, but Regulus doesn’t know who it was that made the initial move.
The kiss is… intense but in the way that only two people who hate each other’s guts can be intense, fiery and constantly fighting for control of the kiss, they’re grappling at each other but with nails and digging into skin to hurt instead of to cause any form of pleasure -- although Regulus takes a minor note of the way that James groans at one particular spot that Regulus digs his nails into, purely for… blackmail.
The door swings open before either of them are able to pull away and Sirius is the one that’s standing just outside the closet, “I fucking knew it!” He shouts, “I knew that you two were head over heels for each other!”Regulus pulls away, cheeks flushed in a way that he can’t deny it being because of James, and shoves out of the room, but not before he hears James hiss, “We’re fucking what?” To Sirius.
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poleodrops · 1 month
Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - Prompt: "flawed" - 400 words
"No mate, you need to take the stairs that lead to the fourth floor." James whispers, pointing said stairs on the map.
"They both lead to the fourth floor, James."
"No, no, Wormy, how many times do we have to tell you? These," James points to the paper, "take much longer to reach the fourth floor. They make this weird turn to the right before they connect to the floor.
“This would be much easier if I took the map with me,” Peter whines loudly, earning some glares from the students surrounding them.
“You know Pads is taking the map, he needs it more than we do.”
“Of course he does, his sense of direction is horrendous,” a quiet voice comes from behind them, startling James. He reaches for the map, trying to close it as fast as possible and failing miserably.
"Do you need something, Regulus?" Peter asks, looking nonchalantly up at the younger Black. Of the four marauders, he's always been the best at feigning innocence when caught red-handed.
Regulus shrugs. “No, I was just trying to concentrate over there,” he cocks his head to the side, where James can see Pandora’s telltale blonde hair partially hidden behind a bookshelf, “but some people decided it was a great idea to plan a prank in the middle of the library.”
James snaps out of his stupor after hearing the words, "We weren't--"
"Oh, please, Potter. I think you're smarter than to finish that sentence."
James' mouth falls open as he stares at Regulus' raised eyebrow. The insolent expression gives him a youthful look, and James finds himself mesmerized by the mischievous gleam in the younger boy's eyes.
After a few seconds of silence, Peter sighs in defeat. "We'll go so you can study," he says, picking up the half-closed map and standing up quickly. He grabs James's arm and pulls him up to his full height. Regulus watches them, eyebrow still raised. "Could you, you know... maybe not tell anyone? What you heard?" Peter stammers out the words, and Regulus simply shakes his head.
"There's no need. You will be caught anyway. Your plan is flawed.” The boy starts heading back to his table before giving them one last look over his shoulder, “The interior staircase connecting the third and fourth floor isn’t charmed to move, and it’s connected to a passageway that professors rarely check. Everyone knows that.”
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toujoursrab · 28 days
Prompt: Dare (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 607
There weren’t many rules involved when playing Truth or Dare, but one of rules Regulus and his friends abided by was that dares involving people not involved in their game had to be completed with in the week. Regulus had been sitting on his dare for a week, and today was the day he would have to complete by dare or face the consequences.
It wasn’t as if the dare was particularly difficult. ‘Kiss James Potter…’ That part was easy considering they were dating and had snogged countless times. It was when Barty added the ‘in front of Sirius’ part that the dare became more difficult to carry out.
Sirius was blissfully unaware his best friend was sneaking around with his little brother. While James was ready to tell Sirius, Regulus was too fearful. Things between the Black brothers weren’t the best. They barely spoke to each other in the last year, although sometimes they held staring contests. Regulus would look at Sirius, catch his eye, and they would just stare until one of them looked away.  James told Regulus that Sirius loved him and wanted to talk to him, but Regulus didn’t believe that. No matter how many staring contests they held, it would never replace the look of disappointment and disgust Sirius’ directed at him the night he left.
“Time’s ticking.” Barty reminded Regulus with an amused grin. “You should’ve told pretty boy.”
“I’m aware.” On both accounts. Regulus didn’t tell James of the dare because he was hoping it would somehow go away. But like most of his problems he couldn’t avoid them in hopes that thing would just fade until they no longer existed. “I’m going.”
“You’re doing it now?” his friend snorted, looking around the Great Hall as Regulus got up from the Slytherin table. “I said in front of Black, not the entire school, but by all means. I’ll enjoy the show.” Leave it to Regulus to be overdramatic and cause a scene. The Blacks were famous for it; either do it up big or do nothing at all.
Despite his heart hammering in his chest, Regulus strolled leisurely to the Gryffindor table. He only stopped once he was behind James, reaching out to tap his shoulder. The Marauders fell silent when they noticed Regulus presence, James turning to face him and a slow smile forming on his lips but his eyes showing just how concerned he was. Regulus has never approached him publicly.
“Regulus.” It was Sirius who spoke first, sitting across from James and unbeknownst to him, having the best seat in the house for what was about to come.
Regulus ignored Sirius and the way his stomach dropped and his face heat up in an embarrassing blush. He felt like he was going to throw up and that would not be a very attractive scene.
“Are you alright?” James stood up from where he was sitting, reaching out for Regulus but stopping himself. His arms fell back to his side, fingers curling around nothing.
Somehow Regulus found his voice, his eyes locking with James. “I’m fine, Potter. Better than, I’m spectacular.”
Before James could tell Regulus, he was not, in fact, spectacular, Regulus found a burst of confidence. He reached for James’ tie, wrapping his pale fingers around the red and gold fabric before pulling James in. Their lips met in a chaste kiss but neither pulled away. Once James got over his initial surprise, he laughed happily against Regulus’ mouth causing the younger to relax as he felt James’ hand curl around his hip to pull him in closer as if no one, namely Sirius, was watching.
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