#jeggyverse microfic
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oh-phoenixx · 3 days ago
"Guilt" - Jegulus microfic - 551 words
James hated being given the silent treatment. He would much rather have someone yell at him. At least they were there. As long as they were screaming, they hadn’t left him yet. His father would go quiet when he was angry, taking a walk or locking himself away to work; James had hated it ever since he was a child. 
Right now, he was getting the silent treatment from Regulus, and he couldn’t stand it. Regulus had not talked to James in two weeks. It had only been their first fight, James didn’t understand how he’d managed to ruin it already. Guilt churned in his gut at the memory of how Regulus had flinched when James had raised his voice. Of course Regulus wasn’t talking to him, he was scared of him. The thought made James feel ill. All James wanted was to fix things, he couldn’t bear being away from his boyfriend for this long.
James could feel all the eyes staring daggers at him as he walked through the Slytherin common room, up to Regulus’s dorm. James didn’t care. The only thing on his mind was finding Regulus, and if he had to get on his knees and beg for Regulus’s forgiveness, he would.
The door to Regulus’s dorm opened to reveal Barty, whose eyes narrowed when he saw who it was. “What do you want, Potter?”
“I need to talk to Regulus,” James answered, determined and unwavering.
“Bee. Let him in,” Regulus’s voice called.
Barty hesitated, but moved aside, continuing to glare at James until Regulus gestured for him to go. After lingering for a moment, Barty stepped out of the room, leaving James and Regulus alone.
By the blank expression on Regulus’s face, James thought he might have to do more than beg.
“Reg, I’m so sorry,” James tried. “I…It was such a stupid argument, I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“Why are you here?” Regulus spat, though for a split second, James thought he saw sadness crossing the younger boy’s face.
“To apologise,” James answered, a little confused.
“What does it matter now? We broke up,” Regulus mumbled, hands tightly clutching the sheets.
James bit his lip to keep from crying or letting out some pathetic whimper. Broke up? All it had taken was for James to show a worse side of himself, and Regulus had given up on him. This was why James tried to hide his anger and his sadness deep inside of himself; it was ugly, it was unlovable.
“I didn’t realise we had,” James said, voice but a breath.
Regulus’s head snapped up, eyebrows furrowed. “But I- I thought, I mean, you- you yelled at me. I thought you wanted to break up.”
It took James a moment to process this, unsure whether to be confused or sad or relieved. Once he had thought it through a little, he sat beside Regulus, his full body turned towards him. “Couples fight. Just because I yelled, doesn’t mean I want to break up.”
“You don’t?” Regulus asked, seeming so vulnerable.
“No, angel. I never want to lose you.”
Slowly, Regulus nodded, as though the idea that he could be forgiven was something foreign; and James was determined to show him. He would show him that he could make mistakes and be loved regardless.
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the-person-that-did-that · 14 hours ago
jegulus microfics are the only thing keeping me from losing my shit shoutout @my-castles-crumbling I would be arrested for manslaughter without you I wish I was kidding
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psychoticallykind · 3 months ago
"Bottle" - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 407 words
"Reggie, I'm grabbing a Dr. Pepper, do you want a bottle?"
Regulus didn't look up from his book. "No, James is bringing me a drink."
"What?" Remus gave him an uncertain look. "How do you know? Your phone's been dead all day."
"It's 4:15," Regulus pointed out. "James got off at 4. He'll come here after work, but he'll stop at the coffee shop on the way and get us both coffees. Yours, too, and SIrius's if he knows he's here."
"He knows," Sirius spoke up. "'Cause I text him earlier. But no one's mentioned coffee."
Regulus knew what he was talking about. "No one had to mention it."
"Are you sure I shouldn't just call him?" Remus asked. "Just to - look, I know James is great, but he isn't psychic, Reg."
"Wait ten minutes," Regulus told him. "You'll see."
Remus exchanged a glance with Sirius that Regulus ignored. "I'm seeing unrealistic expectations, but okay. Have it your way."
Nine minutes later, the door opened. Regulus smiled.
"Hey, I brought caffeine!" James announced, walking into the bookshop. He kissed the top of Regulus's head before handing him his cup. "How's your day been?"
"Slow," Regulus replied, smirking at Remus. "Which was nice. I finished that book I showed you yesterday."
Remus took his drink with a faintly confused look. "Thanks. Did you - did Regulus text you earlier?"
"No," James replied, handing Sirius's over. "I kind of thought his phone might have died, actually. I tried to text you," he directed that last one to Regulus, who winced.
"Yeah, I forgot to charge it. Sorry," he apologized.
"It's alright." James smiled at him, settling on the arm of his chair. "What are you reading now?"
Regulus turned the book so James could see the cover. "Remus didn't think you loved me enough to get me coffee."
James frowned, looking at his friend. "What?"
"Not what I said," Remus defended himself. "I just wasn't sure you would know that Reg wanted coffee when he hadn't actually told you. That's all."
"He was very sure of it, though," Sirius chimed in. "Did you plan it this morning?"
"Oh." James shrugged. "Not really. But I told him that I got off at four today, and he's here 'til six, so it was pretty obvious."
Regulus smiled, leaning against James. "I love you."
"I love you, too." James grinned at him. "So much."
"I know," Regulus replied, and it was true.
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ultravioletbrit · 5 months ago
“celebrate” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 432 words
“James?” Regulus asks nervously.
“Yes, love?”
“Do you… would you… I wanted…” Regulus fumbles over his words.
“Reg?” James puts his hand on Regulus’ bouncing knee and Regulus takes a deep breath.
“I didn’t know if maybe… if you wanted to do something… special on Friday?” Regulus forces the question out, trying not to sound as stupid as he feels.
“Oh…err… sure, if you want.” James looks a little confused. “Any particular reason you want to do something Friday?” James asks, and now Regulus feels really stupid.
This is Regulus’ longest relationship. He’s never made it to six months, and he didn’t know what to expect. Maybe six months isn’t as important as he thought. But it feels important to Regulus, and he just wanted to do a nice dinner or something. But now he feels stupid for even bringing it up.
“Err… no… erm…” Regulus shakes his head and stands up from the couch. “Never mind.” He mumbles and starts to walk away.
James catches his wrist and pulls him back down beside him.
“Hey, no. I just didn’t know if there was a reason you wanted to do something Friday?” James asks again.
“No. It’s stupid. Never mind.” Regulus tries to stand up again but of course, James doesn’t let him get far, pulling him even closer this time.
“We can definitely do something Friday.” James tells him, rubbing circles on the back of Regulus’ hands. “For our anniversary, right?” James asks.
Regulus shrugs pathetically, looking down at his lap. James lifts a hand to Regulus’ chin and tilts his head up.
“I was only curious if there was a reason you wanted to celebrate on Friday, that’s all.” James says sweetly.
“Erm… because it’s our anniversary?” Regulus says, confused because didn’t they just establish that?
“Our anniversary’s on Saturday.” James says simply.
“No. It’s Friday.” Regulus corrects him.
“No. It’s Saturday.” James says with a little chuckle.
“James, you asked me out on the 8th.” Regulus tells him.
“Yeah… but you didn’t say ‘yes’ until the 9th.”
“I… oh.” Is all Regulus can manage to say.
“Now,” James says and pulls Regulus onto his lap. “I have some surprises planned for Saturday, but we can absolutely celebrate on Friday also.”
“No. That’s stupid.” Regulus mumbles as he buries himself in James’ chest, hiding his face that is probably several shades of red.
“Nope. We’re doing it!” James says excitedly. “And I’m disappointed with myself that I didn’t think of it first. So…” James starts talking about what they should do on Friday and Regulus feels so stupidly happy as he cuddles impossibly closer to James.
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months ago
dare - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 188
"I just want to be sure you know," Sirius says, looking stressed, "he's off-limits. Like, completely. Not even a weird look, Prongs."
"Alright, alright," James drawls, leaning back in the booth they're sitting in. "I'm not an animal, Pads, I can restrain myself."
"Yeah, but, he's very much your type," Sirius says, waving his hands in the air.
James tilts his head. "My type? What do you-?"
But then the most beautiful man in the world enters his field of vision. He's all dark curls and silver eyes, his expression haughty and sullen. His small frame makes James was to pick him up and throw him over his shoulder, and right away, he realizes why Sirius was worried. Because all of his brain cells seem to have disappeared.
"Sirius. Sirius's friend," Regulus greets shortly, and James feels hot allover at the snub, because yes he does indeed like them a bit mean.
"Regulus. Pads has told me so much about you," James starts, a huge, adoring grin on his face.
"Don't you dare," Sirius whispers through gritted teeth.
But Regulus is already smirking, his eyes glued to James's.
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bradleysass · 12 days ago
Boost - @into-the-jeggyverse - wc: 337
Regulus Black had faced many challenges in his life. Escaping the Death Eaters? Check. Faking his own death? Check. Developing an entire personality around liking black coffee and classic literature to maintain an air of mysterious aloofness? Unfortunately, also check.
But nothing compared to the trials and tribulations of being five-foot-six in a world that did not respect short kings.
His friends—if one could call them that, considering their complete and utter lack of shame—never let him forget it.
“Do you want a booster seat, Reggie?” Pandora asked sweetly as they slid into a booth at the little café down the street from Grimmauld Place.
Regulus, who had just barely settled onto the seat, slowly turned his head to glare at her.
“I will end your bloodline,” he said, voice flat.
“I mean, you’re not even tall enough to reach my throat, so,” she said, sipping her tea.
James—who, at a grotesque six-foot-one, had never faced a single hardship in his life—was already shaking with laughter beside him.
“You guys are terrible,” he said, not sounding like he meant it at all. “My poor, tiny boyfriend.”
Regulus pinched the bridge of his nose. “James.”
“Yes, my little porcelain doll?”
“Would you like to die today?”
James leaned over and kissed the top of his head. Right there. In public. As if Regulus were some sort of child.
Sirius—who, at a criminally tall six-foot-even, had never had to work for a single thing—was losing it across the table. “Oh, mate. You let him do that to you?”
“As if he has a choice,” James said, slinging an arm over Regulus’ shoulder, practically engulfing him.
Regulus took a slow, deep breath and debated the structural integrity of the café’s butter knives.
“I’m going to order a coffee.”
“Want me to ask if they have kiddie cups?” Marlene piped up from the other side of the table.
Regulus lunged.
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vinylfoxbooks · 24 days ago
February 27 - Cloak | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 242
“Shit,” Regulus hisses, making James jolt awake, “Fuck, James wake up.” 
“‘M awake, what’s wrong Reg?” 
Regulus pinches their arm, making them hiss, “It’s light out, I slept through when I was supposed to fucking leave.” “Just stay here and leave in the uniform you wore yesterday.” 
“And how do you fucking expect me to get out of the Gryffindor tower without being caught?” 
James groans, throwing their arm around his waist, “You can take the cloak, but I’m tired and I want to get as much sleep as possible before we have to be in class. Go back to sleep, love.” 
Regulus is silent for a while, then he eventually gives up and lets himself drop back down, curling into James’ grasp, “You’re lucky that you’re warm and have ancient magic objects to save your skin.” 
“Oh, I’m aware.” James grins, their eyes closing and breaths evening out a few moments later. Regulus has no choice but to allow himself to drift off just after him. 
When they do wake up at what James deems as a ‘more normal’ time, they help him out of bed and change into his clothes from the previous day, then get the cloak settled over his head. The two of them head down out of the Gryffindor Tower so James can get some food and go on his run while Regulus sneaks down to the dungeons in hopes that Barty and Evan are still asleep.
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almostdecaffeinatedfun · 3 months ago
Jewelry - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 248 words
“Don't you two look glowing?” Dorcas asked as soon as they entered her house.
“Oh! Do you think so?” Regulus questioned in return unable to control the smile blooming on his face.
“Is something different?” Dorcas queried James, returning the smile slightly confused.
It was Regulus who answered her with his smile growing larger, “Nothing much. I just got a new piece of jewelry.”
Dorcas was dumbstruck for a moment. Regulus was always covered in various accessories from rings to eyebrow piercings. He also consistently bought new additions to his collection. She raked her eyes over his body to see what had made him this excited and shrieked when she saw it.
“No fucking way! You proposed?” Dorcas directed the question at James without taking her eyes off of the most gorgeous engagement ring on Regulus' hand which she held in hers.
“I did! Can you believe it?” James asked her, sounding much more calm and composed than Regulus and Dorcas combined. She figured that this had been planned a long time ago.
“Of course you did. Congratulations!” Dorcas responded before letting out a squeal and giggling as she said, “Reggie’s getting married!”
“I'm getting married,” Regulus replied with equal enthusiasm.
James excused himself a couple of minutes later. Dorcas still hadn't come to terms with the entire situation when Regulus asked her, “Will you be my best woman?”
“Yes! A hundred times yes!” She answered, not even trying to stop herself from jumping about as she did.
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onthemerits · 7 months ago
denial - 246 words - daily microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse
"--is a river in Egypt," Peter joked, eyeing James and Regulus where they sat on the other side of the pool.
They weren't doing anything, strictly speaking, just sitting up on the chaise lounge chairs, facing each other.
As Sirius watched, James leaned forward, hands on his knees.
And Regulus didn't lean away. He just narrowed his eyes and gestured emphatically with his hands.
"It is a bit odd," Remus conceded.
Peter shot a mischievous look at Sirius.
"I wonder if they know they're flirting--"
"They're not flirting," Sirius snapped. "They're arguing."
As if to prove his point, Regulus stood up and stormed off without so much as a backward glance.
Sirius shot Peter a told-you-so look.
"Reg!" James called. After a moment of apparent indecision, he jogged after Regulus.
Sirius looked down, his face twisted in annoyance. What the hell was James doing calling Regulus "Reg"?
And if James didn't quite manage to get all the way out of sight before catching Regulus by the waist and pulling him in... and if Remus and Peter watched, wide-eyed, as Regulus turned with a glare and wrapped his arms around James' neck... and if James and Regulus kissed right there, just barely still visible to the three boys by the pool... well that was no one's business but their own.
It certainly wasn't Sirius', Remus and Peter seemed to agree with just a shared look. He could live in denial for a little while longer.
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toujoursrab · 6 months ago
Prompt: Miss (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 476
“I miss Regulus.” James whined, turning from his back to lay on his side so he could face Sirius. His best friend was laying next to him, staring up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It was almost embarrassing, but the constellation Leo glowed particularly bright in comparison to the rest.
“Prongs, dating my brother is one thing, hearing you whine about him all summer is another.”   
James let out a sigh. “I hear you whine about Moony all the time, even when he’s in the same room. I haven’t spoken to Regulus since the train, it’s been three weeks.” They couldn’t even send letters, but James had been writing them anyway with the thought he could give them to Regulus once they were back at Hogwarts. Regulus liked reading, so James had taken to writing him notes and letters that he snuck into his robes or bag during term. He wasn’t allowed to send owls to Grimmauld Place, so they were currently in a no contact situation. “Do you think he misses me?”
“Oh yeah, knowing my brother he’s going mad without you.”  Sirius paused, twisting his lips. “Although descending into madness isn’t strange for a Black, it’s quite common. I blame the inbre—” he was cut off by a loud, quick series of knocks at James’s bedroom window.
James and Sirius shared a curious glance. “Expecting anyone?” The younger asked rhetorically before rolling out of bed, grabbing his wand and waving it to turn on the light as he went to the window. James pulled back the curtains, hazel eyes widening. “Regulus?” he immediately opened the window, helping the sixteen year old climb into his room from the outside. “How did you—this is the second floor…”
“I’m aware, James. I climbed—”
“Most people use the door.” Sirius commented, not letting his own surprise show at the sight of his brother as he sat up on the bed. His eyes darkened, gaze intense as he eyed Regulus’ body for any sight of physical injury, only relaxing when he came to the conclusion there were none.
James was doing the same, his hands roaming the sides of Regulus’ torso, still in disbelief that he was actually here in his room. “Are you alright, Reg? Did something happen?”
“No—nothing happened. I’m—I’m fine. I just… you know.” Regulus grabbed for James’ hands to hold them into his. “I missed you.” He didn’t say anything more before he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss against James’ lips which the Gryffindor happily returned.
“No! No! No! NO! NOOOOO! Rule number six of dating my brother clearly states ‘no kissing in front of Sirius’!” Sirius grabbed the pillow that was beneath his head, throwing it right at their grinning faces. “You both have to put a galleon in the jar now!”
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youngcreature28 · 29 days ago
Suspect - July 28th, 2024 - Jegulus microfic - into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 515
Masterlist | First | Previous | Next
“Alright,” Regulus stands there, arms crossed over his chest. “Who did it?”
Pete tilts his head curiously, “did what?”
“Ate Effie’s leftovers that I had specifically saved for lunch today.” Regulus’ eyes narrow, looking over their faces for any signs of guilt or mischief. “Leftovers that Effie gave to me personally.”
Barty smirks, leaning further back into the couch and Marlene frowns slightly, “not me.”
Their heads all turn to Sirius at the same time.
“What?” his mouth drops in offence, “why are you all looking at me?”
“It is something you’d do, Sirius,” Marlene says. 
“Hey,” he protests, but doesn’t deny it.
”Right now my main suspect is Sirius. But my back ups are James, Pete, Barty and Marlene. Although Pete was busy with Lily today.” 
James sits there innocently, eyes wide before he stands up to be near Regulus.
“I was really looking forward to eating that, just the thought of it had my day going better and now it’s all ruined,” Regulus says sadly, knowing exactly how to make James give in.
“Reggie,” James pouts, leaning closer until he’s in Regulus’ space, “you know I'd never eat your leftovers, love. I know how much they mean to you.”
Regulus turns aways slightly, not wanting to be persuaded by James’ charm. “I’ll believe you when I have someone confess to it.”
“I did not,” Sirius finally denies, his own arms crossing defensively. 
“Well neither did I,” Marlene snaps. 
“Barty,” Regulus warns lowly.
“Fine,” he sighs heavily as if this mere conversation is making his life worse. 
Everyone holds their breath, awaiting his confirmation. 
“I didn’t eat it, because I don’t even like the food you were saving.”
This time everyone’s mouths drop in shocked offence, voices overlapping as they snap and exclaim their horrified offence from Barty’s words. 
“You’re utterly deranged,” Regulus shakes his head, almost forgetting what he’d brought them here for in the first place. “But that’s not a surprise to anyone.”
“So it wasn’t Barty, who was it?”
“Not me,” Marlene and Sirius both say. 
“I would never,” James promises. 
Their voices begin to overlap again, speaking over each other and beginning to point the blame at each other defensively.
“Oh alright, fine ,” someone sighs as if this whole situation is a major inconvenience. “It was me.”
Regulus blinks roughly, turning to see Remus leaning against the doorway with a slight smirk on his lips. 
“What the fuck, Moony?” James and Sirius yell. 
“Why would you let us be accused when you knew you did it?”
Remus chuckles. “It’s more entertaining to watch you all fight over who did it.”
He looks Regulus in the eye, “besides, it’s nice to know I was never a suspect in Regulus’ eyes.”
Regulus just sighs, rolling his eyes to the heavens above as that makes James and Sirius begin to fight harder at the implication.
As they continue to argue, Regulus fights off a smirk of his own.
No one has to know that Effie had already made him more that morning. 
Afterall, he’s not going to share with them anyway.
It’s his.
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oh-phoenixx · 17 hours ago
"Intricate" - Jegulus microfic - 636 words
James had only been in the art studio a couple of times, and it had always been in the afternoon or evening, picking Regulus up to go on a date or just to take him home. So, the dimly-lit studio felt a little creepy in the late hours of a Sunday night.
“Why are we here, angel?” James asked.
Regulus didn’t answer, just sitting down by two canvases on the floor, laid out with a multitude of supplies. James sat across from him, studying his face, the way he was cast in an orange glow from the candles placed methodically around them. Sure, Regulus was an artist. But more than that, James thought, he was a work of art.
Tilting his head a little, Regulus looked at everything between them, knitting his eyebrows. “I thought we could, er, paint together,” Regulus mumbled.
“You know I can’t paint,” James chuckled, though his voice was soft, seeing how nervous Regulus seemed to be about his date idea.
“Try? For me?” 
James just nodded. He would do anything for Regulus, even embarrass himself with his complete lack of artistic ability.
The two started their paintings, Regulus reaching for a pencil to sketch his idea first, James just grabbing a paintbrush and hoping for the best. His first thought was to paint Regulus, though he worried he would offend his boyfriend. He started, instead, with shapes and blobs of colour. He didn’t know what he was doing, but just being able to witness Regulus paint was reason enough to stay. As Regulus made quick little flicks of his hand, he bit his lip in contemplation, and James wished he possessed the ability to make something tangible to show proof of how utterly enamoured he was with the man.
In the end, James’s painting didn’t exactly represent Regulus in any clear way, though James thought that everything he did somehow ended up expressing his love for Regulus. The things he felt for Regulus were not just reserved for a portion of his heart, but were instead entangled in everything about James. It made sense that the painting, implicit though it was, was about Regulus. The hands, the body, used to paint it had once touched him and seemed to move differently for it, every step and breath and word written were dedicated to his star, from the moment their bodies had found each other.
When they each turned their canvases around, they had both, in some way, painted each other. Of course, Regulus’s was far more intricate and complex, and James sort of wished that every photo ever taken of him was instead a painting done by Regulus, with how beautiful Regulus made him look. Glancing between the two paintings, James felt even more self-conscious about his.
“I told you I couldn’t paint,” he muttered, a little bashful.
“No, Jamie, it’s- it’s good,” Regulus assured, biting his lip and holding back a grin.
“Don’t laugh at me!” James whined. “I’m good at many things. Art is not one of them. It’s meant to be you.”
“Baby, how is that me?” Regulus asked. 
Exasperated, James just gestured, at a loss for words. He couldn’t really explain it. Something about the colours and the disposition of it was so…Regulus. But James had no idea how to articulate it. But Regulus tilted his head again in that adorable way, and his grin turned into something softer.
“You know what? I see it,” Regulus murmured, leaning in a bit closer.
Even though Regulus seemed to understand, James still wished he had some of his creativity, his ability to convey his love in poetry and art. Words tended to fail James and, evidently, he wasn’t good at painting. But he would spend the rest of his life trying to show Regulus in whatever way he could.
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accio-sriracha · 4 months ago
The Not-So-Near Future
@into-the-jeggyverse ~ Prompt: Warn ~ Word Count: 468
Pandora stared off into the distance, the sounds of her friends' bickering falling away.
She was having a vision.
This in itself wasn't unusual, being a seer as she was.
But the contents? Very strange.
"James!" Regulus' voice called, its quality hazy as they usually were in her daydreams.
James turned, his eyes brightened. Pandora thought it sweet, he always seemed happier when looking at Regulus.
"Hey, Reggie."
Regulus scrunched his nose at the nickname, not unfondly,
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date to hogsmeade again?" He lowered his voice, "Maybe find some alone time?"
There was a seductive air to his words.
Pandora froze in her armchair.
They were together?
James agreed, they kissed.
The vision flashed forward.
Regulus and James were walking now, she couldn't make out where, she assumed somewhere in Hogsmeade.
The rain began to pour, neither of them had prepared for bad weather. They were freezing. Regulus was shaking badly.
Pandora frowned.
Regulus should remember to take a jacket. She doesn't want to get him to get sick, especially if he was trying to plan some...
Her brain didn't want to think the words 'alone time' in reference to someone who was practically her family.
"Regulus." She spoke up suddenly, tuning back into her surroundings.
She had cut someone off, nobody seemed to mind, they usually listened when she spoke.
"I have to warn you, you should bring a jacket. It's going to rain."
"Another vision?" Barty asked, his head resting in her brother's lap. Evan played with his hair idly.
She nodded, "The rain would ruin your date, I don't want you to get sick."
The words caused an uncomfortable silence. Regulus cleared his throat,
"My date?"
She frowned again. Had he not said date?
No, she was positive. He specifically used the words 'go out on a date again'. This implied there had been at least one prior.
"With Potter." She clarified.
Barty shot out of Evan's lap, staring at Regulus in disbelief,
"You never told me you're going out with Potter!"
Regulus' eyes went wide, "I didn't even know!" He shouted back, "It hasn't happened yet!"
"You like him?" Evan asked, eyebrow raised.
Regulus flushed scarlet, he shrugged, refusing to reply.
"Hmm... I suppose my eye has been growing stronger, the vision must have been further in the future than I expected." She shrugged, looking back to Regulus, "Enjoy your dates, but remember to bring a jacket, please."
Regulus' jaw dropped at the mention of dates, plural, and he quickly had to defend himself from Barty, who had launched across the common room at him.
Pandora stopped listening again, the song playing in her head was very good, she hummed along to it as her brother jumped up off the couch to help Reg.
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psychoticallykind · 2 months ago
'Break' - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 637 words
"Need a break?"
James shook his head with a quiet hum. "No, I'm - Reg?"
Regulus smiled his usual half-smile, settling in the chair next to him. "I haven't seen you all day."
"I'm sorry," James said softly. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I get kind of caught up in all of this."
Regulus nodded. "You're good, Jamie. What are you reading?" His eyes scanned the open pages. "Mind healing?"
"Yeah." James shrugged, a little embarrassed. "I, er. Thought maybe I could try doing it."
"For a career?" Regulus asked.
James nodded silently. He really hoped Regulus didn't think it was a bad idea - he was kind of low on confidence about it right now, and he hadn't even told Sirius or his parents yet.
"That sounds perfect for you."
James looked up in shock. "Really?"
Regulus tilted his head, searching James's expression. "You sound surprised."
"What? No, I'm not - well, yeah," James admitted. "I kind of - everyone sort of already...they have these opinions? About what I should do. And they're all so convinced that they're right, and I don't want to disappoint anyone but they keep telling me that I should do Quidditch professionally or be a teacher or work in the ministry and I just -" James stopped, shrugging. "They're all weirdly passionate about what I'm going to choose."
Regulus nodded. "But this is what you want?" He nodded at the open book. "To be a mind healer?"
"Yes." James bit his lip. "Is that stupid?"
"Did someone tell you it was stupid?" Regulus asked, though from his tone James knew he'd already figured it out.
"Not exactly," James fidgeted with his quill. "It's just - Dumbledore asked me, you know. What I wanted to do."
Regulus took his hand, smoothing his fingers down. "Okay."
"Yeah. And he -" James winced. "Well, he said that he thought being a mind healer might be a waste of my talents."
He'd been sort of devastated to hear that, actually.
"Dumbledore is a narcissistic fool."
James let out a shocked laugh. "Reg!"
"It's true," Regulus insisted. "I bet he told you to be an auror." He met James's eyes, clever blue against messy hazel. "Right?"
"Well, yeah." James frowned. "He told me that my parents would be proud of me and gave me an application."
"James," Regulus leaned forward, lowering his voice. "Do you want to be an auror?"
James bit his lip. "I would still sort of be able to help people."
Regulus raised a brow. "James."
James took a deep breath. "No," he admitted. "I don't - I think the aurors are harsh and they hurt just as many people as they help."
"Mmhm," Regulus agreed. "So what do you want to do, then?"
"I want to help people," James told him. He was a little nervous - he wasn't really used to saying what he wanted. Everyone liked to do that for him, and James generally just let them. "I want to help people learn how to accept themselves and heal from abusive families and anxiety and trauma. I want to help people grow into who they want to be."
When James finally managed to look back at Regulus, his boyfriend was grinning.
James couldn't help returning the grin. "What?"
"Nothing," Regulus replied, shaking his head. He leaned closer, closing the small bit of space between them and giving James a quick kiss. "I just love you. And I think that if you decide to be a mind healer, you would be absolutely brilliant."
James laughed in relief. "Really?"
"Really," Regulus confirmed. "You're the most compassionate person I have ever met. This -" he nodded to the book. "-makes so much sense, James, you can't possibly imagine."
"Thank you," James said sincerely. He leaned into the other boy, relieved. "Want to read with me?"
Regulus kissed the top of his head. "Absolutely."
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ultravioletbrit · 7 months ago
“lipstick” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 280 words
“You lying, cheating bastard!” Regulus yells from down the hall.
“What did you do?” Remus asks.
“Probably nothing.” James shrugs as Regulus storms into the kitchen.
“Probably nothing!?” Regulus yells. “Care to explain what this is?” He throws a shirt at James.
“The shirt I wore last night.” James says casually.  
“Right. And why are there lipstick marks and mascara streaks on the collar?” Still yelling as he rips the shirt back out of James’ hands.
James points behind Regulus to a hungover Sirius who’s passed out at the kitchen table with smeared lipstick and mascara on his face.
“Right. That makes sense. Thank you.” He says sternly and stomps back out of the kitchen muttering something about ‘oil based’ and ‘a bitch to clean.’
“What was that?” Remus asks with wide eyes.
“Healthy communication.” James says with another shrug.
“That was healthy?”
“Oh yeah, normally he shuts down, won’t talk to me for days and often locks me out of the bedroom without telling me what’s wrong.” James starts telling him as Regulus walks back into the kitchen looking for something under the sink. “Plus, he knows I’d never actually cheat, probably just needed a bit of reassurance and this way he can ask without feeling too vulnerable.” He finishes as Regulus stands up.
“And you like it when I’m a little mean to you.” He tells James and kisses him on the cheek.
“And that.” James says as Regulus gives Remus a pointed ‘so there’ look and saunters out of the kitchen again.
“God, he’s dramatic.” Remus mumbles.
“Mooooonnnnyyyy!! My head huuuurrrts!!!” Sirius whines from the table and James raises an eyebrow at Remus.  
“What? I didn’t say mine wasn’t dramatic.”
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months ago
museum - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 146
"Hmm, okay," James said, thinking a bit before posing his next question. "Worst first date?"
They'd finally been able to go on an official date after hiding away for so long. Both were basking in the happiness of it, staring at each other over their meals in the small restaurant, simply enjoying being together.
"Hm..." Regulus pretended to ponder, before answering. "This one bloke took me to a museum. It was dreadfully boring."
James's mouth popped open and his eyes widened. "But we...we just went to.."
Regulus's serious expression broke into a teasing grin. "Joking. I had a lovely time, James."
The other man gaped before bursting into laughter. "Merlin, Reg, you scared me!" he chuckled, eyes bright and expression adoring.
"My actual worst first date was definitely when Mother tried to arrange my marriage to Pandora," Regulus continued calmly, grinning.
James choked on his food.
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