#regulus black x james potter
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 days ago
thought - jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 287
A bit concerned, James sat on a bench in the Entrance Hall, checking his watch:
He frowned and considered checking the Map. While he wasn’t mad in the slightest, it wasn’t like Regulus to be late. He was usually early, if anything. Worry beginning to flood his brain, James reached into his pocket for the familiar parchment, only to see the Slytherin walking quickly from the passage that led to the dungeons, a furious scowl on his face.
“Sorry,” Regulus muttered, expression stony and eyes cold. “I thought we’d said eleven-thirty and got caught up in homework. I had practice late last night and never finished my essay, and of course McGonagall asked for two feet, which is absolutely daft. And Barty and Evan were being so fucking irritating, arguing and then snogging and then arguing again. And I just-”
But James, who could see that Regulus was so stressed he was working himself into a panic as he spoke, all of his muscles tense and his face pale, decided to do the only logical thing, and cut him off by pulling him into a kiss.
Immediately, Regulus melted, shoulders lowering, a soft sigh leaving his mouth, his balled-up fists releasing and his hands moving up to loop behind James’s neck.
After taking the time to trace his tongue over the younger boy’s lips, James pulled back and smiled. “It’s okay, baby. M’just glad you’re here now. Alright?” he murmured, grinning softly.
Gray eyes dancing with a million emotions blinked slowly. “Yeah,” Regulus nodded slowly, a small smile forming on the corners of his mouth. “Okay. Take me on a date, Potter.”
Obediently, James offered him his arm and led him out of the castle.
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tenaciousmilkshakecandy · 2 days ago
Jegulus Microfic.
A kiss.
A murmured "hey baby"
This is how reg wakes up this morning, he opens his eyes to find the only other occupant of the flat, james potter obviously.
His boyfriend is all dressed up and reg remembers that today he's going back to work after spending a whole week together with no interruptions and then sadness overwhelms him
"Do you have to go to work today?", he says and he doesn't even care that he's pouting.
"Unfortunately yes my love, but I'll be gone just for a few hours and I'll be back before you know it" his boyfriend answers with a sad smile
Reg knows he shouldn't be sad, it's not like James is going to war and dying no he's just going into the office and will be back and to be fair he's doing this so he can provide for them so really being sad is unreasonable but he's sad all the same. Instead of showing his sadness this time, he decides that James doesn't need to go back to the office knowing that Reg is sad back home so he smiles and kisses him full on the mouth and decides to say "I'll make you some breakfast"
He sees the way his boyfriend lights up at that, the smile that is on his boyfriends face is priceless.
"I'll be in the kitchen in a minute ohky?"
And of course, James looks like a puppy as he happily goes into the kitchen.
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r-inijhinix · 2 days ago
AU where Regulus takes the night train to Get Out
Everyone's got a breaking point. It's 2 in the morning, he's 19, and he's reached his. All he's got is a duffel bag of clothes and cash. It takes one ticket for him to get a ride to where his brother lives, to where he ran away to just a few shy years ago
It's 3 in the morning when the train stops at a middle-of-nowhere station and James Potter boards. James Potter, who has spent the past three months painstakingly clearing out his family house after his parents' death, who is 20 years old and alone, and thinks he's finally done enough to let go and return to the city where his best friend lives and the ghosts can't follow him
There's really not much to do, when you're two of a small group of people on a runaway train heading to nowhere. So, naturally, they boned
Just imagine both their surprise when they get off at the same stop, hours later. And head in the same direction afterwards
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wormvirtues · 4 months ago
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goodluck kiss
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iloveartinallitsforms · 3 months ago
regulus wakes up on a sunday morning and james is softly kissing his shoulder and he’s still half asleep and he calls james baby and they get up and make breakfast together and feed their cats and go on a walk but regulus makes james carry him on his back halfway through and they go home and lay on the couch and eat ice cream and doze for hours and they live happily ever after amen
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ecstarry · 14 days ago
@into-the-jeggyverse // out // 245 words (old prompt but it worked)
“I just feel so fucking clingy.” James said, collapsing on the bed. 
“So?” Regulus replied. He tugged at James’ shirt, but the brown-eyed man resisted Regulus' gesture. 
“This is the part where you reassure me and tell me that I'm not clingy.” James pouted.
“But you are.” Regulus laughed. 
He pulled James harder this time. James rendered under his touch but refused to look at him. 
“Really?” His mouth downturned in an instant. 
“That’s not a bad thing, love.” Regulus’ hand reached for James’ chin, brushing his thumb carefully across his jaw. “I like you like that.”
“Clingy?” James’ eyes remained closely pressed together. 
“Yes.” Regulus promised. “I missed you this week.”  
James opened his eyes and pressed himself closer to Regulus, as if there was a magic comfort that only his boyfriend’s chest could provide. 
“So you don’t get annoyed?” 
“No, James.” Regulus said, running his fingers through James’ hair. 
“Not ever?” 
“Baby.” Regulus said, even softer this time, letting the love that only James was privy to linger on his tone. 
“Not even right now?”
“Let me repeat it.” Regulus took the back of James’ hand and pressed a gentle kiss. “Not-” he continued kissing James’ hand until he reached the tip of his index finger “- ever.” 
James moaned as Regulus’ tongue touched his finger, swirling around it. Regulus always knew how to get James out of his own head. 
“Can you keep repeating that?” James pleaded. 
“As much as you want, love.”
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mairon-goth-minion · 1 month ago
James and Regulus both feel like the other is out of their league btw
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myrows · 2 months ago
Regulus is the one who fell first but James definitely fell harder
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rhetorical-conscience · 2 months ago
James: So, what are you in the mood for today?
Regulus: World domination.
James: Love, we've been over th-
Regulus, interrupting: You're my world.
James: Awww, Reg!!!
James: OH.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 days ago
thought - jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 270
“So….I’ve had a thought,” James said slowly, tracing his fingers over Regulus’s bare back as they cuddled in Regulus’s bed, blankets and curtains giving the illusion of privacy.
“Don’t let it die of loneliness,” Regulus murmured cheekily, sighing into James’s chest and moving even closer to him. “Share.” But as he waited for James to speak, his ear, pressed to James’s warm skin, took in the hammering of the other boy’s heart. What was he so nervous about?
“I was thinking, maybe….maybe we only do this with each other.”
Regulus fought with himself to stay still, to not react, even as he wanted to both scream in fear and shout with joy. “Do what?” he mumbled, desperately needing confirmation. “Snog in my bed?”
“You know what I mean, Regulus,” James replied stiffly, voice strained.
It was this stress that made Regulus move to meet his eyes. “No,” he said, his own eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, Potter?”
The Gryffindor sighed, blinking a few times before visibly steeling himself. “Go out with me. Properly,” he said firmly. “Please.”
Regulus only panicked for a moment. He only gave himself half a second to think about all the ways this could go wrong. Because then, he got lost in the genuine awe and desire in James’s hazel eyes, and he couldn’t help but let out a breath, and answer how he wanted, not how he thought was best.
“Fine,” he nodded, moving to lay on top of James again. “Okay.”
“Oh, thank Merlin.”
James’s arms tightening back around him were the most comforting thing Regulus had ever felt. Like home.
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fiasco95 · 1 month ago
CR!James in a nutshell:
James: “I don’t have a knife kink.”
James: “I have a Regulus with a knife kink.”
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lexithwrites · 6 months ago
sirius teases james about liking regulus and james denies it because he CANNOT tell his best friend that he fancies the fuck out of his brother that would be crazy, but when sirius teases regulus about it he just replies with 'and? so what if i do, have you seen james?' and sirius looks horrified
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jeguluses · 4 months ago
regulus: you’re either with me or against me
james: *raises his hand*
regulus, sighing: yes james?
james: i was just wondering if i could be with you and also pressed up against you? does that count?
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yourgalgremlin · 8 months ago
Creep hitting on Regulus @ the bar:
GUY: What’s your body count, beautiful?
REG: That depends.
GUY: On what?
REG: Wether you’re asking how many guys I’ve “taken home” or how many I’ve taken out ☠️
REG (whispers): Both are higher than you’d think.
JAMES: …I want him in a way that’s concerning to my life expectancy.
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starrysillhoutte · 5 months ago
Regulus is 100% one of those people who freaks the fuck out whenever he realises he has a crush like this man full-on goes into hibernation and will not speak to them for days. he also has about 19 meltdowns a week and refuses to do so much as breathe in their general direction
when he realizes he’s in love with James fucking Potter, of all people all hell breaks loose
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ecstarry · 2 months ago
@into-the-jeggyverse / exam / 282 words // @bloodbruise @del-stars
“Baby, can you relax?” James turned on his seat to look at his boyfriend. His hands tense around the wheel.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Potter.” Regulus scolded him. James had a soft spot for Regulus’ stern tone, yet he knew how nervous he could get in new environments. 
“If you’re getting all ‘Potter’ on me then we are not going.” 
Regulus glanced at him for just a second, his expression a warning.
“So she can hate me before she even meets me? Brilliant, James!” He switched on the music—anything to distract himself from what was happening tonight.
James stayed quiet, watching him, eyes trained on the way Regulus gripped the wheel. He waited until his knuckles stopped turning white.
“She won’t hate you,” James assured him.
“How do you know that?”
“She’s never hated any of my exes.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. “Well, that just makes me more nervous.”
James softened, shifting to the voice he reserved for moments like this—when Regulus was stuck in his own head. “She will love you.”
Regulus let out a breath and dropped his right hand to James’ thigh. “Promise?”
Gently, James lifted his hand, pressed a kiss to Regulus' palm, then intertwined their fingers. “Promise, love.”
When they were two minutes away, Regulus started mumbling under his breath, too quiet for James to catch.
“What’s going on, baby?”
“This isn’t an exam, love.”
They pulled into the driveway, and Regulus rang the doorbell. Within seconds, Effie Potter opened the door, beaming.
“Welcome!” She threw her arms around both her son and his boyfriend.
“Un gusto conocerla,” Regulus said shyly.
Effie’s eyes widened as she turned to James. “Oh, I love him already!”
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