#redhood is a dad
Okay but like imagine Jason Todd living in Crime Alley and he has numerous safe houses in gotham some of witch just aren't for him and in fact are apartment complexes that he bought out for cheap possibly due to a little life-threatening scare by Red Hood and any time he's in crime alley and he notices that especially in the winter months that the kids are sick or don't have a dry place to live he just starts setting them up in the apartment complex, and none of the kids ever talk about where exactly that complex is because they love redhood... Also, I imagine that once a week Jason makes like a really big dinner and he just goes outside and serves it to the kids around crime alley, the kids all love him and feel safe with him. I imagine it gets to a point where if the kids are in danger or are worried or scared they just go running over to Red Hood some of the kids have taken to calling him dad, uncle, and other various family references.. And one day on the way back to one of his safe houses he just hears one of the younger street kids yelling dad and he turns to where its coming from and theres just this small kid holding another small kid in his arms and red's just like what happened and the kid just goes shes sick and idk what to do and red just kinda sighs and goes yeah alright follow me kid and he walks over to one of his main safe houses puts his bike away and gets the kids into the car but before continuing to the doc office he calls out through crime alley of if anyone's sick yall better come here i don't wanna do numerous trips and suddenly theres a small group of kids coming out of the shadows and he ushers them all into the car drives them all to gotham general and the receptionist doesn't bat an eye at the gaggle of sick kids or the fact redhood is checking them all in because he and the hospital have an understanding so he gets them all treated and seen and has to sit in with every nurse and doctor, at one point he gets a call from bruce asking why he's not on protrol and jason thinking nothing of it just goes i'm busy im at the hospital have dickface cover my patrol and then he hangs up to speak to the doctors and check on his kids..
bruce shows up at Gotham general just to find red surrounded by numerous children with various flu's colds coughs one of them has pneumonia and was just diagnosed with asthma and he's just taking notes while there's one child in his lap crying cause she's scared and he's just rocking her gently while writing down various treatment plans for each kid and what safe house he's putting them in because he'll be personally taking care of them... and one of the docs spot Bruce and is like excuse me mr. wayne you can't be back here patients only and redhood can be here because he's there acting guardian which makes Bruce's brain short-circuit entirely
Also alfred 100 percent knows about this and has helped red set up the rooms for the kids and everything and some of those big family dinners Jason has for the kids yeah he's using Alfred's recipes
How Jason got guardianship of these kids is because of Harvey dent he got the proper legal advice from Harvey
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soonamisapphire · 1 month
I'm interested in Reading More Papa Red Hood alley leader stories or even just some Jason being a dad with the adoption bug
Lay them on me
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spicy-apple-pie · 18 days
I think it would be fun if Dick and Jason had a podcast called Orphaned or something. Same vibes as The Basement Yard, but with more guests. Mostly their family. Tim is the most frequent, followed by Steph, then Bruce.
I like them bickering and being brothers on camera. And Bruce is there surprisingly often just cause he likes to see and talk to his boys. Dick and Jay both joke that they only have him on to rake in the views, but genuinely like the talks they have. It even translates into off camera stuff because Bruce realizes how easy it is to talk about mundane stuff and not about cases.
One scene I can’t get out of my head is them reminiscing about the first time they met.
Dick: ugh, you pissed me off so much…
Jason: wha- How?? I was literally eight! What did I do??
Dick: You just waltzed right in and got adopted while I was still just a fucking ward!!
Jason: How is that my fault?? I didn’t force Bruce to adopt me!
Dick: I know that now! It just pissed me off at the time, I was still just a teenager!
Jason: You’re adopted now though, right.
Dick: Yeah… but sometimes I wish I wasn’t
Jason: Why? Because this family is fucking bonkers?
Dick: No because I could hold that over Bruce’s head for so long.
Jason: Oh yeah, you could milk that.
Dick: I’d milk it so hard.
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foolilazuli · 25 days
Kon: We could be friends! What do you say?
Jason: I have no friends
Roy: And what the hell am I, your booty call?
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jjaysontodd · 3 months
I still think about the time Batman said “I’m not your father,Jason, I don’t need a teenage rebellion” to Jason. How does it feel to not be able to call ur dad dad? And simply only have a partner or Batman.
Bruce would HAVE never said that but Batman would.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Finally Home - Jason Todd Blurbs
Jason Reads A Bedtime Story
Fandom: Red Hood
Warnings: none
Summary: Jason has been doing a lot of patrolling and you demand he stays home one night to read his daughter a bedtime story
Notes: after how Broken Prism has been I wanted something light and cute, and several people have asked for some more about Jason being a girl dad so here is something I hope you like, also go ahead and read Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin even if you don't have kids, it's a cute book
               Gotham was known for a lot of criminal activity that kept Jason busy but for the past few weeks it had been like the criminals had been on a bender and never slept.  Jason was out every night pretty much, coming home only to sleep and eat, and then back out again.  It was really starting to take a toll on his 7-year-old daughter who just wanted her daddy to read her a bedtime story.  You knew why he was doing this, he was the city’s protector, but he was also a father and despite all the good he did in the city he was starting to do some damage to his baby. 
               “I’ll read to you tonight honey,” you said as you curled up with your daughter in her little bed, opening one of her favorite books.  She shook her head, tears already starting to fall like they had been every night the last couple of days.
               “I don’t want you, I want daddy, he does the voices,” she said, wiping her eyes to try and stop the tears.  She knew her dad worked at night, knew he was out stopping bad guys, but we kept that secret and only talked about it with the others in the Wayne family.  It was tough to understand but she was a trooper and was usually able to handle Jason being gone for a few nights.  This was far too long, and you hated seeing how much it hurt her not to spend time with him, especially when he was normally the best dad any kid could ask for.  You hugged her close, kissing her head and deciding right then and there that you were going to do something about this. 
               Once you finally got your girl to sleep you called your best friend who was always willing to watch her favorite ‘niece’ and headed to the Batcave.  Bruce was going to get an earful from you because you knew he was the one asking Jason to take on extra patrols because Nightwing was busy in Bludhaven, Tim was doing college courses, and Damian still had high school, but someone was going to step up right now and let Red Hood take a night off. 
               The cave was only manned by Alfred when you arrived and after a quick greeting you settled in to wait until Bruce and Jason got back.  Alfred was eyeing you the entire time, seeing you getting more annoyed as you stewed in your thoughts. 
               “Seems like Master Bruce is going to be in for a fight here tonight,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.  The man may have pretended to be stoic and calm, but he lived for drama, why else would he stay in the employment of the biggest drama queen this world had ever known? 
               “He’s not the only one,” you muttered, finally hearing the familiar sound of the Batmobile and Jason’s bike coming down the ramp.  Bruce was barely out of the car, and Jason off his bike, when you were marching up to them.  Jason smiled, ready for a hug, not expecting to see the angry expression on your face.
               “Hey sweetthing, come to visit?” he asked.  You threw him and glare before looking at Bruce. 
               “He’s getting tomorrow night off,” you said.  Bruce opened his mouth, ready to argue.  “No, no, you shut up.  He has been patrolling from dusk until dawn for three weeks now without a break and there is a little girl at home who has cried herself to sleep for the last four nights because her dad hasn’t been around for bedtime, and I’m done with that.  You let him have a night off or so help me I will be the next supervillain you have to deal with.”  Bruce looked shocked; you had never lost it like this before on him.  Jason swallowed.
               “She’s been crying?” he asked, voice small and heartbroken.  He could neve imagine him being the source of his daughter’s tears, she was everything to him.  “Ya, I’m not coming in tomorrow.”
               “Jason, I need the extra help right now,” Bruce tried to argue.  He shook his head.
               “Tim can skip a night class or Damian can miss a day of school, I’m staying home and reading to my baby girl,” he said.  He turned to you, who was finally smiling.  He saw how tired you looked and realized that you must be struggling without him every night too.  He forgot that sometimes he wasn’t just Red Hood anymore, he was a husband, and a father now.  “Is her favorite book still Dragons Love Tacos?”
               “Ya, she wants you to read it in your old man dragon voice,” you said, smiling at him.  He pulled you close, giving you a kiss before he went to change.  Bruce approached you slowly, cowl now off and looking guilty.
               “I am sorry about this, he is just so good, so protective of the city now, ever since his girl was born, I forget that he has a reason to go home,” he said.  “I’ll get others to cover patrols for the next week, why don’t you guys spend that time together?”
               “Thank you, Bruce, I appreciate that,” you said. 
               The next evening when Jason would normally be saying goodbye, he was playing Legos, building a castle with his little girl on her bedroom floor.  She looked at the window, seeing the sun had set and looked at her dad.
               “Don’t you need to go to work daddy?” she asked, putting another piece in place.  He shook his head.
               “No, they gave me a week off just to hang out with you,” he said.  Her face lit up and she jumped, hugging him. 
               “I’m going to get ready for bed now!” she said, running to grab her pajamas and get in the bath.  He chuckled, cleaning up the pieces they hadn’t used and finding a stack of books to read to her.  He wanted to read to her until he couldn’t speak.  You came into the room after helping her into the tub and kissed him softly. 
               “We love you hero,” you said.  He smiled back at you and went to finish helping his daughter with her bedtime routine.  He settled her into bed, got her favorite stuffed animal, a red bat of course, and settled next to her, looking comically large on her little twin bed.  You stood in the doorway as he got her settled and opened the book, clearing his throat.
               “Is this the voice?” he asked, making it sound deep and somehow like an old dragon with a smoking problem.  She giggled and nodded, then snuggled into his chest, her arms wrapping around him as she looked at the pictures.  “Hey kid, did you know that dragons love tacos?”
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donnatroyyyy · 7 months
I feel like Jason’s character is much more interesting when his dad was (as he originally was btw) a good dad that was just trying his best.
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rt-nique · 7 months
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I wanna love you but I don’t know how
Time lapse:
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dukeofthomas · 5 days
calling bruce jason's 'father figure' should be illegal. jason is his son. he was literally even legally adopted. "father figure" my ass that's his dad ???
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fishfrommars · 1 year
Reverse Robins AU got me holy cow
Stephie Black Mask or Red Hood! Stephanie
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I don't honestly think she would expect B to take out Black Mask for her. But the Pit makes you angrier and angrier.
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wwrenwrites · 2 years
Cat Dad in Denial
Y/N: I think I will get a hang with being a parent. I managed to keep my babies alive, what could possibly go wrong with human versions of them.
**Jason stuck with two of your cats purring on top of him **
Jason: Did you just compare our unmade child to these incompetent felines?
Y/N: They have names Jason. Show some respect.
Jason: Well, we are not naming our kids Boba and Miso you hear me.
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Alright to expand on my little Jason todd and crime alley kids au
Anytime one of the bat kids mentions Jason's kids Jason just kinda goes guys they're not my kids they're just under my protection and I make sure they're clothes and dry and not sick
And I just imagine dick go and what do we call that when someone houses a child feeds them and clothes them
And Jason just goes still not my kids he then before he can even finish speaking one of the crime alley kids goes running up to red all smiles going dad dad look look it worked I got an A on my spelling test because you helped aren't you proud
And dick with a smug look on his face goes and you were saying and Jason just tells him to fuck off and that he and the batfam are banned from crime alley indefinitely
Dick is just cackling while Jason ruffles the young kids hair and kinda goes hey let's go get ya some ice cream go round up some of the other kids
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soonamisapphire · 2 months
Papa Hood - Frostbite43 - Batman - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Neal Caffrey is the son of Red Hood.
The Justice League gets tangled with the White Collar division on a case. The FBI never knew what hit them.
--------------------- PHWCB ---------------------
“It’s official League business now.”
That was news to Neal.
“Oh? Anyone interesting?” he asked, trying to appear nonchalant.
The pinched looked on Peter’s face intensified. The only other person to ever get that look out of him had been Neal when Burke had been failing to catch him.
“They’re sending in Red Hood.”
Neal blinked.
“... Red Hood.” He repeated slowly, the words swirling in his head.
His father was coming to babysit the FBI? Neal couldn’t help but snort.
Peter glared at him.
Neal looked at him in amusement.
“Are you nervous, Agent Burke?”
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crystalcatgamer · 2 years
Can you give us a spoiler for the defense Jason fic? I’m good with just a couple of vague thoughts. 😉
okay so so Damian is grumpy about Bruce missing something (for a valid reason) (he’s more grumpy because Bruce practically dragged himself over half-dead instead of getting treatment) and Jason goes like
“Missing the brat’s meeting, old man?” Jason plops onto the couch, a lazy smirk on his face. “Such a bad father you are.” “I know.” Bruce replies, practically wilting and turning into a drooping puppy. “I’m sorry.” What the fuck. Jason jolts upright, confusion clear on his face. Even Damian looks appalled. “Wait- wait, I take it back, stop looking like that-“ “You don’t have to lie, Jason.” Bruce nods sagely, still talking in that sad tone. God, Jason hates that, please give back the Disappointed Dad stare. “I had a conversation with Dick recently on my faults as a father to you two, and it opened my eyes. I’ll do my best to improve on them.” Jason’s fingers dig into the softness of the couch. “Oi, demon brat. Are you going to help me find Dickwing.” Damian glances at Bruce’s kicked puppy appearance, and then back to him. “I will track Grayson down; anything else depends on what he has to say for himself.” ”Good to hear.” Jason gets up. “Bruce, stop beating yourself up. Don’t listen to Dick you’re- you’re an okay dad. Not a bad one.” He loads one of his guns. “Also, tell me if anyone ever calls you a bad dad again.”
Bruce happened to catch Dick on his bad day and he ended up lashing out
Dick apologises; he was already going to, Jason put the gun away-
There is another incident at some gala over Bruce’s parenting methods
Jason and the rest of the bat kids descend
it evolves from ‘No one gets to call my dad a bad dad but me’ to ‘no one gets to badmouth Batman but me’
Jason buys some knuckledusters lmao
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Not to cause discourse or whatever but you don’t get to say that Bruce is a pussy for not killing people like Jason and then also say he beats up the mental ill like ….. did you want him to SHOOT the mentally ill???? Is that what you think Jason does???? Answer quickly!!!!!
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jaxallope · 1 year
With canon continuing to break my heart over and over I’m gonna drown myself in happy family fluff fics until I overdose from familial love.
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