Heman is a brilliant young man and I know he will continue to have a bright present and future ahead!
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cringeworms · 2 years
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Will Graham being a Sleepy Girl compilation
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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skincare practices
skincare refers to the practice of maintaining and improving the health and appearance of your skin. this post is a guide on where to start!
having a routine (starting with simple practices)
cleanser: begin and end your day by washing your face with a gentle, sulphate-free cleanser. even if your skin feels clean, this step removes any impurities.
moisturizer: apply a fragrance-free moisturizer twice a day. hydration is crucial for maintaining a healthy skin barrier.
sunscreen: protect your skin from uv damage by using a mineral- or chemical-based sunscreen with at least spf 30. apply it in the morning.
skin types
there are 5 primary skin types, each with unique characteristics and needs.
normal skin is balanced and not too oily or dry. it's like the goldilocks of skin types! maintain it with a gentle routine. if your skin is generally normal, opt for a lotion. as you age, consider switching to a cream-based moisturizer for added hydration.
dry skin lacks hydration, feels tight, and may have flakiness. opt for richer moisturizers with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides. for dry skin, skip lotions and go for creams or ointments. these provide more moisture and help preserve water in the skin.
oily skin produces excess oil, especially in the t-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). use lightweight, oil-free products and consider salicylic acid for acne-prone areas. if you’re prone to oiliness, choose a light gel-based moisturizer to avoid clogging pores.
combination skin is a mix of oily and dry areas. focus on balancing - light moisturizers for oily zones and richer ones for dry areas. treat your face as two zones. moisturize the dry areas and skip the oily ones. remember to look for spf 30 or higher for sun protection!
sensitive skin is prone to redness, irritation, and reaction. choose fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products and patch-test any new products.
common skincare mistakes
skipping sunscreen. sunscreen is non-negotiable! protect your skin from uv damage by using spf 30 or higher daily. if you live in a sunny environment, make sure to reapply before you go outside!
not cleansing before bed: properly cleanse your face before sleeping. it removes dirt, makeup, excess oil, and pollution remnants, preventing breakouts and maintaining healthy skin.
sleeping with makeup on. gross! no! remove your makeup before you go to bed to prevent clogged pores and skin irritation.
using too many products. overloading with products can overwhelm your skin, so learn how to simplify your routine. additionally, using products that are not right for your skin may have negative effects - creating more issues instead of solving them.
overusing acne products. be gentle with acne treatments. overuse can lead to dryness and irritation.
using harsh products. avoid aggressive ingredients that strip your skin. opt for gentle formulations.
remember - healthy skin starts with mindful habits.
further reading
understanding skin - skin types and conditions | eucerin
what are skin types? | verywellhealth ↑ this link has a 'determining your skin type' section
how to pick the right moisturizer for your skin | american academy of dermatology association
combination skin care (youtube video) | dr. aanchal md
how to build a skincare routine for beginners | arizona dermatology
skin care: 5 tups for healthy skin | mayo clinic
end notes
thank you for reading! i get a lot of skincare practice asks, so i figured it was about time i had a good response.
as always - if you're troubled by your skin take yourself to see a professional. they are specially trained to help you with your problems. this post will only be able to share with you what i have researched. definitely have a look into some of the 'further reading' links - it's so important to learn about (and determine your skin type).
if you'd like to have a look at more of my skincare posts, check out 'how to reduce acne - and what is acne?' and 'how to properly wash your face'. feel free to send any questions to my ask box!
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Catherine's Good News 🎗
Curable Cancer 🎗
no metastasis 🎗
lymph nodes = cancer free!!! 🎗
margins = cancer free!!! (margins of removed malignant tissue are cancer free) 🎗
malignancy was isolated to 1 area & surgically removed 🎗
adjuvant treatment offered as an option in lower doses of systemic poison to prevent recurrence 🎗
Catherine will overcome this malignancy 🎗
Catherine's bad news 🎗
cancer is out however pathology revealed cancer cells had "access" to her lymphatic channels 🙏
preventative chemotherapy is still poison🙏
Adjuvant Treatment will guarantee zero recurrence
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understandably-odd · 9 months
i feel like rachel dare is hated a lot because she “gets in the way of percabeth.” but in reality she was just a fifteen year old girl who liked a guy. like she was never an anti-annabeth or willfully stopping percy from being with annabeth (in fact she actually does encourage percy to go after annabeth). she, similar to calypso, just fell for percy, understood he did not reciprocate her feelings, and let him go. and that’s not even the whole of her story! like so much of what is said about rachel is just relating to percy, but she herself is such a cool character. like she led percy and annabeth through the labyrinth, something that nobody else was able to navigate. she hit kronos in the eye with a hairbrush, and though she didn’t know who he was at first, she knew he was dangerous. she literally became the oracle! like rachel dare is such a cool, incredible character and she is always watered down to an obstacle in the percabeth relationship, which she never was.
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gumjrop · 5 months
Masking and Protests
In a win for community care,masks are being used broadly at recent protests on college campuses across the country, making these protests more accessible as well as showing solidarity with disabled communities. Some college campuses have attempted to ban or discourage masking at protests. University of Texas at Austin’s Provost issued a statement including a rule banning masks, and University of North Carolina’s Provost asked protestors not to mask, citing a state law from 1953 enacted in response to the KKK. Notably, the North Carolina mask law contains an amendment, introduced in 2020, to allow masking “to ensure the physical health or safety of the wearer or others” (see PDF link to the amendment).
Masking at protests must be allowed to make protests accessible for disabled and immunocompromised people, and safer for everyone. COVID and other infectious diseases can spread both indoors and outdoors, especially in crowded settings. Share our guide to accessible protests on Instagram or Substack, and also check out our statement and call to action on Palestine. Also consider supporting mask distribution efforts such as local mask blocs, which may be seeing increased demand related to protests.
Remember our allies at the University of California Academic Worker Union from our January 2023 webinar, who fought for COVID safety protections? They're running for office this week on the executive board of UAW local 4811.  Check out their slate—which includes disability justice and COVID protections—and learn how to vote here.
The Weather
The CDC’s reported COVID wastewater levels by state show “Low” or “Minimal” wastewater levels across all reporting states and territories as of April 25, with no data available from North Dakota, West Virginia, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam.
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Wastewater levels across all four regions are at lower levels than this year’s fall-winter peaks, with all regions showing either a slowing of the rate of decrease or a leveling off. You can still be infected during times of lower wastewater COVID levels. Precautions including consistent masking in all public spaces are still necessary in our daily lives to reduce the risk of infection, to prevent Long COVID, and to practice community care.
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The CDC’s variant tracking has been updated and now shows many JN.1 sublineages, including KP.2, JN.1.7, and JN.1.13.1. Regional variant NowCast predictions are not available as of April 26 for any US region.
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COVID Treatment
With the end of the national Test to Treat program in mid-April, we have lost an important route for affordable and convenient access to Paxlovid. Still, Paxlovid continues to be an important treatment to prevent the development of severe COVID. A few important facts about Paxlovid eligibility that people may not be aware of:
Paxlovid can be started within 5-7 days of the start of COVID symptoms. Initially, starting within 5 days was the recommendation. The extended window for treatment is particularly important as folks may test positive later in the course of their infection, sometimes a few days after symptoms develop. 
People aged 50 and older are eligible even if they do not have other medical conditions.
Younger people with certain medical conditions may also be eligible for Paxlovid.
The PAXCESS program may provide a Paxlovid discount from the manufacturer and provides free Paxlovid for people who receive Medicare or Medicaid and uninsured people without prescription drug benefits. 
If you are infected with COVID, make sure you also talk with your doctor about over-the-counter medications or supplements you may be taking. Even over-the-counter medications can have significant risks that should be discussed in the context of your individual medical history.
COVID Prevention
An effective multilayered approach to COVID prevention should include proven measures such as masking with high-quality respirators (N95s, KN96s, KF94s or better), improving indoor air quality with ventilation and filtration, physical distancing, getting the latest vaccines, and using COVID tests appropriately. Unproven methods should not be considered part of a multilayered approach. Topical nasal products such as sprays or ointments may seem tempting but are not proven to prevent COVID infections (none are FDA approved for COVID) and may have risks. For example, Vaseline and petrolatum-based ointments can cause pneumonia if applied to the inside of the nose, as they may be subsequently inhaled where they can damage the lungs. Over-the-counter antibiotic ointments are intended to protect from bacterial infection in minor skin wounds and should not be used inside the nose. Although early research on other uses has been publicized, given the risks of petrolatum-based ointments if used in the nose, it is important to wait for larger scale studies to understand both potential risks and benefits. Colloidal silver, sometimes touted in nasal spray form, is not proven to treat or prevent any medical condition and can cause permanent gray pigmentation of the skin as well as other serious side effects. Research studies shared in the news or on social media should not be used in place of medical advice from an individual healthcare provider you trust. 
While we expect masking and other multilayered precautions to remain a mainstay of prevention, we hope that further research will lead to FDA-approval/authorization of additional drugs for COVID treatment and prevention in the future.
Measles outbreaks within the US continue, with the first Wisconsin case being reported. Measles transmits through the air as well as through contact with surfaces, and is highly contagious. Now is a good time to check vaccination records for yourself and your loved ones, get any catch-up vaccinations, and check with your local healthcare provider if you are uncertain about vaccination or immunity status. In some cases, lab testing for measles immunity (antibody titers) can be helpful.
Take Action
Use MaskTogetherAmerica’s letter campaign to ask your elected officials to reinstate the Test to Treat program for free and convenient COVID and influenza testing, telehealth, and treatment access.
Support science-based COVID isolation guidance from the CDC using our letter campaign to contact your elected officials or sign on to our expert letter.
If you know someone who is organizing a protest, share our guide to accessible protests with them, via Instagram or Substack.
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📸: Matt Porteous, 2024
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sher-ee · 3 months
Republicans just killed a bill to protect IVF.
They are coming for your rights if you don’t vote in this election.
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autumn2may · 1 year
Johnson & Johnson is currently, like right this minute, trying to extend their patent on the TB drug bedaquiline, keeping it out of generic for another four years. TB killed about 30,000 people last week and is the world's deadliest infectious disease.
If this drug does not go generic now it could affect 6 million people in the next four years (the time it would take the "new" patent to run out). Out of those millions of people who get TB, but can't get bedaquiline, most of them will die. From a PREVENTABLE DISEASE.
Why is this happening? Money. But also, because TB is not an issue in countries like the US. We can afford its $1.50 a pill price. But if you live in a poor country, that's too much money to spend on something you need to take for up to four months.
J&J needs to let this drug go public and do its job in places that can't currently afford it. They need to help people, instead of trying to wring the last few drops of money out of one of their many products, at the cost of human lives. @sizzlingsandwichperfection-blog does a waaaay better job of explaining this than me. Check out the video and the video description for links and ways to help!
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
Okay serious question. How bad are mosquito bites to most people? Because I always considered them a minor annoyance that I don’t even really notice 90% of the time, but people talk about them like they are the Worst Thing To Ever Happen and having itchy bumps on their body justifies hatred and destruction of an entire species of animal. Are mosquito bites actually that bad? Have I just become numb to it because I attract any bug in a mile radius?
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melisssg99 · 7 months
I can't believe girls my age and younger are getting
"preventative botox"
I just hope I get the chance to grow old with my partner without too much pain,
embrace my gray hair I'll inevitably grow
and maybe someday even hold my grandchildren with wrinkly loving hands.
We shouldn't be scared of looking our age🩷
Growing older
is a privilege
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rigormortisangel · 23 days
all that inpatient treatment for nothing i wasted months of my life and i didnt even get better
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cursedvibes · 10 months
Idk if I’m the only one who feels a bit sentimental about ch240-243. It’s just got me thinking about how there’s actually someone for everyone. Like you know how people might think they’re weird or they’re being perceived as strange and off-putting by those around them but, in fact, there will ALWAYS be someone who matches your vibe and celebrates your individuality. What a beautiful thing connection is.
I’m not even sure if it’s intended by Gege but the last 7? chapters have been greatly influenced by themes of loneliness and connection and (in my opinion) Takaba and Kenjaku are no exception. Both somewhat lonely in what they do, in what they’re passionate about, both are misunderstood and perceived as “weirdos” by those around them, finding each other and being able to connect through comedy, giving each other what they longed for (Kenny’s “it’s been centuries since my heart danced like this” and Takaba’s “my dream stage… I don’t want this to end”). It’s just… wow?
Also I saw a little analysis about how there are two roles in Japanese comedy-duos, basically one person is telling the jokes and acting weird and the other is acting more serious by fending off the partner’s jokes, so in ch.243 it was Kenny and Takaba, respectively. Takaba’s talent as a comedian shone through as he’s generally more serious and his previous attempts to act as the one who cracks the jokes all the time led him to failure (ch241). But now, thanks to Kenny taking up the “unserious” role he was finally able to finesse his performance. This is such a unique battle out of everything we previously had… “I don’t want this to end” me too Takaba… me too…
P.S. im kinda manifesting that one day you’ll write a fic about these two 🥲 I absolutely adore your works
There's always someone out there who matches you perfectly and it might be the person you least expect, like Japan's worst terrorist or a depressed comedian. Sometimes it also might take you a millennia to find that person, but that makes it all the more worth it when you do.
No but seriously, I totally understand you. It's amazing how Gege managed to build up such a deep connection between Kenjaku and Takaba and thereby not only gave us some much needed further characterization for one of our main villains, but also fleshed out someone who used to be only a comedic side character. Although the fact that Takaba would have more depth was already foreshadowed in his introduction. If anything, him becoming a comedic sidekick was more surprising.
The focus on loneliness, love and being able to connect with other people in the last chapters was very intentional I think and I honestly like how much the approach to these themes differs between Kenjaku and Sukuna. Besides my problems with the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, those topics were brushed on there, but not really explored in depth. Until we got Takaba vs Kenjaku. The main difference here and what allowed us to get a deeper understanding of the themes and how they relates to these two characters is that contrary to Sukuna's fights, Takaba and Kenjaku's fight was more a dialogue where they both discussed their feelings on building connections and became a better person through it. Both of them learned something new (also about themselves) and came out of it as changed people. It's not just one person barraging the other with their issues or slapping their egos around.
Yorozu vs Sukuna is very self-serving. Yorozu is lonely and she thinks having Sukuna by her side will help her, but she is ultimately not interested in really connecting to him, she just projects her own issues onto him. She says herself that having his corpse would be enough. She wants to own him, her attraction to him is because she sees herself in him and her love is a love of herself, there isn't really anything romantic or sexual to it. Similarly, Sukuna has no interest in her either. The fight is only there so he can try out the new CT he just got. Both are essentially in their own world and while it is nice that Yorozu makes a weapon for him, they don't actually connect. Yorozu wants to teach Sukuna her understanding of love, but he already has his own and neither of them budge on their positions or make concessions.
Gojo vs Sukuna is a bit difficult to summarize because it's kinda all over the place and we don't get much from either of them in terms of character development or thoughts in general until the last chapter. Still, it's again someone trying to build a one-sided connection to Sukuna, wanting to teach him love and failing. I would say Gojo is a little more successful than Yorozu because at least Sukuna acknowledges him and says he will remember him. Gojo says he didn't manage to reach Sukuna and teach him "love", but he left an emotional impact. Sukuna changed Gojo to a degree, but only so much as in he killed him and thereby shoved him off the pedestal he put himself on and what kept him from having equal relationships with people. Bit late for that and it won't actually have any long-lasting consequences for Gojo because well he's dead, but it's something. Ultimately, there is no change in Sukuna's character however. There is a physical impact on him from the fight, but not much in terms of emotions. He isn't forced to reconsider any of his positions, he isn't challenged in his character. If anything it only got reinforced because he's confirmed to be "the strongest".
Kashimo vs Sukuna is another instance of someone coming with their issues to Sukuna and pressuring him to fix them. Kashimo wants to build a connection to Sukuna and I think they are actually more genuine with their intentions than Yorozu, but there is still a one-sided connection. Their relationship isn't balanced. Sukuna is supposed to give out wisdom, but Kashimo has nothing to offer him and while it is nice that we got a deeper look into his philosophy, there is nothing he really gained from his interaction with Kashimo. We are learning new things about Sukuna, but he doesn't. I think this will only happen when we get to Yuuji vs Sukuna because Yuuji affects Sukuna on a deeper level than any of the other three. He's the only one that can meaningfully challenge Sukuna because they would finally leave the premise of Sukuna's whole worldview (strength) behind. But we'll see.
Takaba vs Kenjaku is very different. If we were to compare it to the formula of the previous fights, Takaba comes up saying "Let me teach you about love (comedy/fun)" and Kenjaku's response is "Oh I've actually been dying to hear about this. Give me your best shot." Since the start of the Yuki fight Gege has put more emphasis on showing us that Kenjaku is essentially just bored and lonely. They want to connect to people, that is the easiest way to entertain them as well and they don't actually enjoy entertainment without having anyone to share it with, but they and their longstanding goals are what's hindering them. Their plan distanced them from their closest friend and left them quite desperately searching for new companions. Their plan also motivates them to kill Culling Game players, despite them seeing it actually as a waste of potential. That's how they entered the fight. They want to be entertained and they want a new friend. Takaba offers that to them.
I think initially Takaba's offer wasn't entirely sincere, just a ploy to distract them. He might've been already interested in Kenjaku's motivations for causing all this suffering, but he didn't actually expect them to connect so well and so quickly over their shared interest in comedy. First, Takaba gets challenged however. We learn he wants a partner just as much as Kenjaku. He can't enjoy comedy anymore because he needs a partner to succeed in his performance and deep down he is actually just searching for someone who understands him. Due to getting so fixated on performing successfully and pushing himself to lean into types of performances he doesn't actually like that much (playing the funny man), just for the approval of others, he also ended up pushing the people he did perform with away. He couldn't take any criticism and only continued further down the wrong path, leaving him depressed. A less extreme version of how Kenjaku tended to isolate themselves and subconsciously worked against their own interests.
Kenjaku makes him realize what he actually wants, that he has to change himself, his approach to comedy and that he needs to actually try to connect to people and not shy away from it in fear of criticism. This is already different from the previous fights. They both have an investment in the other and want more than simply beating the other person into following their worldview.
Then we get Takaba forcing Kenjaku to reflect on themselves and what they actually want. Despite how persuasive his CT is, Kenjaku's realization that they are having fun in playing around with these silly scenarios and that they for once are actually enjoying the Culling Game for what it is (a chance to meet interesting players, not just a stepping stone for something greater) doesn't seem to be fake. The nature of his CT also makes them realize that if they want to survive they have no choice, but to open themselves up a little bit and cooperate with each other. That's when both of them finally reach their true goal.
They have to work together because that's the only way Takaba can fulfil his wish to perform comedy with a partner, someone he actually connects with and who understands him. It also provides Kenjaku with the friend they have been looking for. Someone equal (as a comedy partner would be, Takaba is able to keep up with their imagination, just how they countered his made-up scenarios earlier), who won't bore them. As Kenjaku said afterwards, they actually had fun, despite the quite mundane scenario. There was cursed energy involved, but what made them actually enjoy the show was the trading of jokes and improvisations they both had to keep up with. It doesn't need some world-shattering CT to entertain Kenjaku, they just previously lacked that connection that would make them appreciate the entertainment they are getting more.
As you said, the positions they take during the show is important here too. They started out with Kenjaku as the straight man and critic and Takaba doing goofy antics as the funny man. Both roles that don't really suit either of them, which is also part of why Takaba never managed to be funny in the past. During the show Takaba is finally able to make his true personality shine and have people understand and like him, despite how he can come off as quite serious. Kenjaku on the other hand was able to be as silly as they want to be. They kept that part of their personality down previously because it would only distract them from their goal and fulfilling their carefully curated plan. We see the evidence at the end of the chapter. As soon as Kenjaku gives into that part of their personality and gets lost in their performance with Takaba, they get taken out and their merger plan is compromised. By indulging in what they actually want, they lost control over their proclaimed long-standing goals (probably, we will see how things develop).
I've seen Kenjaku's "you were super funny" compared to Sukuna's "stand proud", but that doesn't quite work, I think. Sukuna is comparing Jogo to himself and complementing him for how much he managed to measure up, while Kenjaku is commenting on how they enjoyed their fight together or more specifically the comedy show. They reassured Takaba that he is funny, but they don't view it as him having measured up to some standard they set. That is primarily because they could only achieve that goal together. Their comedy relied on a partner and they both only had fun because they had each other. Alone it would be meaningless. The entire point of their stand-up show was that the "fight" wasn't a competition anymore.
Takaba and Kenjaku were able to become partners and form a connection because they were actually able to open up to each other and take the other's personality and character into consideration. That's what differentiates them from the previous three fights and is also why they were successful where Yorozu, Gojo and Kashimo failed.
Kenjaku is open to change and new experiences and after some convincing embraces the connection they are being offered, while Sukuna stays almost completely closed off to others (with the exception of Uraume it seems).
It really was a great fight and it's very unfortunate that it is over and ended the way it did. We'll see how things develop. I would be really interested in seeing if and how Kenjaku's connection to Takaba might influence them in the future and how they will approach their merger plan. Currently it seems like Yuuta kind of ruined all the progress in terms of character development they made thanks to Takaba, but who knows...
If you're interested, I did write a fanfic about the two, where I also vented my feelings about their relationship a bit :)
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Understanding that people are entitled to privacy and if they don't publicly share their diagnoses it's probably on purpose vs hearing that someone has a rare disorder and really wanting to know what it is so you can research it.
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ashipwreckcoast · 3 months
you ever walk into your lab to find that someone has left a cart of swords there with no explanation or context
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emiplayzmc · 1 month
Uhhhhhhh have a meme I spent *checks IbisPaint time* nearly 13 hours on that's basically what my Seek the Truth / Delay the Inevitable AU is (aka my main four Addis)
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Also second and third versions for vaguely lore-dropping on Broadcast and Target :)
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Not too happy with Target but it's FINEEEE
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