#health care
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spacedocmom · 2 days ago
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24/03/2025 Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Incoming Transmission…
Your medical needs are valid and important regardless of anyone else's medical needs. Yes I have to stop a gushing wound before I treat a chronic illness, but the gushing wound doesn't negate the need to treat the chronic illness. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked, spoon
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 3 days ago
Medicare vs. Medicaid: Know the difference
Many people use just one of these terms as a catch-all for government sponsored health care. While both are vital, they are not synonymous.
It's important to know the difference, especially if you are contacting politicians since saying one without the other could lead to them interprering your message as being fine with cuts to one but not the other.
The most basic difference is Medicaid is generally coverage for people with low income, whereas Medicare is coverage for people who are 65 or older or who have disabilities.
More info.
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schraubd · 2 days ago
Will My Child Grow Up To Be a Human?
The other day, Jill and I were playing a common game with our baby -- telling him all the different things he could be when he grows up. "Are you going to be ... a writer?" "Are you going to be a hockey player?" "Are you going to be an artist?" "Are you going to be a crypto bro?" (we grimaced for the last one). Our baby is ten weeks old. He isn't much of anything yet. We don't know what he's going to be. And in the present moment, that unknown doesn't just inspire hope and anticipation. It also inspires deep anxiety and worry. We don't know if our child is going to grow up to be the type of person who is under attack by his own government. For example, we don't know if our baby is going to have a learning disability. And that matters, given the crusade conservative politicians have launched against education programs for disabled children; one conservative commentator on Fox & Friends bluntly described the conservative position on "making sure disabled kids have access to a public education" as "we're against it." We don't know if our baby is going to have a serious or chronic medical condition. That matters, given the  deep desire by the Trump administration to gut the American healthcare system, coupled with the bloody swath they're already cutting through critical medical research programs. We don't know if our baby is going to be gay, or trans, or otherwise queer. That matters, given the inhumane attacks on queer personhood that have been promoted over the past few weeks, threatening to undo decades of progress towards actualizing the American promise of equal justice under law. Of course, he might not turn out to be any of these things. We don't know, just like we don't know if he'll be a writer or a hockey player or an artist or (shudder) a crypto bro. So we just have to wait and see, and hope that whatever our child grows into, it'll be one of the categories our country still recognizes as fully human. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/EvZi8bk
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 3 days ago
And like, even if Medicare and Medicaid coverage isn't perfect, there is literally no downside to having it be universal.
There are absolutely gaps between what it actually covers and what it should cover. I work at a company that deals with these plans, and it infuriates me when I read that some legislation means they don't cover what they should. But even coverage for some stuff would help everyone.
Universally covered mental health care would mean fewer suicides, substance use issues, domestic violence cases, and lower rates of crime and poverty.
Universally covered preventive care would mean fewer cases of people dying of preventable illnesses, fewer cases where diseases get to the point where they're either incredibly expensive to treat or untreatable/incurable, contagious illnesses not spreading as wide as they do now, etc.
Even if coverage is limited, univeral health care would mean less money an individual needs to spend on health care and more money they can spend on necessities.
Nothing is isolated. Poverty, lack of safe and stable housing, lack of healthy food, lack of transportortation, etc. Everything has an affect on a person's health, and alleviating even some expenses can make a world of difference.
Also, please remember to advocate for Medicaid for all.
Medicare is primarily for people 65 or older or who are disabled.
Medicaid is primarily for people with low incomes, regardless of age.
Both are vital, but Medicare has a more limited target population.
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We need to end this madness. #MedicareForAll
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politijohn · 4 months ago
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This entire article is worth the read. Fuck Gilead
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typhlonectes · 3 months ago
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crew-yah · 4 months ago
"hOw cAN YoU MoCk a DEaD mAn??"
Well, unfortunately, he was reckless and didn't prepare ahead of time, so he failed to meet the requirements that prove he actually NEEDS access to quality grief and mourning.
His limited plan only covered brief consideration as a passing thought, so unfortunately, he had to pay for his own consequences out of pocket. 🤷🏽‍♀️🫤🤷🏽‍♀️
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introvertathome · 3 days ago
Tell your EMT/doctor everything you have taken
Medications can interact and lack of knowledge of what you have taken can delay/prevent treatment
Everything between you and your provider is confidential
Sincerely, an EMT who wants you to be safe 💙
Daily super important fucking reminder for Americans!!!
If you are somewhere where people are taking illegal drugs, including yourself, and you suspect someone, including yourself, is suffering from an overdose, you will not get in trouble for contacting emergency services.
If you are with people who are drinking underage, including yourself, and you suspect someone, including yourself, is suffering from alcohol poisoning, you will not get in trouble for contacting emergency services.
And most importantly…
EMTs and doctors are not cops. Tell them if you have drank or taken drugs! Your life fucking depends on it!
I’m unsure of rules in other countries, so I implore non Americans seeing this to read up on it.
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davidaugust · 4 months ago
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Scares the Dickens out them. 😳
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creature-wizard · 8 months ago
Since folks are exhausted from hearing about Project 2025 and Agenda 47, here are some reasons to feel hopeful about Harris
(It would be wonderful if folks could reblog this, a lot of people are feeling very discouraged right now and could use the morale boost!)
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liberalsarecool · 1 year ago
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We need to end lobbyism as we know it. Corporate bribery is the worst way to provide a human right like health care.
Sad that $800 million/year in bribes costs us $650 billion/year in savings.
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astrafiammante · 4 months ago
I hope the CEO of united healthcare gets stuck in queue at the pearly gates indefinitely while terrible Muzak plays and an angel’s voice very occasionally calls out “Your afterlife is very important to us. Please stay in the line” and then his entrance is denied.
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spacedocmom · 23 hours ago
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25/03/2025 Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Incoming Transmission…
You're not to blame for things you can't do because your chronic conditions prevent you from doing them. I know there's so much pressure on you and sometimes it makes you feel guilty or sad. Please hear my voice in your mind reminding you to go easy on yourself. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked, spoon
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undergirlsden · 3 months ago
In the wake of the CEO shooting, Michael Moore has uploaded his full documentary, Sicko, on youtube to be watched for free. Moore is one of the most known criticizing journalists of corporate america, and his work is cited in the alleged killer's manifesto. He's given us a christmas gift, by making his comprehensive knowledge free for everyone to look at If you got two hours, go watch. Share it with friends and family https://youtu.be/YbEQ7acb0IE
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animentality · 4 months ago
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