#presidential powers
alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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geezerwench · 2 months
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We're going to have a Black / Indian WOMAN president.
Queen 🔥
scotus didn't see that coming, those f**kers.
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dosesofcommonsense · 6 months
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Presidential powers and Presidential immunity protect Trump.
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cometrose · 3 months
trump may be a lying felon and biden a foot away from death but my fellow americans don’t forget to vote for your senators and representatives they’re important!!!
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originalleftist · 19 days
There are really just two issues that matter this election:
One is climate- Biden put us on a path to halve carbon emissions in 6 years and reach net zero by 2050. Harris will continue that. Trump will actually increase use of fossil fuels while gutting regulations.
Every person on Earth will be harmed and endangered by that, regardless of your identity, location, or views.
The other issue is the peaceful transfer of power. Whatever problems you may have with Harris, she'll leave peaceably in 4 or 8 years. Trump will not. This is not fear mongering or hyperbole. He has said that if he wins we'll never need to vote again. He met his last electoral defeat by inciting and enabling a violent insurrection. Sure, he's an old man, but he's surrounded by young men who share the same contempt for democracy and the rule of law- like his Vice Presidential nominee, JD Vance, who will assume power if he dies in office.
We were lucky to get him out once, barely. His people are much more prepared for a coup now, he'll have broad legal immunity now thanks to SCOTUS, and he's openly vowed to become "a dictator on day one" and deploy troops on American streets.
Any issue with Harris is a temporary problem, and you can try again in 4 or 8 years. With Trump, you can't.
THE ONLY REASON TO ELECT TRUMP IS IF YOU ACTIVELY WANT THE WORLD TO BURN. And don't care how many actual people burn in the process. And if that is your position, then by your own choice you are an enemy of all humanity.
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castielsprostate · 3 months
us-ians try not to fuck up this election and vote blue challenge (impossible) (they don't care about anyone but themselves) (they're unable to see the devastating consequences if that orange buffoon is re-elected) (they don't understand how their own government works) (voting blue is literally the only option you have if you want to survive past 2030. like there is literally no other fucking option. if you do not vote blue this year, so much blood will be on your hands you can't even imagine it i don't think) (us-ians are too shortsighted to see what will happen to the rest of the fucking world if their little orange dictator gets reelected and they. don't. care.)
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reality-detective · 1 month
Trump has agreed to three debates with FOX, NBC, and ABC...
FOX September 4th
NBC September 10th
ABC September 25th
It’s up to Kamala to accept.
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messyspacespades · 3 months
If Trump gets elected we're all fucked.
I'm serious. This man said at his recent Washington DC rally that "In four years you don't have to vote. We'll have it all straightened out so it will be much different"
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This man is probably going to make voting insanely difficult or even get rid of it entirely. He's probably going to take away womens right to vote, and probably even black/poc's right to vote. I get y'all are upset by Palestine, and you have every right to be angry at Biden for how he's handling Palestine (I am also angry at him for how he's handling Palestine,) but when the alternative is this Hitler wannabe who's going to make it only cishet white male republicans can vote and fuck over everyone else, vote Biden. Vote blue. Please for the love of god. Plus, if Trump gets elected, he's not only going to give Israel 5 trillion dollars for their genocide, but he's probably going to give them the a-okay in their genocide. This is the man that banned muslims from entering the country, this man HATES arabs and muslims and will gladly give Israel the funds and ability to not only kill the Palestians, but wage war on the rest of the Middle East as a whole. And he will shut down any pro-Palestinian protest and possibly have those protestors shot and killed as well in the name of "protecting America from terrorists."
Also, please check out defeatproject2025.org to get an idea of just what trump might do if he's elected. It's not hist actual agenda, but the Heritage Foundation is planning to use him to carry out this heinous agenda. They literally have a thing about what they plan to do with voting, specifically about how voter suppression is handled and its NOT GOOD. Register to vote and PLEASE vote blue not only for president, but at a state and local level. please.
Edit: Someone who runs the defeatproject2025 website gave me extra examples of how project 2025 will change voting:
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true-bluesargent · 3 months
i know the state of the democracies in the uk and in the us right now are terrible, but i can't even fathom being able to vote and NOT doing it. people fought and died for these rights! there are people all over the world right now who can't vote at all or who don't live in a free democracy! and people who have the right and the ability to vote who live in two of the most privileged countries in the world are going to let the opportunity pass? what is wrong with you all? i can't even believe it
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Trump has Kamala so nervous that she apparently watched all 6 of his debates, studied all of his insults, and called Hillary Clinton to ask for advice 🤔
I am unable to post on my primary so I'm posting here until I am able to post on @reality-detective again.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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sher-ee · 24 days
The BEST business manager:
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I have to ask, did anyone else hear the “she puts out” comment during the debate? Because both my husband and I did and it made our jaws drop and he legit thought she was going to throw away her closing remarks to nail him on that and now literally ZERO news outlets are discussing it and we both think maybe we imagined it because I’m sorry this should be a MUCH bigger deal.
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fearsomeandwretched · 3 months
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reality-detective · 11 days
Kamala Harris is holding mock debates with a ‘fake Trump’ to prepare for the debate on Tuesday.
Has anyone seen Shane Gillis lately?
Harris is using a stand in for debate prep who studies Trump and his mannerisms to partially imitate him during prep.
The stand in is former Clinton adviser Philippe Reines who stood in as Trump during debate prep for Hillary Clinton.
Reines is reportedly telling Harris to ignore defending her abysmal record and instead adopt an “aggressive approach.”
The debate is September 10th at 9 p.m. 🤔
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jacks-weird-world · 2 months
Jack announced that he will be a delegate at the DNC.
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