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One of the most prevalent issues we deal with today is poor #posture and #PosturalAlignment. It may be due to our jobs or the increased use if #smartphones and constantly looking down. With underactive muscles and overactive corresponding muscles, it creates imbalances and dysfunctional effects on your body. And then we see people walking around with either upper crossed syndrome, lower cross syndrome or even both. If this is you, check the infographic to see what issues you may have so that they can be corrected. DM me for me info! #PersonalTrainer #CorrectiveExerciseSpecialist #PerformanceEnhancementSpecialist #AnimalFlow #MovementSpecialist #MetafitCoach #FunctionalTraining #SportsPerformance #MovementAsMedicine #MoveBetter #PerformBetter #FeelBetter #VisionSportsClub #Vision https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrorOFHO1F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=syu4ls4oydju
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👌💪 @dr.joelseedman_ahp . ・・・ Looking for an intense movement that not only crushes the upper back, lats, triceps, chest, shoulder stabilizers, core, glutes, and hamstrings, but also improves postural alignment, motor control, proprioception, and full body stability? If so then you'll want to give this eccentric isometric kettlebell pullover on a stability ball a try as demonstrated by one of my awesome clients and bodybuilder @benlaitheasianguy. Live well, train hard. #eccentricisometric #intense #upperback #lats #triceps #chest #shoulderstabilizers #core #glutes #hamstrings #posturalalignment #motorcontrol #proprioception #stability #fullbody #figureathlete #bodybuilder #kettlebell #pullover #stabilityball #swissball #ahp #drjoelseedman
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Adding complexity and stability to the TRX push pull routine with these reaches. Thanks @primehealthmanagement #trxworkout #trxtraining #trxworkouts #trxtrainer #trxsuspensiontraining #trxabs #triathlonswim #triathlontrainning #triathlonswimming #ironmanswim #stability #stabilitytraining #stabilityexercises #stabilityworkout #stabilitywork #posturaltraining #posturalalignment #posturalcorrection #posturalcontrol #personaltrainers #personaltrainerlife #personaltraineronline #personaltrainernyc (at Wyomissing, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVUnZJgGjP/?igshid=1tjuyh383fucy
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I found a spare hour for some personal practice on the #PilatesCadillac today... The #Trapeze table was developed by #JosephPilates whilst interned during WW1 when he was out in charge of patients in the hospital at the camp. Concerned that they were not #exercising whilst bed ridden he took the bed springs and attached them to the bed head so they could use the springs as #resistance. The #results were so effective that the #Cadillac was born! #Benefits: 🔸Advanced #corestability training 🔸Increased #rangeofmotion, adding challenge to the #strengtheningexercises 🔸Extended #spinalarticulation and #mobility 🔸Challenging #upperbodyworkouts 🔸#Scapularstability 🔸Upper body mobility 🔸Optimizes #posturalalignment 🔸Enhances #grace, #agility and #coordination 🔸Adds resistance to the mat-based leg exercises 🔸Adds latissimus dorsi engagement to exercises such as The Hundred, thereby clarifying the original purpose of the exercise 🔸Fun! I’m available for 1:1 or small group sessions in Skipton, using the Pilates apparatus. Contact me for more info 😀 #HappySaturday (at Spirit of Pilates) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYPIxnFWPz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=csltvdgx969n
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Postural alignment and walking backwards! When a client walks in and needs me to "fix" them I can pretty much diagnose and correct them based on their posture. Misalignments create and nurture weaknesses. Today pay attention to where you are in space, in what plane. Lift-Lengthen-Align!.Notice if you stand with a subtle Anterior lean. Notice if you sit hunched over your phone when reading texts. Notice how sit when driving, whether your shoulders are rounded or your chest is open. Notice where you look. Are you looking 3 feet ahead or straight down? Today, just notice! . . . . #sportyoga #yogaforathletes #workoutoftheday #fitover50 #fit #fitness #posture #posturalalignment #healer #yogagirl #yogastretch #yogagram #yogaforathletes #movement #workoutoftheday #wellnesscoach #stretchandstrengthen #strengthcoach #strengthandconditioning (at Sugarbush Resort)
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Posture is one of the most overlooked aspects of a healthy lifestyle. One of the most common postural misalignments is Forward Head Posture. Your head weighs as much as a bowling bowl. For every ½ inch your head slumps forward, it adds an additional 5 to 6 lbs of pressure to your neck and spine. ⚠️ Failure to address postural misalignment can cause irreversible damage to discs and joints, as well as contribute to other serious health complications. Watch the 3rd episode of Dr Fitness USA THE SHOW pre-launch series. ⚕️ In this episode, we will reveal practical applications to correct bad posture. ⚕️ @drfitnessusa @femininebodydesign @batistagremaud #strengthtraining #fitness #healthandwellness #posture #posturalalignment #drfitnessusashow #backpain #backpainrelief
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Are your computer screens positioned at an optimal distance and height for proper ergonomics? Here are the optimal computer screen positions for proper ergonomics: Optimal Height: When looking straight ahead, your eyes should be at rest on the top one-third of your computer screen Optimal Distance: Your screen should be an arm's length away from you to avoid eye strain. At EFFYDESK, all our Desktop Monitor Mounts include full height and depth-adjustability, hidden cable management, plus a lifetime warranty. Shop 10% off our Ergo Office Accessories Collection with code "EFFY10" – link in bio 🔗. . . #neckpain #neckpainrelief #monitorarms #monitormount #dualmonitormount #activeoffice #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #sittingposture #standingposture #workspaces #workplacedesign #homeworking #workingremotely #freelancerlife #officeergonomics #selfemployedlife #startupgrind #remoteworking #standingdesk #electricdesk #sitstanddesk #gamingsetups #gamingsetupadvice #heightadjustabledesk #adjustabledesk #standandwork #ergonomicdesign #healthyoffice #homeofficedesign — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3bOeyhS
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Sighting in the open water is a skill requiring the fitness to get on top of the water, head up, strategically, to stay on course without wasting time or energy. Using the @vasatrainer to strengthen sighting posture outside of the water - - - - - #vasatrainer #vasaathlete #surferstrong #surfstrong #surfstrength #surftraining #tristrong #mrswimmer #swimmersofinstragram #theswimmers #swimmersforlife #swimstrength #swimmerstrength #swimstrong #strongswimmer #strongswimmers #swimcoaches #openwatercourse #openwaterzwemmen #openwatertraining #drylandtraining #drylandforswimmers #dryland #drylandswimming #postural #posturalexercises #posturaltraining #posturalalignment #posturalcorrection #posturalcontrol (at Bern Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWhRligAet/?igshid=ty0kosjl35fj
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Adjust your sit-stand desk to elbows' height while standing. It’ll help your neck and wrists stay in a neutral and relaxed position for maximum comfort. Learn how to achieve good posture over at our Blog: https://ift.tt/3hk3BIs [Link in Bio] . . #effydesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #injuryprevention #chronicpainrelief #healthyworking #activeoffice #ergonomics #ergonomicdesign #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #lowerbackpain #sittingposture #mobilityexercises #goodposture #officedesign #vancityfeature #healthylifestyle #standupdesk #movementismedicine #neckpaintreatment #neckpainrelief #neckpain #shoulderhealth #footcare #varicoseveins #footfatigue #elbowpain #computerelbow #tenniselbow — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3oiTGnY
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Do you ever experience stiffness or pain around your hips? If you work from home, you're probably sitting at your desk for prolonged periods of time. This can lead to tight hamstrings, hip flexors (muscles near the top of your thigh), and even lower back pain. 😩 How can you prevent lower back pain from a sedentary lifestyle? 💡 Ergo Tip of the Day: Try these Leg Stretches at your Workstation 🌟 Stretch # 1: Knees to Chest 🌟 1) In a standing position, bring one knee to your chest and hold with both hands. 2) Hold this for 30-60 seconds and feel the stretch in your hips, hamstrings and lower back! 3) Repeat with the other leg. 🌟 Stretch # 2: Simple Quadricep Stretch 🌟 1) Grab your right ankle with right hand, and vice versa. You can hold onto your chair or desk. 2) Pull your ankle back and draw your heel to your glutes. 3) Keep both knees close together as you push forward with your chest and hips. 4) Hold this for 20-30 seconds before switching to the other side. Want to get more done, more comfortably? ⚡ Shop 10% off Ergonomic Office Furniture at https://effydesk.ca Use promo code: EFFY10 for 10% off storewide now. [Link in Bio 🔗 ] . . #effydesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #legstretches #quadstretch #legexercises #hipflexorstretch #hipflexibility #injuryprevention #chronicpainrelief #wellnessmats #healthyworking #officeessentials #antifatiguemats #standmat #standingmat #ergonomics #ergonomicdesign #rangeofmotion #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #lowerbackpain #lowerbackpainrelief #sittingposture #deskjob #mobilityexercises #goodposture — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3rTy6Yo
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🧘♀️ Stretching your upper body can help you improve agility in both your thoracic (chest) and lumbar (lower back) spinal areas — and reduce the risk of desk job damage (such as neck or shoulder strains) over time. 💡 Here’s an Upper Body Stretch you can do right from your standing desk: ☀️ Standing Backbend ☀️ 1) While standing, place both palms on your lower back with your fingers pointed down. 2) Press into your feet. Squeeze your thighs and glutes — and keep those engaged. 3) Press your hips forward and begin to arch your torso backwards with your head looking forward or up towards the ceiling if comfortable to do so. 4) Breathe and hold for 3-7 breaths. 5) Slowly inhale back up, with your head and neck last to come vertical again. 💬 Try this easy stretch right from your workstation, and let us know if it helps in the comments below! Pictured: Wheel Pose (Backbend) on an EFFYDESK Business Office Standing Desk with Oak Black Table Top + Black Frame 👋 Don’t have a standing desk yet? Shop 10% off storewide now at https://effydesk.ca [🔗 Link in Bio] . . #effydesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #electricdesk #dailyexercise #mobilitytraining #vancouverphysio #personalwellness #fitnessvancouver #vancouvercanada #vanfitfam #vancouverstyle #torontoyoga #vancityhype #vancityfeature #dailyhivevan #dailyhivetoronto #vancouverphotographer #worksmarter #workbetter #movementismedicine #canadamade #curiocityvan #narcitycanada #vancouverisawesome #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #lowerbackpain #lowerbackpainrelief #sittingposture — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/38pA4rK
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Lower back pain can happen suddenly 😩 — or it can creep up on you slowly, over time. 🤔 What contributes to lower back pain? ▪️ Stress — Your nervous system can be heightened by stress from work or home life. ▪️ Lack of Sleep — A good night's rest can help with muscle recovery and rejuvenate your energy levels for the next day's workload. ▪️ Lack of Physical Activity — Light exercise and movement help to prevent muscle strains. ▪️ Poor Posture — Working with poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances and tightness. ▪️ Lack of Hydration + Nutrition — Dehydration can cause stiff muscles and/or muscle spasms, which can result in bodily strains or worsen to pinched nerves over time. ⭐ Switching to a sit-stand workstation can make all the difference. ⚡ Shop 10% off ergonomic furniture at effydesk.ca [🔗 Link in Bio] . . #chronicpainrelief #painrelief #massage #painreliever #painrelieftreatment #wellness #painmanagement #naturalpainrelief #physiotherapy #jointpainrelief #chiropractic #healthylifestyle #neckpainrelief #ergonomics #worksmarternotharder #ergonomicdesign #rangeofmotion #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #lowerbackpain #lowerbackpainrelief #sittingposture #deskjob #mobilityexercises #goodposture #painrelief — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3r77ylU
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In January, we asked our Insta-family how long you normally spend in front of a computer screen per day. Out of 120+ participants, the average number of responses we received showed that EFFYDESK followers average: 8-12 hours of computer screen time per day! 😱 💡 Excessive screen time can often result in neck and shoulder strains. 👉 Here are EFFYDESK’s Top 3 Ergo Tips to help you prevent neck pain: Placing your computer screen at the proper distance and level from your face will keep you from straining your neck. 1) When you look straight ahead, you should be looking at the top one-third of your computer screen 2) To prevent eye strain, your screen should be ideally 20 inches away 📏 3) Consider a monitor mount/arm — they're height and depth-adjustable so that they're at a optimal height and distance from you all day long! ⚡ Say no to neck pain with 10% off Ergonomic Office Accessories! Use promo code: EFFY10 at effydesk.ca. [Link in Bio 🔗] . . #rangeofmotion #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #neckpain #neckpainrelief #sittingposture #deskjob #mobilityexercises #goodposture #painrelief #officeessentials #officeergonomics #monitormount #monitorarms — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3d3puJU
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Streamline your workflow and style your workplace with full-motion, adjustable dual-monitor arms for maximum desktop space. Shop 10% off Ergonomic Monitor Mounts with code "EFFY10" — link in bio 🔗. . . #desktopmonitor #desktopaccessories #desktoporganizer #ergonomics #dualmonitorarms #monitorstand #monitormount #dualmonitors #dualscreens #dualscreensetup #multiscreensetup #heightadjustable #heightadjustabledesk #smartfurniture #developerlife #webdevelopers #deskjoblife #officefurniture #canadiansmallbusiness #desksetup #cleanoffice #officeorganization #officedecor #wfhsetup #neckpain #neckpainrelief #posturecorrection #posturalalignment #sittingposture #activeoffice — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3vLtgOT
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This spring I had hoped to present a swim and dryland workshop looking at the functional standards for swimmers in the pool and gym. Who’s interested in a virtual interactive version with an emphasis on the dryland components while the pools is closed? #drylandtraining #drylandtrainingforswimming #drylandforswimmers #dryland #drylandswimming #swimstrength #swimmerstrength #swimstrong #strongswimmer #strongswimmers #swimcoaches #proswim #proswimmer #swimpro #strengthandconditioningtraining #strengthandconditioningspecialist #strengthandconditioningeducation #thoracicmobility #thoracicspine #thoracicextension #thoracicrotation #thoracicspinemobility #posturaltraining #posturalalignment #posturalcorrection #posturaleducation #posturalcontrol #motorcontrol (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B__VDXzgLuJ/?igshid=1rdu9vvdbml84
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