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tricraftbeer · 6 years ago
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Time for a no-pants happy dance after synchronized swimming with Coach Jim for 5000 yards at the new @tower_26 pool workouts in the beautiful new El Segundo pool. It’s not New Zealand, but it’s not bad. #tower26 #backtoreallife #triathlonswimming #triathlontraining #trimom https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu7BS2UDivq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v5buzw7bg44a
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chrislswood · 2 years ago
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Reposted from @totaltritraining 🏅Medal Monday this week is celebrating triathletes taking the running world by storm! ��🏃🏼‍♀️ 💥The Somerset crew competed in the 5k road race 💥 13 athletes proudly wearing the new TRT running kit at the Manchester cross country league round 2 and gliding through the mud 💥Johnny Van DeVenter came 15th overall at Surrey Cross Country League 👏🏼 🥇Emma Atkinson came 6th lady and 1st v50 in the Hardmoors Race Series 🤩 Gary Davies smashed out Warrington Way Ultra in sub 9 hours! 💪🏻 🥈Arlene Cowgill came 2nd in AG in the 1/2 marathon in Muscat with a top 10 overall lady and PB performance 👊 💥Saeed Al Abdullatif with a solid marathon performance and a 6th AG finish also in Muscat 👏🏼 💥Finally at the Lemur Loop 12 hour endurance event Mark, Ryan and Kirsty took on the 10k laps. Ryan and Kirsty used this as a long training run completing 30k but Mark was in for the long haul and managed to knock out an awesome 6 laps and 60k! 👏🏼 . #triathlonrunner #triathlonrunning #triathlon #swimbikerun #triteamspezia #triathlonteam #triathlonlifestyle #triathlonphotografy #triathlonpics #triathlete #triathlonciclyng #triathlonswimming #triathlonbike #triathlonswim #triathlonswimmer #triathlonrun #triathlonofinsta #swimtraining #run #bike #swim #runtraining #triathleteofinsta #biketraining #trainingday #triathlontrainingday #triathlonmotivation #triathlontraining #over #runningmotivation (at Total Tri Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9OGqfL9lP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariaphelpsmt · 5 years ago
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5 am wake up call! #earlytorise #slaytheday #triathleteintraining #greatwaytostartmyworkday #mortgagebroker #healthybody #healthymind #triathlonswimming #triathlontraining #herewego! https://www.instagram.com/p/B622w6Zhyxp/?igshid=13agkv5xs0g1x
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swimmingclassuk-blog · 5 years ago
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👀 Here is our wonderful deep end, at the City of London School for Girls. We use this end of the pool for those who want to master treading water, or learn how to dive 🏊🏻🙏. Next week, we have our crash course. This is a fantastic opportunity to fine tune your swimming technique or learn some new drills. October 21 - 25. 📅 . . #barbican #clerkenwell #farringdon #shoreditch #triathlonswimming #triathlon #openwater #swimminglessons #nowetsuit #firsttriathlon #newskillset #frontcrawl #barbican #cityoflondon #thecity #moorgate (at swimmingclass.co.uk) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3m9iDGBKOo/?igshid=1dq6aafitersm
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olddog-new-tricks · 6 years ago
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I bit the bullet and signed up for a swim lesson/evaluation. I have serious confidence issues with this, as it feels so much like being judged (which it is, but I have negative connotations with that). I definitely want to improve my swim speed, though, with the intention of getting back to triathlon. #winningswimming #triathlontraining #triathlonswimming https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs01KImlgG5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ik1unepfibv2
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totalfit-blog · 6 years ago
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BD! activos todos?!☕️🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♂️💣🔥🇻🇪. Fondo en su máxima expresión! 4 horas de Rueda continua, donde estaremos la mayor parte de la misma en el@punto alto de Zona 2, con entradas a Zona 3 esporádicas, nada muy estresante! Hoy es el día donde practicaremos nuestra alimentación e hidratación para que el día de la competencia sea un reflejo condicionado, sin necesidad de pensar mucho que necesito hacer! Trabajaremos resistencia muscular, fatiga, y estaremos dándole a nuestro organismo de producir más vasos capilares, mejorar la condición cardiovascular, entrenar las fibras rápidas a que no se agoten tan rápido! En fin, los beneficios de esta sesión son innumerables! Sácale el mayor provecho posible! #triathlon #triathloncoach #coachtriathlon #triathlonswimming #triathlonswim #cyclingcoach #coachcycling #indoorcycling #spinning #spinningcoach #runningcoach #runningcoaching #runcoach #coachrunning #triathlon #workingonyour19atp (at Anywhere Everywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsku4nCn3Ol/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lbc9uiga22op
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coachstephanieholbrook · 6 years ago
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Pictures from the Open Water Swim on Monday. Come join us at 4 pm on Monday’s. We meet at the North Boat Ramp at Lake Pleasant. (The very end of Castle Hot Springs Road, then turn right) - -I am on my Stand Up Paddle Board along the swimmers. - -Tammy practiced her swim for the AZ 70.3 in October. _ - #triathloncoach #triathlonclub #triathlonswim #triathloncoaching #triathlonrace #triathlonlove #triathlonteam #triathlonmotivation #triathlon #triathlongirls #triathlontraining #triathlonofficial #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonbabes #triathlontrainning #triathlonbike #triathlonworld #triathlongram #triathlon_in_the_world #triathlonlife #wearetriathlon #triathlontime #triathlonsprint #triathlon_world #lake #humansoftriathlon #lakeeasant #triathlonlifestyle #ironmantriathlon #openwaterswimming #ows #ironmantraining #ironmanarizona #firstwavenedurance #ketoendurance #lakeeasantpaddleboard #sup #standuppaddle (at Lake Pleasant - North Entry) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OkE18gdAG/?igshid=1aia689fjsuva
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newwaveswimbuoy · 6 years ago
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Credit to @paytonhendersonofficial : Just keep swimming 🏊🏼♀ 🐟 . . . . . . . . . . . . posted on Instagram - https://newaveswim.com/2G8YyYd
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chrislswood · 2 years ago
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Reposted from @totaltritraining ☀️Worried about what abilities we have on our camps? Then don’t! Lanzarote caters for everyone with lots of support for those newer or less confident. With coach led bike, runs and swims catering for all abilities you will be looked after as well reaping the benefits of training with like minded athletes. There are still a few places left on the Lanzarote camp-February 28th-March 7th or 7th-14th March. To book, click the link in our bio. Majorca camp opening for booking soon- Dates: 19-26 April 2023 Email: [email protected] for more details and to reserve your place. 😎 . . . . . . #triathlon #triathlontrainingcamp #triathlontraining #world #triathlonmotivation #swimbikerun #triathlonteam #triathlonfood #triathlonlovers #triathloncommunity #triathlonsprint #triathlonworld #triathlonaustralia #triathlonrace #triathlonlove #triathlonbuddies #triathlonwomen #triathlonmom #triathlonclub #triathlonswim #triathlonshots #triathlonphotography #triathlonfamily #triathlonireland #triathlongirls #triathlonbabes #ironmantraining #triathlonstore #triathlonolimpico #bike https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzvJyqsxSX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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traindaly · 5 years ago
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Great to be working with groups of swimmers again, back where I got my start. Beautiful day for an engaging outdoor workshop covering CO2 tolerance, mobility for swimmers, dryland technique and conditioning, underwater video analysis, and the phases of freestyle. #TrainDaly #triathlonlife #triathloncoach #triathlon_in_the_world #triathlonlifestyle #triathlons #triathlon_world #triathlonlove #triathlonworld #triathloncoaching #triathlongram #triathlonswim #triathlontrainning #triathlonswimming #ironmanswim #CSCS #strengthcoach #strengthcoaching #strengthcoaches #strengthcoachlife #swimlessons #swimmingtime #swimmingpool #swimmingpools #swimminglessons #swimminghole #swimmingtime #swimmingcoach #swimming_time #swimmginday (at Wilshire Swimming and Diving) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9aVqkg-6o/?igshid=aw5z7gdcvoed
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mariaphelpsmt · 5 years ago
Fully equipped for my first.... #openwater #triathlon! My first #pool #tri is in May but I take on an open water #olympictriathlon in June! Thank you @ketowke for the #birthdaygift AND yes, it took me a LOT longer to get this on than what the video portrays..... #justsayin’ #ineedpractice . #swimming #triathlonswimming #triathleteintraining #herewego! https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VIKrvhLs7/?igshid=cbxijqzic1iq
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swimmingclassuk-blog · 5 years ago
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👌 Swimming drills require different types of equipment. Here are a few that we like. ✔️ What's your favourite bit of pool kit? 👀.. . . #barbican #clerkenwell #farringdon #shoreditch #triathlonswimming #triathlon #londontriathlon #swimlife (at City of London School for Girls) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3T6vtmh4uz/?igshid=1n18m6dauxz4x
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totalfit-blog · 6 years ago
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BD! activos todos?!☕️🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♂️💣🔥🇻🇪. Fondo en su máxima expresión! 4 horas de Rueda continua, donde estaremos la mayor parte de la misma en el@punto alto de Zona 2, con entradas a Zona 3 esporádicas, nada muy estresante! Hoy es el día donde practicaremos nuestra alimentación e hidratación para que el día de la competencia sea un reflejo condicionado, sin necesidad de pensar mucho que necesito hacer! Trabajaremos resistencia muscular, fatiga, y estaremos dándole a nuestro organismo de producir más vasos capilares, mejorar la condición cardiovascular, entrenar las fibras rápidas a que no se agoten tan rápido! En fin, los beneficios de esta sesión son innumerables! Sácale el mayor provecho posible! #triathlon #triathloncoach #coachtriathlon #triathlonswimming #triathlonswim #cyclingcoach #coachcycling #indoorcycling #spinning #spinningcoach #runningcoach #runningcoaching #runcoach #coachrunning #triathlon #Workingonyour19ATP (at Anywhere Everywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bskth88nObw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c0812i8503h4
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sammacintoshtraining-blog · 6 years ago
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My pasty white legs and I enjoyed 10 x 200m steady this morning after three days rest. - #backinthegame #IronSam🏊‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏃‍♀️ #Triathlon #triathlontraining #triathlonlife #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlifestyle #IRONMAN #triathlonmotivation #triathlonsprint #triathlongram #triathlonworld #triathlonintheworld #triathlonofficial #triathlongirls #triathlonswim #triathlonteam #triathlontime #triathlontips #triathlonrace #triathlonfood #triathlontrainning #triathlonphotography #triathlonpics #triathlonlove https://www.instagram.com/p/BqJ5t5djRUm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14zjxg6wchuks
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valofthevilla · 4 years ago
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Same pool, different season 😂☀️ . Kicking off the week strong and with new “official” goals. 😳 . Excited for the 2021 possibilities 🤩 . #poolday #swimday #houstonweatherbelike #houstontx #houstonfitness #bettydesigns #bettysquad2020 #bettysquad2021 #disrupttheracecourse #doepicshit #badassisbeautiful #swimbikerunrepeat #swimbikerun #bikiniweather #tridottraining #tridotambassador #tridot #fitmomof4 #fitfluential #itsalifestyle #triathlonswim #triathlonlife #chlorineismyperfume #imtx703 #imtx2021 #imtx #ironmantraining #roadtoironman (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG1Q_D3gxhY/?igshid=4cuawz7cpo33
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newwaveswimbuoy · 6 years ago
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Credit to @roberts_fitness280 : Morning paddle with @madi.whitt while Rob and Doug train for Ironman lake placid rockin the new wave swim buoys posted on Instagram - https://newaveswim.com/2xxCkKv
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