Coach Stephanie Holbrook
270 posts
Helping everyday people become endurance athletes. Visit me at:
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coachstephanieholbrook · 1 month ago
The Continuous Glucose Monitoring Revolution, Dr. Kolodzik
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
Johnathan Edwards - Author of The Revolutionary Ketamine
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
The Inspiring Tale of How Fat Adaptation Empowered One Athlete’s Comeback - Stuart Mason’s Journey
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
How to Use Strategic Carbs with Peter Defty
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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Open Water Swim + Run Lake Pleasant North Boat Ramp 7:00 am Call me with questions: 623-910-1711 @firstwaveendurance #wildswimming #openwaterswimming #firstwaveendurance #coachstephanieholbrook #triathlontraining #ironmantraining #outdoorswimming #swimming #wildswim #lakepleasant #azows #arizonaopenwater #sharetheswimlove #swimwildandfree #nature #getoutside #coldwater #swim #swimwild #adventure #wildswimmer #openwater #coldwatertherapy #outdoorswimmer #lakeswimming #openwaterswim
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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It's been more than a decade since I took on Ironman Arizona, and if I could go back in time, I would have trained smarter. All these years later, learning from my experience, I now use fat-adapted nutrition, strength training, and smarter pacing to put endurance athletes in the best position to succeed—fit, fast and healthy! Don’t make the same mistakes I did—let me help you become an Ironman! #Ironman #ironmantraining #ironmantri #ironmantriathlete #ironmanarizona #IMAZ #endurancesports #fatadapted #strategiccarbs #eatprotein
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
i’m back
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
Im Back! New name, focusijg on all things wnduance
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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If you're looking to take your running game to the next level, improving your running cadence is the way to go! By increasing your cadence, you can reduce the risk of injury, improve overall running efficiency, and ultimately run faster. How? It's simple: by taking more frequent, shorter strides, you'll put less strain on your joints and muscles, and reduce the risk of injury. Plus, with a faster cadence, you'll naturally move more quickly, boosting your overall speed and performance. So don't forget to focus on your cadence the next time you lace up those running shoes. Trust us - your body will thank you! 🏃‍♂️💪👟 #ImproveSpeed #AvoidInjury #RunningCadence #runningform #posemethodcoach #posemethodrunning #injuryprevention
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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It takes the average person between 35-45 minutes to walk 2 miles, depending on factors such as their walking speed and terrain. Walking two miles is a great way to get some moderate exercise and help improve your overall fitness. If you are just starting out with walking as a form of exercise, it is best to start off slow and gradually increase the distance over time. With consistency, dedication and patience, you can easily become a regular 2-mile walker! #RegularExerciser #TwoMileWalker
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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#running #runner #run #runningchallenge #runninggirl #alwaysontherun #runningtips #runningquotes #neverstoprunning
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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It is Impossible Until It IS DONE As a coach, one of my biggest thrills is seeing the athletes I work with reach their goals. Congrats to J. An athlete who I work with just finished his second Mainly Marathon Series. Because he is an overachiever, he added a few extra miles one day to make it an ultra. Despite only training four days a week, J follows a strict meat-based diet ramping up to his event. About two weeks before he starts adding in the strategic carbs. He uses strategic carbs for added fuel through his six marathons (actually five marathons and one ultra-marathon). Post-event, he reverts to a meat-based diet. He optimizes his fuel to give him the best possible performance. Fat adaptation and strategically supplemented with carbohydrates gave him the fuel he needed to finish with a smile on his face and still a spring in his step. With hard work and dedication, J proved that anything is possible - especially when you're a fat-adapted endurance athlete! #mainlymarathons #running #marathons #marathonrunner #running #runningmotivation #runnersofinstagram #runninginspiration #runningmakesmehappy #runningclub #instarunners #therunningcommunity #runstagram #runnerscommunity #adidas #training #marathontraining #fitness #health #exercise #ketoadapted #fatadapted #fitnessjourney #strategiccarbs #carbcycling #brooksrunning #athletes #ketoadapted
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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1. Start with a proper warm-up: 2. Gradually increase your mileage 3. Incorporate strength training 4. Wear the right shoes: 5. Listen to your body: 6. Rest and recover
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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One of the reasons I love endurance sports. Endurance athletes are looking for the future: the next training session, the next race, the birthday, and the next age group.
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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Stop Wishing, Start Doing. Action and consistency will get you from the first steps to the finish line. #running #starttofinish #finishline #doit #yougotthis #justkeeprunning
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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I have always had a hard time maintaining my weight. I would easily gain weight and it felt virtually impossible to lose even a single pound. That all changed when I started following the carnivore diet in 2015 - while my energy levels increased, other issues such as joint pain and brain fog emerged. It was then that I discovered my MTHFR A1298C gene defect, which is related to methylation and detoxification problems. After further research, I began to take B-Vitamins as recommended by Dr. Elizabeth Grady, although she noted that this was not something that needed to be taken for life - just until my body balanced itself out again. Sure enough, after taking the vitamins for an extended period of time the scale started shifting downwards, inches were lost and the brain fog and oxalate dumping stopped! My health has been quite a journey but now it seems like the mystery is being resolved - thanks to the MTHFR gene defect being identified and appropriate treatment given it's now easier than ever before for me to reach a healthy balance both mentally and physically. #mthfrmutation #mthfr #mthfrexperts #biomeiq #health #healthy #guthealth #healthygut #wellness #mthfrgenemutation #mthfrawareness #mthfrliving #mthfrwarrior #mthfrmutation #mthfreating #mthfrsupport #mthfrc677t #mthfrdetox #mthfrhealing #mthfra1298c #mthfrgene  #vitamind #vitamins #sunlight #immunesystem #immunology #dopamine #mood #hormones #bvitamins #enduranceathlete
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coachstephanieholbrook · 2 years ago
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I found out about Ironman triathlons in 2004, and the idea was incredible: to cover the distance of 140.6 miles in one day. It seemed like a superhuman feat, making me want to do one. With the help of a coach, fellow athletes, and my family, I completed Ironman Arizona in 2007 - an experience I will never forget! Whenever people hear what I've done, they often ask, 'How did you do it?' My answer is always this: the first step is wanting it badly enough, and the second step is making the choice that you are going to train every day despite any fear or roadblocks that stand in your way. If you take these two steps, then you can achieve anything! My next goal... Gravel Cycling... Steamboat Springs, Here I come... #triathlon #trilife #triathlonlife #triathlonmotivation #ironmantriathlon #triathlonworld #triathletes #triathlons #swimbikerun #ironmantraining #tritraining #triathlete #triathlontraining # #triathloncoach #ATHLETICA_AI #growthesport #raceformore #ironmanfoundation #Athleticaambassador #growthesport #TeamAthletica #vespaambassador @athletica_ai @azwomenracing @firstwaveendurance @vespa_endurance
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