#pilates vs yoga
housekeepinginfo · 2 months
What to Bring to Yoga Class: Essential Gear Guide
Getting ready for yoga class is more than just bringing your mat. You need the right gear and equipment for a safe and fun practice. This guide will show you the must-have items for your next yoga session.
Whether you're new to yoga or have been practicing for years, the right gear makes a big difference. We'll cover everything from the best yoga mat to helpful props. You'll be ready and confident for your yoga class.
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Exercise to Reduce Belly Fat || Yoga Pilates Reduce Belly Fat #weightlos...
Pilates may be a better option for reducing belly fat. Because it targets the deepest layer of the abdominals, Pilates is superior to the gym for losing belly fat.
Pilates is an incredible low effect, simple on-the-knees method for conditioning and shapes the lower body, especially the butt and thighs
Read More:  The Growing Epidemic of Obesity
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mywellnessdiaries · 10 months
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thigh g4p 🖤💕
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fitforestfairy · 4 months
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Kind reminder that it takes time to see results.
No matter what it is that you’re working on right now, keep going 🌱 🪴 🌸
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octobercowboy · 2 months
okay so i know it’s a thing in the disability community of “have you tried yoga?” i did and actually it was awful.
you know what actually helped me and was recommended to me in physical therapy? modified pilates exercises.
it helps build a lot of strength around your joints and much of it can be done in a laying down position.
it’s not for everyone and by no means will it help every disabled person but i just wanted to say that it did help my overall joint stability
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freeonlineworkouts · 5 months
Pilates vs yoga difference
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tranquilyoga · 1 year
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Understand the differences between yoga and Pilates? Learn about history, benefits & principles of both yoga and Pilates, To know more about us visit Tranquil Yoga.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
What is being called in this month vs whats being left behind:
Not only is it a new month, but also a change in seasons, the perfect opportunity to reflect and realign. 
What’s going out: 
Social Media: Just imagine how liberating it feels to finally be done with checking your phone? To no longer loose precious hours of your life, scrolling. Deleting the apps and not being part of the crowd feels so freeing and exclusive, like you just went to pilates, received a gorgeous bunch of flowers, and copped a new dress for your Thailand trip…and it’s all for you. Life feels so much more personal. No one else in your business. No fronting, no taking 20 shots to get the perfect one to post. No comparing your life to others. There is no extra energy being directed at you because you no longer partaking in the circus. 
Rushing & Stressing: It might seem unimportant to highlight this fact, but the stress on your body from constantly rushing and panicking can actually cause sickness. The stress hormones in your body go into overdrive, and overtime this can cause serious harm. Besides that who wants to be that rushed, stressed out woman? Is she who you aspire to be? If not, what shifts do you need to make so your day is better organised? This new season is replacing stress with peace.
Subscribing to a life that is not in alignment: You know in your heart what you love, the environments that nurtures you, the weekends that fill your heart. But somehow...you choose to live a life that rejects your hearts desires. You settle. Why waste your life, going to pubs and drinking when you really want to be sipping herbal teas and hiking mountains on the weekend? Why subscribe to an office job because everyone else is when you really want to be volunteering for a charity in Nepal? The power is in your choice. The change may not happen overnight. But the change needs to happen, to be in motion. Saying no to what doesn’t feel right in your life, will create new space for what truly sets your soul on fire. 
What’s coming in:
Nourishment on a whole new level: It’s always sickness that causes us to really value health. But, why wait. Investing in your health to ensure you feel at your very best will benefit you in ways you can only dream of. You sleep better, your skin is brighter, your levels of respect for yourself are so much higher because you are FULLY invested in your wellbeing. You make smarter food shopping choices, you educate yourself about what nourishes you. You carve out time to listen to your body. What does it need? What needs to be healed? Boys, drama, gossip? No time for that, you are too busy reading up on Ayurvedic medicine and at your yoga class. You deeply love yourself, and it shows through your levels of self-nourishment.
Strong boundaries with the people in your life: That emotionally unstable friend that dumps all her traumas, worries, stress on you to the point that it's effecting your energy. Create a boundary. The guy you went on a date with that keeps yo-yoing in and out of your life. Create a boundary. The other friend that keeps cancelling last minute, create a boundary. The difficult thing about boundaries, is that often we have never been taught how to make them. What does it even look like to tell someone they are SEVERELY affecting your day, your mood, your entire life without raging or hiding in a corner? Learning what your needs are is a good starting point. What do I need from this person? You have all the answers within. Learn better boundaries, so people around you don’t get the better of you.  
Carving out time for soul passions: Life will be life, the day will be filled with the usual, work, study, cleaning, eating, washing, seeing people. But what about you? What about that little fire inside you that needs some kindling? It might need you to start writing, to maybe wake up a little earlier so you can carve out an hour to pour into your passions. The more you do this, the more the fire inside you will grow, you are feeding your soul, you’ll feel better, and the guilt of not listening to your inner voice will no longer haunt you. There’s no more sleeping on yourself, this season is for the soul. 
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Daily Check-in: April 20, 2024 🎀
No update for Friday as all I did was go to class then go to work, come home, and sleep. But Saturday was a very good day and I feel as tho I did a good amount of things! And I feel good about the thing I did! <3
🩷 What I Accomplished:
woke up early before work (didn't hit my alarm three times and wake up tired, like I've been doing)
worked a ~7hour shift
agreed to cover a coworkers morning shift on Sunday 4/21
created a budget/ work plan for next semester to see how much I can make vs what most of my spending will look like
made an appointment to get a tattoo at the beginning of May (it's a tattoo to honor my dad and my late mother, who will have been gone 10 years this year. I wanted to honor my dad with the tattoo as well because he has been an amazing parent for the last 10 years, and I love and appreciate him so much)
booked an intro class at club pilates for mid-may (finally going to see if I enjoy it, and if so, will continue taking classes next semester!)
did a morning yoga workout
reflected on why I've been having a hard time sticking to my goals/daily tasks lately
washed my laundry (didn't put away tho)
💞 Good Things That Happened:
my friend gave me a ride to work
my favorite supervisor gave me a ride home from work
ate some spicy cheesey ramen
had a really good day at work
was able to request a day off work for beginning of May
got told my tattoo won't cost as much as I had thought
talked more with my roommates
💔 What Could've Gone Better:
drank too much coffee, and too late at night
had a near panic attack because of the coffee and cried myself to sleep
didn't zoom with my boyfriend because of how bad the coffee made me feel
lost trust with a different supervisor that I had thought was cool with me ( made me realize you can't trust most men to keep their word nowadays. not all men. just the men where I live at least.)
didn't study anything or do anything I felt was productive
💗 Stuff For Sunday:
work a shift
clean bathroom
wash pillowcases and towels
dust bedroom
practice some past chemistry homework problems
pick up medication from pharmacy after work
draw up rough sketch of tattoo idea
morning yoga?? we shall see
DONT drink too much caffiene
til next time lovelies 🩷
p.s Check Out My Depop shop!
💕 Song of The Day: Pied Piper - BTS
this song has been making me feel the same way that House of Cards has, which is saying a lot. I love this song so much right now.
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dreamgrlarchive · 2 years
how you describe your aesthetic now, it’s changed from when i was really active on tumblr a while ago
one thing is i have a very specific color palette now. i used to wear and like whatever. blues reds oranges. (you’d have to pay me to get me to wear those colors now) now i find it extremely hard to like anything that’s not pink or neutral. and it’s not to fit into any aesthetic of some sort… i’m just maturing into someone that literally only ever wears or buys shit that’s pink black white gray or nude/brown. that way everything in my closet can be worn together MUCH more easily. i’m really obsessed with the balletcore/pink pilates princess look now vs when i was obsessed with now nighttime glam type of looks. it’s the same kinda vibe, im still serving video vixen. just more polished, cohesive and unapologetically hyperfeminine. think video vixen that spends her time studying, doing self care and going to yoga and pilates classes when she’s not the leading lady in a music video.
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Yoga Pilates Reduce Thigh and Belly Fat#short #reducebellyfat #bellyfatl...
Pilates is an incredible low effect, simple on-the-knees method for conditioning and shape the lower body, especially the butt and thighs.
Pilates may be a better option for reducing belly fat. Because it targets the deepest layer of the abdominals, Pilates is superior to the gym for losing belly fat.
Read More : Discover the Art of Deep Relaxation 
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Understanding the Distinction: Gym vs. Fitness Studio
Are you looking to start or continue your fitness journey but unsure whether to join a gym or fitness studio? While both of these settings offer spaces for exercise, there are essential differences that you should be aware of before making a decision. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, understanding these dissimilarities can help you find the best fit for your needs and goals. This article will explore the differences between a gym and a fitness studio to help guide your decision-making process.
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What’s the Difference Between a Gym and a Fitness Studio?
1) Setting:
The first and most glaring difference between a gym and a fitness studio is their set up. A gym is usually a large facility with a vast floor plan that hosts multiple types of equipment, ranging from free weights to cardio machines, and often includes amenities such as locker rooms and showers. On the other hand, a fitness studio tends to be more compact, featuring specialized equipment, such as Pilates reformers, yoga mats, or even stationary bikes. Therefore, if you prefer a diverse range of exercise equipment, a gym in Coquitlam is the best option; if you’re looking for group training with personalized attention, a fitness studio might be the way to go.
2) Community:
The second factor that distinguishes a gym from a fitness studio is the sense of community found in each setting. A gym is likely to have a more diverse clientele, including those whose fitness levels and objectives differ significantly. Some people thrive in this environment and enjoy the social aspects of a gym; others may find the environment intimidating or impersonal. On the other hand, fitness studios in Coquitlam tend to foster a more intimate sense of community, especially those specializing in one or two types of activities. This can create a supportive environment for individuals who prefer to work out with like-minded individuals.
3) Cost:
Another significant difference between a gym and fitness studio is the cost involved. Membership fees for a gym vary depending on the location, amenities, and duration of the membership. In contrast, fitness studio rates tend to be higher, reflecting the specialized nature and personal attention of the services they offer. If you plan to work out frequently, a gym membership may be more economical for you. However, if you prefer personalized instruction and attention, the higher cost of a fitness studio may be worth it.
4) Style of Training:
Fitness studios and gyms also tend to cater to different styles of workouts. For example, if your goal is to gain muscle and lift heavy weights, a gym would be the better fit for your needs. On the other hand, if you want to improve your flexibility and posture, a yoga or Pilates studio would be an excellent option. Additionally, fitness studios are likely to offer specialized group fitness classes like barre, dance, or boxing that are not often available in a traditional gym. If you’re looking to diversify your workout routine or seek a novel activity, a fitness studio might be the way to go.
5) Personalized Attention:
Finally, the level of personal attention you receive while working out is essential to consider. Many fitness studios prioritize personal attention and tailored workout routines, allowing clients to achieve their desired results more efficiently. Gyms, on the other hand, operate on a more self-directed model. While some gyms offer personal training services for an additional fee, it may not be as tailored as the services offered at a fitness studio.
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Conclusion: Gym vs. Fitness Studio
In conclusion, there is no universal answer to whether joining a gym or fitness studio is the best choice. It comes down to your personal preferences, fitness goals, and budget. We hope that our discussion of the differences between a gym and fitness studio has helped you choose the fitness environment that best suits your needs. Remember, whether you choose a gym or fitness studio, the most important part is finding an environment that motivates you to achieve your fitness objectives. Ultimately, if you enjoy your workout and are motivated to continue towards your goals, that’s the most important factor!
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iamkenlee-blog · 2 years
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"필라테스 vs 요가"
모 잡지에 투고할 글 쓰는 중에 필라테스를 거론해야 할 필요가 생김. '플리커(flickr)'란 웹페이지에서 필라테스 창시자 이름인 'Joseph Pilates'를 넣으면 필라테스 본인 사진과 함께 예수가 고난받는 성화가 올라온다. 개역한글 성경에 나오는 '본디오 빌라도'의 원래 이름이 폰티우스 필라테(Pontius Pilate)인데 'Pilate = Pilatus = Pilates'이다. 스위스 루체른 근처엔 필라투스 산(Pilatus Mountain)이 있다. 산이름 때문에 본디오 빌라도가 이곳에 묻혔다는 전설이 있다. 즉 검색어로 '요셉 빌라도'를 넣으니 관련 인물로 '본디오 빌라도'가 검색돼 연관 이미지로 예수 그림이 떴을 것이다.
'픽사베이(Pixabay)'에선 'Joseph Pilates'로는 아예 결과가 없고 'Pilates'를 넣으면 필라테스와 요가 이미지가 반반씩 섞여 나온다. 요즘 한국에선 기구 필라테스가 대세이긴 하지만, 원래 필라테스 안에는 재활, 기구, 매트 등 세 종목이 있다. 이 중 매트 필라테스를 요가와 헷갈리는 듯.
한국 사람들 뇌리에 형성된 요가는 모두 미국을 통해 들어온 것들이다. 본래 인도의 요가는 힌두교 수행법으로 고행 포함해 온갖 황당무계한 짓이 다 들어 있다. 이 중 '아사나'라고 하는 요소만을 떼어 체계를 세운 뒤 미국에서 건강법으로 재탄생한 것. 일반인 눈엔 매트 필라테스와 요가 아사나 사이 구별이 잘 안되는 듯하나  동작 자체는 완전히 다르다. 다만, 둘 다 어차피 사람이 행하는 거다 보니 본질로 들어가면 대동소이한 면이 있다.
한국에선 70년대 중후반에 무용가 홍신자 씨에 의해 처음 요가가 알려진 거로 안다. 홍신자 씨 스승인 오쇼 라즈니쉬도 미국에서 유명해진 인물이다. 몇 년 전 유행했던 '핫요가'는 비크람이라는 인도인이 미국에 이식한 거고, 빡센 요가로 유명한 '아쉬탕가 요가' 역시 본부는 인도의 마이소르(Mysore)란 곳에 있지만 미국에서 성공했기 때문에 한국에 알려진 것. 이처럼 요가가 미국을 통해 유입되다 보니 한국에서 요가 지도하는 선생 중에는 요가의 기본 경전으로 알려진 파탄잘리란 인물이 쓴 '요가 수트라' 책의 존재마저 모르는 사람이 상당히 많은 거 같다. 물론 어차피 요가를 행하는 목적이 '건강'이라면 굳이 이런 책 안 읽어도 무방하긴 하다. 난 덕질이 취미라 이거 외에도 국내에 번역돼 나온 요가 관련 경전을 대충 다 읽긴 했지만. 여담으로 아쉬탕가 요가에 대해서도 의문점이 꽤 있다. 무엇보다 이 요가법의 근간이 됐다고 주장하는 '요가 쿠룬타(Yoga Kurunta)'라는 문서가 정체불명이다. 아마존에서 검색해 봐도 영문 번역본조차 나온 바가 없는 것 같다.
내가 필라테스에 처음 관심을 두게 된 계기는 국내에 번역돼 널리 읽힌 '신비의 스트레칭 요가 - 필라테스 바디(브룩 실러 저)'란 책 때문. 그러고 보니 여기에도 요가와 필라테스를 막 섞어 썼네. 아마 편집자가 책 많이 팔아먹으려고 잔꾀를 부린 듯하다. 그리고 마리 윈저(Mari Winsor)라는 분(2020년 루게릭병으로 작고하심)이 나오는 필라테스 훈련 영상을 봤는데 매 동작마다 "파워하우스를 쓰세요(Use the powerhouse)"란 말을 계속하는 것이다. 동영상 시청 후 '필라테스 바디' 책을 다시 읽으니 '파워하우스'가 필라테스의 핵심이라는 게 비로소 눈에 들어왔다.
단전(丹田)은 "배꼽 아래 3cm, 안쪽으로 3cm"에 자리 잡고 있다지만 해부학적으론 소장, 대장 같은 내장만 있을 뿐 눈에 보이는 뭔가가 있는 건 아니다. 단전이란 용어를 모르는 사람은 거의 없다. 정작 이에 관한 설명은 수련 단체마다 조금씩 달라 종잡을 수가 없을 때가 많다. 어느 날 필라테스 핵심 개념인 '파워하우스(Powerhouse)'가 단전과 아래와 같이 절묘한 대구를 이룬단 걸 우연히 발견했다.
  丹 : 田 = Power : House
우리말로 풀어 쓰면 "에너지가 모이는 밭 (=丹田) = 힘내는 집 (=Powerhouse) = 몸 안의 발전소" 란 말이다. ‘단전’이란 말속에 담긴 갖가지 신비주의 요소를 제거해 버리면, 단전을 파워하우스라 단정해도 큰 무리는 없다. 동양이나 서양이나 다 같은 사람이므로 당연히 본질을 공유할 수밖에 없는 것.
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gracify · 7 days
We normally get confused while buying a yoga mat that is an Exercise Mat the same as a Yoga Mat. Usually, mats look the same to a new person or beginner but in reality, a fitness or workout exercise mat has huge differences from a yoga mat in functionality and usage.
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whitehatlink · 15 days
Comparing the Benefits of Pilates for Pregnant Women vs Other Exercise Forms
Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes, and maintaining fitness can help manage these physical transitions. However, choosing the right exercise during pregnancy is crucial to ensure safety and effectiveness. While many forms of exercise are beneficial, pregnancy Pilates West Sussex has gained popularity for its targeted approach. This article will compare the benefits of Pilates for pregnant women with other forms of exercise, highlighting why pregnancy Pilates Midhurst might be an ideal choice for expectant mothers.
The Importance of Exercise During Pregnancy
Before diving into comparisons, it's essential to understand why exercise during pregnancy is important. Regular physical activity helps improve posture, manage weight, reduce stress, and decrease the chances of complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Moreover, exercises tailored for pregnancy support the growing body, reduce lower back pain, and prepare women for labour and delivery.
While most types of exercise can offer these benefits, the right choice depends on the intensity, safety, and suitability for the expectant mother’s changing body.
Benefits of Pilates for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Pilates West Sussex is highly regarded due to its gentle yet effective movements that are designed to accommodate a woman’s changing body. Here are some unique benefits that Pilates offers for pregnant women:
Core Strengthening
Pilates focuses on strengthening the deep core muscles, including the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, which are essential for supporting the growing baby and alleviating pressure on the spine. Strengthening these muscles through pregnancy Pilates Midhurst can reduce lower back pain and promote a smoother delivery by preparing the body for labour.
Improved Flexibility and Balance
As pregnancy progresses, the body’s centre of gravity shifts, often affecting balance and flexibility. Pilates helps improve flexibility in a controlled and safe manner, ensuring that the pregnant woman remains mobile. Additionally, it helps in improving balance by strengthening stabilising muscles, which can help reduce the risk of falls.
Gentle Movements Suitable for All Trimesters
Unlike other high-impact exercises, Pilates movements are low-impact and can be modified to suit each trimester. Pregnancy Pilates West Sussex can be adapted to the individual needs of each expectant mother, ensuring that the exercises remain safe and comfortable throughout the pregnancy.
Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
One of the core principles of Pilates is controlled breathing, which helps expectant mothers relax and manage stress. The breathing techniques learned in Pilates can also be beneficial during labour, assisting women in staying calm and focused.
Comparing Pilates with Other Exercise Forms
While Pilates offers a range of benefits specifically designed for pregnancy, it is essential to compare it with other popular exercise forms, such as swimming, yoga, and walking.
Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that is gentle on the joints due to the buoyancy of the water. It helps in improving overall fitness and reducing swelling in the legs and ankles. However, while swimming is great for general well-being, it doesn’t offer the same level of targeted core strengthening and balance improvements that pregnancy Pilates Midhurst does.
Pregnancy yoga is another popular choice, focusing on flexibility, breathing, and relaxation. While similar to Pilates in many ways, yoga can sometimes involve positions that are less focused on core stability. Pilates, on the other hand, puts a stronger emphasis on strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which are crucial during pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
Walking is perhaps the most accessible form of exercise and is beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular health. However, it does not provide the same level of strength training or flexibility improvement that Pilates offers. Walking is a great addition to a fitness routine but may not be enough to address pregnancy-specific concerns like core stability and pelvic floor strength.
Why Pilates Stands Out for Pregnancy
Pilates is uniquely suited to address the challenges of pregnancy, offering a holistic approach that combines strength, flexibility, and relaxation. The focus on deep core muscles, including the pelvic floor, is invaluable for expectant mothers. Moreover, the adaptability of Pilates ensures that women can continue practising it safely throughout all stages of pregnancy. This is why pregnancy Pilates West Sussex has become a go-to choice for many women looking to stay fit while expecting.
In conclusion, while swimming, yoga, and walking offer various benefits, pregnancy Pilates Midhurst stands out as a comprehensive exercise form that targets the areas most affected by pregnancy. It not only prepares the body for labour but also ensures a smoother recovery post-delivery.
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freeformboard · 1 month
If you’re going to spend 30 or 60 seconds performaning an exercise, you might as well do this circular pike vs a purely sagital plane linear pike. The circular version will recruit the rectus abdominus and hip flexors but also the obliques, QL and a whole series of synergistic and stabilizer muscles.
This is true not only for the core muscles but also for the chest, shoulders and upper body in general.
The Power Plate further increases neuromuscluar activation by oscillating up and down 35 times every second.
You really can acheive “better results faster” by treating your body as a complex organic system vs a linear mechanistic system. You will also develop better coordinarion and movement dexterity.
#freeformboard #pilates #yoga #hipflexor #core #coreworkout #abs #absworkout #obliques #sixpack #chest #chestworkout #upperbody #powerplate #wholebodyvibration #fyp
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