#how to get certified as a yoga instructor
housekeepinginfo · 2 months
What to Bring to Yoga Class: Essential Gear Guide
Getting ready for yoga class is more than just bringing your mat. You need the right gear and equipment for a safe and fun practice. This guide will show you the must-have items for your next yoga session.
Whether you're new to yoga or have been practicing for years, the right gear makes a big difference. We'll cover everything from the best yoga mat to helpful props. You'll be ready and confident for your yoga class.
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ros3ybabes · 4 months
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🎀 Workout Youtubers
I currently do exclusively pilates and yoga workouts from youtube. However, I've done other body weight workouts with various youtube videos and seen results in the past. Here is my list of workout youtubers that you could check out! I will put a * next to my personal favorites! I will include a short list of my current at home workout equipment at the end as well as some items I plan on buying soon!
With any workout program or routine, always be safe, check with your doctor if necessary, and if something doesn't feel good or right, don't do it! No matter what your goals are, it's always important to be safe and stay healthy. Please always take care of yourselves and know how beautiful, worthy and valuable you are no matter what! I love you all <333
🩷 Pilates
Move with Nicole * (also posts occasionally barre and yoga videos as well! I love her videos so so much)
Madeleine Abeid
Lidia Mera
Lottie Murphy
Amanda Blauer
Margaret Elizabeth
Jessica Valant Pilates
Bailey Brown
Dansique Fitness
Flow with Mira
Sivi (she's began posting some pilates inspired workouts and to my knowledge is currently getting certified as an instructor)
🩷 Yoga
Yoga with Adriene *
Yoga with Bird
Boho Beuatiful Yoga
🩷 Bodyweight Fitness/Strength/HIIT
Chloe Ting * (I don't like the click bait, but I like the workouts)
Pamela Reif *
Madfit *
Lilly Sabri * (Some of her videos are titled with pilates, but the older ones I used to do were not pilates, so I categorized her here)
Emi Wong
Shirlyn Kim
Vivian Yuan
April Han
growwithjo * (I love her walking workouts)
Mish Choi
Sami Clarke
Coach Kel (she posts what looks like more barre, ballet, pilates inspored/fusion workouts it seems)
Caroline Girvan
Daisy Keech
🎀 Current At Home Workout Equipment I Own
Thick Yoga Mat - since I do mainly yoga and pilates my thick yoga may (amazon brand) has served me well. Even tho I am a heavier woman at the moment, I've never had pain or any issues with this mat, and it came with a carry strap which I love! A good, thick workout mat is definitely necessary for working out at home for comfort, safety, etc. Make sure to disinfect it on occasion, especially if you sweat on it a lot!
Resistance Bands - I have about 3 or 4 at different resistance strengths, and they're incredibly useful for a variety of movements, especially lower body ones. They add some extra resistance and make the workouts a bit more challenging when you need something more advanced. I also got mine from Amazon/Walmart a while back. I prefer fabric over rubber because I like to wear workout shorts instead of workout leggings.
Pilates Ball - not a necessity, but useful with some pilates workouts and movements. I have seen sole videos using this, but am not advanced enough to try it on my own yet. Will use for sure once I'm more advanced.
3lb dumbbells - I thought these would be useful for the pilates workouts that had some upper body focus, and as someone who wants to develop a lean and toned upper body, they are perfect for low weight high rep, controlled movements. Again, not advanced enough to use as I want to master my form, but they're gonna come in handy for sure!
Foam Roller - so so good for stretching and muscle recovery on rest days. I love mine but want one that has the bump things on it to help my muscles more. I can imagine how good it'll feel on my legs during a recovery day when I begin wieght lifting again.
Massage Gun - my holy grail for the days I am sore and needing some recovery. my body feels like jelly after using this, and it's just so nice for the days my muscles feel extra tight and super sore.
🎀 Equipment I Want To Buy
Yoga Blocks - these will help me get deeper into the yoga poses once I get more advanced in my practice
Pilates Ring - this honestly looks so fun and challenging to use, I'd love to add it to my collection of useful workout equipment!
Jump Rope - I used to love this as a form of cardio and as long as I don't move into an upstairs apartment, I'm definitely buying one
Pilates Bar - still iffy on this one, it's supposed to mimic a reformer but I want to get better at mat pilates and see if I even end up ever needing or seriously wanting to buy it, its on my list tho
Ankle/Wrist weights - these are gonna be so useful for workouts where hand held dumbbells aren't useful. Want to buy some low weight ones just to help with resistance and extra strength during pilates workouts
Kettlebell weight - I think this would be useful for a workout at home type situation if and when I switch to not doing just pilates and yoga. I know these are useful in their own right, but not needed in my current fitness stage of life.
Core Sliders - these look fun and interesting. They're on my lost for sure, but not sure about the practicality of their use in my life just yet.
That's all that's currently on my at home workout equipment list! As someone who primarily works out at home, the things I currently own are most useful and most of what's on this list is for fun or extra challenge. Just not necessary yet.
hope you enjoyed this list! if you have any questions about my favorite youtuber workout instructors or favorite videos, please feel free to ask, I've tried so many and can give some guidance from my own experience and research.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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nourishandthrive · 3 months
Exploring Different Types of Meditation
Meditation is a powerful practice for reducing stress, enhancing focus, and promoting overall well-being. With various styles to choose from, it's important to find the type that best suits your needs and preferences. Here’s an overview of different types of meditation and how they can benefit you.
Mindfulness Meditation
Focus on the Present Moment: Mindfulness meditation involves paying attention to your thoughts, sensations, and feelings without judgment. This practice helps you stay present and aware.
Improves focus, reduces stress, enhances emotional regulation, and promotes overall mental clarity.
How to Practice: Find a quiet place to sit comfortably. Focus on your breath and observe your thoughts and sensations as they arise, without getting attached to them.
Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta)
Cultivate Compassion: Loving-kindness meditation focuses on developing feelings of compassion, love, and goodwill towards yourself and others.
Increases empathy, reduces anger, and promotes positive emotions.
How to Practice: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Silently repeat phrases like “May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe.” Gradually extend these wishes to others, including loved ones and even those with whom you have conflicts.
Body Scan Meditation
Increase Body Awareness: Body scan meditation involves paying attention to different parts of your body, from head to toe, and noticing any sensations or tension.
Reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and increases body awareness.
How to Practice: Lie down or sit comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Slowly shift your attention to different parts of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head, noticing any sensations without judgment.
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Use of Mantras: Transcendental Meditation involves silently repeating a specific mantra to achieve a state of relaxed awareness.
Reduces stress, improves focus, and enhances overall well-being.
How to Practice: Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Silently repeat a mantra provided by a certified TM teacher. Practice for about 20 minutes, twice a day.
Guided Meditation
Follow Along with Instructions: Guided meditation involves listening to a guide or instructor who leads you through the meditation process, often focusing on visualization and relaxation.
Reduces stress, enhances relaxation, and is helpful for beginners.
How to Practice: Use an app, audio recording, or attend a guided meditation session. Follow the instructions and focus on the guide’s voice.
Zen Meditation (Zazen)
Embrace Stillness and Discipline: Zen meditation, or Zazen, is a form of seated meditation that focuses on observing the breath and being present in the moment.
Improves focus, enhances mindfulness, and promotes a sense of calm.
How to Practice: Sit in a comfortable position, usually cross-legged, with your spine straight. Focus on your breath and let go of any thoughts that arise, returning to your breath as needed.
Vipassana Meditation
Insight Meditation: Vipassana, meaning “insight,” focuses on observing thoughts and sensations with the aim of gaining insight into the nature of existence.
Increases self-awareness, reduces stress, and promotes emotional healing.
How to Practice: Sit quietly and focus on your breath. Observe bodily sensations and thoughts as they arise, noting them without attachment.
Yoga Nidra
Yogic Sleep: Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation practice that induces deep relaxation and conscious awareness in a sleep-like state.
Reduces stress, improves sleep quality, and promotes deep relaxation.
How to Practice: Lie down in a comfortable position. Follow a guided Yoga Nidra session, focusing on different body parts, breathing, and visualization.
Chakra Meditation
Balance Energy Centers: Chakra meditation involves focusing on the body’s energy centers, or chakras, to promote balance and harmony.
Enhances emotional and physical well-being, increases energy, and promotes spiritual growth.
How to Practice: Sit comfortably and focus on each chakra, starting from the base of the spine and moving up to the crown of the head. Visualize each chakra and its associated color, and breathe into each one.
Exploring different types of meditation can help you find the practice that best suits your needs and preferences. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, increased focus, emotional healing, or spiritual growth, there’s a meditation style for you. Have you tried any of these meditation practices? Share your experiences and favorite techniques in the comments!
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deandoesthingstome · 8 months
Get to know me!
@itbmojojoejo I'm with you on the "starting a new post for these things" thing. So even though yours wasn't long, that's just how I'm rolling lately. So here's another get-to-know-me game!
Nickname: As an adult, no one doesn't call me by my given name, unless you count on Tumblr. Which, to be fair, is the name I gave. So nothing now. But as a kid, it was Bear.
Sign: Sagittarius baby!!!
Height: 5'5.5"
The last thing I googled: sexy 70's disco fashion. For reasons.
Amount of sleep: Fitbit says between 7 and 8 per night usually. But sometimes it's like 4. IDK. Never enough.
Dream job: I just had coffee with a friend this morning and chatted about this very topic. When I was younger I wanted to be a marine biologist, but these days I don't know what I want to be doing when I grow up. I know it isn't what I became.
Favorite song: I hate this question. But Sunrise by Simply Red is on constant repeat these days.
Movie/Book that summarizes me: I also hate this question. I have a feeling it's probably whatever the most mundane day-to-day story you've read or seen is.
Favorite instrument: Have I ever told you how much I love drum and bugle corps? So that's actually two (or more because all the different kinds of drum and brass, but IDK. The sound thrills me!)
Aesthetic: Comfy, cozy. Give me a blanket.
Favorite authors: Since I don't seem to actually read books anymore, I'll go with a few I used to love immensely. Jorge Luis Borges, John Barth, Steven King
Random fun fact: I'm a certified yoga instructor. whoops!
No pressure tags and fun only! @kittenofdoomage @raccoon-eyed-rebel @mayloma @geralts-yenn @dadralt @littlefreya @sillyrabbit81
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msweebyness · 8 months
Theater Kid Families
These are the families for my theater kiddos! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002 Enjoy!
Axel Rutherford
Raised Missy on his own since his wife died in childbirth
Swimming instructor
Missy's temper comes from him
They argue a lot, but love each other very much
Sees Ondine like another daughter
Imelda Ortega
Possibly the sweetest woman in the world
Except when you hurt her son, ask her ex-husband
Research botanist
Seeing a therapist to work through feelings from her marriage
Good friends with Fred Haprele, Jesse and Mylene ship them
Manolo Ortiz
Massive POS, physically and emotionally abusive
Reason Jesse is blind in one eye
Currently in prison, courtesy of the Tomassians
Involved in a bunch of shady business
Megan Reynolds
Ray of sunshine gene comes from her
Certified life coach
Talks a bit louder than she needs to
Makes up cheers for household chores
Watches her daughter's cartoons in her free time
Kurt Reynolds
Yoga instructor
Super chill and positive
Serves as a grounding force for his wife and daughter
Likes to doodle with Ayesha
Enid Waverly
Could be BFFs with Nathalie, tbh
Event coordinator for a big business
Bun life 24/7, not a hair out of place
Struggles with expressing emotions
Never without her tablet
Orenthal Waverly
Very no nonsense, but more chill than his wife
Prosecuting Attorney for a big law firm
Soft-spoken when not in the courtroom
Keeps fidgets on hand for his older daughter
Dolores Waverly
Much more scatterbrained than her little sister, Dot helps keep her on track
Seriously, would lose her head if it wasn't attached
Deals with some anxiety
Always has at least two books on hand
Arlo Markov
Petra's Bio Dad, an old friend was their surrogate
Interior designer, owns a business
VERY energetic, how much coffee does he drink?!
Happy flaps when he's excited
Will smack a bitch for his kid
Dennis Windham
Dad #2, the bear of the group
Junior football coach
Very emotionally intelligent
Usually has his whistle
Preston Manheim
Dad #3, the voice of reason
Very prim, always uses proper grammar. High class boi
Loves him some argyle and tea
Soft-spoken, but people listen to him
Curator of an art gallery
Trent Knapp
Dad #4, the hippie dad
Plays the mandolin, writes songs for his partners
New Age Philosophy teacher
Speaks like a fortune cookie, tbh
Olive Ackerman
Celebrated particle physicist
Expects nothing but absolute perfection from her child
Think of Nicole Watterson's parents and Ming Lee, combined
Refuses to believe she's doing anything wrong
Praise is very controlled and limited
Quentin Ackerman
Chemist, very respected in the field
Secretly feels they may be too hard on Anais
Too scared of his wife to say anything, tho
Tries his best to bond with Anais over their shared interests
Richard Richter
Manager of a music store
Gives guitar lessons on the weekends
Actually a pretty chill dude
Good friend of Anarka, they had a band as teens
Can think up lyrics on the spot
Rydel Richter
Contemporary piano teacher
Roxie gets their temper from her
Strong enough to throw a table if needed
HATES Roxie's ex with a burning passion
Mama Bear
Rover Richter
Curious about everything, always has to ask why
Wants to be a drummer, carries around sticks
Has trouble sitting still
Will kick Roxie's ex in the shins on sight
Sylvie Mathis
Diplomat from England
The epitome of a proper British lady
Very supportive of her son, he got her into punk rock
Adores Jesse like her own son
Can play a mean game of foosball
Bradley Mathis
Diplomat from England
A bit more laidback than his wife
MEGA Cockney accent
Knows everything about the Beatles
Makes the best tea ever
Hiroshi Tanaka
Screenwriter for an Indie studio
HUGE nerd but also really cool
Has never missed a play by his daughter or wife
Trivia champ, could rival Max
Sasami Tanaka
Celebrated stage actress, has done 215 (and counting) productions throughout her life
Every bit as dramatic as her daughter
Loves to quote plays in everyday life
Dresses to impress, always
Ryuji Tanaka
Eri's twin, just as goth but more subdued
Cosmetology student, attends a different school
Talks with his sister every day
Snark besties with Anthony
Laurent Fletcher
Antique dealer, owns several successful branches and establishments
Charmingly British and a bit awkward
Has ridiculously high patience
Loves Candace as much as his bio sons
Sandra Fletcher
Former top-selling musician, now owns her own restaurant
Might spoil her kids a bit
Cried with joy when Candace became head cheerleader
Attends every pep rally
Finnick Fletcher
Ten-year old mechanical genius, looks up to Max
Always needs to have something to do, has ADHD
Always trying to help his stepsister, doesn't always succeed
Very close with his brother
Ferdinand "Ferdie" Fletcher
Rarely ever speaks, and only to his family
Knows FSL and ASL
Artsy kid, always drawing on something
Actually really smart
Eun-Jeong Park
Professional restorator, has a meticulous eye for detail
Speaks when something needs to be said
INSANELY flexible for some reason
Helps his son practice on their hoop at home, he used to play in high school
Mi Cha Park
Every bit as clumsy as her son, seriously, babyproof that house
Stay-at-home mom who sells her handmade snowglobes on Etsy
Cheering the loudest for her son at his games
Can kick both her husband and son’s butts on the court
Leif Jorgensen
Professional contractor
Very jovial and kind to everyone around him
Can have his head in the clouds sometimes
He TALL, but somehow not intimidating
Besties with his daughter
Dagny Jorgensen
Artisan woodcarver, owns a successful business
Loves doing DIY projects with her daughter
Slips into Norwegian when frustrated
Most down-to-earth of the family
Bai Kwan
Staci gets her sass from him
Political commentator for TVi, cannot stand Alec. Hates Bourgeois too
It’s a game at the studio to try and get him to laugh
He only laughs or smiles around his family
Yumei Kwan
Owns a local cafe, the fave for quality Chinese food
Takes no one’s shit, but also super perky
A former cheer squad flyer who helps Staci work out
People wonder how they’re related sometimes
Col. Levi Beauregard
Big, strong military man
Speaks in all the military jargon
Surprisingly warm with his kids
Does obstacle courses with Parker
Cissy Beauregard
Retired army nurse, now works at DuPont
Meticulously keeps medical records of all students
Rose sees her like an aunt of sorts
Still uses military jargon
Jack Beauregard
Going into the army after high school
Strained, but loving relationship with his younger sister
Very tall and buff
Always trying to impress his father
Taught Parker self-defense
Annie Sutcliffe
Adopts a crap ton of random animals
Owner of a local, accredited shelter
Soft-spoken. Except when animals or her kids are threatened
Queen of the flannels
Rachel Sutcliffe:
Southern Belle with a kickass edge
Pro kickboxing instructor, who slays in sundresses
Will deck you if you call her son stupid
Makes a mean sweet potato pie
Dana & Donna Sutcliffe:
Try to tell these two apart if you’re not their brother. Just try.
Starting at DuPont next year
Have both had crushes on Kim
Aspiring cook and artist
Do the synchronous talking thing
Julio Balthazar
Independently successful mosaic artist
His in-laws warmed up to him over time
Proud of his talented kids and boss wife
Always has glass cuts on his hands, poor guy
Carolina Balthazar
Comes from an old Spanish family of wealth
Still the CFO of a Bigshot record company
May put a little too much pressure on her kids, but not maliciously
HATES the stuffy old heiress stereotype
Alma Balthazar
Talented classical musician
Feels like she’s always in Evie’s shadow
Can be a little snippy, but has a soft side
Weak for comedy films
Emilio Balthazar
Snarky and suave lil shit
Can impersonate anyone's voice
Huge prankster
Gets on Evie's nerves 24/7
Jorge Balthazar
The shyest kid you may ever meet
Speaks similarly to Juleka
Loves to put on little puppet shows
Fidgets with his hands a lot
Rosa Balthazar
Baby of the family, and she knows it
Loves to wear her princess dresses
Adores her oldest sister, wants to sing like Evie
May have a little puppy crush on Brecken
Rohan Findlay
Aggie's paternal uncle, gained custody when she was nine, because his brother is a drunk and his sister-in-law is negligent
Mechanic who co-owns a practice
Bought Aggie her first skateboard
Good friends with Aerinn O'Connor
Bit of a jokester
Bindi Truffaut
A bit of a helicopter mom to Mona, kinda overprotective
Kindergarten teacher
Has a mild stutter
Will punt an ableist's ass
Darnell Truffaut
Guidance counselor at DuPont
The chill teacher dad, that you don't mind being there
Helps his wife give Mona some space
HATES Damocles with the fires of hell
Cares a LOT about the students
Roerva Matuidi
Teacher of psychology at an elite university
Tutors at a community center on the weekends
Academic mom, but a chill one
SO proud of her daughter's math prowess
Cannot stand Olive Ackerman
Chet Matuidi
Eloise's gaming buddy, has a streaming channel his sister guests on
Really good with lit, but struggles with math
Helps his sister with emotional expression
Has to be forced to sleep
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
How to Choose the Right 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program
Are you passionate about yoga and considering taking the next step to become a certified yoga teacher? Enrolling in a 200-hour yoga teacher training program is a crucial first step towards achieving your goal. With the abundance of options available, selecting the right training can seem overwhelming. In this guide, we'll walk you through key considerations to help you choose the perfect 200-hour yoga teacher training program that aligns with your goals and values.
1. Accreditation and Certification:
Look for programs that are accredited by recognized yoga organizations like Yoga Alliance. This ensures that the training meets certain quality standards and will provide you with a certification that is widely recognized in the industry.
2. Curriculum and Focus:
Examine the curriculum of the program. A well-rounded training should cover yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, asana (posture) practice, pranayama (breath control), meditation, and more. Ensure that the program's focus aligns with your interests and goals.
3. Experienced and Qualified Instructors:
Research the instructors who will be leading the training. They should have extensive experience, a strong teaching background, and a deep understanding of yoga philosophy and practice.
4. Teaching Style:
Consider the teaching style of the program. Some programs may focus more on a specific yoga style (e.g., Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga), while others offer a blend of styles. Choose a training that resonates with your personal preferences and goals.
5. Class Size and Student-Teacher Ratio:
Smaller class sizes often lead to a more personalized and effective learning experience. A lower student-teacher ratio allows for more individualized attention and mentorship.
6. Location and Duration:
Decide whether you want to complete the training locally or in a different setting. Consider the duration of the program—some are intensive month-long courses, while others are spread out over several months. Choose what fits your schedule and lifestyle.
7. Reviews and Reputation:
Read reviews and testimonials from previous students to get insights into their experiences. A reputable program should have positive feedback from graduates who felt well-prepared for their teaching journey.
8. Cost and Value:
While cost is a factor, prioritize the value you'll receive from the program. A comprehensive, high-quality training might have a higher price tag, but it can be a worthwhile investment in your yoga teaching career.
9. Additional Opportunities:
Some programs offer additional perks like mentorship, teaching opportunities, or workshops. These can enhance your learning and post-training career prospects.
10. Your Intuition:
Ultimately, trust your intuition. Listen to your gut feeling about the program. If it aligns with your values, aspirations, and feels like the right fit, it probably is.
Choosing the right 200-hour yoga teacher training program requires thoughtful research and consideration. By evaluating the curriculum, instructors, teaching style, and other factors, you'll be well-equipped to embark on a fulfilling journey toward becoming a certified yoga teacher. Remember, this training is not just about teaching yoga; it's about deepening your practice and sharing the transformative power of yoga with others
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mini-and-mighty · 1 month
4 things you can do to feel better physically- fast, easy, and (mostly) free.
As your Friendly Neighborhood Personal Trainer, I know full well just how difficult it is to keep up with physical health. There are a lot of different factors and limitations (financial, time, spoons, disability, etc) that affect how we take care of ourselves.
It can also be super expensive. I fully believe in the value of the service I provide, (and I also need to pay rent) but I recognize that having a personal trainer or coach is a luxury. So I thought I'd share four things you can do every day to improve your physical health. They're simple, scientifically backed, and have little to no cost.
DISCLAIMER: I am a certified personal trainer, not a medical doctor or registered dietician. While I do a ton of research, reccomend all of these things to my clients, and do them myself-- there is no substitute for the advice of your primary care provider. Please please please take the time to critically examine any health advice you find online.
Sound good? Alrighty, here goes.
#1: Hydrate (no seriously)
Yes, I'm starting off with something super generic, but I cannot emphasize enough how much your hydration levels impact your body.
When you're dehydrated, blood thickens, so your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your system. You end up using more energy to do the same task.
More importantly, hydration is critical for brain function. One study using driving simulators found that being mildly dehydrated can have the same effect on cognition as being mildly intoxicated.
The only liquid that dehydrates you is alcohol. Obviously water is ideal, but getting any fluid into your system helps. Bonus points if you include electrolytes, as they help maintain the balance of fluid throughout our tissues. (Liquid IV, gatorade, and coconut water are all easy options.)
#2: Eat fruit
Fruit is a nutritional powerhouse. You've got fiber, antioxidents, vitamins, and fructose.
Fructose is a type of sugar, make no mistake. But your brain needs sugar, to the point where we even have a fancy process called "gluconeogenesis" to make more to feed our cells.
Fructose is amazing though. It's lower on the glycemic index than sucrose or glucose, making it a good choice for those that have to watch their blood sugar levels more closely. It's slower digesting which when paired with the fiber in fruit that also slows digestion, you don't get crazy energy spikes or crashes.
It's also hydrating! Fruit makes a great snack thanks to this combo of hydration and the natural energy boost from the fructose.
#3: Stretch
Yes, also generic as hell, but also very very important. If you want to be able to get up and down from the floor easily, reach for things on high shelves, or do your favorite forms of physical activity for a long time-- you need to stretch regularly.
Our muscles, bones, and joints are covered with layers of supportive connective tissue called fascia. When we're sedentary (because of occupation, pregnancy, injury, disability, depression etc) then that web of tissue gets tangled and almost matted. It can tangle so much that it actually becomes painful to move. Which, of course, makes the problem worse.
Anything is better than nothing, but stretching your joints a little and often will be more sustainable than trying to jump into an hour long yoga class. There are tons of free videos on youtube by certified instructors, including ones made for people with mobility issues.
For bonus points- spend some time doing inversions, or having your head upside down. This helps with the next thing.
#4: Massage
Sounds weird, but trust me.
Like our circulatory system, our lymphatic system helps remove waste from tissues. But the lymphatic system doesn't have a pump to help move the lymphatic fluid like blood is pumped through our veins.
There's lots of ways to help the lymphatic system- hot/cold therapy and physical activity are some of the easiest. (Inversions, like in yoga, are super helpful for getting lymph to move against gravity)
But massage, dry brushing, or acupressure are all great for the lymphatic system and can be done even if you're exhausted, out of spoons, or have limited mobility. Roll a tennis ball firmly along your major muscles and joints to help improve circulation, stimulate lymphatic flow, and work out some of that fascia I mentioned earlier. For an increased effect, use one of those dog toys with the textured surface. Might feel silly, but it works.
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There you go! Four ways to help you make keeping up with your physical health a little less overwhelming and complicated.
Just remember that you're a skeleton trapped inside a meat suit and you deserve to be respected, loved, and enjoy life regardless of how your body looks, what it can do, or how much profit it can make for someone else.
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sweetpea-tiana · 3 months
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( quinta brunson, 35, cisfemale, she/her ) ☼ i know it’s a small town, but i run into TIANA IYENGAR every time i go to ADVENTURER’S GUILD. it’s like they practically live there and not PELICAN TOWN for ONE YEAR. it must be because they’re BUBBLY and NOSY. come to think of it, that’s probably why they’re an SPA OWNER/FREELANCE MONSTER SLAYER too. but i did hear they want to BETTER THE HEALTH/WELLNESS OF THE COMMUNITY, and sometimes they like to WATCH TV/MOVIES. rumor has it they also like SWEET PEA, but dislike JOJA COLA. what do you think? + laura, 28, she/her, est.
Silence. Peace. Serenity. Had tried to associate any of these words with little Tiana Iyengar in her hometown, the locals would have laughed you out of town. Local legend says that Tiana came into this world talking and hasn't stopped since. Don't get us wrong, Tiana was LOVED for this and hasn't really deviated much from this. She has always been bright, bubbly and perky beyond belief. Tiana has never met a stranger and made it her mission to befriend everyone.
The only time this started to waver was in high school, when she managed to fumble her first high school relationship. Her boyfriend did not appreciate how 'friendly' and 'overly-accomodating' she was, not to mention how he couldn't 'take her seriously' with all that positivity. While she recognized now that this was such uncool, toxic behavior, it didn't feel that way at the time. While she wanted to dial it down and process her emotions, she had an image to uphold, expectations to exceed. She didn't have time to change and process all of that. So...she didn't. Tiana kept right on being the bright, perky person everyone needed. Little. Miss. Sunshine.
Maintaining such a sunny disposition led to two different developments in Tia's life. Firstly, she developed a love for movies and live theatre, as she discovered it was 'socially acceptable' to cry at the movies. Secondly, Tiana taking her first yoga class in college in order to appease her roommate. Their Yoga instructor, who was a dead ringer for Michelle Yeoh, opened the young English Major's mind wide open to the world of Yoga and relaxation, of focusing on your breath and grounding yourself in the here and now. Tiana took to it like a duck to water, keeping up with it long after her required courses were over for her credits. The practice had such an influence that she not only became a business major, but she also was working to become a certified Yogi and a certified massage therapist. She had achieved all of these things by the time she graduated, landing a lucrative position at a luxury resort.
Despite all the success, Tiana has never forgotten who she is and where she came from. Therefore, when her life in a big city became too hectic, too noisy and far too complicated, she leapt at the chance to own and operate her own spa in a lovely area known as stardew valley. Having been here a year as of May 1st, Tiana is so grateful she took the plunge. While she doesn't make nearly as much money, she is far happier and hopes to be able to find herself and help others find themselves along the way.
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caroldantops · 1 year
Yoga Instructor!Carol Danvers who....
Thirst trap below
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-Stands behind you, her pelvis flush with your ass as she guides you into different poses, her favorite, downward dog-wears tight yoga pants to show off the bulge of the massive clit beyween her muscular legs and smirking when she notices your eyes lingering on the fat nub
-has you kneel at her feet holding them while she does the butterfly extension so everytime she moves her pelvis up and down you get a whiff of her arousal
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-tells you that yoga pants are getting in the way of your poses being perfect so has you strip down to your thong so you can "be more graceful in your movements"
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-has her assistant yoga instructor!Kate Bishop place herself between your legs and rest her core against yours, slowly grinding down and telling you it's a new "certified" yoga stretch that helps to open you up-
"accidentally" walks into the dressing room while you're in the process of getting ready to shower "oops, hope you don't mind the company"
-walks into the showers five minutes after you've been in there with her pert tits, peaked nipples, taut abs, muscular shoulders and arms, veiny hands and the sexiest blonde bush you've ever seen barely hiding her massive clit
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-pushes you to your knees and fucks her throbbing clit into your mouth
-has Kate bring her her favorite strap on and reminds you of how good she is doing the downward dog pose before pushing your face into Kate's bush and stuffing your mouth full of pussy to keep you quiet
-never lets you pee during your yoga sessions so when it's time for your private lessons she can press on your bladder while she grinds against your pussy that you end up pissing all over the both of you before making Kate clean it up with her tongue
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AAAAAAAAAAA💞💞💞 yes all of this
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shivatattvayoga · 10 months
Unleash Your Inner Yogi: A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Teacher Training
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Embarking on the path to becoming a certified yoga teacher is a journey of self-discovery. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this guide simplifies the process, making it easy for anyone to understand and follow.
Choosing the Right Spot: Best Yoga Teacher Training
Rishikesh, India, is a hotspot for aspiring yogis, known for its spiritual energy and breathtaking scenery. Discover why it’s the perfect destination for your yoga teacher training journey, especially at the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India.
Find Your Fit: Choose the best training school
Not all yoga schools are created equal. Learn what to look for in a yoga school, from experienced instructors to a supportive community, ensuring you get the most out of your training at the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India.
Beyond Poses: Dive into Yoga Philosophy
Yoga is more than just physical postures; it’s a way of life. Explore the rich history and philosophy of yoga during your training in Rishikesh, India, at the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India.
Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit: The Holistic Approach of Yoga Training
Yoga teacher training is not just about perfecting poses; it’s a transformative experience. Understand how this immersive journey can positively impact your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being at the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India.
Connect and Grow: Building Lifelong Connections
Immerse yourself in a supportive community of like-minded individuals at the best 200 hours yoga school in Rishikesh, India. Discover how the vibrant atmosphere of Rishikesh, India, enhances your yoga journey, creating lasting connections.
Begin Your Journey: Yoga Teacher Training
In conclusion, take the first step towards unlocking your inner yogi. Explore the ancient wisdom of Rishikesh, India, and kickstart your journey to becoming a certified yoga teacher at the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India.
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exquisiteserotonin · 8 months
Get to know me tag game
My bb @magpiepillsjunior tagged me and I have been MIA because I have been so busy. I desperately want and need to be more active on here. I want to know you all!
1. Were you named after anyone?
Yes, my maternal great grandmother.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, hot mess and some anxiety inducing life shit!
3. Do you have any kids?
4. What sports do/have you played?
Uh...I don't really do sports. I grew up doing dance (ballet, tap, jazz, and modern) I do adult dance classes when I can and I am certified yoga instructor.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I mean, sometimes.
6. First thing you notice about people?
It probably depends on the person, but I love people's eyes and smile. :)
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I love scary movies.
9. Any talents?
I dance, I can play some piano, some guitar, I can sing, and can draw too
I'm pretty handy I think. More handy than my husband haha.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing obviously, spending time with my family, yoga.
12. Do you have any pets?
No :(
13. How tall are you?
5'6" and some change.
14. Favorite subject in school?
My favorite classes were English Lit and History
15. Dream job?
When I was younger, my dream was to write for fashion magazines because I love, love, love fashion...but also since the fourth grade I vowed I would write a book.
Do this if you like or not? No pressure. @youandmeand5bucks @pink-whiskey-woman @casa-boiardi @legendary-pink-dot
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wellnesswithaleenalir · 8 months
The Gym Beginner's Tip No One Will Tell You About
I’ll tell you all something that no other personal trainer in the fitness industry will tell you. It’s nothing new, and all trainers and instructors know this very well. The only reason you’ll never hear a trainer mention this publicly is because they will miss out on potential money by sharing this information with you. Before I share this information, I’ll give you my own credentials so you know I’m not just pulling your leg (although I’m certain most of you will already know this information intuitively).
If you’re new here, hello! My name is Aleena! I’m a NASM Certified personal trainer, and I’ve been working in the fitness industry for nearly three years now. That’s not a terribly long time, however I’ve experienced massive growth and success in my career since I’ve began as a personal trainer. First a trainer then a class instructor and eight months later I was gifted with the opportunity to become a fitness manager. I work for a boutique gym located in Downtown Los Angeles and the entire premise of my job is help the other trainers in my facility grow in their own training abilities. Beyond my career, I’ve been active my whole life. I ran track in elementary school, played basketball throughout middle school and high school, and was an active gym rat in college continuing on. When COVID struck and we all went into quarantine, I became a yoga nut and runner, and you can most certainly bet as soon as gyms opened up I found myself right back in there. Post-COVID I got my first ever personal trainer and quickly realized how easily I could translate the information I had learned throughout my life to help others in their own health and fitness journeys. A few months later I was certified and ready to start building in my profession. The growth has been unreal, but I feel it’s a deep indication of how I have found the path that is right for me. 
So what is it that other personal trainers won’t tell you?
You don’t NEED a personal trainer. Sure, that sounds normal and understandable, so let me clarify with more information. 
You don’t need a personal trainer for the FIRST THREE MONTHS of your fitness journey.
It’s a fairly intuitive understanding, but most of us will get scared to do something new on our own. The reason I say the first three months is because, if you’ve never done anything fitness related or it’s simply been a long time since you’ve been active, the first three months should be dedicated to getting into the habit of becoming active. If we’ve been sedentary for a long time, quite literally any consistent movement will yield results.
I like to explain it like this - if you pick up a weight and you move the weight in some way and you do this everyday for 90 days, you will see a change. It doesn’t matter what you do with this weight. You can pull it, press it, raise it, walk with it. Just do it every single day for 90 days and watch how something will change. Now… it may not be the change you want to see, but there will be change. This is something we all know, and yet no trainer is going to tell you this. Instead (as an unfortunate result of the capitalistic nature of our society) they’ll try to sell you on the idea that you have absolutely no clue what you’re doing and you need a trainer’s guidance in order to make change happen. 
Here’s my issue with that - most people know what they want, but they don’t have specific and fully developed fitness goals. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve sat down with a beginner client and asked what their goals are and the answer I get in return is something along the lines of “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I want to tone up.” In turn I’d have to get specific with them by asking what movements they want to learn, what modalities they do and don’t enjoy, what amount of time they are realistically able to dedicate to their fitness, and so on and so forth. My job is to be a trainer, and I actually do enjoy having these conversations with people, but there’s room for error when we start from ground zero together. 
Firstly, and I say this with absolute conviction, your only friend in the gym should not be your trainer. Community at the gym is proven way to keep people motivated and interested in their fitness. People will stay at the same gym, even when the equipment is falling apart, the AC is leaking or broken, or the staff is terrible, because of the people they see at the gym. People also find more motivation to show up to the gym when they know their friends or their gym crush is going to be there. You should establish some semblance of a gym community before you start working with a trainer. Secondly, shoveling money out of your pocket will definitely weigh you down in the hopes of seeing results. Generally when we pay for something, we look for instant gratification (we can again blame capitalism and rampant consumerism for this). Fitness never has been and never will be a source of instant gratification. In order to trust the process, avoid paying the big bucks up front and instead see what you can and can’t do on your own. Show yourself that the change is possible first, before you begin to invest in a trainer, that the way when you’re paying for a trainer’s guidance you already know that it’s well worth it because you know the results will come cause you’ve already seen how consistency on your own made change. Thirdly, these initial 90 days that you spend working out on your own will be the source of inspiration. You will get to spend time in a gym, or just moving your body and trying to learn more on your own. This gives you the time to become specific with what it is you want to do. It’s day 1 in the gym and you have no idea what a deadlift is, but now it’s day 90 in the gym and you’ve seen the same girl deadlifting since day 1, so you did your research and now you a specified goal to take to the trainer you end up working with. Specified goals will also help you when trying to select a trainer. Every trainer can teach you how to deadlift, but a barbell technique specific trainer is going to teach you the sport of the deadlift. You wouldn’t ask a math teacher to help you write an english essay, and same applies here. You wouldn’t ask a body building coach to teach you athleticism and mobility. You wouldn’t as a powerlifting coach to teach you how to become absolutely shredded. Become specific, and the path will become obvious. 
I’ve given you my three reasons as to why I believe people should start their fitness journeys on their own.
I’ll also share with you the exceptions I have to this belief. 
First, if you struggle with discipline or motivation, this will not work for you. If this is the case, I recommend looking for a coach, not a trainer. You may be thinking… what’s the difference. There’s a huge difference. A trainer will tell you what to do when to do it, they’ll show you how to do things correctly and they’ll send you on your merry way. A coach will do all of those things, but they’ll also help you build sustainable habits, they’ll help you push past your limiting beliefs, they’ll hold you accountable and do check-ins with you, they’ll make appropriate adjustments to your program without you having to say anything, they will monitor ver closely, your journey and course correct if something is not lining up with the path. Second, if you’ve had multiple failed starts to your fitness journey, I also believe looking for a coach will benefit you for the same reasons above. You may already have some knowledge around fitness, or you may have been very active back in the day, but again - the struggle is consistency and accountability. A coach is meant to be an accountability partner, it goes deeper than teaching someone the movements, it’s about reworking the brain’s chemistry associated with fitness. 
If you don’t fall into either of these exception categories, then to you I say, pick up a weight and start moving it. We’ll talk in 90 days! 
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
TL;DR i got a spotify recommendation for podcast about """""Toltec philosophy""""" sponsored by a huge pawnshop chain, IMMEDIATELY smelled bullshit and clocked a full on made-up-yoga cult for wealthy whitexicans within minutes.
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Okay so first off the Toltecs may have been one of the most influential cultures in Mesoamerica or... not a thing at all lol
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100+ episodes… no names or faces, only the pawnshop folks' icon and 'TOLTECA NATION'?
Like. Listen. A moneylending chain with 400 locations in this country HAS TO be a mafia and integrated into narco-govt cartels in order to exist.
And then on their website there is this!!!
At Fundación Dondé we are convinced that the greatness of Mexico is in its Civilization Legacy of more than 8,000 years; We proudly exalt this Legacy and we aim to share it so that more and more Mexicans know it and feel proud of who they are.
The history of Mexico is much bigger than what they taught us; Toltec Nation is an educational initiative to rescue the Toltec legacy of Anahuac (Territory of which Mexico is now a part) and to publicize the foundations and principles of Toltequity as a philosophy of life, as well as to propose a feasible response to contemporary challenges.
From this wisdom of ours, we seek to move to support our communities, keep their traditions alive, recognize their languages ​​(68 today spoken in Mexico!), know-how, the environment, and reconnect with a more conscious Mexico.
Our field of action is comprehensive, in addition to spreading the story, we rescue an ancient physical practice based on the Toltec positions of power called KINAM. To start practicing visit Agoralucis.
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the alleged 'tOlTeCa nAtIoN' is just... their own org?? Like a subdivision of the pawnshop corp? Sure smells like some whitexican / corpxican self legitimising HorseShit & not an organic endeavour by indigenous ppl. And now they mention a new agey cult sounding name w/ no added context, just, like, "look em up if you really wanna". so I did! lol
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Glorious. Really digging the space glitter background on the lady who claims to cure hypertension, DIABETES AND CANCER by just, like, BREATHING RIGHT, DUDE! TRULY TUBULAR
Anyway. the shit we were looking for is right after her in the carousel
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Some certified whitexican flavor... anddddd
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THERRRRRE WE GO! Give us 400-800 USD to become a Certified Instructor of Totally Real NonYoga (which btw is OLDER THAN YOGA!!!!1!111!)
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In, predictably, a huge fuckoff space nestled in one of the peak "Rich Pieceoshit" parts of town, decked out in full "cult chic" blindingly white decor
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Or you can get the vacation package! That includes:
"3 days and 2 nights of lodging. Food, drinks and snacks, 2 temazcales, cocoa ceremony, 1 practice of KINAM daily, meditations, breathing techniques, NAHUALIC TECHNIQUES, talk about toltequity and dance five elements"
Eventually, I hit the motherlode, a blog with glorious "2000s lunatic" aesthetic and deranged contents to match
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I MEAN......
The stuff in the caption is "The wizards' secret is that they know time can be manipulated. For example IT IS POSSIBLE TO REVERT THE EUROPEAN INVASION OF AMERICA."
There's also a video of a talk the guy gave at the fancy schmancy yoga place, but he apparently usually does events along... Crunchier lines, graphic design and location-wise:
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The events apparently emphasise the PROPHETIC ASPECTS of sacred maya & nahuatl literature 💀 and the "CEACM", the "Center for Archaeoastronomic and Calendaric Studies of Mesoamerica", is populated by Grifters Galore alongside our deranged friend Julio
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And finally... a post where he rages against the horrible terrible no-good "ONLY FAKE RETIRED EX-NAHUAL" who exposed their bullshit:
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"At this web address, the only retired fake nagual that exists in Mexico makes a series of malicious, defamatory and insulting comments about me and some friends, especially Master Frank Díaz. The title says it all: "a sect destroyed". The funny thing is that there has never been a kinam sect, so you can't destroy something that doesn't exist. This leads me to consider that being the product of the sick imagination of this guy, he really IS the creator. So then you could believe that now it is "destroyed". A creator can destroy his work as many times as he wants."
the giiiirls arrrrrre FIGHTINNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!
So we have a happyish ending: this shit is sooo fucking shameless and out in the open that there is already a pretty great, comprehensive site exposing it. It looks like they're only parting goofy ass whitexicans incapable of googling with their money, so not as bad as it could be.
The site is here ( https://kinam.org/ ) and it's SUCH a gem lmao:
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TITLE: Kinam: Chronicle of a Destroyed Sect
MENU: (including this bc it's hilarious trust me)
The Impossible Toltec Yoga
The other Kinam
Faith of Facts
New Fire
Loud and rude 😹😭
More about
Sustained Reaction – Funny Interview
Sustained Thread
Notice of Privacy
"Summary 2017 : Julio Diana, a Uruguayan, tried to sell courses to a circle of friends with a good economic level, but when he was rejected, he and his partner Frank Diaz created the KINAM sect. This sect affirms that the world has been under an extraterrestrial attack led by Tezcatlipoca for two million years. The sect also speaks of spiritual dimensions, that the Olmecs are Toltecs and Julio Diana claims to be the current exponent of another sect called Linaje1723 founded 5000 years ago. The KINAM sect has been destroyed, but its founders still try to promote their vacillates using aliases."
It goes on a little bit and includes links to proof & shit...
TRULY I feel invigorated, amused, entertained beyond measure. I fucking love rabbit holes into silly cults, especially when nobody dies (that I know of? also this whole post is like. Allegedly™, In Minecraft™, none of this happened for real 😊).
i'm....................... need a drink after this lol
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informative-fun · 1 year
Transformation Life Coach Cer
How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca ICF Life Coach Certification Online - ICF Business Coach Certification Online How Do I Get ICF Life Coach Certification Online Online ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy - How Can I Start A Business Coaching Company Quantum Coaching Academy Coaching Certification Business Coach Certification Online Life Coach Certification Training Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coach Programs Online Top Accredited Life Coach Certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Hi! I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives. You may be wondering just how the heck I did that. Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program How Do I Become Business Coach Trained Get Life Coach Training and Certified Online ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy - How Can I Start A Life Coaching Company Quantum Coaching Academy Coaching Certification Turn Your Coaching Calling Into A Coaching Craft And End Up Being A First-rate Certified Quantum Coach Coaching isn't a profession It's a CALLING? ?A calling you've felt pulsing inside your soul for ages now-- and you're beyond all set to answer it. And if desire was all it took to end up being a first-rate coach, you 'd be successful AF. When you close your eyes, you can visualize the thousands of people you were put on Earth to serve. You can feel the excitement build in your cells as you imagine your ripple effect covering the world in a high-vibe blanket of extensive love and awakening. And honestly, you're secretly delighted when you picture just how much cash you might make just by changing lives. You've become aware of coaches who make 6-, numerous or perhaps 7-figures doing what they like. However then, the dream comes to a shrieking halt. You snap back to your current reality and start to stress over things like: Whether you "understand enough" to help any person. I mean, sure you've got your life experience and your own personal development stories, but is that really what your customers need? Or exists more to being a coach? Whether you can make sure your customers are getting the very best outcomes possible when they work with you. You've been losing sleep due to the fact that you care a lot about your customers' growth and change, and you just wish to feel great about what you deliver as a coach. Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Have a look around and book a discovery call and let's discover your true calling https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VESzPgws0-ASbEE4artblQeH3yWKl11EqIOAemiMI8I/edit?usp=sharing https://transformationlifecoachcertif276.blogspot.com/2023/09/transformation-life-coach-certification.html Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bUndKkroA6qkttpm7ohuhfK_s9ZWBRjCXZCW4Vle2Us/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQFI72BFW7DSqYo8CPgzICv1iK5KpqddnbN71CbEbNSJDFmLMEUxHkUmBpVwrVx8EC88J1_7rNurS43/pub/ https://onlinetransformationlifecoach468.blogspot.com/ https://onlinetransformationlifecoach468.blogspot.com/2023/09/online-transformation-life-coach.html https://www.tumblr.com/fun-blogs-usa/728827523690070016 https://howtobecometransformationlife883.blogspot.com/ https://howtobecometransformationlife883.blogspot.com/2023/09/how-to-become-transformation-life-coach.html
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fun-blogs-usa · 1 year
Quantum Coaching Academy
Transformation Life Coach Certification https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca ICF Life Coach Certification Online - ICF Business Coach Certification Virtual How Can I Become ICF Life Coach Certification Online Virtual ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy - How Do I Start A Business Coaching Service Quantum Coaching Academy Coaching Certification Business Coach Certification Virtual Life Coach Certification Training Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coach Programs Online Top Accredited Life Coach Certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Hi! I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives. You may be wondering just how the heck I did that. Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program How Can I Become Business Coach Trained Get Life Coach Training and Certified Virtual ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy - How Do I Start A Life Coaching Service Quantum Coaching Academy Coaching Certification Turn Your Coaching Calling Into A Coaching Craft And End Up Being A First-rate Certified Quantum Coach Coaching isn't a profession It's a CALLING? ?A calling you've felt pulsing inside your soul for ages now-- and you're beyond all set to address it. And if desire was all it took to end up being a world-class coach, you 'd succeed AF. When you close your eyes, you can imagine the countless individuals you were put on Earth to serve. You can feel the excitement integrate in your cells as you envision your causal sequence wrapping the planet in a high-vibe blanket of extensive love and awakening. And honestly, you're covertly delighted when you imagine how much money you might make just by altering lives. You've heard of coaches who make 6-, numerous or even 7-figures doing what they love. But then, the dream comes to a screeching halt. You snap back to your existing reality and start to fret about things like: Whether you "understand enough" to help anyone. I mean, sure you've got your life experience and your own personal development stories, but is that genuinely what your customers require? Or is there more to being a coach? Whether you can make certain your customers are getting the very best results possible when they work with you. You've been losing sleep since you care a lot about your customers' development and transformation, and you just wish to feel great about what you provide as a coach. Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program Transformation Life Coach Certification Online Take a look around and book a discovery call and let's find your true calling https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VESzPgws0-ASbEE4artblQeH3yWKl11EqIOAemiMI8I/edit?usp=sharing https://quantumcoachingacademy785.blogspot.com/2023/09/quantum-coaching-academy.html Quantum Coaching Academy Quantum Coaching Academy Quantum Coaching Academy Quantum Coaching Academy Quantum Coaching Academy https://quantumcoachingacademy579.blogspot.com https://quantumcoachingacademy579.blogspot.com/2023/09/quantum-coaching-academy.html https://blogs-about-local-business.tumblr.com https://blogs-about-local-business.tumblr.com/rss/ https://www.tumblr.com/blogs-about-local-business/728793412103520256/
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kingsgate · 1 year
Transformation Life Coach Certification
Online ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Transformation Life Coach Certification https://sites.google.com/view/how-to-become-life-coach-certi/home/transformation-life-coach-certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certified Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Transformation Life Coach Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
Is It Worth Getting Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
At that moment, I turned to my husband and said, “I think I'm meant to be a life coach!”
It felt like my heart cracked open, and I knew I was ready to completely change my life and align with my truth.
My authentic truth
So, I took the leap to become a life coach.
Was it easy?
But it was far easier than keeping myself small.
The impact, income, and difference I'm making now are so much bigger than I ever could have imagined.
It's time to go big, isn't it?
I know this message may seem like it dropped out of the sky into your inbox at the most aligned time. Because it did.
It's not too late to change your life.
Maybe you've thought about becoming a life coach, or maybe this is a brand new realization like it was for me on the dance floor at that wedding.
Since that night, I've helped hundreds of people step into their calling of becoming a coach through the internationally-accredited 6-month certification program I created, the Quantum Coaching Academy
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
Book your call NOW!
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
#transformationlifecoachcertification #lifecoachingcertification #quantumcoachingacademy #ashleygordon
Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1trsAxUbGkjsWHDWywEDJ3cBn_f-xm8cEQGj12eSSTqg/edit?usp=sharing
Transformation Life Coach Certification, Transformation Life Coach Certification Online, How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification, How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy, Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy, Online Transformation Life Coach Certification ICF Quantum Coaching Academy, Quantum Coaching Academy
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