#personal development journey
teach-or-trav · 15 days
I realized recently (again) that in order to get to the next level as an artist/music producer/musician I need to become a version of myself that is capable of getting there.
So, I started Analyzing myself, good habits, bad habits, and triggers.
Have you ever thought about what triggers you to behave in a manner that is inconsistent with the person you want to become?
If not, I highly recommend starting yesterday before its to late.
#personaldevelopmentjourney #habits #teach_or_trav
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ashish-blog-store · 3 months
Due to the advancement of technology, internet is easily available everywhere these days. Because of this, whenever we get time, we watch reels or random videos on demand. Due to this, along with wasting our time, mental energy also gets drained and we become mentally disturbed.
And due to all this distraction, we are not able to achieve our goals and desired results. If we want to be successful in life, then we have to focus on our personal development.
So then, what is personal development? Achieving one’s peak potential by improving our physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional aspects is personal development. It involves setting new goals, expanding one’s knowledge and learning new skills etc.
And to increase productivity, new positive habits and attitudes have to be adopted every day. Before reading this blog, let me tell you one more thing that this personal development journey is not a sprint or a 1-2 day journey, it is a life long journey. You will have to learn it throughout your life and keep improving yourself everyday.
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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evo4soul · 1 year
Unlocking Your Potential: Strategies for Personal Growth and Self-Development
Discover powerful strategies for unlocking your potential and achieving personal growth and self-development with Evo4soul E-learning. Set clear goals, cultivate self-awareness, embrace failure, and more. Learn how to unlock your potential.
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blushcoloreddreams · 1 month
My daily non negotiables
Praying everyday
3L of water at least (overall double your minimum water intake, you can calculate that online)
Skin care during the morning (specially sunscreen) and before bed
Plan my day (failing to plan is planning to fail- seriously, I’m not even half as productive without a set schedule)
Prioritize sleep. Unless absolutely necessary study wise or socializing I try to have a regular sleep routine and get at least 7.5 h a day (ideally 8.5)
No coffee past 3:30 pm (will severely impact the previous item)
A good source of protein in at least one of my meals
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a-path-by-the-moon · 28 days
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wholehear-ts · 2 months
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blissfullyecho · 2 years
how to create a leveling up/dream girl/rebranding plan 🤍🍸🖤
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establish your aesthetic
first thing’s first, you need to know where you want to go in life and what is your “aesthetic”? do you want to be giving “classy, businesswoman”? what about “nyc socialite”? of course these are just examples, but you should know what type of girl you want to embody. remember, you don’t have to fit a narrative, but you should have a general “aesthetic” that you want to be associated with. even if it’s 50 million different aesthetics, it’s whatever makes you, you.
visualize yourself/life
get inspired by making a vision board (physical or digital) and add to your board (if digital) daily. i find that this helps you stay in alignment with where you want to be in the future. you have to stay in that frequency and remind yourself of what’s next to come… because this new life is what’s next to come.
start with habits
please refer to my “starting your leveling up journey” post, but basically— you should create 1-3 habits for each of your goals and work on them until they become second nature. then when you’re ready, start implementing more habits that are aligned with your goals.
create routines with your habits
can you incorporate some of these new habits into a morning or evening routine? we all know that routines are important— they almost become our personalities and they set the tone for the day and night, and even the next day. for me, i know i’m only inspired to exercise in the morning around 10am, so exercise is part of my morning routine.
create daily + weekly goals
let’s say part of your journey is learning a new language. a daily goal could be learning one new vocabulary word in that language. your weekly goal could be knowing the alphabet in that language. use this method for all of your goals.
don’t overwhelm yourself with goals, routines, and habits
start slow; don’t overwhelm yourself. if you want to work on one goal at a time, then work on that one goal. burnout is real and it’s very hard to get back into the swing of things afterwards. i understand most of us are impatient when we just want to be a different version of ourselves, but it’s going to take some adjusting. i suggest not working on more than 3 things at once, but if you can work on more, go ahead
be a part of a community to keep you accountable
tumblr and facebook groups in my opinion are the best ways you can connect with other women who are working on the same thing. you can inspire one another, bounce ideas off of one another, and it’s super fun. you might want to even document your journey online.
set milestones and have a reward system
let’s say you would like to lose or gain weight, no matter the number, focus on 5-10 pound increments. when each milestone is successfully completed, reward yourself with something nice. maybe it’s getting your nails done, or splurging on a product that everyone on tiktok keeps talking about. apply this to any of your goals where there are milestones to get to.
don’t waste the day
you should not have any “zero days” meaning… you should be doing at least one thing everyday to reach a goal(s) you have. it doesn’t matter if one goal was to maintain a more organized, clean environment— do your dishes, set the trash out, clean up the hair from the bathroom sink, etc.
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stardust-swan · 2 years
Why You Should Always Use Your Best Now Instead of Saving it for Later
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🌹 Because you deserve to feel your best every day, not just on occasions.
🌹 Because "later" rarely comes.
🌹 Because you're just wasting your own money if you buy some high-quality makeup or skincare products just for them to expire barely used because you wanted to save them for an occasion.
🌹 Because life is unpredictable. What if a guest drops by unexpectedly and you're eating from a chipped plate or a tupperware container? What if you see your ex, or your crush, or meet the love of your life, or see your boss, or see someone who was mean to you in school, and you're wearing a worn-out hoodie and sweatpants with a hole? Many of us would feel self-conscious if something like that happened, but it can be avoided if you wear nice clothes and use your good china instead of keeping it hidden away for some possible future special event.
🌹 Because what's the point in having beautiful floral china, just for it to gather dust while you eat off of chipped plates and mismatched mugs? What's the point in owning silk blouses and cashmere jumpers, just for them to stay in your closet for months or years while you wear ratty t-shirts and sweatpants? What's the point in buying high quality makeup, just for it to spoil while you wear cheap stuff that's hard to put on and makes your face look cakey? Why own beautiful belongings just for them to never see the light of day?
🌹 Because using your best every day will show that you genuinely live well, instead of coming across as a phony when you meet the Joneses.
🌹 Because it's sad, after someone passes away, to see their fancy china, beautiful clothes, and other treasures in storage, rarely or never used, always waiting for an occasion that never came. If you won't use your best, who will? Life is short.
🌹 Because using your best everyday doesn't have to mean that special occasions will feel less special. Instead of only bringing out the good dinnerware for guests, use it everyday, but make occasions feel different with a spectacular floral arrangement, or with classical music on in the background instead of the TV. Wear your good foundation and mascara everyday, but wear a bolder makeup look for an event.
🌹 Because people's tastes change throughout the years. What if you buy something, keep it for later, and by the time later comes, you don't like it at all anymore?
🌹 Because special occasions still feel special even when you don’t use your best for them.
🌹 Because using beautiful items instead of settling for mediocrity elevates a normal day from feeling mundane to feeling decadent and luxurious.
Wear your good makeup. Wear your chic clothes. Put on your good skincare products. Doodle in your pretty notebooks. Burn your fancy candles. Spray your expensive perfume. Drink the expensive gifted wine. Eat the gourmet chocolates. Live in the now, not the uncertain future. Honour yourself by allowing yourself to use these special treasures.
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being-addie · 1 year
Making your phone useful🤍
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If you're like me, you're going to want to have a phone that is pretty, functional, and productive to the max. We've gotten so obsessed with our phones, mindlessly scrolling, most people don't even realize how they can make they are spending around 3 months a year on their phones (say 6 hrs a day, which used to be my screen time!)
Here I'll be covering some tips to declutter your phone and apps to help boost productivity.
Clean out your gallery:
Delete old screenshots, accidental pictures of the floor or wall, ones with bad lighting, etc. Empty the bin once you're done. You'll get more storage and a cleaner photo gallery.
Delete apps you no longer use:
You know the ones. The apps you downloaded to try out but never bothered to delete? Yeah. Get rid of them. Remove apps that sit unused like Solitaire, etc.
Delete social media:
You heard me. Delete. Your. Social. Media. Especially if you have an addiction. I had the worst Instagram addiction 5 months ago and decided to end it after flunking my math exam. I'm not saying delete your account. Just log out, and delete the apps from your phone. This will prevent mindless scrolling and make way for more productive things to fill your time with. Reinstall the apps once you have more control over yourself.
⭐Productive apps⭐
Duolingo: Learn a language
Sudoku: Good to increase focus
Lithium: E-reader app for mobile phones.
Notion: Vast app for organization
Study Bunny: Study time tracker
Habitica/Habit Rabbit: Habit trackers
Samsung Notes: Amazing note-taking app (on par with Goodnotes in my opinion)
C25K (Couch to 5K): Really helps if you want to run marathons easily.
Flo: Period Tracker
Water Time Tracker and Reminder: Cute graphics to remember to drink your water
Our phones are mines of information, and if used correctly, you can jump miles ahead of the people running in circles on social media, digesting the same content. Delete things that no longer serve you and see how your life and mental health improve. I believe in you. xoxo
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phoenix----rising · 1 year
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
40 Tips For Becoming More Disciplined 📌💡🚀📝
Know what you want to achieve soon and in the future. This helps you know where to go and stay motivated.
Do the most important things first to save time and energy.
Have a daily plan that includes work, rest, exercise, and learning.
Make big tasks smaller so they're not scary, and you can see progress.
Use methods like the Pomodoro Technique (working for a while, then resting) or blocking time to get more done.
Notice when you're avoiding work and make yourself start.
Control yourself from getting distracted or doing things just for fun.
Say no politely when you can't do more things without getting stressed.
Stay healthy by eating well, exercising, and sleeping enough.
Keep learning by reading, taking classes, or trying new things.
Check how you're doing with your goals and change plans if needed.
Tell a friend or mentor your goals so they can help you stay on track.
Keep your spaces tidy to help you focus better.
Learning discipline takes time, and it's okay if things don't go perfectly.
Think good thoughts about yourself instead of bad ones.
Imagine doing well to get motivated.
Mistakes are chances to learn, not reasons to give up.
Be happy about even small successes to stay positive.
Listen to advice from others to get better.
Be ready to change your plans but keep your main goals.
Try mindfulness to concentrate, be calm, and know yourself better.
Write about your progress and plans in a journal.
Turn off things like social media when you work or study.
Think about things you're thankful for to stay happy.
Do quick tasks right away instead of waiting.
Spend time with people who help you and make you want to be better.
Let others do tasks that you don't need to do, so you can focus.
Get better at handling problems without giving up.
Picture doing well to stay motivated.
Drink water to think clearly and stay healthy.
Have a special place to work or study to help you focus.
Wait for bigger rewards instead of quick ones.
Keep things simple, both around you and in your mind, so you can concentrate.
Listen to advice without feeling bad about yourself.
Use apps and tools to manage your tasks and time.
Reading helps you learn and think better.
Decide what's good enough for you and stick to it.
Believe you can get smarter and better with practice.
Do creative things to stay imaginative and interested.
Listen carefully to others to be better at talking and understanding.
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first-class-wife · 1 year
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Black Birkin Mom
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blushcoloreddreams · 1 month
Why do men value female sweetness?
He already deals with testosterone all the time, with stress and tension... they are biologically prepared for conflict... The masculine man is dominant, strong and a provider...
He takes the lead because that's how he feels useful. He likes to provide and protect because it makes him feel needed. But no man feels like doing that for someone equal or stronger... Therefore, men look for something in women that they lack.
He is looking for a woman capable of bringing order, beauty and peace to his life. And when a man finds a woman like that... he goes to great lengths to win her over. And to live this there is no other way than to become more feminine...
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The woman's sweetness nourishes the man. It is cultivated on a daily basis, it is not a technique that you use for convenience. People can tell when you're pretending, especially because it becomes that thing that's forced and not at all natural... no one can keep that mask on for long.
A sweet way only enchants when accompanied by loving gestures, a warm look and kind attitudes, what you do for others... That's why sweetness must come from within... it's the outside that reflects the inside - never the other way around.
If a woman only feeds on negative thoughts, it becomes much more difficult to be sweet, because that's not what she has within herself... there's no way to give someone else something that she doesn't even have within herself... you know? It's a natural process...
A woman can only be feminine and sweet when she dedicates herself to seeking the truth in her life, when she makes an effort to cultivate the virtues she needs and is able to authentically express all the beauty she has cultivated within herself.
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sk-lumen · 7 months
10 gentle ways to recharge when you're low battery
🧘🏻‍♀️ meditation
😴 taking a nap
🚶🏻‍♀️ going on a long walk
🐈 cuddling with your pets
📚 reading a book to disconnect from your life
🧖🏾‍♀️ going to the spa or taking a long bubblebath
🛌 peace and quiet decompressing in your own room
🫖 drinking relaxing tea like chamomille, valerian, etc
🎧 listening to frequency (Hz) music for hours in the background
🍿 watching a cozy tv show where you can switch off mentally/emotionally while you eat your fav comfort food
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prettieinpink · 1 year
Notion page ideas !!
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For my girlies that have no idea in what to put in their notion, this is 4 u !!!!
Weekly planner
This is so convenient for anyone who doesn’t like repetitive routines!! Basically what i do is that I assign a theme to each day of the week, then add tasks that play into that theme. E.g Mindfulness monday, healthy tuesday, educational wednesday, spiritual thursday, rejuvenating friday, productive saturday and resetting sunday are mine <3 
Weekly journal
Keeping track of the weeks in the year and how you feel about them is just so tiring on paper, so i decided to put them on notion instead. BEST IDEA EVER!!! Basically I just journal about my past week and what i except for next week. Heres the template I created that I use for my weekly journals !
Rate the week
Reflect (brain dump)
What didn’t go to plan?
How do you feel this week?
What good came out of this week?
What was I grateful for this week? 
Write down next week’s plan
How can I improve myself next week?
How do I want to feel next week?
A mini library!!
This is literally so cute I'm telling you, especially if you love reading or want to become a more active reader. Basically, you keep a record of the books you read, how long you took to read them, review them and keep track of the books you want to read !!
Music library  
Omfg this literally changed my life. Instead of just liking songs and following artists on spotify, I know keep tracks of my faves songs and artists. Now it’s literally so easy creating playlists that play into a specific mood + its just fun keeping track 
A wish&need list 
For my girlies that love to spend and shop !! Keep track of things that you need currently and things that you want to buy when you can. It’s so fun and convenient when you do actually go shopping.
Pt 2????
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