#paranoia holder
the-silent-fellowship · 2 months
Symptom Holder Flags
[PT: Symptom Holder Flags]
Flags seen are: Paranoia Holder , Delusions Holder , and Hallucinations Holder
Flags and Symbols Used: Paranoia , Delusions , Hallucinations
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[Paranoia ID: none yet]
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[Delusion ID: none yet]
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[Hallucinations ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @pluralterms , @system-term-archive , @pluralitywords , and @radiomogai
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abyss-boxes · 2 months
could i gwt a “this alter is a paranoia holder” userbox please ! ty in advance ><
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[TEXT ID: “This alter is a paranoia holder”]
Hope you enjoy!! Dm/send an ask for edits!
Credit appreciated but not required !!
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sysboxes · 1 year
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[Text: This system has a paranoia holder that isn’t comfortable sharing who they are.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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holder-culture-is · 5 days
Paranoia Holder Flag!
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Flag made by us
ׂ╰┈➤ For alters that hold feelings of paranoia
Please reblog & credit if used !! :]
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
scene 03: get in loser, we’re going shopping
original prompt: gotham academy's mentorship program
more at: table of contents
timeline: much later after scene 1 & 2
Danny and Damian sat at one of the corner tables in the library. Danny had finals coming up, and was busy reviewing the term’s worth of topics from all his classes. Damian, who had insisted on joining him, sat bored. having nothing left to study. 
Danny looked at the younger boy when he sighed for the 3rd time in the past five minutes. Deciding that maybe he should take a break and indulge Damian, Danny finished the last problem, and let his book shut with a loud finality. 
Damian looked up at him hopefully, “Are you done, now?” He asked. Danny could tell he was trying his best to not seem too eager, but Danny couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. 
“Yup,” packing his things away first, he waited for Damian, when he noticed what the boy had taken up in his boredom. “Woah, Damian.” He whispered in awe, picking up the paper closest to him. “You did this?” 
Damian seemed to need a moment to understand what Danny was referring to before becoming flustered and embarrassed, a soft pink spreading on his ears, “It was simply mindless work.” He sounded defensive, like someone had berated him for his artist interests before. Danny tried not to react to that, knowing Damian would probably find it insulting. 
The sketch was on the back of a math worksheet Damian had long since completed, it was of a fighter who seemed to be using his sword to attack a nondiscript opponent. Danny knew from his many intensive training sessions with Pandora that the figure's form was slipping into leaving them open for an easy frontal attack from their opponent, while simultaneously leaving the fighter to not have the range of motion they might need to defend themselves. Most of the lines of the drawing were scratchy and short but overly repeated giving the fighter the illusion of fast movement, directly in contrast the hard outline of the fighter’s form made it seem like the fighter was stuck in their position. 
Liminals and liminal-agencent people by definition did not have a strong awareness to manipulate ectoplasm consciously like other more ghostly beings could. Coincidentally, liminals tended to leak their own internally produced and stored ectoplasm when they acted on their deep emotions. Scientifically this usually showed itself as a person ‘harnessing their full potential’ in moments of crisis or in some more extreme and rarer cases accessing their metagene (meta’s were not to be confused with liminals or ghostly beings they hold few to no similarities outside of coincidence). Danny had known from the beginning that Damian was a liminal, likely from prolonged exposure to ectoplasm, and paradoxically had a difficult time understanding and accessing his own emotions. Emotional negligence was never healthy for an ectoplasmic being, and Danny knew it would be a long process for Damian to learn how to properly deal with his layered and complex emotions. 
  That being said, there was a steady level of ectoplasm spread over the paper, something that did not match what Danny would have expected from Damian’s current state with his emotional and subsequently his ectoplasmic abilities. The fighter was clearly a character Damian had either consciously or subconsciously created to represent himself. 
Danny could work with this. 
During the long moment of silence Damian seemed to have grown more and more anxious for Danny’s reaction. Danny let his emotions display easily on his face, wide eyed, “This is so good, Damian. I didn’t know you drew. Do you like art?” 
“I do not draw. Art is a meaningless waste of time and only those without higher goals would indulge in such an activity.” Damian sounded conflicted, and the words he was saying were pretty obviously echoed from what someone else had said to him. 
“That’s ridiculous,” Danny scoffed, “Art is a very important basis for almost everything. I mean it would feel pretty stale to live in a world where there was no uniqueness anywhere. Drawing, painting, writing, acting, sculpting, singing, or whatever else, are all unique forms of making something that no one else could truly ever recreate exactly. Even if it’s minute, there are always differences in the way that one person would commit to something than another person. It’s the basis of humanity and in the core of the human mind. If you try to block it so harshly from yourself, you’ll end up locking up an integral part of yourself that sets you apart from the other 7 million people on this planet.” 
Damain stood there, considering what Danny said. 
Not waiting another moment, Danny grabbed Damian’s bag heading out of the library. “What are you doing?” Damian asked suspiciously, quickly falling in step with Danny, grabbing his bag back. 
Danny smirked at him, “We’re going shopping, Loser.” 
Damian looked scandalied at the nickname, not understanding the reference. “I am not a loser.” he huffed. 
Danny just laughed as they waited for the next bus. Once they got to their stop and entered the store, Danny beelined for where he knew the art supplies to be. Damian followed behind him, unfamiliar with the store.
Sure, if Damian wanted, he could easily buy the more top of the line supplies, after all he was a Wayne. But Danny was pointedly a broke scholarship kid right now, and it didn’t sit right to let Damian pay for things he was buying, no matter how much of a trust fund kid he may be. Not that Danny was exactly broke, but he imagined the cashiers at their local supermarket wouldn’t appreciate him trying to pay for a sketchbook, a couple sketch pens and pencils, and a 25 pack of Crayola markers with solid gold coins. 
It was around 4:30 when they left the store with their stuff, Damian eyeing the bag curiously the whole time. They walked the rest of the way to a local cafe, and Danny sat Damian down. 
“Okay, we’ll be here for the next hour,” He pulled out his own sketchpad, the concepts filling the pages were more accurately  blueprints more than drawings, “Draw whatever you want.” 
“I don’t know what to draw.” Damian huffed, awkwardly taking the supplies from Danny, and examining his surroundings carefully. Damian sat in the corner for a while, blending into the surroundings as he watched how the world spun around him. Danny was half-way through reviewing one of his older designs when Damian finally decided to open the pack of pencils and the first strike on the paper was made. They stayed there for long over the allotted hour, both sucked into their own projects. 
“I finished.” Damian breathed in satisfaction, stretching his hand and back in his chair at the admission. 
Danny eyed him with curiosity. “Can I see?” He asked. Danny wasn’t sure how right he had been about Damian using drawing to help regulate his ectoplasm and emotions, and he wanted to check how consistent it would be. Also he was really curious to see what he had drawn. 
Damian looked a little bashful at his request, but he nodded, handing the sketch book over to Danny. Danny could easily feel the ectoplasmic energy scattered across the page, it wasn’t as constant as the first drawing had been, but it was still there. So he was right. 
The drawing this time was of what had likely originally meant to be the barista, based on the outlines of the industrial coffee machine and register that had started out but been forgotten later for the center of the piece. The man was wearing an apron similarly like the one the barista had been wearing and a similar uniform, but that was the only similarities that Danny could draw from his surroundings in the drawing. The man, unlike their teenaged barista, was quite aged, with thin but well groomed hair, and a mustache. He had a longer face scattered with wrinkles of old age. The old man was looking down, presumably working on something, and seemingly happy with whatever it was. The ecto-signature was more concentrated around the old man, leading Danny to believe it was someone Damian likely loved and admired. 
“You’re so good at this.” Danny complemented, honestly. “Did you have fun?” He asked, it was starting to get dark and they had stayed at the cafe longer than Danny had asked him to without complaint. 
“Yeah, I did.” He answered after a moment. Danny ruffled his hair affectionately, “Hey, you’re gonna mess it up.” He complained, making no effort to remove himself. 
“C’mon, let’s get you home. I have to go to work soon.” Danny led them out of the store, just in time for an expensive looking black car to pull around the bend and expertly stop in front of him. 
“Young Master Damian, I’ve come to pick you up.” An old British gentleman spoke from the driver seat, it was the man from the drawing. 
“Understood, Alfred.” Damian turned to hand the art supplies back to Danny. 
“They’re yours.” Danny refused. 
“I’ll take care of them.” Damian promised, placeing the supplies carefully inside his book bag. 
“I’m sure you will.” Danny nodded, stepping back so the car could drive away. 
“Mister Daniel, I would have no problem taking you home as well. It is quite late now.” The driver spoke kindly. It surprised Danny how accurate Damian had drawn that picture without so much as a reference. 
“No it’s alright.” Danny waved away the idea, “I have to go to work now, and it’d be too out of the way for you.” He explained. 
The driver didn’t press, but Danny noticed how his eye caught on something in the distance before he bid his farewells and left. 
Danny made his way to the bus stop, and waited, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Moments later another older teen approached the bus stop as well, waiting idly for the transport to arrive. He had black hair with a white tuft in the front, a sign of prolonged ectoplasmic exposure Danny knew all too well, roughly 6’ and some inches, and wore a hood of his red jacket over half his head. 
Danny supposed it was fitting for someone who called himself the Red Hood. 
The bus arrived, and both Danny and his co-passenger got at the stop before Arkham Asylum. Park Row AKA Crime Alley. By the time Danny clocked in and changed into his uniform for his shift it was already dark outside. 
“Welcome to BatBurger.” He said in chorus with the rest of the workers at the bell chime of the door opening. The man walked to the counter silently, his white tuft of hair skillfully swept under a baseball cap he hadn’t had before. When he approached Danny’s station, Danny took his order, and right before completing the transaction, as per procedure, “Can I get a name for your order?” He asked. 
“Jason Todd.” 
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headmate-ideas · 1 month
paranoia holder based on
✦ Name(s): Flesh, Myco, Spiral ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, xe/xem/xeir/xeirs/xemself, x/xs/xself, et/ets/etself ✦ Species: object head (mushroom) ✦ Age: body's age plus three years ✦ Role(s): paranoia holder, symptom holder (optional), spiritual headmate (optional), chef ✦ Symptoms experienced: paranoia, psychosis (optional) ✦ Labels: weirdcoric, toric, genderfluid ✦ Xenos: food, mushrooms, emo ✦ Interests/likes: art, anatomy, meat ✦ Dislikes: cold weather ✦ Music taste: breakcore, darksynth, psychedelic folk ✦ Aesthetic(s): weirdcore, impressionism, meatcore, lovecore ✦ Kins: rainbows, phones, crystals ✦ Emoji proxy: 🍄🥩 ✦ Details:
Flesh takes the form of a mushroom object head wearing emo clothes. It has a baseline sense of paranoia and distrust (although this usually does not extend to members of their own system). If the paranoia accompanies other psychotic symptoms, they will experience those symptoms, too. Things Flesh enjoys include art, anatomy, film, aesthetics (especially weirdcore), and cooking (especially doing so for xeir system). If the system practice spirituality or religion, Flesh will as well, with an emphasis on protective prayers and rituals.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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euclydya · 5 months
How is my favorite gang doing??
we are!! okay!! it's been fuckin HOT out so we haven't been able to go on any walks or even sit outside fbdjdjskdkdskf so The Saint's been drawing a TON the past few days instead :3c
everything's been chill sys-wise too tho i think we might have a hyperfixation fictive™ forming idk. The Vibes R A Bit Off. I'll have to check into that shit later jadjfjfjdjsjfj
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cold--carnage · 10 months
oh. and our whole system is being stalked simply because we sent support to a moot who's being stalked by an abusive ex. so that's fun
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is everyone calm yet? or are we doing this temper tantrum all day?
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only-man-in-the-sky · 6 months
new tone tag called /nbhuyahbsiwciryfgowmbh which stands for "nobody here unless you are here blog spying in which case I'll rip your fucking guts out with my bare hands"
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sadscaredboy · 8 months
I’m on cocaine and I’m scared (as always) but I’m also enjoying myself at the same time…?
Like, it sucks being a trauma holder but it’s cool being in an adult’s body bc I can have experiences I normally wouldn’t have.
The first couple lines were fine but now my head is so loud.
I don’t deal with the psychosis nearly as much as Pri (the host) does and now I see why it’s so scary. And right now its *just* paranoia and auditory.
I’m with someone safe but I’m doing all I can to remember to take deep breaths and not get swept away in a tornado of scary thoughts.
I’m always sad and scared, so…
Why do I want more…?
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cosmosynthesis · 10 months
does anyone else have that kind of anxiety or paranoia mixed with intrusive thoughts where you think that the people youre supposed to like and trust are going to hurt me like even if ive known someone for a really long time even my best friend or this bodys mum im scared that EVERYONE is going to hurt me like idek what to do anymore like whenever someonee walking behind me or me and another person cross paths im scared that they will hurt me that theyll catch up to me and beat me up right there like even my classmates i have these thoughts that theyre going to break into the house i live jn and hurt me so i try to make myself as small as possible everywhere so that i wont be noticed as easily andthwy wont think abt hurting me
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secretidentie · 2 months
Since Bruce is a celebrity everyone assumes his PR team runs his socials but since he's a cluster of paranoia he refuses to let anyone else do it. That means when he randomly tweets something out of pocket he has the perfect excuse.
BRUCE WAYNE TWEETS : "Had a meeting with share holders today and I finally understand why red hood had a bag of severed heads" AND FOLLOWS IT UP WITH "I'd like to apologize on behalf of my social media manager for my last tweet" BUT STILL DOESN'T TAKE IT DOWN.
Clark, trying to be nonchalant : hey I wanted to ask about your post from yesterday.
[a picture of Alfred's cooking posted on IG with the caption "dinner almost looks as delicious as @thesupermanofsteel 🤤"]
Bruce *sweating bullets under the cowl and pretending to work *: oh I haven't seen what my team posted yet.
Clark *immediately burning the bouquet he brought to confess his feelings before Bruce sees* : oh, okay
At a gala
Lex Luther: so I saw your last tiktok
[video of the Waynes on vacation captioned "with the wind in my hair and my kids by my side, @lexluther can't relate"]
Bruce in full Brucie mode : you know how it is with media managers, lexy. I mean yours just posted a whole Twitter rant saying I had work done and then deleted it an hour later HAha, can you believe it!
Lex who can definitely believe it because he wrote that rant himself at 2am :........ Umh...... I'll have to see who's responsible for that.
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lil Mafia Boss! Miguel O’Hara x fem! reader drabble
Warnings: NSFW, depics of violence, blood, some steamy stuff but not too much, sooo much dirtytalk.
You were many things. But you weren't naive.
That wouldn't be an issue if Miguel couldn't talk his way out of hell and right into those pearly gates. His manipulation and sweet talking were just another thing that made you hate him and attracted to him amongst many other things
He was an asshole. He was a powerful Mob Boss. He was your husband and your arch-nemesis. You both loved playing these little games that would send the other down a spiral of paranoia and obsession- it lit a fire under both of your asses. It made you meaner, sharper, stronger
Miguel told his men to take shots at you, haphazardly, making sure they all missed for the sole purpose of scaring you to make you behave and see how valuable his protection was . You weren’t scared, you were pissed and filled with rage. You blew up one of his lackey’s cars, he watched it burn in front of him, if he had gotten into the wrong black beauty of a Lamborghini, he’d be a pile of ashes.
You both poked and prodded, messed and obsessed with every step you made. It was like a Greek tragedy. You outsmarted him some days. He outsmarted you some days.
But after all of it, you were still married, still husband and wife. When he fell for you, he fell hard. You were the daughter of of one of the most renowned gangster in the country, Miguel had to pay his dues to earn his respect- and in the end it payed off. Your father blessed your marriage and that night was a dream above all dreams. The honeymoon was beautiful too, every night was filled with passionate and messy sex and every day he spent with you he fell more and more in love.
But Lord did you test his patience, it was something that you were born to do. He was angry and channelled his rage through many illegal mediums.
Yet you always let him back in.
You’ve been doing what you’ve been doing for the past few weeks.
Waiting up for Miguel.
Waiting for him to come home.
He said he had something to take care of and hasn’t shown his face since. And here you were, waiting for him like a Park Avenue trophy wife. Your wine was making you more anxious than tipsy as you glared at the clock, the fireplace in front of you not warming your body from this strange fear of a man you hate and love. It was nearing 1am.
Then you heard it, the door opening and closing and the rustling of expensive shoes hitting the marble of the foyer, then a jarring clank of keys hitting the holder.
Your breath got lost in your throat, eyes widening when you saw Miguel’s figure. His white shirt was bloodied and his fists were bruised and raw. It’s not his blood, but he did have a cut on his eyebrow. You scoffed as you stood up from your seat.
But that didn’t stop you from both charging at each other, wanting to see each other up close.
“I hate you.” You said with a scowl but what was it all for when you both embraced each other seconds after.
“I believe you.” He said coldly but he knew you meant it. Your head rested on his shoulder and he could smell the shampoo you used earlier tonight. A sweet orchard, green apple. Yet your sweet scent didn’t transfer to yout personality. You didn’t like to sit still and play house.
You were an antagonizing bitch.
He was a heartless bastard.
Yet here you were.
Hating each other, yet seeking each other’s company.
“I hate you.” You repeated much firmly this time and Miguel gripped onto your cheeks and pulled your face up so he could glare at you.
“I said I believe you…I haven’t believed anyone in a long time.” He muttered, but his tone was harsh. Unamused eyes searched yours for an answer but instead he found contempt and sadness.
“You left for weeks….I hated you every second of it.” You spat out but your words couldn’t be brutal when you were this sad.
Miguel’s grip on your face softened, the pads of his fingertips tracing on the outline of your chin. “Now that I’m back…do you still hate me?” He was asking with genuine concern for some reason.
“Yes.” You whispered but your legs started to tremble as the word rolled off of your tongue. Miguel frowned indignantly and huffed out, taking his turn to pivot the conversation to him just ordering you around again.
“I don’t want you leaving the penthouse. I don’t want you outside while I deal with these bastards-“
Your choked breath cut him off. “Is that all you’re thinking about right now? I can’t fucking believe you.” You scoffed, his gall was truly outstanding, of course he had to do this right now. You weren’t purposefully trying to fan the flames to Miguel’s anger but he wanted to treat it like you were, he was already annoyed for ruining one of his best shirts with the blood of subspecies and now he has to deal with you bitching and moaning…and not in the way he liked. “You know what Miguel-“ He directly stopped your words by gripping onto your waist and neck and sitting you on the dining table. You struggled against his hold but it all proved to be fruitless.
“You’re gawking at me like an idiot right now.” You insulted but he was way too far gone now, the crimson of his eyes migrated to a deep ring of burgundy- he was already pissed and you just had to play with him the wrong way.
“You’re beautiful that’s why.” He said endearingly, like he was cooing at you but his serious expression really contrasted that.
“You’re flattering me because you wanna fuck?”
“You asked me if you staying here is all I’m thinking about right now and in fact, it’s not.” Miguel placed a palm on your chest and pushed you flat onto the table, hard. Your eyes were half lidded weapons, scrutinising his every move- and dare he think, he loves it, because he always proves you wrong.
You were his wife, his bitch, his cumdump. You both may hate each other but you always needed each other in this way.
No one else could make you cum otherwise, no one else memorised your body like he did. How couldn’t he? He loved you…once.
You like to think these outbursts are impactful and grand displays of independence but no, you’re Miguel’s lover and you’re gonna act like it.
Hmm. You always looked so pretty in this silk robe, but the fact that your nipples were peaking already under the thin fabric told him all he needed to know.
“I was thinking of you today when I was killing my competition’s men, while I got blood on my hands.” Miguel’s calloused palms splayed onto your smooth legs, feeling up and down teasingly, riding up your robe. You arched against the table already.
Shit, you didn’t mean to.
“The others said that my mind was wandering. I could see their mouths open and close but I couldn’t hear a single word come out..” He said huskily, you gasped when he ripped open your robe, revealing your naked and beautiful figure under him. The only thing that could ever get him off. He dipped his head between your legs to were your thin barely there panties were, he ran his nose over the fabric and inhaled softly. “I could smell you.”
You blinked up at him in confusion, you didn’t know what to feel. You were mad but so aroused…and in the weeks he’s been gone you hadn’t been able to pleasure yourself at all. He looked vicious and mean, your husband was ruthless and sometimes….sometimes it was so fucking arousing, you couldn’t help but squirm and struggle underneath him.
“You wanna know what I did? You wanna know who the man you married is really like when he’s not at home?” His head raised up to your ear to mumble hotly, you jolted and struggled when his hand suddenly went to your already sticky folds.
You weren’t sure if you even had a choice, so you stayed silent, your expression akin to that of vacant displeasure….but oh, were you lying. Your face was about to break.
“I shot them in the kneecaps and beat them until they were barely breathing, but would you believe the way they died was by suffocation?” He chuckled lowly, his fingers teasing your already sloppy entrance.
“F-fuck…are you talking about?” You tried to fight back the moans collecting in the back of your throat but you couldn’t help it.
“They drowned in a puddle of their own blood and I put them there.” Miguel rasped firmly in your ear, his tone and body language becoming very intimidating and…scary. “The bastard’s blood got on my fucking shoes.”
Your husband only wanted to protect what was his. His fingers plunged inside of you, feeling up and down, circling around. You whined out.
“One of them I knew, he went to my fucking highschool hermosa. I called him my friend. But the worst thing occured to me, I imagined him on top of you, my wife, the woman that loathes me so. I saw him tasting you in my head and that’s what made me kill him. You. Just because you sit up here in this untouchable palace doesn’t mesn you’re any cleaner than I am. You’re just as depraved as I am.”
His eyes were beating with a scorching red, his lips were curled into a visicious snarl and at this moment, you knew he was right and that made you want him that much more.
You were his lover.
He wanted you to act like it.
Even if that meant being exactly like he was.
(I deleted my other mafia Miguel fic because I wasn’t sure if i was gonna make it a bigger fic or not and I felt like if i kept it up it would’ve been confusing or something? I’m playing on the same ideas in this fic dw)
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holder-culture-is · 5 days
Paranoia holder culture is wanting to put one of these in but you can’t because you fear someone will try to stalk, find, and hurt you so you have another alter do it for you
-(technically) 👁️‍🗨️❔ (from 🐾🦮)
Promise, as little comfort as it is, this is a safe space. You’re perfectly valid to feel worried, tho. The internet is…something, alright. We worry about this from time to time too. I assure you, though, you’re safe.
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valenishere · 6 months
Sagau Idea
I'm not that good with writing YouPoV's so there may be some odd usage of they's and thems then switching to "you"'s. this'll be stock full of typos so be warned
Mentions of injury, implied murder, blood, and implied cult
It's been a long while since I've gotten into Self-aware genshin aus, reading the fluffiest scenes to straight up gore. And theres this concept I saw about where the creator (basically, you) can make any oc come to life and help them out. (this one read it s really good. They also expanded on it go read it too its a really neat build-up on it. this one)
And as a DnD enjoyer as well... there's this idea thats been brewing in my head whenever i think back to it.
What if in Imposter!au where they're being constantly being hunted... after getting cornered in one of the nations (in the Chasm for example) they get desperate and try out an idea they don't think would work.
While resting after being in the brink of death(again) in a place Teyvat has helped you conceal, your thoughts wander. You think, why is there even a Creator? There isn't supposed to be one. That kinda concept just disrupts everything they know about the game. It's a ridiculous concept. In your delirious state, you think, "I wish that just disappears... Then i wouldn't be..."
Then you remebered the curious ability you've recently unlocked in your "adventures". The ability to create characters, with some limitations. It took you quite a bit to adjust to your newfound ability and its caveats, resulting in a few heartbreaking loss on the way.
But as a DnD player, overcoming the death of your beloved characters quickly is a mental fortitude you've developed. And it's handy that you've already made a few characters for your past sessions before landing in Teyvat. It saved you from being one-shotted right from the start.
Although now... You're down to only one left.
"... I'm so tired..."
The mental stress of being in a constant state of danger, paranoia, hunger, pain, and exhaustion have worn you down to a point where you can't even think up of more characters to make up for the one's that have recently passed. You slipped up so bad because of sleeplessness that your last capable party of characters died and a hole was speared through your gut too.
As you lay bleeding on the cold ground, with only a talking mushroom to keep you company, you wrack your brain to put together a proper character but... you really can't. You can't even think straight. Not with the recent information you've found out.
The so-called Creator is now creating their very own characters, their very own people/army, through alchemy, and is now sending them after you, thus increasing your hunters by double. And on top of the already powerful vision-holders (of course they're powerful, you made them that way), you figured... "Ah... I'm fucked..."
Knowing you might as well be as good as done now, you didn't even bother bringing out the last of your characters to heal you. It's not like healing yourself will make you forget about this lifelong trauma--
... Forget?
A fleeting thought.
A dumb fleeting thought. A very dumb one at that.
One that will for sure backfire in your face if you do it wrong. And quite frankly, it could spell the end for this world, even for the one they call Creator.
... But it's not like you have anything else to lose.
And so, within the dim light of the mushroom, you painstakingly start to write. Word for word, cramming everything information you know, as deatiled as you can make it into bringing it into life. A character you've never tried making before. Something that could possibly end your suffering. Or make it worse.
You honestly don't know if you're doing it right. After all, you've never tried something like it before.
"What are you making this time?' the ever so curious mushroom asked.
You grin, a manic look in your eyes. "Either my stupidest... or my brightest idea yet."
It's not long befere you finished. You gaze upon your finished product and you have to say... it's even more fleshed out than your best characters. And that quick sketch you drew... you swear those hollow eyes are following you already. That may be just the blood loss talking.
"That's... one ugly worm you've drawn..." The mushroom hums, like it can just see the monstrosity that you've created.
You chuckle breathlessly, looking almost solemn with what you're about to do. Well... it' not wrong. But...
"This is my kid. Their name is... Falseh. Get along well with them... okay?"
The very ground trembles as the Lord of Geo strides through the dark tunnels, a dark look in his eyes and a spear in his hand. If his presence wasn't enough, the murderous intent rolling off of him in waves is enough to deter any beasts from crossing his path.
The imposter was last seen slinking around the depths of the Chasm by one of the Tianquan's agents. Although failing to execute the imposter the first chance they got with their incompetence, Morax have to commend the Qixing for being able to find them even in the depths of the earth.
For some reason, the land seems to reject his commands from time to time now. He was baffled as to why his beloved Maker is hindering him in fulfilling his given mission but he's just been informed that the land defiance of him is due to the imposter infecting the land with their vile abilities.
Now, he's even more hellbent on making sure to drive his spear through the imposters heart and presenting it to his Grace. He won't miss a second time.
His eyes sharpens as a he a cavern just up ahead, soft blue light spilling through entrance. Tightening his grip on his spear, the power of Geo gathers in his other, ready to skewer someone five times into death if he so wishes.
He steps through the entrance and immediately lands on a figure, leaning prone under a giant glowing mushroom. He relaxes a bit. He recognizes this place. It's a bit close to the Land of Verdure, Sumeru. He needs to be careful. He can't be caught flaunting his power on another Archons domain after all.
Approaching the figure, he gets a bit surprised as they twitch, looking up to him through their hair. They try to talk, but all they can manage are quiet wheezes.
'Oh. They're still breathing. That's good.' Zhongli kneels down beside them, looking them over. They look like they've been dragged through the Abyss and back. Their midriff is bandaged heavily but it's already bled through, forming a pool of their own blood below them. He frowns lightly. It must be quite a big injury if it's bleeding this much.
Wordlessly, he holds a hand over the injury and channels his power. He's not the most profficient in healing, but he should at least be able to stop the bleeding.
Mere moments later, he have plugged up the injury and the figure is now able to stand up.
"Th-Thank you so much Rex Lapis!" they bow down. Or at least, they bow down the best they can without opening their wound. "Any longer and I would've surely perished..."
Zhongli waves them off nonchalantly as he starts to walk back out the way he came. "It's best you get back to the surface. Your injury needs to be properly tended. And I can see that..."
His eyes drifts to the scattered bloody bandages and practically empty backpack. "You've run out of supplies. It is a virtue to you mortals to know when to give up. Remember that."
"Y-Yes sir Rex Lapis sir! I'll get back right away!" they start to quickly collect their things, haphazardly stuffing the bandages and handbook into the bag, being careful of their injury.
The Lord of Geo just watches for a moment before completely leaving, trusting that they won't make any stupid mistake and go back post haste.
After he has left, you pause in your packing, leaning against the mushroom and slowly sliding down with a shaky breath.
"Y-You... didn't you say he and the entirety of the world was hunting for you?" The mushroom hums in confusion, sharing your tension. "What was that? Heck, he was the one that put a hole through you and he healed you!"
You chuckle breathlessly, the manic look intensifying in your eyes as it dawns on you that it worked. That stupid idea of yours actually worked!
And if you can get to the Creator... you can make this whole concept disappear altogether. Forever.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see it. A large mass of hairless flesh writhing about, multiple tentacle-like appendages potruding out of it. It's slithering it's limbs about, coiling around the mushroom and and back again, and around you as well.
But when you turn your head to actually look, there's nothing there. All you can hear is what seems to be muffled humming, an eerie tune listlessly flowing through the air (but somehow, the sound is the most comforting thing ever).
"Oh it's nothing. I think... he just heard something that made him forget."
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