#pain & inflammation
endometriosismemes · 2 months
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
rare non-palestine post real quick because my finger joints have been hurting really bad for the past three days and drawing is my life so i'd really appreciate any pointers to make them stop hurting
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disabled-bug · 4 months
‼️ content warning for talking about (necessary, healthy) food restrictions ‼️
Please don’t be rude about somebody’s dietary restrictions.
Sometimes people don’t even notice it in the little comments about how gross vegan food is, how bad for you dairy-free milks are, how everything gluten-free tastes like cardboard…people don’t choose their food intolerances!!!!
I have to use a lot of substitutes for MEDICAL REASONS, and I’ve had people tell me to my face how gross that is. Vegan cheese tastes like glue. Oh, you have to try a gluten free diet? That’s so trendy now, but really you don’t have to. The food is so bland.
I do have to, actually. It’s discouraging to hear how inferior your food is when there’s no other option!!!!! Please try to be considerate of people’s non-negotiable needs.
Also don’t be mean to people who do choose their own dietary specifications, that should go without saying. Be considerate and respectful of what people have to eat!!!
With love, if nobody is practicing unsafe or dangerous eating habits, mind your business ❤️
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thecovenhouseco · 1 year
The scariest thing about being chronically ill and waiting to figure out wtf is wrong with you is dealing with scary symptoms you don’t know is just a symptom or something else that’s really serious. The anxiety from that itself is debilitating. My body feel like a torture device that I will never escape.
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fruitdragon · 29 days
My mother explaining my disability : Okay so you have GCK-MODY which means that if your insulin levels aren't regulated they will start to eat your connective tissues and your mitochondria isn't properly stimulated when nutrients enter the cell leading to chronic exhaustion. You also have Chronic Migraine, hemiplegic leading to partial paralysis and weakness of the limb leading to long term damage, as well as "regular" meaning some days you won't be able to get out of bed because the your senses are attacking your brain, sometimes leading to vomitting spells and blindness episodes. You are also suffering from Long COVID, post COVID myopathy and lactic acid overproduction....
Me explaining my disability: So yeah my parents genetics are a nightmare and I got cursed by the bone wizard, check out my forearm crutches
(my mother's explanation is actually usually much more detailed since she got her PhD in biology and biochemistry and works in patient engagement for research surrounding disability. But I gave what she will bring up in casual conversation)
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kellylynncurry · 1 month
I want my old body back Before the medication ravaged it And distorted it Gave it these aftereffects And turned it into this wreckage — Kelly Lynn Curry
From the book Radiant Poppy
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bathtub4rats · 2 years
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my knee hurts and I cant sleep therefore his knee hurts and he can't sleep
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fightingtostayfierce · 4 months
I am sosososososoosososo tired of being in pain constantly
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Being chronically ill is crazy because I’m essentially just living with multiple warning lights on my dashboard lit up but if an otherwise able bodied person suddenly had their body’s check engine light on they’d go into a coma
We built different
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endometriosismemes · 2 months
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Image: The singer of Ms. Jackson looks questioningly upwards Image caption:
Me: Explains what a chronic illness is Healty Person: Forever ever? end of image
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bluebird-poetry96 · 2 months
Self Doubt in the Air
Why can’t I just...
Be a person who makes mistake,
Be someone who takes risks, and thinks themselves invincible,
Be a courageous person, live in the storm that is my soul.
Be a person who loves way too much, with such a force of-
That’s one I have mastered...
I have banged that god forsaken hammer atop that nail,
Bending, breaking, busting
Beseeching to receive the same. 
i just want to be...
-Raven Blue Bell
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beenovel · 4 months
Me: I need new knees
My mom: I’ll see what I can find on Amazon
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bitchfitch · 9 months
joy of joys that definitely isn't going to be detrimental to my health and ability to function over the next few days: the post office lost the box containing the next months supply of my meds. and the pharmacy I get my pills from won't be open again till Monday. and getting them delivered will probably be another three or four days after that. Boy howdy is this going to be a fun and relaxing week.
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thecovenhouseco · 1 year
Being physically ill and going to the doctor is the same as bringing in your car to the shop because it’s acting funny and the car running perfectly fine while at the shop.
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fruitdragon · 1 month
Sometimes my brain goes: "But what if I'm faking it" and then it hits me that hoping for good pain days, crying myself to sleep because it hurts too much and having the 'forearm crutches vs cane' debate to myself every morning after I down my pain meds isn't something that healthy people do
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