#type one diabetic
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demiboydemon · 20 days ago
Disabled person: *exists* Able-bodied person™️:
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underdog1224557 · 5 months ago
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zurko48 · 2 years ago
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divercitizen · 2 months ago
Reminder that if you tell a disabled or chronically ill person you would rather kill yourself than go deal with what we do on a daily basis, you are literally saying you don’t see our lives as worth living.
I don’t care if you’re being dramatic or exaggerating, or if you’d actually follow through with it (please don’t) if you become disabled someday.
Our lives are already hard enough; we don’t need to hear that you think our existence is a fate worse than death on top of everything else.
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crimesis666 · 5 months ago
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October Rust is almost over
Peter Steele
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transgender-brimstone · 2 years ago
i love you diabetics.
i love you type 1s, i love you type 1.5s, i love you type 2s, i love you prediabetics, i love you gestational diabetics, i love you diabetics who don't fit into a single type/have a specific type not mentioned here, i love you recently diagnosed diabetics, i love you diagnosed years ago diabetics, i love you diabetics who use CGMs, i love you diabetics who prick their fingers, i love you diabetics who do MDIs and fight with needles, i love you diabetics who use pods/pumps/infusion sets, i love you diabetics who use insulin inhalers, i love you diabetics who are sick and tired, i love you diabetics who went into DKA, i love you diabetics who have "bad" a1c, i love you diabetics that are struggling to stay motivated to care care of yourselves. i love you diabetics!!!!!!!!!
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evp3playr · 9 months ago
does anyone else have the urge to leave your phone at home or shut it down for the day only to remember you need your cgm app to like,,, live?
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wheatweetwheat · 5 months ago
Can they please cure t1D already I’m fuckin tired
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haydenthewitch · 1 year ago
The worst thing about having a chronic pain that isn't visible to others is feeling like your whining when you say, "i'm in pain right now."
i don't ever want the pain in my knees to be categorized as the same kind of complaint as "i don't want to go to work" or "its monday." I say "my knees and joints are hurting" every day because 1. my knees and joints do hurt everyday, and it fucking sucks and 2. i want to be heard by the pepole around me saying that i'm in pain so i can never be gaslit by myself, my family, or my doctor that i'm "not in enough pain".
but when i say "i'm in a lot of pain right now" and then continue to live my life (becuse i can't sit around all day, as much as i want to) pepole assume that i'm okay enough, so therfore it's not that bad. "i'm in a lot of pain" becomes just another mundane complaint.
the thing is; my pain tollerance is HIGH. i don't talk about it much on here, But i'm a type one diabetic and i have been that way since i was SIX YEARS OLD. i've been sticking myself with needles, pricking my fingers to draw blood, dealing with insulin and medical supplies since i was six. i know my body better than most 18 year olds do, so when i say that recently i've been a 9 on the 1-10 pain scale evry day for the past couple of months I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.
When i say "my joints hurt", i mean that i can FEEL bones grinding and clicking against one another. When i say "i've been sitting for too long and now my hips are fucked" i mean that walking becomes diffucuclt for me and sometimes i have to hobble down the school halways like how my grandmother walks. when i say "my knees are in pain" i mean that it feels like a liquid hot, searing pain in my joints that feels like a poker melting my skin off. WHEN I SAY I'M IN PAIN, IT'S NOT A MUNDANITY, ITS EXCUTRIATING AND I WISH I WOULD BE TAKEN SEROUISLY.
I cant stand for a 10 minute conversation, my knees would buckle. I might need a bench in my shower, becuse for the past few weeks i've been sitting in my shower floor to shampoo and conditon my hair. I can't sit criss-cross anymore or it will fuck up my entire day. I've resorted to taking a bathroom break in every single class every day so i can stand up becuse if i sit for longer than 30 minutes in one of those school desks every joint in my lower back and spine and legs starts screaming at me. i only feel comfortable laying down, fully stretched out, on my back. If i sleep wrong, i'm in pain from the molment i wake up.
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gtzgoblin · 11 months ago
I remembered yesterday that as a kid I was told a lot not to get upset/angry/stressed because it would "make my blood sugars bad"
What the fuck man?
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 year ago
as a diabetic nothing is as humiliating as being in a social setting, and everyone is having a good time, and then your CGM alert goes off INSANELY loud like a gong going off in church. it feels like a medieval shame bell fr. and i’m like, okay thanks for not letting me die, dexcom, but do you have to be so fucking dramatic about it?? honestly i’d rather just quietly have a hypoglycemic episode thanks
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demiboydemon · 4 months ago
So sad about the United Health CEO :( has he tried yoga?
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underdog1224557 · 10 months ago
Low blood sugar is kind of funny to think about sometimes, it’s almost like a curse. You get to ignore your chronic illness for a little bit and eat without worrying about insulin or carbs. But at the same time your body is slowly shutting down, your brain is starving and you are in a confused, sweaty daze. So while you are enjoying a small moment without the stress of diabetes, you are also actively dying.
Kind of a weird way to look at it I guess
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zurko48 · 3 months ago
Diabetes is such a joke of a disease wdym I just got woken up in the dead of night basically on my deathbed and to not die I have to eat a little snack? a little treat is gonna save my life? save me vanilla icing, vanilla icing SAVE ME. like what is even going on what are we DOING 😭
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theblackqueen-ofmyheart · 1 year ago
You know what we need @fiery-red-kryptonite? We need a diabetic convention.
A few days long where diabetics of all ages could all get together and just talk, share things. both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. I know where I live there were diabetes camps but like…those were for kids and that’s great but so many people who are older need the support.
Because honestly no one understands a diabetic like another diabetic, doctors don’t get me the way you do. Other friends may try to help (and they do an amazing job when I need them to help) but I can just message you and go “holy shit the low I had today” and you understand and share what helps you. I can say “my lord the dream I had today” and you respond with “how was your blood sugar?”.
Plus I know way too many type 2 diabetics who are sorely uneducated on type 1 diabetes and I feel like they would learn better in an open, friendly environment rather than a doctors office where the doctor might not even fully know.
New diabetics who are scared and worried being able to talk face to face with elder diabetics who’ve been dealing with this Illness for most of their lives and hearing from some who knows first hand how they handle it. Being able to go back to their doctors with informed ideas on how to better manage their diabetes.
Panels set up by diabetics for diabetics (and their families because let’s be honest families need more education than they get too)
Little sales booths where diabetics can sell little trinkets to decorate pump or pen pouches. Little bears to help little kids with diabetes brave the injections (I had one his name was poke, he was my second favourite bear)
Just something for diabetics to get together in person and be able to share. Make connections with each other and finally feel a little bit less alone.
I don’t know this idea struck me while I was changing my sensor and I felt like a post that other diabetics may see and share etc would be nice……at least we can have a diabetic Tumblr group or something 😂
Edit: the post has been reblogged and liked a few times so I went ahead and made a discord so diabetics can connect in some way at the very least. The invite shouldn’t expire but if it does please let me know and I’ll put a new one or invite you personally.
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