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i'm a big x-men fan not gonna lie
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divercitizen · 8 hours ago
thinking about that dream I had a few months ago where I went and joined an underground fight club and I wore all black because I was trying to be edgy™ except my combat boots were neon yellow and the most hideous thing you'd ever see.
And then Alex Summers showed up, was like "dude what are you even wearing?" and then happily informed me that he was on the run because he'd become the world's most accurate meteorologist, and because he was putting all the other meteorologists out of their jobs, they started a guild to hunt him down and kill him.
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divercitizen · 13 hours ago
I don’t even know what to do. I’m off my meds because I missed my last appointment and haven’t been able to get it rescheduled. I absolutely hate myself for getting into this mess. I take on too much because I’m an absolute pushover and I’m scared of making people angry, and now I’m freaking out. What is wrong with me and why can’t I just function like a normal person instead of constantly crashing and burning
how do I explain to a client that his project’s a month late because I’ve been so exhausted I struggle to get anything done, and every time I think of the work I’m supposed to do for him I panic and cry.
I understand I’m in the wrong. I’m far too late and I can’t blame him for being upset. But this year has been an absolute nightmare and every time I try to get any work done it’s like my mind shuts down.
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divercitizen · 13 hours ago
how do I explain to a client that his project’s a month late because I’ve been so exhausted I struggle to get anything done, and every time I think of the work I’m supposed to do for him I panic and cry.
I understand I’m in the wrong. I’m far too late and I can’t blame him for being upset. But this year has been an absolute nightmare and every time I try to get any work done it’s like my mind shuts down.
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divercitizen · 1 day ago
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feels like fake news
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divercitizen · 1 day ago
Looking young for your age is annoying, but also kind of funny—like, ma’am, I have two degrees and a full-time job, stop asking me where my parents are. No I don’t need their consent to get a library card.
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divercitizen · 1 day ago
Things in my life that Just Make Sense™
Having one specific pair of work pants that are designated for Fridays only. I call them my Friday Pants.
One giftcard in my wallet specifically for my Breaking and Entering needs. (for legal reasons this is not true)
M&Ms are to be eaten in a specific order: the browns and yellows first, oranges and greens next, and the reds and blues for last. This is because the reds and blues absolutely taste the best.
All of my office supplies are pink. I will not use any other color of sticky notes, thank you very much.
I always say "See ya later homies" when I switch lanes on a crowded road. I have no idea why I do this.
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divercitizen · 1 day ago
People love to tell me i can do whatever i put my mind to as a chronically ill person!
Hate to break it to you Brenda, but if that was true I’d be making my own insulin and eating sourdough.
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divercitizen · 1 day ago
Finally, a marvel rivals GUY'S backside for a change.
Not that I want to see his on my dash either, but y'know, #equalrights and all that jazz.
started getting all these Marvel Rivals ads (no I don't play) and they're all just focused in on female characters' butts. Only women, of course.
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divercitizen · 1 day ago
Reducing my screentime: Week 0
Alright, so Week 1 technically starts tomorrow, but I've decided to begin prepping for things today. I'm already at 4 hr 55 min for today, but I've decided to go over so I can go through and organize my phone for the challenge without penalty.
I'm going to start with a little self-assessment (because I love assessing, of course) and we'll see how my perceptions and reality change over time.
What times am I using my phone the most?
Work. UGHHH I am so bad about this. I am a receptionist, and if you don't know, at that kind of job it's either everything happening at once or hours of absolutely NOTHING to do. So on the days where the latter is the case, I find myself spinning circles in my chair, incredibly bored, and boom. I'm on my phone again.
In bed. This has gotten so. freaking. bad. over the past year or so. I usually am on my phone reading fanfics or doomscrolling before bed, and then the second I wake up the first thing I do is check my phone. I know it's a bad start to my day, and I know I'm setting myself up for failure by depending so heavily on my devices to actually get up in the morning.
As soon as I get home from work. I usually get home, head straight upstairs and change, then flop down in my bed to do a little bit of pre-dinner scrolling that in turn spirals into a multi-hour phone session. Which is not healthy by any means.
What am I doing the most on my phone?
Doomscrolling. Which has been less of an issue since I deleted all my social media on Friday, but I've found myself going through goodreads like nobody's business to compensate lol. I will definitely be working on that.
Reading fanfics/writing drabbles in my notes app. Don't get me wrong--I love a good fic. But my eyes are still glued to my phone for hours just going on AO3 or writing a million oneshots in my notes that will probably never see the light of day, just to feel something. I'm not quitting these by any means, but am going to be working on finding healthier ways to enjoy these hobbies!
Library book "shopping." Pretty sure this has ramped up as a way to replace doomscrolling on social media, but recently I have been very, very interested in updating my TBR and trying to find library books on Libbie. Which will definitely be helpful in keeping me occupied, but I think spending at least an hour on these apps is a bit overkill, lol.
What will I be doing instead of using my phone?
Reading! I am a bookworm at heart and want to use this challenge as a way to spend more time doing one of my favorite things. My goal for this year is to read at least one book a month, and I really, really want to actually complete it. My lunch hour at work has been my designated reading time since starting the job, and I am going to find more ways to incorporate reading into my daily life as well!
Art! I haven't been making much time for drawing/collaging as of late, and I really want to get back into the groove of doing those two things more often. It's been a vicious cycle--because I'm drawing less, my skills are beginning to decrease, which in turn demotivates me so I draw even less. I will be getting back OUT of this slump and drawing for fun, even if I'm not as good as I used to be.
Cleaning/not procrasting. Yeah. Gonna actually try to take good care of my living space, which is currently a disaster. I'm also going to stop using my phone to ignore my anxieties, such as making dr's appointments and following up with people I should. Overall, stop using it as a crutch and a way to avoid getting things done.
I'm going to be tracking not only how my screen time reduction goes, but also how well I'm doing in these specific areas, and my general wellbeing as a whole!
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divercitizen · 2 days ago
Personal Challenge: reducing my screen time
Long story short, it has come to my attention that I spend far, far too much time on my phone. And while I knew that something had to change, I wasn't entirely sure how to go about it. I started setting timers for no phone usage over the past month which got me down from about 8 hours a day to 5-6, so that's already a win! And then on Friday I impulsively deleted all of my social media apps (except for Fable/Goodreads and YouTube, which I only use on my phone for Pilates anyway) and immediately noticed an improvement! And yes, I am writing this from my computer lol.
I haven't really been able to get under the 5 hour mark yet, so I looked up videos to see how other people went about doing this. And while a lot of them were like "download this app" or "buy our product" yadda yadda you get it, I stumbled across this video in which the creator does a gradual decrease of one hour per week, starting at 5 or less until they're under one hour for the final two weeks. So, I've decided to do the same thing (I'll link the video below if anyone else wants to watch it).
The parameters are as follows:
I will also start my first week at five hours or less. The first week will begin tomorrow (since I've already passed the 5 hour mark today RIP) but after that, every week will start on Sunday. I'll be doing the same time constraints as them: going each week from 5, 4, 3, 2, and the last two weeks, one and under). I'll also be implementing the penalty system they had--if I go over one day, I'll have to restart entirely, at HALF the original times (so, first week would be 2.5, second would be 2, etc).
I've decided to document the process on Tumblr (on my laptop lol) to hold myself accountable. I'll be posting updates (#dc screentime challenge) on how I'm doing, as well as being able to look back and see how a effective having a reduced screentime is on different areas of my life. If anyone wants to do this with me by all means, please do!!!
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divercitizen · 2 days ago
Raven’s hysterical screams of terror at Azazel’s multiple murders at the CIA facility are hilarious in hindsight since that’s her first glimpse of her future baby daddy.
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divercitizen · 4 days ago
Who is this booster gold and why do I keep mistaking him for Alex Summers
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divercitizen · 4 days ago
My insulin pump case broke so I have to get a new one 😒
But on the bright side, they have it in PINK?!! I’ve just been using the black one that came with my pump, I didn’t know there were other colors!!
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divercitizen · 5 days ago
Only children must lead sad lives. What do you mean you never told bedtime stories with your younger siblings where you’d both take turns describing how bedbugs would infest your bodies and eat you from the inside out in increasingly gruesome ways??
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divercitizen · 6 days ago
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i think ororo would be uncomfortable with PDA but they would be very sweet on each other in private :) Kurt especially since his brand of affection is so devotional
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divercitizen · 6 days ago
AU where the X-men all work at a dental office and Ororo’s a receptionist who has to learn to work with the new hire, Kurt.
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divercitizen · 6 days ago
Some idiot: "Why are you reading your own fic, that's shallow and stupid"
All fanfic writers and writers everywhere: "Who the fuck do you think I wrote it for?!"
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