#or to quote steph
boxfivetrades · 1 year
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Tim Morgan and Tim Southgate as Managers
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thebat-musicman · 11 days
9 year old Dick: If you’re a friendless loser and you know it, clap your hands!
Dick: Clap. Your. Hands.
Bruce: *clap clap*
12 year old Jason: HEY YOU!
Jason: HEY! YOU!
Bruce: It’s not polite to not call people by their names, Robin.
Jason: Nice try, Hey You. I know my mentor’s name.
13 year old Tim: You see this coffee, Bruce?
Bruce: Thank you for making this for m-
Tim: This is my coffee. You are having water. Only people who don’t break mugger’s fingers get coffee.
Clark: Batman, your Robins are so polite. They must have been a joy to raise.
Bruce, through clenched teeth: Such a joy.
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[During a white elephant gifts exchange]
Steph: A metro card? no way!
Tim: From me! Unlimited rides
Jason: Oh, unlimited rides? Is that what your tramp stamp says?
Tim: I was gonna get mad, but that was a damn good one
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tiger-grace · 1 month
The Dark Knight, Batman, Mr. “I am the night” maintaining his mystery even while revealing his identity in a justice league meeting:
The JL: Bruce Wayne?!
His wayward children, who have scheduled a “Brucie Wayne” funniest moments and scandals compilation to kick on in about 30 seconds on the monitor:
The JL: … bruce wayne
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hangon-silvergirl · 5 months
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fallout tv series + onion headlines, okey dokey?
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batfamgalore · 6 months
Tim: All right, check out this bad boy.
*opens big new computer*
Tim: Twelve megabytes of RAM, 500 megabyte hard drive. Built in spreadsheet capabilities and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 BPS.
Steph: Wow. What are you gonna use it for?
Tim: Games and stuff.
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lustwithoutlore · 7 months
Stephanie, clearly upset: I just spent $30 at the grocery store and all I got was eggs, mayonnaise, fruit, and pop.
Tim: Oh so prices have gone down, that’s good.
Stephanie: …. I really hate you sometimes, Tim. Really hate you.
Tim: Isn’t $30 for all that cheap?
Stephanie, calling Jason: I need an immediate extraction I’m about to kill Tim.
Jason: … And you need the extraction, why?
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batfamhastwitter · 1 month
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Part 11! Happy birthday to my favorite little gremlin!!
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Tim: So anyways, my boyfriend-
Jason: Woah woah, “boyfriend?”
Tim: What’s that supposed to mean? Come on Jason I thought you were cool don’t tell me-
Jason: Pump the breaks, I’m not homophobic. Just surprised anyone would date you.
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rainnyydaysworld · 2 months
*Steph is crying after a breakup*
Cass: There there, Steph.
Steph, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room?
Cass: Great question—
Damian: It’s time to turn this into a real business.
Tim: What do you mean? Like, carry a briefcase, and wear a tie, and pay taxes?
Cass: Wait, have you not been paying your taxes?
Duke: I handle our accounting.
Tim: Just say when.
Damian: When.
Tim: I-
Tim: Now or later?
Damian: Oh.
Damian: What’s it like being tall?
Damian: Is it nice?
Damian: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Jason: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Cass: It was one time!
Tim, shooing Jason away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Dick: Why did you leave Wrestlemania on for the cats?
Damian: They need to learn how to protect us.
Tim: My level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”.
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sistertotheknowitall · 2 months
Jason: Thou looks and smells of an unwashed mutt of female persuasion and so does thy lover.
Steph: You’re a bitch and so’s your man.
Tim: …… Okay, but why’s he speaking like that?
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incorrecthatchetfield · 11 months
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Incorrect Nerdy Prudes Must Die 1/?
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fanaticalthings · 2 months
[Jason and Steph hanging out at Jay's apartment]
Jason: So you and Tim are like, done, right?
Steph: Oh yeah, it's definitely over. It was pretty mutual, too.
Jason: Oh, thank God. I didn't wanna say it, but it was a bit annoying whenever I invited you over, and you dragged Tim with you.
Steph: yeahhh sorry about that
Jason: It's just nice spending quality time without the rest of the bats butting in. I already have enough to deal with whenever I visit the manor.
Steph: Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm gonna be 100% batboy/Robin-free from now on!
Steph showing up to Jason's apartment 1 month later with Cass in tow: So here's the thing-
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theaceofarrows · 3 months
Bruce: Dick, what did you and your brother do when he visited Blüdhaven the other day?
Dick: Nothing much, why?
Bruce: Because I just saw a headline saying, "Wayne sons Dick Grayson arrests Brother Jason Todd when on police duty Friday afternoon to reenact Justin Timberlake arrest whilst dozens of witnesses watch."
Dick: [shrugs] Yeah, we did that. Why?
Bruce: Firstly I don't know what that even means. Secondly, why would you do that?
Jason: It means Dick arrested me and I said, "this is going to ruin the tour."
Dick: And I said, "what tour?" To which Jason replied, "The world tour."
Jason: All while I was wearing a piss poor disguise
Bruce: [tiredly] Why?
Jason: Because it was funny
Bruce: [rubbing his temples] No. No it isn't...
Dick: Well, six billion other people say otherwise~
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lithiumseven · 3 months
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hangon-silvergirl · 4 months
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fallout tv series + text posts, what could go wrong?
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