#miraculous ladybug/dc
captainkirkk · 2 years
So I started following you a little while back for your weekly fix roundups for atla and a couple other fandoms, and now I am somehow a batfamily fan? Specifically even a Jason Todd fan??? Despite having never actually consumed any single piece of canon media in which he has been in???????
So thanks for that I guess! Anyway, having braved the tags now I find myself very confused about something and was wondering if you could offer any insight. Do you know why there is so much crossover with the Danny Phantom fandom? I’ve never consumed any of that canon either, but from what I can tell of the premise there doesn’t seem to be much correlation. Is there something in particular that contributed to its popularity, or is it just one of those weird unexplainable fandom things?
It's a Fandom Thing. Random crossovers will sometimes become incredibly popular, despite the source material having nothing in common. Personally, I think it's because of the size and content within the fandoms.
DC has MANY crossovers, because it's a such big fandom. When you loiter in fandom spaces, you inevitably get sucked into fandoms like that - like you very recently experienced (welcome to the party, by the way!). And because so many people are familiar with these fandoms, they become communal sand pits for everyone to play in.
DP is also one of those fandoms that has lots of crossovers. But I think that has more to do with people enjoying the angsty or crackish aspects of fanon, and wanting to inflict it on other universe . If you haven't noticed, these fics often involve the Justice League of the Batfamily being baffled or horrified by this dead, overpowered 14yo superhero. It's a recipe for success.
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frishbi · 11 months
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continuing with my little series: green haired characters! :D
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satoshy12 · 8 months
Bruce:" I am not collecting children! They find me!"
Flash:"Yeah, right. Don't believe you."
Bruce: "What do you think? I put my arms out, and a new child falls into my arms to adopt!"
To show case it,
Bruce stretched out his arms only for two babies to land in his arms. With a name tag on them. Daniel and Marinette.
Bruce:" This doesn't prove anything."
Bruce is on speaking terms with their families. As the meta-babies most often teleported, Maddie and Jack met Sabine and Tom. And now they talk at least once a week, as Bruce and family is kind of part of it too.
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gourins · 3 months
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Magic user in Gotham⑤
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sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
We Became Heroes Because You Didn't
The Justice League don't specialize in much. If you ask them, they'd say otherwise. Unless they're one of the Bats, because they acknowledge that, especially with magic. They hate it, but they have connections and will at least ask for more details to deal with the situation at hand. Though they'll need proof.
That's the thing really. Proof. Because how are you going to get proof of something if everything gets repaired by the end? Or maybe you're the villain here according to the public. Or maybe everything you say is just plain crazy that nobody even knows what's going on from the start!
It was only when another group was formed when everything became clear. They were frowned upon, unknown, spoke nonsense, and never asked for help. They were the survivors that played hero. They were the shadowed version of the Justice League.
They were Justice League: Dark
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A fanfic (or multiple small ones grouped together?) that isn't really about them joining forces, but more about the discovery of more dangerous territory that's being handled by kids/teens. Lift some weight for these kids. They really want a safe net by now in their hero careers.
Like- maybe a few of these wouldn't be the JL's fault. Maybe it was the government (at least for the US). Like Danny Phantom and Gravity Falls mentions the government, maybe they blocked off those regions from outside connections.
I feel like it would be funny if maybe Constantine just ends up collecting kids like Batman with his.
They're just kids! Itty bitty toddlers. It's supposed to be our job to take care o' that shit, ain't it?
And JLD now has a bunch of young professionals cause what the fuck, kid. Why do you know this??? Ya know? Maybe the JL just randomly finds these things, calls Constantine after Zatanna fails to know wtf is going on, and he just calls over a kid. Or a group of them.
JL: We need a professional, why is there a child here?
Constantine: Cause even when you fuckers ignored their calls for help, they still at least try to help where they can
JL: We never-
Constantine: Shut your traps! School's in session
*Child tries to explain*
JL: You have to be kidding me. ___ doesn't exist.
Constantine: Oh bloody hell-
Child: And they wonder why they get more attention than us.
idk, I just like the idea of Constantine being a father for OP characters and desperately want a Young Justice League: Dark. I read a couple of Danny and/or Billy being adopted by him, but the cravings... And if it's a whole big crossover thing, that would be great. Tag me if you see or write about something like this. I wanna read too :)
Don't put too much hope in me writing it though, I'm seriously bad at continuing/finishing stuff. But if I do, I'll edit this post with links to whatever I write.
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autla · 2 years
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Family Secrets
Damian couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen pieces of that costume when he lived in the League, but never did he expect to see his mother, disguised, in Paris! He carefully kept an eye on her as she walked into a bakery. He felt his own breath hitch as a young girl came and hugged her.
"Nonna!" she cried.
"Hello, My Leetle Fairy." his mother replied, hugging her back.
"Are you having fun on your travels?" the girl questioned, "Where did you go this time?"
"Egypt." his mother declared.
The girl smiled, "Did you see the pyramids?"
His mother brought out a keychain of a pyramid and handed it to the girl.
"It's great!" the girl smiled, "I'll keep it on my desk so when I see it, I can think of you."
"I wish you could come with me." the disguised Talia declared.
"Maybe when I'm older?" the young girl answered.
Talia tapped the young girl's nose, "Possibly, but we know very well how hard you work."
"Mom!" announced a man, who seemed the size of Bane, "How are you?"
Damian watched on in shock. He was aware that his mother was much older than she appeared. Hearing someone around his father's age, refer to his mother as a maternal figure was unsettling.
"I'm fine, Tom." she answered.
"Would you like to put your bag down and rest?" he asked.
"Nonsense." his mother replied, "I may look older, but I'm fine. I wanted to see if Marinetta would like to take a ride around the city with me."
"Yes!" the girl cried.
Damian watched as they both got on a motorcycle and drove off.
It took awhile, but Damian finally spotted them near the Seine, eating ice cream. The girl was looking down at something, in her lap. His mother's eyes connected with his and he knew he had made her.
"I'll be right back." Gina spoke, kissing Marinette on the head.
Gina walked in Damian's direction.
"What are you doing here?" she demanded.
"Do you plan to kidnap her, Mother?" Damian questioned.
"Of course not!" Gina snapped.
"Who is she?" he asked.
Talia sighed, "Your niece; she's your age."
"So the man who called you mother-"Damian began.
"Your grandfather wanted me out of the way. He was looking for a male successor to take over." Talia began to explain, "He kicked me out of the League, briefly, and I had some semblance of a normal life. I fell in love with a baker. Tom is our son, before I ever met your father. Essentially, he is your older brother."
She sighed, "Everyhting was fine and I was happy, until he sent someone to exterminate us. Before I killed him, I learned my death was a test. Kill me and become successor to the League. I returned with his head and threw it at your grandfather's feet. He looked at me and said he would allow me back on one condition."
"What was it?" Damian asked.
"I had to leave my family." she admitted, "I said I understood and would be back in three months. I knew he would never stop coming after us."
"Why three months?" her son questioned, "You were already there. Did they not know of the League?"
"Tom was getting married and no, my family knew nothing about the League. I returned and told my family I would be 'traveling in my old age'. A few years after he got married, I came back to a three year old granddaughter. Your grandfather found out and forbid my return."
"Grandfather is dead." Damian spoke.-changing subject
"I've been stopping in more." she declared, "They aren't like us. They're not like your father. They know nothing about my past, aside from divorcing a man, who made me happy. I tell them I'm traveling around the word. I wear a wig and makeup. At some point, I will have to stop visiting all together since anyone else will grow old and pass on. The League........you lose sense of time when there. Two years ago, I thought she was still three. She was turning fourteen."
"What about the man?" her son asked.
Talia smiled, "Reminds me of your grandfather, actually. He's all about 'traditions', so perhaps it was for the best."
"Nonna!" Marinette cried out.
"Please, Damian, leave them alone." his mother whispered.
Damian watched as his mother walked away. He had never known her to beg for something.
"My Leetle Fairy, are you ready to go back home?" Gina asked, "Do you have new inspiration for your designs? I can't wait to see the clothes you create this time."
Damian watched as the girl put her sketchbook away.
'Clothes? Designs?'
He smiled softly. She was an artist, like him. He watched as his mother got on the motorcycle with his niece. What surprised him was seeing his niece glare at him. Damian chuckled.
'Mother may not see it, but she is a lot like them. A little fairy.'
"Damian, a Fairy is someone who helps people who are lost in the dark. It's not always in a literal sense; it can be figurative."
The young Al-Ghul turned and walked in the opposite direction.
'Fairy is a suitable name for my niece. I wonder how Mother would feel learning her true nature? A Fae who lures in her prey.'
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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stars-obsession-pit · 2 months
Danny Phantom crossover setup idea
Danny has figured out a way to create portals to and from the Ghost Zone at will. He’s still not perfect at it, but he’s capable enough to use it to attempt to flee the GIW during an encounter.
However, it turns out their scientists had invented a device to briefly replicate portals, allowing their agents to keep pursuing any ghosts that try to teport away.
Thus began a chaotic chase between them, weaving into and out of the Zone with every jump. As things wear on, the locations Danny’s portals connect to get less and less accurate, spitting him out in increasingly random locations across the glove.
And, eventually, into other universes…
The story could take place in just one setting (kicking off with him collapsing from exhaustion there), or it could be a multicross of continuously scrambling through a bunch of different settings (spending only a relatively short time in each before he moves on)
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dyinggirldied · 6 months
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a fun thing based on my short post (https://www.tumblr.com/dyinggirldied/747143420904161280/undereage-superheroes-on-the-rise-a-morally-and?source=share)
it's a single newspaper page based on what i imagined it would be. presumedly, there are more info after that but the first page will be something like this.
poor danny will be dragged in as an example of what underage vigilante can do to you (cough* dead *cough), almost a propaganda until danny himself comes forwards. but yeah, his 'death' will be used to promote against both underage superheroes and vigilante.
poor peter also but tom holland's scene of him walking while his classmates surrounding and recording him was so memorable so i also put him here though you might notice his coming out is left vague. because canva literally hates me and the text was a jumble mess every time i type and because there isn't much space.
the only ones who gets away relatively are ladybug and chat noir. but you might notice the tidbit with the reddit post which is based on The Growing Pains of Child Soldiers and if you know, you know. marinette is NOT having a good time.
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Once upon a time after a mission impossible.
Redhood: Oh, I'm still alive. Thought I died again.
Ladybug: Same. How many times?
Redhood (laughs bitterly): Once is more than enough for eternal rage. Thank you very much.
Ladybug (backtracks): Oh
Ladybug: Uhm, yeah, you're right. Of course.
Redhood (narrows his eyes): Wait. Hang on. What do you mean? How many times have you died?
Ladybug (forces out a weak laugh): Oh, ah, normal amount.
Redhood: (stares)
Ladybug: (gulps)
Redhood: Pretend I'm ignorant. Normal amount is? Tell me a number.
Ladybug (squeaks): Two thousand sixty five. Not sure cause I lost count! But it's alright! I'm alright. I am still alive! See? Two eyes, two arms, two legs.
Rest of batkids and Justice League who are listening in comms: (all freeze)
Just then, a portal opens in thin air, and Chat's head appears.
Ladybug: Chat! What the heck? What you are doing here?
Chat (scoffs): Pretending I'm not listening in, let me just say that LB is a lying liar who lies. Try five thousand, seven hundred and fifty six. But yeah, she's right. It's very normal in our line of work.
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person25 · 8 months
for some reason, every time i get back into dc and/or miraculous i always end up here:
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kittygirl346 · 8 months
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Run chat noir run!!!
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I wanna put these kids in situations
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kebbopulos · 2 years
After hours of work I have compiled a chart of Tumblr's top 100 ships according to Tumblr's "Year in Review 2022" ships and organized them by fandom.
So! Here's how much of the top 100 each Fandom takes up!
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gourins · 7 months
In fact, I just log into the account to upload some new works, alas... :-(
anyway, here are the magic user in Gotham④
thanks to @the-coffee-fandom my dear for checking my sentences and grammar🥺🥺
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seekinghelp-adhd · 10 months
Chance Encounters (Maribat idea I'm throwing around)
Marinette moves to Gotham to pursue fashion. She has to finish her last year of high school at Gotham Academy and do an internship over the summer, but if she does she gets a massive scholarship to Gotham University. They were more than happy to help out Jagged Stone's famously young personal designer. Obviously, this puts her in classes with Damien Wayne, who barely talks and only ever calls his brothers by their last names.
Jagged insists on setting her up in a penthouse for her stay in Gotham, but Marinette argues that being a single girl living in a fancy penthouse is like asking one of the Gotham rogues to kidnap or rob her. They compromise on a nice apartment with a state of the art security system, one owned by Wayne Enterprises. Another tenant on her same floor, Jason Todd, stops by to scope out the new neighbor. He seems nice enough, but he keeps calling his older brother "Dick" and Marinette can't tell if that's his name or just an insult. Apparently he does this whenever someone new moves in to see if he’ll have to move. Marinette tells him to let her know if he does, Because she says if he doesn’t feel safe living in this building anymore, she definitely wants to leave. Jason is amused by this and decides she can stay.
It doesn't take long for Marinette to encounter Gotham's bad side. After a few months of living there she's seen plenty of rogue attacks. She's been lucky enough to stay out of it. After all, if the villains aren't magical there's nothing her Miraculous Cure could do anyway. Her luck is apparently starting to run out though, because now she's being held up at knife point in an alley. She obviously takes the guy down after years of being Ladybug and calls the cops. Dick Greyson is the officer on scene. He's incredibly friendly and is super impressed that she managed to take the guy down, but Dick has seen corrupt cops take people in for self-defense if it means someone else owes them a favor. He gives her his personal cell in case anything like this ever happens again.
Through all of this, Marinette has been spending more and more time with Damien at school. Marinette is hesitant to trust all the smiles and niceties around her after Lila's manipulation and wants to truly get to know someone before she puts any trust in them. Damien is the only exception. She was warned of his reputation as the "Ice Prince" of GA before meeting him and found talking with him to be incredibly refreshing. There was absolutely nothing fake or over the top about him. He was straightforward and down to earth and Marinette found comfort in that. She decided that she trusted him on day one. Likewise, Damien finds her skeptical attitude toward the other students to be incredibly validating. Growing up in the League, everyone was always pretending, even to the other assassins. You had to act a certain way around the right people, and manipulation was the key to survival. Marinette seems to notice people trying to take advantage of her and recognize when someone just wants a favor, and he respects that. Regretfully, and to Jon's great joy, Damien finds that he thinks of her as a friend.
Word eventually gets out that Marinette is Jagged's designer. This is, of course, entirely Jagged's fault. Some good comes out of all the extra attention, though, when she learns that the co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises is a fan of hers. He makes a commission for a new suit and, upon learning of her situation, offers her a position as his families personal designer over the summer to meet her internship qualifications for GU. They set up a meeting in person for her to take measurements once her midterms are over.
When everything is going well though, something has to throw a wrench into things. The Batfamily raids one of Black Mask's warehouses late one night, and Red Hood takes a few too many bullets and a pretty big hit to the head. The kevlar took most of the hits for him, but he's badly bruised and nursing a concussion. It's the concussion that causes him to stumble into the wrong window of his apartment building and scare his new neighbor half to death. Marinette does what she always does and helps the vigilante without question. To do that though, she has to take off his helmet. She assumed he would have a mask underneath or something. He does not. Marinette is not as surprised as she probably should be, and Jason is pissed when he wakes up. He realizes after a while that this isn't her fault. She's been taking care of him since he was too stubborn to go to Bruce, and if she wanted him or his family dead she could have done something about it by now. He decides to put a little trust in her, but keeps an eye on her just in case. This is what clues him into the situation. In her time here in Gotham, she's managed to meet all of the Wayne brothers aside from Duke, and she has no idea they're even related.
Jason, of course, finds this absolutely hilarious and wants to see just how far this madness can go. He sends Duke to her favorite coffee shop. He refers Marinette to the same dance studio as Cass. Marinette, completely on her own to Jason's disbelief, enters the same Ultimate Mecha Strike tournament as Stephanie and absolutely destroys her. Jason lives for the chaos and Marinette is completely oblivious.
Eventually, after a few AO3 tags (slow burn, feelings realization) Marinette and Damien start dating. Damien feels guilty for hiding that he's Robin from Marinette, but he knows that he'd be sharing more than just his own secret and doesn't want to betray his family's trust. He realizes that if he wants to share everything with her, his family has to trust her as well. She'll have to meet them. He tells Marinette all of this, and she shares that she's been keeping her own secret as well. Marinette hasn't told him about Ladybug even after Tikki has given her blessing, and she's been feeling guilty about it as well. She encourages him to tell her whenever he feels ready and assures him that she can wait until then. She trusts him, and she asks for that same trust in return.
Damien trusts her of course, and everything goes back to normal for about 30 seconds. Then, Damien starts trying to prepare her for the chaos she's about to find in his dining room that night. Little by little, Marinette starts to realize that she already knows every single person he's talking about. Only, that means so much more than she could have realized, because if Jason is Red Hood and his brother "the Dick" is Nightwing, then that means Dick Greyson is Nightwing and Damien's older brother, which makes Damien Robin, and oh no she thinks she knows exactly what that secret is that he didn't want to share yet.
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