#mala’s asks
sanccharine · 9 months
wdym the assassin momo series is all fun and games for now 😭
nothing, it means nothing at all, don’t worry about it :D
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daily-dragon-drawing · 5 months
You know those hot pot bears that eventually melt into the soup base. Hot pot dragon
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#103 - 麻辣 (málà / numb spicy) - Mm, I think I'm salivating...🍲🥘🌶️
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lar-mx · 10 months
writing prompt #4
Ellie (4 or 5 years old), is left at Steph's safe house with a note explaining why Danny (or template as Ellie likes to say whenever Steph says the name Danny) leaves her in her care. Steph wonders why she until she stares into Ellie's eyes and can see the same eyes of the guy who helps her at some point on her "journey" through Africa.
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rhinocio · 2 months
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照らすの夜の中 導いて、 君は
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lex-crow · 6 months
Hiccup (sparing with one of the riders mocking so they actually take the spar seriously): What, you want me to kick you in the face?
Dagur: !
Hiccup: Not you, I know what you want.
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artemx746 · 12 days
post reading celestial monsters and I’m thinking about Quetzal calling him Suerte in the first book a very normal amount
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t00thpasteface · 10 months
Howdy! Long-ish lurker, first time asker. Your posts the other day(s?) about encouraging people to put themselves out there, and also the general vibes of your shebbz shouts have inspired me to start blogging. But that's not important! What IS important is that recently I managed to introduce my friend to Superman TAS (unrelated to your blogging about it) and we've been having a blast. His thoughts pretty much boil down to: Lois being sassy towards Perry? EPIC! Livewire being sassy towards Superman? AMAZING. Lex Luthor being Lex Luthor? OFF THE CHARTS. But this is only important for context!
What's REALLY important is that a few days ago we were watching the two-part opening to Season 2 and we started noticing that in some frames Mala has rounded ears, and in others she has pointed ears. Then we noticed the same thing is going on with Jax-Ur's ears! We started paying more attention until we spotted one scene from 8:15-8:22 where Jax-Ur's ears shapeshift frame-by-frame before your very eyes and we were HOWLING with laughter and replaying it over and over
MUAHAHAHA!!! YES!!! MY EVIL PLAN (to encourage people to interact with each other and use the microblogging site for actual blogging and human connection) IS COMING TO FRUITION!!!! also good to hear other people are liking this show. it's such a fun way to wind down and have a giggle when i'm too tuckered out to draw between classes, and the fight choreography is both impressive on a technical level (the mail truck scene is a personal fav) AND just plain cool and hilarious to watch.
i take a lot of random screenshots of brilliant, funny, or weird stas & btas frames to send to my friend, but several of the pics i took of that two-parter were just "oh mala looks great here".
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i admit i love mala VERY MUCH. she's serving boethiah to me. she's so CUTE and SILLY and about as jacked as they'll let a chick get in these shows. i think she should be let out of the hell dimension to blow stuff up for fun here and there as a special treat because i like her. I SUPPORT WOMEN'S WRONGS!!!!
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raining-tulips · 1 month
Witchy what would you do: I want to get a crystal beaded bracelet to use sort of like a mala bead necklace but on the go. The affirmations would be used for things like self love, manifestation, calming of anxiety, glamours, basically anything I need on the go.
What crystal would you want the bracelet made of?
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sarnai4 · 4 months
Deranged Attraction
I think it's a shame that we only saw Dagur and Mala go from fighting to being in love because I would have LOVED seeing what flirting Dagur looked like. That then made me think of other people flirting with Dagur. It just is amusing me way too much, so I have to share. You have the different Dagurs and I'm convinced they all would have such varied responses.
You have younger Dagur before he's actually a villain. I feel like he wouldn't know he's being flirted with (if his idea of fun was being drowned/drowning someone, I can't imagine how he'd process someone getting flustered around him.). I'd feel so bad for whoever that crusher was because it would be pointless. This Dagur could probably even be asked out and he'd just wonder why he would want to do that when he could be tormenting dragons instead: "Want to go get something to eat with me tomorrow?" "I'm going to be alone hunting dragons." "I can come too." "Then I wouldn't be doing it ALONE, would I? 🤨"
Younger and villain Dagur might be more aware of this since he already knows that he can interpret things very incorrectly with people. So, instead of thinking all those batted eyes are allergies, maybe they're supposed to be romantic. This doesn't mean there's any more hope for romance. He's angry at everyone now, so he'd just take it out on the poor soul. Dagur would probably only keep this Viking alive because it's fun to have an attack dummy: "You're inviting me over 😍?!" "Yeah, I can't throw knives at myself😈."
Then there's older villain Dagur. He's going to make the most of someone who has a crush on him. He'll charm this Viking so much and have a new minion. He probably doesn't even like whoever this is, but he'll use the devotion to his advantage as much as he'd like. He's slightly nicer than his younger counterpart just because he knows he won't get the same loyalty he wants otherwise. If the crusher ever becomes a liability, Dagur has an ax ready: "So, we'll really get married?" "Of course😘! As my betrothal gift, all you need to do is get me the Dragon Eye."
Finally, there's older good Dagur. I feel like this would be adorable. He's a bit of a combination. He doesn't immediately know someone's flirting, but he figures it out. He just doesn't think anyone would have a crush on him, so it seems out of the realm of possibility to him. After he realizes what's going on, there are options. If the feelings aren't returned, he'll probably try to nicely let the Viking down. I can see him accidentally not doing this as nicely as he thinks he is and then feeling bad. If the feelings are returned, there will be some very awkward flirting back. I can see him blushing a lot (like he did sometimes with Mala) and rambling. It normally ends with a nervous smile, then a strategic retreat to not make the situation more ridiculous than he just did: "It's come to my attention that you don't think of me as just a friend. Since I'm trying to be more honest, I wanted to let you know that those feelings aren't returned and I'm not attracted to you at all. 😄 Honesty's the best! I feel amazing now!" "😭" "😦" Or "🤔😃You and Strykie have something in common. You're both hot. 😳I mean, his fire is and you are. Not him on his own. You don't remind me of a dragon😅. Of course, you're both tough, so maybe you ARE like a dragon, but only if you want to be! I won't judge. Can't either. I've done way too many messed up things to call you out. Not that you're messed up... it's just that I am.😅🤪😶🏃‍♂️"
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tofautisawa · 22 days
Dang, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to Mala and Munirah. Both plotted to bring another lion in to kill/drive away their sibling's mate and didn't care at all that it would mean their niblings would die afterward. The only difference is that Mala failed while Munirah, unfortunately, succeeded in the plot. Both are shitty sisters in general.
They certainly won't be getting a "World's Best Sister" mug for Christmas.
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
Is it just me or does Jim from trollhunters look like he's related to Mala from RTTE? XD
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I don’t see too much similarity but there definitely is some in the brow bone and forehead!
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sanccharine · 1 year
hey mr. co-author, so when we co-authoring again ?
not you coming here to ask, go to sleep !!!
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dormiloncito · 3 months
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my job isn't dogshit actually. i genuinely caught myself thinking hey this ain't too bad just now
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makerofmadness · 11 months
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Ok I finally got the guild gang (minus dino, he's with his kid) again and I got them to not bail on me and this istg 😭 THEY CALLED ME FIESTY
(the last two images uploaded in the wrong order help-)
anyway uh purple yam seal of approval
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deathsbestgirl · 8 months
So in Agua Mala, Scully follows Mulder into a hurricane, saves the day and yet Mulder can barely get himself to give her any credit? I can't tell if this is a poor writing choice and thus dismiss it or not, but it comes across as particularly self-absorbed and petty and kinda ruins whatever fun I was having with the rest of the episode
i mean. i think part of the fun is that he's embarrassed to admit he didn't figure it out all on his own, and that he needed to be saved after dragging her into a really bad hurricane...
and it's all after two fathers/one son where he struggled to listen to scully & understand where she was coming from, almost walking to his death with diana & csm if she hadn't called him. as much as scully was shaken, he was too and to walk her into another disaster is a lot.
i don't really think it's about not giving her credit. mulder hasn't completely learned to verbalize things, he's not very comfortable doing it and the only time i can remember him doing it is in leonard betts, and later in the show (amor fati & later).
personally, i love their struggle with communication because it's so real. they're really good (usually) when it comes to work, but if it gets ~personal, they get a little weird. like philosophical, talking around it, making jokes, becoming detached to get it out. it's so hard for them to talk directly, but they do when it's important. when they're ready, or they have to be.
i don't really think i'm the best person to talk about ~mulder & his reasons, but i don't think he was being a jerk and discounting scully <3
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softichill · 2 years
Mind if I leave
A Request
For: Yam hugging his friends
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This had to be drawn without any refs oof but HERE THEY ARE
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