#lose 10 kg in 10 days
rohanpathe · 1 year
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Here are 10 tips for a healthy diet:
Eat a variety of foods: Include different food groups such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. This ensures that you get a wide range of nutrients.
Portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes and avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes and prevent excessive calorie intake.
Eat more fruits and vegetables: These are nutrient-dense and low in calories. Aim to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables for each meal.
Choose whole grains: Opt for whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa instead of refined grains. Whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients.
Limit added sugars: Minimize your consumption of sugary drinks, sweets, and processed foods that are high in added sugars. Choose naturally sweet foods like fruits instead.
Reduce salt intake: High sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure. Limit your consumption of processed foods and try using herbs and spices to season your meals instead of salt.
Include lean proteins: Choose lean sources of protein like poultry, fish, tofu, legumes, and beans. These are lower in saturated fat and provide essential nutrients.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water is important for digestion, metabolism, and overall health. Avoid sugary beverages and opt for water as your primary choice of hydration.
Limit processed foods: Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and added sugars. Try to cook meals from scratch using fresh ingredients whenever possible.
Practice mindful eating: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and savor each bite. This helps prevent overeating and allows you to enjoy your food more.
Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice based on your specific needs and goals.
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featherymainffins · 6 months
Ah girl not again
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lilyandersonsblog · 1 year
How long to lose 10kg on keto?
Ready to jump start weight loss journey with a keto diet? Download our free keto ebook for recipes, meal plans and expert tips. start journey to a healthier you today.
The time it takes to lose 10kg on the ketogenic diet depends on a variety of factors, including your starting weight, body composition, activity level, and overall health. Generally speaking, a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week.
Based on this rate, it would take about 5-10 weeks to lose 10kg (22 pounds) of body weight. However, it's important to keep in mind that weight loss is not always linear and can vary from person to person. Additionally, sustainability and long-term success with weight loss depend on making healthy lifestyle changes that are maintainable over time.
It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or weight loss plan, including the ketogenic diet, to determine the best approach for your individual needs and goals.
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oumermuktar · 2 years
Scientists discover the real root cause of your belly fat,are you struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise?
Even though bat makes up a fraction of your weight, it can burn upto 300 times more calories than any other cell in your body! for more info click the link here now
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infomatic93 · 2 years
How to Lose Weight. Quickly and Easily? Learn how to Lose Weight in 30 Days?
How to Lose Weight. Quickly and Easily? Learn how to Lose Weight in 30 Days?
Introduction Some people are saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen”? Actually, it’s true! You can do all the crunch and Abs in the Gym, but if you’re not eating healthy, you won’t be able to see any results unless belly fat. The same thing goes for weight loss, You could work out twice a day and see the number on the scale go down, but as soon as you stop working out, the weight will gain more.…
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internationaltrendnews · 10 months
Workouts At Home To Lose Weight: Lose Weight The Fun And Easy Way!
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mulhergrauss · 10 months
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weightlossstoriez · 2 years
Published on YouTube: Weight Loss Buddy 🏋️ Angie Zuniga ! #shorts
Published on YouTube: Weight Loss Buddy 🏋️ Angie Zuniga ! #shorts
Weight Loss Buddy 🏋️ Angie Zuniga ! #shorts via Weight Loss Buddy
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
It's big, it's strong, its scaly, it's this week's Wet Beast Wednesday topic! An arapaima, also known as a pirarucu or paiche, is any of four species of fish in the genus Arapaima in the order of bony-tongued fish. There is som ongoing debate about the classification of the species, so to keep thing simple, I'm going to use the most common species names of Arapaima gigas (the type species and most well known, and the one with the most confusion about its classification), Arapaima agassizii, Arapaima leptosoma, and Arapaima mapae. Because A. gigas is the most well-studied of the species, unless I say otherwise you can assume everything I say in this post applies to it.
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(image: an arapaima)
Arapaimas are bony fish that retain several primitive traits, causing them to sometimes be identified as "living fossils". They are most notable for their size, with A. gigas being a contender for the largest freshwater fish in the world. The maximum recorded size for one was 3.7 meters (10 ft) and 200 kg (400 lbs), but most get to around 2 meters (6.6 ft) long and 200 kg (440 lbs). That average length is decreasing as overfishing of the largest individuals is resulting in a selective pressure for smaller sizes. In addition to their size, they are extremely strong and can move fast if needed. Arapaima are fully capable of leaping out of the water if disturbed or they feel their current pond in unsuitable. Because of their strength, specimens in captivity must be handled with care as they can easy break bones if they slap someone. They live in rivers and lakes in South America, where they are often the top predators.
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(image: several anglers with an arapaima)
Arapaimas are obligate air-breathers and will drown if they can't get to the surface to breathe. This is accomplished with a specialized swim bladder. The swim bladder is filled with highly vascularized tissue, letting it act like a lung. This pseudo-lung opens into the mouth using a modified gill arch known as the labyrinth organ. Arapaima gills are too small to sustain them, but they can supplement their oxygen intake with the gills. Juveniles are born exclusively using their gills and transition into air-breathers shortly after hatching. Arapaimas can survive up to a full day out of the water. They typically surface to gulp in air every 15-20 minutes. Breathing makes a loud gulping sound that anglers use to target them.
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(image: an arapaima at the surface)
Because of their ability to breathe air, arapaimas are top predators in low-oxygen environments. Non-air breathing fish are forced to slow down in water with low levels of dissolved oxygen as they can't get enough oxygen through their gills. Since Arapaimas breathe air, they can easily chase down lethargic smaller fish. They are especially potent predators during the low season, when water levels lower. A combination of rotting vegetation reducing oxygen levels and ponds getting cut off from rivers and losing a supply of oxygen lets the arapaima reign supreme. Arapaimas are primarily predators that feed on smaller fish, though they will hunt other types of animals and eat fruits and seeds. Even land animals aren't safe as arapaimas have been known to launch themselves out of the water to catch animals near the shore. A combination of sharp teeth and their bony tongues are used to debilitate prey.
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(image: an arapaima with its mouth open)
Not content with powerleveling their attack stat, arapaimas also have excellent defense. Their scales have been compared to bullet proof vests. Each has a hard, mineralized outer layer over multiple layers of collagen fibers. These layers are all oriented at an angle to each other to provide extra strength. This orientation of layers is called a Bouligand-type arrangement and is similar to how plywood is assembled. The harder outer layers and flexible inner layers work together to allow for both strength and flexibility. These scales help provide protection form large predators such as caiman and small threats like biting piranha. They also like provide protection from other arapaima, as the fish are aggressive and will fight each other.
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(image: a diagram showing the composition of arapaima scales. source)
You probably wouldn't expect a swimming tank of an animal to be a good parent, but you'd be wrong. Arapaimas work together in mated pairs to build nests for their eggs, then cooperate to guard the nest. Once the eggs hatch, the male will practice mouth brooding, keeping his young safe in his mouth. The female will also help by patrolling the area around the male to ward off predators. They secrete pheromones from their heads to ensure the young don't swim too far away. Eggs are laid either in in the low season or as water levels are starting to rise, ensuring that the young become independent during the high season.
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(Image: baby arapaimas)
Arapaima are classified as "data deficient" by the IUCN. This means there isn't enough data to properly assess their conservation needs. They are known to be threatened by overfishing. Arapaima make up a large part of the diet of many South American populations. Habitat loss and pollution are also believed to threaten them. They have been introduced to many areas out of their native range and are an invasive species in placed like Florida, Malaysia, and India.
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Does anyone else remember these cards? (image: the arapaima card from Weird n' Wild Creatures)
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anotherwannabe · 7 months
Okay, now I'm going to get serious with this shit.
In a month I have to go to my cousin's wedding in which I have to wear a dress and just 10 days later I have a trip with my class, in which we will go away for a week. In addition to all this, what I have to do is lose weight, I can't continue eating, I don't want to. I'm going to start fasting right now until I can't do it anymore. I have to weigh at most 42 kg in a month, so I have 6 or 7 kg to lose. I'm going to take it seriously and I'm going to do it, I swear on everything that I'm going to achieve it. I will update the blog to see if I succeed, if you read this I hope you believe in me as I believe in you. Come on we can do it!!!!
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olivianyx · 6 months
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Heyy all! I've been focusing on my senior professional medical year and it has been stressful. So here are some things I manifested effortlessly and a few things without me thinking about it. Long ass post ahead! ⚠️⚠️
1. Getting more pocket money than usual. Like my parents usually transact in my account like a $80 or $100 AUD per month. But in both feb and march this year, they transacted me $500 and $700 AUD! Plus! I occasionally find $10 or $50 cash in my classroom or on the streets sometimes (and they come lie next to my feet 😭) I'd ask everyone in my class if it's theirs, and they say no. What do y'all expect me to do? Like go and give it to the university management?? 😭 hell no, so i kept it lol.
3. My crush giving me hints that she's obsessed with me 😭 like she literally told me 'you're so sweet and caring, I've never met a person like this after my grandma' cus her grandma passed away recently and she was so depressed. She even had an eye infection, so she stopped coming to the uni. So i had to make sure she's alright, and met her everyday cus she needed someone real bad. Like she needed to talk to someone and get that thing bothering her outta her head. I was there all along whatever she was going through (don't come at me y'all, ik if we help someone they would say all these things but she's my crush lol so) She's also getting real close to me, like she tells me how annoying people are lol. She loves skin ship, physical touch, being clingy around me, and complimenting me 😭😭 so these are the hints 😭 like friends wouldn't do that right? Would they?? (My friends diss me right in front of everyone 😶)
4. I've always been the type to care too much for the silliest things, nowadays I don't really put my energy into it and become all anxious. My anxiety levels have completely gone down like I'm literally cool asf?? Even while being in public?? Literally yess
5. Manifested getting my hair coloured next week! and my mom permitted me! For my cousin's engagement in april, I wanna be there like the hot younger sister I am lol. I just wanna make my relatives and their kids jealous cus they made fun of me when I was younger (my younger self has been dreaming for this moment) so why not a revenge glow up?? 😭
6. Losing weight even though I eat like a pig due to my study stress. Like literally I ate a 5 course meal one day and lost 2 kgs the next day? (cus I randomly checked my weight for 2 days cus I had to submit my height and weight to the university student records)
7. Getting a natural blush on my face! Like it's such a game changer, I look like a movie star y'all 😭✋🏻
8. My teachers complimenting me for my discipline and high scores. As yk uni professors don't even give af bout students and they complimented me??
9. Getting into a new friend group! My old one was too toxic and they would always bully me (verbally) my new friend group is literally soo damn enjoyable! Like they're the cool kids of the year 😭 and now I'm one too!
10. As I mentioned in my older post that I'm moving into an apartment. We moved in and it was too difficult for me to sleep as the place was new and also there we're disturbances in the night time like stomping noises or playing loud music at night. So the neighbors there were too sweet that they introduced and comforted us that it's okay and if something's bothering us they'll take care of it. And they literally made the people who we're causing those disturbances to vacate out 😭😭✋🏻
11. My hair getting shinier! It was brittle before as I was severely anemic, now my baby hair is back and it's shining ✨
12. I overheard my parents conversing that they should make me audition for an entertainment company....like what? 😭😭✋🏻 when I asked them once years back they denied giving me a 4 hour lecture and now they wanna make me audition?? Like literally 😭 y'all watch me at the Grammy's (after 5 years lol)
13. Getting into the void on command or intention.
14. I literally get free foods everywhere I go 😭😭
15. I got free gifts from my uncle who's living in France! He works at a fashion company and he sent me perfumes and a few outfits (I can't reveal it I'm sorry)
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I've decided to respawn to my waiting next month. I'm still scripting how my waiting room should be... So it might take time for me. So till then I'm gonna be strengthening my self concept even more, and also getting more and more excited to be in my waiting room! I want my waiting room to be like a more like a sci fi movie and a princess fairytale combined 😭 (ik I'm weird). Like I just want my favorite anime characters to be there to help me script my DR ✋🏻 So I'm kinda in a more excited mode lately to script my waiting room! Will give you updates on how my waiting room will be in a future post! So until then take care, love you, byeeee byeeee!
- olivia 🤍
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
🍂50-Day Productivity Challenge🍂
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Daily Routine:
1. Exercise:
5 days a week: 30 minutes of exercise (mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises)
2 rest days: Focus on stretching or light activity like walking
2. Reading:
Read for 30 minutes daily: Aim to complete one book every 10 days
3. Diet and Weight Loss:
Follow a balanced diet: Track your meals and aim to create a calorie deficit
Weigh yourself weekly: Monitor progress towards losing 5 kg
4. Academic Goals:
Prepare for and complete: 3 exams or major academic tasks
Study: Dedicate 1 hour daily to review or work on academic assignments
5. Personal Growth:
Daily Acts of Kindness: Perform at least one kind act towards others each day (e.g., complimenting someone, helping a colleague, or offering support)
Reflect: Spend 10 minutes each evening reflecting on your interactions and how you can improve them
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Weekly Checkpoints:
- Week 1: Assess exercise consistency, weight loss progress, and start reading the first book and review your daily acts of kindness
- Week 2: Complete the first book, review diet adherence, and begin studying for exams. Reflect on your interactions and adjust as needed
- Week 3: Evaluate exercise and diet effectiveness, finish the second book, and focus on academic preparation, and continue acts of kindness
- Week 4: Continue with exercise and diet plan, complete the third book, and start preparing for the first exam, and assess improvement in behavior towards others
- Week 5: Check on weight loss progress, finish the fourth book, and review academic progress, and enhance personal interactions
- Week 6: Complete the fifth book, prepare for the remaining exams, and finalize weight loss goal. Reflect on overall personal growth and behavior improvements
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Final Check:
- Day 50: Review all accomplishments, including exercise consistency, reading completion, weight loss, and academic performance, and improvements in your interactions with others.
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thatonescorpio0 · 2 months
I’ve binge ate for the past 3 days bc of my period I’m actually gonna cry I have 19 days to lose 10 kgs and I purged everything tdy give me motivation 🩷
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thaisibir · 4 months
SEES members react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
(Go here for post on Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia)
Makoto: the guy who secretly smokes weed, chews through roc every 15 minutes, needs over 1.5 MAC maintenance sevo. (Laymans terms translation: smokes weed so he burns through a ton of muscle paralytic agent (rocuronium) and anesthetic gas (sevoflurane) needed to keep him relaxed and deeply asleep)
Yukari: had her hair and nails done the day before surgery, wakes up from anesthesia asking if she said anything dumb and apologizing if she did. (Complimenting patients on their nice nails is part of my small talk to attempt calming nerves when they're rolled into the OR)
Junpei: would try to fight anesthesia and count past 10 seconds, tries to cheat by counting fast (he loses anyway) (It's so amusing when patients try to challenge anesthesia. Some put up a good fight, but in the end, anesthesia always wins.)
Mitsuru: takes 300 mg of propofol on anesthetic induction, scares the shit out of OR staff when she still reaches for the airway device as the anesthetist tries to insert it. (Redheads tend to need more anesthetic than average. For context, the induction/knock-you-out dose for propofol is about 2 mg/kg. For frail old people, I halve that dose. Most people don't need more than a single 20 ml syringe/200 mg of propofol. I push 200 mg for big tall football/basketball guys. I've seen redheads take at least 2, even 3 syringes. Mitsuru would be a tough one to knock out.)
Akihiko: the extremely athletic ASA 1 guy with baseline bradycardia bordering on need for anticholinergics. Will most definitely wake up swinging fists and knocking out teeth and trying to jump out of the bed if he didn't get enough sedative on board beforehand. (Healthy athletic young patients (HAY patients, I call them) tend to wake up violently and delirious from anesthetic gas. To mitigate this, there's a sedative called precedex that helps smooth out emergence from anesthesia. Good to give for little kids, teenage girls, and big strong-looking guys. As soon as I see I'll be getting an Akihiko/HAY type patient for an upcoming case, I already know to draw up and dilute precedex to have at the ready.)
Fuuka: actually a very pleasant and compliant patient, but has family history of malignant hyperthermia and allergies to practically everything, apologizes for all the trouble. (Malignant hyperthermia is a very rare, but very deadly anesthetic complication if not treated promptly. Many anesthesia providers go through their entire careers without ever seeing MH, but we're trained to know what to do if it ever happens. Anesthetic gases and a muscle paralytic agent called succinylcholine are MH triggers. The anesthesia machine must be completely removed of the gas canisters and flushed through with high flow oxygen for an hour or so, to really make sure none of that stuff is exposed to an MH patient. I like the idea of Fuuka turning out to be a patient requiring an extensive anesthetic plan when she totally wouldn't mean to)
Ken: the rare kid who's cool with getting an IV in preop. (Pediatric patients typically do not get an IV placed before being rolled back to the OR, as most kids are terrified of needles. Induction of anesthesia in the OR must instead be achieved by delivering high flow anesthetic gas through a mask. Once the kid is unconscious from the gas, then an IV can be placed to give medications throughout a case intravenously. Amada seems like the type to be fine with getting an IV placed when he's awake because that's what adults have to do.)
Aigis: is a robot, physically can't process anesthesia. (Probably goes without saying)
Koromaru: Mitsuru or Akihiko, as the oldest members of SEES, act as guardians to sign anesthesia consent forms. Holds out his front leg and rolls over to offer his chest so staff can put on the blood pressure cuff and EKG stickers. Adored by the vet and vet techs for being so smart and adorable.
Shinjiro: the guy you think would smoke weed and drink a lot but actually has a history of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and prolonged emergence from general anesthesia. (Somehow I like the idea of Shinjiro turning out to be a delicate flower when it comes to anesthetic requirements)
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keelt9 · 3 months
Chapter 4
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It was the second time in a row my shoulder got stiff in the middle of a session. 
“Ok, let's take a time out.” Anton has been really patient with me, still I know some exercises must already be a piece of cake.
“It’s all right Y/N these exercises are the toughest ones, we are in a good time.” Liam knows this drill is helping me with my mobility and my muscle strengthening, still the stability and control in my shoulder is trouble.
5 days ago, we went through a very sentimental moment. Grabbing a bow was part of my daily routine; after I got injured, seeing a bow was odd. The effort you need for you to tighten the bowstring is around 20-30 kg; after I get injured I barely can rotate my shoulder without feeling a crashing sensation. The adrenaline that was running all over my body along my heart rate faster formed a smile on my face.
After that day, all passed in a blink. I felt I open and close my eyes, suddenly; in a week the coaches will come. 
“What about if you try now with an arrow?” Anton says, picking one of the arrows next to my stuff. Where was the part of taking it slow?
“We talked about it Y/N, you need to lose the fear and try again.” I move my head so I can observe Liam who keeps hiding at the back of Anton. 
“Don’t look at me.” Liam laughs and walks to stand at my left, just a few centimeters from me so he can grab the bow; without the sling, which is what keeps connecting the bow with my hand, it always comes out so someone must grab it. 
“Try it.” Anton closed my hand around the bow and nock the arrow.
I hear Liam in the middle of my faltering. “Steady, calm and breath.” I adopt the anchor position, I grip the bowstring and wait a second until my shoulder finds stability along my hand, in a blink the stiffness appears and disappears in seconds. When I get the right spot and my shoulder feels right, I let it go.
The electricity I feel as I hear the sound of the arrow pass through the bow is out of this world; my wrist remembers the followthrough movement, I end with a grind appearing in my face.
“Nice shot.” Anton claims watching the arrow hit the red circle. “8” 
My picky side knew with these conditions; no strong air, or gust, I always get 9 and 10, not 8 close to 7. 
“Yeah, well, I’ve done better.” Liam shakes his head as he disassembles the bow, still couldn’t hold his need of teasing me before leaving.
“Couldn’t agree more, you get me used to 10.” He giggles and pats my back. “I’ll take charge of this, take your time and go rest, that's enough for today.” He grabs all our stuff with Anton's help and leaves the room.
I start to take the tape out of my fingers; I always bandage my fingers even when I use the finger tab; it gives confidence knowing my fingers have a plus of protection, especially after not practicing for a little bit more than a year. 
However that last like 2 seconds because after hearing the pop of the door I heard it one more time, just in these case someone crash with me, hugging me as soon as can reaches me, one hand at the back of my neck and the other in the middle of my back, leaving me breathless for the impact.
“That…That was out of this world!” I recognize his fragrance and the difference of height. Max came out of nowhere.
“Where do you come from?” I put my hands at his back, having him near calms me. 
“I’ve been watching you from that window.” He turns around not to let me go, so I can see the window. “You've been amazing. I told you, didn't I?”
This time he let me go but still grabbed me by my arms softly. 
“A hazy reference.” I joke with him making his tongue click, the silence that follows, give me time to do what in these past weeks it’s been a habit, let his blue eyes bring me harmony.
The sound of people talking outside gets me back to the moment. “What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Belgium?” I move softly so we can split. 
“I am.” Max laughs and grabs his cap which I didn’t realize was laying on the floor. “Ok, I’ll be, I just have to make a quick stop…”
He stops talking, I move my head and encourage him to keep doing it. “For…” 
“I need a recharge.” I furrow my eyebrows.
“I will spend 3 full days surrounded by the press, which sometimes drives me crazy, so I have to recharge… of soothing.” I’m lost.
“Where do you get that?” I ask him scoffing trying to put my hands on my waist, but he grabs one and helps me to take off the bandage of one of my fingers. 
“Am I allowed to show you?” This is weird, still I assent and he bites his lip before kissing forehead. “Just being here.”
He didn’t know, but that soft peck left a burning sensation on me.
“Since when have you watched F1?” Liam scares me when I hear him at my back.
“Damn it! You scare me.” I turn my phone down. “It’s early, what are you doing here?” 
Liam looks at me suspiciously. “The same as you. I want to arrive early.” 
Even though I have made a big progress, from time to time basic movements, exercise or releases turn it pretty bad.
“I’ll help you with that.” He sees the brown tape over my lap. 
“Yes, please.” Laim sits in front of me grabbing my hand and bandages my fingers.
“Are you going to tell me or I have to ask?” He calls for my attention who is already on the screen of my phone one more time.
“Hmm?” Liams shakes his head, still grabbing my hand but points to the T-shirt which is perking in my bag. “Oh, am, right, it's… It's a gift.” A quick answer.
“A strange shirt, watching F1, in the same city as the Red Bull Facilities.” Liams cuts the last piece of tape and sees right to my eyes. “Plus a cap in your apartment.” 
“Liam…” He interrupts me, a kind smile on his face.
“Just…just don't create something that could hurt you. Don't let someone create something that could hurt you, ok?” Max won't do that, but I know I would do that to myself. 
“We're here just for a while, in a few months we will be in home training for the competitions, all right?” I know he says that because is concerned and wants the best for me, still causing me an unpleasant sensation.
When we called a wrap, I grabbed my phone to see Max's answer. <Call anytime> He is now in Zandvoort and in three days he has his home race. 
I'm not sure calling him knowing the press is surrounding him, and I’m feeling anxious is a good idea.
<Y/N! YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!> Mia's message makes me laugh, she is so convinced that I’m worried about nothing.
I stretch my shoulder, maybe I panic but these days I feel the sensation of stiffness coming back and not leaving. I did some stretches a couple of times until the stiff disappeared.
“Try to rest ok? I’ll pick you tomorrow morning.” Liam squeezed my left arm. “Everything is going to be fine.” I just press my lips together, faking a smile. “Night Y/N” 
Late at night I took a quick shower and grabbed one of the ice bags and sat in the bed, hoping that my mind is playing tricks with my body. I grab my phone taking my time to answer all my messages. Mom and dad with supportive messages, the team wishing me success and Mia keeps bothering about my overthinking; finally I take my time to answer Max. 
<I’m sorry I can’t be there.> He explains his useless attempts to get rid of work but he just gets the chance to leave after the race ends. I’ll expect that, still I feel a little bit down, it’ll be really helpful having him around. 
My answer was cut for his video call.
“Hi, there!” He has his messy hair sign as he probably uses his cap all day. “Are you all right?” I forgot I have the ice bag over my shoulder.
I take it off, resting importance. “I am a little bit sore but I’m fine.” He knows I’ll keep talking and saying what's on my mind. “I feel like I’m gonna cry any minute.” I shake my head, letting all my fears and vulnerability show to him. “What if I fail? What if they don’t see what they want to see? If I fail I can’t picture my life another year watching, being a spectator.” 
Max hears me all the time, his eyes express compassion and a lot of understatement even though he has probably never been in my place.
“I’m sorry, which was your last medal?” I scoff because he is always taking out; I got 2 of 3 gold medals in my last competition. “I’ve seen you working hard, all the effort you put on rehabilitation and with my, now deep compression about archery, Y/N you will get the green light, you won’t have to wait anymore. Let’s make a bet.” 
I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath smiling at him. 
“I’ll be there. When you shoot an arrow and hit the 10, I’ll be the first one from the terraces screaming at you, I told you.” I laugh, he lifts a weight off my shoulders.
“God, I wish you could be here.” I thought I said it to myself but apparently I said it out of loud. 
“I wish to be there too.” His eyes shift to an angry mood, so I change the subject. 
“How does it feel to be at home?” I sit with my cross leg, seeing him rolling his eyes and covering his face breathing out loudly.
“Fine but it will be better if I don’t have a reporter every 3 seconds close to me.” Max is an introverted guy even everybody though he likes the spotlight. 
“Just a couple of days and you’ll be free…” He smiles at me with his sleepy eyes stuck to my face. “For gaming all day.” He laughs with me. 
“Promise me one thing?” Max says his cellphone now in what seems to be the restroom, he points at me with his toothbrush. “You will take it with calm, breath and enjoy the day.” 
My eyes are half closed now. I raise my pinky finger and swear it to him. “What cost them it was just one day?” Max keeps complaining about not being able to come. 
“You be with me.” He rolls his eyes bluffing. 
“How?” I stretched and grabbed the T-shirt at the border of my bed. 
“Here.” I show it to him, pointing to the lion in the middle of the shirt. “You say it, a small you.” I feel my eyes close, still his giggles makes me smile.
“Sleep well Y/N.” I nod, burying my face in the shirt.
“Be safe.” I whisper to him, ending the call, the last thing I saw is his smiling eyes.
I get down my head tapping my finger on my shoulder silently praying the pain I feel is for my nerves instead of something going on.
Then the sound of voices increased until I could easily recognize the voice of Anton, Liam and 3 more voices, the main coach, Robert; the coach of the team, Marie Anne and a manager of the federation, Will. I stood quickly adjusting all the equipment all over me and taking a deep breath before the door opened.
“There is, a golden one.” Robert smiles and opens his arms causing Marie Anne to roll her eyes still smiling at me. “You look great.” He kisses both of my cheeks and Marie Anne follows him.
“Y/N, you look amazing.” She said taking time to look at me. “Let’s get started, all right?”
Each one of them took a seat in one of the chairs, Liam explains along with Anton as they point different parts of my shoulder, making emphasize in how great has been my rehabilitation and how optimistic they feel.
“What about you Y/N? Are you feeling well?” Robert asks me and takes notes in his hateful green notebook. 
Behind the doors, the team and I gossip about that notebook is hell in the earth, he takes notes of each one of our training, competitions, advancements and injuries.
“Yes, I’m feeling great, stronger each day.” Marie Anne smiles and claps her hands.
“Let’s see.” 
We walked to the back of the center where Anton arranged all the details to make it look closer as if I were in competition; as I walked down the corridors I felt eyes on me, whispers of curiosity of who were them and why I looked so scared.
I wore my classic black cap, with red lines at the side, and a small little fish at the back, clearly these caps Mia customized are for me. 
“Take your time Y/N, remember it’s not a competition, just give us a good look for future decisions.” Marie Anne said, I know she tried to calm me but that wasn’t the words I expected. 
I did some resistance exercises, shoulder strengthening; tests of coordination, flexibility and before the shooting tests I whisper at my bow and arrows before starting to get in anchor position. <Please, be nice to me.>
I draw the bow as I aim at the target looking for the perfect adjustment, not before I see the ground and smile, I can see the small lion on my chest. The arrow hits the red zone multiple times, in the final test of shooting just 2 times I reach the yellow zone, not good at all.
We kept talking for hours, Will barely said more than 3 sentences together, they explained their reasons to us and we to them, after 4 hours of intense thorough examination, they left as they came with a lot of noise surrounding them.
With shaking hands I dial the first name that comes to my mind. “Hey, am, could you help me with something?”
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strvingforuuu · 5 days
Model diet🍵(personal
U have to be thin and elegant when u go on the runway so u have to go by a strict diet to accomplish that💗
No cheat days 
have to lose at least 3 kgs/ibs or pounds in each week even better if u burn more
Green tea every morning for digestion 
Workout everyday 
No meals after 10pm
Black coffee and only put low fat milk and no sugar sweeteners 
Stay clean and pure
Weight in at the end of the week( fridays or Sundays)
Stay clean and put by following these steps💪💗
Green tea with fried egg no on toast ½ of jelly smallest portions u can get aftherward low fat high protein 🥛 or just toast + butter
At 1 workout
7 cut up sausages with some green 2 with a pinch of sugar and lemon
Green tea that’s it 🍵.
toast+butter and water
LUNCH( 12:??
Apples+cranberries and fruit juice 
 At 4:20 workout then shower
9pm dinner
Scrambled eggs with toast+butter and green tea or water
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