#ling wen having a headache
crazydaymycrazyway · 6 months
Mu Qing: Hey
Feng Xin: What
Mu Qing: ...there's someone I really like, but I don't know how to tell them
Feng Xin: Why are you telling me this?
Mu Qing, agitated: Just shut up and give me some advice!
Feng Xin, shrugging: Invite them out, ask if they're free
Mu Qing: Are you free?
Feng Xin: No, ask them
Mu Qing: I did!
Feng Xin: Really?! What did they say?!
Mu Qing, shouting: YOU TELL ME!!
Feng Xin, hysterical: WHY ME?!!
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deadsince1973 · 1 year
Already eliminated:
7. Nie Huaisang
8. Nie Mingjue
9. Song Lan
10. Jin Zixuan
11. Xue Yang
12. Jin Guangyao
13. Su She
14. Jin Zixun
15. Wen Chao
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
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Proud Author Spotlight
Hii! (Shamefully) dropping my own Wangxian fanfic here. It's a finished canon divergence AU about what might have happened if Wei Ying brought a-Yuan with him to Jin Ling's one month ceremony.
It has major character death, with a sad ending, which I feel like people would enjoy if they want to read something really angsty. But it's also fluffy before things take a turn, so there are cute moments to enjoy as well!
(But yeah, heavy on the major character death)
Before You Go
by GhostwithShotgun
G, 26k, Wangxian
Summary: The hall suddenly quiets down at the sound of several footsteps coming closer at a steady pace. Lan Wangji watches the entrance, and tries to ignore the tremble of his heart when his eyes see Wei Ying walking into the hall. Whatever excitement he feels, however, is quickly squashed as he takes in the expression of absolute fury on his beloved’s face. Wei Ying is carrying a quiet, but obviously upset, a-Yuan on his hip, and Wen Ning is following closely behind. A few steps behind, Jin Zixuan is grim-faced and pushing a furious Jin Zixun in front of him. Lan Wangji is sure his minor headache will turn major before whatever spectacle is about to happen is over. Or, how bringing a-Yuan to Jin Ling's one month celebration leads to things getting revealed, and a whole bunch of lives being saved. (And Wei Ying gets the time to realize going to Gusu might be good, actually) (This work is fully written. Chapters are just undergoing minor edits before they're posted!)
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
“...Isn’t your Gusu Lan Clan also a prominent cultivation clan? Didn’t a lot of your people die at Wei Ying’s hand too? Wasn’t it a headache killing all the walking corpses and all his other scummy followers?”
—Chapt. 43: Beauty I, fanyiyi
Ok 1) yes the Lan Clan participated in the actual killing of the Wen remnants, at least by public claim as stated here by Jin Ling, but 2) oh my heart breaks for when these kids find out exactly who those “scummy followers” were... And then this part:
“I’m not trying to let him off the hook at all,” he explained. “I only wanted to propose that, since we don’t know exactly what the circumstances were, we shouldn’t draw any definite conclusions. Before we went to Yi City, didn’t a lot of people claim that Xiao Xingchen Daozhang killed the Yueyang Chang Clan’s Chang Ping in angry vengeance? And how did it turn out in reality?”
“Whether Chang Ping was killed by Xiao Xingchen or not, no one saw. Everyone was just speculating. How were they ‘claiming’ anything? But the slaughter Wei Ying committed at Qiongqi Road, the bloodbath at the Nightless Heavens—between those two battles, how many cultivators lost their lives at his hands, at the hands of Wen Ning and the Yin Tiger Tally! Countless people saw the facts with their own eyes. They’re undeniable, incontestable...”
The juniors learned the lesson of not listening to wild gossip/speculation, but now they’ll have to learn that just because people claim that something happened the way they tell it, does not mean that they are telling the truth....
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loopielupie · 11 months
Whumptober Day 30 - Bridal carry
A follow-up to Day 26 (linked for convenience)
When Xie Lian wakes, he feels woozy: disconnected from his body, like everything is on a half-second delay.
It takes him a moment to remember: Ling Wen, his exhaustion finally catching up to him, and San Lang coming to his aid right when he needed him. With a questioning sound that catches more painfully in his throat than expected, he reaches out, eyes fluttering open. Silk sheets glide beneath his fingers until they're captured in a cold grasp.
Xie Lian blinks up to find Hua Cheng stretched out on the bed next to him.
"Mmm San Lang, how long was I asleep?"
"It's been about eight hours, gege," he replies quietly. Xie Lian feels a pang of guilt that he's kept Hua Cheng all to himself for that length of time while he just slept, but the smile sent his way tells him he shouldn't as he asks:
"How are you feeling?"
In truth? Xie Lian doesn't feel as well as he'd expected after that long asleep. His head feels fuzzy and throbs with dull, sluggish pain. It's then that he notices Hua Cheng's fingers feel much colder than normal. He squeezes them reflexively.
"San Lang, are you ok?" he reaches up to press a hand to Hua Cheng's forehead but is met with a look of confusion that turns to concern.
"You have a fever," Hua Cheng says, copying the gesture. Xie Lian can't help but lean into it, relishing the suddenly welcome cold as he hums a distracted "oh". What is not welcome are the symptoms that make themselves known, as if summoned. Xie Lian's headache grows worse and he feels gooseflesh spring up under his robes as he shudders.
"It appears you might be right," he sighs, running a clumsy hand through his sweat-damp hair. His fingers catch in his disheveled topknot but Hua Cheng's coax them free. He carefully guides Xie Lian into his lap and he presses his face into Hua Cheng's neck, allowing the Ghost King to gently release his hair. A cool hand trails through it to rest at the base of his skull and Xie Lian can't hold back the tiny sound of relief. Lips press against his temple then, followed by the gentle rush of words:
"Would gege like a bath?"
Xie Lian cannot deny that it sounds blissful with how his robes are starting to cling to him with fevered sweat. But he's still unconvinced he would be able to stay awake long enough.
"This one will take care of it, gege can just rest. This one won't let you drown."
"San Lang," Xie Lian chastises with a gentle swat to his chest. "That's not what I'm concerned about."
I know you'd never let anything bad happen to me.
"Oh, but there are other concerns?" He can tell Hua Cheng is teasing him but he's not sure quite whether this is something to blush over or not. In the end, he settles for pressing a kiss to Hua Cheng's neck, satisfied by the way the muscles jump under his lips.
"You've spent hours taking care of me but all you have received in return is a very poor house guest."
"My husband could never be a poor guest," Hua Cheng retorts, easily. "This is his home."
It's a sentiment that still draws a depth of emotion from Xie Lian that he never expected to feel again. To have a home again, in a place but also a person. There's a lump in his throat so all he can do is nod. Hua Cheng seems to see past that anyway, if the way his smile crinkles the corners of his eye is anything to go by. He tilts his head in that way that always means he's talking to Yin Yu.
"The bath is ready, gege."
Xie Lian lets himself be repositioned and lifted, giving himself over to Hua Cheng's strength. They don't have to go far, but Hua Cheng takes his time and Xie Lian lets himself ease into being carried this way and the gentle sway of his gait. There's no embarassment anymore, not when it's done with such tender affection. When he tucks his face back into the crescent of Hua Cheng's neck, it's only an effort to be closer. Xie Lian lets his lips rest over where his pulse would lie and mouths a tender sentiment into the skin.
"Gege? Is everything alright?" Hua Cheng hums, but his tone is knowing, contented, edged in warm satisfaction. The words buzz through Xie Lian's lips and he smiles in kind, that same warmth blooming under his skin, despite the fevered chills.
"En," he murmurs. "Everything is fine, San Lang."
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deathfavor · 6 months
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@piscesiawave said: [ admire ] - peiwen <3
prompts for ordinary things that feel intimate [ admire ] sender stares at receiver across a room, silently admiring and appreciating them from afar
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Few gazes tend to linger on the winter-hearted goddess. Unlike so many others, Ling Wen meets all gazes with a steeled strength and expectation. If they wish to indulge in springtime gentleness and demure attitudes, they can look elsewhere. And they do. Most of the time at least. They prefer to watch graceful dancing and sweet singing and artistry over resilient upkeep of the communications array or a swipe of her brush over official documents. It is fine by her; she has never needed the eyes of many on her. In fact, to be unobserved is her greatest weapon against them all.
A gaze that lingers then is bound to draw her notice. Ling Wen doesn't immediately look though; she's far too busy with chewing out two of the newer gods for falling behind on paperwork. Did you think I wouldn't notice? I was generous and gave you an extra day without a word. I expect it all properly done by tomorrow morning. Her steel gaze is ruthless and domineering as the unfortunate victims lower their heads and slink away like scolded puppies; tails between their legs and pride temporary wounded. Unfortunately it won't be long before it rebounds and their arrogance swells. For now she watches them leave the steps of her palace before turning towards the source of the gaze.
Ah. She should have known. Who else would look at her with anything other than contempt? Much less something as lightweight and soothing as appreciation.
Ling Wen rubs her temples for a moment to ease the inevitable headache that is coming ; not from him but just about everything else from the day. She hands off the scroll to one of her decent middle officials before she decides a brief break is in order. At least long enough for her to descend the steps of her palace and make her way across the courtyard to where a familiar face is.
" Ol' Pei. I'm surprised you're not frolicking below with springtime in full swing. " Ling Wen teases him with an elfin smile on her lips when she stops beside him. " Careful now. You're going to feed the rumors if someone catches you gawking. " She adds, lips pressed tight to hide her smile even as her shoulders lower and relax in a way they often only do around him.
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circus-complex · 5 months
Glass Mind | Chapter 4/?
Rating: Teen +
Relationships: Feng Xin/Mu Qing
Characters: Feng Xin, Mu Qing
Tags: feng xin falls ill, Canon-typical swearing, mu qing has to care for him, Febuwhump 2024, Slow Burn, Feng Xin and Mu Qing are slightly OOC, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst
Feng Xin falls ill, messing with his head. Mu Qing tasks himself with taking care of him. Does Mu Qing truly hate Feng Xin?
Also on AO3
Full chapter under the cut
Mu Qing had started meditating an hour ago. When he opened his eyes again, Feng Xin was still scribbling away. Feng Xin had moved away from the floor, now writing on the walls. The floor looked like a murder scene, haphazard writing unevenly spaced, blurring together and glaring at Mu Qing. The only open space was around him. He studied the characters. Trying to pick out what Feng Xin wrote was a headache. It was definitely just two characters, but he couldn’t figure out which.
On one, he picked out the 日 radical, as well as  艹. On the second, he saw 忄and 月. But everything else was a mess. On some, radicals were enlarged and took up the entire word. 
Mu Qing moved to stand. He inched towards the exit. Careful not to step on any of the writing, he slowly opened the door. Feng Xin still didn’t notice him, and he slipped out. Once in the hallway, he stopped the first attendant he could see. 
“Has Ling Wen figured out what caused,” He gestured to the mess on the floor, “this?”
“No sir, but we suspect he had been dealing with this for a while.”
Mu Qing tilted his head in confusion.
“Some junior officials have been reporting strange behavior on and off the last couple of decades. But nobody had reported anything this bad.”
For the last couple decades? Mu Qing thought back to all their fights, but he couldn’t remember a time Feng Xin acted like this. It was always punches thrown, kicks hurled, bites landed. Never once did Feng Xin complain of delusions. 
Did Xie Lian know? Had Feng Xin just…hidden this from him? Did he not trust Mu Qing? 
“- Wen is still looking into any ghosts that could have caused this.”
The attendant sighed, “We don’t know if it’s a curse or not, but Ling Wen is still looking for a ghost that could have caused Feng Xin’s psychosis.”
“Hm. Who is managing Feng Xin’s palace in the meantime?”
The attendant averted his gaze, “Well…you’re supposed to but…”
“But what?!”
“No one wanted to ask you”
Mu Qing was shocked. No one wanted to ask him? Why? Did his own deputies know? 
“Who said I should lead the palace of Nan Yang?”
“General Nan Yang”
A headache was starting to form between Mu Qing's eyes. Feng Xin would be better off leaving this to Pei Ming, or even Lang Qianqiu. Inwardly, he was crying, filled with questions and no answers. Outwardly he said:
“Thank you. What is your name?”
The attendant blinked in surprise. General Xuan Zhen, asking for his name?
“My name is Li Junlan.”
“Very well.”
Mu Qing turned on his heel. He needed to sort his thoughts out. He swiftly left the palace, walking to his own and ignoring everyone else. 
Feng Xin didn’t trust him enough to tell him he was dealing with delusions, for years, yet he trusted Mu Qing with his domain. He didn’t know who Mu Qing was anymore. Had it gotten this bad before? How had Feng Xin coped? 
What if Feng Xin didn’t get better this time? What if he remained in this state? What if he forgot the centuries of rivalry? What if he was…kind to Mu Qing?
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thebiscuiteternal · 1 year
I don't want to make your headache worse but I am dying to know some of the other takes that could have been on that poll.
the guy Madam Lan killed was a child molester and the sect covered for him so Lan Wangji was justified fighting them all (how has this been in multiple fics???)
Wen Chao managed to get a wife *and* a girlfriend at the same time, that proves he's more capable of love than Jiang Cheng! (I originally thought that one had been a joke but lolnope)
the other Juniors should have beaten some manners into Jin Ling after the confrontation over his father's sword
Xue Yang would have been harmless if Xiao Xingchen hadn't callously denounced him when being told who he was
and those are just the ones off the top of my head
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joylinda-hawks · 1 year
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I thought he wouldn't live long. I didn't know how many martial arts I would be able to teach Cheng Ling. WOH, episode 20. WKX, ZZS and ZCL still remained near the Longyuan Sect after leaving. WKX looks back at the past and says in his mind that 20 years have passed. ZZS and ZCL are sitting on rocks and ZZS says they were lucky. ZZS is happy, unlike the quiet and sad WKX. ZZS says loudly that he didn't think he would live so long and he doesn't know how much he will be able to teach ZCL. ZZS tells WKX that he is with WKX now and this is the best solution. WKX is still reliving his memories and what happened in the cave. ZZS does not see how much emotions are boiling in WKX and declares that WKX will rebuild Siji Manor and take care of ZCL, he will inherit the legacy from the master and ZZS can be calm about the future. Surprised, ZCL asks what it means that ZZS will not live long. These words of ZZS are the last straw and WKX turns to ZZS and asks when ZZS will stop talking nonsense. WKX almost shouts at ZZS not to blame him. He adds that if ZZS wants to restore the glory of its sect, it must do it itself. ZZS gets up and walks over to WKX. ZZS says that he understood the meaning of WKX's new name and adds that he was mistaken in thinking that WKX is a descendant of Mr. Rong. Acting on emotions, ZZS grabs WKX in his arms and tells him that he is his brother. WKX can't deal with his feelings. ZZS asks why he changed his name to Wen. Hearing this, WKX pushes ZZS away and exclaims that his name is Wen. ZZS is surprised, as is ZCL who does not understand what happened here. ZZS regains his cool and declares that he will no longer ask what has happened to WKX all these years. WKX is starting to get a headache. ZZS asks about his family, and WIX pushes ZZS away again and runs ahead. ZCL tries to run after him, but ZZS stops him, telling them to wait until he returns. Another strong, emotional scene. WKX was stripped of his secret, maybe not entirely, but ZZS learned part of his secret. WKX is horrified by this, he doesn't notice that ZZS has now accepted him. WKX feels like a wounded animal that refuses all help. ZZS is happy to have his brother back after so many years. The initially irritating young man turned out to be someone close to ZZS. But he can't understand why WKX rejects him from now on. ZZS just wants to know what happened to him, thinking that WKX had a happy life. He doesn't know that WKX went through hell as a child, which is why memories of the past cause such a reaction. ZZH and GJ perform perfectly in such dramatic scenes, they play with their bodies, gestures and facial expressions. My only regret is that we can't hear their real voices, it would have an amazing effect. Unfortunately, you can't have everything. Either way, this scene is very touching and deeply memorable.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months
Mu Qing, murmuring: You're so cute
Feng Xin, oblivious: What?
Mu Qing, panicked: I said you look like sh*t!
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kachawo · 2 years
"Isn't it time you get out of your hammock?" The blood-red dragonfly startles from the new presence, flying away from its perch and scrambling around the crimson hammock.
"It's been 400 years, Yiling Laozu, there are people waiting for your return of leadership."
Wei Wuxian stumbles up, now sitting in his hanging nest with arms supporting his weight. "Ah, what an honor Hua Chengzhu has bestowed upon me with his visit."
The ghost steps out of the shadows with one brow quirked, "Did sleeping for 400 years break your brain? You suddenly have manners."
The man huffs and offers the ghost a cheeky grin. "Unfortunately, I'm still the same dead man you found on the bridge. 400 years? I expected longer."
A few seconds later the cave ceiling glows blood red, dragonflies dropping from the ridges and scattering around the cave like they've been jostled.
They flap their wings simultaneously, and at once, they scurry out the exit of the cave and into the daylight of the Yiling Laozu's domain.
They've come with news for his people.
A young child is the first to see the dragonflies, he drops his basket of harvest and immediately runs to the nearest watch tower.
"Laozu has awoken!" He shouts joyfully. Words repeated by other messengers, until they reach their little settlement.
"Yiling Laozu has awoken!!"
"Wei Wuxian has come back!"
Wen Qing sits in front of her window, tea cup in one hand as one crimson winged creature perched itself onto her raised finger.
It flaps its wings excitedly, as if conveying its joy of delivering the news of their masters broken slumber.
The doctor looks up at the sky, watching as other dragonflies do the same. Dancing around each other-- celibrating a festival of their own.
"Took the bastard long enough."
Meanwhile the Heavens shook like lightning struck.
Oh, what a headache this will be for Ling Wen.
The fourth calamity has awoken.
Corpse Whispering Yiling Laozu has returned, as if Crimson Rain wasn't enough of a heart attack.
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21shotglasses · 2 years
My favorite MDZS fics
not in order cause i don’t think i could rank these if i tried. some i like better than others and you’ll be able to tell by what i say about them.
like speaking to my heart rating: T warnings: none pairings: wangxian
this is basically a “his dark materials” au. everyone has a daemon (an animal physical manifestation of their soul). this is the longest completed mdzs fic on ao3 and took me several months to finish. mostly cause i stopped reading it for a bit. it made me cry from happiness 3 times in a row. its basically a rewrite of canon with a lot of positive changes. from the tags “Canonical Character Death. Some people live! And some people still die in this fic it's just a matter of who STAYS dead and who is really dead ;)”. some of villains are more evil than in canon. without spoiling anything i can say that everything works out in the end. and its a super slow burn about 400k worth of slow burn. the summery is more of an excerpt and is pretty long so i won’t include it.
Everyone's Got a Theory about the Bitter One rating: E warnings: none pairings: Jīn Líng/Lán Sīzhuī
this one is just really sweet, its better than you think it will be
summary: Jin Ling is lucky. He’s always known that soul-names meant nothing. His parents matched, but that hadn’t protected them. They died tragically and young. He never saw Shenshen’s mark, but he knows that Xiao-shushu’s name was Nie, not Qin. They still married. It's better that his soul-name is dead, because he can't afford to be in love with him. He can't be in love with any man, but he definitely can't love a Wen.
the cruelty of fate rating: T warnings: major character death but its only wwx pairings: wangxian
summary: “Wei Ying,” he manages, a breathy croak, and peers past his eyelashes to watch those grey eyes widen. They swirl with more emotions than he can name at the moment- emotions that he has not seen in those eyes for years, and his heart aches further as he watches the other swallow visibly, trembling hands reaching up to tentatively hold his own outstretched one, though they pass through each other like the other is made of mist. “Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying breathes, and the shadows under his eyes darken as his face scrunches up, looking like he’s about to cry. prompt: The one where your soulmate's ghost haunts you when they die.
read my lips; it was only a kiss rating: E but you could probably get away with M. warnings: none pairings: OT4 juniors
I reread the first zhuiji kiss way too much (and the whole fic too tbh)
summary: Here was the thing. Jin Ling adamantly believed that all of his current problems could be traced back to Wei Wuxian. You know, his uncle who was currently in the body of his other uncle, who exposed his other uncle for his crimes against all of his other uncles— even just thinking about it gave Jin Ling a splitting headache. Or perhaps, it was all Lan Jingyi’s fault. It might have been possible that Jin Ling had spent most of his cultivation conferences sitting in the very back of the room, snickering inconspicuously and writing out hilarious and horrible mini stories with his friends. Stories about the everlasting love of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. See, this was all Lan Jingyi’s idea. Or the one in which the juniors write wangxian fanfiction and make out with each other; or Jin Ling's very bad day (year) caused by all his terrible uncles
your heartbeat, across the grass rating: E but you could easily skip the smut. most of the fic is T or M warning: none pairings: wangxian
summary: AU where A-Yuan is professional footballer Lan Wangji's biggest fan, and his babysitter Wei Wuxian wants nothing more than to forget his days as the photographer of their school football team, calling out to the captain from the stands just so he'd look around at him.
this mattress is a desert island rating: E but could also skip the smut and the other bits are mostly T pairings: wangxian
the title does not give credit to how amazing this fic is. i really think it’s one of my favorite mdzs fics i’ve read. it was so fluffy and so sweet. my heart was beating so fast. it’s like what if wangxian were not idiots during cloud recesses and it was omegaverse. i was really into omega verse and this just hit the spot perfectly. the courting is so sweet.
summary: Now, several months into his stay at the Cloud Recesses, he has a very good nest, even better than the one at home. It has something special, something his nests have never had before. An alpha’s scent. Or; Lan Wangji’s robes keep disappearing mysteriously. Wei Wuxian’s nesting habits may have something to do with it.
turn toward the sun rating: E warnings: none pairings: wangxian
lwj being very horny for wwx for 20k words, there’s only sex at the end but there’s sexual content throughout and its very sexually charged considering the setting.
Summary: Every student of House Mandrake is assigned a study partner, a counterpart from House Valerian. Lan Wangji suspects, with some outrage, that he's been given the troublemaker. Kushiel's Legacy fusion, you don’t need to know anything about those books except for what is explained in the authors note.
and time is but a paper moon rating: M warnings: graphic depictions of violence pairings: wangxian and qingxicheng (Wēn Qíng/Jiāng Chéng/Lán Xīchén)
i read the first chapter and i was already so happy and it just got better from there and now at the end i am crying and please for the love of jiang cheng please read this. everyone who deserves happiness gets it and everyone who does not dies. i’m gonna go reread the first couple chapter now. i reread this whenever im reading a particularly sad or angsty mdzs fic and i just want some fluff and some happiness. basically just the best time travel fix it out there. wwx does a spell that makes him start from the beginning of his life with all the memories he has now. which is all of canon and then some. everything works out and no one suffers any meaningful damage. its the 5th most popular mdzs fic on ao3
how to be a heartbreaker rating: E warnings: none pairings: wangxian
So good! I love sugar baby fics but I cannot stand daddy kink stuff. This barely has a daddy kink and it was fine for me. I really like fics like this where it’s a slow burn but they’re still together for a lot of the fic. This feels like a slow burn even though it’s really not.
summary: “Lan er gege,” Wei Ying sings out an old nickname, his lips curving up into a well-rehearsed smile. It’s adorable, and it’s pretty, and he knows it mesmerises anyone who lays their eyes on him. He has done it a million times—bewitching and convincing men who need to be convinced. He just doesn’t expect to hear the hitch in Lan Zhan’s breath, too, and feel the taller man’s grasp around his wrist tightening. He fell for it. A sickening thought suddenly enters his brain, and Wei Ying wonders if he should be so cruel. “Do you want to find a private space for us, Lan Zhan?”
try a little tenderness rating: E warnings: none pairings: wangxian
summary: "Wei Ying, have you never heard of aftercare?" Mutely, Wei Ying shakes his head. He has learned of many things, from all his guys. The word care has never been included. In response to a kink meme prompt: sub wwx who hasn't had a good dom before meets dom lwj. The story of three nights and a morning.
one good thing rating: T warnings: none pairings: wangxian
I didn’t cry but the twist and the bonding really makes this fic. I highly recommend.
summary: Wei Wuxian has been haunting his childhood home for three years. He's perfected the fine art of scaring away all the tenants, and has grown used to living with the dying flowers in the garden as his only company. When Lan Wangji buys the house, Wei Wuxian fully intends to drive him off too. Except Lan Wangji is beautiful, and interesting, and captivating company - even if he supposedly doesn't know Wei Wuxian exists.
hunters seeking solid ground rating: E warnings: none pairings: wangxian
this might be my most reread mdzs fic, not all of it but parts of it, especially the beginning. there’s some angst that i tend to skip over. I dont know if I’m just going thought it right now but I cried multiple times while reading this fic. Which is impressive cause its not even that long. But my heart was clenching but entire time and i cried so much. And it really broke but then it put me back together again. Cause wei ying has gone though so much shit but at least he still has lan zhan who loves him so much. There’s so much physical non sexual intimacy and that part was just so nice.
summary: “Hanguang-jun,” Wei Wuxian repeats. His heart clenches. He wants—but he’d really meant to have this nightmare stuff down before they met again, so he wouldn’t find himself relying on Lan Wangji’s nearness. He’s not supposed to go back yet. But he’s so tired, and his will crumbles. “Yeah,” he says. “All right. Take me back to Gusu with you.”
a little note for the summary its not wangji asking wei ying to come back to gusu with him. It becomes apparent when it happens but i found that a bit confusing. I really dont think this is a spoiler but It’s the juniors
build me no shrines rating: M warnings: none but there is a pretty graphic depiction of drowning in chapter 2 pairings: wangxian
I’ve been reading so many canon divergent with essentially the same plot of canon. And its gotten pretty boring because i already know what’s gonna happen so its nice to read a post canon fic where i dont know what’s going to happen and theres actually a plot I’m invested in. Plus this one was very good. It’s the same “wangxian are idiots who are so in love they can’t see the other is also so in love with them” thing but i really liked this.
summary: Wei Wuxian opens the letter and skims through, feeling his frown deepen with every line. “Oh. A request from Yiling. This man Tong Shen writes, 'I can’t explain what’s happening — you wouldn’t believe me if I tried. The hills are moving and they are hungry. Please send aid, Hanguang-jun, this humble one begs you.' Well, my curiosity is certainly piqued." A few months after the events of Guanyin Temple, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji take on a night hunt of an unusual sort: The Burial Mounds are spreading, quickly and with no apparent explanation. In Wei Wuxian, it brings old, long-buried things bubbling to the surface.
a stone to break your soul, a song to save it rating: M warnings: none pairings: wangxian
its long but i promise its worth it. it’s the most popular mdzs fic on ao3. the title is not a metaphor.
summary: When the entire cultivation world turns against Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng comes up with a plan to save him and arranges a marriage between his brother and the Second Jade of Lan, Lan Wangji.
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts rating: T warnings: none pairings: wangxian
pretty sure this was the first mdzs fic i’d ever read and what a great first fic.
summary: Wei Wuxian’s hand jolts, spilling a drop of wine onto the tabletop. “Love?” he croaks, then clears his throat and tries again. “Lan Zh— uh, Hanguang-jun, in love?” “Have you not heard the story?” the other young woman asks, looking pitying. “You must, it is a truly heartrending tale of star-crossed romance and mutual pining — go to any storyhouse in town, everyone has been requesting a reading of this book.” “There’s a book?” Wei Wuxian says blankly. In which the junior disciples (namely, Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhen, and a reluctant Lan Sizhui) turn to RPF in an attempt to rehabilitate Wei Wuxian's reputation so that he and Hanguang-jun can get together and get married and live happily ever after. It's... surprisingly effective. its the 3rd most popular mdzs fic on ao3
i got rid of the formatting of the summaries to try and make this shorter. sorry if that makes some of them confusing.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
WWX wisely chose not to attend Jin Lings 100 day celebration but still has to listen to Jin Zixun's screaming about some curse from the edge of the corpse barrier. Finally at the end of his patience Wei Wuxian curses Jin Zixun in a manner that no one can mistake as anything other than a curse cast by Wei Wuxian.
It's a truth curse mixed with a babbling curse as well as having a area of effect so everyone within a li of the victim is affected. Almost with a hour of returning to carp tower for reinforcements during the party with everyone in attendance fights break out as inconvenient truths come spilling out.
"I was paid by the Jin to spread false rumours about the Yiling Patriarch!", "I cursed Jin Zixun with the 100 holes curse!", ect.
When the invitation came, Wei Wuxian really wanted to go at first. He never thought he would get the chance to see his Shijie again. And for Lan Zhan himself to sign the letter of invitation made it all the more tempting. But......
But Wei Wuxian knew the Jin. And knew that they wouldn't let this chance go to possibly attack the Burial Mounds or maybe even him on his way to Lanling. Everyone knew Wei Wuxian no longer used his sword and Wei Wuxian would have to travel through Qiongqi Path to get to Lanling. Qiongqi Path was structured in a way that made it perfect for an ambush. And while Qiongqi was sure to have plenty of resentful energy and corpses around, Wei Wuxian couldn't count on the chance that the area would be purged in preparal for his arrival.
So though it tore at him, Wei Wuxian rejected the invitation, choosing instead to strengthen the wards in fear of retaliation from his refusal. And just as he expected, the Jins came knocking. Though, not for the reason he had initially thought.
“Wei Wuxian!!!! Remove this curse you have put on me!!!!” Some random Jin yelled, banging futilely against the wards. 
Wei Wuxian ignored him. He wasn’t about to go see what the ruckus was about. What if he was just yelling about it only to lead Wei Wuxian into a trap? He doubted many Jin had the smarts to think about that, but still. He’d rather err on the side of caution.
It had been a few hours and this guy still hadn’t given up. Wei Wuxian was starting to get annoyed but still dreaded over having to deal with this annoyance. Can a man just get a few days without someone cursing him to death? He had inventions to invent!
“So you finally show your face, you servant!!!” The Jin spat, heaving and red-faced. The cultivators behind him looked ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. 
Wei Wuxian was not impressed.
“Undo this curse right now, Wei Wuxian!!! Otherwise, I’ll tell my uncle to have the clans siege you!!!!”
“Your....uncle?” Wei Wuxian asked curiously. “Who are you again?”
“You know who I am!”
“I really don’t.” Wei Wuxian shook his head. “Look, I don’t know who fed you the lie that I cursed you, but I really have better things to do than curse someone I don’t even know.”
The Jin began yelling again and Wei Wuxian sighed, rubbing his temples to ward off a headache. He was really getting annoyed. And then--
“Ha, if your parents could see you know, they’d be so disappointed in you.” 
Wei Wuxian twitched. 
“It’s a good thing they died, huh? So they don’t have to see what a tainted mess their bastard of a son became!”
Normally, Wei Wuxian would brush off any insult. However, to target his parents? That was crossing a fucking line.
“Since you want to be so badly cursed by me, so be it!” He put Chenqing to his lips and began playing. A wave of resentful energy gathered and blasted the Jin and his companions away. 
The curse was a little thing Wei Wuxian had come up with when he was bored. Wen Qing had given him the idea, indirectly. She had been tired with him disguising his injuries from many of his failed experiments and decided to curse him with a truth curse, causing him to be unable to hide his injuries from her. (Of course, after it wore off, he stopped hiding things from her, knowing she had something like that at her disposal.) In an effort to undo it, Wei Wuxian had studied it and though he hadn’t been able to figure out how to undo it before it wore off, he had been able to figure out how to improve it. 
This new and improved curse had the same function. However, instead of being forced to tell the truth, the victim would blurt out any secrets they had kept hidden. On top of that, it would spread to others quickly. Wei Wuxian hoped that a few minutes of embarrassing secrets being spilled would be enough to deter them.
And sure enough, it did. 
The Jin and his rather disgruntled group of subordinates left. Now that Wei Wuxian looked at them though, he noticed some Lan disciples in their midst. His heart had clenched with betrayal and hurt, remembering that it was Lan Zhan who had signed the invitation. 
He shook his head. It mattered not. 
What Wei Wuxian didn’t know, though, was that the effects of the curse had not worn off. So when Jin Zixun returned to the celebration to get reinforcements, it quickly spread to all of the guests.
At least three sect leaders immediately blurted out, “I was paid by the Jin to spread false rumors about the Yiling Patriarch!” 
“Me too! The Jin promised me women and crops in exchange for telling everyone at the recent Discussion conference that the Yiling Patriarch had sent his corpses to my land! They were just wandering fierce corpses, but who wouldn’t believe that Wei Wuxian would send his corpses to any random person?”
“I was told to spread the rumors about the Yiling Patriarch raping virgins!”
And then......
“I cursed Jin Zixun with the hundred holes curse!” Su Minshan, sect leader of the newly emerged Su sect, said.
Jin Zixun turned to him quickly and took out his sword, rushing to him. “Undo it right now!!!”
“I don’t want to! You always bullied me, why should I?” Su Minshan yelled, easily beating back Jin Zixun. However, he couldn’t defend himself against all of Jin Zixun’s subordinates and was quickly taken into custody. 
The party quickly descended into chaos as everyone everywhere began spilling their deepest, darkest secrets.
Jin, Lan, Jiang, Yao, Ouyang......no one was spared. No matter how they tried to stop it, the curse was too strong.
And the culprit for all this chaos? He was happily tinkering away in his cave, unaware of how powerful the curse he casted was.  
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loopielupie · 11 months
Whumptober Day 26 - Working to exhaustion
Xie Lian is tired. The kind that sinks down into the bones and makes him sluggish and heavy.
When he staggers up the step into the Palace of Ling Wen, he spares a brief thought that maybe he’s over stretched himself this time. He knows he probably should have said no when Ling Wen had handed him yet another urgent mission scroll, but she’d looked so haggard and her plea had been so genuine.
Pressing his fingers to his temple does little to help his headache, it just reminds him of far too long spent in the communication array listening to Feng Xin and Mu Qing bicker. He huffs a quiet sigh. Just a little longer and he can rest.
I wonder if San Lang would join me?
It’s a selfish wish; Xie Lian would never disturb him when he knows he’s busy with Ghost city, but a tired Xie Lian is a wistful Xie Lian and he can’t help himself, even if only in the privacy of his own mind.
“Your Highness?”
Oh, I’m here.
He’d been so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t noticed himself arriving not only in the Palace, but in front of Ling Wen’s desk itself. The administrative god’s appearance is even more dishevelled than last time and he can sympathise. She’s assessing him and he’s certain she’s called his name more than once for her to be raising an eyebrow like that.
“Sorry, Ling Wen,” he chuckles, embarrassed, “I was…lost in thought.”
Her lips press together and he’s too exhausted to try and parse if it’s displeasure or concern.
“I’m sorry to ask this of you, your Highness, but your assistance is needed once more.”
Xie Lian’s stomach knots. He wants to refuse down to his bones. He needs to rest.
It takes his sluggish mind a second to realise that he hadn’t been the one to speak. The voice, too, is so immediately comforting he almost sags against the presence he knows waits just over his shoulder.
“E-excuse me?” Xie Lian can count on one hand the number of times he’s heard Ling Wen stutter
“I said no,” Hua Cheng steps forward and into the intervening space between XL and Ling Wen’s desk. “You and the other trash have been running his highness ragged for months. It stops now.”
“I-” Ling Wen looks like she wants to argue but she stops herself, closes her eyes, takes a breath and when she looks back up, there’s more of the crisp, normal Ling Wen Xie Lian is used to in her expression:
“Very well.” She softens a little when she turns to Xie Lian. “The palace of Ling Wen apologises for our over-reliance on you. We will find another to take this on.”
And, despite his earlier resistance, Xie Lian finds himself suddenly wanting to give in and agree to help, bad idea and all. But then there’s a hand on his waist and he remembers just how exhausted he really is.
“Thank you Ling Wen, sorry for the trouble.”
“It’s no trouble, your Highness. Please, rest.”
Xie Lian keeps his feet and doesn’t let himself lean too much into San Lang’s steady support until the bright sunshine of the Avenue of Divine Might is replaced with the dim, cosy lighting of Paradise Manor. He blinks at his surroundings now that the light won’t hurt his head and wilts a little to find himself mere steps from their bed. He can feel the way San Lang shifts to accommodate the increased weight but pulls himself back to ask a question that’s been niggling at him:
“San Lang, how did you know?”
How did you know I needed you?
“Know- Gege, you called for me.”
“I- I what?”
“In our communication array.” He presses a gentle kiss to his temple, right over the spot where Xie Lian had tried to massage away his headache. “I heard gege’s wish.”
Xie Lian shivers, the mortification that he had actually spoken those words as more than idle thoughts is far away, eclipsed by the relief. San Lang tucks him closer.
“Gege should know he can call me any time and I’ll be there.”
Xie Lian hums a quiet affirmation. Because he does know. San Lang has shown him the truth of this so many times. But there’s still some of that old reticence in him; that hesitance to ask for help. They both know it and San Lang doesn’t press. He's far too tired to do more than lean into the support his husband provides and push his forehead against his shoulder. Fingers card through his hair and his eyes flutter shut.
“As much as this one is content to hold you for as long as you want, you should get off your feet. Unless you would prefer to be carried?” The smirk in his tone is obvious, even if the words are completely sincere.
Too exhausted to fluster more than a slight pinking of already flushed cheeks, Xie Lian shakes his head, an undignified drag against the soft cloth of Hua Cheng’s robes, and peels himself away.
He flops onto the mattress, foregoing all grace in favour of being horizontal as quickly as possible. Behind him, the bed dips and he hears a breathy chuckle before a hand settles between his shoulder blades, a cool comfortable weight. Xie Lian manages to turn so he can see him, clumsily catching the hand as he moves and pressing a sluggish kiss to cool fingers.
“This one might already know the answer, but would gege prefer to bathe or to sleep first?”
Xie Lian checks in with himself, feeling his clothes shift against sweaty skin. A bath sounds delightful, but he can’t even entertain the notion of being awake to take one. Something of his struggle must show in his expression, because San Lang chuckles again
“This one will help you out of your robes, at least. Gege should be comfortable.”
“En,” he murmurs. “Thank you.”
San Lang reaches for his outer belt and Xie Lian gives easy permission to his raised eyebrow. It’s a familiar dance but Xie Lian welcomes it as an extra layer to the gooey contentment making his eyelids even heavier.
Xie Lian knows he could be changed with a flick of San Lang’s wrist; has experienced it before when they were almost caught on the hop in a very compromising position by unexpected guests. But he also knows his husband enjoys this: the act of dressing him by hand, layer by layer; pouring his devotion into the careful motions. Normally, it never fails to bring a flush to Xie Lian’s cheeks, but right now, as exhausted as he is, the gentle slide of worn and then soft fabric against his skin is nothing but soothing, lulling him further and further into sleep. Cool lips press against his and he spares a brief, griping thought that he can’t kiss back properly. He might even say that out loud for the puff of laughter he feels against his face, but he’s out before he can know for sure.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@piscesiawave said: He had only planned on being in the heavenly realm for a short time. Enough to drop off the scrolls he had borrowed and then be on his way, a simple, easy task.
Though if the god were being honest with himself than he’d know that a simple meet and greet and drop off was never just that. However, from all the ones he could expect it from, the least was Ling Wen.
When he had arrived at her desk it was empty, covered in scrolls, a mountain really. One of them had been splayed out, her quill sat on the side with the bottle of ink right next to it. His nose scrunches up a bit in curiosity as he had just spoken to her over the array and she had said she would be here. He thought to leave the scrolls there on her desk, but then, there were so many he didn’t want to mess up anything she may have organized for herself.
Perhaps he could put them back? He wasn’t entirely sure where to begin with that, but maybe if he’d walk around some and run into her while he did so.
Xie Lian of course, once turning into one of the many hundreds and thousands of aisles, this one just happened to have exactly who he had been searching for. Though not in the state anyone would hope to find. Ling Wen had collapsed to the floor, some scrolls around her which told him that she must have been carrying them at the time of her fall.
He rushes over, setting down his scrolls and gently lifts her up onto his lap. Brown eyes lean in with concern, and he slowly waves a hand in front of her face. “Ling Wen, Ling Wen’ he says her name twice before she stirs ever so slightly and her icy blue eyes open to look at Xie Lian staring down at her. He smiles softly and with relief. “Oh thank goodness. Are you okay?” // gives you some xie lian
my muse collapes in font of yours, how does yours react?
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One minute she's walking with a headache feeling like it was going to make her head burst and the next....she wasn't sure. But what she was sure of was that the next minute she DOES remember is opening her eyes while someone calls for her. ( Actually, there were several, but only one within the immediate surroundings rather than including the communication array. )
Her eyes open and she squints at the light before staring at Xie Lian with an inscrutable expression on her face. Other than the apparent exhaustion. But that was hardly a new look to c hange anything on her expression. She sits up with a little help, casting a brief glance towards the scrolls she'd dropped before looking back to Xie Lian.
" Yes, I'm fine, Your Highness. " Debatable. One would be wise to avoid such debates though. " I apologize for the concern. " It would be wise for her to get up but it feels like a monumental task when she considers it. Oh how some of these people would be thrilled to catch word of this. It's a though that only adds a fresh wave of exhaustion to her already crushed body.
Her lips press together in a thin line, a gesture almost synonymous with her name itself with how frequently she does it. One could hardly blame her with the amount of problems and information that was often brought to her doorstep. In this case, she's created her own problems potentially. But that was for her to know.
" I must have tripped. " Ling Wen tugs a few of the closest scrolls back towards her. It was plausible - truth or otherwise. That was for her to know and ideally no one else. Although she really can't recall the last few seconds before she'd evidentally collapsed. Maybe she HAD slipped. " I didn't realize that you would be returning here today, Your Highness. "
Her muscles protest as she shakily drags herself back up to her feet as she eyes the scrolls and then looks back to Xie Lian with a thin smile. " How may i help you? " All she could do was try to brush off the incident and pretend it never happened.
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Hi plan, I just saw this and died inside. Because am kinda mean, I think you should die inside with me.'I mean, I think it’s pretty upfront with what it means, and I think it paints Jiang Cheng as a morally gray character. Like, I do not get how people (especially in the west) think that he’s some wooby angel who is being falsely accused.' (1/?)
He let his anger and grief get the better of him, and took it out on innocents–which is entirely consistent with his character (like, Jiang Yanli died to save Wei Wuxian, and he still went ahead and killed him. C'mon. Boy has issues!).Jiang Cheng fans who say ““we can’t be sure this is true because in MDZS mob mentality bad!” are misreading the novel. The point is think critically, not just go with the flow because it benefits you. (2/?)
Thinking critically here means acknowledging there’s no evidence to disprove this and a ton of evidence to prove this is actually happening (in addition to his character as discussed above, we have an eyewitness who has no reason to lie, Jiang Cheng himself tells Jin Ling to kill any demonic cultivator, and Lan Wangji–who is probably the most reliable narrator in the entire story–believes this is happening.) 3/?
Jiang Cheng does not have empathy for the common person in his territory, which is an indictment against him and another way he foils Jin Guangyao–who along with Lan Wangji comprises only two characters in power who are demonstrably shown to give a damn about the common people (you can argue Lan Xichen probably does, but it’s not shown directly, unlike with LWJ and JGY). That doesn’t mean he’s a terrible monster or bad person; he’s not. It just means that he’s flawed and corrupted by society 4/?
(the main villain of MDZS is, after all, society). He’s a victim who has been deeply wounded, but is then projecting his trauma onto others–but in a more societally acceptable way than Wei Wuxian did.However?By the end of the novel? Jiang Cheng shows growth. He allows Sisi and Bicao into Lotus Pier to give evidence, helps Wei Wuxian with demonic cultivation by returning Chenqing to him, tags along with the junior’s nighthunts to protect Jin Ling, tolerates Wen Ning, and is generally moving 5/?
and is generally moving in the right direction. He realizes the person he thought would make a good leader–Wei Wuxian–sacrificed to make him a leader. A good leader serves, in other words, and he gives up control by allowing Wei Wuxian to see his vulnerable, hurting side (he’s lonely and hurt by a broken promise). I do think he will end up as a great sect leader–prickly, but caring." Sorry I asked this but you take on it will resurrect me. [final]
Hahah omg I started reading it and I was like ok...ok. this makes sense... I mean aside from the "jc is morally gray" (no) part this isn't that oFF----JIN GUANGYAO ALONG WITH LAN WANGJI?!! WHAT?! "you can argue Lan Xichen probably does, but it’s not shown directly"- ... "Jiang Cheng shows growth. He allows Sisi and Bicao into Lotus Pier to give evidence"- WHAT???? "helps Wei Wuxian with demonic cultivation by returning Chenqing" WHAATTTTTTT??!!?
Ok LWJ is a foil to jiang cheng, as are WangXian in general, but let's leave murder dimples and his towers out of this equation... Man was out there treating sex workers like a one time use murder weapon and sponsoring experiments on live humans... including children... and the only thing he found upsetting was that the screams were possibly giving him a headache.
"At the same time, commotion sounded outside the corpse training ground, among it the cries of women and children.
He Su spun around, only to see a group of LanlingJin Sect cultivators drag inside sixty or seventy people all wearing the same uniform. There were men and women, old and young. Every one of them was a cross between shock and fear, while some were already crying. Both tied up, a girl and a boy kneeled on the ground as they wailed at He Su, “Brother!” ...
"He Su, “Utterly nonsense! Open your eyes and fucking look! There are nine-year-old children here! Old men who can’t even walk! How could they rebel against anything?! Why would they assassinate your dad out of nowhere?!”...
As they watched their elder brother bang his head madly against the bars, the boys and girls rushed over wailing. Their cries were so sharp that Jin GuangYao reached up and rubbed his temple,
As for Sisi and Bi Cao:
Just as they entered, before anyone was seated yet, someone who looked like a guest cultivator walked up, “Sect Leader.” He shifted toward Jiang Cheng’s ear and whispered a few words. Jiang Cheng frowned, “No. If there’s something important, tell them to come at a later date. Don’t you see the situation right now?”
The guest cultivator, “I told them already. The two ladies said… that they were here for none other than today’s matter.”
Jiang Cheng, “What’s their background? Which sect do they cultivate at?”
The guest cultivator, “None. They aren’t cultivators either. I am certain that that both are ordinary women without any spiritual powers. They brought with them some expensive medicinal herbs as well, but they didn’t say which sect leader sent them. They only said that they had a few things to tell you, Sect Leader. From their words, I judged that what they were speaking of was no small matter. In case they feel disrespected, I already placed them within one of the guest residences. The medicinal herbs haven’t been stored yet, either. They have been examined already. There are no abnormal spells or curses.”
It wasn’t that anyone could see the YunmengJiang Sect’s sect leader whenever they wanted to, even without telling him why they were there. On top of that, they were two women who lacked both spiritual powers and sects to support them. However, since they brought rare herbs, the guest cultivator responsible for receiving them didn’t dare show disrespect. Even if not for the lavish gifts, the oddity of the incident itself was enough for him not to ignore them.
So NHS knew jc enough to make sure these ladies had some expensive, rare herbs to gain themselves the chance of an audience + the intriguing prospect of information on the situation at hand... otherwise they would have been clearly turned away. Someone build jc a statue to commemorate his great benevolence...
I already wrote extensively HERE about jc and Chenqing. TRLD : NMJ's corpse was going to rampage and drop some murder on everyone in the Guanyin temple INCLUDING Jin Ling, when jiang cheng deigns to finally throw Chenqing which he'd held onto as bait all these years and which he hadn't offered up in all that time while WWX was stuck just whistling. He's never been adverse to using Wei Wuxian as a weapon before and he had no other choice here unless he was going to wait and see NMJ's fierce corpse Vitamix everyone in that Temple w his fists. It wasn't offered up in a peaceful moment as an act of understanding and grace. smh
Ok this part was very confusing they're saying jiang cheng is "corrupted by society"? jiang cheng IS the corrupt society...By the end of the novel he illustrates also how people born to privilege and power don't tend to suffer the full consequences of their actions. His actions are permitted bc he was born the son of a Clan Leader, not a servant. Dude led a siege to kill a granny and a toddler. He should be dead at the end of mdzs. He momentarily realizes that he's a clown and then is right back on his shit in the brief mention of him in the extras. Cracking his whip at people and clashing with Wen Ning... His growth curve is a flat line. Op has a way of reframing things in a very interesting way. Might as well say “jc was just helping people exfoliate” when he was flaying them w Zidian…
Now about Lan Xichen... where are people getting this idea of him not giving af about the ppl while JGY is a beacon of altruism? From the Cloud Recesses study arc we see Lan Xichen taking a very active role dealing with the mess the Wens drove to the doorstep of the people of Caiyi Town. He'd been planting nets himself when he observed something was out of the ordinary.
“Zewu Jun, water ghosts are very smart,” Wei Wuxian said. “If we row slowly around like this looking for them, what happens if they hide at the bottom of the water? Won’t we be searching forever? What if we can’t find them?”
Lan Wangji said, “We will not stop until we locate all of them. It is our duty.”
“So we’re just going to catch them with the nets?” Wei Wuxian asked.
“Correct. Unless the Yunmeng Jiang Clan has some other method?” said Lan Xichen."
The Lans are righteous. This is how they handle matters. Even though the Wens have chased the aquatic abyss to Biling Lake the Lans would not shirk their duty or chase it away somewhere else to put other lives at risk even though solving the problem requires an immense effort- which is why the Wens chased it there in the first place.
The aquatic abyss near Caiyi Town brought tremendous trouble to the Gusu Lan Clan. There was no way to eradicate it, and neither could the Lan Clan behave like the Wens and drive it off someplace else. As the Chief of the Lan Clan had been in isolation for many years, Lan Qiren had to exert the mental and physical effort to deal with the problem in his stead. (Chapter 18)
Nevertheless we know the Lan Clan does manage to deal with it in the end.
Wei WuXian, “It’s been so many years. The waterborn abyss there should be completely cleaned up, right? If your uncle can bear looking at me, then hide me along with those jars of wine in your room; if he can’t, then let’s go tour some other place. I heard SiZhui and the others are having loads of fun night-hunting with Wen Ning.
Lan WangJi, “Mn.” (Chapter 113)
Then during the war:
During the Sunshot Campaign, stories of praise were told about all three of the Venerated Triad. The ones of ChiFeng-Zun were about how he swept over all obstacles, leaving not even a trace of the Wen-dogs after he finished. ZeWu-Jun—Lan XiChen—however, was different from him. After the situation of the Gusu area had settled down, Lan QiRen was able to defend it with great tenacity. Thus, Lan XiChen often travelled to aid others, saving lives from danger. In all of the Sunshot Campaign, he had countless times recovered lost territory and assisted narrow escapes. This was why people were ecstatic whenever they heard his name, as though they gained a ray of hope, a powerful trump card. (Chapter 51)
In fact WWX feels compelled to tell LWJ to make sure not to let the Lan Clan singlehandedly clean up the mess in Yi City, which isn't even territory they're responsible for!, bc he knows how they do things:
“Hanguang Jun, listen to me,” Wei Wuxian said. “Your clan really shouldn’t take on the burden of handling the aftermath of Yi City alone. The city’s so big—if it has to be cleared out, it’ll be a thorny, intractable problem whose every aspect will require a massive expenditure of resources to deal with. Shuzhong isn’t even under the Gusu Lan Clan’s jurisdiction. Survey the juniors downstairs and see which clans they’re from. Give each of those clans a share of the duty—everyone who should contribute must contribute.”
“It will be considered,” Lan Wangji replied.
“Consider it carefully, alright? Everyone likes to hunt game and fight for glory, but when there are responsibilities to take care of, they start passing around the burden. If your clan foots the bill and indulges the others today, they won’t necessarily feel grateful to you or understand your thinking. If it happens too many times, they’ll start expecting you to take the initiative whenever any trouble pops up. That’s how the world is.” (Chapter 42)
Still LWJ only says it will be considered!
You know, I think it's almost more jarring when some fairly valid takes coexist with well... the other ones... in the same post.
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