#israhell history
theworsthistorynerd · 7 months
Following Cyrus the Great's conquest of Babylon in 539 BCE, Palestine became part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire.[85][xxxv] At least five Persian provinces existed in the region: Yehud Medinata, Samaria, Gaza, Ashdod, and Ascalon.[86] The Phoenician city-states continued to prosper in present-day Lebanon, while the Arabian tribes inhabited the southern deserts.[87][88]
In contrast to his predecessors, who controlled conquered populations using mass-deportations, Cyrus issued a proclamation granting subjugated nations religious freedom. The Persians resettled exiles in their homelands and let them rebuilt their temples. According to some scholars, this policy helped them to present themselves as liberators, gaining them the goodwill of the people in the empire's provinces.[89][xxxvi][90]
In 538 BCE, the Persians allowed the return of exiled Judeans to Jerusalem.[91] The Judeans, who came to be known as Jews, settled in what became known as Yehud Medinata or Yehud, a self-governing Jewish province under Persian rule.[92][93] The First Temple in Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians, was rebuilt under the auspices of the returned Jewish population.[43]
Major religious transformations took place in Yehud Medinata. it was during that period that the Israelite religion became exclusively monotheistic – the existence of other Gods was now denied. Previously, Yahweh, Israel's national god, had been seen as one god among many.[94][xxxvii] Many customs and behavior that would come to characterize Judaism were adopted.[95][xxxviii]
The region of Samaria was inhabited by the Samaritans, an ethno-religious group who, like the Jews, worship Yahweh and claim ancestry to the Israelites.[96] It is widely believed the Samaritans were a blend of nationalities whom the Assyrians had resettled in the area with some of the remaining Israelites.[97] The Samaritan temple cult, centered around Mount Gerizim, competed with the Jews' temple cult centered around Mount Moriah in Jerusalem and led to long-lasting animosity between the two groups.[98][xxxix] Remnants of their temple at Mount Gerizim near Shechem dates to the 5th century.[99][xl]
Another people in Palestine was the Edomites. Originally, their kingdom occupied the southern area of modern-day Jordan but later they were pushed westward by nomadic tribes coming from the east, among them the Nabataeans, and therefore migrated into southern parts of Judea. This migration had already begun a generation or two before the Babylonian conquest of Judah, but as Judah was weakened the pace accelerated. Their territory became known as Idumea.[100]
Around the turn of the 6th and 5th centuries BCE, the Persians gave the Phoenician kings of Tyre and Sidon, based in modern-day Lebanon, control over the coastal plain all the way to Ashdod.[101] Perhaps to facilitate maritime trade[102] or as a repayment for their naval services.[103][xli] At about the same time, the Upper Galilee was also granted to Tyre.[104][xlii] In the middle of the 4th century the Phoenicians occupied the entire coast as far as Ascalon in the southern coastal plain.[105][xliii]
Nomadic Arabian tribes roamed the Negev desert. They were of paramount strategic and economic importance to the Persians due to their control of desert trade routes stretching from Gaza in the north, an important trading center,[106] to the Arabian peninsula in the south. Unlike the people in the provinces, the tribes were considered "friends" with the empire rather than subjects and they enjoyed some independence from Persia.[107] Until the middle of the 4th century, the Qedarites were the dominant tribe whose territory ran from the Hejaz in the south to the Negev in the north.[108][xliv] Around 380 BCE, the Qedarites joined a failed revolt against the Persians and as a consequence they lost their frankincense trade privileges. The trade privileges were taken over by the Nabataeans, an Arab tribe whose capital was in Petra in Transjordan. They established themselves in the Negev where they built a flourishing civilization.[109]
Despite the devastating Greco-Persian Wars, Greek cultural influences rose steadily.[110] Greek coins began to circulate in the late 6th and early 5th centuries.[111][xlv] Greek traders established trading posts along the coast in the 6th century from which Greek ceramics, artworks, and other luxury items were imported.[112] These items were popular and no well-to-do household in Palestine would have lacked Greek pottery.[113] Local potters imitated the Greek merchandise, though the quality of their goods were inferior to the Greeks.[114][xlvi] The first coins in Palestine were minted by the Phoenicians followed by Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ashdod.[115][xlvii] Yehud began minting coins in the second quarter of the 4th century.[116][xlviii]Coinage minted in the province of Yehud during the Persian period
In 404 BCE, Egypt threw off the Persian yoke and began extending its domain of influence and military might in Palestine and Phoenicia, leading to confrontations with Persia. The political pendulum swung back and forth as territory was conquered and reconquered.[117] For a brief period of time, Egypt controlled both coastal Palestine and Phoenicia.[118] Egypt was eventually reconquered by Persia in 343.[119]
By the 6th century, Aramaic became the common language in the north, in Galilee and Samaria, replacing Hebrew as the spoken language in Palestine,[120] and it became the region's lingua franca.[121][122] Hebrew remained in use in Judah; however the returning exiles brought back Aramaic influence, and Aramaic was used for communicating with other ethnic groups during the Persian period.[122] Hebrew remained as a language for the upper class and as a religious language.[120]"
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nando161mando · 4 months
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bugboy-behaviour · 9 months
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a collection of queer Palestinian stories in Gaza from queering the map.
Don't let pink washing get to your head. Queer people live everywhere, including in Gaza, where they are currently being massacred.
images are from the tiktok link i attached, there's even more there.
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enjymemink · 7 months
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Notice the difference between headlines?
Ukrainian children are killed.
Palestinian children are found dead.
Ukrainian children murderers are mentioned
Palestinian children are just dead by ??
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1963: "White only" = Jim Crow Segregation
1993: "Afrikaner only" = apartheid
2023: "Israeli only" = its complicated
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gryficowa · 5 months
Considering that many Israelis are Zionist Jews, and Zionists can be considered right-wing, we all know who hates LGBT here
Fuck Israel, Zionists and the right side!
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david-goldrock · 8 months
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עם ישראל חי
(He/They/She) (gender is in your mind, go wild mate)
Born in the year of your lord 2006
A proud Israeli Jewish Zionist! glory to the lions of Zion!
Asks are open and welcome! please ask a lot! I will block and report hate mail so don't even try
A DND player for since 2014, a GM since 2017
Fandoms: Percy Jackson, arcane, stranger things, ender's sagas
Loves politics, come and argue anytime! as long as you're civil
Programmed on the FRC team BumbleB #3339! Now an alum :(
My blog is overrun because of the war, but when it's calmer, I like to blog about art, DND, memes, and general conversations
this is the second time I make this blog, I accidentally deleted it a while ago
All NSFW things I reblog will be tagged as such
Thank you and welcome!
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gendecoder · 27 days
Trump converts to Judaism
If I have my dates correct, Trump converted to Judaism on 22 May 2017 (or that's when it was reported/broadcast). Which is 23 days before his upcoming birthday that year... 2(3)s like 33... or 3 weeks and 2 days before his birthday, like 32. His birthday is ofcourse 14 June
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The Donald = 32 (Septenary)
Freemason = 32 (Septenary)
22 May 2017 leaves 223 days left in the year 2017. The number 223 is a reflection of the Skull & Bones number 322. The word 'Judaism' equates to 322 in Satanic gematria. The word 'Zionist' has a lot of overlap here as well
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Jewish President Donald Trump = 322 (Ordinal) *the term is not official media phraseology but it felt relevant to include
On the number 23 again. They call Trump "The first Jewish President of the United States", which has single reduction gematria of 230, like the number 23 (In numerology 0 is a null value)
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On the flip side if you measure the distance from his previous birthday on 14 June 2016 to the day of converting 22 May 2017, it is a full span of 11 months and 9 days, like 119 which is 911 mirrored. Who's responsible for 9/11?
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Back on 23, I mentioned it's also saying two three's which is 33. The unofficial term 'Jewish President Donald Trump' equates to 137 in Latin reduction. 137, 33rd prime
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33
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lets-make-light-now · 6 months
Boycott is forever!
There is
no redemption from Genocide!
Germany has proven it, after 80 years of abstinence they are back with a vengeance. Arming Israel backing it's genocide financial and starving Palestinans to Death. Like back then in Auschwitz, only there is no help Coming this time
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deancaslover · 5 months
Don't mind me I'm just here crying because tomorrow my beloved and broken country will break its foreign relations with Israel. I'm happy.
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ramadan90s · 4 months
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nando161mando · 11 months
"Language matters.
@barahmeh attends one of the largest marches for Palestine in British history. He asked people there why they support Palestine.
Full video on YouTube on the uncivilized channel":
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magnusthepuppet · 4 months
How TF are you gonna say youre against fascism and bigotry and then support the Muslim equivalent of the KKK. Just. What. What is wrong with you I can't even do this anymore
37,000 dead
1.7 million displaced
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Israelis: omg we are so oppressed and scared for our lives because of rockets
If you were actually oppressed and fearful of your lives, you wouldn’t be going to concerts and having raves
I don’t think a Jew in Nazi Germany was having Raves in Concentration Camps. I don’t think an Irishman while the Black and Tans were attacking held House Parties with blaring music. I don’t think Armenians during the long walk or Black Americans during Slavery or American Indians during the colonization of the continent were going to boisterous concerts with fireworks while the Turks/WASPs brutalized them. I don’t think Haitians were having raves while France was hanging their people for decrying Revolution, and in the Battle of Valley Forge, no American Revolutionary was making TikToks
During these events, Jews, the Irish, Armenians, Black Americans, American Indians, Haitians, American Revolutionaries, Romani, Muslims in Spain, Native Mexicans, Native Liberians and so on and so forth were mourning the destruction of their homes, the loss of their kids, and becoming revolutionary as a result of their victimhood.
Aka what Palestinians are doing.
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gryficowa · 4 months
When you see them talking about anti-Semitism (That if you are pro-Palestinian, don't be an anti-Semite), the problem is that we don't know whether it's real anti-Semitism or the fucking argument of Zionists (That attacking Israel is wrong)
And by the way, boycotting Israeli companies is not anti-Semitism, because according to this logic we were xenophobic when Russia attacked Ukraine, especially the fact that transport and trade with Russia was banned (And many companies withdrew… We know which company stayed, yes, Nestle, it's always in shitty situations, so every time when something bad happens, there's a fucking Nestle there), and I haven't seen any such opposition in this case, interesting, right?
The only thing that worried me was the fact that Russians outside Russia would be attacked under Putin + The situation with many platforms withdrawing, which would condemn Russians to Putin's propaganda
These were the key things that worried me, and now it turns out that boycotting Israeli companies is anti-Semitism, fucked up, right? Israel attacking civilians who have no troops is fucking worse than Russia's crimes against Ukrainians, and you say that boycotting companies from which Israel receives money is anti-Semitism? Can you fucking hear yourself? No, we are not boycotting not because they are Jews, but because fucking Israel has the money to murder civilians, that's the fucking real reason
Somehow you don't talk about the death of Palestinian Jews or how Israel stole children, it was also anti-Semitic, because Jews did this shit to Arab Jews, but apparently it is not anti-Semitism, but boycotting a genocide is bad, because it is anti-Semitic, I have the impression, that Israelis are free from being anti-Semitic because they are fucking white and that is sick
These are Europeans who converted to Judaism, these "Jews" attacked Jews from these areas (And murder some of them) through discrimination, it's fucked up that you don't shout about anti-Semitism here (In fact, do you shout about it when it actually takes place? I don't know, more like when someone calls Israel a colonizer/genocidal, or when his companies are boycotted, this shit is fucked up)
And yes, when they usually talk about October 7th, it's usually Zionists, so yes, it's a fucking red flag, it's not anti-Semitism, when you see this red flag, do you know what anti-Semitism is? How these people have been attacking other Jews since October 7 for wanting a free Palestine, but continue to lie that it is anti-Semitism, because you have to see everyone as a threat, not as a message that something bad is happening and the fact that they are Jews doesn't mean a damn thing
Do you know what can be considered anti-Semitism? Failure to hold Israel accountable because it is not treated equally as other such "countries", it is anti-Semitism, because it is not treated equally with countries that do the same, is like not arresting a murderer and rapist because he is a Jew, he is a sick person, he commits a crime, he should be punished, because he committed an unforgivable crime, imagine if the main defense in court was being a Jew and the fact that you are a Jew means that they cannot punish you for your crimes...
This world would be terrifying, wouldn't it? Now compare it to a country that commits crimes and there are no consequences for it because it is a Jewish country, isn't it anti-Semitism that it is treated differently in its crimes? This is not a fight for equal rights, it is a fight for the perpetrator to have a strong excuse for his crime and call everyone evil because they react to what he does to other people
Israel is doing what a real country would not do, which would consist of victims of genocide, they are doing what propaganda things that are accused of being discriminated against for their rights (Because they will want to punish more, if I don't know, for being straight or white) and those who accused this things discriminated against, suddenly they agree to this shit, it's fucking fucked up
So yes, the real anti-Semites are those who cannot stand the thought that the Jewish country should be punished for genocide, not because it is a Jewish country, but because it commits a fucking crime
If it was a Christian country that took the Land from the Jews and is now murdering Jews because they want it back or to steal their lands, would you support it and call everyone Christanophobes for wanting punishment for this country? I don't fucking think so
Being discriminated against is not an excuse to murder people in cold blood, when will people realize this?
Stop with the "Anti-Semitism" argument, because in this context it's worth shit, and the meaning itself disappears because you use the word in such a fucked-up context
The real anti-Semites are you, because you are destroying the meaning of the word, which will lead to the fact that real anti-Semitism will be ignored, you are the anti-Semites for erasing the Palestinian Jews, you are the anti-Semites for forgetting the Yemeni Jews, whom Israel treated like shit because of their Arab origin
You only talk about Israelis, i.e. Jews of European origin, not Arab Jews, you don't care about all Jews, but only about white ones and it's disgusting
It just pisses me off that the colonizer has more rights than other colonizers because he is Jewish, it also pisses me off that this "Jewish" country is anti-Jewish, when someone is not of European descent like Israelis, it is not a country for everyone Jews, this is a country for white colonizers
I had to get this off my chest because it seriously irritates me
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aichabouchareb · 10 months
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A number of Palestinians were killed and wounded by an Israeli bombing next to Al-Amal School in the city of Khan Yunis. 3.12.23
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