#in our system and so I have a lot of thoughts about it
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☆The Unknown
Here's a reminder i think some systems need- it's alright to be blurry. It's alright to not use pluralkit or simply plural. It's alright to not know who you are. It's alright to have other people in front with you without them or you knowing who they are. It's alright to not log new alters as soon as you discover them. It's alright to go by your collective identity because you don't know who you are. It's alright to think you're a different alter and realise that's not you. It's alright to think people have split or fused when they haven't. It's alright to make mistakes. It's alright to not know what's going on in your system 24/7. It's alright to not know your alter count. It's alright to not be able to hear headspace all the time. It's alright to have poor communication.
I think something a lot of newly discovered systems struggle with is trying to know everyone in the system, and to know who's fronting 24/7. Especially ones who enter system communities as a newly discovered system. They seem to feel a lot of pressure into knowing everything about their system 24/7, and seem to always try to force themselves to always know who's fronting, to always know every little detail, to know all their alters. But you don't have to do that. I remember that when we were a newly discovered system, we HATED being blurry and always tried to label ourselves the moment we entered front. We always had to know our alter count, and we wanted to have good communication immediately because we thought that's what you were supposed to do.
But here's the thing: there are no rules. Systems are all completely different. Someone might have better communication with their system than you- that's fine. Someone might not know their alter count when you do- that's fine. Someone might always be blurry. Someone might never get blurry. All of these things are completely valid.
It's alright to not know every single thing about your system, and i think that's something more people need to realise, so please reblog this if you can to spread the message to some systems in need.
#anti endo#endos dni#osddid#pro endo dni#did system#encephalon sys#endos fuck off#non traumagenic dni#anti endogenic#system#anti radical queer#anti map#anti homophobia#traumagenic did#did osdd#did#osdd
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We don't typically self-identify on this blog but because it's relevant, I will say that I am Kay and will be talking about my co-hosting relationship with Em and the way we intentionally utilize amnesia barriers. This will be long, so I'll put it under the cut.
There seems to be some misconception that amnesia barriers are inherently bad. I've seen a particular user refer to it repeatedly as "self-harm". But we know, factually, that dissociation is not bad just because it's dissociation. There are plenty of positive or neutral examples of dissociation when used intentionally, such as daydreaming or losing yourself in a book.
Dissociation is a neutral experience. It's how you feel about that experience and how it causes disruptions, if any, that makes it positive or negative. Lots of dissociation does cause distress. Daydreaming can become maladaptive, for example. Highway hypnosis can cause an accident. Then obviously you have all the dissociative disorders. But one end of the spectrum doesn't define dissociation as a whole.
Em and I have reached functional multiplicity between the two of us specifically. It's one of the reasons we are both hosts of the system. And while we both feel the negative dissociative effects of our DID and DPDR on an individual basis, it's very rare that it's a negative thing between us anymore. Why? Because we do it on purpose. I know, I know. Hold the pitchforks and torches.
Why do we do this? Simply because we both have our own lives outside the inner world and, like any other normal person, we want our privacy respected. Em doesn't need to know when I take my wife to bed. I don't need to know when Em has an emotional heart-to-heart with their partner. Neither of us need to know what private thoughts we put into our personal journals. It's a form of respect and self-love that we can show each other, using the tools that used to disrupt our lives.
I won't lie: this took years. Out of everyone in the system, Em and I have known each other the longest. Way back before we knew about the system and Em just thought I was a weird but nice hallucination. I believe we're coming up on a decade of knowing each other as opposed to the simple 3-4 years of knowing about the system as a whole. It takes practice and it takes patience and respect. But it's possible and it can be healthy. Don't let anyone else tell you differently.
#syscourse#cdd community#sysconversation#did system#did osdd#dissociation#dissociative barriers#co-hosting#long post
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- I mean, yes I agree. However the fact that Ferdinand is still supporting the nobility system so vehemently still shows that questioning the very system is by itself very revolutionary! Hence why I think Edelgard can't be said to have barely out her plan... I believe we cannot except fe3h characters to intuitively meet all the idea fitting our modern standards. Just questioning the system by itself is something with such lack of precedence in Fodlan that it requires deep reflexion in itself. And if you look at how Edelgard done it, we can see that she managed to have a wide systemic views including the complex relationship of the Church, nobility and crest which is seriously impressive. Especially considering a lot of other characters tend to tunnel vision on one specfic problem, often trying to fix the effect rather than the cause. For example, you have Ferdinand wainting better for the commoners while still supporting the system that led to the commoners to have so much problems in the first place.
But even going aside from a political discussion, I believe the Game vehemently shows how much thoughts was put into Edelgard plan. Firstly, Edelgard is denoted to be much more concerned than politics than nearly all of the cast with how, for example, she has in her likes "debating historical viewpoints and strategies", how she brings politics in nearly all of her supports or how she is the only character who enjoy the monarch study book gift. Secondly, the game show the results of such concerns with how she wrote a full manifesto or how her ideology is the one who's the most concretely described. If Edelgard ideas are poorly though out, then I have to say I fear for the state of every other characters ideas!
- Even with the distinction between lacking empathy and just it being one of her worst skill, I have to say that I don't understand while you still maintain Edelgard has a limited empathy? To me all her supports shows the contrary, that Edelgard is a very empathical person who works hards to overpass her flaws ( like how she get easily frustrated ) because she genuinely just care so much about other:
• Her Bernadetta support is Edelgard trying to be gentle with Bernadetta despite how frustrated she get with her, and therefore growing more patient and less prone to anger due to her empathy for her
• Her Ferdinand support is Edelgard, despite her initial annoyance towards him, honestly complimenting him and telling him how important he is to her to reassure him when he feels down. Moreover, her Hopes supports is her trying to comfort him about his father despite him being the man who caused her and her siblings torture. Even if she terrible at it, it still comes from a place of empathy.
• Her behavior with Byleth after their father death is her placing herself in Byleth shoes, someone grieving their only family, and trying accordingly to help them. Even if again, it ended up being pretty bad for most people.
• Her behavior with Petra, as much as their relationship is limited by their circumstances, is a mark of empathy. Pragmatism would dictate her to profit of her position of power over Petra in the war. However, as the screenshot in my other reblog indicates, she let her choose her side in the war even if its against her. Don't get me wrong, that's the right thing to do. But in the context of Fodlan, I would say such act is motivated by empathy. I believe that, while we can certainly heavily criticize Three Houses writing on those subject, Petra is showed to feel no resentment over Edelgard and even feel saddened fighting against her for a reason.
• The way she consider all the unamed soldiers is also definitely a huge mark of empathy. You see her adorns the grave of soldiers with flowers, in general mourn the loss of the war, makes repetitive attempt at showing mercy... Those act have no pragmatical purpose and sometime even complicates things. I cannot see another interpretation that Edelgard putting herself in the place of people she don’t and probably never know and feel for them
I'm just repeating myself, but to me it's really a matter of applying this emphaty efficiently. Overall Edelgard flaws to me are just very much more about social skills.
- The debate is getting a bit outside of the interpretation of fe3h, but to me there's a moment where you need to step over people boundaries when those are unhealthy. To give a personal example, I have struggled sometimes with unhealthy diet habit, and if it wasn't for my friend who pressed on the subject despite my clear boundary of not speaking of any weight related matter I would have been in a much worst space today... In general, as someone who's familiar with subject like self-harm, eating disorder or suicididal though, I have to strongly disagree that going over someone unhealthy boundaries is a unempathic act. To get back to Hubert, he is not a mindset where he will ever question by himself that he needs to carry out gruesome act in a solitary path. He needs friends to question this deeply unhealthy mindset where he pretty much view himself as a weapon before than a human, even if he rather have no one press on it. It’s an emphatical act for Edelgard to try to help Hubert and be a real friend he can count on. Someone who struggle with empathy would have very much just used him without any consideration, as Hubert try himself to be seen as just a tool.
Also, I think that even the question of unhealthy boundary aside, the deep involvement of Edelgard in the matter Hubert keep secret is by itself enough of a reason for Edelgard to press on the matter without it being unempathical.
- Oh, I'm sorry for misunderstanding your post! Because then yeah, I would say her making Ferdinand uncomfortable is just a case of Edelgard being bad with people. She empathize with his emotional turmoil, that's why she's coming to him, but she's definitely not equiped to deal with all that ( she's trying at least 😭 ).
Also I only brought up Ferdinand because of my mistake, I wanted to show that Edelgard actions were reasonable and not unempathical for brushing off Ferdinand. I really didn't mean to try to bring the discussions around his flaw!
- I admit I personally don't know much about the subject of empathy vs sympathy and english isn't my first langage so you probably know best ^^" I just read the Wikipedia article on the subject and empathy seems so broad. After reading it I'm even not sure that sympathy might be something distinct from empathy, in the sense that it might actually be part of it??? Since it's your post, we're going with your definitions of the term. Did I understand well that for you, empathy is placing yourself in another shoe while sympathy is caring about someone?
On another matter, I have to disagree on Edelgard shortness for people "not on their side". For example, Edelgard is shown as pretty calm towards Rhea, pretty understanding even if sad towards a SS!Byleth... I do agree with she get frustrated more easily with the persons she dislike though.
And I won't lie, to me you cannot only speak of how Edelgard can be prone to frustration over misunderstanding without speaking of her effort to overcome such misunderstanding. The trend in her support is that she can clash hard with people due to her short fuse, but due to her perseverance on trying to understand them she end up forming a really strong bond with them... What I mean is that Edelgard frustration and anger tend to be most of the time something short-lived, especially in regards to her prolonged effort to overcome it. I would probably not qualify Edelgard frustration along with the term dismissive.
But overall, I also do not believe her frustration comes solely from her not understanding why someone else isn't reacting the way she expected. When you look at her Hanneman or Manuela supports, you see that she's on the contrary curious over their belief or act that she doesn't understand. Or in the Caspar support, Edelgard is only shown as angry when Caspar directly insult her and she otherwise ask a question and starts to reflect when Caspar respond differently than expected... Actually, while I don’t doubt Edelgard get frustrated for not misunderstanding, would it be possible for you to refer to the some specific moments in the games that show what you mean? ( It don’t have to be the exact dialog, I can search it if you give me even a vague description! )
- Oh sorry for the misunderstanding ^^" But if I now understand well your argument, Edelgard is explicitly against the crest as part of a wider system and not just the phenomenon of crest by itself? Her revolution is also just has much against nobility and the Church than about crest?
( Also as a side note, I took your response as you being positive with discussing. However while I personally enjoy having a debate, I know not everyone wants that, especially when they get long. As I am the one who came into your post, please don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to stop interacting with it! I totally understand if you just want to express your own though in peace. )
I lied. Put your clothes back on. We're going to talk about how Edelgard is a product of her environment.
Edelgard's motives for change are purely based on her own experiences and what she does want for the commoners is poorly thought through and has no more depth other than "I want them to be our equals" whilst having no planned out steps to actually do anything about it.
It is Ferdinand who makes her realise that commoners require free education to even attempt to be able to attain the same level that the nobles are given on a silver platter.
But of course Edelgard wouldn't think about that, because she doesn't have to. She had grown up Princess of a kingdom with the promise of Emperor at her feet since she was around 10 years old. Even when she wasn't promised Emperor, she was promised a comfortable life. Her education would have been paid for her. Of course she doesn't understand the struggles of commoners, because she has never had to.
Edelgard has been through hell but she has not been put through inherited disadvantage so why would she ever consider what it is like to be raised a commoner????
And so of course, when Edelgard sees the church exploiting and hurting everybody she immediately blames crests and becomes so tunnel visioned on her own experiences to make her stronger, she becomes blind to the other very real and much more important issues happening around her.
Edelgard lacks basic empathy and whether it is just something about her or it comes from the intense trauma she experienced as a child, it makes it impossible for her to relate to commoners and pretty much anyone who has a different lived experience to her. To the point where she even treads all over Hubert's boundaries, and he's the person who is the closest to her at the start of the game and agrees with her and her ideals the most.
This not to say she lacks sympathy, I believe she has a lot of sympathy for people. But she cannot for the life of her put herself in other people's shoes and think about how they are feeling/would feel.
This partially causes her lack of basic respect towards Petra and her racism towards Brigid, holding their freedom over their heads in exchange for Petra risking her life for FIVE YEARS and if she doesn't. Well then. No freedom for Brigid. However, this is also caused by being raised within the Adrestian Empire, especially within the Imperial nobility.
But her lack of empathy extends to her friends. I've mentioned Hubert already but she repeatedly makes Ferdinand uncomfortable, she gets snappy with Bernadetta whenever she's panicking, she outright calls Byleth pathetic for grieving their dead father DESPITE STILL GRIEIVING HER OWN DEAD FAMILY. There are hundreds of instances where Edelgard just simply cannot understand anything from someone else's point of view.
I don't hate Edelgard. I don't think I'm capable of hating any character but I definitely do not like the way she goes about things and treats other characters. She has many many many flaws but I do believe she is a product of her environment. As well as a victim of shitty writing (but that applies to all the characters).
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Honestly, a thing I've kind of started to realize within both our proper involvement within trauma / mental health care spaces and within our own healing, a large issue (not bad or derogatory, but rather a "flaw" and an obstacle that gets in the way from the most effective condition) is that a lot of DID / OSDD / CDD spaces are heavily built with a large atmosphere and focus on trauma, trauma labels, terms, the nuances of what is and isn't possible, and just largely a lot of the talk and engagement is about sharing one another's trauma stories and explaining How The Trauma Happens and the details of how Trauma Has Affected / Impact / Forever Changed You and that is COMPLETELY expected and understandable
Trauma is an incredibly harmful, incredibly hurtful, incredibly impactful thing to go through and it can very very easily make you feel EXTREMELY stuck in the place you are. It's not something that can easily swallow your existence - especially if you have DID and even more so if you are specifically a part that got the misfortune of having the role of holding trauma or being explicitly stuck in flashbacks. There is nothing *wrong* with the community being like that, it's completely expected and there is nothing *bad* about it. I think it is incredibly more helpful and better than everyone being isolated, uninformed, unsupported, and having *nothing* to help them through what is often an unsafe environment or the challenges of early recovery.
That said, both of those values / beliefs / mindsets are incredibly trauma-driven focuses that - in the process of helping meet needs, a sense of community, and safety (things individuals with a trauma history have a lot of a need for), reinforce the building of one's sense of self and identity AROUND and on top of the trauma and thus also kind of reinforces the idea that someone is defined, forever stuck, and distanced from other people based on their trauma.
And I think that is a key thing thats a difference between peer survivor groups processing things together and proper professionally guided group therapy of survivors. I'm not saying that professionals and group therapy is "good", because I have had a number of really negative experiences with it myself and as a person with a trauma background myself (even if I talk like this, I'm not immune) I both distrust "officials" and instictually would very much prefer if people who have not experienced extensive trauma stayed out of my trauma spaces.
What I am kind of trying to say is that in the former, there is an issue of the blind leading the blind as everyone involved is more or less stuck in that trauma space / mindplace that makes it hard to see the avenues of healing that go BEYOND trauma and are not something that individuals who are still deep in the trauma sauce are not going to really be the most open to. In the latter, in theory, there is a heavy trauma-responsive and trauma-informed professional who is both able to understand, empathize, be attuned to, and respond positively to traumatized individuals and the frequent challenges; and that not "In the Trauma" view provides a lot of essential and helpful opportunities to challenge (positively) some of the largest generalized trauma views / values and help in developing and builiding a sense of self and a life that is not as heavily built upon the basis of "Trauma being Defining" to who you are.
And as someone who was there before, its totally fine if you have a problem with me saying that "Trauma does not have to define your entire existence and doesn't make up everything of who you are" because 1) I don't know your story and 2) You don't have to trust me, you have no reason to trust me on that; but as someone who went through a shit ton of trauma and recovery myself, I hope that its something you would at least humor that I strongly believe that and have seen it multiple times - both in human and nonhuman experiences.
I just really say that because in my experience, the most important belief and self concept to challenge that REALLY changed how I felt about myself, my disorder, and my symptoms was the development of the belief that "I went through a lot of trauma and it greatly impacted me, but trauma isn't all of who I am and with every day I live outside of it, trauma becomes a smaller and smaller portion of who I am"
I think its important to hold discussions on how healing doing things and engaging in conversation AWAY from trauma can actually greatly help develop a sense of self apart from trauma and paradoxically greatly help in recovering from it. It sounds very anti-intuitive and against what might feel right / productive in the moment, but it's honestly really just such a powerful thing in my experience.
#alter: lin#feathers speaks#like 95% lin#I as a part really think about trauma recovery and response and really just#dedicate a lot of my mental space to thinking of the best way to support some of the most severely traumatized parts#in our system and so I have a lot of thoughts about it#actuallydid#dissociative identity disorder#sysconversation
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shoutout to people working their dream jobs doing something mundane
#i work in IT and can i be honest. i might complain about my work sometimes but ive never#gone to bed and been like ''man i dont want to go to work tomorrow''#or like. i have had thoughts similar to that but it's always because of something non work related#like rn im excited to go to work and see my co workers tomorrow morning#but also i wish i didnt have work so i could wake up to play monhun#or sometimes i wish i could just sleep in. but i never hate my job#i enjoy going there. i can make a living with it. actually as soon as i graduate i'll be earning pretty well#though most of that will be going to student loans for some years but it's still more than what my parents made combined when i was a kid#pre taxes for both of us. not taking inflation into account.#i know i complain about management and complain at work but i genuinely really like my job#its always been my dream to have a job i dont mind doing. and this is it.#im not saying id feel the same in any it job. but here i get to manage like a billion different systems and device types#and i get to do so much different things and theres always something new and fun going on and i get to be a part of making it happen#and its a very seasonal job so im not doing the same thing all around the year. spring is the busiest but i fucking love spring#both in general and at work#days go by fast bc theyre busy but theyre busy in like ah. how do i say it. in a way i dont have high brain power work#sure i need to know my shit but its easy shit#and then winter is always projects and v much using my brain and less my body#spring and summer some work days are workouts gdvxhdns#also during some weeks in the summer. i can go on a walk anytime and get ice cream or something on the clock#and using the excuse of saying im patroling our systems gdvxhsj#theres a lot to do but the work environment is chill#a lot of IT work is. sure paying way more but also complete hell. not for me.#what im doing rn is like. i would not mind retiring here.#im not surprised lots of ppl do like 40 year careers where i work#sure managements been kinda shit but things are changing rn#and i feel like theyre changing for the better#idk im just v happy rn!#spring is coming and i can feel it#i love spring theres so much new things happening
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7am, eating cold leftover teriyaki stir-fry for breakfast and crying over blorbos
#normal Saturday morning behavior#redacted spoilers#redacted audio#redacted sam#Seven.txt#rp audio stuff#well. crying over one singular blorbo in particular. Sam's still got me in an emotional chokehold#and i'm too sad to even make a stupid little joke abt how i wouldn't mind if it was a physical one too. ayeee *insert sad eyebrow wiggle*#no but seriously. i have so many feelings abt him and i can't even say it all bc some of it isn't public info yet#eh fuck it i'll just draft this until the audio goes public and then i'll post it once it's no longer Exclusive Info#bc i dont wanna leak Early Access stuff but i have to get this out of my system rn and the new audio is part of what sparked these thoughts#which is funny bc i. literally haven't even listened to it yet. i'm not Ready 😭#where's that tiktok screenshot that's like. 'hyperfixation so bad that i can't even engage with the source material' bc that's me rn#like bro Sam only won the poll like. 2 or 3 days ago and Eric is Already dropping a new Sam audio?? hello? Mr. Redacted i wasn't prepared#anyways i was spoiling myself by perusing the comments last night trying to get a feel for if it's gonna be more angst or comfort#and i saw a comment that absolutely shattered me. and it reignited all my sad thoughts about Sam's eventual. uh. y'know. death.#apparently they plant a tree together or smthn in the new audio (which already has me & my beloved 10y/o orange tree feeling some kinda way#but to the individual in the comments who brought to all our minds the image of Sam sitting beneath that tree in 30 or so years time#when he's decided that he's ready to die and sits out there waiting for the sun to rise..................... 🥲#i'm gonna need u to compensate me for all of that unexpected emotional damage /j /nm#i'm Still not over what he told Darlin' while they had their talk about the future up on his roof together. that audio killed me#then yesterday i was listening to my Sam & Darlin' playlist while cleaning. and Malibu Nights by LANY came on. which i always skip bc Sad#but i let it play and just started crying. standing in the middle of the room all disheveled and holding a broom. as one does.#iirc that song is one that Eric himself said is applicable to Sam which is why/how i found it and put it on the playlist. and god. g o d#hm. i hope that wasn't Patreon exclusive info. i can't remember if it was a public post where he said that or not. hope it's okay to share#but if we can take that song as like. unofficial canon for Sam then that also confirms my idea that he used to drink to cope#which makes the opening lines of Fix What You Didn't Break by Nate Smith even more applicable. i should go edit that post actually#anyways i'm just. feeling a lot. and i love Sam very much and i don't want him to die. but i want him to do what he wants at the same time#Alexis took so fucking much from him. he deserves to live - and end - his life on his own terms. ... i think i need to go write something#*casually fishes this post out of the drafts 3 and a half days later* hi so uh. i wrote a 4k oneshot :) and will hopefully post it tomorrow
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many thoughts, many thoughts…
#hmm... this isn't really my place to speak—i'm not apart of the flower patch—but i have a lot of thoughts on my mind about you.#firstly I'm glad they found someone as important to them as Alli is to me (and the rest of the system of course)!#they deserve someone that important. they really really do.#and second—on the subject of labels—did you know that some of them call this a situationship?#i think that's funny personally. none of us see this relationship as romantic or anything similar‚ for the record.#but some of them do label it as such‚ mainly in a silly/joking way. they don't seriously think of it as such#i guess we should come up with our own word for it. hmm...#you're our knight. i suppose that makes us your ward? we're certainly not royalty… tho if u wanna call us ur prince we wouldn't mind /silly#labels simultaneously do and don't matter to us as you can tell. but we're not gonna run ourselves ragged trying to put a word to this#this… whatever it is. an expanse. an ocean of amazement. hmm...#it's like getting a glimpse at a galaxy—you can't see much but what you do see is truly beautiful. does that make sense?#what they feel for you is immaculate and all-consuming. is immaculate even the right word? thought disorder be damned i hate words.#anyways! it's… a lot‚ as you know. they really do lov you more than words can describe.#and lord. we haven't felt this since we met Alli. we really really haven't.#we can't put into words what she means to us either. even after all these years…#but anyways. ine of the brightest stars in our constellation‚ one of the most vivid and perfect colours in our mind#one of the best and beautiful notes in our favourite song‚ so on so forth.#many ways to put it. our desrest knight‚ you mean so much to us. but I'm sure you know that already! <2 <3#alrighty. back to sleep. had to get this off my mind before i forgot in the morning#I do hope you'll stick around. lord knows the next time I'll be here again. would love to see you again should i go dormant anytime soon.#–Amour
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Alright! Let’s break this down.
Don’t talk about their symptoms beyond alters
When I first started in system spaces, I didn’t recall any trauma, and had a hard time even realizing I had amnesia/dissociation. Even then, how would I discuss it? “lol forgot my test today, terrified I’m going to fail out of college” isn’t what I want to post. I don’t want to surround myself with misery when life is already such shit.
So I post the positive stuff. And when I was younger (like 19-21) it was much, much harder to be positive about trauma and dissociation. It was always easier to be positive about alters.
And now, as someone in recovery… I still largely post about my parts, because I’m now integrating with them and seeing more and more about them. Now I can feel our interactions more clearly than ever. Talking about it reminds me of how far I’ve come.
So, I really think this “red flag” is frankly bullshit. It dismisses a lot of individuals recoveries, and dismisses the fact that the majority of people online are trying to escape misery.
Minors, self-diagnosed, who have awareness of parts
Describing me nearly perfectly, back when I joined system spaces. Only difference was I was a newly minted 19 year old, so not a minor. However, I had an incredible awareness of my parts since age 15 or so, and by 19 (when I rediscovered my system and learned what DID was), I had an entire google document of likes, dislikes, appearance, age, etc, and we had an incredibly vivid innerworld. I needed that to not lose my mind.
Sure, maybe it’s unlikely. But genuinely, how often are you seeing people that fit the exact criteria you’ve listed? For instance:
I always say I have had near perfect communication with my parts. And I stand by that, because we’ve always been able to communicate damn well. But through therapy, we worked out that a part that I thought split in college had been there since early high school — and we could even now pinpoint times he fronted. So that means we didn’t know all of our parts perfectly, despite thinking we did.
Does that mean I was faking DID? Or was I just wrong about my experiences with DID?
I appreciate that you’ve brought up that every system is different — but none of the things you listed even go against the criteria. None of these things would stop an individual from being diagnosed.
Anger over being told they’re wrong
I’ve now fit two of the Criteria of Faking DID that you listed. As expected, I’ve been told I’m wrong about my experiences countless times online. I was told my experiences aren’t possible with DID. I’ve been told:
My trauma isn’t real trauma.
I can’t know my alters.
I can’t remember things between switches.
I can’t like having DID.
And a thousand other things. That if I did any of XYZ, then it would immediately invalidate my existence.
… yeah so forgive me if that pissed me off a bit and made me aggressive. Because none of these things go against the criteria for diagnosis. None of what you listed is “not how DID works.” So it’s frustrating existing as a system and being told constantly that I’m not.
As for your comment about diagnosis — I can’t chime in on that one, given that I was diagnosed essentially immediately upon receiving medical care. But I will say, if they want help, they need a medical care team that they feel listens to them. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink, especially if you yell at the horse and tell them they’re fake, you know? I don’t know why people get so upset about this.
id say a good 95% of people on tumblr who claim they have DID/OSDD do not actually have it, if u know anything about the disorder at all it is so easy to tell that a good chunk of people on this site (as well as apps like tiktok, discord, etc) are faking
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I like to think Bruce have a journal, not as batman just as Bruce Wayne and you can see where he wrote all the headaches he gets from his kids
#Its kinda like a historical record of their lives#“Today i have found dick should not be handed coffee. He haven’t slept in 26 hours”#“Im not sure if im a good parent to jason but alfred said the bar can’t be that high with him”#“I believe i need a metric system to measure my parenting. So im going to collect data on our live and use it to analyze what behaviors-#The kids respond to best to provide the best parenting experience. The kids deserve only the best of the best”#“I have discovered hugs matter a lot more to tim than i thought. Dick came home and yelled at me ‘HUG HIM YOU IDIOT!!’”#“Tim is also banned from coffee.”#“Tim is banned from energy drinks”#“Damian happened.”#Im making it like a log but i think bruce would have most be logs but some will have more narrative to them on his better days#When jason died he couldn’t write at all#All these journals are not known to his kids but alfred knows about them because he is the one who suggested it#Batfam#bruce wayne#Dc
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im gonna be real for a second. if fantasy can only be enjoyable to you when removed from any and all real world implications then is it even good
#mileposting#sorry if this seems like its targeting anything i literally just started thinking abt it for no reason#like this is not a vague LMAO but i think its smth ive thought about for a long time and i finally have the words for it#because like. okay for one all stories are based on the human experience whether its About the Human Experience or not#so i think when approaching a work of fiction and seeing something that has implications in real life#a lot of people have the kneejerk reaction of ‘its fantasy/its made up/its not real’#but where did it come from? who was it written by? what are the writer’s personal feelings on the matter and does their bias affect the work#this is just a me thing i guess but i dont find it any fun to see those connections and immediately disregard them#its because of those structures and systems that we can find a fantasy work so compelling#i understand the want to just turn off ur brain sometimes and be like fuckkkk cool dragon#like i fucking love a good dragon or whatever dont get me wrong#i have a world of my own thats literally just Ooh cool shit#but i would not call that compelling. fun maybe. but a lot of the appeal is lost for me#fantasy worlds are mostly just. our history but with fantastical elements to it#they typically are not fantastical worlds with our elements Removed from it#so the way specifically societal structures are treated differently in that aspect is interesting!#idk this is kind of a nothing post also you can tell i got distracted like five times in the middle of writing the tags. smile
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thinking about when i had such intense phantom limbs as a kid i told my math teacher about it
#like. I've had phantom wings since i was a CHILD and I'm not even kidding#i remember specifically saying 'i pretend to have wings so much that i can just Feel them there all the time now'#and he reacted in a way where he didn't want to tell me that's weird bc i was a Kid but also he totally thought it was really weird#which. was a reaction i knew very well at the time. that kind of quiet 'i dont know how to react to that but ok'#the trying not to make a weird face about it#so i shut up about it ever since! and then when i was 20 i found out what otherkin was#i remember them specifically being pegasus wings too we've always loved pegasi it was entirely bc of the barbie movie#i can't remember what the term is. for when you're A Fucking Lot of things all at once? poly something?#but we've always been like that#our first OC was plural coded and otherkin coded to the absolute max it was insane#and she was fully and entirely a self insert (at the time. nowadays she's her own guy)#but like. she could absorb souls on the brink of death and communicate with them inside her head#and she could shapeshift into any of those souls' forms at will#and she was supposed to be some kind of chimera#her 'true form' that i made of her was just all of her different forms crammed into one body#like. one owl wing one dragon wing. a dolphin tail. a fox paw and a pegasus hoof. scales mixed with fur. human shaped body. horns#if we weren't a system at the time then we were at least REALLY REALLY susceptible to becoming one we've always been Like This#and I'm willing to say i was an otherkin kid in the same way i say i was trans before i knew what that was#i didn't say I Am A Boy i just said I'm the closest a girl can get to being a boy (a tomboy)#i always leaned towards boys interests and boyish things. in the same way i taught myself to walk like a cat and meow convincingly#(to a point where i meowed once and my sister yelled at me to put the cat down if she's meowing. i was not holding a cat)#i didn't know what being otherkin was but i spent about as much time as possible being as animal as i could get#and i got offended when my friends didn't want to be animals with me. i had a lot of Horse Girl friends as a result#(hard to avoid horse girls in the middle of rural ohio tbh)
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i would really appreciate it if i didn't have a brain that thought torturing me was a helpful response to being scared of us. im your copilot stop fucking tazing me you dick
#good fucking god. im going to crawl out of bed now that was all so pointless#what they never tell you about mental illness is what a massive waste of your time it is. jfc you stupid asshole#i hate you intrusive thoughts i hate you i hate you i hate you. die.#all the rest of it too tbh but those in particular. haunted by the knowledge that i will never be able to fight my limbic system or whateve#like brass knuckle fucking bike chain with the lock on bat with nails in it etc. absolutely sick of that guy idc how sympathetic he is#that motherfucker needs to pay for what he's done to me and im not joking even a little bit#ugh im going to go distract myself with something stupid now. whatever#edit im adding in some of the good things that happened today bc it was actually good and i feel better now :v#we got our first proper snow of the season so i got to go walk around in that. twas beautiful and my dogs were very cute#the last couple of times it snowed here i was too depressed/burnt out/whatever to like. go have fun in it#and it's our first snow w hoagie obviously (and maybe his first snow bc he's like. 1 y/o)#im still on break and ive been vaguely if not very un-vaguely tormented by the prospect of registering for classes#even though i think they start in like. 2 days.#combined w the need to do like. a comedically large amount of dishes. like nothing to eat on for days bc of my ass amounts#am i registered for classes? no. but im working on the unforseen obstacle in question and i feel better bc of that#waiting on an email feels a lot comfier than sitting on smth very urgent without knowing its exact deadline (<- too scared to look) unable#to bring yourself to do it yknow? and the dishes got done. small miracles#like today was good my brain just ambushed me again
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#txt#sorry i was super excited for outdoor game#that i forgot that dreaded city is genuinely not equipped to handle large amounts of traffic#fish games that have low attendance literally makes it implode#an nhl game????#but also kitties reunite with downtown 😭😭😭😭#oh miami arena... gone too soon...#an era that even our current kitties dont know about...#also lmao intercounty rivarlies#loan depot has been booking a lot of big events lately aka wbc chocque de los gigantes/estrellas bananaball#and also serie del caribe#so we know theres an audience down there for it. it was only a matter of time kitties came down too#but also waahhhhhhhhhh#i think buses and train systems will explode i really do dread to think of it because no way you can get in there with a car lmaoooooo#i have many thoughts about this... oughhhh
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Watching neon genesis evangelion and it's extremely relatable, to the point that I'm pretty sure I have quoted it exactly before without ever having seen it
#shows that make me want to write an essay#pretty sure i have existential and moral ocd and a lot of the dialog in the show is like my thoughts exactly#which is triggering but in a way where i feel i need to be triggered#i just keep watching these characters ask themselves questions and keep trying to give answers#but all of the answers are wrong. and im like. this is it. this is exactly how i feel#i feel like it has a lot to say about the inherent multiplicity of people too which i find fascinating as part of a did system#also if anyones wondering the part i quoted before seeing it (so not exactly a quote but you know)#was the parts about being human and being unable to ever truly experience togetherness. like youre alone trapped inside yourself#and thats just our reality. and id never heard someone else say that before
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weird trains of thought at 5/6 am
#bluposting#meet the team#plural.core#<- concerning the following events#woke up around 5:50 to go piss#i think we came straight out of REM sleep#we almost never remember our dreams but there were some echoes of whatever this one was#we were in an escape room ''alone''#the dream based this part somewhat off an irl escape room where everyone was divided into separate smaller rooms#but that wasn't the core conceit of the dream that was just the location we were in#and something negative happened. thats all i remember#got up and pissed and got back#and we were thinking about it#the idea popped up that maybe that dream wasn't for me#so whoever it WAS for in-sys i hope it was cathartic. because it seemed like it was based in a lot of pain#and then we got to thinking about this factive we got before we realized we were a system#i'd like to call this maybe early 2021?#at the time we had considered our plurality just kinning#so we're having a conversation on discord and at some point the main fronter flicks out and the factive flicks in#and then he realizes he exists#he believes he's factkin and Did Not Like The Implications Of That#so he um. like#ok bear with me#he like ripped himself out of existence#through overwhelming self-hate and pain#because he thought he was us factkinning someone#and that train of thought led to here#because these things are things we don't tend to tell people#not out of fear or shame or guilt#these are just things nobody else will have full context for
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also like to clarify.. we were not expecting her to leave. and any time she would have left would’ve been bad timing but it’s like.. this was HER program and we didn’t have enough time to really get to know it as well as she did (and still does probably). and there are so many flaws in it that we didn’t have time to address and our attention was spread so thin bc we were / still are juggling a million things and trying to compensate for the vacancy in our already extremely and egregiously small staff. so i get that the leaders may be feeling unsupported and resentful of that and that is very valid. but it’s like.. if that is in fact the case i think it’s important to know that this is not ideal for us either. we lost the person who knew this program inside and out and we still haven’t recovered and even though her position has been filled now (by my new colleague bestie who is AMAZING and has been helpful and supportive and has gone above and beyond in every way and i adore them don’t get me wrong) we may never fully recover from it or at least we won’t for a very long time. and im not even just talking about like the impact on our work. i mean on us as people who were closely psychically bound together. which sounds freakish and weird but we were. that wound is going to take a long time to fully scar and when the scar forms it will always be there. so excuse us for not putting on a perfect asb less than a year after she left us we are kind of seeing the consequences of all of the horrors right now lol.
#purrs#delete later#i need to not be so fucking bitter about it i know it’s not helpful at all. but it just feels so unfair. i feel attacked. i know we had a#lot of room to grow and we still do but it’s like.. we did the best we could and we’re doing the best we could now. and it just sucks. the#things we thought were going well were not. and the things i need to cope they have grudges about. so like what the fuck ever. it’s like at#this point i hate all of them and never want to see them again. LIKE THE WAY IVE BEEN FUCKING BENDING OVER BACKWARDS over text trying to#help one of them bc she texts me all the time and it turns out she thinks we’re evil??? lol. ok. whatever. like go fuck yourself lmao#<- i need to just get this out of my system bc it’s soooo immature and unhelpful and not how a staff member should respond to this and#posting abt it online is dangerous and has consequences. but i just feel so miserable. and small. and painfully aware of my smallness.#and alone and helpless. and unable to support the people who actually are being responsible and mature and coming to confess stuff to us#even though they’re snitching or whatever. like this shit is so unbelievably fucking stupid and i shouldn’t be letting it get me down but i#just feel very vulnerable to it all rn and lonely. but typing out my thoughts and knowing peopel will read them helps (cringe). ok i should#go to bed now bc we have a very long and early day tmrrw and i haven’t prepared for what im supposed to do AT ALL bc we were in that session#for like 5 hours when it was only supposed to be 1.5 and i didn’t get to eat and my ut*rus is trying to rip my body apart like a wolverine!#* unable to support the ppl who are actually being responsible.. LET ALONE my colleague besties who are each carrying the burdens of this in#different ways and are also processing this difficult news in ways that will have implications for our past present and future! like lollll
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