#in our system and so I have a lot of thoughts about it
kigieri · 21 hours
Passenger Prince
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Lewis doesn't enjoy driving, not on roads. Who drives him around if he sits in the passenger seat? A few moments showing a developing relationship and Lewis enjoying his time as passenger prince.
Aka. 4+1 times Lewis is a passenger prince.
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This story on AO3.
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People were talking, laughing and shuffling around. Other patrons of the restaurant are most likely happy that they are leaving. Lewis was still sitting in the booth, savouring the last of his drink. Over the years of his life birthday celebrations had become different. Whereas he still spent time with his family and partied in the night, a lot of his friends had settled down and were constructing tamer festivities. He had, however, nothing against dinner and a nightly session of golf. Even though it was far from his favourite sport. Quite a few people were standing already, still chatting but putting on their jackets, some had already gotten their keys from the valet and left.
A hand landed on his shoulder. "Lewis, you still got a seat left?" he turned around in his chair. He hadn't had the time to talk to all of his friends yet, but he had at least greeted all of them when he got to the restaurant. Behind his friend stood a woman he did not know. "She got a ride from me, but I have to catch a flight. Can't come to golf. Would you take her?" Lewis wasn't asked such things by his acquaintances often as they knew he was more than private with strangers. She smiled a little awkwardly. "I'm sorry, this is unusual. I was not aware he would be leaving so soon and had thought he would take me. So it seems, I need someone else." The man between them nodded his head. "I have to leave you, if Lewis can't, I'm sure you'll find someone else." He smiled lightly, tapped her shoulder and was gone.
She looked after him for a few seconds and then back to Lewis. "Quite rude, but he has other things speaking for him, even if his manners don't." Lewis nodded. "Where do you know him from? Must be close if he has taken you here and is leaving you behind." She shook her head, pulling the chair next to Lewis out and sitting. "Acquaintances from work, but he overheard that I have never enjoyed golf and decided that this evening should change that." Lewis nodded along, only halfway interested but wishing to be polite. "Your friends are all very nice, and I do like the atmosphere, so even if golf is still not to my fancy, I'll enjoy the evening." She raised herself lightly off her chair and tucked at her skirt. "Sorry, I complained about his manners and yet I haven't even introduced myself." She held out her hand, Lewis took it and shook it.
After a short exchange of their names she looked over to the door, more people were leaving. It became apparent that she would have to find a ride in the next few minutes. "Do you have a seat left? And do you mind taking me? Otherwise, I'm sure I can find someone else that can take me." Lewis shook his head. "I came alone so I can take you." He stood up and she followed. She looked at him. "You do not seem motivated to drive me." He shook his head. "No motivation to drive at all." She nodded. "Not a fan of traffic either?" He shook his head. "Can't see how people like driving on the street." He said. She grinned. "My own driving is hardly the problem, other people are. I would hope it's the same for you." A slight smile found its way onto his face. She looked to the wardrobe. "Let's get our coats, otherwise the valet will never get to us." He nodded.
After they retrieved their jackets, they stood by the door. The valet was still getting someone else's car, so they were left to wait. "You'd think they'd have a better system, especially with so many cars and people," she voiced jokingly. He looked outside. "That poor dude is giving his best." She smiled crookedly, one corner of her mouth lifting. "I know, didn't mean him. It's just a shitload of very expensive cars and people without patience waiting." Lewis lifts an eyebrow, looking at her sceptically. "I think it's pretty chill..." He held his tone neutral. She was nice, but he did not tolerate such comments towards his friends. Even if they were accurate for some of them. She nodded "I meant no offence, sorry." Her tone was light and apologetic. She did not want her passing comment to sour the evening. "None taken." He answered, while letting his eyes wander through the glass doors again.
"So..." She started after a few moments had passed. "Generally don't like driving or just in the city?" He looked at her in slight disbelief. His circle of friends and generally everyone in Monaco knew who he was. Her smile grew bigger. "I'm trying to be polite." Her face scrunched together a bit while she smiled, it was cute. "Thought people assumed enough about you, so I asked." He nodded. "Yeah, I like driving in very specific conditions and traffic is not one of them." She nodded. "Understandable."
The valet was finally on his way to get the car. They still waited inside, through the restaurant doors the night looked nice, and it was never too cold in the principality. There was however always a chance someone with a camera or phone was waiting outside and Lewis had no interest in having his picture taken right this moment. "The golf course is just up the mountain, right?" She interrupted his thought's, and he nodded at her. "I do have a licence if you don't want to drive." He raised his eyebrow once more. She raised her hands in defence. "Don't even want to know what your car costs. It was just an offer." She looked outside at the cars parked in front of the restaurant. "And I may not come from the most humble background but I don't normally get to drive such supercars." He regarded her from the side. She was not part of his friend group, but she was nice and his friend did trust her enough to bring her around. She spoke fondly of him, so they probably knew each other a bit more than she let on.
A car parking in front of the entrance brought Lewis out of his head. The doors were opened for them, and he let her step outside first. The valet stepped out of the car and around it, he nodded at Lewis and offered him the keys. Lewis took them and let the weight settle in his hand while the passenger door was opened for his new companion.
He turned around, feeling a breeze of youthful recklessness wash over him that so often reminded him of Sebastian. He held out the keys to her. She had already ducked lightly to step into the car, her eyes were bright, and a smile took over her face. "You sure?" He nodded. "Take 'em." She took them at a speed that would have been surprising for everyone that was not an F1 driver. He walked around the door and lowered himself into the passenger seat. She slid into place next to him and closed the door, the seatbelt was no problem, but then her eyes landed on the steering wheel. "Should have thought about the fact that you'd have a custom steering wheel.".
A grin took over his face. This evening would be way more fun than he had anticipated. While leaning over to show her how to use it, he considered being just a little more reckless a little more often.
Lewis checked his bag a last time to see if he had truly remembered Roscoe's vaccination-papers. After a few moments of looking around the kitchen, he decided that he had everything he needed, took his bag and walked over into the living room. "Roscoe?" The bulldog came over. It was apparent once again that Lewis was more stressed about these vet visits than his own dog.
He put on Roscoe's leash and walked into the hallway. "You're more stressed about his appointment than he is." the voice startled Lewis. She stood in the entryway, fully dressed, how he hadn't noticed her before was a wonder. "I thought you were getting ready for work?" She smiled lightly. "I'm driving you two to the vet." She dangled the keys that normally lay in a case, together with the others, in the cabinet next to her.
Lewis sighed lightly. "You didn't think I'd let you drive through work traffic, did you?" Her smile was slightly smug, he adored that look on her face. He shook his head. "I can drive. Better than you even." He tried to argue. A smiled laid itself over her face. "Yeah, but you don't really like it, and I'll still get to work in time, so it's no problem."
Lewis nodded. "Well, then let's go before we're late." Her smile turned brighter. He loved these minute changes in her face, he'd have to ask her to move in, just so he could see them every morning. He sat down on the bench next to the coat hanger to slip into his shoes. Roscoe had walked over to her and she had kneeled down to pet him.
As he got up she also stood straight again. His hand wandered around her waist, and he tucked her closer, kissing her lightly. "I adore you." The blush that spread up her cheeks made him laugh lightly. "Come on, we need to leave or we'll be late." She took Roscoe's leash out of his hand. "He's a big healthy boy, don't worry about the doc, will you?" She pinched his side lightly. A light flinch went through him, not having anticipated the gesture. She leaned towards him, stealing a quick kiss. "I adore you too." Her smile was bright and infectious.
Roscoe let out a huff, he had sat down next to the door, waiting to be let outside. Lewis looked over to him. "Yeah, little man, we adore you too."
Lewis tucked the hood of his sweatshirt further down over his head. Coming to the convenience store just before closing time may not have been their brightest idea. He walked a bit faster to catch up to her. The list in her hand, which she was scrutinizing closely, had most items crossed out. "We've got most of it." She pulled out her phone and looked at the recipe once more.
"Love, I watched you write that list. Everything we need is on it." She looked over at him, slightly sceptical. "Yeah, and when I looked over the groceries that were delivered, I was also sure we had everything." Her eyes wandered over the list again.
He didn't like the self-criticism she was exuding. "I quite enjoy this late night mission." He leaned over, trying to steal a kiss. "You are terrified that we are going to get run over by fans, don't even deny it." He sighs, "A bit, but we can't let our date night get ruined just because the delivery got mixed up." A slight smile spread over her face "Our own little mission to get celery and cheese." She walked around the next isle to get to the cooler section.
After comparing the different kinds of vegan cheese, she seemed satisfied with one and threw it into the basked that was hanging off her arm. It was quite full for the fact that they had come here to simply buy the last few missing ingredients for their dinner. She had however not been in a supermarket since moving in with Lewis and he long before that. So they indulged in a bit of aisle browsing since the store wasn't too crowded.
As he tried to continue down the aisle, he bumped into her outstretched arm. When he looked up from the shelves he had been looking at while walking, she was looking at him expectingly. The pen that he returned into his pocket every time after she crossed out an item on her list was handed back to her, and she let out a confirming hum, "That's everything." She closed the pen after crossing out the cheese and let her hand, with the list and the pen, slip into his pocket. "Let's get home. I'm starving." Lewis slipped his hand into hers as she was pulling it out of his pocket. "Yeah, let's head home."
They found their way to the registry and paid contactless in just a few minutes. Lewis almost let a sigh of relief pass his lips when they left the store. This may have been fun but there was a reason why he normally surrounded himself with security. Before he could relax however, he felt her tugging at his sleeve. "Lew..." He looked over at her, and she nodded to the other side of the entryway.
There was a little boy with his mom and while she was getting a cart the boy had seemingly identified Lewis and was now looking at him with big eyes.  His girlfriend was still packing the groceries into a bag, so Lewis walked the few meters over. The mother had come back at this point and looked quite puzzled at her son until Lewis tugged his hood back and recognition flooded her face.
"You're... hi," the boy stuttered. His mother, though still looking surprised, stepped next to him. "He's a big fan, could you take a selfie with him?" She looked down at the boy. "That's what you wanted, right sweetheart?" The boy nodded nervously, stepping from one foot to the other. Lewis nodded. "Yeah, no problem." Children were by far his most enjoyable fan encounters.
After a quick picture and signing the boy's shirt, which turned out to be a cars shirt hidden under his vest, he bid them goodbye and turned back around. His girlfriend had finished packing the groceries and was watching them. A sly smile had taken over her whole face. "I like seeing you with children." He walked over and poked her side. "You just moved in, I think you're moving a bit fast." She squealed lightly, "I moved in two and a half months ago, and I didn't mean that we should have some. I just like seeing you with them." He looked at her while they started walking into the parking lot. "Yeah, yeah..." A shit eating grin had found its way onto his face.
She pouted lightly, "Be nice, or I'll leave you here." She took out the car keys from her pocket. "Hey, that's my car," he lamented. She turned towards him. "Yep, and I'm driving it." And with that she took off towards the car. Lewis smiled, falling into a light jog behind her. This was a feeling he could no longer live without.
They were sitting on the sofa after dinner. Lewis had stopped by their favourite take-out place while coming home from the factory. They had eaten in relative silence and were now trying to find something to watch.
After arguing lightly over a few different shows, they settled on a National Geographic documentary, something light but slightly informative. Neither of them had the head for much action, both having had long weeks. Her at work and Lewis at the factory after the race last weekend.
He could not sit still and after having changed positions for the up tenth time she laid her hand on his knee to stop it from bouncing.
"What is it?" She turned her head towards him. He didn't reciprocate her look. "I forgot my tablet." A sigh left her lips. "You're sure it's not in your bag or that you left it in the car?" He nodded. "Noticed it when I got dinner, but didn't want to ride the whole way back to Brackley. Didn't want to keep you waiting." She smiled. "That is sweet." She leaned towards him and kissed him lightly, squeezing his knee in the process.
"Do you want to go get it?" He raised a brow at her. "It'll be ten until we get there and almost midnight when we make it back." She nodded, not breaking eye contact. "I know. I don't want you to work in your free time, but I know how important it is to you. You simply cannot switch off." Lewis chuckled, "My eternal flaw." She raised her hand and laid it on his cheek, stroking her thumb over it. "I like you just like this. Even if it is slightly unhealthy. But I'm here to remind you what matters beside racing, am I not?" Lewis smiled while leaning over to kiss her. His adoration for her grew every day.
"I'll get the keys, I'm driving." She murmured against his lips. "You don't have to," was his immediate reply. "You won't have a relaxed minute until that thing is inside this flat, laying on the table, even if you only look at it once," was her answer. Lewis nodded lightly. "Yeah, but I can drive." She had already stood up, but leaned back down to kiss his cheek. "You drove there this morning and came back afterwards. I'm driving us."
She walked over to the entryway of the living room, but turned back around before leaving. "It can be another one of our little adventures." Her smile was genuine and infectuous. Even though the exhaustion of the week was clear on her face. "I'll change, and then we get going." Lewis looked after her when she wandered off in the direction of their bedroom. He was neither feeling great nor ready to leave the flat once more, but he could do nothing else but smile.
Lewis had already put his seatbelt on while one of the Mercedes mechanic was still helping her get strapped in. Hot laps were something he enjoyed, especially since this one was not being filmed. The organization had taken some time, but he wanted to show her at least a little bit of his love for racing from inside a car.
He looked over at her while the car door was being closed. Her helmet had a 44 on it. He couldn't stop himself from commenting, "The most stunning passenger princess." She looked at him in disbelieve. "Really, I drive you anywhere you need to be and the one time you're behind the steering wheel I'm a passenger princess?"
"I have driven you before!" He said in mock affront. "Yeah, down to the beach to surf, but how many times is that compared to how often I drive us around?" He nodded lightly, admitting defeat. "Yeah, that's fair."
She looked out of the window at the track. "How did I let you convince me of this?" He padded her thigh. "You love me!" He said in a slightly mocking tone. Her head snapped to him. "That's not what I asked you." A belly deep laugh was his answer. "Enjoy it." "Oh yeah, I will. It's going to have to last me the rest of our lives, won't it?" A smile settled on his face. "Probably." And with those final words he stepped on the gas.
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@kigieri 2024. All rights reserved. Do not copy, steal, translate or repost any of my work.
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ryuichirou · 1 day
how would the TWST boys react if they were chosen by the cat distribution system and a stray cat choose them to be its cat dad?
Today I decided that it’s time to write about something delightful lol I keep smiling every time I remember that we have this ask in our askbox… Thank you for waiting, Anon! I’m sorry it took this long.
Maaaybe I’ll write more hc posts next week… I try to write at least two per week, but there are so many good prompts that I should probably try to do more.
Anyways! Once again my bias is clear because I am a poor soul that loves cats but doesn’t own one, so spoiler alert: all the boys end up loving cats as well lol But I think it’s fair… How does one not like cats? Don’t ask Ciel.
Riddle – his first instinct is to refuse poor cat’s attempts to hang out because his mother never let him own a cat: they claw furniture, they bite, and Riddle has allergies! Or… he thought he did. He didn’t get any reaction from the cat, so maybe that was a lie?? Anyways, he would melt almost immediately because a fluffy creature wanting to be his friend is something that Riddle always wished for. He loves animals and taking care of them, so there is no way he is letting go of that cat! Of course he has to get used to it because a cat would never follow any rules, and sometimes it would get frustrating for Riddle, but… whenever a cat wants to play with him or cuddle with him, Riddle giggles like the happiest kid in the world. No one is allowed to pet his cat without his permission.
Ace – he will brag about it a lot. He’ll take the cat everywhere and always have it either on his lap or on his shoulders. He’ll always talk about just how much the cat purrs for him and him only, and how cool of a person he is because the cat clearly chose him specifically to be his owner. The cat really does like him a lot, but it doesn’t mean that Ace doesn’t get scratched or bitten all the time lol Also, at some point it will become the freshmen’s cat that everyone takes care of a little, and Ace would start to constantly remind everyone that this is in fact HIS cat!
Deuce – aw, he would probably be a little awkward at first. He strikes me as someone who is more of a dog person and doesn’t have much experience with cats… He would be very careful around it, as if he isn’t just afraid to hurt the cat, he doesn’t even want to offend it somehow. Of course he would swear that he’ll take care of the cat and be very responsible about it! But it will take a while for him to take it inside the dorm; he’ll just feed it and hang out with it outside at first… until the weather gets too cold.
Trey – he would have this “why me though?” vibe to his reaction, but he would still be kind of happy. Maybe he shouldn’t have fed it, now it follows him around everywhere… Trey says that this isn’t really his cat, but keeps taking care of it anyway. He never expected to be this delighted to have a cat. He would get much more into it than he expected, to be honest. He’ll probably feed it with home-made treats and give it toys that he made himself…
Cater – OF COURSE he’ll start taking selfies with this cat. OF COURSE. After some time he might even make a separate account for the cat, to see if it would surpass his follower count. Other than that, he would cuddle the cat a lot, talk to it, play with it, dress it up all cutely and meme-y. I think it would be very good for Cater to own a cat… He needs to learn how to take care of it properly though, so some assistance might be necessary lol
Leona – would he even care? Maybe a little bit, but he would act like he doesn’t care at all. He doesn’t even know who the fuck this cat is, it just appeared suddenly and now lives in his room. It can stay or leave, doesn’t make any difference to Leona. In actuality though, on some level he does appreciate the companionship of another cat sleeping next to him or on top of him and grooming his ears. But only when no one sees it or comments on it. He could chat with the cat btw, but he just doesn’t – for the most time they hang out in silence.
Ruggie – another cat to take care of?? And also, another mouth to feed?? Well that can’t be helped, it’s not like he is going to throw the poor thing away. I think he will manage to train it to do all kinds of tricks, like stealing stuff from others’ pockets or sneaking things away for Ruggie… the cat will be his partner in crime lol He would also probably have conversations with it, since it’s easier for him to talk to animals.
Jack – not only a dog-person, but also literally a dog, so he might have a hard time at first understanding that cat’s behavior. He is probably going to act like he isn’t interested at first, but jokes on him, because this only makes the cat more into him. He will literally sit all alone, radiating “don’t talk to me” aura, and the cat would think that this is exactly where it wants to sit – on Jack’s lap. Even though Jack is a tsundere, he is going to warm up eventually… and even while he is in his denial phase, he will take care of the cat by keeping it fed and letting it inside when it’s cold. Speaking of cold, Jack is very warm, so the cat loves him a lot…
Azul – “I don’t have time for this” at first, with all the reasons why having a cat is a bad idea popping up in his head at once. Similarly to Riddle’s mom’s mantra: it ruins furniture, it causes allergies, it sheds, it doesn’t behave… but he would also break very quickly, probably the moment the cat starts rubbing against his leg or purring at him. Azul would probably make quite a drastic 180 degree turn and enter his “a cartoon villain with a cat on his lap that he pets menacingly” phase by the end of his first day with the said cat. It feels good. It feels correct to pet a fluffy purring creature while you’re humiliating someone who is indebted to you. Also, of course he is going to treat the cat like royalty and get it all the best things… and also train it like a dog at the same time.
Floyd – people would think that he isn’t responsible enough to own a pet, but actually a cat would probably be the best pick for him. At first he would get all excited because this little buddy just suddenly decided to hang out with him. Floyd would just suddenly start appearing everywhere with a cat on his shoulder like he is a pirate or something. But then both the cat and Floyd would lose interest in each other, until they meet again and decide that they want to hang out again lol But while Floyd and cat are together, he takes it everywhere, plays with it a lot, races with it, cuddles it, smooches it, throws it in the air and catches it. Some of Floyd’s games aren’t the best for the cat, so Floyd ends up getting scratched and hissed at quite often, but for some reason the cat still adores him enough to let him do anything with it, even hold it upside-down.
Jade – it’s easy to picture him being a cat-lover because of the Sebastian parallels lol I think he would really enjoy owning a cat, and he would make it everyone else’s problem. Just like Floyd, he would walk around with a cat on his shoulders, but he would always mention it: please don’t mind my cat, he just loves me very much. I hope you are not bothered by my cat’s presence, he won’t bother us, I swear. Also, I think because Jade would actually try to properly take care of the cat, he would encounter some unpredictable issues, like a cat refusing to eat certain cat food or eating something it’s not supposed to eat. Jade would have a couple of moments that would make him fuss over it and even though he wouldn’t enjoy it… he likes the unpredictability. Keep chewing on random things, cat! But not too much, please.
Kalim – he would be so happy and excited!! It’s like making a friend, but a new kind of friend, a very fluffy one! Kalim is probably way too cuddly for the cat’s liking, so sometimes he would get confused by it running away from him. He just wants the cat to be happy… he would buy 5 cat towers, 30 toys and a bunch of cool accessories for the cat during the very first day of owning it (then he’ll buy more)! And 10 beds, so the cat could pick whichever it likes most (it sleeps in Kalim’s bed of course)!! And of course he will ask Jamil to learn how to cook delicious meals for the cat. He would try to feed the cat his own food first, but of course would stop once he learns that the cat shouldn’t eat spicy food…
Jamil – another one who would think that he doesn’t have time or energy to take care of another thing at first, but would warm up very quickly. He would tsundere up a bit when Kalim says that he is happy that Jamil has a little fluffy friend now, but after a while he will realise that Kalim is kind of right… a cat is even better than a friend. Hanging out with it doesn’t take as much energy, in fact, Jamil feels very energised after petting it and playing with it. Wow… a cat would do wonders to Jamil’s psyche…! He would both cuddle with it and let it sleep in his bed at night, and play a lot of active games with it whenever he has time for it.
Vil – despite how busy he always is, I think he would accept the cat immediately. The cat clearly chose him – it’s only fair that it’s Vil’s responsibility to take care of it now… I don’t think Vil has a lot of experience with cats, but he would read a lot of books and articles to make sure that the cat lives a good life in his dorm. He wouldn’t be as excessive as Kalim, but… he might have gotten carried away with the stuff that he got for the cat. But all of it is very necessary! The best cat food (he’ll ditch it after a while and start cooking for the cat himself), the best sleeping place, the best toys to make sure that the cat is active and healthy. He will also bathe it, brush its fur every day, trim its nails… Vil’s cat is going to be such a wonderfully groomed cat that knows all kinds of tricks and is very smart and well-behaved… but also Vil’s capricious baby that hates everyone other than him lol
Rook – oh, he wouldn’t consider himself an owner, he would always say that he is a companion to his cat lol He wouldn’t get surprised when the cat suddenly starts to follow him around, but he would act so flattered and honoured! Such a beautiful creature decided to illuminate his life with its presence. Rook is pretty good at talking to animals, so he would have conversations with his cat… While sitting in a tree together lol He would feed it of course, but he would also hunt with it and would prefer for it to catch its own prey. He also doesn’t want to trim its nails or groom it more than necessary, but alas, if it wants to live in Pomefiore with him, it has to follow Vil’s rules~ Rook wouldn’t want to anger the queen with an ill-behaved and dirty cat, right? Maybe he would prefer to keep the cat outside though, to keep it as undomesticated as possible. A weirdo…
Epel – he would be so happy! It’s been a while since he owned a pet, and this is the first time he has a cat. He would pet and cuddle it a lot, even if it’s still dirty… Of course, his first instinct would be to feed it and to bring it to his room. But he would also probably be anxious to bring it to the dorm: what if Vil sees it and takes it away… and even if Vil doesn’t see it, Rook is definitely going to notice the cat smell or something, and he will snitch on him! Anyways, he won’t be able to keep it a secret for a long time, but the cat will do some damage lol Surprisingly, Epel will only get scolded for not being a proper owner, so as long as he does better, the cat can stay. But it probably means that his senpai will start taking care of the cat as well. Epel will be a bit jealous, it’s his cat after all…
Idia – he’d die. He’d be so happy. A cat that doesn’t hate him? A cat that wants to hang out? A cat that FOLLOWS HIM TO HIS ROOM AND STAYS THERE? HIS CAT? Idia would feel like he spent all of his luck points that he had saved up for these 18 years. Or was it good karma? Anyways, Idia now spends all his time building cat towers and automatic feeders and toys and all kinds of gadgets for his cool new cat. At first he wouldn’t be as good at talking to a cat, and it would be very obvious that he is a bit worried when he pets it and doesn’t want to scare it away, but he’ll start cuddling with it pretty quickly. He’s so happy… It doesn’t feel real, it doesn’t feel real at all. Even when he gets used to the cat and stops being so awkward around it, he will still feel such huge wave of happiness every time he sees it, as if every time he sees it is the first time…
Ortho – this is the first time he has a fluffy friend, well, other than Grim of course! And Lucius isn’t very friendly with him either, so this is a pretty new experience! Of course, partially he would be excited because if he owns a cat, it’s Idia’s cat as well, and he knows how much Idia loves cats. But also, this is such a good opportunity to make a proper cat-to-human translator!.. It’s weird with Ortho. He has all the info he needs, and he is very good at some things, but somehow… petting and interacting with a cat is a bit difficult. Why doesn’t kitty want to eat this food? Why did it pee in the wrong place? What’s going on? I think he’ll end up asking Trein for advice a lot, and this will be a good experience for everyone involved. Also, his cat loves him more when his processor gets hot lol he is a walking heater.
Lilia – he would be happy at first and show off and brag because now he isn’t just cute, he’s double cute! With a cute cat on his head/shoulders! But at the same time, I don’t know if he is the best person to have a cat. I feel like he is one of those who try to feed it with milk, but also knowing Lilia, he literally makes those he cares for drink milk from a mug. Maybe he’d act differently with a cat, but it surely will be an adventure for this poor animal lol He plays with it similarly to how Floyd plays with his cat, and just like with Floyd, somehow it makes the cat very attached to him. Sometimes Lilia cuddles it and kisses it a lot, but a lot of times it’s the cat that gets clingy with Lilia and wants to sleep with its head on his shoulder. Acting like a baby, smh…
Silver – aw, he would be so good. Similarly to Rook, he would consider a cat to be a companion, but he would also try to be very responsible with his he takes care of it. He would take it to Diasomnia and let it sleep in his bed, wouldn’t do much grooming or brushing, but he would do his best in terms of playing with it and feeding it well, I think. Especially the latter lol But the majority of time the cat would just cuddle up and sleep with him whenever he’s dozing off.
Sebek – he has better things to do than to indulge in these games!! He says as he brings the cat home with a bunch of books with all the necessary information on how to take care of a cat!! Did he also fall victim of cute paws and purring? Maybe! But it won’t affect his performance as Malleus’ guard in a slightest! I think he will try to train the cat, and he might even succeed to some degree, but his cat won’t be as well-trained as Vil’s or Azul’s. Maybe the cat just doesn’t take him seriously and just wants to make biscuits on his stomach while sleeping on his lap… Sebek would seethe, but won’t move until the cat leaves :(
Malleus – the cat isn’t afraid of him? Oh he would be so delighted. He was very happy about the goat in the Glorious Masquerade event, and I think his reaction would be similar here: first amusement, a little surprise, but then he would get so tickled and excited for this new companionship. The cat would be allowed to seemingly disrespect Malleus by positioning itself on his horns, leaving fur on his garment, playing with his hair, and Malleus would laugh… until the cat scratches him. Then Malleus would start sulking. But he’ll get over it, he’s not a baby.
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vinylfoxbooks · 17 hours
September 29 - Miss | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 530
“Is there anything that I can do to help out right now, Mr. Black?” A gentle voice that has rapidly become familiar says, just behind Regulus.
The teacher quickly gives his instructions to the student that he’s watching over before turning to the woman, “Not that I can think of, Miss Potter, but thank you.” 
“Oh, I meant to tell you,” she smiles, “It’s Evans now, the divorce has been finalised and I wanted to go back to my maiden name.”
“Of course, we can work that out with the school’s system at some point this week, I’m glad things have all been sorted out. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you and Mr. Potter divorce?” 
The woman smiles softly, “Oh Harry’s obsessed with his father, you’ve probably heard the world of him.” She shakes her head, “It’s nothing bad, we just… our love wasn’t romantic like it used to be.”
“I’m glad that everything was amicable then, things like divorce can be hard on children, and while I doubt that you’ll be giving him any issues, I’ll make it clear that I can be a listening ear for Harry.”
“That would be greatly appreciated, thank you, Mr. Black.” Then she furrows her brows, quickly leaning down to help a child with the craft that they’re working on, “You haven’t met my hu- ex-husband have you?”
Regulus shakes his head, “I don’t believe I have. I understand that he was helping out with today, but I don’t think he and I have crossed paths.” 
The woman takes a moment to gesture to where a group of kids are sitting around playing with some of the water toys at a table. With them is a man seemingly explaining how putting a block in the way of a channel of water stops the water from flowing, “That’s him.” And Regulus feels nearly frozen watching the man. He has a kind smile on his face and he’s talking to the kid with such kind patience. They’re near enough that Regulus is able to hear the man’s echoing laugh when the kid says or does something. He’s broad, clearly fit, and looks dorky in the outfit that he’s wearing alongside round glasses that sit low on his nose. 
Lily seems to pick up on his thought process, as she lets out her own gentle laugh, “He gets that a lot.”
“How did you manage to not get jealous all the time?” Regulus blurts before shaking his head, “My apologies that were… unprofessional.” 
“Your brother is dating my best friend,” Lily smiles, “I don’t think you need to worry about being all that professional with me. And to answer your question, I just had to get used to it. That man is loyal, almost to a fault, and incredibly oblivious to people flirting with him so I never had any reason to be… nervous about people flirting with him. And I mean, he was my husband, I understood.”
“You’re better than me.” Regulus hums, but leaves it at that, tearing his eyes away from the man smiling and playing with the children to help out the kids that he himself is watching over.
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larissa-the-scribe · 3 days
Finally answering the tag by @onewingedsparrow with the OC interview! Sorry for the delay, I strayed out of thought and time, etc. Also thanks for the tag!
For this, I'll be answering as Agent Jeanne Townford, the protagonist from A Four-Dimensional plot.
OC Interview Game
Were you named after anyone?
Not that I know of. It could have been a family name, but if so no one told me.
When was the last time you cried?
Uh. I'd prefer not to answer that.
Do you have any kids?
No. Which is probably good for the kids.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I have no idea what you're talking about/j
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Uh, their eyes, I guess? They tell you a lot about a person. Also their voice. Lots of character hiding in the voice.
What is your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Both? I don't know. Scary movies can be nice sometimes, but I like to know if the characters will be okay. Or the dogs, at least.
Any special talents?
I am a weapons specialist, so I guess that counts? I have a knack for learning new systems and also a good aim.
Where were you born?
At home, actually. We lived out of town, our car was broken, and I came out quicker than anyone expected. My dad used to joke that if the same situation happened again he wasn't calling the ambulance, he'd just burn some dollars instead.
Do you have any pets?
No. I'm out of the house most of the day, which isn't a good lifestyle for most creatures.
What sort of sports do you play?
Not really into sports, actually, though I used to be interested in ice hockey when I was a kid.
How tall are you?
165 cm, last I checked. About 5'5 for any Americans in the crowd.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Does the library count? Otherwise, Mithae. It was the only one that seemed like it could apply to outside stuff. Didn't use much of it, though.
What is your dream job?
One that doesn't want to fire me, I guess. Otherwise, I like most jobs that let me help people.
Tagging @secretariatess, @meadow-roses, @creatively-storm, @lightthewaybackhome, @ethanjhake, if y'all so desire
Blank template under the cut
OC Interview Game
Were you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have any kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What is the first thing you notice about people?
What is your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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system-of-a-feather · 3 months
Honestly, a thing I've kind of started to realize within both our proper involvement within trauma / mental health care spaces and within our own healing, a large issue (not bad or derogatory, but rather a "flaw" and an obstacle that gets in the way from the most effective condition) is that a lot of DID / OSDD / CDD spaces are heavily built with a large atmosphere and focus on trauma, trauma labels, terms, the nuances of what is and isn't possible, and just largely a lot of the talk and engagement is about sharing one another's trauma stories and explaining How The Trauma Happens and the details of how Trauma Has Affected / Impact / Forever Changed You and that is COMPLETELY expected and understandable
Trauma is an incredibly harmful, incredibly hurtful, incredibly impactful thing to go through and it can very very easily make you feel EXTREMELY stuck in the place you are. It's not something that can easily swallow your existence - especially if you have DID and even more so if you are specifically a part that got the misfortune of having the role of holding trauma or being explicitly stuck in flashbacks. There is nothing *wrong* with the community being like that, it's completely expected and there is nothing *bad* about it. I think it is incredibly more helpful and better than everyone being isolated, uninformed, unsupported, and having *nothing* to help them through what is often an unsafe environment or the challenges of early recovery.
That said, both of those values / beliefs / mindsets are incredibly trauma-driven focuses that - in the process of helping meet needs, a sense of community, and safety (things individuals with a trauma history have a lot of a need for), reinforce the building of one's sense of self and identity AROUND and on top of the trauma and thus also kind of reinforces the idea that someone is defined, forever stuck, and distanced from other people based on their trauma.
And I think that is a key thing thats a difference between peer survivor groups processing things together and proper professionally guided group therapy of survivors. I'm not saying that professionals and group therapy is "good", because I have had a number of really negative experiences with it myself and as a person with a trauma background myself (even if I talk like this, I'm not immune) I both distrust "officials" and instictually would very much prefer if people who have not experienced extensive trauma stayed out of my trauma spaces.
What I am kind of trying to say is that in the former, there is an issue of the blind leading the blind as everyone involved is more or less stuck in that trauma space / mindplace that makes it hard to see the avenues of healing that go BEYOND trauma and are not something that individuals who are still deep in the trauma sauce are not going to really be the most open to. In the latter, in theory, there is a heavy trauma-responsive and trauma-informed professional who is both able to understand, empathize, be attuned to, and respond positively to traumatized individuals and the frequent challenges; and that not "In the Trauma" view provides a lot of essential and helpful opportunities to challenge (positively) some of the largest generalized trauma views / values and help in developing and builiding a sense of self and a life that is not as heavily built upon the basis of "Trauma being Defining" to who you are.
And as someone who was there before, its totally fine if you have a problem with me saying that "Trauma does not have to define your entire existence and doesn't make up everything of who you are" because 1) I don't know your story and 2) You don't have to trust me, you have no reason to trust me on that; but as someone who went through a shit ton of trauma and recovery myself, I hope that its something you would at least humor that I strongly believe that and have seen it multiple times - both in human and nonhuman experiences.
I just really say that because in my experience, the most important belief and self concept to challenge that REALLY changed how I felt about myself, my disorder, and my symptoms was the development of the belief that "I went through a lot of trauma and it greatly impacted me, but trauma isn't all of who I am and with every day I live outside of it, trauma becomes a smaller and smaller portion of who I am"
I think its important to hold discussions on how healing doing things and engaging in conversation AWAY from trauma can actually greatly help develop a sense of self apart from trauma and paradoxically greatly help in recovering from it. It sounds very anti-intuitive and against what might feel right / productive in the moment, but it's honestly really just such a powerful thing in my experience.
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moonilit · 2 months
I like to think Bruce have a journal, not as batman just as Bruce Wayne and you can see where he wrote all the headaches he gets from his kids
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kazumasougi · 2 months
im gonna be real for a second. if fantasy can only be enjoyable to you when removed from any and all real world implications then is it even good
#mileposting#sorry if this seems like its targeting anything i literally just started thinking abt it for no reason#like this is not a vague LMAO but i think its smth ive thought about for a long time and i finally have the words for it#because like. okay for one all stories are based on the human experience whether its About the Human Experience or not#so i think when approaching a work of fiction and seeing something that has implications in real life#a lot of people have the kneejerk reaction of ‘its fantasy/its made up/its not real’#but where did it come from? who was it written by? what are the writer’s personal feelings on the matter and does their bias affect the work#this is just a me thing i guess but i dont find it any fun to see those connections and immediately disregard them#its because of those structures and systems that we can find a fantasy work so compelling#i understand the want to just turn off ur brain sometimes and be like fuckkkk cool dragon#like i fucking love a good dragon or whatever dont get me wrong#i have a world of my own thats literally just Ooh cool shit#but i would not call that compelling. fun maybe. but a lot of the appeal is lost for me#fantasy worlds are mostly just. our history but with fantastical elements to it#they typically are not fantastical worlds with our elements Removed from it#so the way specifically societal structures are treated differently in that aspect is interesting!#idk this is kind of a nothing post also you can tell i got distracted like five times in the middle of writing the tags. smile
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Watching neon genesis evangelion and it's extremely relatable, to the point that I'm pretty sure I have quoted it exactly before without ever having seen it
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
thinking about when i had such intense phantom limbs as a kid i told my math teacher about it
#like. I've had phantom wings since i was a CHILD and I'm not even kidding#i remember specifically saying 'i pretend to have wings so much that i can just Feel them there all the time now'#and he reacted in a way where he didn't want to tell me that's weird bc i was a Kid but also he totally thought it was really weird#which. was a reaction i knew very well at the time. that kind of quiet 'i dont know how to react to that but ok'#the trying not to make a weird face about it#so i shut up about it ever since! and then when i was 20 i found out what otherkin was#i remember them specifically being pegasus wings too we've always loved pegasi it was entirely bc of the barbie movie#i can't remember what the term is. for when you're A Fucking Lot of things all at once? poly something?#but we've always been like that#our first OC was plural coded and otherkin coded to the absolute max it was insane#and she was fully and entirely a self insert (at the time. nowadays she's her own guy)#but like. she could absorb souls on the brink of death and communicate with them inside her head#and she could shapeshift into any of those souls' forms at will#and she was supposed to be some kind of chimera#her 'true form' that i made of her was just all of her different forms crammed into one body#like. one owl wing one dragon wing. a dolphin tail. a fox paw and a pegasus hoof. scales mixed with fur. human shaped body. horns#if we weren't a system at the time then we were at least REALLY REALLY susceptible to becoming one we've always been Like This#and I'm willing to say i was an otherkin kid in the same way i say i was trans before i knew what that was#i didn't say I Am A Boy i just said I'm the closest a girl can get to being a boy (a tomboy)#i always leaned towards boys interests and boyish things. in the same way i taught myself to walk like a cat and meow convincingly#(to a point where i meowed once and my sister yelled at me to put the cat down if she's meowing. i was not holding a cat)#i didn't know what being otherkin was but i spent about as much time as possible being as animal as i could get#and i got offended when my friends didn't want to be animals with me. i had a lot of Horse Girl friends as a result#(hard to avoid horse girls in the middle of rural ohio tbh)
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thethingything · 6 months
local man discovers he's gotten into the habit of using DBT techniques without actually being taught them because at some point he realised that the things we get the urge to do when we have strong emotions often aren't healthy and that he doesn't like how he feels afterwards so he started noticing when that was happening and going "fuck that shit" and doing the opposite instead
#personal#thoughts#Lucy post#talking to 🍬 about various stuff we do because of our social anxiety and what are probably undiagnosed BPD symptoms#and we realised he's gotten himself into the habit of paying attention to how his emotions affect his judgement#and trying to take a step back when he's experiencing an emotion that he knows gives us the urge to do stuff that's not healthy for us#and he said he felt bad about having those emotions and urges to do unhealthy stuff#at which point I was like ''okay but you're choosing not to act on that and to take a step back and do something healthier instead#which is what actually matters here and is also something that takes a hell of a lot of self-awareness and self-control''#this is shit they teach you in therapy that's difficult specifically because you're going against your brain's instincts for a situation#and we were never taught how to do it so you've just fucking taught yourself to do it instead#without actually knowing it's a specific technique that has a name#I was aware of it but had never actually looked at the instructions properly because when I stumbled across it#it was at a point where being told to go against what my emotions made me want to do felt invalidating and upsetting#I've literally just pieced together that ''oh right that's what that is and how it's supposed to work#and how it's meant to feel when you do it right''#anyway all this is to say that I keep being impressed with the amount of progress 🍬's made on learning healthy coping mechanisms#including things I could never seem to get the hang of when I was fronting more and handling more stuff#and I'm really proud of him and 🦋 and everyone else who's been handling stuff within the system and keeping things running#but also nobody in here seems to realise how much progress they've made with anything until someone else points it out#I just realised I should tag this as#happy posting#because I'm talking about stuff that's going well and where we've actually made a lot of progress
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fordp1nes · 6 months
weird trains of thought at 5/6 am
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The way that my friend felt disappointed when he found out as a kid that an androgynous character he idolized was a woman because he quote "couldn't relate to the character anymore" and the way that the creator of Celeste """discovered he was non-binary""" because he wrote a female character that he was able to relate to are branches off of the same vein of misogyny I think
#gender critical#misogyny#it's all about the often-subconscious belief that women are subhuman or at least inherently lesser than men for being different from them#for the first dude: literally every woman on earth who consumes media relates to so fucking many male characters. they are our favorites.#some of them are so beloved by us that we believe we must actually be men because we can relate so hard to them. i went through this myself#(which is kind of what's going on with the second dude but i'll get to that)#yet for some reason a lot of men have a hard time relating to female characters in any way similar at all. there are zero men writing#obsessive (affectionate) thoughtful intelligent analyses of their favorite female charas' arcs and symbolism#(in part because so few media have any well-written and actually-humanized female charas to be able to do that with but also...)#because men see women as possibly-human fuck toys for them and nothing else#so when even self-proclaimed/usually feminist men relate to a female character outside of 'i want to fuck this' it makes them feel weird#bc male sexuality (this includes osa men i'm sorry to say but i've observed so many men like an anthropologist i see the same behavior#in all of them) is so centered around humilation/domination/aggression that it's not compatible with compassion/empathy#so for them to relate to a female (character or person) they get this weird-feeling psychological thing kinda similar to that joke of#'if you punch yourself and it hurts are you weak or strong?' but in this case it's 'if you relate to a sex object should you start thinking#you're also a sex object or should you let go of your momentary empathy for the sex object?'#and dude no. 1 took the latter path while dude no. 2 took the former#well in a way. his thing is more like 'if i am a human (bc i'm a man) and i can relate to a woman... does that mean women are human#or does it mean i am a woman?' and he picked the second route#i know agp vs hsts is (was?) the main grouping system radfems use(d?) to explain the different types of tims#and to some extent those labels do work especially since they're centered around sexuality which plays a huge role in trans identities#but i feel like it's either more accurate to just use the following labels or at least add them into the venn diagram:#some tims are trans because they see women as sex toys and enjoy the thought of being a sex toy themselves therefore they want to be women#while other tims are trans because they've othered the sex-object class of humans so hard that if they ever accidentally relate to a woman#it's a mindblowing discovery and makes them part of The Other (women are still of course treated as The Other for this to work) and#therefore super special (and of course more special than women because they're sex objects + The Other whereas#he is a man aka a human + The Other. this is especially true when men decide they're nb like guy no. 2 as opposed to trans women because#again women = sex toy to men so any men who do not want to be objectified are a different kind of Other to women [which to them consists of#females and trans women] but they still are The Other in some way and therefore must be both a man [human] and something else)#these concepts appeal to both osa and ssa men depending on what level/flavor of misogyny they cling to most and how gnc they are
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pepprs · 2 years
also like to clarify.. we were not expecting her to leave. and any time she would have left would’ve been bad timing but it’s like.. this was HER program and we didn’t have enough time to really get to know it as well as she did (and still does probably). and there are so many flaws in it that we didn’t have time to address and our attention was spread so thin bc we were / still are juggling a million things and trying to compensate for the vacancy in our already extremely and egregiously small staff. so i get that the leaders may be feeling unsupported and resentful of that and that is very valid. but it’s like.. if that is in fact the case i think it’s important to know that this is not ideal for us either. we lost the person who knew this program inside and out and we still haven’t recovered and even though her position has been filled now (by my new colleague bestie who is AMAZING and has been helpful and supportive and has gone above and beyond in every way and i adore them don’t get me wrong) we may never fully recover from it or at least we won’t for a very long time. and im not even just talking about like the impact on our work. i mean on us as people who were closely psychically bound together. which sounds freakish and weird but we were. that wound is going to take a long time to fully scar and when the scar forms it will always be there. so excuse us for not putting on a perfect asb less than a year after she left us we are kind of seeing the consequences of all of the horrors right now lol.
#purrs#delete later#i need to not be so fucking bitter about it i know it’s not helpful at all. but it just feels so unfair. i feel attacked. i know we had a#lot of room to grow and we still do but it’s like.. we did the best we could and we’re doing the best we could now. and it just sucks. the#things we thought were going well were not. and the things i need to cope they have grudges about. so like what the fuck ever. it’s like at#this point i hate all of them and never want to see them again. LIKE THE WAY IVE BEEN FUCKING BENDING OVER BACKWARDS over text trying to#help one of them bc she texts me all the time and it turns out she thinks we’re evil??? lol. ok. whatever. like go fuck yourself lmao#<- i need to just get this out of my system bc it’s soooo immature and unhelpful and not how a staff member should respond to this and#posting abt it online is dangerous and has consequences. but i just feel so miserable. and small. and painfully aware of my smallness.#and alone and helpless. and unable to support the people who actually are being responsible and mature and coming to confess stuff to us#even though they’re snitching or whatever. like this shit is so unbelievably fucking stupid and i shouldn’t be letting it get me down but i#just feel very vulnerable to it all rn and lonely. but typing out my thoughts and knowing peopel will read them helps (cringe). ok i should#go to bed now bc we have a very long and early day tmrrw and i haven’t prepared for what im supposed to do AT ALL bc we were in that session#for like 5 hours when it was only supposed to be 1.5 and i didn’t get to eat and my ut*rus is trying to rip my body apart like a wolverine!#* unable to support the ppl who are actually being responsible.. LET ALONE my colleague besties who are each carrying the burdens of this in#different ways and are also processing this difficult news in ways that will have implications for our past present and future! like lollll
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lvrby-katsuki · 2 years
i have not done a SINGLE assignment over my 1-week christmas break. FUCK.
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skipppppy · 6 months
“You shouldn’t self-ID as ADHD/autistic, you’re turning a very real mental condition into a trend” Ok then stop saying delulu. Stop speculating on which cluster C personality disorder the criminals you hear about on the news have. Stop saying “schizoposting” and “acoustic” and “is it restarted?” Stop using “psycopath” and “sociopath” as catch-all ways of calling someone a bad person. Stop saying “the intrusive thoughts won” when you bleach your hair and then turn your nose up at people who suffer from very real, very scary urges of physical/sexual violence. Stop saying “I’m so OCD” as a way of calling yourself neat. Stop treating BPD/ASPD/Bipolar as inherently abusive. Stop saying “OP I am living in your walls” without tagging for unreality. Stop diagnosing complete strangers you’ve never met on r/AITA with NPD.
You first. If you don’t want our disabilities to be treated like trends then stop belittling and minimising them. I’ll NEVER judge a person for trying find labels for their symptoms when an apathetic, racist, sexist, ableist healthcare system refuses to. But I will absolutely judge a hypocrite. Which a lot of you are
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snekdood · 2 months
very convenient for ppl on this website to start hating callout posts after they shat on me and dragged me through the mud and before my abuser could ever get any consequences 🤔
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