Now it's my turn. Y'all claim this fuckin guy? He's one of yours. Where's his intra-community hug-in?
It is in fact not your turn because you did not say anything about any of the posts I put up at all lol. Is that what we're doing, just posting examples of transmisogyny and transandrophobia back and forth? I don't see why you expect me to comment on your example if you do not have anything to say to my (many) example(s).
And I can't actually see that link anyway because that blog has me blocked, so this has been an embarrassing failure for you all around. But you're at a disadvantage here, anon, because you're coming at this like I'm saying transmisogyny doesn't exist or that no one who talks about transandrophobia or is pro-transmasc is transmisogynistic. That's not the case! I will happily condemn anyone being transmisogynistic when you bring them to me. If what that person is saying past that link is transmisogynistic, no, I shall not claim him, I shall agree that he's doing bad. But you're extremely uninterested in saying anything like that about transfems being awful to transmascs. To you, transfems being awful to transmascs is just a cue to bring up another transmasc.
I tire of you, anon. My last word on this: Transmisogyny is transmisogyny and transmisogyny is bad. Please feel the same way about bigotry directed at other trans people, even when it's coming from transfems. <3
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My Lord ,my Lord ,why have you forsaken me...
*slaps her tummy * I LOVE HAIBANE RENMEII
Pls give a chance to the song is really beautiful! Harsh Symmetry is so good!
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A lot of Leia's charcter examination following the OT in both Disney canon and the old EU revolves around having a much more negative relationship to her father and his legacy than Luke does, and specifically her fear that if she had a child he could turn as evil as Vader, so it's kinna...unfortunate...that there's no timeline where her worst nightmare didn't come true. With all the differences between the two versions of her extended history, in spite of all the IRL chaos with the IP, Leia's son was always doomed to Anakin's fate exactly like she'd feared.

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I can’t explain why this image is so funny to me but it is.
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Oh I see. So you literally have zero receipts eh? Just gonna go ahead and ignore the empty threat you made?
Come on lay them on me
Well, for starters anon no one says shit about Rin Tezuka and in fact continue to give her a lot of support and head pats and hundreds of notes. No one has given her any pushback like, at all, in contrast to the wave of backlash GQD incited from it's own audience with it's post with it's singular post. No one has rushed to denounce these posts or posts like them. No one has unfollowed her or people who talk like this in general. This is accepted, and normal, and even considered praxis.
Ah, but let's look at a recent post of hers that I think is funny:
Yeah, exactly, Rinny gets what I'm saying here when it's about her lol but then when you ask where a transfem's line in the sand for associating with people who are violently hateful of other trans people there's a million excuses for why it's okay. She wouldn't ever question why people continue to tolerate her or the thing she says.
And it's just, as we've established, a huge lie that no one breaks rank when a popular tee-em-ee is transmisogynistic. People who call themselves transfeminists are constantly demanding the support they do actually receive every day in exchange for literally less than nothing, in exchange for constant, furious hostility.
I could get into a deeper analysis of why I think Rin in particular is so fucked up but she's not actually the point here and it would be mean to kick her when when the thesis of that analysis is that she is a profoundly miserable person. The point is that just like thicced-witch, people are more than happy to embrace and encourage this kinna thing, even in spite of how clearly unhealthy it is, not to mention any sense of basic decency or responsibility to fellow human beings, let alone one's trans siblings. And in spite of any proclaimed ideals about how one responds when someone in your orbit is being transphobic in a different direction. So you can, like, shut the hell up about me not personally doing enough to have transmisogynists arrested and exiled to Siberia or whatever you think I should be doing, because it is self-evident that I care more about having consistent principles centered around all of us uplifting each other as allies, and policing one's own, than you ever will.
#I choose to only focus on posts by one specific user to make the point this is a consistent and repeated thing that gets ignored#and how a popular blogger will not have their popularity at all impacted by being hideous towards transmascs#but there are many of these receipts from different people#Rin just happens to be exceptionally aggressive and makes herself into the best possible example#for a comparison to how people who discuss transandrophobia react to transmisogyny#transandrophobia#transmisogyny#discourse#cw slurs
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I s2g some people on this site must have absolutely nothing but free time given how they seem to think it's a moral imperative to do a deep dive on every single blog you follow or even just like or reblog a post from and if you don't you're a bigot. Like genuinely, I'm disabled and 99% of my time is free to be spent on whatever I want and I cannot imagine being able to do that. You'd have to only follow like...5 people and never reblog anything. Sounds miserable.
I dont actually think any of those people do that, tho. They're being hypocritical in the interest of hurting people who obviously cannot live up to this unreasonable standard.
that person is also now sending me multiple anons demanding I respond with receipts immediately like lol calm down I will get to performing this chore for you when I feel like it
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Boyz n the Hood (1991) dir. John Singleton
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You're literally actively reblogging from GQD's alt account (gateway-2000)
You're such a hypocrite
a blog I unfollowed despite loving the content and now occasionally is the OP of aesthetic posts I reblog from other people without even noticing because it's a fairly big URL in the extremely specific slice of aesthetic I'm into
So again this is all still much more effort at distancing and disassociation than anyone saying disgusting and often violent things about trans men have ever received and you seem to be intentionally ignoring that side of the conversation even as I repeatedly state and restate that I'm opposed to the transmisogynistic things you're demanding I oppose. Like, okay, now you're going to disavow all the people I can bring up with receipts, right?
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