#if anyone has suggestions please share!!!
lemotmo · 2 days
I'm not sure how you feel about getting these anymore but I thought this was hilarious so wanted to share for you at least to read even if you don't want to post. 😊
Q. I really was trying to hold onto the belief that the show wasn't going to make Eddie gay but it's really hard to see what other storyline is possible given those latest Ryan interviews. I would love to say gay or not the show would just keep Buck and Eddie as platonic best friends but there is zero chance of the show not pairing them together. They really did just use my man as filler until they were ready to tell the Eddie story. That's so gross.
A. Well, anon that's the point of a plot device. Their only reason for being is to move a larger story forward. By definition their filler characters. They have no individual significance or purpose. Their purpose is the story they're being used in. I've been telling you this for months now. Many of us have. He was never going to be anything more than a plot device. The show wasn't subtle about it either. It's been pretty much a connect the dots picture of plot device usage. Go back and watch his scenes in season 7 with this new found realization and I promise it will not be hard to see. And I agree, especially with the context the latest Ryan interviews gave, there's really not any other story it could be. He also confirmed they're not turning him into the new Bobby, and he's not siding with Gerard. So it was nice of him to debunk the latest round of ridiculous takes during the interview. If I could offer you a suggestion though I would encourage you to give the story a chance. If you pay attention to Eddie, and not your fandom people telling you to hate him, you will like him. After all there's a reason you all tried to hijack his entire backstory and history for Tommy. Let yourself enjoy the character those things actually belong too. Let yourself enjoy the actual story.
Oh Nonny! I feel joyous and happy whenever I get another of these posts in my ask box. While I'm asking people to not ask Ali any questions through my blog, I'm still perfectly happy posting her asks here. 😋
Especially since, for most of us, this is the only way to read Ali's posts and we do love her posts very much. So don't hesitate to drop something in my ask box. The only things I don't post about are the direct posts about the BT fandom, but Ali has told me she isn't replying to those posts anymore anyway, so that eliminates that problem.
As for the ask itself...
Yeah, so many of us have been saying this since day one. Tommy was only ever there to help Buck out of that closet. He was never really meant to be anything more than that. Sure, the change of the storyline because of the early renewal, gave Tommy some more time on the show, but that's where it ends.
So yeah, going back to rewatch the previous seasons, knowing what you know now? It will change the way you see Eddie and Eddie and Buck's friendship and maybe you'll find some joy in them. Just let it happen.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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sylvies-kablooie · 2 months
WAITYOU'RE A HISTORY FAN what would be your ideal time period for a loki episode like a specific apocalypse sylvie might hide in or something this might be too ambitious of an ask lol
ohohohoh, little did you know that i have had the wikipedia article "list of disasters" saved in my bookmarks for about a year now for JUST this purpose!!
let's consult it again...
in the show, i love that they chose pompei. it's a solid pick, but we only see a glimpse of it. i feel that it is good because it's a look into a different culture so it's fun and fresh, but also it's not too recent in cultural memory for there to be sadness associated with the disaster. i mean it was a long, long time ago, so that makes it easy.
or more in the classical way of thinking: why not show her in the riots post caesar's assassination? or in carthage before rome arrives? or in any of the many, many places alexander the great took over? or in western europe right before the romans arrived? the classical world can be our sandbox! imagine the costuming!
(the TVA defines an apocalypse as an event with zero survivors, but i feel that we ought to have some creative liberty!)
in a similar vein to pompei though, with there being enough distance for the audience to not feel like it is insensitive to explore as a tragedy, i've always daydreamed about her using a tempad to get on the titanic for a few days, dance around, live the high life. maybe engage in a quick romance that she knows is doomed, just to keep herself going. and a hasty tempad exit when things start going south. i thought about writing a fic for it, but i actually don't know much about the titanic! i've never even seen the famous movie.
i think the french revolution would be a fascinating setting to explore her character and the extent of her anti-authoritarian tendencies. but i feel that she would try her best to not draw attention to herself, so that monologue would be more internal. if she wants to fly under the radar, she'd probably have to stay in the crowd. but hey, lots to see, with the guillotines and all. again, enough distance there for us as an audience.
i thought about the russian revolution as well, but i'm not well-versed in russian history. so: maybe? i could see that being used in a similar fashion to the french revolution arc i imagined for her; the bolsheviks purposefully emulated the french in certain regards, but in a totally different form of society/envisioned end goal. the fervor of the masses finally feeling that their voices count, revenge on the elites, the zeal at initial attempts of shaping a new world that eventually turns to its own corruption and sorrow.
i think placing her in the wake of some of the yellow river floods could be really interesting, as well. or in the face of an oncoming mongol conquest! oooh, what about right before napoleon rolls up?
throw her in the donner party!!! see what happens!!
now, if i were to rewrite s2 and put them in any time period at all, no apocalypse necessary- like how we saw them running about the world's fair- i mean, i'd still be partial to antiquity. but the roaring 20's anywhere could be fascinating. such an interesting and dynamic time, you'd have so much to explore. also, 60's counterculture could be really cool; i'd love to see sylvie get mixed up with the rise of new age spiritualism given that she wields magic (classic spiritualism really kicked into gear in the late 1800's- throw her in there, too, let her make a buck off of pretending to be a medium when it was all the rage)
and i think tokugawa and meiji era japan are absolutely fascinating, so if i could think of a way to stick the gang in there, i would.
how did i almost forget: VICTORIAN LONDON! so much awful stuff was going on there. so glad smog is much better now and we put far less arsenic in books <3 but the aesthetics were sick, you cannot deny. the people were sick too. on account of the fumes. you could say victorian london is overdone, though, and i would hear you out. loki could pretend to be all upper class and assimilate into the niches of high society that fit him like a glove, but sylvie would not find this as simple, especially with their cult of domesticity. let her rage a bit if she needs and give their ideas of propriety a good shaking. it's good for the soul.
put her in the 90's. give her a blockbuster movies account and a dream.
i get excited about these things!! putting my girl in situations AND talking about my love of history!! and i will probably brainstorm a million more ideas after i hit post. this is such a thoughtful ask; thank you for thinking of me! <3
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robotsandjunk · 4 months
Cybertronian sex toys must go crazy
False spikes that expand every time a bot overloads making it impossible for them to clench around it properly and leaving them absolutely gaping by the end
Fake panels designed to vibrate and stop keeping the wearer constantly edged throughout the day
Magnets that connect to each node inside a valve, stimulating them individually and in different ways and rhythms
Ballbearings that have been magnetised in different ways so they’re constantly shifting inside a valve
A matching set of a false spike and valve that can be connected to specific bot spike or valve so partners can interface not matter the distance
Vibrators that are made specifically for a bots spike sheath that keep the spike from extending as well as keeping unbearably it stimulated
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friendofthecrows · 3 months
Writing my final paper for "Media and Society" on Goncharov, and the wording of the question means that I will need to choose a certain post or at least a certain scene to write about and I am DYING trying to choose...
much like Ice Pick Joe on the cathedral steps as Valery tried to get revenge for Luciana's murder not knowing it was Andrey all along.
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
finally finished my project of collecting voiceclaims that are as close as i can find for my hcs of the main HoO cast - just for funsies so it's not as perfect as I'd like but whatever, it was a neat exploration and exercise of me trying to think of literally any franchise for voice actors.
Leo got two cause I had trouble of finding good clips for the voiceclaim that's closers to my hcs for him (the second half of his section). Also got to play the fun game of digging through my art for decent doodles of each character.
Also fun fact, I am almost completely unfamiliar with 3 franchises in this video and was just digging for voice clips on youtube. Try to guess which ones.
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Wanted to go anon but I asked in DMs if I could vent so hopefully this’ll make me feel better:
A lot of times I feel Christianity is causing me more harm than good. I grew up in the Baptist south and I see Christians so happy with God and their blessings. And while I acknowledge my blessings and thank God for them I don’t think I feel the same kind of joy everyone else does. I went to a revival at my aunt’s church last October and came out of it with horrible anxiety that lasted for months. Even as people talked about God’s love and mercy and second chances I left without feeling that love, I was scared and it felt like I wasn’t a good Christian and that when I was saved years ago no longer counted. Any time I see someone talk about spreading the Gospel I feel low and awful cause no one has come to me and told me they’re Christian now and why should God let me into Heaven if I can’t do that?
I recently discover scrupulosity and I’m 90% that’s what I have. It was a relief to know (even if I can’t always believe it) it’s ocd making me feel this way and not God. But how I can I find comfort in the faith when that is where my anxiety stems from?
Hey there. My heart aches for you and the harm Christianity has brought you. When faith is done right, it should be a place of support, a place you feel encouraged towards growth and vulnerability. Instead, it sounds like you've been taught fear — that you're not "good enough" for God or heaven; that not feeling what everyone else seems to be feeling is a failing on your part.
You deserve so much better, and it's not your fault that this is the Christianity you've been put through.
I want to start by saying that what you're feeling, or what you don't feel, does not make you a "bad Christian"; it's not a sign of God's disfavor; and it absolutely does not bar you from heaven!
It's such an alienating feeling to be surrounded by people who seem to be experiencing something you just can't seem to access. It reminds me of Psalm 42, where the psalmist wrestles with their depression and anxiety:
But I remember these things as I bare my soul:     how I made my way to the mighty one’s abode,     to God’s own house,         with joyous shouts and thanksgiving songs—         a huge crowd celebrating the festival! Why, I ask myself, are you so depressed?     Why are you so upset inside? Hope in God!     Because I will again give him thanks,         my saving presence and my God. (Psalm 42:4-5)
In the above verses, the psalmist visits God's Temple, is surrounded by people shouting joyfully...and all they seem to feel is that soul-deep depression. They also wonder, "What's wrong with me??" The hope they find even in this fretting about their inability to feel the joy everyone else is, is the hope that there will be a future time when they will once again feel the gratitude and joy they can't access right now.
What will it take, what does this psalmist need, in order to work through their depression and into joy? ...What do you need?
One thing I highly recommend, if at all possible, is finding a therapist who can help you through your religious hurt and help you navigate scrupulosity.
Look for therapists who specialize in religious trauma, or scrupulosity, or "deconstructing" faith, or working with "ex-vangelicals."
In your consult with them, make sure they are, like, not part of a conservative Christian church themselves and actually aim to keep patients in such spaces; make sure they are there to help you find spiritual wellbeing, wherever that journey takes you. Asking about their view on LGBTQ+ persons might be one way to determine their overall aims.
I'm by no means a mental health professional; I'm not an expert in scrupulosity and I don't know best practice for working through religious trauma when scrupulosity is part of your experience. So please take everything that comes next in this post with a huge grain of salt, that I'm offering what I've seen work for some people, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing for you. Getting that professional support is much more ideal.
Along with professional support, I do feel that a break from Christianity, or at least the Christian spaces you are currently part of, may give you the space to work through everything.
However, if not going to church will impact your scrupulosity or activate fears about hell, prepare some options in advance for dealing with that — whether it's having someone you trust you can talk to, or setting up your own Sunday worship, a space and time where you pray, read scripture, etc. at home.
If you feel that even those preparations won't be enough to keep safe from those fears, you might wait till you get a therapist who can help you navigate whatever comes up when you leave church.
You could also start looking around for different kinds of churches than you've currently experienced, churches that make space for depression and fear, and that emphasize that God's love is freely given, not earned. This is my post with tips for finding an affirming church near you. But I want to emphasize that it's okay if you aren't ready to start looking for a new church, or if you're unsure you ever want to do that.
Finding people who are going through similar things could be very helpful — people who get it, who can share their stories with you as you share yours with them.
A progressive church might be a place you can find that support.
It's also possible that LGBTQ orgs in your area might offer resources for those with religious trauma.
There are also online options, such as Journey Free, which offers both free and paid support — including online support groups.
Recovering from Religion is another site with support group options, online and in person (note: I'm not that familiar with this org, so if anyone has experience with them please share).
If you're a reader, two books I think might bring you some healing and reframe your relationship with faith are:
Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor, which explores a Christian faith that has room for depression, grief, fear, pain, rather than pressuring everyone to Be Happy All The Time to "prove" they're blessed. (I have a tag with a few excerpts from this book)
Bad Theology Kills by Kevin Garcia, which unpacks a lot of the harmful stuff Christians in evangelical / fundamentalist type churches internalize.
You might also find some useful stuff on my FAQ, particularly the "emotions and sins: guilt and fear, anger and hate" section and the "on God" and "prayer and faith" sections.
I'm not sure how helpful all this was, but I want you to know that you are worthy of spiritual thriving, of finding places that bring you peace and joy rather than fear and isolation. I'll be praying for you as you unpack what you've been through and where you need to go to find that thriving. The journey will probably be long and bumpy, but you do not have to go it alone. <3
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gerec · 3 months
Is there any fic where one of the two is a mutant and the other isn't? Or at least one of them doesn't know he's a mutant, sorry if this request is too specific, it probably doesn't exist, I just want to be sure 😭😭
Here's a post with some great recommendations for Human!Charles fics!
And here are a few more to add to the list!
Magneto, Would You Fall In Love With A Human? by CherikDogFood
Erik Lehnsherr, better known as Magneto, is a famous activist of Mutant Rights and Leader of the Brotherhood. Unknown to the public, he's in love (and married) to Charles Xavier, a human. Erik strives to keep his private love life a secret from prying journalists, but there are bound to be slip-ups...
Or, 5 times Magneto almost (accidentally) exposed his love life plus 1 time he did it intentionally.
Let Them Talk by manic_intent
Sub/Dom pairs are created by imprinting. Mutants generally imprint on mutants and Erik who is the most powerful among them thinks that he will have equally powerful sub. Turns out that he imprints on Charles – a brilliant yet entirely human Professor. Cue Erik being disgusted and angry with his Sub, which Charles takes really hard. Erik is ashamed of him, and doesn’t want him to associate with other mutants, but slowly Charles charms his way to the hearts of everyone and one day another mutant (Logan pretty please?) challenges Erik’s claim over Xavier.
in time to change your mind by dizzyfaced
It took a bit of nudging from Raven, who had told Magneto that her brother is not like other humans, he’s totally different and he is so so kind, and Erik come on—he could clean the base for us?
And Charles had said, oh yes, in fact I could cook and do everyone’s laundry, please let me stay with my sister?
And Magneto, who could not have been any older than twenty-one at that time, had considered what a hassle it was to clean after a bunch of mutants, and said: Yes, sure. He can stay.
Hip to Be Square by seutedeern
The year is 1985. Humans and mutants have lived together for a hundred years and now co-exist peacefully.
That is, outside of high school. Charles Xavier happens to be an ordinary human being, but that's not the worst of his troubles. He's a true geek, with so few friends he could count them on two fingers, and he also happens to be the school's favourite victim.
Erik has always looked down upon humans without any powers, thinking he is superior to them.
Naturally, he's not pleased at all when for some unknown reason, Charles latches onto him after only one lesson of group work as though they were the best of friends.
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in the dolphin tank.
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deathbydarkelves · 2 months
I’ve made some edits to my AU master doc that don’t warrant their own posts, but that I want to share anyway. So here’s the patch notes:
In kaldorei culture, it’s customary to bring small amounts of food and/or alcohol when visiting someone else’s home. This custom also happens to be shared with the pandaren and tauren.
The kaldorei have domesticated goats derived from mountain goats of northern and central Kalimdor, and a small species of deer, which provide both meat and milk.
Added a note in the War of Thorns recap that I’m still working out the finer details of why and how Teldrassil happened.
Kaldorei music includes but is not limited to (in broad terms) drums, pipes, flutes, their own varieties of lutes, and sometimes an instrument made of a large, hollow tree branch akin to a didgeridoo/yidaki.
The kaldorei use a lunisolar calendar with twelve months of twenty-eight days each, following the phases of Elune while also tracking the seasons. The new year starts in spring. Leap years occur every two or three years and add a thirteenth month. (This is inspired by the Chinese and Ojibwe calendars)
((To make things easier for myself I'm just going to make Azeroth orbit its sun and rotate at the exact same rate as Earth, and make the timing of Elune's phases occur at the same rate as our moon's. The Blue Child remains unaccounted for, for now.))
I also added sections on Pandaria, the pandaren, and their language. They're pretty short at the moment but for Pandaren the language, I've added:
Pandaren is extremely varied, with countless local dialects and accents even within one region. Someone from the northern Jade Forest may find a southerner’s accent difficult to parse at times, or feel the need to ask for rephrasing should they hear a word new to them.
Some argue the Wandering Isle dialect should be considered its own language, as the isolation from the mainland has led to so much divergence in both the spoken and written language that complex mainlander/islander conversations can be outright impossible.
Pidgins of a sort are extremely common among traders and other travelers such as Lorewalkers and the shado-pan.
I'm also gonna make a post on shadowmelding and tangentially the Wardens sometime soon. I'm supposed to be working on a comm today so I'm gonna do that first though lol
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pinkanonwrites · 7 months
Bots I need to learn more about/get a better grasp on their personality so I can write about them more:
G1 Sideswipe and Sunstreaker
G1 Hound
G1 Blaster (<3 <3 <3)
MTMTE Fort Max
MTMTE First Aid
IDW Thundercracker
Literally everyone from Brave Police J-Decker
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glitchyko · 4 months
Alright, so I feel like I need to say something about this since it has been on my mind for a long while and I want to address it.
I want to say I’m sorry for the times when I said I want/will draw something and then just never doing it. I feel bad for setting something up only to never fulfill it. I feel like I’m a liar and I’m just lazy, that I let myself down and failed, even though I know there’s circumstances in my life that make it difficult to do some of the things I wish to do. Things such as ADHD, school, mental health, and other things going on in my life. But I’ve been trying to get better at managing my time, getting things done faster, be more productive, and keep working on my art and perfectionism issues.
I want to do better, I want to actually be able to do and show the stories, aus, ocs, etc, that I constantly say that I think about and want to share with you guys. I want to become better as an artist and writer, and I don’t want to keep being scared to do things I want to do because of perfectionism to a point where I just can’t do anything out of fear of it looking bad and not meeting my unrealistically high standards.
I’m not completely sure where I’m going with this vent talk to be honest, I know I can’t guarantee changes and such immediately, and I don’t want to force myself to work on art stuff just to pump something out on social media as quickly as possible. That is not why I create, and to be honest that sounds like a recipe for burnout, more confidence issues, and not having fun with art anymore. I think what I’m trying to say is, I’m going to try to do things instead of just saying and thinking I want to do something and never doing it.
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cometcats-fr · 10 months
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Responsible financial decisions (more mouths to feed)
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isthisloss · 1 year
if i dont find emo crochet inspo i'll die right this second
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Enough of the 'riding the same horse' trope in fantasy/ historical romances.
Where's my 'riding the same bike after blowing up a building/ carrying out a heist because the get-away vehicle got busted' trope
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clementine-kesh · 1 year
Which do you think are the best Janeway/Tuvok/Chakotay episodes?
tbh as odd a choice as they might be i think scorpion and equinox are both GREAT for the three of them. they’re at their most unhinged and toxic there and that’s really what it’s all about. also resolutions like even though it’s supposed to be a janeway/chakotay episode tuvok is very much a part of that whole situation in spirit if not physically ykwim
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gender-haver · 10 months
What would be a Magnus archives themed cat name that's not a character name or the admiral
Hmm, not a character name? There’s honestly a lot of names I could suggest, like…Archive. Archive could be interesting and it relates right back to the Magnus Archives. You could name them Highland after the cows…or you could go with the kind of tea Martin likes to serve! Maybe after the tape recorder John uses?
Do the names of the fears work? Ceaseless Watcher (or Eye?) might be a good one then, since, cats do like to stare. Or maybe Lonely? That or you could go with Rusty Quill and shorten it to,,,,Rusty Or Quill?
Oh! Oh! If none of those suit you then, you could go through the episode names and see if there’s anything suitable as a name or inspiration there!
There’s honestly a ton of options that could work! If you’re willing to go with something kind of unconventional
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