#and in america we had the “eggnog riot”
sylvies-kablooie · 2 months
WAITYOU'RE A HISTORY FAN what would be your ideal time period for a loki episode like a specific apocalypse sylvie might hide in or something this might be too ambitious of an ask lol
ohohohoh, little did you know that i have had the wikipedia article "list of disasters" saved in my bookmarks for about a year now for JUST this purpose!!
let's consult it again...
in the show, i love that they chose pompei. it's a solid pick, but we only see a glimpse of it. i feel that it is good because it's a look into a different culture so it's fun and fresh, but also it's not too recent in cultural memory for there to be sadness associated with the disaster. i mean it was a long, long time ago, so that makes it easy.
or more in the classical way of thinking: why not show her in the riots post caesar's assassination? or in carthage before rome arrives? or in any of the many, many places alexander the great took over? or in western europe right before the romans arrived? the classical world can be our sandbox! imagine the costuming!
(the TVA defines an apocalypse as an event with zero survivors, but i feel that we ought to have some creative liberty!)
in a similar vein to pompei though, with there being enough distance for the audience to not feel like it is insensitive to explore as a tragedy, i've always daydreamed about her using a tempad to get on the titanic for a few days, dance around, live the high life. maybe engage in a quick romance that she knows is doomed, just to keep herself going. and a hasty tempad exit when things start going south. i thought about writing a fic for it, but i actually don't know much about the titanic! i've never even seen the famous movie.
i think the french revolution would be a fascinating setting to explore her character and the extent of her anti-authoritarian tendencies. but i feel that she would try her best to not draw attention to herself, so that monologue would be more internal. if she wants to fly under the radar, she'd probably have to stay in the crowd. but hey, lots to see, with the guillotines and all. again, enough distance there for us as an audience.
i thought about the russian revolution as well, but i'm not well-versed in russian history. so: maybe? i could see that being used in a similar fashion to the french revolution arc i imagined for her; the bolsheviks purposefully emulated the french in certain regards, but in a totally different form of society/envisioned end goal. the fervor of the masses finally feeling that their voices count, revenge on the elites, the zeal at initial attempts of shaping a new world that eventually turns to its own corruption and sorrow.
i think placing her in the wake of some of the yellow river floods could be really interesting, as well. or in the face of an oncoming mongol conquest! oooh, what about right before napoleon rolls up?
throw her in the donner party!!! see what happens!!
now, if i were to rewrite s2 and put them in any time period at all, no apocalypse necessary- like how we saw them running about the world's fair- i mean, i'd still be partial to antiquity. but the roaring 20's anywhere could be fascinating. such an interesting and dynamic time, you'd have so much to explore. also, 60's counterculture could be really cool; i'd love to see sylvie get mixed up with the rise of new age spiritualism given that she wields magic (classic spiritualism really kicked into gear in the late 1800's- throw her in there, too, let her make a buck off of pretending to be a medium when it was all the rage)
and i think tokugawa and meiji era japan are absolutely fascinating, so if i could think of a way to stick the gang in there, i would.
how did i almost forget: VICTORIAN LONDON! so much awful stuff was going on there. so glad smog is much better now and we put far less arsenic in books <3 but the aesthetics were sick, you cannot deny. the people were sick too. on account of the fumes. you could say victorian london is overdone, though, and i would hear you out. loki could pretend to be all upper class and assimilate into the niches of high society that fit him like a glove, but sylvie would not find this as simple, especially with their cult of domesticity. let her rage a bit if she needs and give their ideas of propriety a good shaking. it's good for the soul.
put her in the 90's. give her a blockbuster movies account and a dream.
i get excited about these things!! putting my girl in situations AND talking about my love of history!! and i will probably brainstorm a million more ideas after i hit post. this is such a thoughtful ask; thank you for thinking of me! <3
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More American History - How the Hell Did We Manage to Found a Country?
- when Maria Reynolds divorced her husband, her attorney was Aaron Burr - (Not technically American History but still adorable) when Lafayette returned to France in the middle of the war, Adrienne was so happy to see him she fainted - Lafayette crying at the hanging of John Andrè - Abigail Adams basically taking over the ship carrying her to Europe to clean in up and get everything in shape - The Eggnog Riot of 1826 - When Lafayette negotiated a deal with the french for whale oil, the island of Nantucket all got together to make him a 500 pound wheel of cheese - Thomas Jefferson trying to get a dead moose shipped to France to prove American animals were cooler - Gouverneur Morris and the "whale bone in his dick" incident - Oboes being called "haut-boys" - George Washington riding in General Braddock's campaign on a padded saddle because he had just recovered from disentary - When Lafayette returned to America in 1824, a lady had gloves made with his face on them, and he said "a few graceful words words to the effect that he did not care to kiss himself" - Deborah Franklin refusing to leave her house and arming herself with a gun when threatened by an angry mob - Cornwallis missing out on capturing Jefferson as governor of Virginia by 10 minutes - Joseph Warren showing up to a memorial of the Boston Massacre in a toga - General Gage having to ask Hancock for help when he was occupying Boston after pissing him off earlier. Hancock refused - Joseph Warren being a dramatic hoe 100% of the time - Lafayette mcfucking dying at 4:20 am - John Adams calling Edward Rutledge a peacock because he was young and southern and dressed very lavishly - Henry Clinton calling himself "a shy bitch" - Washington going down and jumping on the ice every morning during the siege of Boston to check the thickness for an invasion - John Paul Jones being so passive aggressive that he responded to a failed broadside by a British ship with a single musket shot - Silas Deane being such an inept ambassador that British spies knew what he was having for dinner before he did
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infolibrary · 5 years
25 Kickass and Interesting Facts About Riots
New Post has been published on http://www.infolibrary.net/25-kickass-and-interesting-facts-about-riots/
25 Kickass and Interesting Facts About Riots
Here are 25 Kickass and Interesting Facts About Riots.
1-5 Interesting Facts About Riots
1. During the London riots of 2011, looting and vandalism which took place throughout the city was almost totally avoided by bookshops. One man said his store would probably stay open during the unrest, stating: “If they steal some books, they might actually learn something.” – Source
2. During the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, Korean store owners were afraid that the LAPD would not come to their aid. They banded together on rooftops with assault weapons and saved Koreatown from looting. – Source
3. During the 1980 New Mexico prison riot, prisoners in protective custody waited for 5 hours, while prison gangs cut their way into the cell block with blow torches and then tortured and killed them. They could have escaped through a rear door, but the guards refused to open it. – Source
4. The first ‘mooning’ in recorded history happened in 66 AD, where a Roman soldier mooned and farted at the Jewish pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. This caused a riot, an over-response by the Roman military, and the death of thousands. – Source
5. In 1355 in Oxford, England a dispute between two students from Oxford University and a Pub Landlord over the quality of their pints resulted in a two-day riot, which left 63 scholars and 30 locals dead. The dispute was eventually settled in favor of the University, when a special charter was created. Annually thereafter, on 10th February, the mayor and councilors had to march bareheaded through the streets and pay to the university a fine of one penny for every scholar killed. The penance ended 470 years later, in 1825 when the mayor refused to take part. – Source
6-10 Interesting Facts About Riots
6. In 1922, people rioted over whether it was okay or not to wear a straw hat past the “socially acceptable” date of September 15 in New York. The riot lasted 8 days and led to multiple arrests. – Source
7. Tulsa, Oklahoma used have a “Black Wall Street” that was once the most economically prosperous black community in America. The community’s wealth was greater than that of surrounding white neighborhoods and was destroyed by envious whites on June 1, 1921 in just 12 hours during a race riot. The incident started and snowballed after a black man accidentally stepped on the foot of a white woman. – Source
8. In 2006, Hungarian protesters hotwired a 50-year-old Soviet T-34 tank that was part of an outdoor memorial and drove it against the riot police. – Source
9. During the Stonewall Riots of 1969, the rioters responded to the arrival of the tactical riot squad by forming Rockette style kick-lines, and shouting to the tune of Howdy Doody “We are the Stonewall girls/we wear our hair in curls/we don’t wear underwear/ we show our pubic hairs.” – Source
10. Zoot Suit Riot was a real riot and not just a metaphor for dancing. – Source
11-15 Interesting Facts About Riots
11. There was a Toronto Circus Riot in 1855, in which firefighters and clowns brawled in a brothel on Front Street. – Source
12. On the Christmas Day of 1826, cadets at the US Military Academy at West Point including future Confederacy President Jefferson Davis threw a booze-fueled party and eventual mutiny that ended with twenty court martials. It was known as the “Eggnog Riot.” – Source
13. In 1974, the Cleveland Indians did a ten cent beer night which Resulted in on field flashers, streakers and mooners, fireworks tossed in the opposing team’s bullpen and when a fan tried to grab the hat off of an outfielder, it ended in a full on riot where the Indians had to forfeit the game. – Source
14. During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln passed a law allowing wealthy men pay $300 to avoid the draft. This led to New York City draft riots. It was the largest civil insurrection in American history, aside from the Civil War itself. – Source
15. In 532, a conflict between fans of two different sports teams sparked a riot that destroyed half of Constantinople and killed 30,000 people – Source
16-20 Interesting Facts About Riots
16. In 2008, the riot police were called out to defend Emos in Mexico City against a series of anti-emo riots that swept the country. – Source
17. In Toronto, in 1933, an amateur baseball game broke out into a massive race riot when a group of Nazi sympathizers, protesting the Jewish players, unveiled a crude Swastika flag. A crowd of more than 10,000 citizens, excited by cries of ‘Heil Hitler’ became suddenly a disorderly mob. – Source
18. The Smithsonian opened an experimental museum in a predominantly Black neighborhood of Washington D.C. Many were skeptical that the Smithsonian would help the area, others worried about vandalism. The museum was untouched in the 1968 riots that destroyed other parts of the community. – Source
19. Singapore lasted less than 2 years as a state of Malaysia before racial riots forced separation. Singapore is the only country to have gained independence against its will. – Source
20. There was actually a riot in North Korea in 2005. Thousands of furious North Koreans rioted after their national football team was defeated by Iran in World Cup qualification match. – Source
21-25 Interesting Facts About Riots
21. During the 1863 New York Draft Riots (that was dramatized in Gangs Of New York), the staff of The New York Times averted rioters that were targeting the newspaper with two Gatling guns; one of which was manned by Henry Raymond, owner and editor of The New York Times, himself. – Source
22. During a riot in Northern Ireland in 2010, a police officer diffused the situation by playing ice cream van music. – Source
23. 1,389 people died in 1896 at the coronation celebrations of Czar Nicolas II because of riots caused by a rumor that the organizers had run out of free beer and pretzels. – Source
24. In Nevada, a disturbance with as little as 2 people is legally considered a riot. In the USA in general, it takes only 3 people. In England it is 12 people. – Source
25. Fred Durst started a riot at Woodstock ’99 with the song Break Stuff. Plywood was ripped from the walls, fires were started and women were raped. – Source
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