vcronicavance · 4 days
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"Oh," Ronnie thought for a moment before smiling, "I guess that I always go after what I want, protect my loved ones and... I look good while doing it," she added the last bit with a small laugh but it was the truth.
"What do you think you would want people to find out about you first?" Mason found himself asking after a moment, wondering what it was Ronnie would want to be remembered for if she could choose.
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vcronicavance · 5 days
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"Humiliating would be not letting you get a shot in. I was planning on letting you have some small wins," Ronnie teased, "Nah, I've got work in the morning. It won't be too bad for you."
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"For someone who claims that she doesn't want to humiliate me you're sure proving otherwise," Frank couldn't help but snort in reply to her. "This is going to be a long night, isn't it?"
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vcronicavance · 6 days
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"The two aren't mutually exclusive," Ronnie replied with a smirk, "If I didn't already know you were nice, I might think you were after something," she teased.
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"Godric bless her then because you're a stunner," Mateo insisted, chuckling softly at her next comment. "I mean I'm just calling things as I see them."
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vcronicavance · 6 days
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"I appreciate it, Jackson," Ronnie said with a small smile, "Is it so hard to believe in the good instead of some evil wizard who died years ago."
"I hear you but I can't help but still show concern. It's what happens when you have friends, Veronica." Jackson explained softly. "But yes, that does appear to be the case from experience unfortunately. There will always be followers. People always seem to need something to believe in."
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vcronicavance · 6 days
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"I personally think eyeliner as well. Or maybe it's sisters and not twins. It's nearly impossible to get them both looking exactly the same but as long as they're similar enough, most people won't notice," she nodded, "You are absolutely right. You might just be my soul mate," she joked.
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"I've admittedly only heard something along those lines for eyebrows but I guess it makes sense for eyeliner too," Stella considered when the woman brought up the cousins not sisters expression. "At the end of the day the most important thing is that it comes out good on selfies, right?" she added with a laugh.
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vcronicavance · 7 days
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vcronicavance · 7 days
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"A few of my tattoos do need touch ups," Ronnie admitted, "But honestly, I was just walking past and thought I'd come in to book a consultation and appointment. I would normally do it over the phone or online but since I was walking past..." she shrugged, "If you have got time for some touch ups though, that would be great."
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"You here for a touch up? Or just browsing?" Andie asked when she came back to the front of the shop after sorting out some books. "Normally we require prior bookings at The Black Serpent but I suppose I've got time for a walk-in," she considered with a shrug, flipping through her log book at the front and seeing she had time at the moment. "What can I help with?"
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vcronicavance · 7 days
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Ronnie smiled, "I think it's the first thing people find out about you. It is a big part of your life," she pointed out.
Mason felt like it was a big compliment that someone could tell that much about him. It had taken him a lot to go down this line of work, at least given what other people wanted for him but there had never really been another choice in his heart. "I'm glad that comes across to other people, honestly. It's a big part of who I am. If someone knew nothing else about me, I'd want them to know that."
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vcronicavance · 26 days
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"I can see that," Ronnie replied, "I'm not sure I've met anyone who likes music as much as you do," she admitted.
"I figure you probably have something else in its place. I like to think there are very few people who love music as much as I do." One person who did was Axel which was probably one of the reasons why they never seemed to tire of one another.
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vcronicavance · 27 days
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Emeraude Toubia in the Shadowhunters Season 2 Bloopers
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vcronicavance · 28 days
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"Oh no, real life is horrifying enough," Ronnie joked, making light of the situation that was causing her the most hurt at the moment. How else was she supposed to cope? She shrugged, "I haven't had a lot of time for movies lately. Maybe I need to change that."
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"It just gave me the creeps, you know? Like in the way that I couldn't sleep for days afterwards," Rosa admitted, her shoulders tense at the thought. Her imagination was far too hyperactive for her to be able to digest those normally. "Yeah no, horror movies are just not my thing as much as sometimes the plots for them sound super interesting. How about you? Do you like them?"
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vcronicavance · 29 days
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Ronnie shot him a look, "That is the point I was making, Fred," she retorted with a duh tone in her voice. Something that had meant to be lighthearted and humorous had become a lot bigger than she had thought, "Whatever, Fred. Let's just leave it."
"And you hear me being called that when, exactly?" Fred pointed out, because in his opinion, no one had a right to tell him what he was named other than himself. He put up with it from his parents and Vera had a monopoly on the choice but beyond that, it was his decision. "To you I'm Fred and that's how it'll always be."
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vcronicavance · 30 days
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"I fear you're not the only one that feels that way," Ronnie replied grimly but put the smile back on her face a moment later, "Eyeliner is supposed to be cousins not sisters or something like that. I think that's how the expression goes."
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"Now that is... incredibly relatable," Stella admitted with a laugh. "Alright I suppose I can put it down," she sighed reluctantly before capping the pen. "They're as even as it's gonna get for now."
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vcronicavance · 1 month
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"I'm not sure what you were implying with that but you're wrong either way," Ronnie replied, "Are you going to tell me what you said or not?"
"Okay, though you seemed pretty invested for a while there." More than just friends invested, he felt, but he was smart enough not to say that out loud.
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vcronicavance · 1 month
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Ronnie pursed her lips a little, "I'm fine, Jackson, really," she insisted, not enjoying the initial response, "These Death Eaters are like hydras, cut one down and two more pop up but we're working on it."
"Mhm..." Jackson didn't sound completely convinced but he tried not to interfere too much. It wasn't what she wanted to hear right now he doubted and honestly, it wasn't his place any more. "Well I am sure that it'll get resolved. I've every faith in the people that work in that department."
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vcronicavance · 1 month
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"I know, I didn't mean flying. I meant the other things," Ronnie replied but then she nodded in understanding, "Okay. Whatever you decide to do, you know I'll be supportive," she continued, placing a hand on his upper arm.
"I'm not supposed to be flying," Fred replied. "As for the other situations, I don't know if I'd be ready bringing it back into my life without being able to do it." He didn't know how to voice the fact he never really faced that trauma he faced when he got injured, and the ways it made his stomach twist when he saw other players get injured.
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vcronicavance · 1 month
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I’ll put you in your place! (x)
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