#i love the gay
stuntujeskladakiem · 13 days
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Dracula gently holds his boyfriend
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aggsh-shs · 3 months
apparently the first time i watched sgu i was so out of it bc im just now noticing how gay colonel young and dr rush were in the show.
the long tense looks?? the tight smiles??? just fuck already-
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captainnightflare · 8 months
People Watching Part 2, Hermione x Y/n FF
Hello everyone! This is the final part to the two part fanfic I’ve written. I do warn everyone that this time around I wrote a whole lot more 🥲 about 8,000 words but I finally finished this fanfic.
I really hope you guys enjoy, if you liked this story I might write more! Please let me know :3
Without further ado let’s wrap this up!
The whole campus was lively for the next few days leading up to the weekend. People mentioning the games and entertainment that other students had planned to bring to the campus grounds. Said students had begun to build and assemble their stands at the end of classes everyday, people from different houses working together on a single project. The whole campus was anticipating the day to come.
The next few days were a daze of well.. emotions for Hermione. She kept thinking about Y/n. Of course as her best friend she saw a lot throughout the day but y/h/c girl kept popping up in her head at random times. Don’t get Hermione wrong she loved sending with Y/n but she never wanted– no craved being close to her. It’s been confusing to say the least for the girl.
She had never really considered their friendship as well more than a friendship. After all, she’s dated Victor and Ron respectively. Never had Y/n’s face popped into her mind as a potential date…before now that is.
Groaning, the witch buried her face into her hands before plopping on her bed. What the hell was going on with her?
“Mione? What’s wrong?”
Looking up, Hermione saw the slightly concerned face of Ginny.
“What is it Granger?”
“...How do you know when you’re in love with a person?”
Stunned silence greeted the girl’s dorm, Ginny herself had seen and heard of Hermione’s boyfriends over the years. Her brother included (eww), but never had she heard Hermione mention the word 'love’ about any of them. Honestly the only relationship where the curly haired witch had mentioned love was with her friendship with Y/n…
Realization quickly dawned on the red headed witch, as she looked at her hopeless friend and she tried to keep a steady and calm voice. “Hmm, I’m not sure. I can’t say that I’ve got experience in that department. Why? Has someone finally caught your heart?” She teased as the excitement began to build behind her words. This was it. She had to play her cards right and she’d have Hermione Granger finally realize she was hopelessly in love with Y/n Y/l/n.
The unexpected turn of questions got said witch to blush and bury her heated face back into her hands with a frustrated groan. “God, I don’t know! I’ve only had two boyfriends over the years and I’ve never experienced this sort of thing with them. It’s so confusing.”
“Is that such a bad thing though?”
Hermione peaked through her fingers to see Ginny sitting across her from her bed. “I mean just think about it, feelings you’ve never felt before, thoughts you’ve never thought before. Can that be so bad?”
“I-I don’t know… I don’t understand why all of sudden it’s started. I was fine around her but now she’s in my head, I want to see her all the time and I just–ugh!” The brown haired girl ranted before falling face first into her pillow much to the amusement of her friend. “I just feel so needy.”
“You make it sound like a bad thing.” Ginny teased.
“It isn’t! B-but I’m not used to feeling this.” Hermione whispered, not wanting to admit she was–
“You’re afraid aren’t you?” Ginny interrupted her thoughts. What a mind reader she was too. “What are you so afraid of?”
“Everything I suppose..” The nervousness was evident in the girl’s voice. “I’ve done relationships but they’ve never gone to this extent. I’m just unsure on what to do next. They don’t really write books on this subject.”
“Well, they do but they are highly unrealistic.”
“I’ve noticed.”
Ginny couldn’t help but laugh at that, “Don’t tell me you actually went to find a book about love when you first discovered this revelation?”
Oh that growing blush on the other girl’s face was all that needed to be said. “Hermione–”
“Listen I know those aren’t the best to turn to for advice but I was freaking out!”
Cackling the red head threw herself into a hug with her hopeless friend. Yup, she had a plan for these two and to get her the winning in that bet the girls in the Houses set. Two birds, one stone.
Meanwhile Y/n was running around the school trying to prepare the students and helpers for this weekend. She was so excited, she was practically buzzing. She couldn’t wait for her best friend to see her perform. Lately the flutter in her chest grew frequent, she couldn’t tell if it was from the excitement of seeing Hermione in the crowd of her performance or the nerves of Hermione seeing her perform. She hasn’t been able to tell.
Due to the craziness of the week leading up the two witches haven’t been able to meet like normal. Instead they’ve only been able to talk during class or dinner if the other decided to join the other at their house table. The curly haired ryffindor began to miss her energetic Ravenclaw.
It was Friday afternoon when Hermione finally saw Y/n in the yard.
“Y/n!” The girl called out.
The y/h/c girl turned her head towards the witches voice drawn to her like a siren. “Granger!” Laughing Y/n jogged over towards the curry haired witch and crushed her into a hug, discreetly smelling the perfume she’s come to love on said girl. “Well, this was a nice surprise.”
Giggling, Hermione pushed back a bit from the hug to look at the girl. “You’re telling me. Honestly not seeing you this week has been strange.”
“Oh? Are you missing my charm that much Mione?” Y/n’s smug reply came.
“And suddenly I’m not missing you so much. Goodbye Y/n, see you this weekend. Break a leg.” Swiftly turning out of Y/n’s embrace Hermione made it a few feet before the girl wrapped her arms around her middle and pulled her back, which in turn made the already burning blush on the brown haired witch’s face turn a deeper red.
“Wait, wait! I was kidding! Please, Granger, I really did miss you..” The panicked reply flew out of the y/e/c girl’s mouth before her mind even had time to process. That in turn also caused a raging sea of red to make its course from her neck to her cheeks.
Honestly if anyone were walking by these two they’d see the matching set of blushes these two were sporting, like an embarrassed teenage couple acknowledging their feelings.. (Oh wait–)
“Did you now?” Hermione’s reply came, she snaked her fingers through Y/n’s that were now resting against her stomach.
“I did, is that so hard to believe?”
“Hmm, I suppose not. After all, we've been at each other’s side for a long time. I think this is the longest we’ve gone without seeing or hanging out with one another besides summer break.” The soft reply caught Y/n off guard as she pulled the witch closer to her. Burying her nose into her hair. The sweet hibiscus smell always calmed the girl down, feeling some pent up tension release from her shoulders.
“Y/n?” Hermione interrupted.
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, I just.. Sometimes I notice you’ll carry a lot of tension on you when you’re nervous. You tend to relax when you get some physical touch.”
“You know I would normally find that sort of creepy that you pay that close attention to me but I’m more flattered than anything.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault you make it so obvious. Literally after finals you’d crush me in a bear hug or you’d use Crookshanks as those plushies you have scattered all over your dorm.”
“Oi! You leave my Spider-man cuddleez out of this!” The arms she had wrapped around the witch squeezed before letting her go and fully letting the girl around to see her.
“It’s not a bad thing, I just worry for you.” Hermione confessed, taking the girl’s hand into her own again.
Sighing Y/n squeezed the girl’s hand once before leading them to the fountain, sitting down together. “I guess I have been nervous.. I knew we’d have a good crowd of people watching us but it has just dawned on me now that we’ll be performing last. Basically the main event Mione! I thought a few people would show and we’d just play and get to continue on with the day but Dumboledore heard us perform and wanted us to wrap up the whole festival.” Rambled the young witch before leaning her head into her awaiting hands.
“I just.. I’ve never done this before. This whole time I thought we’d just perform for a small crowd and have the rest of the night to unwind. B-But now I’m basically anticipating our time to get on stage and close everything up for everyone. I just don’t want to fall short of everyone's expectations for a closing act.”
Not meeting up to certain expectations has always been one of Y/n’s insecurities. There’s a reason she and Hermione had been able to get along so fast in the beginning of their friendship, Y/n had buried herself in her work much like the curly haired witch. But to a point of exhaustion. Had it not been for Hermione and her own friend’s interfering she would have been burned out much worse than she already was.
She had learned from that mistake obviously. Setting certain times and limits of when she would study and take breaks. Making time for hangouts with friends and time for herself. There’s times though where she’ll fall back on those old habits, it happens mainly when she’s extremely driven or passionate about the subject. Those are also the more sensitive moments where Hermione has to be careful with Y/n.
They’ve fought in the past when those moments came up and Hermione being worried about her friend encouraged her to slow down and rest. In turn it’s made Y/n snap at her a few times, Hermione usually keeping her composure through it. Then eventually breaking through the thick girl’s skull that she needed to rest, that wasn’t ever for debate no matter the importance of her subject. To which the next day after properly resting Y/n would bring her a chocolate and freshly picked flowers as an apology for snapping at the poor girl. Which Hermione would always forgive her for when she came back looking like a kicked puppy.
Her famous glare also worked damn well into scaring the girl too but that was more was she was starting to piss her off.
Carefully, Hermione laid her hand against the girl’s back. “Y/n, you have no reason to be nervous. You’re gonna be amazing.”
“And before you say I’m biased, yes I might be but you have not given me a reason to not be biased. You’re incredible. I didn’t even know you could sing up until a week ago, quite well I might add, and that you can play the fucking drums! Y/n, you’ve always been a remarkable person, don’t let other expectations define who you are. Besides, ” Hermione moved both her hand’s to cradle Y/n face, bringing her y/e/c eyes to meet her own brown eyes. “you’ve far surpassed my expectations.”
Stunned the young witch could only stare slack jawed at her crush. Her mind, empty of any thought but Hermione. Her brilliant brown eyes shining in the rare sunlight they get in Hogwarts, the curls that have been tamed over the years of care flowing in waves behind her creating a curtain of beauty, then her smile. That smile that’s made her unsteady since the day they’ve met. Everything about Hermione Granger was sublime, no other person in this world could ever hope to compare to this woman.
Letting out a ragged breath Y/n leaned her face into the hand that was holding her, letting herself drown in those eyes. “I don’t deserve you Granger.” She whispered, almost afraid that the girl before her would confirm her statement.
“You deserve so much more darling.”
Smiling Y/n brought her hands to hold Hermione’s. Taking in all the love, letting herself be fully submerged by the girl’s very being. “Mione, I–”
“Hey Y/n!”
The voice popped the girls out of their bubble, turning only to see a group of people watching them. Among them was Luna whose voice broke the spell they seemed to have found themselves in earlier, “We need to finish setting up lover girl! Get your ass over here!”
Growling the y/e/c girl gave Luna the finger before letting go of her friend’s hands. “Looks like I’m needed..”
Chuckling, Hermione tugged on Y/n’s collar. “You are, I’ll see you tomorrow?” She said with a teasing smile.
Gulping down her nervousness Y/n could only nod before leaning her forehead against Hermione’s with her own teasing smirk. “I’ll find you tomorrow Granger, we’ll hang out before my impending doom arrives.”
“I highly doubt this will be your demise Y/n.”
“You never know love.” There was that confidence surfacing back.
Blushing slightly the curly haired witch shoved her friend towards the direction of the group. “Go, you goof.”
That smirk only grew as Y/n winked at her before fully turning and running off to her group.
‘I don’t think I could have fallen for any other person.’ Hermione thought as she felt her face heat up from the word. Love. Oh my god, she was falling in love.
Ginny’s never going to let her hear the end of this.
Saturday came faster than Y/n would have liked but not fast enough for Hermione.
Both girls were anxious to see one another, hoping to spend a few hours together before the Y/n had to go up and perform.
By mid afternoon the festival was in full swing, the student body had done a great job with the last minute announcement of the event. Within the week they had built a majority of the entertainment presented to the rest of school from game stalls to the performance stage. A few tents were set up to win cheap prizes, using a variety of spells to complete the objective. They even had time to make an escape room. It was definitely a smart choice to reinforce the walls with a few modifiers.
Students were already running around the grounds laughing and chatting about the event. The darkening sky created the perfect scene for Hogwarts.
Y/n herself was sitting near the entrance of the festival. She carried her drumsticks with her as she leaned against a tree trunk keeping her eyes out for Hermione. She was still nervous about the end of the night but she did want to have fun and she was not about to let her nervousness ruin this night. Deciding to dress a bit nicer for the event (and totally not for Hermione) Y/n went out of her way to buy herself a pair of khaki pants. Pairing it with a tucked in black t-shirt and blue flannel.
Honestly, it felt like she was waiting on a date to pick her up. Fidgeting with her sticks, mindlessly making a beat against the tree. ‘I really hope I don’t make an absolute fool of myself in front of her. Or anyone tonight.’ She internally groaned. The talk the two had the other day helped calm her nerves but she had a few anxious thoughts running through her head.
She feels herself coming back down from those thoughts when she spots her Granger. And woah, she was certainly dressed differently from what she usually wore on the daily biases.
Y/n couldn’t tear her gaze from Hermione, the girl was truly stunning the closer she got. Wearing a pair of black skinny jeans that fit her just right, a white turtleneck tucked into the jeans with a black belt securing it. But what truly had the girl’s mind stumbling was the red leather jacket Hermione was rocking that came to stop just above her waist. The girl’s whole outfit was more form fitting than what Y/n was used to, so it was very understandable her brain was short circuiting.
‘How is someone so beautiful existing in my very presence?’ Only a fool would dare stare away from beauty so blinding. The girl would gladly let her eyes burn if it meant this would be the last image she’d ever get to see.
Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Y/n let out a shaky sigh. “Mione.. Wow y-you look incredible. Truly beautiful..” Her gaze scanning the curly haired witch’s appearance once again.
Blushing, Hermione did a quick once over at her friend. She had definitely changed up her usual style up a bit for tonight, more form fitting compared to her blue jeans and pull over polos. “So, are you ready to show me a good time before your big show?” Teased the genius witch.
Grinning, the Ravenclaw extended her hand out to the girl, who gladly took it as they made their way through the grounds. The festival was bursting with life, multi-color lights brightening in the place of the setting sun, and the soft buzz of the noise traveling in the air setting a calm but lively tone for the evening.
The girls made the most of the time that they had by playing a few small games where Y/n oh so tried to win Hermione a few prizes but ultimately ended up in her nearly spending all her money if not for said witch stepping in and telling her that she did not in fact need a 3 ft long plushie. After that, the girls took turns choosing what snacks to try. Savory treats for the curly haired witch while the y/h/c witch preferred sweet/salty.
The duo were enjoying their time together, laughing and joking, pulling one another to the next stand. It was a breath of fresh air for them both, a new type of experience that they could share.
After a few hours of enjoyment the two witches decided to take a break and finally rest their feet. Finding a secluded bench near the outskirts of the festival both girls sat next to one another taking in the scene before them. The sun had fully set by then, the sky filled itself with the scattering light of the stars. All the stands having small lights to illuminate the path to them. A few students even casted lumos to light their way.
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the grounds so illuminated like this.” Hermione complimented, her eyes scanning the soft glow.
Y/n could only stare in awe as the soft lights casted themselves towards them, specifically the young genius witch. ‘I can’t turn away.. I don’t think I want to, even if I could.’ The y/e/c girl thought as she traced the lights up her crush’s features.
A sudden noise of squeaking mics tore the girls away from their individual focuses. Turning towards the noise they saw a decent size built stage where there were students from all houses setting it up. Some grabbing the instruments that were to be used, others organizing props for acts, others speaking and testing mics for vocals.
That surge of anxiety was making its way through Y/n’s system as she saw the drums being set in place, a mic right next to the seat. She took a deep breath before her leg began to jump impatiently in place. Closing her eyes, trying to will herself to let go of this irrational fear. “It’s no big deal, just play like you always do..” She muttered softly to herself.
Turning towards the muttering girl, Hermione saw the extent of her nerves. She didn’t know what possessed her to what she did next but she didn’t question it. She grabbed the Ravenclaw’s arm and pushed herself up against the girl. “Y/n?” A soft whisper made its way out her mouth, the breath of it tickling the girl’s cheek forcing her eyes open and turning towards the direction of the breathing.
There, only an inch away from her face was Hermione. A small blush gracing her face as a smile tugged at her gloss covered lips, her brown eyes staring directly at Y/n’s. Her hand sneaking its way up to the drummer’s blue flannel collar and tugging her down to her level, their breaths mixing with one another.
The young witch wasn’t sure if she was dreaming again, but if she was she didn’t want to wake up. Her face scorched red and her heart skipped when she saw her friend glancing down at her lips momentarily before she looked back into her eyes and whispered, “You’re going to be amazing. Don’t worry about anything, just focus on me while you’re up there.”
“Y-you?” Y/n stuttered out a whisper of her own. Scared that if she spoke at a high volume she’d break the spell they were under.
“Yes me, if you start to get nervous at all just find me. You’ve always had a knack for finding me wherever I was in a sea of people. So find me, focus on me–” ‘love me’ “and I’ll ground you, okay?” Hermione asked.
Gulping the drummer nodded slowly before bumping her head with the prodigy’s, “I-I..” Gulping and steeling the new nerves racing through her, Y/n wrapped her hands over Hermione’s. “.. Just focus on you. Got it.” She whispered.
Their breaths began to sync, the cold air allowing the air between them to be visible. Swirling into a small cloud of rising heat between them. Eyes that were so intensely staring into one another began close, leaning their bodies ever so closely to steal back the air that was so desperately being stolen from their lungs.
And with that the two jolted away from each other at the sound of Ginny screaming their names. Fierce blushes gracing their faces.
“Where in bloody hell are those two? It’s freezing out here!” Luna complained as she had wrapped her arms around herself as emphasis.
“I don’t think those two will have any trouble warming themselves up.” Lavender teased, causing the other girls to giggle at the remark.
Y/n face burned at the implication, Hermione on the other hand was fuming. ‘Those little– we were just having a moment too.. Damn them!’ The girl thought as she groaned.
“I see them! Y/n! Hermione! We finally found you two love birds!” Ginny exclaimed.
“Stuff it Weasley!” Y/n shouted over her shoulder. Pushing herself up to stand, she offered her hand to Mione who gladly took the kind gesture and stood by Y/n’s side as their friends approached them.
Giggling, the group of girls closed the small distance between them and their pair of friends (moms). The group began talking about the many things the other students have come up with for games and things to do.
After their small talk was over the whole group decided to try the other side of the grounds that Y/n and Hermione had not gotten to before taking their small break. Luna dragged Hermione to the puzzle solving games, Lavender and Ginny immediately bolting it towards the snack bar. Meanwhile Y/n just took in the moment, smiling at the scene before her. More so taking in the sight of her Hermione Granger.
If someone had told her when she first laid her eyes on the curly haired witch that they’d be entangled in each other’s lives, she would have laughed in their face. It was unfathomable in her mind, how could someone as sweet, radiant, down right other worldly ever be interested in Y/n L/n? Sometimes it’s better not to question the good in your life though. Just enjoy it.
And enjoying it she was until a voice piped up, “You know, if you keep staring she’s going to pick up on it. Though I doubt that she’ll pick up on that love stricken on your face, honestly the girl’s so book smart but not very emotional inclined.”
Startled out her trance, Y/n turned her head in the direction of the voice. There stood Harry with a smug smile, “God Harry, what is it with you and Ginny scaring the absolute crap out of people when they’re having a moment?” Y/n jokingly poked.
“It’s a couple thing, or so I’ve been told.”
“A match truly made in heaven.” Y/n sarcastically replied, giving her friend a light punch in the shoulder for the earlier fright.
Laughing at the situation Y/n just smiled back at Hermione. Watching as she and Luna were in the middle of what looked to be quite an elaborate puzzle. Glancing at Harry, Y/n saw a lovestruck look that she was all too familiar with seeing on herself directed at Ginny. “Harry?” The y/h/c broke the silence.
The boy hummed in response. Another moment passed. Both lost in the sight of the girls in front of them, the girls that somehow captured their hearts.
Another beat passed before the witch spoke, “When did you realize it was worth it?”
Harry, to his credit, did take a moment to process her question. In reality he was trying to figure out what she meant. “When was the risk worth it?” He asked back.
Y/n nodded. She really didn’t have to elaborate further than that. Harry, and so many others in their friend group knew Y/n’s feelings towards Hermione. Yes, they teased them from time to time but the group knew that the pair was willing to do so much for each other. No mountain too high, ocean too deep, or deal too great for either girl. Harry distinctly remembered Y/n telling Mione that she’d face a thousand Boggarts to protect her. At the time Hermione had told Y/n she’s no damsel, of course the young witch knew more than anyone how effectively the brunette could protect herself. But what Harry remembers is the look in Y/n’s y/e/c eyes.
That look carried purpose, blinding and unwavering loyalty towards the witch that sat across from her. Ginny would tease the y/h/c haired girl about her open and unapologetic proclamations towards the curly haired witch. Telling her she sounded like a Greek tragedy waiting to unfold. And it almost did. The group doesn’t bring up the event anymore because it upsets Hermione too much to think about.
Right at the start of their sixth year everyone was just getting off the train, looking for one another in the crowd. Catching up from their summer break. They were about to head towards the school’s entrance when they saw Hermione waiting at the train’s doors. Awaiting Y/n, but she never got off. This was the last train bringing the students for the year and they hadn’t seen Y/n get off this train nor did they see her anywhere in school once they convinced Hermione that maybe she got on an earlier train.
But Hermione knew that wasn’t true, the whole reason they took this train was because Y/n would always sleep in as much as possible before coming back to school. So taking the late train ensured that they’d meet with her before starting the new year. For the first week, the group did not see the young witch at the school. They tried asking her housemates if they knew where she was but none knew her whereabouts.
Hermione, to her credit, appeared calm. Telling the others that knowing Y/n she probably took a vacation with her family. Wanting to skip the first week because in her words, “They always go over the basics in the first week Mione. They don’t even assign us homework, I don’t see the point in attending the first week if it’s just going to be the basics all over again.”
That was until midway through the week that the students were taking their first trip near the border of the Forbidden Forest. Harry and Hermione among them, when the sight of a glowing blue light caught their attention. Upon closer inspection they saw it. An Abraxan Winged Horse patronus flying through the tree line, the way it danced in the air had Hermione flashing back to the nights Y/n would cast her patronus in their nightly practices.
Once Harry had realized whose patronus it was Hermione was already sprinting towards the forest. The rest of their group gave chase. Seeming to know it was seen, the patronus gave them quite the journey back through the forest, leading the group to an unexpected sight. Before them lay a heavily wounded Y/n with a heavily injured dark wizard laid a few meters in front of her. The brunette witch had nearly screamed when Y/n collapsed after catching sight of them.
Rushing towards her the curly haired genius took hold of her friend, the tears streaming down her face as she whispered who knows what to the Ravenclaw. A few students rushed back to the school to explain the situation and get a teacher’s help. The next few hours were a blur, but they eventually got a story once Y/n woke up.
Hermione had been right when Y/n was planning to ditch the first few days but not for the reason she claimed. The Ravenclaw had traveled to the muggle world, to find Hermione a gift, a book to be exact. A very rare and old astronomy book, one that had not made its way to the wizarding world yet. On her way to school after the start of the second day Y/n knew she’d get an earful from her friends, more so her crush so she got her some of her favorite muggle snacks along with bringing the other’s some snacks as well.
But when she got off the train though and made her way through the school she saw movement in the forest. Deciding she could side track at least until lunch she went to scout it out. She expected a wild animal, maybe even a wolf or troll. Never a dark wizard. He didn’t notice her at first, it looked like he was searching around for something. The witch never got to see what he was looking for when she suddenly stepped on a branch and caught the guy’s attention. What she described next was a mix of running and fighting for two days. Luckily she was able to lead him away from the school for the first day but when their fighting really started to pick up they circled back without thinking.
The two had been fighting for hours, before the dark wizard grew tired of their spells. He was enraged, breathing ragged and eyes burning. He raised his wand, Y/n knew the spells that dark wizards used. She knew she had to act faster, and she did. Before the man could utter a word Y/n raised her wand and yelled, “Crucio!”
The dark wizard crumbled to the ground screaming in pain, to be honest Y/n was surprised no one had heard his screams from the school. She was just barely conscious when sent out one more spell, her patronus. She heard people a ways away, they were getting closer to her. Unaware if it was more dark wizards and witches or students she wasn’t going to risk the chance. She wasn’t even sure if she was going to have enough strength to protect herself, but she tried anyways. With her final strength she once again lifted her wand, “Expecto patronum..”
The rest they know.
Hermione did not leave her side for the first month of the year, cleaning her injuries when needed. She forbade Y/n from even attempting to replace her own wrapping.
Something had changed that day for both girls, Harry saw it, their friends did too. They were close before the events unfolded but that day was a demonstration of stubborn strength and fleeting life. The look they shared when brown and y/e/c eyes meet. If the stars danced in the night sky, and the sun burned this ever growing warmth, their love binded. There wasn’t any darkness or light those two were willing to go through in this life without the other present. Where Y/n lacked courage Hermione provided in strides, and where Hermione lost herself in knowledge Y/n would bring her back down to earth.
That’s where it brought them, the present before them. Luna and Hermione had finally solved the puzzle to the impressive joy of the students running the stand. Ginny and Lavender were carrying bags of snacks to share amongst the group, giggling at the other pair of girls surrounded by the ever growing crowd.
Harry took a moment to ponder, he was once in the same boat with Ginny. He was scared of course, he thinks any teenager would be. Accepting those feelings had been the hardest part for him, confessing came easy. It seems as though Y/n had the opposite problem though. She knew about her feelings for the Gryffindor from the start, telling her would be a hard pill to swallow.
“Y/n, any risk involving her will always be worth it.”
The Ravenclaw stayed silent, her lavender haze zeroing in on the witch she knew could rule the world with nothing but her mind and smile. She knew she’d have to do it. Smiling, she turned to Harry. “Thank you Harry.”
The boy smiled back at her, “Of course mate.”
After the group had finally made their ways through the rest of the grounds they had managed to kill sometime. The performances had started half-way through their stroll. Y/n, whatever nerves had gotten to her before had dissipated long after her talk with Hermione and Harry. She could do this.
The closer her time got the closer the group drew themselves towards the stage. They didn’t want her to run on stage when her turn approached, which she greatly appreciated.
Before long the second to last performance was wrapping up. Y/n and her group had gone backstage to prepare for their set. Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Lavender were left standing in the front row. The curly haired witch was fidgeting in place, a gentle hand came to rest on her shoulder that got her to stop for a moment. “Mione? Are you doing alright? Do you need to step away for a moment? I know you aren’t used to such a crowd.” Ginny asked her.
“No, it’s quite alright really. I’m just nervous I suppose.”
“Nervous?” Laughing Ginny playfully poked the girl. “Never would I see the day that you’d openly admit that.” A soft glare was aimed at the redhead. “Oh stop with that look, you’ll wrinkle.”
“I will not–”
“Now,” Interrupting the girl, Ginny wrapped her arm around her neck, pulling her into a side hug. “Why in the world are you so nervous?”
Sighing, Hermione rubbed her thumb and pointer finger against her temple hoping to alleviate a headache that would surely come. “I just.. Listen, Y/n has been stressing about her performance. She was freaking out earlier about wrapping this whole event up with a bang. I’m just nervous for her I think.”
Smiling in sympathy Ginny pulled the girl closer, “I know what you mean. Luna has told us she’d been spacing out and fidgeting around when the topic was brought up. But oddly enough she commented that she didn’t seem as nervous today. She actually looked grounded and calm.”
Blushing, Hermione had remembered her earlier words to the witch. “Yes me, if you start to get nervous at all just find me. You’ve always had a knack for finding me wherever I was in a sea of people. So find me, focus on me–” ‘love me’ “and I’ll ground you, okay?” God, if she told Ginny she’d never let her hear the end of it.
“What’s with that look, Granger?”
“I have not the slightest clue what you mean Weasley.” She felt her face running hotter.
“Oh my goodness.. I knew you two were having a moment when we interrupted you both!” The redhead nearly screamed, making the brunette blush even further. Confirming more of the Weasley's suspicions. “Hermione! Oh please you have to spill what you both were talking about. I have a lot at stake here!”
“Ginny! Goodness, would you keep it down? I don’t have to tell you anything.” Retorted Hermione, she was trying to back out of this conversation but Ginny was not about to let her get off that easy.
“Hmph. Fine if that’s how you want to play it, then I’ll have no choice but to speculate and talk about this with Lavender and Luna. Luna I’m sure has commented on seeing you two share a moment in the yard a week or so ago.” Teased Ginny as she let go of Hermione and turned her body towards Lavender.
Before she could call out to her though, Hermione quickly covered her mouth with her hand and pulled her back towards her. “Shhh! Ginny! Fine, I’ll tell you but you can’t utter a word to those two. Promise me.”
Smiling under the witch's hand, Ginny took it and intertwined their pinkies together. “I swear Hermione.”
Gulping Hermione pulled Ginny closer, clearly embarrassed that she was admitting this outloud for her friend to hear. “I-I told Y/n to look for me. When she got nervous or scared to look for me in the crowd. To focus on me and that I’d ground her.” By the time the witch was done speaking her face had turned this beautiful shade of red, she was going to regret telling Ginny.
And she’d be right from the loud squeal that emitted from the girl’s mouth which she quickly covered. Again. “Ginny!” There were suddenly a few pairs of eyes on them including a confused Harry’s and curious Lavender's. “W-We were talking about some bands that were coming to England this year. That we have to go see them.” Hermione explained.
That seemed to have satisfied the people around them enough as everyone went back to their own conversations. “Ginny..” She hissed out but was quickly disregarded as the other witch pulled her closer with a knowing smirk on her face.
“Hermione Granger.. You dog!” She teased.
“Weasley.” Warned the girl.
“Yes, yes I’ll keep my promise. I can’t say that Luna might not be grilling your girl too though and did not make that promise to keep quiet.”
“She’s not–”
“Yet. She’s not your girl yet.” A wink was thrown her way.
“I regret telling you.”
Before the two could continue further the announcer on stage came forward and spoke. “Well, well that was certainly an amazing show. Now ladies and gentleman, we are closing the night with a final performance. If everyone could please welcome them on stage, they will be doing a cover of People Watching. Give them a warm welcome please!” The crowd had applauded as the lights cut, a soft glow instead coming from the stage.
‘Why are they using Lumos?’ Hermione wondered.
“Well hello everybody.” The warm voice of Y/n greeted the crowd, causing a roar of cheers to erupt. The curly haired Gryffindor could hear the smile in her voice.
“Before we got started I did want to thank everyone who helped and participated in the making of this event. I know it’s been a rough year so we really are grateful for the people that helped student de-stress from the year.”
This pulled a few cheers and hollers from the crowd, causing a small laugh to escape the y/h/c girl. Though the laugh sounded more of one full of nerves than actually enjoyment. “Now, before we get started I did want to dedicate this final song.. to someone very special.” A few gasps and wolf whistles explode from the already semi rowdy teens. And although the lighting made Y/n’s face hard to see Hermione could see the glowing blush on her face causing the genius’s heart to skip a few beats.
“I uh..” The mic echoed for the drummer, seeming to have almost lost her nerve. “I-I’ve never been great with words or brave for that matter. But the person I’m dedicating this song to embodies those very wonderful traits.” Taking a deep breath the girl motioned to her bandmates to cancel out lumos, which once they did the stage turned black. “I don’t think I’d ever be able to hold a candle to that, but tonight I’m going to try. Hermione Granger, this one's for you.”
The crowd erupted with cheers but Hermione paid them no mind as the main lights on the stage finally came on and she finally saw her Ravenclaw’s face. Y/n, although having a nervous smile, had her eyes searching the crowd before ultimately landing on Hermione. She winked at the curly haired witch before mouthing to her, “I’d sing a thousand times to see you smile.” Had Hermione been paying attention to her surroundings in her flustered state she would have seen the smug look on Ginny’s face, catching the small exchange.
Soon the sound of a bass began to play from Luna and piano from Cho. Y/n’s voice finally starting the song,
“That wasn’t funny, but she laughed so hard, she almost cried
They’re countin’ months they’ve been together, almost forty-nine
She’s makin’ fun of how she acted ‘round the holidays
She wears a ring, but they tell people that they’re not engaged
They met in class for metaphysical philosophy
She tells her friends, “I like her ‘cause she’s so much smarter than me”
They’re having talks about their future until 4AM
And I’m happy for them ”
Hermione’s mind began to flash of memories with the y/e/c eyed girl. How the two would always celebrate their friend-niversary by taking a picnic towards the outskirts of the school. Or how Y/n would constantly tease her when it came to picking out gifts for the holidays.
“But I wanna feel all that love and emotion
Be that attached to the person I’m holdin’
Someday I’ll be fallin’ without caution
But for now I’m only people watchin’ ”
The steady beat of the drum began, Y/n getting into more of a rhythm. Feeling her heartbeat match the drum’s.
“I’m only looking just to live through you vicariously
I’ve never really been in love, not seriously
I had a dream about a house behind a picket fence
Next one I choose to trust, I hope I use some common sense”
Although Y/n has always been so deeply in love with Hermione Granger she did try to date. Never getting the same feeling she would get when she’d let herself think of drowning in those brown eyes.
“But I cut people out like tags on my clothing
I end up all alone, but I still keep hoping”
And although she envied the boys that got the chance to take Hermione out on dates she never lost hope in trying to win her heart.
“I wanna feel all that love and emotion
Be that attached to the person I’m holdin’
Someday I’ll be fallin’ without caution
But for now I’m only people watchin’ “
The silence that followed after the lyric lasted for no more than a second, but it felt stretched for both witches as they took the small opening to truly look at each other. Like they had held their breath in for the entire set and this was their only moment to breathe each other in.
“Cut people out like tags on my clothing
I end up all alone, but I still keep hoping
I won’t be scared to someone know me
Life feels so monotone, but I still keep hoping”
Smiling, face flustered and skin shining from sweat Y/n kept her eyes locked on Hermione as she stood. Grabbing the mic she brought it closer to her as she belted out the next lyric,
“I feel love emotion”
Slamming her drumsticks back down before continuing with her set.
“I wanna feel all that love and emotion
Be that attached to the person I’m holdin’
Someday I’ll be fallin’ without caution
But for now I’m only people watchin’ “
With that final lyric the bandmates took in the silence that hung in the air before being bombarded with cheers from the crowd. Everyone was either yelling or whistling from their excitement, causing Y/n to experience a fraction of relief. She let her eyes wander the huge audience of people that had gathered for the final performance.
Ginny was at this point losing her shit, cheering for an encore like many others. The memory of the best slipping her mind as she basically got front row seats of ship sailing. Luna and Cho smiled down at their friends and began to set their instruments down and made their way towards the front stage to bow and wave back at everyone.
Y/n pulled her eyes from the erupting crowd and locked eyes with her favorite shade of brown once again.
Hermione had not moved from her position, too starstruck from the performance. Her mouth was slightly ajar, her eyes fully focused on y/e/c eyes. The curly haired witch felt her face cooling down from the fall air, but the cold air did nothing to cool the heat surrounding her beating heart.
“Mione, if you keep that mouth of yours open you'll catch flies. Come on now, don’t want to keep her waiting now.” Ginny teased as she pushed the still very shocked Gryffiandor towards the front of the stage where Y/n had made her way towards once she saw the brunette moving.
The two never once breaking eye contact, in just a few strides Y/n was basically standing over Hermione. Their only barrier between them being the four feet of height that the stage provided.
Nervously rubbing her neck Y/n spoke first, “Granger.”
“Y-Y/n.. I-I don’t know what to say. That was wow.”
Giggling, the y/h/c haired girl crouched down and winked, “It was definitely easier to sing up here with you grounding me the whole time Mione.”
“I-I.. loved it. Truly, you were something else to watch perform up there.” Hermione complimented, causing the drummer to blush a deep scarlet red.
“A-ahh you’re just being nice Mione. Honestly anyone can do it..” She timidly stated.
“I don’t think anyone can serenade a girl like you Y/n.” With that Hermione grabbed the girl by the collar of her flannel causing a loud squeak escape said girl as she pulled their faces closer. “You really do know how to spoil me.”
Their close proximity didn’t help the blush on Y/n’s face; she felt as though her face was steaming from heat, “A-ah M-Mione!” Squeaked the poor girl.
“I feel it too, you know.” Whispered the brunette witch.
“That love emotion.”
Gulping, Y/n couldn’t help her eyes as they flickered between those gorgeous brown eyes and pink lips that always seemed to have her in trance. “Y-you do?”
Smiling, the Gryffindor inched her face closer, almost brushing her lips against the Ravenclaw’s as she heard the other girl’s breath hitch. “Very much. It always happens when I catch the eyes of this girl, a sparkling y/e/c that no jem in the world could ever replicate. She’s got this smile too, makes you want to do anything in the world to keep on her. And gosh this devotion she has in those beautiful eyes, only a fool would be so dense not to notice it was aimed at them.” Curling her fingers through y/h/c hair Hermione tilted her head to meet her lover’s gaze. “You’ve made a fool of me Y/n, an utter love struck fool.”
“Hermione.. I’ve loved you for so long. And I’ll promise to keep loving you until the magic that brought us together dies, but you’ve had me enchanted without the help of any spell since the day our eyes met Hermione.”
With that Hermione pulled Y/n down into the most passionate kiss of their lives. Fireworks exploded all over their bodies, their brains occupied with nothing but each other.
Caught up in their moment they failed to notice the deafening crowd of cheers and yells. Lavender had taken out her phone to record the couple’s encounter. Ginny screamed at the top of her lungs as she hugged Harry as he too grinned. Luna and Cho clapping and wolf whistling at their friends
When they finally calmed their spontaneous kiss the pair took in the feeling of warm lips and soft skin. Their erratic heartbeats pulsing when they finally pulled away and stared into each other’s eyes with adoring looks.
“I love you Hermione Granger.” The drummer whispered with a smile.
Giggling, the curly haired witch whispered back; “And I love you Y/n Y/l.”
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like, honey
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