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I'm cringe, but I'm free
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laurencher · 13 hours ago
@gnomgnomovich !!!
*Керубим ходит по дому, громко завывавая*
"...Четыре свадьбы, четыре свадьбы, ну вот и все, ты замужем теперь!"
Атчам и Жорис:
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"I told you s-s-s-s-she was a real bitch! I can see right th-h-hrough her!"
"The cake looks weird…"
They are watching "4 Weddings". That's their guilty pleasure.
New episode of interesting stories of the World of Twelve with @laurencher :D
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laurencher · 20 hours ago
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This is canon change my mind
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"I told you s-s-s-s-she was a real bitch! I can see right th-h-hrough her!"
"The cake looks weird…"
They are watching "4 Weddings". That's their guilty pleasure.
New episode of interesting stories of the World of Twelve with @laurencher :D
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laurencher · 3 days ago
This art is a masterpiece 👏 👏👏
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Expectation: Two dragon brothers, using their wisdom and strength to help you make the world a better place Reality: Two teenagers arguing for 3 hours about who gets to sleep on the top bunk
Nobody knows how much Joris suffered. Yes, Dakal was 100% involved in everything that was happening.
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laurencher · 5 days ago
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What happens if you combine Wakfu and...Zelda
An interesting crossover XD
I still don't know whether to draw the "wings" on Yugo's head or not.....
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laurencher · 7 days ago
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it's all ketchup.
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laurencher · 7 days ago
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laurencher · 7 days ago
Song: BRAIN - Kanaria
I added the music to his dancey dance :)
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laurencher · 7 days ago
a little analysis of the small characterizations that are in just this cutscene. they make me ill
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laurencher · 8 days ago
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laurencher · 8 days ago
Finally some good f#cking food let's gooooo
idea for the new art that will stuck in my head until I'll kick the bucket
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How do you imagine the crepin-jurgens act/take care of each other when they’re sick? Like who’s the best caretaker vs the worst patient?
Omg this is so good. Whump my belived...
Atcham - strangely, world's nicest and easiest sick person to take care of, as long as you're not Kerubim. He has similar tendencies to sick Joris [see below] - he doesn't like being vulnerable with others, but he has more of a common sense, so at most it manifests in him becoming a huge tsundere. "It'sss not that I want tea, but ughh."
Joris has a better time with him than Kerubim because he doesn't feel like he has anything to prove to him: they're equals, and he expects the two of them to have a you-help-me-and-I-help-you relationship. He's still a bit tsundere-ish, but it's manageable.
Kerubim though? He keeps glaring at him. He keeps asking for him to leave. He gets pissed off while brought medicine, towels, tea, or food - yet still accepts them. Yet he's actually very happy that Kerubim is caring for him, and will never push him away too much, or avoid reluctantly thanking him. He's shyyy. Picture him sick, in bed, thanking Kerubim for something after saying "ughh, don't do thatt" for a whole hour with increasing embarrassment, and immediately turning away from him to fume and contemplate how awkward this is.
He takes rest seriously the same way he takes training and missions seriously: if he doesn't take care of his problems, his problems will take care of him. So, he's pretty cooperative.
If he's really-really sick, he glowers, but lets them do whatever. And he really tries to joke sometimes, even if it's not really funny.
Kerubim - afraid, yet intrigued every time. Atcham bites and hisses, so he can't do the same shit he does to Joris while Joris is sick - so he doesn't overstep or make Atch uncomfortable. In turn, Atch actually listens to his advice: begrudgingly, but listens.
If Atcham is seriously sick, he still has this sense of knowing exactly what to do and how, unless things are especially bad. He's really happy to care for his brother, who is usually on-guard, even if he wishes it were under better circumstances.
He wishes he could tell Atch be cares about him and wants him to get better (it that he loves him) but it's too awkward, and he feels a bit guilty.
Joris - having the time of his life. It's literally so easy. Atcham just tells what he needs, even if he's a tsundere about it, lmao. Cares for himself, yet doesn't do precarious things...
(And no, Joris doesn't want to acknowledge the irony of how he, personally, acts while sick vs. what he likes about Atcham.)
Even while Atcham is seriously sick, he tries to crack jokes and keep his spirits up + Joris and Kerubim are so in-tune that they don't have a hard time caring for him or deciding what to do, so even if it's hard or dangerous, there's a solid sense of cooperation and hope, with no spiraling or conflicts. Kerubim and Atcham's presence makes him calm, and he's always sure that Atcham will bounce back.
Atcham - "Beg for your soup and sssay Thank You O Great Atcham Carer Of Brothers". Playfully sadistic, sometimes tired of him. He doesn't want to be cruel, but if Kerubim acts needy, he wants to feel compensated. Might play minor pranks and try to put him in his place. "You're not dying, I am not making you soup because you cut your hand a little. I underssstand not washing dissshes if your hand hurtsss, but seriously??! Sssoup??". He doesn't let himself be pushed around, but isn't cold or cruel either.
If it's more serious, he obviously gets more serious, but he tries not to lose his humor. He can't emotionally rely on Joris (Joris's psyche and stability is basically a house of cards), and usually depends and trusts Kerubim, y'know? Joris always takes caring for Kerubim very hard, so he Atcham tries to be reliable, but he's so bad at it, and it haunts him. Even if Kerubim is quite seriously sick, he believe that Kerubim will have at least a rough idea of what to do. Though as always, the person Atcham most depends on is his own self.
He feels responsible for protecting both Kerubim and Joris, yet he's insecure about not being very good at caring for others when they're down, and not having any ideas on how to take care of othrs. And at least when it's Joris who is unwell, Kerubim is there to guide him. At least when they're fighting, he can protect them with his sword...
He can often stay by his side and fall asleep sitting on the floor.
Kerubim - king of drama. Technically the second worst patient after Joris, if Crying Baby and Hydrogen Bomb is also a competition.
If its something mild, he acts like he's going to fucking die. He bemoans his condition 24/7, he won't allow anyone to leave. He lovesss attention and care from Joris and Atcham even if by the end, they're annoyed as fuck. He lowkey loves being mildly sick because it means that Atcham and Joris are going to care for him. It's one of the biggest reasons Joris is the way he is about his own illnesses, and neither of them will ever acknowledge it.
"I'm suffering....m please water... It hurts so bad... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Omg.... Holy molyyy...."
When it's actually something serious, he quiets down and takes it seriously. He doesn't want to worry Joris and Atcham too much. The more serious it is, the less he communicates, the less of a fuss he makes. However, he doesn't hide being sick, or how bad it is - it's just that he doesn't want to burden Atcham and Joris. He gets shy, even - apologizes profusely when he needs something, thanks them over and over. He doesn't like genuine vulnerability, but feels so grateful to them.
Joris - it weighs on him greatly, yet he finds himself getting angry at Kerubim for being sick. Like it's pissing him the fuck off, in a quiet way. He could be doing anything useful, but noooo, this guy will start meowing and crying if someone isn't by his side. Can't he just hide wounds? He's had enough of worrying about him for six centuries now!!
He feels like shit for feeling this way. Like an unfilial son and a bad person. He cares quietly, and despite himself, asks Kerubim quite often how he's feeling.
If it's really serious, he gets even more quiet, keeping all his worries and fears deeeeep inside, constantly in a mild state of panic, yet trying to project a normal appearance. He doesn't want to burden Kerubim with his feelings, which aren't as important as Kerubim's sickness. He might even resort to drinking lol. He wants to hug him a lot, if things are bad and often feels useless.
Atcham - If it's something mild, he tries to compensate for the way Kerubim is; reel him in, in a way. He argues with Kerubim, pushes his buttons... Atcham tries his best to give Joris space, but hovers around him anyway. He wants Joris to know that he's ready to help, even if a part of him knows that Joris taking this offer up is very rare.
If it's something serious, he almost never leaves his side, and obeys whatever Kerubim tells him to do unquestionably. He's not good at comforting and caring, but he's scared of losing Joris. He feels lost.
If Kerubim is the one who does the caring, whether Joris wants him to or not, then Atcham is the one who brings things, helps him, and holds Joris tf down or corners him. It makes Joris feel a bit annoyed and betrayed, since Atcham is usually on his side - and is one of the most damaging things to his trust in him. I <3 men who will nottttt allow themselves to be cared for, and consider being cared for a type of betrayal. (And yes, Joris knows it's weird and delulu that he feels this way, and he tries to stop feeling this way.)
Just like with Kerubim, he often doesn't sleep a lot, and stays by his side. Unlike with Kerubim, he feels vulnerable enough that while Joris is asleep or delirious he might start saying that he loves him and wants him to get well. If Joris remembers any of it, he'll tell him he's making shit up.
If things get especially bad, he can start lashing out at Kerubim, which makes things worse. Uh ohhh.
Kerubim - HE LOVES IT WHEN JORIS IS MILDLY SICK BECAUSE HE IS INSANE. He harasses Joris by trying to bring him blankets, food, and tea 24/7. He asks him over and over and over and over about how he's feeling, until Joris wants to yell at him. He won't leave him alone, ever, at all. And YES it applies to common cold and mild food poisoning and Joris having a headache. It's partially the reason why Joris is so avoidant, and yet, he acts this way because he knows that Joris is avoidant. Snake swallowing its own tail <3.
He likes it when Joris is dependent on him, and the rare, rare moments when Joris welcomes help are like crack cocaine to him. He never lets p'tit Jojo, ♥️ son p'tit mignon chou ♥️, live it down.
If Joris is seriously sick, it makes him feel ill, worried, like he's failing. He hardly leaves Joris's side, and will do anything to make Joris better. If he could, he would tie Joris up, if Joris refuses to rest and stay in bed. He is willing to force medicine and food down Joris's throat kicking and screaming and throwing up: because Joris dying is his greatest fear and nightmare. He doesn't feel good about it, though - it makes him feel terrible.
He doesn't care if Joris hates him for the way he cares about him, as long as it works. Joris will get over it.
Joris - Easily the worst patient because he doesn't believe himself to be that sick.
Whether it be an infected flesh wound or common cold, he will never be caught not working on something: he will keep going to work, and if he can't, he will at least be at his desk - until he is literally not strong enough to walk.
He has a tendency to hide being sick, whether it be flu or sepsis. He will NOT get help, he WILL risk dying! One of the reasons for this is pride + knowing that Atcham and Kerubim would be (justifiably) worried + he got used to it throughout his entire life due to the way he was raised.
He's been doing this since he was like 5yo because he had to care for Kerubim's dramatic mood swings and hangovers, which kind of left no room for his own issues, so it just kept getting worse. Another reason is the way Kerubim cares for him: he wants to avoid this treatment with all his heart.
That's not to say he never allows them to care for him: he's only human, he wants to be loved, and all... He can ask for things, if he wants to. But the more serious it is, the more embarrassing it is, y'know?
He has this delusional, unwavering belief that if he suffers long enough, every situation will solve itself - which eventually turns to shame if it doesn't work out well for him.
He doesn't want to bother people so he doesn't ask for much, even if he can't get out of bed. So Atcham and Kerubim have to fucking guess what his esoteric devious-mysterious ass needs, and if he's in pain or scared. He is the type of person to try and get out of bed with a broken leg to go make himself tea because he doesn't want to ask for it. And he honestly believes himself capable of going from the third floor to the first floor in that condition without falling down the fucking stairs.
I think that how into hiding being sick and disregarding help also depends on his mental health and the responsibility he carries. In Waven times he might be more willing to rest and let others help simply because Atcham and Kerubim keep guilting him by saying "if you don't take care of yourself, everyone in Bonta is going to suffer."
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laurencher · 8 days ago
Yeeeeey ✨️
Once again happy birthday to you 🎂 I'm glad you like it 😊
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I received a package from a dear friend of mine from the other side of the country @laurencher :3
BEHOLD my birthday present (and my terrible photo of it)!
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AND my cat!
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Thank you so much, this is just wonderful! Pokemon cards really brought back wild nostalgia 😭 And this tiny Joris!..
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laurencher · 8 days ago
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I decided to try to replicate the styles of other artists I like and who I'm not afraid to tag (so far, it's just my friends) And the first victim is @jorisjurgen. I've worked in a similar drawing technique a couple times in my life. It was challenging, but extremely existing ☺️ I have to say that I really like Ronik's artstyle because it's simple, yet very pleasing to the eye
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laurencher · 10 days ago
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laurencher · 10 days ago
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Can't stop thinking about how tired he is of it all. It's really resonating with me right now
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laurencher · 10 days ago
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A proud dad 😌 of two mischievous ecaflips 😈
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laurencher · 11 days ago
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laurencher · 11 days ago
POV Me in math class:
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