#he loves a good holiday episode
herebecritters · 1 month
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I’ve got a ton of lore writings in the works and there’s a lot of little terms used by treefolk and by the trio. So here’s a handy guide in case anyone needs it.
THIS IS A LIVING DOCUMENT. There are sure to be edits and additions as time goes on.
Dino-Sore Days
Period of time at the End of the Cretaceous Period before the meteor hit and the Death Curse began.
First Civilization
Period of time directly after the Meteor Strike and the Isles were formed. Cities built around the new Gods. Ends in extermination.
300 Year Colony
Period of time 66 million years after First Civilizations eradication. Years 1698 to 1998. Ends in extermination.
Current Era
Modern HTF as we know it.
Common knowledge
(Terms that most treefolks on the Isles will be familiar with)
The Isles: Also known as “The Isles of Da-rí-šè”, is a lush, multi-biomed cluster of islands hidden in the middle of the ocean and encompassed by a 66million year old Immortality Curse.
Critters/Treefolk: Sentient inhabitants of the world. Anthromorphic animals. Or “People” for lack of a better term.
Simple Beasts: Animals and creatures that live in the world who are not anthropomorphic characters. Pets, wildlife, ect.
Death Curse: The never ending loop of dying and regeneration experienced only within The Isles.
Blacking out: The sensation of losing consciousness and being unable to recall the specification of one’s own death on the Isles.
Death Hangover: The feeling one experiences when waking up alive after a death. Feelings of mental haze, disassociation, and a slight queasiness. Like you woke from a nightmare that you know you had but can’t seem to recall the details of it.
the Outside world/the real world/back home: No official word for this but many Treefolk tend to refer to the world and and their old life outside the Isles from time to time. As distant and far away as it now may seem to them…
Perma’d: the state of being dead without revival. Permanently dead.
Trio Terms
(Terms used among the trio or during the time of First Civilization and before.)
(Holidays Celebrated during the First Civilization Era and still regarded by the Trio in private)
Day of Two Suns: New Year for the Critters of the First Civilization. Anniversary and Celebration of the day that the chixulub meteor hit the earth and ended the reign of the “Titans”. Transition from Spring into Summer.
Festival of Shedding: Summer into Autumn harvest festival and feast.
Nesting Day: Preparation of Autumn to Winter. Preparing the nest of Ki for the colder months.
Festival of Frogs: Winter into Spring festival when the frogs come out of hibernation.
Union: Solar Eclipse celebration
Bleeding Night: Lunar Eclipse Ritual to revive Theia from death with a chosen sacrifice.
Theology and Myths
Theia: The moon; deity of the Night and watcher of the small folk and critters.
Sâmâs: The Sun; deity of the Day
Ki: The Earth; Child of Theia and Sâmâs, asleep in the core of the planet.
Alagtila: The Idol of Life
Alagkana: The Idol of Misfortune
Alagumuna: The Idol of Blood
Dingirtila: Formal Title for the God of Life
Dingirkana: Formal Title for the God of Misfortune
Dingirumuna: Formal Title for the God of Blood
Egalkana: Temple of Misfortune
Egaltila: Temple of Life
Egalumuna: Temple of Blood
Mushhush: The name of Nergals monster form
Umamumurgu: Ancient beast of Rage and Fire sent by Sâmâs to protect the children of Theia from the Titans.
The World of the Curse
The Blood: Concentrated Suffering in the form of blood. Gives the idols their power.
The Wells: Underground rivers and lakes where the Blood is held. How full they are determines the amount of power the idols have.
Burrows: Series of tunnels deep below the Isles leading to the wells and to the Trios private chambers.
Hibernation: State of stasis where the trio can go long periods of time of inactivity to conserve Blood.
Ludari: “The Eternal People” The term used to describe the people who lived during the First Civilization before the Rebellion.
Lukurra: “Outsiders” Those who are not one of the three Idols. This term replaced Ludari after the rebellion.
Titans: The dinosaurs, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs and other giant reptiles that went extinct after the meteorite hit.
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tindove · 1 year
Man, Simon. That seasonal depression must suck for you. That’s rough buddy. No more Holly Jolly Secrets for you.
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thatrobotkid · 11 months
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On this day, 20 years ago, the RJ episodes, “House Party” and “School Newspaper”, premiered at 11:00pm on the 5th night of the new “Fridays”
Fun Facts:
The newspaper in the title for “School Newspaper” has a headline of a robot invading a school, and said robot is RJ. This is a reference to how creator, Greg Miller, jokingly said that the show would end with RJ taking over “Terminator” style
In the scene in “School Newspaper” where Principal Madman is in the teachers lounge, Mr. Mitchell (Sickness) and Mrs. Kavendash (Scantron Love), make non-speaking cameos
When RJ breaks into the school at night in “School Newspaper”, he references “Dick Tracy”, a detective character from old 1930s comics. He even dawns a stereotypical detective get-up.
In “House Party”, RJ reveals his middle, and full, name. His middle being “Electro”, and his full name being “Robot Electro Jones”
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emptyjunior · 9 months
Can I say how much I love how Ouran High School handles the rich boy/poor girl in love trope. 
Like I absolutely believe it’s discussions about classism and elitism to this Day still hold up! 
I will admit there is so much weird stuff in ouran😭, but we see the Handsome ‘Unlimited Money’ Male Lead a LOT in anime and I feel ouran gets a lot of points of the characterisation SO right, that a lot of other shows just don’t! 
Ouran does the whole love story/harem/all the boys want brown hair girl that we project on, trope. Like they do that, but they show that at the foundation, the root of all of it, those rich boys are JEALOUS. They aren’t approaching Haruhi with the need to protect and own her, at their core the rich are envious of her! Even though they have everything, they want what she has! 
Like we see in the real world with how the rich cosplay as poor! And say "ohhhh I'm so broke please venmo me for lunch" and wear their ripped jeans and strained sweaters and take pictures at the met gala with a box of McDonalds fries in their hand. 
The classist comments made towards Haruhi ARE comedic relief, but the joke isn’t on characters like Haruhi, the joke is on THEM. 
They are the ones who can’t do anything! They are the ones who are stilted and emotionally closed off! They are the ones who can’t make an instant coffee or go to a mall without help! 
THAT is why Haruhi is the center of this harem, why she is the one they’re chasing. They are jealous of her insight and world experience from living independently, from living a REAL life. That is her enviable trait. Haruhi GETS people! And they don’t. Their wealth has isolated them and now there is a barrier between these characters and the rest of the world and they have no idea how to navigate it. 
And this is the foundation of 90% of the problems/conflict in the show! 
The holiday ep when Hikaru has feelings because Haruhi reconnects with Nice Guy Arai? Hikaru says he doesn’t like this guy for all these reasons and most of them are like ‘he’s just some nobody from nothing who only knows Haruhi cause they went to some stupid public school together’. Like okay? Haruhi has all of those ‘bad traits’ as well but you still seem to like her?  
Because it’s not about that, it’s never about that, it’s not even about the love rival/romance angle (at least not completely).  
Hikaru is scared and embarrassed! He already was when they got there, when these rich boys crashed Haruhi’s summer to find out she is an employee here and she is working with her own two hands. This is not a break for her! And then he’s so worried when Haruhi and Arai find each other because what they have is so untouchable to him. Same background, same class, they can meet each other’s needs! And know the other's needs! And this is a chasm that Hikaru has no idea how to cross so he starts lashing out. 
And that episode concludes with Hikaru being told about Haruhi’s fear of thunderstorms, finally actually listening and empathizing with what that means, and then going to her and giving her the stuff she needs to deal with that problem (blanket, headphones, support, protection etc.). 
He has to LEARN that none of those poor people inherently know all this secret knowledge! They just care and ask each other stuff! You can ask Haruhi what she's afraid of and then help her with that! It was always this simple! Just because you’re not the same class as her and knowing her isn’t as easy as it is with people the same as you, doesn’t mean you’ll never know! Learn! Listen! Keep trying! 
Ouran shows their rich characters being hurt by their wealth. Their elitists mindset does NOT benefit them and they’re only narratively rewarded when they break out of it, THAT’S why the arcs are so good. 
(And also while we’re here, I LOVE when they do eps that show Tamaki’s character is actually a parallel of Haruhi’s. Tamaki grew up as an illegitimate child, hidden away in France with his mother. He knows what it is to not be at the top of the food chain, and he learns the skills to keep living! Tamaki is a survivor in a world run by a man who was ashamed of him and did not want him. That can destroy a child, but Tamaki doesn’t let it. He learns how to work people and he learns that belief in yourself is the most powerful asset someone can have. And this is the life experience he imparts onto Kyoya and this SAVES Kyoya, who was barreling towards a black pit of despair and chasing his father’s shadow. The ‘poor’ characters of this show have power that the rich people desperately desire, and in the end they learn that it’s not something you take it’s something you build for yourself.) 
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sweetchildcloud · 8 months
How Alastor would be as a boyfriend/lover
Pairing: Alastor x A!Reader
Tags:fluff,cute,maybe OOC?[out of character],kisses,pecks,snuggling.
P.S: this is my first time writing about Alastor so im sorry if its not good :/
A/N: this picture is how Alastor will look at his SO and nobody can change my mind
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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Alastor is a very devoted lover and would often do thoughtful and charming things for you like leaving flowers on your doorstep (even tough you both stay at Hazbin Hotel in the same room) or cooking elaborate and delicious meals for you.
He never really strayed from his polite, elegant demeanor or charmingly cocky smile, and seems to truly care for you a great deal. (everyvone at the hotel will always look at you with a stunned look because the radio demon actually fell in love with someone?)
You loved how sweet and kind he was to you and how charmingly adorable he was as well.
He would often shower you with gifts (of stuff you like) and affection like holding hands and quick pecks on the cheek.
You can always rely on him to lift up your spirits whenever you felt down.
You two had a very healthy and happy relationship and brought out the best in each other.
When you two got home [Hazbin Hotel] from dates, you would often watch anime together[the most gruesome ones the better] while snuggling and discussing the episodes.
You especially loved how he would let you hold his fluffy tail and play with it whenever you wanted to and you would always told him how fluffy it felt [obviously in the privacy of your own room,who wants to see the all mighty and scary radio demon...being cuddles by their SO with his tail? probably killing them on spot so that they will not tell anyone]
He would make you hot chocolate and bring blankets to cuddle with on cold days.
On holidays like Valentines day, he would get you elaborate boxes of chocolate covered strawberries, and take you on romantic walks in the forest of his room where the two of you would hold hands, talk about your dreams and hopes, and enjoy the beauty of nature together.
His ears would flatten whenever he was in a playful mood, and they certainly seemed very fluffy. They often brushed against your face whenever he leaned close, and the feeling of his soft ears against your cheeks always made you smile.
Alastor would often let you play with his fluffy ears and would sometimes rub you head affectionately adding a peck on the cheek in return. His ears were soft and adorable to pet, and you really enjoy stroking and touching them whenever he let you. [I LOVE WHEN HIS EARS FLICKERS LIKE UGHHH]
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Whenever you two have a disagreement and you start arguing, he becomes very calm and stoic. He is not easily provoked and is able to keep his composure even when you are angry and arguing at him. He never raises his voice or shouts at you, and rarely even scolds you. Instead, he listens to you calmly, tries to see your point of view and eventually tries to find a solution that works for both of you. He is a patient and understanding partner who values harmony and communication.[since he's the radio demon and stuff and radio is communicating trough words]
He recognizes that arguing and fighting is natural in any relationship, but he also realizes that it is not the best way to resolve issues. Instead, he seeks to find common ground with you and to find a compromise that works for both of you. He is also quite good at apologizing when he made mistakes, and is willing to accept his share of the blame whenever the issue was on his end as well.
But in situations where things escalate and you start to get overwhelmed and emotional, he will immediatly stop and comforting you and try to calm you down in a gentle manner. He will be very understanding and comforting, stroking your hair and holding you tightly, whispering soothing and calming words into your ear and even offering to make you a cup of hot tea.
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 Alastor is very protective of you, since he had developed a very deep and abiding love for you. He is quick to defend you from others and will do whatever it takes to protect you.
He is a very powerful demon and when he is very angry or feels that someone has hurt you, he becomes very vicious and ruthless.
He has a fierce temper when he fels that anyone threatens to harm the ones he cared about, you most of all. The thought of someone even attempting to harm you incensed him and filled him with a burning rage. This trait is one of the things that you loved about him as you feel secure and safe with him.
When Alastor is upset or angry, his smile never fades from his cheeks but it shifts into a psychotic grin that frightens many,but not you. His eyes become hollow and cold, his breathing becomes rapid and his grin seems even wider than before. He gives off an air of menace and it is clear he is about to go on the attack. In this state, He often seems unhinged and out of control, but it is clear he still remains calculating and calm underneath. This state of his is frightening to many other demons, who tend to avoid him when he is like this.
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When you're sick, he does his best to take care of you. He will cook you hot soup, brew you tea, bring you fresh water bottles and even rub your back and wipe your forehead to keep you comfortable. He is very attentive and caring when you are feeling ill and he will do everything he can to help you recover quickly and smoothly.
He will also do his best to entertain you while you are in bed, showing you all his favorite movies or programs [on his old tv],radio talking, joking around to make you laugh and even reading all the best books to you. [he will end up falling asleep cradling you on your bed,the radio will play 30' music,as Charlie gasps soflty saying how cute the two fo you looked as Vaggie tries to drags her gf away to do not disturb you.]
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i hope you liked this and if you want more tell me and if you have doubts or questions if in the era of Alastor there were TVs, yes there were TVs at that time as the first TV was created in 1927 and he was killed in 1933.
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i think Alastor would love old tvs unitl 1970 or 1980 because the others will remind him of Vox XD.
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equalseleventhirds · 2 years
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 months
It's the RPD's annual Secret Santa, and Leon's at his wit's end finding the perfect gift for his work crush. No competition, of course, except for the part where you make him promise not to bring something lame. Leon's got a week. He can do this. Right?
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gn / m, fluff, romance, humor, leon is a SWEETHEART, you guys work at the RPD but you're leon's senior and also love reading??, no outbreak, inspired by the teapot episode of The Office lol, tw: claustrophobia
word count: 1.5k // read on ao3
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a/n: vivi try not to mention christmas challenge go!!! @k1ssaphobe this one's for you <3 literally the ugliest effing banner i've ever made i'm SO SORRY but this completely destroyed my writer's block. i had so much fun <3
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It’s all been downhill since Leon plucked your name out of a glass jar last week. Shit. Multiply that times three, rain down a couple red and green sprinkles for holiday spirit, and you have a great representation of how prepared Leon feels about being assigned the most crippling crush he’s had since high school for the RPD’s annual Secret Santa: you. 
Shit, indeed.
His hands shake like tremolo as he rereads your name printed on his little slip of paper, and Leon decides right then and there that the best way to go about this is to not go about it at all. Plain and simple. 
“Aren’t you excited?” you gush after your turn to draw from the jar. Poor you, you’d taken his jittery hands as enthusiasm. 
Leon grins tightly. “For sure, yeah, I um… I love Christmas. Really excited. You get who you wanted?” 
“Hey, no cheating. Not even with me, rookie.” You scrunch your face, clutching your paper to your chest. “Secret Santa’s secret. But it’s no secret that you’ve got to give it your all, so no lousy gifts allowed, got it?”
Well, there’s that plan gone. It’s back to police academy basics: Keep It Simple, Stupid. 
There’s nothing to overthink about making a good impression as the newest RPD recruit, Leon gaslights himself while haunting the Target holiday aisle on Monday night. You routinely save him from Irons’ infamous wrath, so it’s only natural that Leon spends all of Tuesday in a stupor at his desk, definitely not thinking of how he could never pay you back the favor with a silly Secret Santa gift. 
Wednesday rolls by and his coffee from yesterday sits in the break room, cold and overstirred next to today’s breakfast crumbs. How many times has Leon watched you sip tea at your desk? Five, six? 
Your eyes sparkle over the rim of your cup when he asks you about your weekend. Really, he doesn’t get the hate for small talk. There’s nothing small about the smile that bunches up your cheeks when he cracks a stupid joke about the weather, and more often than not, Leon finds himself waterboarding his notes app with the names of all the novels you drop mid-conversation so he can binge their Sparknotes over the weekend. So it goes, according to Kurt Vonnegut.
Ugh, he should have paid more attention in English. What the hell is an allegory anyway? Leon spends all of Thursday browsing your Goodreads profile and wracking his head over the hefty price tags attached to your TBR list. His wallet makes for a terrible wingman. 
But really, finding the perfect gift is no sweat at all. Leon is absolutely nonplussed (according to his 50th vocabulary-related Google search) when he steps into the RPD elevator on Friday morning with a clumsily wrapped, candy cane-striped bundle in his arms. 
“Hold it plea- Leon!”  
Liar, liar, pants on fire – he’s totally shitting his pants when you barely make it inside before the doors snap shut. 
“Thanks,” you gasp. 
Leon nods stiffly, his cheeks growing warm, and jams the second-floor button with his knuckle.
As the elevator starts its maddeningly slow climb, you hum, rocking back and forth in your snow boots. You’re cradling a package of your own, something four-cornered and fairly small. Leon, however, feels like he’s holding a bomb, the object of his affections standing less than three feet from his radius of destruction. How are you so carefree right now? You’ve probably got this gifting thing in the bag and he most definitely doesn’t. 
Leon can see everything unfold the moment he enters the office. You’ve had your gift planned months beforehand, his gift is going to be horrifically lame when you open it, everyone’s going to clap politely but you’re going to hate him forev-
And then the elevator plunges into pitch black.
“Oh my god!” 
Who screamed louder, Leon doesn’t want to find out.
The elevator shudders to a complete stop. Leon’s mental spiral of doom helpfully supplies him with an image of you two dangling in midair, suspended on wires. Maybe this is the universe saving him from delivering the worst Secret Santa gift of his life.
Leon blinks in the darkness, waiting for your unflappable voice to cut through the silence and figure a way out, headstrong as always, except you don’t, and Leon strains his ears to hear what’s surely not what he thinks it is, a whisper that sounds an awful lot like: “Leon, I don’t want to die.”
“We’re gonna die,” you whimper. “I don’t wanna die.”
Your voice floats up from a lot lower than he remembers your head being, so he crouches down to find you with your arms hugged to your chest. You’re huddled against the wall, breathing all shallow. The package in your arms lies forgotten somewhere in the abyss.
“Hey, hey, nobody’s dying.” Leon reaches out to find your hand. “What’s the matter?”
“I have, cl-clau-”
“Claustrophobia?” He remembers that one well. Wishes he didn’t. 
You nod fitfully.
“The dark doesn’t help either, huh?” he whispers, craning his head to look at the busted bulb on the ceiling. “Damn.”
Your palm grows colder and clammier in his hand by the minute, and the shakiness in your breathing is starting to worry him. Your head pops above your knees when you hear rustling in the shadows, and then the telltale Christmastime cacophony of wrapping paper being torn to shreds. 
“What are you…?”
“Being resourceful,” Leon grits, tearing his Secret Santa gift open. He fumbles with its contents for a second, slipping something into a plastic compartment. “It’s not the best, but…”
The elevator blooms with soft, golden light.
“...it’ll do.”
“What’s this?” you murmur in awe, cupping your hands around the tiny book light Leon holds. 
“My Secret Santa gift,” he chuckles sheepishly. “I kind of, um, blanked. I’m also really bad at giving gifts, so there’s also this,” he says, pulling out a mug from the heap of trashed wrapping paper.
When I Think About Books, I Touch My Shelf, it announces with impunity. 
Leon blushes when you giggle at the inscription. Things always look better online than in person, rookie mistake. But at least you’re breathing better now. 
“This is amazing,” you laugh, cradling the cup like there’s warmth inside. 
“Not so amazing now that I’ve opened all the packaging.”
“Your Secret Santa won’t mind at all, trust me, not with a gift like this- ‘touch my shelf’, you’re unbelievable! Tell me where you got it.”
He shakes his head. 
“Leon Scott Kennedy, if you don’t stop gatekeeping this incredible mug and this super useful book light, by the way, I’m going to tell Irons you spilled coffee all over his desk. I can be very convincing, y’know.” You cross your arms decidedly, waiting. 
“There’s no need for all that!” he protests. 
“That was a promise, Leon, not a threat.”
“C’mon, be reasonable here.”
“You’re still not telling me.” 
“It’s for you, silly.” Leon tilts his head, face heating up faster than the book light bulb, “You’re my Secret Santa.” 
He must be hallucinating the pink in your cheeks.
“Oh,” you breathe. 
“Yes, oh,” Leon teases, scooching to sit next to you. “I couldn’t think of anything,” he confesses, “so I just went with the basics. I know you read and I know you really miss your old tea mug, the one that broke, right? You’re my gifting competition and I got nervy from how sure you were about your person’s gift. So, um, I played safe.” Leon finishes lamely and squeezes his eyes shut, hoping the light doesn’t also illuminate the shame radiating from his body. 
And then he feels the press of an unbelievably soft kiss on his cheek.  
“It’s much better than what I’ve got,” he hears. 
His eyes fly open. Words don’t form right in his throat when you reach out for the package you dropped when the lights went out. Wrapping paper falls apart neatly in your hands (what don’t you do perfectly?) and you unveil a mini waffle iron, proportioned perfectly for somebody always running late without breakfast. Somebody like Leon.
“You keep missing breakfast and Irons is on my ass about saving you food all the time, so I guess took the practical route too,” you shuffle your feet, bashful all of a sudden. “And um, my gift’s kind of useless if we never make it out. Sorry.”
He fingers the tag in wonder. 
Merry Christmas, Leon! There’s a timer so you don’t burn them :) xoxo, your Secret Santa!
You’re so goddamn sweet. You’re perfect and thoughtful and it’s all your fault that Leon didn’t have the faintest clue what to give you. Think, Leon, think. He knows he’s not this stupid. What do you give to somebody who has everything? 
A kiss. One that’s all smiles and just as sweet as the way you kiss him back, because screw Secret Santa.
It’s hard to keep secrets when you’re Leon’s favorite one.
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psst, find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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cinnbar-bun · 8 months
Straw Hats- Reversed AU HCs
AU: In which YOU are the character of a very famous franchise, and they are regular people who are fans of your series.
Note: GN!Reader, crack, very unserious
Thinks you’re neat! Super cool!
People think he doesn’t really “get” you and just likes you for your awesome powers and/or cool appearance, but he drops like an innocent yet profound tidbit about you that shows he really is thinking of you.
Honestly probably only has a bootleg figure of you courtesy of Ace. It’s goofy as hell but he adores it.
Maybe has one of those printed graphic tees.
Ace and Sabo joke about his love for you but then Luffy throws his slippers at them.
If he sees anything with you on it, he’s just gushing over it.
Loves finding funny comics with you online.
Guy who likes you for your powers.
The same guy who is also a weeb in front of the mirror and tries to replicate your awesome moves.
Help his roommates caught him-
I think he’d get those compression shirts/shorts with you or a symbol of yours for when he works out.
Also the guy who’s working out to your voice like those ASMR videos so he can pretend you’re praising him and congratulating him.
Gets into fights with Sanji about who’s the bigger fan.
I don’t see Zoro as the type to “collect” things, but he’d probably have a keychain of you around his belt or something as a good luck charm.
Might even have an action and poseable figure of you like a Figma.
Likes you lots, but also recognizes your merch potential.
Works alongside Usopp to produce fan merch or zines for you to make money.
Has a unique piece of jewelry with your symbol/iconography to wear.
She’s not wearing “obvious” for merch, because she just isn’t about that.
Probably has a few very expensive figures of yours that are special edition or anniversary editions that she managed to get at a steep discount.
Reads a bit of fanfic but tends to mostly peruse fanart of you.
Tends to have multiple ships for you- she doesn’t really favor one over the other she just thinks they’re interesting.
Likes to do cosplays of your fits, though. She’s gotten very popular for her lovely cosplays. She tends to handmake most of her cosplays, but Usopp and Franky add to the amazing accessories.
Plays the gacha game for your series, and her amazing luck means she gets practically all your units easily.
The artist of the group who has seen and had to do heinous things for a commission.
Unlike the others, he IS making a self insert and HE IS DOING ART AND COMICS WITH YOU AND HIM AS THE MAIN COUPLE!
Has made a name for himself of making doujins and art for you. His store has seen lots of purchases for his doujins.
Nami basically is his account manager and has made him raise commission prices many times in order to pay their rent and so he can realize how valued his work is.
He mostly just posts his work but does like answering questions from fans and posting about how awesome you looked in the new episode.
Always making art and stories from you.
Has done fanfiction for you but it’s mostly with his OC/SI and his artwork tends to be more well-known.
Always does special drawings for your birthday and various holidays.
Plays the gacha and has bad luck so he has to whale for your unit. He insists he prefers just regular console or PC gaming instead of gacha.
Number one fan, he WILL get into arguments about you and inject you into everything.
All your figures, all your merch, all of it in one specific room dedicated to you. Sanji even has a lifesize figure of you in a cool/cute pose he religiously cleans (and prays to ngl) every day because AINT NO WAY HIS LOVE IS GOING TO GET A SPECK OF DUST ON THEM!!
His work as a chef makes him busy, but he likes to wear small things of you like a brooch or something on his uniform to cheer him up through the day.
Makes videos cooking things you cooked or dishes you liked within the series.
He sometimes shows off his collection and Zoro calls him a loser and they get into fights in the comments.
Commissions art of you (probably Usopp) to hang up in the (Y/n) room.
I feel like he would do a persona/self-insert but also I feel like he’d be like no!!!! I cannot sully my beloved like that!!! So he focuses on just you.
Blocks people who are fans of you and does not like shipping anyone with you, hell no his mellorine is HIS!!!
Has done fanfic, mostly self-insert, and that’s pretty much all he reads. No ships.
“Oh, (Y/n)? Yes, they are an interesting character. I like them.”
[1 Million word count fic series, tagged: slow burn, character exploration, heavy angst, found family, Book 4 of 7]
“I just think they’re neat.”
Probably the mother fic writer for you and/or one of your ships.
Doesn’t socialize much online, just tends to post and scroll through the fics for you and answers comments under her fic.
Likes to support her fellow creators so she does look into the art and projects other fans have made.
Does try to create her own aesthetics for her blog and fics, but sometimes she just commissions Usopp to make her things for her fics to fit her vision.
Is really into unique and often abstract or “dark” art of you.
Yes you’re her favorite character, yes she will still make you suffer in her fics and art for the ~development~.
It’s a running gag with her peers where they ask her how she will torture them next.
She finds the Nendoroids of you are quite cute, so she bought one to go on her desk.
Franky likes making garage set figures of you.
He’s also a bit of a dork, so he will often make you pose with a super sentai outfit or large gundam robots (since they’re also a part of his crafting hobby).
Makes videos showing off the new figures he made of you.
He loves you cuz you’re his hero, you just amaze him!
Printed a photo of the art your creator did where you guys were all dressed like super heroes or something- suuuuppper up his alley and he loved seeing it.
He likes collecting the manga/comics for your series and keeps them on his personal shelf.
Franky also helps Nami/others with specific cosplay accessories. Franky is known for his craftsmanship, so he’s made plenty of cosplay gear for others that are above and beyond.
Him and Usopp have collabed to create the original figures of you that Franky adores.
Does those videos where he takes cheaper/smaller figures of you and adds to the base and design to make it more “epic”.
What the hell is “fanfiction”?
Goes by the username “Soul King” and uploads his covers of your franchise’s music.
He really loves you though so he’s often rocking your shirts while he’s recording the music.
He does a lot of different genres for your theme covers- jazz, heavy metal, lofi, piano, music box- he’s done em all.
Whenever he’s not recording covers of his music and does streams, he very proudly shows his figure of you and a poster he has hanging up on his wall.
Also plays the gacha game, has pretty good luck but never with your units.
“Wow! 5 Sugo-rares! Who are they- GOD DAMN IT IT’S JUST THE OTHERS!!! RATE UP IS A LIE!!!”
Brook is a menace though and I’m gonna keep that under wraps for various reasons.
Maybe in the future I might explain further.
Jinbei is classy, unlike many of the others here (we will not name names).
He’s more likely to “make” his own merchandise for you.
Handmade doll with a lovingly sewn kimono, for example.
Fancy tea set that is painted with your symbols but it’s so subtle and chic that some of his viewers don’t even realize it’s from some random franchise he likes.
He prides himself on his traditional and handmade crafts and you’re just an avenue to experiment with them.
He likes to design the kimonos and outfits with you in mind and the season. He shows the process of creating it in these calm and quiet BTS videos.
Really they are beautiful and the amount of love and skillmanship put into the work he does is fantastic, it’s awe inspiring.
Does not know what a fanfic, a gacha, or what a “fan edit” is. He’s an old man he’s got things to do, man.
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rangerbarbz · 9 months
First Time
Author’s Note: Y’all i am so sorry it’s been so long since i posted a fic. I am a junior in college and i have two jobs so i have been so busy. However expect some more stories now that it’s winter break! Hope everyone is having some happy holidays 🫶🏼
Summary: Reader and Ford go all the way for the first time together
It was a chilly night in Gravity Falls, Oregon when Stanford Pines and you decided to make some cookies. It was the perfect atmosphere for baking: comfy clothes, the temperature had dropped down, and the sun dipped behind the woods surrounding the Mystery Shack. The rest of the Pines family had went on an excursion to break into the theatre for a free movie, so you can’t imagine they would be back anytime soon.
Ford and you were in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make with the few ingredients you had available.
“Hmmm… So I’m seeing cinnamon here,” you said, looking into a cabinet next to the fridge. “I’m not seeing much else. What do you think about Snickerdoodles?” You grinned excitedly and faced Ford who was already smiling.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he replied, his voice resonating in you. God, his voice was so attractive. You remember hearing him talk for the first time in the library where you worked and your heart just melting.
He was in the fantasty section talking to himself when you walked by the aisle to reshelf a book. He was in the same area where the book needed to be relocated. Turns out you were holding the novella he was wanting to read, and you two struck up a conversation. He was kind and smelled delightful. You were too shy to ask him for his number, but a young girl who came into the library once a week for a crocheting club set you up on a date. You were unaware at the time this young girl was his great niece. The rest is history.
“Do you think everyone else will like them? I want to make sure these won’t go to waste,” you asked, scrunching your eyebrows together.
Ford scoffed as he was scraping flour from a measuring cup back into the bag. “Please, those things will be devoured. You have nothing to worry about.”
You laughed softly, standing up on your tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Glad to hear that.” A small smile spread across his face.
While you two prepared the ingredients and mixed everything together, you filled Ford in on the workplace drama. He would never admit it, but he loved to gossip with you.
“I can’t believe Denise would do that,” he said in disbelief, shaking his head. “I mean who does she think she is?” You rolled the last ball of cookie dough in cinnamon and sugar before pressing it into the pan.
“Right?! Like come on, now. I thought we were civilized.” Ford chuckled at your comment and put the cookies in the oven.
“Some people just never learn.” He snaked his arm around your waist and put a hand on your hip, bringing you closer to him. You placed your hand on his broad back and leaned your head on his chest.
“We got about 25 minutes until these are done. Wanna see what’s on TV?” you suggested, looking up at him. He cocked his head to the side.
“Sure. I think that’s enough time to get through half an episode of ‘Ghost Harassers.’”
“Ah, man. Dipper’s got you hooked doesn’t he?” You giggled and began to walk into the living room, him following suit.
Ford sighed. “Unfortunately, yes. I know it’s fake, but their reactions to these so-called ghosts are so funny.” He sat down on the recliner while you fiddled with the TV antenna to get it to the right channel.
It finally flickered to a group of men with flashlights running through an abandoned house screaming. “Ah! Got it!” you exclaimed. You ran over to Ford and sat on his lap. Your legs draped over his, feet hanging over the armrest. This time he kissed your cheek, his stubble tickling your face.
“Good job, dear,” he murmured in your ear. Butterflies formed in your stomach from hearing his low voice.
“Thanks, baby.” You leaned your head on his shoulder as one of his arms cradled you. He was so strong; you always felt protected by him. One hand was splayed across your stomach while the other was on your knee.
You were so engrossed in the show you didn’t notice Ford wasn’t paying a lick of attention. You were wearing loose shorts which exposed much of your legs, and he was entranced.
You lifted your head up to look at him, eyes drifting over your thighs. His hand remained still on your knee, however.
“Stanford?” You had a mischievous smile on your face.
He quickly looked over at you like he had just been caught doing something wrong. Since the lights were still on, you could see the blush spread across his face.
“Something catch your eye?” you teased, inching your face closer to his.
“I-uh. My apologies. I was distracted.” He cleared his throat and returned his eyes to the TV. Oh, so he was going to play dumb? You were going to drag it out of him.
“M-hmm. What was distracting you?” You egged on. He glanced over at you and back to the TV.
“Your, um, legs. They just looked very nice.” Ford answered quietly, avoiding eye contact with you. It was so cute to see Ford get flustered.
You had kissed and hugged, but never went much further than that. It was hard to find alone time, and Ford could be hesitant about showing affection. This didn’t bother you, though. You were willing to wait how ever long you needed to for him. He had been through a lot, so it’s reasonable for him to want to take things slow and gain trust.
“Ford, you can touch my legs if you want,” you reassured him, placing a hand on his. “Do whatever you want. I don’t mind.” You gave him soft kiss on his lips and cupped his face in your hands. Your fingers slid through his silver hair and down the nape of his neck.
He sighed into your mouth and you felt his hand slowly creep up your leg. His other was on the small of your back. His hand began to slowly travel up and down your leg, stopping to squeeze every now and then as you continued the kiss.
God, he was being so gentle with you and all you can think about is ripping his clothes off.
You shifted your body so you were straddling him without breaking contact with his lips. His hands started to squeeze your thighs a little harder, his thumbs rubbing your inner thighs.
You whined a little against his lips. You could feel his lips turn into a smile. You decided to deepen the kiss by opening your mouth and sliding your tongue along his lips. You felt him shiver as he welcomed you. What started as an innocent kiss began to turn into a make-out sesh. His hands had moved to your hips and were gripping them. Not tightly enough to hurt you, but enough to feel oh so good.
You broke away from the kiss when you heard the oven timer go off. “Dammit, cookies,” you joked, getting up from Ford’s lap. “Don’t move. I’ll be back for you, handsome.” You quickly pecked his nose and made your way into the kitchen. The Snickerdoodles smelled delicious as you pulled them out of the oven. You placed the pan on the stove top not wanting to damage the kitchen table from the heat. You removed your oven mitts from your hand and placed them back in the drawer where they came from.
“Cookies are done! Just-“ You were cut off by Ford scooping you into his arms and carrying you to his room. You were giggling uncontrollably all the way there feeling like a bride on her honeymoon.
He pushed open his bedroom door and gently placed you on his bed. He sat beside you, his eyes staring earnestly into yours. He took your hands into his, fingers intertwining perfectly together.
“Y/N, I’ve been thinking,” he started. “I am tired of dancing around these feelings I have for you. I want to be completely vulnerable.”
You were a little worried as to what he was about to tell you.
“I’m in love with you. I love everything about you, and I know in my heart this is deeper than surface level admiration. And…if you’ll let me. I want to show you just how much I love you.”
Tears started to well up in your eyes. You lifted your hand into his and began to plant kisses on each of his knuckles. “Oh, Stanford. I would be honoured, but are you sure you want to move forward like that? I know you like to take things slow.”
He shook his head and smiled at you while using his thumb to wipe away the tear falling down your cheek. “I’m totally sure. I was holding back my affections for you because I was scared. I’ve never felt this strongly for someone before, and I didn’t want to make careless mistakes. Now all I want is you. If you’ll have me, that is.”
You grinned and nodded your head eagerly. “Yes, please.” His face was pink perhaps from the whirlwind of emotions you both were experiencing.
He leaned forward his hands holding your face now. His movements were more sure than they had ever been before. You laid on your back, letting him take charge.
Your innocent kiss quickly turned rampant, exploring each other’s mouths. Your hands gripping his broad shoulders and moving through his hair once again. His elbows were on either side of your head, his breath becoming more ragged. His lips moved from yours to kiss down your neck. You moaned into his ear as sucked on a spot in the dip of your collarbones. There was sure to be a hickey there in the morning, but you didn’t mind. There was something erotic about having a mark from him.
Ford kissed down the other side of your neck, leaving yet another sign he was there on your collarbone. His mouth went to your ear to whisper, “May I take off your shirt?”
“Yes,” you hissed. That was all he needed. His fingers tugged the hem of your oversized shirt and pulled it over your head. You weren’t wearing a bra which had Ford somewhat short-circuiting. His eyes drank you in, eyes trying to capture your beauty permanently in his mind. He stared for so long you had become a tad insecure, so you crossed your arms over your breasts.
“No, no,” he moved your arms away quickly. “I’m sorry, dear. You’re just so…beautiful.” You felt your face heat up. His eyes were just so full of adoration, and it made you nervous.
“Thank you,” you replied softly. He smiled gently and started to kiss down your chest. They were as soft as feathers. He then kneaded at your breasts, letting out a sharp exhale. His calloused hands felt wonderful against you. His thumb caressed your nipple before he put it in his mouth. You yelped at the contact. His tongue swirled around your aerola as his other hand pinched your hard nipple between his fingers.
“F-Ford,” you breathed, your hands gripping his hair. He had began to suck at your nipple and repeated the same actions to your other breast.
He continued to move down your body, leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. He got to your loose shorts and looked at you as to ask for permission. You nodded, your face becoming hotter.
Ford’s eyes glinted with lust as he looked into your eyes. “You know, I loved the way you said my name. Can’t wait to hear you say it more.” You could barely register how smooth that line was before he was removing your pajama bottoms. You didn’t wear underwear to bed so you were now completely exposed.
Ford sat up to look you up and down. His lips were parted slightly, and his hands gently rubbed your thighs. He looked at you in disbelief.
“Y/N, you are the most heavenly sight I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” Ford murmured. “You look like art.” His eyes had gazed down back to your now dripping core, but you couldn’t wipe the grin off your face. He sure knew how to worship his woman.
“But frankly, my dear, I’m about to be very disrespectful to you,” he mumbled, his lips kissing your inner thighs.
“Oh God,” you moaned. He was making his way to your center but taking his sweet time. Ford was a loving man. However, you could tell a primal part of him had been awakened.
His placed sweet kisses along your folds before flicking his tongue along your clit to tease you. You cried out in pleasure as he dove into you. He licked a stripe inside you and moved his tongue back and forth. You heard him moan deeply as he tasted you. Your brain was becoming foggy from how good everything felt and how he enjoyed pleasing you. Your thighs pressed against the side of his head; his hands were massaging your hips.
“Stanford, please. I want to feel you.” You needed him so bad. He lifted his head up from your thighs, slick covering his chin and lips. His hair was a ruffled mess. God, he looked good.
“Of course, sweetheart.” His finger rubbed along your entrance. He breathed heavy as he slid a finger into you. You let out a sharp inhale as you adjusted to him.
“You feel so, so good.” Ford pumped his finger back and forth in you. Your eyes were closed and your legs had started to shake. “Fuck,” he said under his breath. Seeing you come apart underneath him was almost too much for Ford.
You had decided that he had done enough for you. It was time to return the favor. “Baby, baby. I wanna ride you.” Ford stopped and slowly removed himself from you.
“Are you sure?” he asked. I don’t mind-“ You pushed him down onto the bed and climbed on top of him. You grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.
You separated from the kiss to see his eyes wide and a tinge of pink on his cheeks. “Take off your shirt,” you demanded. He quickly removed his loose red shirt to reveal a toned, yet scarred body. You had actually seen him shirtless before accidentally when he came out of the shower in just a towel so this wasn’t a shock. You found it incredibly attractive. Although, it took lots of convincing for him to believe you.
You ran your hands over his chest and kissed him once more. “You’re so sexy, Stanford,” you whispered to him before biting his earlobe. You spastically kissed him all over his body, letting your hands now roam over his muscular arms. You couldn’t tell it by looking at him, but he was packing some heat under those sweaters. You were also grinding down on his painfully erect dick which caused him to whimper.
Ford sat up and held you close to him as you fumbled with pulling down his sweatpants. He sprang free and you lowered yourself onto him. He let out a guttural moan as he felt your walls tighten around him. His forehead was against your shoulder while you bounced up and down on him. His strong hands had grabbed onto your ass, his fingers pressing into the tended flesh.
“Y/N…Oh my…” You held his face in your hands, making him look you in the eyes while you fucked him. He had a loving look; you had an animalistic one.
“I’m… Not going to last much longer, darling,” he said between breaths.
“Me neither baby.” It was the truth. He already almost had you with his finger, but now that his length was inside you, you didn’t stand a chance. Your legs had started twitching and you threw your head back, allowing Ford to assault your neck further. His arms were now wrapped around you as you came insanely hard. You thought you were gonna see stars. It only took a couple more seconds for him to fill you up. His chest heaved up and down as he collapsed on his bed with you on top of him.
“That was…wonderful,” he sighed, placing a kiss against your temple.
“Agreed, but I think we need a shower after that,” you suggested.
Ford raised one of his eyebrows at you. “Round two?”
You laughed and smacked his shoulder. “Oh you bet.”
P.S. I didn’t look over this so if you see a typo or bad grammar no you didn’t
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chevelleneech · 16 days
semi-live blog
They are immediately the cutest fucking people when together. So soft, so giggly.
I know it’s part of their social culture, but they drink a lot. Maybe it’s because I don’t drink, but dang.
“Jungkook is currently doing his skincare.” They add to the screen after panning away for scenery, yet leaving the sounds of *slap slap slap*😭
Jungkook cycling through multiple pairs of sunglasses, and Jimin swanning in and picking the first pair is peak! They’re so similar I yet so different, lol.
Another thing I’m sure is part of their culture, is the way they pay for stuff, but I find it interesting still that we’ve seen Jimin buy almost everything during their trips, since as far as we know they have pretty lax hierarchy rules between the two of them normally.
Jungkook is in the most romantic moment of his life, lmao! “I love it here!!!” said a million times. That man was experiencing a real life Hallmark movie in his head.
I also thought they spoke/understood way more Japanese than they apparently do.
“Come on everybody!” I understood that reference.
The way they chose to animate over everything to avoid having to blur a billion people in the station is HILARIOUS!
Jimin is too funny bro.
This train ride is so peaceful, it’s selling me on visiting Sapporo despite being broke and not speaking a lick of Japanese.
Can we also discuss how “My man, my man, my man.” Jungkook is? Yet Jimin is too, and somehow both is more than the other, lol. They are perpetually on some, “Jimin will like this.” “Where’s Jungkook?” *films food, pans to Jimin* *films the outside world, pans to Jungkook* *cuddle even while walking* type stuff. Just lovesick.
Girl!dad Jimin confirmed🥰 He’ll be such a sweet dad too, I think. He’s so patient and kind, which is heavily required to raise another human.
I loooooooooe Jimin’s jacket dude.
The way Jimin immediately pivoted to making JK laugh when he tried to downplay himself. Like I said, “My man, my man, my man.” Don’t talk bad about his man, even if you are his man.
My most delusional Jikook theory you’ll ever hear from me: “Are You Sure?” actually became the title because they were asking it if each other, because they in looooooooooove.
Also, to answer my own question from my previous list… yes, the bubble is back.
Role play Jikook strikes again!
Jungkook is it slick! He played with that sip of whiskey the entire time, but the minute Jimin left he downed it.
Them forgetting to pay would’ve been me. And JK initially sending Jimin back to do it would have also been me. You got it, extrovert! Take the embarrassment for the both of us!
They’re so cute! This snow fight makes me want to be somewhere cold for the holiday☹️
The food always looks so damn good! Lord I’m jealous.
I need someone to compile all the times JM and JK go out to eat together, and let me know if Jimin is the one with his back always to the door? It’s a thing in America at least, that the “protector” tends to sit where they can see the door, and I don’t know if that’s a thing in SK as well, but it’s cute, because it matches their dynamic either way.
“Your fingers were all over it.” SIR!? You’ve had his sweaty ear in your mouth… he’s had his mouth on your neck… you’ve also had his fingers in your mouth before and vice verse… AND y’all constantly eat and drink off each other… in fact… yesterday he bit the very sausage you were in the middle of eating and then you continued eating it… before that you gladly allowed him to put his TOES next to your face while you were BRUSHING YOUR TEETH. Stop playing with me, Jeon Jungkook!
Jimin legit being ready to beat Tae’s ass over a dumpling is too crazy, lol. And folks be acting like he some docile helpless baby. Meanwhile, JK is a mediator. They definitely made for each other.
End of the episode. It was fun. Felt like the start of a holiday special. And I didn’t mention it up top, because I decided to “live blog” thoughts like ten minutes in or whatever, but Jungkook softly and sweetly saying he wanted to come back to Japan because it reminded him of their first trip together… SOBBING! He’s such a sentimental guy, with an equally as sentimental guy on his arm.
They truly do vibe so well, and I understand with each passing episode why them enlisting together was a non-choice choice. They click. Like they said themselves, they’re one person split into two bodies, and it’s clear as day they thrive off of being around one another.
Not to get too sappy either, but it’s insane they feel that way about their bond and dynamic, on top of all the things that already just so happened to bring them together. Not just born in the same country, but same city. Auditioned for the same music group. Actually made it into the same group… they were destined to meet, and even they feel that way. All that’s missing is them being the same age, and they’d be the same person. That’s an insane thing to say, but really tells you how deeply they value their connection.
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what-the-jams · 10 months
❝My love is mine all mine❞
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Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader
synopsis “Where Draco Malfoy has loved YN since first year and doesn’t plan on telling her until she comes back from holiday and comes back dating someone new.”
contents “Very cutesy female reader, 18 years of age for both, Angst, Mentions of cheating, smut: vaginal piv sex, mating press, vaginal fingering and eating, blowjob, lowkey dirty dirty sex, praise, hair pulling, drool, making out, reader is on birth control (but is not openly said)”
notes “Lowkey inspired by the Rachel and Ross and Julie episodes of friends. Lets all pretend that Draco was not building a special special cabinet and that he was not a death eater, and voldemort is not a thing Okay! Also...I JUST HAD TO MAKE DRACO A LIL MUSHY GUSHY ALRIGHT?”
He was running. He never thought he would ever be running for anyone, especially a girl. Well, woman now. But he was still running, nevertheless. Running because he realized that now was the time was right. He, Draco Malfoy was running to the Hogwarts Express to finally tell Y/n L/n that he was downright in love with her, and had been since the moment he laid eyes on her.
The Hogwarts Express sat there in all its glory as students flooded out. All were happy as the snow that was falling around them caused a few to slip around as they giggled with their friends. Draco had just made it as he began to search desperately, accidentally running into Blaise as he held hands with Pansy. “Draco, Mate, what's the rush?” Blaise said as he turned around to get no answer, and instead watched the back of Draco.
He was whipping his head around, feeling his robe fluttering behind him as he walked briskly through everyone, still searching for the girl that was engraved into his head 24/7. Everyone moved out of the way, and some were pushed, but even through all that, he still couldn’t find the girl, but the moment he did.
Oh, he wished he didn’t.
“Hi, Draco! I thought you stayed at school for a holiday?” She exclaimed the minute she saw him. “I-I did.” He was stuttering, not good. A look of concern crossed her face. “Are you alright?” She said still holding the hand of the brunette next to her.
‘Fucking Harry Potter, out of anyone else, she chose the fucking guy he hated with his whole being.’
“Yeah, I'm okay. I was just looking for Blaise.” The Blonde said with a deep frown, completely masking his heartbreak. “I think he was back-” She got interrupted as Draco briskly walked past her. She watched him walk away as a flicker of hurt flashed in her eyes. “You okay, Sweetheart?” Harry asked as he looked at the girl, smiling quickly and she shook her head shyly.
° ⁎ ✧ ✧ ⁎ °
A week later he saw the two again in the library, Potter blabbering on with Weasley and Granger about something Snape said. Of course, he didn’t pay too much about him but rather to the girl dressed in Hufflepuff robes.
Y/n was studying next to the boy, Draco knowing the pressure of getting good grades as she too is a pure blood with pressuring parents. A look of annoyance crosses her face and Harry knocks her arm as she’s writing what he can assume is an essay for a class. “Sorry,” Harry muttered looking at her and then looking back at his friends.
A following week later, He saw them again at a party in the Ravenclaw Dorms. Harry had his arm around her as he talked Vividly with Cho Chang. The girl looked out of place at the party, even though there were other Hufflepuffs, some even eyeing him up as he stared at the other girl across the room.
Y/n did not look like she enjoyed being at this party, the girl was dressed in a pastel pink dress a pretty pink ribbon in her hair, and pretty ruby red Mary Jane heels. She bit her lip as she looked at her boyfriend again as he continued to just talk to Cho completely ignoring her as he hovered in tipsy euphoria. Then her pretty doe eyes caught his. And she smiled. And waved. And he waved back with a smile as well.
And did Harry hate that? The minute he recognized the blonde he had started to argue with the girl. Tears and yelling, a lot of yelling actually. Mostly from Harry though as he wouldn’t let the girl get a word in. And to end it, out of pure spite, he kicked Y/n away and onto the curb like a sad puppy. Draco had watched the whole thing, and although he had to hold his tongue. He opted to turn the boy a bright shade of red by punching him in the nose and running after Y/n who had run out crying moments before.
“Y/n?” Draco called out as he saw the girl in the corridors staring out the window, cold air flowing through as the snow fell outside the school. The girl looked at him as her glittery eyeshadow ran down her cheeks, looking as if she cried tears of diamonds.
“It's cold out tonight.” He remarked walking to stand next to her as she leaned into a column next to the open expanse of the building. She was sniffling lightly as she continued to let her tears flow freely in a glimmery river.
Draco sighed and took off the coat he was wearing and draped it over her shoulders. He continued to admire her, And That's when it clicked for him. “Y/n…” she looked at him with such a sad look. He took a deep breath before gently grabbing her face, and kissing her deeply.
The girl's eyes widened and she let out a gasp and pushed him away gently. “Draco, wha-why?” She stuttered out, covering her mouth as more tears started to trail down her face. “Y/n.” He breathed. “I’ve loved you since the first year. You deserve the world. I don’t know what else to say without sounding completely foolish but I am so in love with you that you should not be with someone as idiotic as fucking Potter.” She continued to cry as she continued to look at him.
“I love you so much and I would treat you the way that you deserve to be treated, like a princess. A way that Potter is not. I would kill for you, I would die for you, Move the heavens and earth for you. I love you.” He spewed out. Breathing heavily as the girl removed his coat and gently handed it to him, walking away a few paces ahead of him, before turning to face him.
“Draco. I love you too.” Y/n whispered, “But I can’t be with you. I’m with Harry. I'm so sorry.” She whispered before briskly walking away from him. And Draco felt his heart break even more, so he turned and walked towards the dungeon. He hadn’t felt heartbreak before and he didn’t know that his tears would flow with it. So he walked away, hands stuffed in his pockets as he muttered to himself.
Y/n regretted walking away the minute she turned away from the blonde. She had loved him for the longest time but just never wanted to tell him for fear of rejection and losing the soft spot he had for her while he continued to keep his mean demeanor for everyone else. She loved him so much. She fantasized about being his, and no one else's. She fantasized about the relationship that would've bloomed for the two. She fantasized about him meeting her family, formally as hers. She fantasized about being used by him in the midnight hours when her roommates were out, folding her in half and into his mattress, cock slotted perfectly between them, connecting them intimately. Moans and groans and handsy touching, and him whispering about how good he felt.
She made it back to the party to try to talk to Harry, to apologize. The crowded room was full of drunk students, suffocating in the room as she continued to search only to run into Hermione and Ron, looks of hurt and shock as they saw the girl. “Y/n, what's the matter?” The brunette asked her as Ron also looked at her in concern as he took a tissue out of his pocket to hand to Hermione, to wipe her glittery river of tears. “Just a fight with a friend and Harry is all. Where is he?” sniffling as she held Hermione's hand gently. “I don’t exactly know,” Hermione answered looking towards Ron who just shrugged. “We could help you look.” Ron finished.
“Oh, that's quite alright. I think I can manage-” The girl was cut off as a storage closet opened to reveal Cho Chang with none other than her Boyfriend, Harry. People were either gasping or cheering for the golden boy as he stumbled out with a goofy grin as Cho hung off of him. Clothing touseled, and makeup and hair smeared as they giggled to themselves.
“Oh, Y/n.” Hermione gasped as she hugged the girl who just stood in shock while staring at the two. Filled with boiling anger as she recounted the numerous hidden arguments between the two talking about his relationship with the said ravenclaw. She didn’t even move as frustrated tears flooded her cheeks for the third time that night. Before even moving towards the two or removing the brunette that was comforting her from the side, Ron was the first of the three to move. “Fucking hell Harry.”
“What? We were just having some fun.” Cho replied drunkenly. “With a man in a relationship no less.” Ron’s voice grew in decibels, causing others to look towards the commotion.”Then we can keep it a secret.” Harry replied with an eye roll as he stumbled forward, hand groping the breast of the raven-haired girl next to him. “Well, the secrets’ out.” Y/n scowled out. Both Harry and Cho’s faces paled at seeing the girl. Who as the author must say, is the prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts.
Sharply wiping her eyes, she walked up to Harry and slapped the boy back to Hogsmeade. “You bitch.” Cho slurred as she went to grab Harry. “Says the one that goes after people's relationships,” Y/n growled. “Harry when you are fully sober, find me tomorrow so I can properly break up with you.” And she strutted off. Straight to the Slytherin quarters.
Draco had just got to the hallway of the Slytherin dorms when he heard his name being called, inhaling sharply as he heard her sweet tone call for him. He rubbed his hands on his face before turning towards the voice. There she was still in the pretty baby pink slip dress and red heels as before. “Y/n…” He said waiting for her to answer, pretty pissed from their earlier talk. “I-” she stuttered as she grew shy under his scrutinizing gaze. “Well, get on with it. I don’t have all night.” Draco snapped, crossing his arms over his strong chest.
She walked up to him until they were inches from each other. “I love you, Draco Malfoy. So fucking much.” she threw her arms around his neck as she pulled him down towards her awaiting lips. His eyes widened as he gripped her hips tight enough to bruise. She opened her mouth to allow his waiting tongue in. Sucking, moaning, and dirty mess as they separate breathing heavily. “What happened to earlier?” He asked heavily. “I realized that you were completely right,” she answered shakily as she tried to catch her breath. “I deserve better, and I love you, and you love me.”
She took a deep breath as she looked up at his grey eyes as he kept his grip on her hips. “You said you would kill for me, and die for me, move the heavens and earth. Draco Lucius Malfoy, I love you,” She finished as he looked down at her hungrily. “And I want you to treat me the way that I know I deserve, and like a princess.” He learned to push her up against the wall as he began to nibble and kiss at her neck, causing her to let out sweet moans as she gripped his broad shoulders. They continued to kiss heavily as they swallowed the arousing noises any of them would make.
“Draco,” She whimpered as he stopped to look down at her through his lashes. “Please.” She begged quietly as she gripped his black button-up and began to get on her knees to please him. “Anything you want, Princess.” He groaned as she made haste for his buckle not even caring that anyone could walk down the hallway and catch them. She had finally freed him from his trousers, feeling the heavy weight of his pretty cock in her smaller hands.
“Whatever you want,” Draco said as he looked down at her, moving the hair to go behind her ears, careful of her pretty pink bow that rested in the pretty little updo she wore. He gasped quietly when she took the first lick towards the leaky head. “Just like that Darling. So good.” He groaned as she swallowed around his thick girth. A slobbery mess of spit and precum turned into a pretty clear gloss on the girl's lips as she deepthroated him, careful of any gagging.
Soon the blonde let out a deep groan as his milky white filed into her mouth, down her throat. He let out a deep chuckle as he pulled the girl up by her chin and kissed her again, tasting his own self on her tongue. They disconnected as Draco fixed his pants and flipped the girl so that she was the one with her back leaning against the wall. He gets on the ground and lifts the skirt of her dress to pull her pretty pink panties down her legs, to see that they too had a bow in the middle. “Such a pretty girl with pretty panties.” He says against her thighs as he pulls the skirt to go over and cover his blonde locks.
She had felt his hot breath on her puffy pussy as it swelled up from having no friction. He gave a quick kitten lick before completely burying his tongue in between her. Sucking hard on her clit and fucking her deep with his tongue with her leg hoisted above his shoulder and hands covering her mouth as she shyly let out sounds of pleasure.
“Draco,” Y/n whined as she let her senses heighten as she began to reach her peak. “Yes, Princess.” He smiled up at her as the dress fell off his head, showing his messy hair and glossy lips with her own sweetness. “I need it.” She said as she stuttered and tears pricked her eyes once again. “Need what, hmm?” Draco said as he bunched the dress up her waist and held it there.
“Need you to make me cum, please.”
“So dirty,” He said leaning to let her watch him lick her clit, “But so polite, I might consider it.” He said looking up at her and letting one of his hands flow down her navel to wear his mouth is, collecting the slick. Then letting two fingers enter her and fuck her gently. The loud squelching of her wetness and his own slurps as he continued to eat her. The pressure built up quicker than she thought, and she came in a silent scream as her cum began to dribble down her thighs and down Draco’s mouth. He let go of her pussy as he continued to thrust threw her orgasm, staring up at the girl with hazy grey eyes and mouth open in a wide grin as he watched his lover who held a scrunched-up face and tears flowing and drool dribbling down from her mouth.
Feeling the overstimulation, Y/n cried out as she gripped Draco’s wrist as he continued to thrust his fingers into her, smiling coyly up at her as he slick continued to drip onto the ground. “D-Draco,” She gasped out as she continued to grab at his hand, “Please, j-just fuck m-me already.” He finally stopped, getting up as he pulled her dress down, looking down at her pretty ruby red Mary Jane that was wet with droplets that dripped from her. He pulled her towards her roughly to messily kiss her again as he felt the intense heat that radiated from her. Gripping her and scratching at her back as they moaned into each other's mouths.
“Come one, let's give my princess all the pleasure that she can take.” He rasped between their lips quickly grabbing her by the hips and leading her into the next hallway where the Slytherin dorms were. “Pure-Blood.” He replied gruffly when they approached the stone wall to the Slytherin common room.
The common room was empty as most of the occupants were still at the Ravenclaw party, the only people in the common room were just Pansy and Blaise. “Y/n what sight to see.” Pansy chuckled in her position on Blaise's lap as they never expected to see the shy Hufflepuff in their common room, with Draco nonetheless. “Hi,” Y/n said quietly as Draco led her straight to the stairs going toward the Male Dormitories. “Bye,” The couple said as they watched Draco push the girl out of the Common Room. “Well, they look like they are having fun,” Blaise remarked. “What if we go have fun while your people are still out,” Pansy smirked as she got off his lap and waited for him to follow her.
Draco pushed Y/n into his single dorm prefect room, panting heavily as he began unbuttoning his shirt. Lifting the dress above her hips, Y/n paused as Draco stopped her. “A princess shouldn’t need to undress herself. Let me.” he pulled the silky pink above her head as she stared at his bare chest. Muscles bulging as he maneuvered himself to push her onto the edge of the bed as he stared at her bare chest. “So pretty.” He watched as she covered herself with her arms, watching as he kneeled on the ground to remove her heels, now only in her white calf-high socks.
He grabbed her hands as she went to take out her bow. “Keep it on.” He said before kissing her chest, sucking on her pretty nipples. Y/n could only sit there, arching her back as he sucked bruises into her skin. He unbuckled himself and began undressing so that he was bare with her as he began to fondle her breasts as well. She arched herself into Draco as he gripped her bare back.
“Draco, darling please just fuck me already.” She moaned out after pushing him away, gently giving sweet kisses against his lips. “Alright, Alright, just be patient yeah?” He chuckles as he pushes her back, crawling onto the bed. Slotting himself between her legs, folding her legs so that her thighs meet her own shoulders, just like in her fantasies. He sits back on his haunches as he holds her knees together with one big hand, taking his cock in the other and trailing it back and forth against her slick pussy, watching as more slick gushes out of her as she moaned quietly to himself.
Then he slid himself in, groaning at the tightness and how warm it was inside her squishy walls. “My princess feels so good, squeezing around me. I’m gonna fill you up so good.” He groaned out throwing his head back. Sliding back out to just fuck the tip in and out of her. She felt her walls stretching to their limit by just his tip, feeling the fullness already even if it was not his full length. “D-Draco, so big.” She moaned out feeling the stretch as he dragged his cock into her again. “I know sweetheart, be patient.” He cooed as he stared at the girl's face before fully pushing in.
The mating press he had her in making the both feel how full and deep he was in her. Her cunt hugging his cock as he hammered into her, surprised by how pliable the girl was. The stretch felt as amazing as ever and the tightness having them both rolling their eyes.
“cumming.” the girl whimpered. “what was that?” he answered smirking as he pushed in balls deep and began rubbing her clit in tight , fast circles. The girl began crying again and stuttered out “cumming.” once again as her slick began to rush out like a fountain.
Draco didn’t stop thrusting as the girl still remained crying out , clawing at his biceps from the overstimulation. “Can you keep going, pretty?” he tilted his head at her, awaiting her answer. And she just nodded with a look of awe at the mess he made of her.
This time he folded her up in his lap in a full nelson. Full pussy and loving how she was manhandled. and it wasn’t even 5 minutes of thrusting before she was squirting again, making more of a mess as it dribbled down his own cock and down his legs. “Darling, you really need to stop making such a big mess.” He grabbed her chin to kiss her again.
“I’m almost finished with you, are you able to keep going?” Draco said after putting her legs down so that she was sitting there on his dick. “mhm.” she said as she just looked at him, before kissing his neck. “where do you want it?” he said as he slowly thrusted in her as she was in his lap.
“inside please.” she said as he laid back, keeping her on his dick and putting her in a cowgirl. “So polite.” he muttered as he put his hand around her neck, choking her softly. Propping his knees up so that she was chest to chest with him, he used his free hand to hold her hips down to meet his harsh thrusts.
“Draco, please cum in me .” she mewled as he was grunting underneath her. “Don’t worry, I plan too.” and she soon felt herself tighten around him again, this time he was nearing his own peak as he bit into her neck. “Please!” she screamed out as she came on him, this time she felt herself being filled up by his own cum as he groaned against her neck.
slouching on top of him, the actions of them finally set in, where she covered her face and cowered away in embarrassment. Trying to ease herself off from the impalement , the blonde pulled her close to him , groaning softly at the way the girl lightly clenched on him.
“Draco..” the girl whispered, looking him in the eyes. “We can’t stay like this.” She said referring to the indecency they were in. Although the boy had a private dorm, she did feel a bit awkward with the way that she was still naked. Then of course there are certain things that did need to be discussed.
The two had finally unsheathed and began to dress again. “Draco..” the girl said as she sat there in her dress watching as he buttoned up his shirt halfway, letting the rest stay unbuttoned.
“What does all of this mean?” She said watching as he lifted his head, smiling slightly. “The sex, the ‘I love you’s’?”
“It means I love you… Y/n.” He said approaching her. “It means I want to be with you, share experiences with you. Give you every ounce of my love.” He said as he lifted her head, kissing her gently again.
“But what about Har-“ “He can’t appreciate you like I do darling. He showed that at the party with that filthy Ravenclaw.” He said holding her in his arms. “I love you Y/n and I plan to show you as well as the rest of the world.” he chuckled “It’s a plus that I can show that Potter that too.”
° ⁎ ✧ ✧ ⁎ °
That next day he did in fact show Harry, by placing a big kiss , slightly embarrassing the girl as others watched in enjoyment.
“You cheated on me!” Harry blubbered on, Cho standing behind him, looking as if she got slapped. Standing next to other Ravenclaws as everyone watched as Hermione and Ron held the brunettes from pulling out his wand in his fury.
“Potter, don't flatter yourself. Yesterday night I, as well as everyone in this courtyard saw you kissing that girl behind you. And right in front of Y/n I might add.” Draco said, pushing Y/n behind him as he pointed at Cho.
“Merlin, you’re crazier than I thought.” Y/n whispered behind him smiling. He looked behind himself to smile at her. “You have no one to blame but yourself.” He said taking one last look at Harry before bringing Y/n to the dining hall, Showing their love more and more.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Everyone on the team receives an anonymous hand made Valentine’s card, except for Hotch. He tries not to show his disappointment and quickly walks away into his office while the team try to guess who has made then. Later in the day, when the others have gone home, reader knocks at Hotch’s office door, saying something like that they wanted to give him his card personally because it’s even more special than the ones for the team. And it’s an invitation to dinner.
something good
happy valentine's day pt 2! 🥰 cw; a touch of angst, alcohol mention, fluff!!!!
aaron should've known.
he was viewed as the boss, and that was that. merely a position of authority; not necessarily a colleague, and not necessarily a friend.
and it's always been that way. groups quieted upon his approach, eye contact was scarce amidst conversations- as if meeting his gaze would give him reason to absolutely rip them to shreds. by now, enduring so for years, he'd gotten used to it. he had to. so why should he expect to be treated any differently?
however, he refused to lie to himself, he'd give himself that. he didn't try to fight the stinging sensation in his chest, which had been present all day. it hurt, hearing and seeing the team gushing over valentines that had been placed anonymously on their desks that morning. trying to use their profiling skills to determine who had done such; penelope nearly stirred up a frenzy, morgan's laugh had rang loudly through the bullpen, everyone had compared the kind messages left for them.
meanwhile, aaron's desk had been empty. and he simply observed the joyful scene from the safety of his office.
whoever was responsible- the thought would've been nice, at least.
valentine's day was just like any normal day, if it weren't for the cards strategically placed amongst the desks, aaron probably wouldn't have even recalled the holiday to begin with.
that, however, was the lie. he knew what day it was. february fourteenth had been special, years ago. but now, it instead brought an impending sense of dread, one that was impossible to ignore; the reminder of yet another day spent alone. his night, when he finally made it home, would more likely than not consist of a glass of whisky and maybe a few episodes of law and order before crashing.
"hotch? you have a second?"
your voice caused him to lift his head, pulling him from his sea of thoughts. "yes?"
"i- um. wanted to give you this."
aaron's eyes perked up instantly, and a touch of embarrassment quickly swept through him. he felt childish almost, at his eagerness; the want to be included.
"i'm sure you noticed, the valentines." with the pink slip in your hand, you used to to reference the bullpen. "penelope wasn't very subtle about it."
"i did." aaron commented, hoping the blush present in his cheeks wasn't too visible. one of his eyebrows quirked up in question. "and they were from you?"
you bit down on your bottom lip, but the action didn't quite stop your smile. "guilty."
"well, that was very thoughtful of you. it lifted everyone's spirits, that's for sure."
"yeah i thought... i don't know. every day we come in to heaps of files on our desk, and aren't exactly doing jumping jacks at the sight of them. so i thought it'd be nice to have something different, for once. something good."
aaron's lips almost pulled into a smile, recalling the earlier antics and his next inquiry caused your cheeks to flush. "and you sent yourself one?"
"hey, self love." you were quick to quip back, laughing softly but with a shake of your head. "i was trying to be discrete. if i were the only one to not receive a card, that'd be awfully suspicious and defeat the whole purpose, don't you think?"
'if i were the only one', aaron's chest warmed. you hadn't forgotten him, there had been one with his name on it all along.
"but..." you adjusted your weight from one foot to the other, suddenly exhibiting nervousness. aaron recognized your small movement, knowing it as one of your tells. that, and your habit of chewing the inside of your cheek. "yours, i wanted to hand deliver."
aaron couldn't hide the surprise in his voice. "you did?"
"it's special. like you." you rushed out in a breath, and if aaron's blush hadn't been present before- it definitely was now. you handed the valentine to him rather quickly, before you could chicken out. "and i wanted you to know it was from me."
silence fell over aaron, feeling absolutely touched. he didn't know what to say.
"happy valentine's day." you gave him another smile, still leaving him speechless, and heading out of his office.
before you had fully exited the room, aaron opened the valentine. his eyes skimmed over your loopy handwriting- and the feeling in his chest intensified. the contents included you thanking him, for looking out for you and the team as a whole. you had emphasized how safe he made you feel, and how you felt extremely lucky to have someone like him protecting you in midst of the horrors you saw daily. he gave you a comfort you never thought possible, and you couldn't picture receiving so from anyone else. the ending however, made his heart skip a beat.
and whenever you're free- dinner? you and me?
he's always been drawn to you, in more ways than another, but he had never acted upon them. he couldn't quite figure out how to approach you like that, and he regretted every chance he didn't take. but now, you've given him the perfect opportunity.
aaron, paperwork completely forgotten and disregarded, didn't hesitate to go after you. "wait!"
you met his gaze as he exited his office- you had just begun collecting your things to head home. everyone else had already gone.
"yes?" a smile tugged at your lips, heart fluttering.
"i'm free right now. if... you are?"
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bee-the-loser-recs · 4 months
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☼ My Joshua One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Amortentia; Honeydukes lover By @http-mianhae 16.7k, Hogwarts au, Slytherin reader, Hufflepuff Joshua, reader has trauma, cold reader, lovesick Joshua, themes of sexual assault
𖤓 Boyfriends By @milfgyuu 2.7k, reader is in a toxic relationship, domestic abuse, Joshua is their safe space, fluff, angst, pining, friends to lovers, comfort
𖤓 New By @luvidzy 2.1k, slice of life au, fluff, slight angst, long term mutual pining, stargazing, Joshua is moving away
𖤓 Winning team By @viastro 1.4k, slice of life au, capture the flag game with nerf guns, hidden relationship, fluff, kisses, competitive nature, cute
𖤓 In a span of three months By @viastro 20.3k, terminally ill reader, mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts, Joshua finds joy in life again, falling in love, only 3 months left to live, sobbing, major character death, it's so sad
𖤓 Wildest dreams By @viastro 6.7k, getting married for 24hours, best friends to lovers, fluff, getting free benefits, cute relationship, fake dating kind of
𖤓 Birds of a feather By @onlymingyus 14.3k, college au, smut, fluff, reader going around with a petition, strangers to lovers, crack, hot tub scene, talks of further dates, alcohol and drug use, simp!Joshua, cuties, very fun
𖤓 To you By @onlymingyus 15k, Joshua x reader x DK, college au, art students DK & reader, med-student Joshua, monogamy to polyamory, fluff, smut, angst, cute relationship, going on holiday together, relationship discussions, mild jealousy
𖤓 Love they neighbour By @onlyhuis 5.1k, college au, friends with benefits situation, fwb to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, smut, idiots in love, happy ending
𖤓 Cranberry concoctions By @onlyhuis 4.6k, 1920s au, bartender Joshua, smut, fluff, slight angst, mentions of bartender Vernon, jealousy, speakeasy au
𖤓 Mr Nice guy By @toruro 5.3k, neighbours au, moving into a new apartment, fluff, smut, strangers to lovers
𖤓 Isohel By @toruro 26.2k, modern royalty au, prince Joshua, florist/botanist reader, slow burn, developing feelings, slut shaming, fluff, angst, references to Greek mythology, literally so stunning to read [alternate ending if you want to read it as well 00:00]
𖤓 Fighting for your love By @rubyreduji 5.5k, Jeonghan x reader x Joshua, boxer au, competing for reader's attention, physical fight for love, threesome, smut, fluff, poly situation
𖤓 Thinking Joshua is just nice but he has a crush on you By @kimbappykidding Idol au kind of, friends to lovers, pining, noticing secret looks, best friends Vernon & Seungkwan, entire group ships them, fluff, love confessions
𖤓 Shipped By @suhnshinehaos SMAU, university au, teacher Joshua & reader, students shipping them, revelation of feelings, fluffy and cute
𖤓 Oceans & Engines By @renjunphile 15.2k, ex lovers to lovers au, idol Joshua, music producer reader, based on songs from Niki, fluff, slight angst, literally so good omg
𖤓 Splashed By @smileysuh 5.5k, Joshua x reader x Jeonghan, idol au, references to the 13 shadows going seventeen episode, smut, poly relationship, fluff, established relationship
𖤓 Beautiful day, Sunday morning By @sluttywoozi 7k, non-specified au, mutual pining, friends to lovers, being in love, smut, fluff, pasta and puzzle dates, hopelessly in love
𖤓 Under the rose By @just-come-baek 6k, historical au like 1950s?, childhood frenemies to lovers, reader calls him Jisoo to piss him off, smut, fluff
𖤓 Hoax By @lovelyhan 18.6k, gangster/mafia Joshua, strangers to lovers, falling in love, hostess reader, loan sharks mentioned, reader is in trouble & debt, angst, smut, slight fluff, reader is left behind
𖤓 Eyes meeting, hearts apart By @lovelyhan 30.2k, fantasy au, prince Joshua with plant magic, bartender reader with ice magic, fluff, angst, royalty, requited unrequited love, part of a series of one-shots
𖤓 An interview with an angel By @hannyoontify 2.5k, reporter Joshua, nationalist fencer reader, being late to important events, meet cutes, fluff, slight panic attack, flirting
𖤓 So beautiful By @blue-jisungs 3.8k, Atla au, water bender Joshua, Prince Joshua, army general reader, assassination attempt, fluff, angst, mentions of war and killings
𖤓 Envy By @berriesandjunnie 1.9k, idol au, idol Joshua & reader, jealousy surrounding his members, comebacks, fluff, slight angst, some insecurity
𖤓 Prove it you won't By @leejungchans 19k, tattoo artist Joshua, nurse reader with tattoos, fluff, angst, miscommunication, past breakups, humour, slowburn, flirty behaviour, adorableness
𖤓 Cast me in a better light By @seungkwansphd 5.9k, musical au, band member reader x cast member Joshua, fluff, karaoke, coffee dates, becoming closer
𖤓 Fade into you By @writingmingyu 4.8k, childhood friends to online friends to lovers, fluff, meeting again after years, autumn fair dates
𖤓 Curse the stars By @shuadotcom 8.4k, 70s au, Hollywood, actor reader, washing machine salesman Joshua, strangers to lovers, fwb to lovers, mentions of dynamics, fluff, smut
𖤓 Stay till sunrise By @shuadotcom 9.1k, Joshua x reader x Mingyu, unspecified au, non-idol au, confessions, pining, poly situation, fluff, smut, bets on when they would date
206 notes · View notes
hollybell51 · 1 year
Last night on Earth
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^don't mind me going absolutely feral over this gif
Cas x AFAB!fem!Reader
Supernatural (2005), s05e03 "free to be you and me"
Word count: 6.4K
Summary: following the hooker failure, you feel that sitting alone in a shitty abandoned house is not the best way to spend one's last night on Earth. Cas seems to agree with you.
Content: smut! Yay! First kisses, first time, making out, handjobs, hickeys, penetrative sex, safe sex (yay!), cowgirl, mutual masturbation, fingering, gags? if you squint? maybe? like a hand over the mouth. Discussions of sex work and sex workers (I'm not commenting on anything, it's just there as dialogue due to the nature of the episode, and all dialogue/internal monologue regarding the topic is purely for the furtherment of the plot). Talking during sex, Cas is loud. Sex on a couch, spooning, almost-love-confessions ("like-confessions"). Very light comment on body image, some very vague descriptions of scars (reader is a hunter). Cas is just Cas and I love him for it. He's also a virgin. Dean's probably a warning but I adore him.
Notes: Heyyyy how's it going? One day into my holidays and I churn out this bad boy. Couldn't get the idea out of my head, and hey, I'm a sucker for virgin angels. This show is rapidly taking over my whole life lmao.
It's also been a while so I just thought I'd remind people of the taglist form, and the existence of my AO3 (if you wanna read my stuff there for whatever reason). Anyways enjoy, stay safe out there xx
“That was quick,” you called as the door creaked open, Dean’s low chuckle echoing through the hallway. You closed the book you’d been reading – a shitty paperback you’d picked out of a bargain bin – and watched as the other hunter dropped his jacket onto a rusted dining chair. You’d expected them to be gone for a few hours, hence your foray into the realms of “downtime”, but it had barely been one since they’d left, Dean throwing an obscenely enthusiastic wink your way as he shoved an apprehensive looking Cas out to enjoy his last night on Earth. 
“We had to wrap it up pretty fast.” Dean glanced over his shoulder at Cas, laughter still clinging to his face. You hadn’t seen him look that happy in ages, not for this long. Well, that was something at least. 
You’d had your doubts about the whole idea from the moment Dean had mentioned it. Sure, sex was sex. It was something that could be pretty darn nice and that you were glad for in your life, but you weren’t sure if Dean fully grasped that it was never the same with a hooker. It would never feel as good, it would never be meaningful, it would be a service purchased from a provider. A business transaction. That wasn’t any way to experience it for the first time, in your opinion. 
“Good time not a long time, then?” you asked mildly. 
“Would you say that, Cas?” 
The angel stiffened, hands shoved into the pockets of his trench coat. 
You wrinkled your nose, suddenly wondering if you should feel bad. “Bad time?” 
Dean snorted. “I’m turning in. You tell (Y/N) about it, she’ll give you a pat on the back and tell you it’s alright. And don’t look so… grief stricken.” 
“G’night,” you waved to his retreating back, then turned back to Cas. “Really bad time?” 
He really did look grief stricken, standing stock still in the dimness. Even his hair looked droopier than usual, and you almost got out of your seat just to push it off his face. You settled for putting your book down and leaning forward. 
“She ran away,” he said after a moment. “I think I scared her.” 
“Geez,” you frowned. “How’d you scare a hooker?” 
He shrugged. “I told her it wasn’t her fault that her father Gene ran off.” Then, as if it explained everything; “He hated his job at the post office.” 
You laughed, but stopped quickly. “Oh, Cas. You know the whole–” 
“The whole industry is run on absent fathers, I know.” He sighed. “Dean found it hilarious.” 
This time, you did get up, crossing the room to pat his shoulder. You knew Dean wouldn’t have meant anything by it, wouldn’t have been laughing at Cas. Still, a pang of what was almost pity shot through you. It wasn’t about the sex, not really, as much as Dean played that aspect up. It was more all the coulds that never would. Cas wasn’t human, as much as he could pass it off (mostly), but there were so many things that he wasn’t going to get to try now. You just didn’t understand how he could so casually volunteer to die at the drop of a hat. It was either incredibly selfless, or incredibly selfish. Or maybe just stupid. 
But no, Cas wasn’t stupid. He was razor sharp, a soldier of God, even if you poked fun at him when he didn’t understand your and Dean’s pop-culture reference infused slang. It had only been the last time you’d seen him that you’d vowed to make him sit through all the Star Wars movies, something you hadn’t realised until afterwards had sounded a lot like a “movie and chill” proposal. Luckily, he wouldn’t have picked up on that. Just like he wouldn’t have picked up – like Dean had – the moments where you caught yourself watching him, or the smiles that were just too damned determined to break out on your face when he showed up – either in the real world or in your mind. And thank the heavens nobody but you noticed the tiny flurries of butterflies in your stomach you’d noticed increasingly often when he was around, the surges of warmth that would sneak up and rush over you unexpectedly when you thought of him, the tingles that flooded your skin when he stood that little bit too close to you.  
Which, when you thought about it, was maybe contributing to the ounce of vindication you were feeling regarding the hooker failure. It wasn’t all the “I told you so” type of satisfaction, anyway, and you weren’t too proud to admit when you liked someone. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you assured him now, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. 
“You’re giving me a pat on the back and telling me it’s alright,” he sighed, almost mournfully. “Dean said–” 
You reached up, pressing a finger to his lips and shaking your head. “You wanna know something?” 
He nodded, brows furrowed. He hadn’t drawn back, you noticed. 
“It doesn’t matter how much sex Dean has,” you whispered, hand still floating close by his face. “I wouldn’t take a damn letter of his advice in that department.” 
“Why not?” His breath tickled your skin, and suddenly you realised just how close you were standing. 
You shrugged, dispelling the shiver that had run up your spine. “I just know if a dude came onto me how he comes onto chicks, I’d kick him in the balls.” 
“I’ll make a point to not come onto you like he does, in that case.” 
It took a moment – past the words “like he does”, not that he wouldn’t come onto you full stop, but like Dean does – for the fact that it was a joke to sink in, then you smiled. Maybe there was, or had been, hope for him yet. You took a breath, turning the words over in your mind. It was now or never, you supposed. 
“I want you to know,” you said carefully, “if you die–” 
“When. Tomorrow, when I die.” 
“Uh, yeah.” You swallowed. How could he be so matter of fact about it? How could he just say it like that? It didn’t matter, you supposed. Whether he said it or didn’t, it wasn’t going to change the fact that it was happening. 
“When I die…” he prompted when you were silent. 
“I want you to know that I liked you,” you said simply, then shrugged. “I think I was on the way to really liking you.” 
He frowned, and for a moment you thought you’d made a massive mistake. “You don’t have to do that,” he said. “I don’t mind. I know I’m… a dick.” 
“Jesus, Cas,” you snorted. “Guess we say that a bit too much, don’t we?” 
“And we don’t say ‘thank you’ enough.” 
He shook his head, still holding your hand. “You don’t have to do this,” he repeated.
“It’s not about that. Not all of it, anyway.” You smiled, glancing at your hand where it met his. It looked big, wrapped around your fingers, and it fitted painfully well. “But, you know, if it’s your last night on Earth…” You looked up, wiggling your eyebrows. You could play it off as a joke if you needed to, you weren’t too far in yet. 
That familiar almost-smile you’d come to look for danced over his lips. “You pity me, dying a virgin? Dying,” he added. “A virgin.” 
You laughed. “I don’t… pity you. Not exactly. Not because you’re gonna die a virgin, and definitely not because you’re a virgin.” 
“Because I scared away a prostitute?” 
“Her loss,” you laughed. “And anyway, if it’s your first and last time, it’d be nice to… y’know… feel good.” 
He frowned. “Surely a prostitute would know how to do that?”
“Maybe the technicalities,” you shrugged, “but there’s more to it than that. There’s feelings, y’know?” 
Again, you shrugged, suddenly self conscious. What were you doing? “Two way street kind of thing,” you explained lamely. “Not just someone you want, but someone who wants you. Not just your money.” You were acutely aware of the unspoken words floating beneath the casual sentence. I want you. It could be me.
A pause, where his eyes seemed to bore into your soul. He had a knack for that, you’d noticed. Sometimes you felt like he could see right to the very core of your being. In the dimness, they looked even more startlingly blue than usual. He was so close, you could almost count his eyelashes, almost feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath the coat, jacket, shirt, tie… 
“When it’s…” He paused, his tongue darting over his lips. God, his lips. “Someone you want.” 
“Someone who wants you.” 
“Not just your money.” 
You hadn’t taken your eyes off his mouth through the whole exchange, and your voice, when you asked, sounded softer than you’d meant it to, breathy and faint to your own ears. “Do you want me, Cas? Last night on Earth, and all.” 
The corner of his mouth curled up, brows twitching into a thoughtful frown. No, you thought, not quite a frown. Something else, more curious than confused. Almost quizzical. “I think…” He paused, drawing breath. “I think I do.” 
“Ok,” you smiled, ignoring the butterfly rampage taking place in your stomach. This kind of thing wasn’t supposed to happen in real life. Not your life, anyway, even if it was Cas’s last night on Earth. It didn’t exist outside the pages of those shitty paperbacks. 
“Do you want me?” Cas asked. 
“Mhm.” It was all you could manage, really. Then you were stretching up the last few inches between your face and his, pressing your lips gently against his own. 
He was perfectly still for a heartbeat, two heartbeats, almost three. Then his hand tightened around yours and he pulled you closer, trench coat rustling where your chest met it. He kissed you the way you remembered the first boy who’d ever kissed you – a boy in your year level at school, at a party, playing spin the bottle no less – had kissed you. The want was all there, the enthusiasm and anticipation and the only half-conscious desire for more. His lips remained shut, but you could feel in it that he knew it wasn’t quite right. 
You pulled away briefly, just enough to raise a hand to his mouth and run your thumb over his bottom lip. “Like this,” you murmured, pushing just enough to part his lips. Then your hands were in his hair and you were pulling him down to you, and this time it was perfect. 
He made a little sound of pleasure as your tongue slipped beside his, stroking, caressing, gently as you could. Without any guidance, his hand had found the cloth-shielded contours of your breast, tracing the outline with a sort of awe. His fingers ran along the neckline of your top, dipping under the material, curving around your bare shoulder, exploratory and cautious. 
You let him explore you, his hands mapping out every curve he could touch, tongue darting into every uncharted depth he could find, tasting and learning and discovering parts of you you hadn’t guessed could be felt like this through just a kiss. Your mind spiralled as his hand eased under your shirt, cool fingers tickling the skin of your hip. He squeezed gently, pulling you against him harder, and you gave in completely. You weren’t sure if it was what he had been going for, but when you pushed your pelvis against his he gasped; a quiet, shuddering little sound that went straight to your panties. 
“Ok?” you breathed between kisses, then, at his nod, you did it again. 
His voice was strangled when he said your name, the pads of his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your waist. Oh Cas, you thought. A rush of affection washed over you at how eager he was, where just an hour before he’d been being literally pushed out the door by Dean, looking as terrified as you’d ever seen him at the prospect of sex. Now he was kissing you hungrily, kneading at your skin, inching your shirt up off your torso, his feet at risk of tangling with yours as he walked you backwards. Not to mention the increasingly noticeable bulge pressed against you. 
“Clothes off,” you breathed, already undoing his tie. “On the couch.” 
He paused, then he was shrugging off the trench coat, the blazer following suit – no pun intended – and landing with a soft rustling thump on the floor. You stepped back, just a little, as he deftly unfastened the buttons of his shirt, drinking in every inch of skin like a kid in a lolly shop. Fuck, maybe you had the hots for him even worse than you’d thought. 
“Are you going to undress too?” The question was mild, matter of fact, but something in the way Cas had paused midway through relieving himself of his pants and was watching you, hands still on the belt buckle, made you stomach flip. 
You cleared your throat, but your voice still came out too low, too husky. “Sure.” 
His gaze didn’t leave you for an instant – apart from when he kicked his discarded trousers aside – as you pulled your shirt the rest of the way over your head, slid your jeans as gracefully as you could down your legs. You shivered slightly in the cool night air, acutely aware of your hunter’s body. 
Cas’s eyes widened, scanning over you and taking in every inch of your skin. It wasn’t perfect, you were aware of that. It wasn’t like a hooker’s body, it carried you around as you fought monsters, and was littered with the proof of said monster fights. You wondered if Cas had seen other – normal – human bodies like this, if he’d find the painfully obvious reminders of your mortality somehow repellent. You suddenly felt very, very small and very, very human. 
“Sorry about… y’know…” You shrugged, patting your thigh awkwardly. “The meatsack’s a little dinged up. Most people don’t look like this.” 
“Don’t look like what?” he frowned, finally looking back at your face. 
You shrugged again, poking a long white scar over your side. The first werewolf you’d ever come face to face with, and nearly the last. “Scarred. At least not as much as I am,” you added. 
A shiver shot up your spine as Cas settled his hands on your bare waist, fingers running over the most noticeable marks. “Don’t apologise,” he said softly. “You’re human, and you spend your days killing monsters. It would be more disturbing if you were unblemished.” 
You laughed at that, a small breathy sound. “You think I’m disturbing?” 
He smiled faintly. “You’re not so bad.”
You felt your own mouth curve, matching his. “Neither are you.” 
He leaned down, his lips meeting yours once more. This kiss was softer, more intimate, maybe a little too intimate. You were vaguely aware of the couch behind you. Before your knees knocked against its side, you broke away – a difficult task, given that Cas chased your lips like a lab rat after cheese – and spun, laying your hands firmly on his chest. 
“Couch,” you muttered, giving a gentle push. 
He pulled you with him as he sat down, his hands running down over your hips, your thighs, back up again to your waist. He watched you carefully as his touch slid up the centre of your torso, over your bra, lingering momentarily on the anti-possession sigil tattooed over your heart before he moved on, across the line of your ribs. Unbidden, the memory of the last time he’d touched you there sprang to mind; the sharp, burning pain and throbbing after-ache of the Enochian sigils being literally carved into your bones. 
“I can see them,” he whispered, as if he’d read your mind. “The sigils.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “How do they look?” 
“Foreign,” he said after a moment. “They don’t belong.”
You shrugged, unsure how to respond to that. Sure, the sigils weren’t part of you, and you didn’t exactly know how you felt about angel writing being carved into your ribcage, but there was also something reassuring about knowing it was there, knowing you carried that kind of magic with you. In you. 
Cas’s eyes lifted from your body, fixing on your own. “Can you feel them?” he inquired. 
You shook your head. “Not really. Not physically. But I know they’re there.” 
“Perhaps I should have asked,” he muttered, almost to himself. “It’s your body, after all.” 
“No,” you smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I kinda like the idea of you scribbling on me. Bone graffiti.” 
“Bone graffiti?” 
You felt the smile grow, nodding. “Besides,” you added, “I’ll always have a little bit of you, even after you're gone. Like a… souvenir.” 
“Oh,” was all he said. You supposed people were right about impending death making people sappier. But still, what you said was true. Your own ribs had become a kind of lucky charm, a talisman, a locket of sorts. 
You dragged yourself out of that line of thinking before you went any further, turning your attention back to the angel currently underneath you on the couch. Underneath you and very shirtless. You’d placed your own hands on his chest in an attempt to not fall over on top of him, and now you let yourself touch him – really touch him. His chest heaved under your fingers as you swept over him, a tiny, strangled noise falling from his lips. 
“Alright?” you asked, pausing for a moment. 
He nodded, shifting slightly under you. “It’s good,” he said softly. 
“Keep going?” 
Again, a nod. Cautiously, gently, you spread your fingers over his chest. His heart beat fast, thudding frantically as you moved your other hand lower, down the centre of his torso, following the contours of his lithe muscles. You reached the waistband of his underpants, pausing. 
“Can I?” you asked, your hand hovering over his barely concealed erection. 
“Yes,” he whispered, tongue darting over his lips. His eyes flicked from your face to your hand, back to your face again. 
You smiled as you slipped your fingers under the waistband of his underwear. His dick was hot to the touch, hard and already damp at the tip. “You ever touched yourself?” you asked as you withdrew your hand, spitting into your palm. 
Cas’s breath hitched. “Once.” 
He nodded, licking his lips again. “Dean said I wasn’t supposed to talk about it.” 
“Yeah, well…” You smiled again, wrapping your fingers around his cock and stroking languidly. “You can tell me.” 
He gave a sort of half gasp, half moan, his grip tightening on your thigh. “I found Dean’s magazine,” he confessed. “The one with the women, not the cars.” 
“Mhm?” You kept your voice mild, focussing on the steady motion of your arm and wrist, your fingers sliding effortlessly over him. You could almost see Cas flipping through the pages of one of those god-awful porn mags Dean insisted on carting around, picture his confused little head-tilt and his frown as he looked through the pictures, his hand creeping to where yours was now, his much larger fingers circling–
“It was uncomfortable,” he continued, jerking you back to the present. “Too hot. I really just wanted it to go away.” 
“And did it?” 
“Not until I– oh!” He broke off as your thumb slid over the leaking head of his cock, fingers digging into your thigh. 
You fought off the surge of heat the sound sent shooting through you, watching his slightly parted lips, his wide eyes. “Did you cum?” you asked evenly. 
“Yes,” he panted, hips twitching up slightly. “Oh, (Y/N), yes–” 
“Yes, you did cum?” 
“Yes, yes I did.” 
“Was it good?” 
Another soft moan, then he smiled. “Not as good as this.” 
Maybe it was the praise, maybe the moan, maybe the smile. Either way, the words went straight to your panties. You ignored it, stopping yourself from grinding against him with willpower that would have impressed Jesus. Although, you weren’t sure how he would have felt about you fucking a literal angel. 
You leant forward, kissing his lips gently, then his jaw, then his neck, then his chest. You kept going, tracing a path inexorably downwards, shuffling backwards to straddle his thigh as he shifted with you, now splayed along the couch lengthways. 
“Help me out,” you muttered, your hand moving beside your face as you attempted to pull his underwear off. Obediently, he lifted his hips and kicked them aside, the muscles of his stomach twitching as you placed a kiss on the junction of his hip. And holy shit, you could have just watched his torso moving like that forever. You kissed his hip again, sucking gently at the spot, licking over the mark you conjured. Then you added another beside it, and another, and another. A little belt of hickeys across his pelvis. 
“Do you, hm, touch yourself too?” he asked, breathless and raw. 
“Fuck, Cas.” You paused where you’d been about to kiss the base of his cock, raising your eyes to his. His chest rose and fell, rose and fell again, the skin almost glowing in the dim light. 
He frowned. “Am I not supposed to ask that?” 
“You can ask me anything you want,” you assured him, kissing the little trail of hair below his belly button. “And yeah, I do.” 
“Does it feel good?” 
You smiled. “Yeah.” 
“Do you…” He paused, searching for the words. “Do you want to do it now?” 
“This is about you,” you said softly, giving his cock a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry about me.” 
“I want you to feel good too.” 
You sat up, studying him. There was nothing by sincerity in his eyes, the genuine desire – and desire there was – for you to enjoy yourself. And why shouldn’t you indulge that? You were having a great time as it was, and there was no denying the throbbing ache that had grown exponentially between your legs. 
“You want me to touch myself?” you asked, double checking. 
He nodded. “Yes, please.”
“Ok.” You shed your own underpants, shivering as the cool air came in contact with your wetness. Slowly, you reached down and ran your finger over your clit, your breath hitching in your chest. You repeated the action, your hand moving further down to circle your entrance, slick gathering on your fingers. You’d done this countless times before, and you weren’t ashamed of it. Masturbation was natural, it was a perfectly normal perfectly human thing to do. This, however was different. You’d never had an audience before, never had anyone watch you with such rapt wonder and awe. 
Cas’s eyes flicked down to your bra, then back to your face. A question, almost a request. 
“Off?” you asked, already reaching behind your back. He nodded, watching carefully as you shed the garment and cast it aside to join the pile of clothes on the floor. Slowly, reverently, he stretched up and kissed your breast, his hand leaving its place on your hip to trace over the other one. 
A shiver ran down your spine and you bit down on your lip, attempting futilely to stifle your moan. Absently, your hand resumed its place between your thighs as Cas’s hand left your chest and found its way to his cock. You’d never in a million years have thought you’d be where you were now; touching yourself on top of an angel touching himself while he did his best to turn your chest into one giant hickey. You were hardly complaining. 
Something rustled in the next room over, and you both froze. Fuck, you thought. Dean was still (hopefully) asleep, only the wall and the hastily closed door to that room barring him from hearing you. Cas seemed to have had exactly the same thought, his head tilted slightly as he listened, his breath raising goosebumps on the spit-damp skin of your chest. There was another rustle, then a quiet snort, then nothing. He hadn’t woken, then. 
“We gotta be quiet,” you whispered. You shifted, biting back another moan. “Ok?” 
“Ok,” Cas nodded. He pressed his lips firmly together, eyes flicking down to where your hand disappeared between your legs. You hissed as you resumed your movement, acutely aware of every possible sound you or Cas made, ears pricked for any other disturbance from nextdoor. 
Cas’s free hand was still resting on your thigh, firmly holding you in place on top of himself. His wrist brushed your own with every stroke of his cock, the skin over his stomach and chest twitching ever so slightly. His own thigh tensed as he thrust into his hand, something that you could only describe as a whimper falling from his lips. Heat surged over you, your mind awash with desire. If only that hooker knew what she was missing. 
“Sorry,” he muttered almost immediately, eyes darting towards the door. 
“‘Salright,” you replied, swallowing hard. Being quiet was a much more difficult task than you’d anticipated, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the possibility of being caught just a little bit. You grunted softly as your finger brushed over a particularly sensitive spot, the familiar rhythm and movements working just as well as ever, and even better when you had Cas to look at. Not to mention the warmth of his mouth where it occasionally found your breasts again. 
But you wanted more, you needed more. The same part of you that was electrified by your own touch craved his, especially when his beautiful hands were right there and his eyes were still fixed on you like you were the centre of the universe, his own movements becoming faster and more frantic, chest heaving. 
You paused, much as it pained you. “Do you wanna go further?” 
He frowned. “What do you mean?” 
Gently, you laid your hand over his and peeled it away from his cock. Wriggling forwards a little, you finally – finally – rocked your hips over his, revelling in the hot hardness of him against your slick. His mouth fell open, fingers tightening on your own. 
“Here, Cas. I want you inside me, wanna fuck you properly.” 
“Oh, (Y/N),” he sighed, his own hips matching your movement. 
“Will you let me? Let me fuck you?” 
“Yes,” he nodded. “Yes, of course.” 
You smiled. “Ok, one second.” You reached over the side of the couch, digging through the pockets of your jeans until you found your wallet – and the little foil package inside it. 
“What are you doing?” Cas asked as you tore it open and set the latex atop his dick. 
“It’s a condom,” you explained. “So I don’t get pregnant. No offence,” you grinned, “but I don’t really wanna have your babies any time soon.” 
“Oh.” He swallowed, processing. “That’s… understandable.”
“All good?” At his nod, you slid the condom the rest of the way down, spitting into your hand once more and resuming your earlier ministrations. “It feels a little different, I know,” you whispered as you moved to grind against him once more. 
“It’s still good,” he assured you, placing his hands gently on your hips. 
You smiled. “Ready?” 
“Yes.” The word was a breath, nothing more, but it was all you needed. Carefully, you lined him up and sank down, watching his face carefully. His eyes widened, his fingers digging into your flesh slightly as a deep groan reverberated through the space between you. 
“Gotta be quiet,” you reminded him, your voice not half as steady as you’d have liked. “Don’t wanna wake Dean up, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he echoed, “quiet.” 
You leaned forwards and placed a soft kiss on his lips, rocking your hips over his. He was everything you’d imagined and so much more. It was like he’d been made for you, the way his cock stroked every inch of your insides, sliding smoothly with how wet you were. You wanted to go back in time and kick your past self for having waited this long. 
“God, Cas,” you sighed. “Oh God.” 
His brows pinched together slightly, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stretched up and captured your lips with his, moving down over your jaw to your neck, sucking gently just as you’d done to the skin of his hip. Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close against you as you lifted and lowered your hips, a faint whine somehow slipping from your lips despite your best efforts. 
“Is this, hm, ok?” he asked, his usually gravelly voice made even more so. 
“Fuck,” you gasped as his hand came to rest on your ass, kneading at the soft flesh, moving up over the front of your hips where your leg met the rest of your body. “So good, Cas.” 
“You’re so good,” he murmured, guiding your movements gently. He thrust into you, his hips meeting yours halfway, stomach muscles flexing.
“Let me,” you said, pushing him backwards into the couch cushions. “You relax, yeah? I’ve got it. I’ve got you.” 
He nodded, head tipping back as you bounced on his dick, the rough fabric of the cushion beneath you scratching at your knees. Fumbling slightly, your hands found purchase on his chest and you locked your elbows in an odd sort of imitation of CPR. If CPR was done from the front rather than the side, you supposed, but you weren’t exactly doing any resuscitation. 
His chest heaved under your touch, another low groan seeming to echo in the otherwise stillness of the night. The tiny part of your brain that wasn’t totally consumed with the wonderful pleasure-ache of his cock hitting deep inside you and the burn of your thighs was torn between telling him to be quiet and just listening to him, but then he was licking his lips again and his mouth was falling open and you were lost. 
“(Y/N),” he panted, his eyes fixed on your face. “Oh, (Y/N), oh my–” 
“Alright?” you asked, biting back a moan as you found a particularly good angle. 
“Yes, yes, of course. It’s, hm, so good.” He glanced momentarily down at where your body met his, another groan rumbling in his chest. 
“Sh–” you whispered, half tempted to press your hand over his mouth. Or maybe your own, given the struggle you were facing to remain quiet yourself. 
“Sorry, sorry I–” 
You cut him off quickly. “It’s alright Cas, you’re fine. Just, fuck–” 
“(Y/N),” he panted, the muscles of his arms and stomach flexing as his fingers gripped the couch cushion, luminescent in the dimness. Again, his eyes flicked downwards, this time to the soft mound of flesh currently on display. 
You smiled, reaching down to take his hand, drawing it up to rest over your pelvis. His skin was warmer than you’d ever felt it, faintly clammy and God his hand was big under your own. You couldn’t count the number of times you’d caught yourself picturing his hands in this kind of context, and you didn’t want to try. His fingers splayed over your skin, moving with you, covering the whole space below your naval. 
“That’s where you are,” you panted. “That’s where I can feel you, Cas, right there.” 
A small, strained noise you could only describe as a whine. “Is it, ah, good? Do you like it? Do you like feeling… me?” 
“Fuck,” you sighed. “Yeah, sure do, Cas. Do you like feeling me?” 
He smiled, biting down hard on his lower lip. “Of course. I like it immensely.” 
You felt yourself clench at his words, and this time you were unable to restrain the downright pornographic moan that tore from your throat. Any other time, you might have been embarrassed, but Cas seemed to like it. Pressing your lips firmly together, you glanced hastily towards the other room, but as far as you could tell there was no disturbance. 
“(Y/N), oh, (Y/N), I don’t think—” He swallowed hard, eyes wide and back on your face. 
“Yeah? What’s wrong?” 
“I can’t— I don’t think I can be quiet, (Y/N) I—”
Affection bloomed alongside the desire in your gut, and you had half a mind to tell him it was alright, he didn’t even have to worry about being quiet at all. It wasn’t like you didn’t love the noises he was making. But Dean was only one room over, and you didn’t want to wake him. 
“You can, Cas,” you breathed, “you can. You’re doing so well already, we just gotta— fuck.”
He’d bucked his hips up into you, the movement jolting the steady knot of pleasure forming low in your stomach. He was close, you could see it as much as hear it, but the thought of the thin walls and your friend sleeping in the next room over had taken root more firmly in your mind now. 
“It’s so much,” Cas gasped. “Oh, oh, (Y/N) it’s so much—”
You managed a smile, slowing down your movements a little. “I know,” you said softly. “You’re ok, yeah?” 
He nodded frantically. “Hm, yes, yes. Please, don’t stop. Keep going, please—” 
Another soft moan slipped from your mouth, Cas’s answering groan enough to make your legs shake. It was too loud, and any other time you’d have soaked up his praises and curses and everything, but not now. After a moment’s hesitation, you clamped your hand firmly over his mouth, sh-ing him gently. If possible, his eyes widened even further and he groaned against your skin. 
“Alright?” you breathed. 
Another frantic nod, an almost-whimper as your grip firmed up. Well I’ll be damned, you thought vaguely. Who’d have guessed he was into that? 
You felt him shiver all over as you continued to rock your hips over his, his hand where it rested on your hip tightening. You wondered if you’d have finger-shaped bruises later. It didn’t matter, you told yourself as he moaned again, his stomach muscles tensing, something that could have been your name squashed under your hand. 
“Sh, shh!” you gasped. Between holy shit I’m so close and holy shit he’s so close, the thought that Dean was right there and would hear you was still rooted in your mind. “Cas, sh, Dean’s right– ah, fuck, Dean’s–” 
You broke off as Cas’s chest heaved, his hips bucking up into you once more. His mouth had fallen open under your hand and he was gasping something, angel curse-words, maybe? It didn’t matter, not when his eyes were screwed shut and his head was tipped back, your name sprinkled into the litany of foreign words like a prayer. 
The sight was enough to make the bomb that had been building in your stomach explode, sparks of pleasure shooting through your aching legs right to your toes and back up again. You might have said Cas’s name, you weren’t sure, but the sentiment was there. You clamped a hand over your own mouth, nothing but the need to be quiet reverberating through your pleasure-blanked mind. 
After what felt like an age, your brain managed to find its way back into your skull and the aftershocks of your orgasm faded from your body. Gently, you removed your hand from Cas’s mouth and looked down at him, smiling. 
“Alright?” you asked. 
His hair was a mess, his brow lightly beaded with sweat, cheeks flushed. There was even a slight red mark where your hand had been, which you stroked gently. 
“I’m more than alright,” he smiled, turning to place a tiny kiss on your fingers. “Are you?” 
“Good,” you nodded as you slid off him, mourning the sudden emptiness momentarily as you peeled off the condom, tying it in a neat knot to be disposed of later. Then he was lifting his arm, wriggling with you as if he could read your mind, and you were being cocooned against his body. 
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, “if I was too loud.” 
“You weren’t,” you assured him quickly. “Not at all. Sorry about… gagging you. I should’ve asked. That’s not what usually happens.” 
He hesitated, turning to meet your eyes. “I… didn’t mind.” 
He shook his head, a small, nervous smile dancing across his lips. “No. In fact, I quite liked it.” 
You felt your own smile widen as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek, taking his hand where it rested on his chest. “Good,” you said. “What about  the rest? What do you think?” 
He sighed, a beautifully satisfied noise that flooded you with warmth. “I think I should not have waited this long.” 
You laughed, pressing closer. “Mhm?” 
“Mhm. Thank you, (Y/N), truly.” 
“Oh,” you said softly, turning away to hide the blood rushing to your face. “That’s ok, Cas. Thank you.” 
He gave another little hum, shifting to drape his arm over your waist and pull you into him, fingers skimming your ribs. Getting spooned by a divine warrior of God, you thought with a thrill. Real life really was stranger than fiction. 
“You’re tired,” he murmured, his voice seeming to rumble through you in the best way possible. “You should sleep.” 
“Hold on,” you protested as you felt his arm withdrawing. You grabbed his hand, pulling it firmly back down to rest on your stomach, wiggling closer. “There was a blanket on the back, grab that. I’m staying here.” 
You could almost feel him frowning when he replied. “You’d not rather a bed?” 
You only hesitated a moment before bending to kiss his arm. “I’d rather you.” 
He didn’t seem to know quite what to say to that, but after a beat something heavy and slightly scratchy was being draped over you, and Cas’s arm was tightening around your waist, and his lips were pressing against your shoulder. 
“G’night,” you whispered. 
“Good night, (Y/N).” 
It was Dean who found his two friends curled together on the couch the next morning. He snorted, taking in the gentle rise and fall of your shoulders in tandem with Cas’s, his hand enveloping your smaller one where it rested just above the blanket, the assortment of what was very clearly Cas’s suit and your own clothes scattered over the floor. Well, he supposed, the night hadn’t been a complete failure. He had half a mind to throw something at you, the scene was so jarringly… sweet. 
“Rise n’ shine lovebirds,” he called instead, “we’ve got shit to do.” 
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Okay yeah this is going to be corny whatever. They deserve the corniness. Eddie calls Steve sweetheart and yeah, Steve loves every bit of it. But the first time Steve calls Eddie a petname, Eddie freezes and he tears up.
Steve has been calling him Eds since they became friends and Eddie loves it. Only Steve calls him that and it's a nickname for his nickname.
Eddie also knows that Steve wants to call him something. They once talked about it when they start dating. Eddie explaining to him why he calls Steve sweetheart. Steve said nothing was good enough for Eddie, baby or babe is sweet but it's just not Eddie. He wants it to be good because Eddie calls him sweetheart and means it.
The thing is Steve doesn't know this kind of love. He grew up alone, with parents who showed him that love was sleeping in two separate rooms and still going together out of town, with parents who forgot holidays and birthdays. He's only starting to learn what love is after Nancy, the real one, without bullshit, with the help of the kids, and Robin and Eddie.
Eddie's kind, has the kindest heart Steve's seen on anyone. He's been given the toughest shit from a young age with his family situation, struggling to be gay and being bullied. The whole Vecna debacle proves this, like what town goes after one guy without zero evidence? Despite all that Eddie is still kind. He forgives Steve, without a moment of hesitation, when Steve apologizes for all the shit he did in high school. He helps the old lady at the grocery store even if she lectures him about satanism. He helps swing the random kid on the swing even if their mom glares at him. He can't adopt random pets, but he has about 6 cats he has to feed everyday. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's gentle. Yeah, laugh it up. But he is, Steve says. He hides it well, Steve will give that to him. Eddie's gentle in his black shirt, ripped jeans, dark eyeliner, rings that could make your nose bleed and a tough exterior that could scare you away. But he is gentle. Gentle with the way he holds Steve when the nightmares catch up on him, the way he paints miniature figurines, the way he draws on El's tattoo with a marker, no matter how many times it has been, the way he wakes up Wayne, always with a cup of coffee. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's brave. He still doesn't believe Steve that he is, some days he believes it, but there are days that he still doesn't. Still regrets running away from Chrissy and not helping Fred. Steve reassures him that he is brave. He is brave in the way he loves so loudly and so openly. He is brave with the way he expresses his true self so freely without fear. He was brave, when he followed them to the Upside Down, was brave with Chrissy and Fred, was brave in his almost last moment. He is brave for continuing to fight every day. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's a lot of good things, and Steve can list it all in one sitting if he wants to.
Steve's watching the latest episode of Golden Girls when the timer beeps. Eddie's in the kitchen, sitting on the breakfast bar, writing like a maniac for the next campaign.
"Eds! Can you please get the cookies? I don't want to get up! The guy Rose slept with died on her bed!" He can hear Eddie laughing from the kitchen as he shouts an Okay.
Steve's immersed on the episode's story, just as Eddie comes waltzing into the room, gloved hand holding the tray full of cookies.
"Sweetheart, the cookies came out good!"
Steve nods, he doesn't even look at the tray, not wanting to miss a piece of this episode, "I know."
Eddie cackles, setting the tray at the coffee table, "Can I have one? Or is it only for annoying, invasive 16 year olds?"
Steve snickers, still not paying attention, "Of course you can have one, love."
Eddie freezes, just standing there, one hand reaching for a cookie, one hand still wearing the mittens. Steve immediately clocks this, is it Vecna again? That can't be they killed him.
"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Eddie nods, but something is wrong, Steve knows because Eddie's tearing up. He hits mute on the tv, focusing his full attention to Eddie. He'll just watch it on a rerun.
"What happened? You're scaring me, love." Eddie makes another chocked out sound, collapsing beside Steve as Steve scoops him into his arms.
"You... You called me love."
And yeah, Steve did. He didn't plan it, it wasn't even on the list of petnames when Steve was deliberating what to call Eddie. It just slipped out.
But it made so much sense. Love is... love is the warmth of a cup that says "worlds best uncle" full of coffee in the morning. It's the soft, worn out yellow sweater you wear on bad days. It's the beat you tap your hands to, a song that saved your lives. It's fresh baked cookies. It's in kind gestures, gentle hugs and brave actions.
Love is kind and gentle and brave. Love is who Eddie Munson is.
"Yeah... I guess I did."
Eddie smiles at him, tears still brimming in his eyes as they look at each other.
He looks soft. Maybe Steve will add that to the list of what love means for him. Soft.
"You still want that cookie, love?"
Eddie nods, "Please, sweetheart."
Steve sees it everyday. He sees love. He wakes up with it everyday, cooks with it, sleeps with it, reads with it.
Yeah, love really is the perfect petname for Eddie.
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iknowthislooksbad · 6 months
House MD 2024 Headcanons
Cuddy implements medical AI to help out with diagnosing patients faster. The whole episode is dedicated to House outsmarting the computer. Obnoxiously. (cue the futility of machine learning.) parallel to House vs God
Chase is a Twitch streamer. He is partial to fortnite. He has 34 devoted viewers, and that is all.
13 is an avid tumblr user, and is popular for her series, "Quotes from my Boss." Wilson follows her, but he never mentions it.
When Cameron gets fully pissed at House, she uploads her POV to Reddit's AITA page. Is it skewed? Absolutely.
Taub plays pickleball a lot.
Foreman discovers slam poetry. No further elaboration.
Wilson kills a man. House helps him evade law enforcement. Season finale?
Kutner gets really good at fortnite so he can humiliate chase on twitch. he regularly antagonizes him, and Chase has a sworn vendetta against the elusive 920NoScope69.
Cuddy closely follows the health gurus online. She gives herself oral flush by trying to make sourdough bread with her own yeast. She deletes Instagram permanently.
Paintball episode
House watches Young Sheldon as a guilty pleasure. He hates it. He loves it.
Cameron and 13 both discover crochet. They make eachother hats every holiday season. Cameron wears her hat every time the weather dips below 55 degrees.
House develops his own hot sauce line. Wilson finds it tasteful. He gifts Cuddy a few sauces for her birthday. She enjoys it with eggs.
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