#anti helluva
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66kenobi66 · 5 months ago
Here's some good Hazbin/Helluva critical videos I've seen (since it's so hard to find good ones on YT)
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(Both are by GalXE!)
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(Left one is by HezuReviews, right is by Autistic Swag!)
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(Both are by Madeline Maye!)
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(Both are by Cassidy Whiskey!)
Please go check these people out, all of them are extremely talented. Some of them even shared some insight and clever criticism into this series that I hadn't even thought of! (I especially like the Madeline Mayne ones as they poke into how both HB and HH fail at their queer representation.)
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carto0ncritter · 2 months ago
One thing I noticed in this shitshow of an episode is how fucking ungrateful Stolas was for everything Blitzø did for him since he came to his place.
Him being a spoiled rich white asshole:
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I hate his facial expressions so much, you have no idea
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I can guarantee you care about these 'nice things' more than you care about your daughter btw
Oh, we also have, let's see here...
*insert the entire montage of Blitzø (Stolas' victim) trying to cheer his abuser up since he's now in love with him thanks to good ol' Stockholm Syndrome*
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Seeing that cigarette reminds me of when Stolas uh... *checks notes* called Blitz an 'itty bitty imp (racist)' despite him clearly hating it, grabbed his cheek and used his horn to put out his cigarette (not to mention Blitzø's severe trauma being related to fucking fire)
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Okay so anyway, I think Stolas said "Oh, when have you ever asked" bc Blitzø stole from him and his family 25 years ago. correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't it manipulative af to bring up smth that happened that long ago, also it's totally unrelated to the current situation. I swear it's like a grown ass man saying to another "Oh I still hate you because, uhm, remember that one time in 3rd grade when you stole my pencil..."
So... if Stolas still holds this against Blitzø, let me ask: why was he ever "in love" with him in the first place? Answer? He wasn't. Stolas only used this imp for his sexual fantasies and for him to get to experience his "fairytale romance"
P.S. Imps are a race his privileged ass has always been racist towards and he hasn't ever attempted to, uh... try to understand them better? Understand how they live? I mean if you truly cared about your "boyfriend," Stolas, you'd have put in SOME effort to change your mindset/behavior and WOULDN'T HAVE EVER SEXUALLY COERCED HIM
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He also 🍇d you blitz
And no he didn't do much, he's powerful af. Using those powers isn't rocket science heck he turned an imp to stone in s1 he can protect himself but is apparently the "bottom" in the stolitz "relationship". Also no, him leaving Octavia clearly isn't a huge deal to Stolas otherwise he'd have fought to earn her forgiveness and not just sulk like a wimpy loser. YOU ARE NOT ONLY A GROWN MAN STOLAS, BUT A FATHER. At least you were supposed to be
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So was not thinking about your daughter until you lost everything, apparently
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Alright I'm signing off until the next season drops, if that ever happens
This episode sucked, but kudos to our girl Via who was smart enough to see through her "father's" bs 👏
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duquesah · 4 months ago
I'm sorry, can we fucking talk about this???
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I'm not surprised tbh but still, fuck whoever thought that adding this character for laughs was okay. How ignorant does one have to be to do THIS in 2024? Disabilities aren't funny, being disabled isn't funny, it fucking sucks that we still see shit like this in media. Call me a snowflake all you want, i don't give a flying fuck, I'm tired
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spopsalt · 23 days ago
The way the song Mastermind romanticizes Blitzo's trauma bond/codependency to Stolas is disgusting :D
Like Stolas saying "I would rather die than live life without you by my side" and Blitzo saying "I can't live life without you by my side" THAT'S NOT ROMANTIC! THAT IS CODEPENDENCY AND YOU KNOW IT! I hate it when lines like that get romanticized, it is not cute, it is U N H E A L T H Y !
Also Stolas...YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER AND YOU KNOW HOW HORRIBLE YOUR WIFE CAN BE! SO BY DYING FOR BLITZO YOU ARE KNOWINGLY LEAVING YOUR DAUGHTER WITH YOUR WIFE WHO WAS EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE TO YOU! Worse, he didn't even THINK of Octavia, yet we're supposed to believe he's some flawed dad who's "just doing his best🥺"
FUCK THAT! He is a bad, emotionally neglectful dad, no matter how hard Viv tries to convince us otherwise. And Via is NOT required to keep her dad in her life, ESPECIALLY after she saw that he was going to give his life for Blitzo, without even thinking of her, and how it'd affect her when she saw her dad ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE! Especially when he promised that he would never leave her, and he was about to do exactly that ON TELEVISION! And Stolas KNEW that this is exactly what Via was afraid of
"Are you going to go with him and leave me behind...? Go somewhere where...I can't find you...?"
then Stolas saying
"No! No, no, no, not ever!"
...So he just fucking lied to his daughter's face, hell, no wonder why she's pissed and cut Stolas off, I'd do the same if I was in her shoes, yet people are getting angry at her for it.
I mean it's bad enough that she's romanticizing Stolas and Blitzo's relationship when Stolas fucking COERACED HIM and now you're trying to make their relationship so cute and RELATIONSHIP GOALS!
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moldy-lemons · 10 months ago
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oooo the misogyny is strong here
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greml1nb0i · 4 months ago
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You have to be joking me Viv
you make this kinda of joke when you know full well how rough your employees have it; being paid literal pennies while you go to Disney every weekend!
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resisteverything · 10 months ago
The fact that swearing is seen as built into the identity of spindle horse is insane. Imagine if the breaking bad fans tallied up all the swear words like this.
No one should care that this adult show uses adult language.
And it uses it in the worst ways sometimes, like why would you be proud that you had a character say “I can’t see dick” as though that’s a real saying?
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66kenobi66 · 5 months ago
Shoutout to my girl Angel Gabby for being a better representation of Religion, Angels, and trauma than all of the Hellaverse!
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She's literally me fr.
(Please go check out Angel Hare on the The East Patch Youtube channel!!!)
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carto0ncritter · 3 months ago
"Stolas left in a rush because Blitzø could die in any second, he was scared and not thinking clearly"
Okay... he initially didn't think about Octavia and what would happen to her because he didn't want his fuck buddy to die. All that was on his mind was the guy he had successfully manipulated into a coercive relationship. Okay.
But then, Stolas doesn't even think about Via in the courtroom, before or during or after his song. She doesn't seem to be on his mind, not even as he thinks he's going to be beheaded. Stolas doesn't cry on his knees and plead to be set free for a few minutes so he could say goodbye to Via/spend his last moments with her. The only time Stolas remembers he has a daughter is when he (temporarily) loses everything.
He really has the nerve to say how he'd rather die than live without Blitzø (and how he is his "light"), his obsession and the victim of his abuse & emotional manipulation, and not even THINK about what would happen to his daughter without him, since Stella was apparently abusive from birth.
My guy Stolas doesn't try to reach Via and apologize for everything IN PERSON like he SHOULD HAVE, he doesn't desperately try to get to her to comfort her. Nope, he just sulks all the way to his victim's house and lets his victim take care of him, then looks hurt when he sees how Blitzø and Loona have a better father-daughter relationship. No shit? Blitzø hasn't ever neglected his daughter or made her feel invisible and/or an afterthought.
Just... fuck Stolas, man. He's a shit dad and a shit person.
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spopsalt · 2 months ago
As someone with pretty bad clinical depression, it makes me legitimately sick how they gave Stolas depression so you feel bad for the poor lil birdie despite the fact that he shows NONE of the symptoms of depression. The writers literally just pulled it out of their ass so you feel bad for Stolas. It makes me feel even sicker that he's infantilized. I hate seeing depressed characters infantilized and acting like they are poor precious babies when depressed people are literally just people like everyone else with their own flaws.
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moldy-lemons · 10 months ago
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ohhhh i’m so sick if this fandom IM SICK
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resisteverything · 10 months ago
Anyone else bothered by how Helluva boss is about an evil horny predatory pansexual succubus man who has constant disastrous toxic relationships due to his hyper sexual nature, and the monogamous cisgender opposite sex couple that he stalks and obsesses over because he envies how healthy and stable their marriage is?
It sounds like the premise of an old horror movie that’s super homophobic. But sure this show is sex positive.
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66kenobi66 · 10 days ago
FINALLY! Someone on the Helluva Subreddit with a brain pointing out this show's bullshit! 🥹
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carto0ncritter · 4 months ago
There are stans who act like Stolas recently found himself a new and healthy partner after he cut things off with Stella, and Octavia is just "being too needy/overdramatic/clingy/jealous" when it comes to Stolas' attention.
Except, Stolitz is the worst ship I've ever seen in my entire life besides Catradora and Octavia is NOT a grown woman but a teenager who needs her father more than ever (and even if she WAS a grown-up, a parent is always supposed to be there for their child regardless of age. Even at the age of 35, your child is still your child and will always be)
If one of my parents chose a stranger they know nothing about over me over and over again and claimed that they loved me/wouldn't leave me/replace me, while not doing anything to SHOW IT, I'd be just as upset as Via.
THE GIRL IS *NOT* OVERREACTING. You guys (and Viv as well) only hate Via because you want your horrible ass ship canon. And the reasons for that? both Stolas and Blitzø are men. And Stolitz is "hot"
It's really not that deep
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theoddest1 · 7 months ago
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Samantha is a Story Artist, Animator, and Animation BFA who works for Viv on both HH and HB.
2nd Edit: Some of y'all need to chill in the comments with certain things you say. It ain't finna make any point come across decently with how you spread some info. I get being mad at some of the reactions, don't get me wrong, but bring it back down slow plz.
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spopsalt · 3 months ago
The fact that Stolitz was one of the top ships in Tumblr this year makes me feel physically sick. This website is a hell site istg.
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