#vivziepop crit
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Views are lower than ever. Helluva Boss used to get over ten million views in a day or two. Despite the "imp assassins plotline would get stale" (not true + cope + as if constant annoying melodrama doesn't get draining and stale lightning quick) bs that the stolitz echo chamber likes to parrot at people with critical thinking, it's clear that the shift to DRAMedy has caused Helluva Boss to nosedive at terminal velocity towards irrelevancy.
They wasted the fun concept of a ragtag group of lower class hellborn demons being hitmen-for-hire for bitter sinners- growing closer and confronting their traumas as a found family while on their missions- while also battling the systematic obstacles they face as the lowest classes of demons in Hell.
These plot elements are mere blips that are either rushed to oblivion or completely ignored in order to make more room for the stolitz soap opera.
Hate to break it to some of y'all, but shows (cartoons especially) gravitating from wacky comedy with character arcs sprinkled throughout to melodrama that has nothing to offer but "sad moments", crumbs of lore, and shipping slop has been done to death since the early 2010's. Nobody wants that shit anymore because it's overdone and exhausting to sit through, especially when the comedy bits aren't even funny.
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moldy-lemons · 5 months
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oooo the misogyny is strong here
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spopsalt · 2 months
I have no problem with twinks. I only have a problem with them when they are twinks when it doesn't make any sense for them to be twinks. Like...Lucifer is Charlie's dad...WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE HER BROTHER?! Alastor is meant 130! Why does he look as old as Charlie!? WHY IS VIV SO OBESSESSED WITH TWINKS!? IS SHE ALLERGIC TO MAKING MALE CHARACTERS LOOK LIKE ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN TWINKS?!
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mrfleshwizard · 7 days
I keep up with VivziePop critical Tumblr as someone who hasn't seen Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, and your post about Adam not being the biggest misogynist in the Hellaverse made me curious. Who do you think is the biggest misogynist? /gen
I wouldn't say that there is the biggest misogynist in hellaverse, but there are other characters who act sexist, but get the pass.
Blitzø constantly is using "bitch", "slut" and a "whore" towards women he doesn't like (I don't remember him using these words towards men), steal his girlfriend money and shuts her up as well as ignore her feelings when she brings it up, insulted woman with disablties, insults and stalks Mille and use her to degrade her husband, also he treated to r3p4(?) Mille and Moxxie in episode one.
Lucifer degraded Eve and Lilith. He talked about to Adam like they were sex toys/prize to win, to piss off Adam, in the middle of the battle. POSSIBLY he took advantage of Lilith (and maybe Eve) vulnerable state when she was in eden. She was freshly born, she had no parents and no peers. Adam was her only equal, but also her husband and he wanted to control her (if we say that the book was true), than Lucifer appeared out of nowhere. Lucifer had authority over this situation. He didn't talk to Adam about his behavior instead he decided to have sex with Lilith and after Eve.
Alastor isn't a misogynist, he treats everybody horrible. but he did slap Vaggie's butt in the pilot and push her on the floor, which the first one might count as a sexual harssement. He is seeing Charlie's project as a joke what will fail and doesn't hide it (like Adam).
So yeah, other characters can act sexist, but when character we weren't supposed to like does it, it's wrong.
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neeweekeewee · 3 months
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Baby’s First MeatRider 🥰
I blocked this person because this was getting ridiculous.
This person was upset that I said Stolitz was abusive. I literally do not understand why people come onto the critical tag just to throw a conniption that people DARE have a different opinion than you. I also cannot stand when people say that “If you don’t like it, don’t watch/interact with it.” Thats stupid. If everyone were to do this, literally nothing would get done. Activism would not exist.
What got me about this person was that they were saying that I have no right to speak on a topic because it’s fictional and I should just not watch it.
They assumed that I was not a victim of SA (which I AM btw). Then they said that any type of media should be allowed if it helps SA survivors “cope”.
They continued by saying that I don’t support victims of trauma because I am against “immoral content”. Since they didn’t specify what they meant by immoral content I am assuming the worst since they also practically admitted that any media should be allowed after I asked if depictions/representation of rape, murder, child p0rn, homophobia, classism, racism, and others should be allowed as long as it’s fictional (something I am totally against btw). And MF said “any media” sooooo….
That’s called abuse.
If you like watching others get victimized because it helps you cope. Thats disgusting and you need to get help immediately. Please.
Does anyone else have anything to add? Especially about the whole “Watching depictions of SA helping a victim cope with their own experience” thing. Because maybe there’s something I’m not understanding there…
I would love your opinions!
Also FYI; Proshippers, Pedophiles, Racists, Transphobes, Homophobes, Nazis, Zionists, Misogynists, Ableists, Rape Apologists, AND Minors are not allowed on my page! DNI!!!!!
I am an adult, neurodivergent, queer, and female and I DO NOT TOLERATE ANY HATE AGAINST A GROUP OF PEOPLE.
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moonibinbon · 9 months
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Genuinely cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not holy shit
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reallyhumongousgarden · 4 months
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true form lucifer design that i never posted
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mush-beep · 2 months
tw cw b*astiality, r*pe, SA, and non con
hey tumblr. i watched the pilot and half of ep one of hazbin hotel and thought it was good.
i need advice. should i continue?
ive been doing some research lately...some controversial posts i saw. apparently vivziepop fetishised rape. aparently angel dust was SAd by a character called Valentino who people love and think he's aesthetic. and the vaggie issue of her being a lesbian and called vagina because that's what lesbians are about...right? and she liked drawing non con because she thought it was sexy.
and aparently in her comic zoophilia or was it zoophobia???? vivziepop romanticised beastiality in a drawing that i do not wanna post.
but some ppl say that is fake..idk what to believe. the internet is freaking me the fuck out and i need help, this is fucking serious, please reblog with your opinion.
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jaybybyby · 8 months
like seriously Vivzepop would proudly say “hazbin hotel is a female lead show” and then the female characters are non existent like hell when the pilot first came out who got a official comic not the main character Charlie ANGEL DUST was the one who got a official comic and a music video 🙄 like seriously Vivzepop stop telling your fanbase that your female characters are important and then throw them on the side for the sake of the male characters it’s the Millie and loona problem all over again but worse
exactly </3 i've talked about it on discord more but it's especially obvious when it comes to angel. ignoring the fact that his character in general was badly done, he just didn't need the screentime. maybe next season? but in season one you want to focus on your MAIN main characters, and that would include charlie and vaggie. sure, vaggie got some focus, but she learned absolutely nothing during her episodes and maybe they could have focused on her getting over herself about her guilt and improving rather than giving angel all the spotlight. move his shit to season two! move husk's shit to season two! move these character's stories to season two, let season one establish our main two first!
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silverboo · 7 months
Extremely tempted to do hazbin hotel redesigns/rewrites, because there are characters in this show that I really enjoy but are unfortunately stuck in a show that’s got shitty writing and designed by a person who can only draw 2 outfits
Like I really like sir pentious but GOD the writing around him, his love interest was RUSHED AS HELL, (plus cherri showed no interest in him until Angel brought up his anatomy), the scene in the club episode WAS SO GROSS, his big moment and his death was a PUNCHLINE- I could go on
And his DESIGN- he unfortunately suffers from vivzie’s inability to design outfits, meaning he is character number 4 witn the same suit and bow tie, he’s supposed to be from Victorian era London btw- my friend couldn’t tell until I TOLD THEM, and he’s an inventor, you don’t get any of this from his design
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I hate Helluva Boss stans and their hard-on for victim blaming >:/
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moldy-lemons · 5 months
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ohhhh i’m so sick if this fandom IM SICK
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spopsalt · 4 months
Guys..Vivziepop does know that you can have a personality...and be in a romantic relationship...right....?
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mrfleshwizard · 1 month
Three different characters from three different shows who have nothing in common exepct the fact they got fuck over by the writers but I still love them:
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matt0044 · 10 months
On RWBY, The Amazing Digital Circus and Toxic Indie Fandoms...
Fans of cartoons, animated movies and animation in general have a... bit of a complex. Largely when it come to snubbing a new movie and/or show for not being just like what ever the standard bearer is at the time. A mentality that really hurts critical discussion than help. Like... getting mad at, say, Big City Greens of what Disney pulled with The Owl House is just not cool.
I find it happens a lot with Animation Twitter spaces being all about taking Disney down a peg be it because Spiderverse or Puss In Boots (take your pick at this point). Though in that case, it's a case of one-up-manship getting way too out of hand since there's at least a vocal push back.
With RWBY being pitted against every other indie animation, it's actually not too much of a unique case.
It has been a small scale project getting massive amounts of hype from the pilot (or Trailers as with RWBY's case) only for the show to come out and split its pre-established audience down the middle.
This split starts and widens when it comes to how a character may be initially presented only for more facets to them to be revealed. It should go without saying buuuuuuut the creative team are not mind-readers. Even the most popular of fanworks will inevitably NOT reflect what the show will develop into whether they come close or not.
However, that investment in fanon is liable to clash with what canon goes with. Some fans take it is stride and are willing to hear the showrunners on their direction. Others... take it personally.
Maybe a character that seemed mean but wronged turns out to be a very shitty person.
Maybe a character that seemed shitty has some hidden depths beyond how they initally came across.
Maybe the story is taking a turn that, well, had precedence but feels alienating to those who preferred the previous status quo.
Maybe the pacing feels off with certain reveals that may be a skill issue on the writer's part.
The issues may vary but a lot of this comes from a sort of "bigger they are" type of backlash with a lot of specific expectations formed of the story before there even was one.
Now this might sound like RWBY but... a lot of them were inspired by the polarized comments of Helluva Boss Season 2.
It happening to Vivziepop.
It's happening to RWBY.
And let me tell you, it WILL happen to The Amazing Digital Circus even if it has a limited run planned.
A character will become more than just some fan's blorbo for better or worse and said fans will loose their shit.
A ship will sail however much they wanted sunk.
No matter what, there will always be ONE FAN that will be pissed off.
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hatsampixie · 2 years
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Not a fan of how Vivziepop is painting the angels as ‘villains’ in Hazbin Hotel. I mean, I know that angels are known to look scary to mortals in the original biblical mythology, but this is ridiculous. Also edgy af.
Unless they’re fallen angels, they should not have horns, and look more demonic than angelic for that matter.
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