#deadnaming mention
trans-joy-is · 10 months
trans joy is when she's seen you naked and has never ever misgendered or deadnamed you (except in front of your mother, and that's because you asked her to)
trans joy is knowing she sees every aspect of you and sees you for exactly who you are
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atertiary-culture-is · 9 months
afamilial trans culture is just not understanding why allofamilial trans people are willingly visiting their transphobic family over the holidays just to put up with being deadnamed and misgendered, is family really that important for them..?
i can personally sympathise with them and i'm definitely not victim blaming or anything, i'm just baffled how people stay so attached to their family especially when they disrespect them like that
(this obviously excludes situations where they're forced into it like having to rely on their family for money or to stay on the will and stuff)
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haunted-rum · 1 year
Had a dream that I finally called my family out for constantly misgendering me and deadnaming me, and it did not end well. The doubled down on it in the dream. Don’t know where dream me got the confidence to do that, but I could never. LMAO
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dayshines · 2 years
in other news I am being deadnamed and misgendered
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swollenbabyfat · 8 months
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Quiet now children
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yourpostisonpinterest · 8 months
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i found your post on pinterest!
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arcanecalligrapher · 2 years
Outrageous and Terrifying
Have you ever had one of those days where the universe just suddenly takes a massive dump on someone you care deeply for who has been struggling through an awful situation?
That was yesterday for us.
Romana is a twenty-one year old computer science student, coming up on two years into her degree. She escaped her abusive, toxic, controlling parents in November 2021 and has been living peacefully, renting on her own for a year now.
Yesterday afternoon, her parents showed up on her doorstep with social workers and a court order for guardianship. They ordered her into their car, and acted like the fact that they hadn't called the cops yet was them being nice. They guilt-tripped her about how much they missed her for the entire ride back to their house, and then the next morning had to be talked down from taking her phone and computer away twice.
That's what guardianship means, y'all, that she's not permitted to make property decisions. She is not permitted to live where she chooses. She is not permitted to talk to who she wishes. If she attempts to make her own decisions, she risks being held in contempt of court.
They did not serve her the required notice, nor did they serve her lawyer notice. Romana and her lawyer were not contacted by mail; were not contacted by email; and were not contacted over the phone, despite all these methods of contact having been given to her parents and their lawyers.
There was no attendable court session, where evidence could presented or witnesses could take the stand. She has not been permitted her right to look a judge in the eye and say "See for yourself. Ask me what you wish. Do I seem like I'm my own person to you?"
This happened because the justice who signed the judgment did so without reading any of it. Justice Smith did not read the application, the responses from Romana's lawyer, the capacity assessment report, or even the text of the draft judgment that was signed. How in the inkstained void does that happen?
Romana is eloquent, intelligent, and a great friend. She's been stripped of nearly every right at a moment's notice due to the selfishness of her parents. Honestly, I don't really feel comfortable referring to them as her parents, as though she were some upstart teenager depending on them for everything.
In the province of Ontario, there are two adults who want to keep a de facto prisoner and discreetly got the state to rubber stamp it. That prisoner is my friend, someone I care about deeply.
Try to imagine how that feels. Please, put yourself in Romana's shoes, trapped in that absurdist nightmare. Please try to imagine a fraction of the frustration dawning on horror, the confusion dawning on fury.
Ontario has given Romana no help to pay legal fees. There's no program that will help cover it, no charity that will pitch in. I should know. I looked. I know that sounds like an insane state of affairs, but we spent weeks looking and found nothing. She's got only the resources of a college student, barely scraping by with the help of friends, her sister, and GoFundMe.
Romana is just a person. And like any person, she just wants to live a life of basic freedom and dignity.
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hikaaa-bi · 3 months
okay but is it confirmed that ink5oul’s government name is their deadname? bc i see a lot of people complaining about “deadnaming ink5oul” and nowhere in the podcast does it say that ink5oul doesn’t go by the name grace. yes, they’re nonbinary but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a typically “feminine” name.
“ink5oul” seems to be the name of their online persona anyway, idk why people think that calling them grace is deadnaming them, when it hasn’t even been confirmed yet.
and before anyone comes at me, i’m genderqueer myself. i just wanted to add in my two cents bc i think people are blowing this way out of proportion.
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cadaverjuices · 1 year
scandinavians in hoyoverse. gross
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sampo, he/him, himeko, she/her, and welt, he/him.
below has animal harm mentions! its for a silly joke but. [also this is why it has diluc/kaeya tags]
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diluc, he/him, and kaeya, he/him.
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
Im a big fan of roxy’s gender being different in each timeline. Meat!roxy being a transman is super cool, it makes total sense he would have a different journey regardless his gender than candy!roxy did. What really annoys me is how quick people are to accept that Vriska is a transgirl bcz of pesterquest, and that June is canon via word of god despite us not yet seeing candy!john develop in that direction on the page, but be so adamantly against meat!roxy’s transmascness. It feels hypocritical , if that makes sense?
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Why you should read Frances Hardinge's books:
Most of them have little to no romance (I hate amatonormativity)
She is really good with words? Like idk how to explain it but the way she uses them is... idk how to describe it
A lot of her protagonists can be seen as autistic or having ADHD if you autism hard enough /hj
The book covers are always absolutely gorgeous
Some of my story Under a Golden Moon's worldbuilding originated because of Deeplight (I will not elaborate for reasons of Spoilers)
Her social media is full of things like this:
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which is just. Relatable.
I occasionally make references to her books. I don't think I've made any here but there's a first time for everything :)
Her worldbuilding is so cool like seriously
The first book of hers I read was A Face Like Glass when I was about eight or so (I think?) I got it for Christmas last year, and it's somehow better than I remember?
She's definitely influenced my writing style a lot because her writing is just ridiculously good???
I think I've read most of her books, if not all
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trans-joy-is · 6 months
Trans joy is smiling a little brighter every Purim, because underneath all the baggage of how your deadname was used, you still like that you were originally named after Esther :)
Trans joy is nodding towards your deadname and blowing it a kiss, like something that was never going to fit you but wasn’t bad in itself
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gummywurm-gaming · 1 year
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Little bittergiggle meme bc I love him and toadster so much
Also I found out from the wiki that bittergiggle was originally called something else and it sounded kinda feminine to me so my first thought was "canonical deadname????" And I found it so funny that that was my first thought and not "oh cool beta name for bittergiggle" that I made this
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the-kestrels-feather · 10 months
Donna Noble is out here threatening homicidal maniac aliens because they were disrespectful to her daughter, meanwhile my mom won't even change my contact in her phone to my proper name.
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thecouncilofidiots · 29 days
Nothing like being away from home and finally able to introduce yourself by your preferred name and getting used to being seen as your preferred gender/gender presentation
Then having your deadname exposed because your home life is merging (?) with your current life
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aita-blorbos · 1 month
Am I The Asshole for using my dad to wield a powerful sword after he deadnamed me?
So in my room is a powerful sword with the ability to poison things. It was stuck in the floor and could only be removed by its guardians.
At some point of being around it I started hearing voices that prophesied great tragedy and downfall. They foretold the only way to stop it was for me to wield the sword. They also told me that my dad, the mayor of the local town, was one of the swords guardians and could remove it.
I haven't been on speaking terms with my dad in a while, and he keeps deadnaming me and refusing to use my chosen name so I don't see the need to respect him. He barely cared about me and doesn't seem to respect my choices or listen to me ever. So I dragged him to my room and got him to pull the sword out of the ground. Then some prick came around and fought me for it.
I was losing so I stabbed myself in the leg and used the swords power to turn me into a monstrous plant to try and win the fight. I lost but afterwards my dad stuck around and got doctors to reverse the transformation. He said sorry and looked really guilty but still deadnamed me? Should I feel bad?
He thinks my chosen name is "immature" and "not like me" and that it was just the voices influence over me and I've told him to not call me my dead name multiple times
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