Alex J. Cabalu
27 posts
I make art. On the front page you can see art that I have made with my crew, PMLAB.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ajcabalu · 6 months ago
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I searched for pictures of every place I've lived not counting where I currently live. #home
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ajcabalu · 11 months ago
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EDIT: There's a new DRAWING JAM the second Sunday of November 2024! (See the first pic on this post and buy tickets at Eventbrite!)
Much thanks to the humans at The Pop-Hop Collective bookstore and art space at 5002 York Blvd. in Highland Park, Los Angeles, CA. I led a collaborative drawing session with about ten folks using Lynda J. Barry's sequential art Syllabus as a guide.
Thanks, Adriana, Jonathan and Kenzo for letting us use the space! Here is the shop's calendar for the rest of 2024.
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ajcabalu · 1 year ago
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We are window painters. Thank you to the city of Azusa and Azusa Connects for inviting us to move some paint around on their storefronts. Special shout out to Kelly Green who helped organize some really great talent for the event.
BIGGEST shout outs go to my niece, Sara (and her dad, Ben, the B in PMLAB) who helped paint Ghostface chilling on the phone and talking to his girl friends (borrowed from Redbubble artist, solartd) *look at their work at https://www.redbubble.com/people/solartd/shop and BUY A STICKER.
WE GOT THE MAYOR'S AWARD. Thanks, Mayor Gonzales! We like scary movies, too.
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ajcabalu · 2 years ago
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Hurricane Han went to great ends to put out an immense rollout of Seattle Korean rapper, Jay Park’s WON SOJU launch at Terracotta and Intercrew in K-town Los Angeles, September 2024.
Thanks Hurricane Han for having a neat vision for a piece and commissioning our art for the launch! It looked like a fun event. Special shout out to apprentice chalker, Tianle Su for helping with making the images!
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ajcabalu · 2 years ago
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I had the pleasure and honor of Tambayan Collective's inviting me to be a part of its show on Aug 18, 2023 at Sunset Junction in Los Angeles. The evening was uplifting and the event, well-attended. Thank you to Edmund Arevalo and Tim Obar for curating and organizing!
Here is some artist info and pricing for the works, and a few words on LinkedIn that I wrote about two of the pieces that really struck my mental. Thanks for looking!
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ajcabalu · 2 years ago
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The organizers of Jackalope Arts (Sara et. al) put on a good show in multiple cities across this fair land. I participated at theirs in conjunction with the Downtown Burbank Arts Festival, 2023 installment, paying homage to what perhaps is my favorite film, parts of which Zemeckis coincidentally shot on the streets of Burbank, I learned from one of the aunties in the pictures above.
Just imagine a Delorean behind the pose-folks and the image is complete! Who did it best? Thanks again goes to Lele S. for coming to help. Most proud of those letters, DANG!
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ajcabalu · 2 years ago
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We celebrated Pride in 2023 by painting a couple of petite rainbows on the ground at the Altadena (CA) Senior Center. Thanks to Councilman Nic Arnzen and Liz Espinoza (giving me mad sassy side eye in the first pic) for organizing us, and thanks to my enthusiastic apprentice painter, Tianle Su! A group had already painted a crosswalk in ROYGBIV when we arrived in the early morning, and we worked alongside a group of sweet and great artists like Heather Hilliard Bond @hhbarts and Teresa Chandradibya @tchandradibya
There was also a fantastic art exhibit of the LGBTQ artist, Tony de Carlo inside the center as well. Super inspirational.
I kinda wanna do this image again, BUT REAL BIG. Let’s see if they have us come back.
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Teresa Chandradibya and niece art.
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ajcabalu · 2 years ago
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Thank you Jennifer Ripassa and Los Angeles Firecracker Run Committee, Inc. for organizing and supporting artists. This was a fun event!
Last/not least, thanks to Lele, Angeli and Laup for meeting me early and helping/hanging out on a brisk Saturday morning. Two snaps up!
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ajcabalu · 2 years ago
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We did it again! This here is a pic from the last Pasadena Chalk Festival on Father's Day weekend in June 2022. We were able to stay overnight right across from the Civic, which helped us immensely in preparing things on Day 2.
So a number of things needed answering: Do we draw the trash can? (no) Will we draw other things (yah) A hole in the can does need to be cut? (yes) Is the trashcan a portal to a lush N. Y. C. loft apartment which would explain much? (NO) Does QscaR have things to do inside the can? (duh) Does Oscar’s not possessing a nose help him in his daily life? (likely)
We want to shout out @coachronangel (IG) at C & H Metal for helping us out with the cut of the metal trashcan which became kind of a careful item with interesting edges from which children could stay away!
AND HEHEHE HERE'S WHAT OSCAR WAS TEXTING (viewable when scanning QR Code during the event):
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ajcabalu · 3 years ago
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Thanks to Hurricane Han, Inc. for letting me be a part of this vision and having a mini-project on vinyl! There was a lady named Eileen Barbey who rents out her pink corvette for promo events like this. Nice meeting you, Eileen!
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ajcabalu · 3 years ago
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Really am lucky and grateful to be able to help the community in any way: through Los Angeles Community Fridges and with the help of a great coordinator (and painter), Charlotte, free food is available to anyone in my neighborhood, Eagle Rock, at the Rock Community Center; during the thick of the early pandemic, World Central Kitchen set up in the parking lot at Chavez Ravine (Dodger Stadium) and made food for care workers of which there was a lot of extra. Melissa Acedera at Polo's Pantry helped to deliver food to areas where others really needed it, and students at Southwestern Academy allotted portions to be distributed to the nearby Union Station in Pasadena.
SIGN UP to help FIGHT for food justice in Southern California!
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ajcabalu · 4 years ago
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Thank you to Karla Ross Productions and the Westlake Shopping Center in Daly City for organizing and hosting a safe and fun event for folks. It ever is fun to be connecting with people, esp. families through art and being alongside my So. Cal. chalk peeps again makes me feel how deeply I miss participating in events like this with you. Last/not least, get vaccinated, all. Wear a mask. Be like #drmario and fight this virus best you can. Also, go paper-fewer, CVS, or at least push more the virtual coupons sheesh! (Here is a link to how the piece looks if you stand next to or walk through it.)
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ajcabalu · 4 years ago
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Season's Greetings! It's Thanksgiving week as I write this. Want to share a bit of an update: last fall I participated in the city of Los Angeles 2020 U. S. Census event in Historic Filipinotown (HIFI), and here are some fruit of the efforts in figures 1 and 2. Fall 2020 saw Los Angeles’ Historic Filipinotown battling a pair of number-driven issues—a high COVID-19 rate and a low census turnout. Spearheaded by LA Public Works Commissioner Jessica Caloza - IG: @jcaloza, residents got to take care of both with drive-thru census assistance and free COVID-19 testings. EVERYBODY COUNTS, and everyone is entitled to preserving her health. Thanks (IG) @mayorofla office for counting folx and (IG) @lacountyofficeofed for supporting artists. Also met my congressman (IG) @jimmygomezca and other cool folx. I later was delighted by and interested in creating a smaller version of this art piece entitled "Papercraft Activity II (Tabletop Tinikling)" (figures 3 and 4), which measures about 4 x 10" and is printed on watercolor paper. The piece exhibited in a show my friend (IG) @nica_aquino curated for #FPAC2020 (Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture) entitled "Tuloy po Kayo" which was viewable October 1-31, 2020 (and coincided with Filipino American History Month). The piece is also available for sale (AND YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE IT!) at Mata Art Gallery which Ms. Aquino operates. Thank you, Nica! #filipinx
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ajcabalu · 5 years ago
"Papercraft Activity I (on podium)", mixed media, 2020.
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ajcabalu · 6 years ago
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I have been very fortunate to help get creative with and teach English to child patients and their parents at the Pasadena Ronald McDonald House. Thank you to Peter Montes de Oca of Kleen for referring me to the house director, Francisco Gallegos. It has been enriching and refreshing to work with young people and those who love them the most.
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ajcabalu · 6 years ago
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Finished vs. planned. Not bad, PMLAB! Thanks again to Light Bringer Project in Pasadena, CA. Thanks lastly/not leastly to all the visitors and our peers who voted for us.
Click HERE for a short video of how it looked like on the ground. Picture 3 we attribute to Steven Z. of Yelp! Thanks, Steven Z.!
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ajcabalu · 6 years ago
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Here was my work at the 2019 Simi Valley Chalk Festival, whose theme centred around heroes. I have been wanting to chalk images in the Eboy style, so I was able to stitch together a composition of some helpful city officials in a time of crisis. It rained, but it was fun to commiserate with fellow artists, look for ways to adapt and be flexible, and ultimately pull through.
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