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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Memoirs of a Colonel (Rick Flag x F!Reader)
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Requested by @neon-supernova: I wanted to ask for a Rick wakes up but has no memory. so he's joined another army. (He still has that muscle memory!) and then comes face to face with the task force and his reader girl, who thought he was dead! And seeing her was like a memory trigger?
Warnings: Amnesia, loss of identity, language, violence, guns
Word Count: 2.4k
The turbulence from the plane stirs you away, that and Harley’s light humming wakes you from a dreamless sleep as you rub the tiredness out of your eyes. When Waller had told you it was going to be a long flight, you had seriously undermined just how long of a flight it was. Looking down at your watch, you figure you have about another 45 minutes before you make contact with your informant so there is no point in trying to go back to sleep. Instead, you look over the team that Waller had selected, that Rick had left, and try to play the mission out in your head.
It’s been 5 months since you’ve last seen the colonel. It’s been 5 months since he left without a trace. It’s been 4 months since your reconnaissance mission proved to be useless and it’s been 3 months since you’ve given up.
Sitting beside you, Harley frowns, her normal cheery makeup now painted with grays and blacks as she represents your internal feelings, after all, Flag was her friend too, and seeing you so heartbroken over him breaks her heart too. If anything, she was the one who told you not to give up, but Waller’s words are more powerful than the Queen of Crime’s. “Ya good puddin’?”
You look over to your friend and offer a small smile. “I’m ready for this to be over.”
“It hasn’t even started yet.” DuBois comments from across the cargo hold, having taken your place as second in command while you took Rick’s place.
“And? I’m ready for it to be over,” you snap back, offering him a timid smile as a form of apology but he honestly doesn’t care. Even though you and Rick never had a label, everyone who knew the two of you knew that you and Flag were inseparable, on and off the field. “Look, let’s just finish this mission so we can take another 14 hour flight home.” Everybody nods in agreement as you load your weapons. “I have a weird feeling about this one.”
Rick wakes with another headache. He doesn’t know why, but for the past several months, these headaches will randomly come and go. Shaking his head, he walks out of his hut and into the open forest, various soldiers running around, grabbing their weapons and loading them. “What’s going on?”
“We’re meeting up with some specialists. They’re going to help us defeat Toto,” the soldier scurries away as Rick nods his head, reaching into his hut and grabbing his rifle. When he woke up 5 months ago, he didn’t have any memories of who he was or where he was, so when the band of resistance fighters found him on the shore and took him in, he instantly joined, falling into eerily familiar patterns.
“Marsel.” Rick’s head snaps towards the familiar voice of the resistance leader. “We need you to come with us.”
“What the fuck is taking them so long?” Peacemaker questions from beside you, foot tapping impatiently into the ground as you roll your eyes while Harley bounces around in a dress, twirling to an inaudible song as DuBois scopes out the land.
“I don’t know, maybe they got the wrong coordinates,” you reply before hearing a twig snap, gaining the attention of the task force as various people emerge, including none other than Rick Flag.
“No fucking way.” Harley comments as you freeze in your spot, thoughts running a thousand miles a minute with questions.
“Holy shit.”
“You must be Colonel (Y/L/N). Ms. Waller said we should be expecting you. I didn’t expect you to be a female though.”
“That’s misogynistic.” DuBois comments, walking over to you and placing a hand on your back, stirring you from your thoughts.
“Rick? Rick, is that you?” Before the 6’2 soldier can respond, you’re launching yourself into him, your arms wrapping around his neck as your legs wrap around his waist, squeezing the life out of him as he takes a step back in confusion.
“Who are you?”
“What? What do you mean who am I? It’s (Y/N).” You hop down from his frame, looking him over as the resistance soldiers look at you oddly while the Squad watches in shock, Harley’s normally pale face even paler.
“I don’t know you?” It comes out more as a question as his hazel eyes scan you over, confusion swimming behind his irises as your heart breaks. How could he not recognize you?
“I think you must have confused him for somebody else. This is one of our best soldiers, Marsel. He washed up on shore about 5 months ago and has been with us ever since,” the leader comments as you lick your lips before shoving your hand into your shirt and pulling out a photo of you and Rick at a bowling alley, him going in with a wide mouth to bite you from behind as you smile for the camera.
“That’s Rick Flag. Marsel is Rick Flag. He went missing for months on end, I tried to look… we tried to look for him but never found him. Here, look at some more photos.” You pull more photos out of your training bra and hand them over to the leader as Rick peers over his shoulder. Even though the guy in the photos looks like him, he doesn’t feel any sense of memory for them.
“You seem really close,” the leader comments as you nod your head, taking the photos back and placing them back in your bra near your heart.
“We are, bu-”
“Commander, we need to get going. Toto is on the move.” The commander nods as Rick takes a step back to look behind you, trying to figure out who the people are, but with no avail as you release a shaky sigh, trying to collect pieces of your heart.
“Ok, here’s the plan.”
“Harley, get down!” You yell out, ducking underneath the cover of some debris and taking the time to reload your gun while the former psychiatrist giggles as she mows down assailant after assailant as DuBoi shoots from above and Peacemaker shoots from the side as a body comes crashing down next to you, arm raised above his head as he blocks the debris from buildings.
“Does she always do that?” Rick asks you, out of breath, reloading his gun as you gulp beside him, nodding your head.
“Yeah, you always yelled at her for it!” You shout over the gunfire as Rick’s eyes look down, picking up a piece of paper and examining it although ash and dirt cover the picture. Wiping away the grime, his eyes land on a picture of you in the arms of a man that looks exactly like him, your face wearing a bright smile as his face pressed against yours, kissing your cheek in a loving way. A flash of recognition crosses through Rick’s mind. Even though it seems familiar to him, he can’t help but to feel disassociated with whatever sentimental value the photograph holds.
“Can I have that back?” The question disrupts Rick’s thoughts as he looks over to you, holding your hand out for the photo with a somber expression. Ever since you found out he was still alive, the guilt has been eating at you. How could you give up on him? How could you accept his death? Rick hands the photograph over before you shove it back into your sports bra, not giving him another look before you’re hopping over the makeshift barricade with guns blazing while Rick stays behind, something tugging at the back of his head. Why does the picture seem so familiar?
“Marsel! We need you!” The voice of his commander snaps him out of his thoughts as he quickly leaves the barricade, only for something, or someone, to blind side him, knocking him unconscious.
The bed is soft and warm when Rick wakes up, blankets resting just beneath his chin as his eyes flutter open, instantly finding your frame standing in the doorway, a brush combing through your freshly curled hair.
“Morning, sleepy head, I was worried that you’d never wake up,” you comment, setting the brush on the nightstand before taking a seat by his side. “We have that farmers market.”
Rick smiles, reaching up an arm as fingers thread through flawless curls, meeting no resistance as he looks up at your face with love.
“Yeah, yeah I’m getting up.” “Good, we leave in 20.”
Children run between you and Rick as they chase each other in the crisp autumn morning air as a pleasant hum of conversations surround the two of you as you walk hand in hand, thankful for the day off. Because of the two of you working for the task force, days where the both of you have off is far and few, so it’s no surprise that you take advantage of every moment you have with your beloved.
Pulling you to the side, Rick grabs two steaming cups of hot cider before handing one to you with a smile. After June, he never thought he would find someone again. He thought work would consume him for the rest of his life, but when you showed up out of the blue, fresh in from Cali, his breath was taken away and it didn’t take long before the two of you started dating; and now, the thought of seeing you so domesticated outside of work has the ring burning holes in Rick’s pocket.
“Hmm?” You look up through lashes, the cup of cider warming your hands as he sets his cup to the side before pulling out a box from his coat pocket, causing your heart to race. “Rick?”
“(Y/N), when you first stepped out of that carrier with Waller by your side, I felt threatened. I had only ever heard about you in passing and about how experienced you were and how you let nothing get in the way between you and your job, and well, I felt threatened by it, but I also respected it. As time moved on and the more we went on missions together, I started to see you not only as my partner on the field but also as a partner in real life and I could not have been more blindsided by the prospects. When I first asked you out, I thought you would say no, and I was terrified of putting myself on the line again and when you said yes, well, I was the happiest man on Earth. Now I’m asking you to make me the happiest man on the Earth again and marry me?” Wake up, Rick.
Your cheeks bloom with blush, feeling the anticipating stare of everyone around you as you look down at the love of your life, a ring shining in the morning light as he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth. “Do you mean it?”
Wake up! For a second, Rick whips his head around, trying to locate the faint voice tugging at the back of his head before paying attention back to you, a smile on his face.
“I mean every word, darlin’. Will you marry me?”
“Yes! A thousand times yes!” You throw yourself into his arms and cry into his shoulder as the people around you clap and whistle while Rick presses kisses to your head, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as the voice grows louder before consuming him entirely.
Rick wakes up with a gasp, sucking in as much air as possible as you help him sit up, rubbing his back as the squad and resistance members look on in curiosity. Catching his breath, Rick looks around in confusion. What the hell happened? Was that just a dream or a memory? If it was a dream, why did it feel so real? If it was a memory, why does he not recognize it? “Rick, are you okay?” Your voice is soft and concerned, eyes holding relief at seeing his conscious body as Rick nods his head, the commander taking his other side.
“You had a pretty nasty hit in the head, Marsel. We’re surprised you’re awake.”
“My name isn’t Marsel.” Rick’s voice is quiet, almost as if he isn’t sure, but then again, how could he ever really be sure.
“Sure it is, soldier. We found you. We made you.”
“Nobody made him except for himself” You counteract, hand still holding firm to his back. “He’s more experienced than all of you.” Rick watches as his commander waves off your statement and stands to his full height, extending his arm for Rick to take as a black carrier lands on the ground.
“Come Marsel, our job here is done. We must regroup with the others.” Rick thinks for a moment before looking over to where DuBois herds the squad members on the cargo plane, a strange sense of familiarity taking over before looking at you, various emotions flowing through his mind, but at the top of those emotions one shines through. Love. Standing up by himself, Rick extends his hand for you to take and pulls you up with ease before looking over to his commander.
“I think I’ll go back with them. I feel like I have a life with them.” The commander shakes his head in anger, causing you to stiffen your stance at Rick’s side, hand hovering over your gun.
“Fine then. When you find that they are imposters and aren’t really who they say they are, you will not be allowed back, ever.” Rick looks down at you with a smile before turning back to his commander.
“I don’t think that would be an issue.” Rick turns around on his heel, hand resting on your back as he guides you along. Despite not having complete recall with his memories, he knows he is exactly who he needs to be with and that’s the most important thing of all.
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer​ @fairchildflag​ @infatuatedjanes​
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester​ @loverhymeswith​ @xoxabs88xox​ @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o​ @witchygagirl​ @the1redrose​ @ratcatcher2world​ @green-socks​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @yourjacketisnowdry​ @rachelh1992​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​ @knivesareout​ @bubblegloopswampwitch​ @burntghoost​ @waspswidows​ @katjnordstrom96​ @11thstreetvigilante​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heresathreebee​ @madkovacs​ @wxr-zxne​ @wtfobiwan​ @alieninoklahoma​ @neon-supernova​
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mor-goo · 2 years
Incorrect Suicide Squad Quotes #20
Waller: Well, I have to say, I'm really disappointed in you.
Blackguard: Y'know, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.
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baihujun · 8 months
batlantern trick or treat🍫🍬
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If Red Robin and Red Hood would team up, would their team name be 'Robin Hood'?
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arguablysomaya · 1 year
Diana: Bruce, you have a problem with verbalizing your emotions. Bruce: Can't say I'm surprised.
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joyisoverparty · 2 months
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The Suicide Squad (2021) dir. James Gunn
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dcbicki · 1 year
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THE SUICIDE SQUAD (2021) + tumblr text posts [5/?]
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bobert-man · 3 months
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The recent update for the Suicide Squad game has an unlockable Polka dot man grenade. The description for which features the first Abner quote since 2022. Canonical Monopoly fan Abner Krill
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2024 Exchange Signups Open!
The form will be open from May 19-31.
Check out our Tumblr page for rules, FAQ, and more, and feel free to message us/send an ask if you have questions (or want to join our Discord server!) Reblog to spread the word!
If you've never participated in a gift exchange before, it's simple: everyone who signs up creates a gift (art, fic, podfic, etc.) for someone else's prompts, and receives a gift based on your prompts in return. For this particular exchange, gifts are based around the 2021 The Suicide Squad film and its related properties, and gifts are due in August to celebrate the anniversary of the film.
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
The only death Tim can experience is twink death
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simu-ladora · 5 months
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mor-goo · 2 years
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(London, May 2022) - I realise I never showed any of my new Blackguard cosplay on here; much to my utter embarrassment. I was also a little bummed that there weren’t many TSS cosplayers there, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose. Anywhere above fifteen degrees celcius and I positively melt, too.
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mayhem24-7forever · 1 month
I’m so sick over them (@a-reader-and-a-writer ‘s birthday edit now on tumblr!)
Audio credit: dincobbs/hungarorings on tiktok
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poisonousquinzel · 3 months
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sweetie im so sorry you're not being allowed to flourish in live action and kill that damned clown, they don't deserve you
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Jason Todd's fursona in Beast World should have been a horse.
He would be called 'The Red Hoof'
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reveluving · 1 year
It's missing Rick hours, so why not talk about Rick and (Y/N) (crazy) family fluff!
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warnings: fluff & humour!
a/n: Dysfunctional but lovable family fluff >>> Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I had fun thinking about it! Don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
check out my j. kinnaman m.list for more Rick content!
Do you guys remember the Dee Dee twins from Batman Beyond? I know they're supposed to be Harley's granddaughters but imagine if this takes place post-TSS events, and yes, Rick lives, okay?
He's always been—mf engaged to (Y/N) the second he woke up from unconsciousness and has lived together in a quiet lil' neighbourhood since.
But anyways!
I can't stop thinking about them being Harley's goddaughters or protégés instead, and one day, she begs you and Rick to take care of them for the week while away for a once in a lifetime gig. 
“You listen to your aunt (Y/N) and uncle Rick while I’m gone!” She’d say, though, she should’ve known better than to think her own carbon copies, of all people, would listen. 
I can just imagine you and the girls being joined at the hip, telling them stories from your days as a criminal, even if you’ve left that life behind. Rick’s the ‘grumpy uncle’ they love to annoy. But! They may be opposites, but the second someone talks bad about you?
Rick will see red, no doubt, but if he hears the girls discuss on how to get rid of the loud-mouthing pos, he wouldn't encourage it. But he sure as hell won’t stop them either—these are Harley girls we’re talking about; it’s not like they listen to him all the time. And, well, if they proceeded with whatever they had in mind, well, the bastard deserved it, didn’t he? Nobody really liked Mr Walker anyway.
What they'd do throughout the week their beloved aunt (Y/N) and uncle Rick, a headcanon:
Switching conversation topics when they're bored at the flower shop you work at. One second, it would be about the flowers, which, let's be honest, they're barely listening to, only to excitedly ask about what crimes you've done were the most memorable ones. Without the presence of customers, of course.
Pranking or scaring away any women who visits Rick's workplace solely for the purpose of gawking or flirting with the man, despite knowing he's married. A simple hiss or a quick display of the baseball bat they had with them ("We like playing baseball, don't we, Dee Dee?" "Yes, we do, Dee Dee!) and the visitor's out of the door!
Not once have you nor Rick seen these two play baseball.
They just really love their aunt (Y/N) and uncle Rick, okay!
BONUS: If you also have to babysit Bruce the hyena, the twins would sneak him out of the house at 3 AM, purposefully messing with Mr Walker's front yard and making sure he sees it. He didn't see the girls, however, so, when he tells his neighbours about a hyena on the loose, most of them just he was the one with the loose screws.
I initially thought Rick would work as a lumberjack, but, imagine if he was the sheriff of the neighbourhood?? Mr Walker calls him to complain about the hyena problem, obviously unaware of the culprits silently snickering at one another as they watch him desperately demand for 'justice'.
"Mr Walker, I personally don't think it's possible for a hyena to cross the city undetected for the sole purpose of terrorising just your garden," Rick responded calmly, though, he was unable to bite back the condescending hint in his words, "But, we'll look into it."
Once Walker's out, looking more stressed now that even the sheriff himself was looking at him funny, Rick would glance at the twins, raising a questioning brow at their futile attempts to look innocent before returning to his report.
"Good job." He'd say nonchalantly, and rather than looking peeved or disappointed, they spotted the small smile on his face. He didn't bother turning when they high-fived.
But other than the fact that he's been cockblocked since their arrival, and honest to God, it's been driving him nuts, they've made your and his days much livelier than the usual.
I can see it now; you're all watching TV, Rick holding you against him with one arm around you while he leisurely pets Bruce's mane with the other. Similar to the beloved house hyena, the twins sat on the floor in front of you, listening to them cheer for the antagonist and argue about what's for breakfast tomorrow.
Yes, the Flag's were quite the household, it seems.
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