#cultivator x reader
valentine-cafe · 7 months
All current rishen's reaction to:
"Hun I want to cuddle!"
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ earth 781 rishen herrera
. ˚◞꒰ 🍪 spider, mantis, moth hybrid x reader, hero x reader ꒱
“cuddles?” do not have to tell him twice. will immediately stop whatever it is that he is doing and drag you over to the bed. pull you onto him and snuggle you for the rest of the day.
makes sure to wrap all of his limbs around you just so that he can simply hold you close and listen to your heartbeat. don’t expect him to get up any time soon — he can and will fall asleep just holding you.
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ earth 209 rishen herrera
. ˚◞꒰ 🍰 spider, mantis, moth hybrid x reader, mad scientist x reader, villain x reader ꒱
depending on the day and how busy he is, he will either immediately pull you in and snuggle you on his office chair or tell you that he will as soon as he can.
honestly, if it is the latter just drag him over to the sofa and sit on him regardless. snuggle him up and refuse to move, he will eventually melt and give in.
“darling - come on I. . . tch. . . fine, I can spare a few moments. . . . . . . . . you’re so warm.”
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ earth 9948e rishen aryielus
. ˚◞꒰ 🥐 angel x reader ꒱
instantly has his hands all over you and his wings wrapping around you. pulls you into his warm and protective hold before nuzzling against your neck.
“mmm, that does sound like a wonderful idea, my love.”
you will not be leaving the bed for the rest of the day. that much can be guaranteed. he will fall asleep on you, just having you all wrapped up in his wings.
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pinkhazehighs · 9 months
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peanut butter breath live diamonds 💎
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Cultivation
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The rope creaked softly, suffering under the weight it was not meant to bear, as it stretched out, seemlingly endless into the mist. This had once been a bridge. The entrance to this lonely place. Humble as it was, the simple rope bridge had once stood for time immemorial. A path of safety above Soul Eater mists below.
Terrible creatures and unspeakable monsters dwelled down there. Things that devoured. Even the mists themselves, were said to drive men mad. Cause hallucinations and aggression. Qi draining in nature. It was like a living thing that digested you slowly.
Unless, of course, you could escape.
Or, it was said, if you were like the legendary immortal who had founded this temple. HE had apparently just walked. Refused the mist's their hold on him. Then climbed the cliff face to this mountain top. I somewhat doubted that tale. But then again, staring down at the rolling mists... it seemed impossible that ANYONE could have ever survived them.
The bridge creaked on, in the soft breeze. There were days it's groans sounded like the cries of a beast in pain. Tortured. When the wind rattled and dragged at what remained of its form. Trying to pull it from it's post. Down, down, down to it's final end.
There was a boot print. Terrible and damning. Cracked, IMPRINTED, deep into the base of the pillar that once held up one side. Far away, the bridge must surely still be stable. Both pillars standing tall, like gaurds. Like brothers. But here?
One powerful kick.
And the bridge had disappeared out from underneath all those that stood upon it.
Everyday... every day I come. Every day I look upon this bridge. Upon the boot, a terrible sin imprinted into stone, and I tell myself I do not recognize the size of it. That my suspicions are wrong. My instincts surely lying. Because... because if I do not?
What can I do? What could I POSSIBLY hope to do? If my suspicions WERE correct? If in this place, lives a monster? I am not stronger them him. Without him, I would be utterly alone. He has insured I am all but dependant on him. Not teaching me how to cook nor clean, farm nor fight. All practical skills are lessons for another day. Forever another day.
Yet, I MUST know.
I torture myself with this. The wondering. The questions I do not not ask, for fear he will not even bother hiding behind lies. I stare at the old, long dried blood that stains where the bridge once ended. The shimmering heavenly gold. Somehow... some horrified, gut wrenched, SCREAMING instinct... knows it to be the blood of Tree Fruit.
It is the blood of the unborn. Those that will never get the chance, now. They... they were not even apart of anyone's body. Were wholly seperate, dependent and their protectors for survival. Were FRUIT for God's sake. Just as I had been. Souls reborn, not from flesh, but clean and new, from a Divine Tree. Ascendant from some other place.
I don't know WHY they were taken from the Tree. Why I was. My memory is spotty. It was too soon. I had not forgotten yet. Was not READY yet. It should have been safest to stay there. Be born into the world. Yet... they were on this bridge, instead. Attacked. The blood of infants stains the stones and will never wash clean. I can not... I was still FRUIT, then.
I can not REMEMBER.
And so I come. Again and again, before this rope. That stretchs out into the mists. Above far more terrible things. And try to recall. Make sense of it this terrible thing before me. This bridge. A long, worn, straining rope. With old, well-worn wooden planks, weathered by the ages, that... that hang like bodies.
Strung up in an endless row.
That whisper as they clack and groan with suffering in the wind, "A crime. A crime. Great evil was committed here!"
I tell myself... like a child hiding from monsters they KNOW are real. Trembling and blood soaked, terrified, as they crawl as far back into some small dark place as they can... I... I do not want to compare the boot print in that stone to Lei's. That they would be different sizes, even if I did.
I do not convince myself.
I never do.
"Shimei, this disciple wonderd where you were..." calls out a familiar voice. Deep in the way dangerous waters are deep. Smooth and placid at the surface. With something deadly I can not see, far, far below. "This one has found you at the bridge again. What captivates you so? You missed your morning snack. Should be on your way to early morning meditations."
My smile is more of a grimace, as I turn.
There are days... when forgetting is easy. When the tranquility of this place seeps itself into my bones. The comfort he deliberately arranges for me. The scheduled repetition. It is... trance-like.
Sitting with tea and snacks. Watching the early morning's sunlight dance off the distant mist. As birds wake and dew settles. The world hushed. Cup warm in my hand. Coat dropped over my shoulders. It is beautiful. The meditation garden is beautiful. EVERYTHING here is beautiful.
It is the fact that it is... empty, that bothers me.
This was not a temple built for two people. Remote as it must be in the world. The sect built this place for a reason. And each day that passes? I am more convinced that reason was to have a place to fall back too. The temple is lovely... but more then that? It is a FORTRESS.
Difficulty getting here is not even a fraction of the defens it holds.
WHY are there only two people here?
I nod, stepping towards my "shixong" as he insists I call him, dispite there being just the two of us. His hand reaching out to take my arm, guide me. I no longer need help navigating these halls. But he does not stop. Clings to his excuses to coddle and touch. It is a fight I can not win. I pick my battles. But, before his hand reaches my sleeve. Knife!
A throwing knife, shrieks near silent through the air as it cuts between us. Nearly removing Lei's fingers as it does. I jerk away, startled. He whips around towards the bridge.
The voice that roars that command has the distinct rasp of old age. Sure enough, a figure in flowing robes surges forward from the mist, running light as a feather across the single rope that remains of the bridge. Long white hair and beard. A wrinkled face, more accustomed to smiling, now turned into a fierce and determined scowl. The robes of a Grand Master.
There are a handful of warriors following him.
But the one that I can not look away from... it's... it's like looking through the lense of a half forgotten dream. Blurred by angles all wrong. But oh... oh how could I forget that face? The one that stares at me with such fierce and fearful determination?
More then an older sister, less then a mother. Whisperd promises, muffled by liquid, from long ago. I know that face. KNEW it. It once smiled down at me, as I grew upon my branch, and promised we would be family. Loved me. Beautiful and patient, as she whispered about all the wonders of world.
I was...
I was supposed to go with HER.
Be raised by HER. A little sister, a daughter, someone she could guide and grow with. My memories struggle to come together, but faced with familiar faces? They TRY. Especially as power begins to surge around me. Terrible and familiar. The beginnings of a fight.
Someone on my branch. Not my sister. Pale as morning mist and just as untouchable. He seemed lonely. I was lonely. Far from other Fruit, an awkward thing, high up, and on an old twisting branch. That had missed all nipping and cultivation by being accidentally hidden by the leaves surrounding it. The fruit was supposed to grow lower to the ground, where it could be watched. Safe.
But I happened anyway.
And I was alone.
No others to spend my time with. No disciples to come and care for me, day to day. So when the mist man came? I clumsily... reached out. Pat pat. There, there. I'm here, "dude". (I... can not remember what that word meant. But I know I knew it. It was friendly, I think.)
He was surprised to find me, up there.
I don't not think he told anyone.
I...I think he was supposed too?
But it did not matter in the end. Someone else found his hiding spot. Found me. There was much shouting and alarm. Elders, I think. Doctors, to insure I was well. Great relief, that I was a hardly little thing, developing as I should. After that? I had constant visitors. None that seemed very interesting... until... until my Shijie.
They were looking, I think, through interested parties for a match. Who would adopt me. Then there was softness. Sweet, golden days. The mist man visited. Anger from him? Not at me. Displeased. Covetous? I did not understand. Something wrong was growing but I was unborn... did not have a name yet for the sensation.
Just that is was...Dark.
Then it was night time. A beautiful moon through the branches. Smoke, black and terrifying. Screaming and the clash of swords. Unbearable heat, climbing and climbing. Lights blinking out. Dying? Were... were they dying? The great Tree, divine and holy, groaning in agony. Wood popping from heat. Splintering from blows.
Feet upon my branch. Running, running, running. Falling too their knees. Swordsman's hands. Bloody, wrong, not my shijie. Where is my shijie? Sister! SISTER?! I am being pulled. No. No, it is not time. It is too soon. The Fruit is not ready.
The hands do not care.
I am torn out by the roots.
Where the Tree should be... is nothing. I SCREAM. It hurts! A void. The ocean of life gone, gone, GONE! Already I am starving. Destabilizing. Dying again. Scared! Please! I am-!
A hand wraps around the raw nerves of my roots. They are wrong. I know them, but they are WRONG. Where is shijie? Sister... SISTER! Please!! Energy floods back in, as though it never stopped. But... but it is not clean. Like brackish water after so long in clear springs, I choke as I try to adjust.
Where is the Divine Tree? I want to go home.
Others join. Burned. Bleeding. They have Fruit too. I have never been so close to others. They sound nervous too. Scared. But they have their family. Why do I not? There is some plan. A bridge that goes on and on. Below us are terrible things. They are talking? The end in sight.
"-viously you can't... -ep her, she's not your child. Y.. -eat thing protecting her th.. -ll be so relieved you have her child. N.. -all we have to... -ait out this..."
Something ugly is rising. Danger. DANGER. No, no, NO. STOP. Run! Bad thing is coming! I don't-! I can't-! Covetous, terrible, tar-like WRONG! Seeping up like festering! Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!
The sound of a sword being drawn.
I am tucked close. Cradled like something precious. As a blade sings destruction through the air. A shocked and betrayed cry. Confusion. I can see horror on faces, feel terror from the other Fruit. Two of them are dead. CRUNCH. The bridge violently lists to the side, weight no longer equally supported.
Time seems to slow... as ancient metal slides free of stone.
Half those on the bridge are gone in an instant, as the floor swings out from below them like a trapdoor. Those that remain? Are the souls fast enough to grab the rail that still remains. The boards, as they fall. They hang above certain death, as their friends fall screaming in primal fear, to horrific death below.
How long can they hold on?
Especially with only one hand?
A few already lost their grip on their Fruit in the sudden shift. Can only stare in numb and mind blank horror, soul deep agony, as the bright little lights fall... and fall... and fall...
Inside my Fruit I SCREAM.
I do not remember after that. Only being born. It is a blur of trauma my mind must have refused to keep. D..Damn it. DAMN IT! I jerk away from Lei. I had known. I hadn't WANTED to know... but I had KNOWN.
The Grand Master attacks. His blade crashing like the might of a wrathful god against Lei's. Sending him sliding back. The master pressing his advantage, warriors rushing to fan out between the fighters and me.
Arms. Soft yet unimaginably powerful, the scent of tea and the medicinal flowers she proudly grew for the sect, I was pulled into an embrace. My head tucked against her neck. Arms bordering on too tight. As though I would disappear at any moment.
"Shimei.." my shijie whispered, a wounded sound. "This sister has you. We have come to rescue you. The traitor will never hurt you again. Come!"
This felt right. I nod. Follow her towards the bridge.
Lei's snarls. Never has there been an uglier, more venomous sound. One of the warriors, acting as a shield, dies preventing my sister from being speared through the heart from behind. Desperately, she scoops me up. Breaking into a sprint.
"Do you truely think you can take this one's Disciple from him? His WORLD!?" An unhinged laugh echoed along side the clash on blades. "There is NOWHERE you can hide her, that I will not find! She is MINE! Belongs with ME! You can run but there is NO WHERE you can hide!"
I cling to my sister as she jumps up on the rope, racing away from the gilded cage that was my only home. Over her shoulder, Lei is locked in combat. The ugly something I had always known was there, finally out in the air between us. Demonic energy spilled from him like radiation. Sickening and every bit as caustic. His eyes wild as they lock onto me.
"I'm going to BURN everything that gets in my way, my disciple." He croons, the grin spreading across his face a thing that will haunt me. "Just like before. NOTHING will keep you away from me. Nothing! I am going to hunt you down, drag you to ascension, then spend the rest of time making you MINE."
"And nothing will stop me, child. Not even you. Why?"
"Because I LOVE You."
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baeshijima · 10 months
fic where you are the heir to the throne and argenti is your personal knight who can be a little... melodramatic at times, but you know he means well when he takes meticulous care in your appearance when you are to speak before your people or about to attend a ball ("everyone must be dazzled by your beauty, your highness!" ...is what he always responds with whenever you ask why he insists on doing it himself when there are maids for that very purpose), as well as his habit of presenting you a bouquet of roses he lovingly named after himself, always managing to replenish your batch just before they wither away ("there is nothing which match my beauty as these argenti roses do, and you deserve only the most loveliest and most beautiful of experiences, your highness!" ...is what he parades with an almost comical sparkle), or even during the times in which he is to escort you, only to dramatize your entrance with an embarrassing flair as he makes your presence known to those present and possibly the neighbouring kingdoms, too ("but everyone must behold your beauty and grace, your highness!" ...is what he preaches when you sputter and fluster at his theatrics, his genuine expression rendering you unable to refute him each and every time).
despite all this, he is a knight nonetheless. you're reminded of this each time an assassin clambers through your window in the dead of night, only to be rendered immobile when argenti takes care of them without a second thought and makes no haste in checking up on you (whenever such incidents occur, it is always you who has to calm him down, holding his hands and reassuring him you are safe all thanks to him), or in the moments where you watch him train, in awe of his battle prowess and find yourself lost in his broad strokes and effortless stance perfected over the years (he likes to flex and show off when catching your stare, though you find it amusing how quickly he flusters when you don't avert your gaze. he's rather cute in this sense).
while some of his antics may be a bit over the top, he is your chivalrous knight nonetheless — and you wouldn't have it any other way.
(though you would never tell him that, for you would never hear the end of it...)
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llostwriter · 3 months
Never Meant To Be | SVSSS Fanfic
- Nonbinary Reader
When you found out that you were reincarnated as a wandering orphan, forcing you to steal to survive. You lost count of the times that you would get beaten up upon getting caught by the villagers. The looks of disgust from the villagers upon seeing your raggy clothes and dirty face were imprinted on your small mind. Intelligence was nothing in this world; all that mattered was the ranking of an individual. There were times when you ended up starving on the streets or almost freezing to death.
It wasn't even surprising that, soon enough, the human traffickers found you. The original owner of the body was found by the human traffickers before you were even in the body. The human traffickers make weekly visits to the orphans, demanding that the orphans give them the taels that the orphans gathered from begging on the street. The ones that weren't able to give any received a beating. All the good spots in the areas were taken by the other orphans, while you were left with the crappiest area, which is mostly deserted.
The income was so low that you even decided to leave this village and beg elsewhere. The traffickers caught you again, and you received another beating. Only then did you learn that the orphans are only allowed to beg within the village.
Every week of the first few months, you have received a beating from the traffickers.
The orphans could hardly fend for themselves, so they didn't even bother sharing any of their stuff with you. Resorting to having to even fight them for some ointments. Yes, there would always be some additional bruises after the fight; however, you did get your ointment. You know that your life is miserable the moment you even have to fight a dog for a blanket. Even the white cat from the village council’s madam gives you the disdainful treatment. Hissing at you whenever you look at its pearly white fur.
You were envious of the white cat. It gets better treatment and is cleaner than the combination of you and the other orphans. You remembered watching out of the village council madam’s window, drooling at the lotus cake being fed to the white cat daily, who later licked its paw.
One day, in the village, there was a huge fire that ended up spreading out to the borders of the village. Everybody was evacuating, while you stood confused and helpless. Almost accepting the new path of death, ending this misery of yours. You would have never expected that a cultivator would rescue you. Your memories of his appearances were blurry. The only thing that you have left of him is the ripped-off piece of his light green robe.
Away from the human traffickers, your life was somewhat peaceful. You would be found stuffing your mouth with mysterious berries that you found in the forest. The stomachaches taught you which berries to pick and which berries not to pick. Cleansing the filth off yourself in the rivers.
You find yourself in a new village and hear from the villagers about Cang Qiong accepting new disciples. That would be a good chance to turn your life around.
There was something familiar about that name, but you were not able to find out exactly what it was.
You watched the large crowds of hundreds of people. There were some other orphans, some kids dressed in rich silk robes, and some kids from the casual village household. The task was plain and simple; it was just digging holes. A few of the rich folks were complaining of dirtying their robes: “This is too filthy!”. “I can’t handle this any more!” “I’m telling my mommy and daddy about this!”. “This is so unfair!” “Why am I doing the work of a slave?!” so many complaints.
So they ended up ordering their servants to do it for them, resulting in the rich folks getting disqualified. “Wait until my parents hear about this! They’ll shut this mountain completely down!” but as expected, those complaints were all barks and no bites.
The sun beat down on your back as you hunched over the earth, your long, pointed nails digging into the clay. Untrim nails for months, maybe even years; you were not sure since you only occupied the body a few months ago.
Each thrust of your hand was met with gritty resistance. The earth, dry and stubborn, yielded only grudgingly. Tiny particles of clay, fine as dust, clung to your nails, causing a gritty discomfort that snaked up your arms, sending chills through you. Regardless of your gender, the sensation was maddening, a constant reminder of the tenacity of the very ground you were attempting to conquer.
There were some smart kids who dug platforms stacked upon each other like stairs from the soil. That is to make it easier to get out of the hole.
However, that also wastes a lot of time, and time is precious.
Your brow furrowed, and you bit your lip, the scent of nature mingling with the dust that clung to your clothes. The discomfort was a constant, a nagging reminder of the futility of your task. Yet, you dug on. It was more than just a hole you were creating; it was a statement, one that would completely change the turn of fate.
Each inch dug was a battle—a slow, agonizing victory. The earth, unforgiving and relentless, fought back, the damp clay clinging to your nails like a tenacious parasite. But you pushed on; you drew in grim concentration, your eyes burning with a singular focus.
You knew the pain and discomfort were necessary parts of the process. It was the price you paid for the freedom of creation, for defying the expectations of practicality. The discomfort was a reminder that you were pushing boundaries and challenging the very fabric of reality.
Finally, with a groan, the earth gave way. By the time the ending was announced, the hole, deep and narrow, was complete.
You looked around, and that's when you saw him. You identified him from the crowd by his green robes. The feeling of familiarity and nausea hit you like a wave.
Your survivor, your angel, is the one that’s going to drag you out of this hellhole.
He noticed you; his paper fan spread out, covering half of his face. He narrowed his eyes at you indifferently.
Being a disciple of Qing Jing Peak Lord was not that bad; your life clearly improved. You don't have to fight other orphans or animals for anything. All living expenses were provided for you. You shared your daily tasks with the other disciples. During your free time, you’ll spend time watching your Shizun from afar. Aside from that, the looks of admiration and gratitude were obvious.
The wind carries the rumors.
It has only been a few months since you became a disciple, and you have already heard your share of the rumors surrounding your savior.
The rumors surrounding your savior were outrageous; you would never bring yourself to believe them, even if there were doubts surrounding them.
in the following months. You have always kept a safe distance from your savior. You can’t deny that there were desires of wanting to have physical contact with your savior. It was pure nonetheless, but it still felt wrong. Even after you left behind your past of being an orphan, you still felt filthy and tainted. You were disgusted by yourself. It wasn’t long before you realized that you had romantic feelings for your savior.
But you never have the courage to confess. Your savior was close, yet felt so distant at the same time.
A young disciple named Luo Binghe had just arrived, and he was taken in as your Shidi. From the start, he showed himself to be a hardworking and persistent teenager, always displaying politeness towards everyone. However, despite his good nature, your savior began to treat him unfairly, burdening him with an excessive number of tasks compared to the other disciples. This sudden change in attitude was puzzling.
Witnessing Luo Binghe being disciplined unjustly, you found yourself tending to his wounds and gradually forming a close bond with him. Despite the mistreatment, he never blamed Shizun for his hardships. As time went on, the male disciples following your savior joined in on the unfair treatment, directing their animosity towards Luo Binghe by assigning him all the unwanted tasks. Despite this, Luo Binghe continued to fulfill his duties without complaint.
Nonetheless, it pains you to see your savior acting like a monster.
You were unsure how it turned out this way. One day, your savior’s personality completely changed. It was almost like they were completely different people. It was also the first time that your ‘savior’ approached you willingly, apart from missions. You were happy about it, but something felt horribly wrong at the same time.
You have always had that feeling since you first became a disciple. It was wrong for a disciple to have romantic feelings for their Shizun.
This was different; it was almost as if this was an imposter living in your savior’s body; their aura was different. The imposter gives out a more outgoing and calm vibe, while your savior gives out a more indifferent and cold vibe. There is no possible way that one person could change in the span of hardly one day.
But how is it possible that somebody would look exactly like your savior? Did your savior have a twin brother? If yes, where is your savior right now? There’s no possible way that your savior would just abandon his disciples and his title without a single word.
The imposter attempted to mend your relationship; however, it didn’t work. The longer that the imposter stayed, the more hatred that you grew for him.
At the same time, you were glad that he’s now nicer to his disciples and Shidi Luo Binghe. But you simply can't get over the fact that the imposter is using your savior’s body without any permission.
Months turned into years, and your hatred toward the imposter grew numb, just like your feelings. There was no use for it anymore. You ended up leaving the peak and becoming a wandering cultivator.
When your Shidi Luo Binghe married the imposter, they invited you, hoping that you would come. Which you did.
As you watched the smiles imprinted on both your Shidi Luo Binghe and the imposter, Only then did you realize that you had officially lost your savior. Forever.
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seishinnookami · 1 month
A little about me!
If you are reading this, ✨congratulations!✨ You have reached a small writer’s posts! English isn’t my first language, so please excuse my grammar errors and spelling mistakes.
This isn’t the first time i write, but only now I thought about actually publishing them to others. I write poems, love verses, fan-fictions and self written books.
i dabble in quite a few fandoms, like;
-Twisted wonderland
-Hypnosis Microphone
-Nu: Carnival - Bliss
-Obey me!
-Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
-Star wars
-Call of Duty
-Bad batch
-EPIC; the musical
And many others. I hope i can make many things for you reader to enjoy! I promise not to disappoint. My iconic character is the ducky you see. Also, none of the arts are mine unless written so! I’ll try to credit as many times as i can.
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bloomingapricots · 1 year
Eclipsing the Sun
Updated here first at AO3
Ending One Destiny’s Design, the best ending
Btw I edited chapter one a bit
Life | Destiny’s Design (here) | Threaded Fate
Chapter Two | Ending One | Destiny's Design
You slowly sat up from the mat you were laid on. You did not expect to survive your poisoning if you were to be honest.
“Oh, Xiongjie is awake!” A young voice commented, which you snapped your head to turn to look at.
“Oh my god.” you accidentally slipped out. “A-Yuan!?”
“Wen Duzhe,” you may or may not have screamed as you realized Lan Zhan was on the other side of your bed. As it turned out, you put yourself in a coma and missed the ending battle, as well as missed the discussion of what to do with the Wen remnants. Despite your contribution in bringing down a good majority of the Wens, there were many who called for your death, so Lan Zhan carried you to Yiling where the remnants of your clansmen are.
“Wen Duzhe!” Wei Ying ran up to you as you exited the hut you were staying at.
“Wei Wuxian,” You stated as you walked slowly toward Wei Ying.
“Wen Duzhe?” Wei Ying questioned as he slowed down after noticing your mood.
“W.e.i.W.u.x.i.a.n!” You are slowly repeating Wei Ying’s name. Wei Ying stopped five feet from you before slowly walking away from you. “You idiot!” you started chasing after Wei Ying when he started running from you.
“Wen Duzhe, why are you chasing me!?” Wei Ying yelped.
“Why, huh? I don’t know, maybe because you left me with your Sect!” you yelled your reply. As mentioned before, you had done the same stunt at Cloud Recesses before at Lotus Pier. But then Wei Ying had left with Wen Qing, leaving your unconscious self at Lotus Pier. Standing between Madam Jiang’s and Jiang Cheng’s wrath was Jiang Yanli as you befriended the girl back at Cloud Recesses. “Jiang Cheng did not like me back then, and he definitely does not like me right now!” You tackled Wei Ying to the ground and pinched his cheeks.
“Wait! Wait! Yield! I yield!” Wei Ying yelped as you started bonking his head with yours. “Please have mercy!”
You are in a meeting to discuss the future of the remaining Wens with Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, Wen Qing, and,
“It’s that A-Ning!?” You squealed and pointed at the fierce corpse that is your cousin.
“Duzhe-xiongjie,” Wen Ning mumbled. You may or may not have cried at your failure to save Wen Ning from becoming a fierce corpse. After crying from not only being unable to save Wen Ning from his fate but also breaking down from the heavy burden you had carried since transmigrating into MDZS.
“Feeling better, Wen Duzhe?” Wei Ying asked as he gently patted your back. You sniffed before replying,
“Not really, but I will be,” You sighed.
“Duzhe-dimei[4],” Wen Qing called.
“Yes?” You replied.
“I... I know you're in shock, but I must ask, how long did you plan that?” Wen Qing asked.
“... Plan what?” You replied. That is a too stupid response you thought, internally screeching. Wen Qing looked at you unconvinced and disappointed.
“You know what I mean,” Wen Qing now looked disappointed and upset, not the angry upset that often appeared on her face. But the helpless upset that you would sometimes see only when Wen Qing thought she was alone. A hand gently grabbed your right hand, and it was Lan Zhan who was holding your right hand.
“Wen Duzhe, it is not good to lie,” Lan Zhan too looked upset in his subtle way. He was even patting your right hand.
“It was surprising to see you appear at Yunmeng and then poison your own clan, a simple spread of powder that easily weakened your clansmen,” Wei Ying said. You internally sweated as Wen Qing was in front of you, Wei Ying was behind you, Lan Zhan was at your right, and Wen Ning was at your left. You are boxed in, you cannot escape from this conversation.
“At Gusu too,” Lan Zhan added.
“Duzhe-dimei, please,” Wen Qing pleaded.
“...” You sighed. “Alright, I give,” You begin to explain that since your preteens, you had always known that your sect leader was an awful person and that his sons would be too. So you plan to poison everyone but the children, the elderly, and the innocents. You researched and experimented on plants that at first would remain dormant, only to become poisonous by another plant mixed in.
“And you tested yourself?” Wen Ning asked, remembering your lab in a hidden cave.
“Yes,” You replied.
“Duzhe-dimei!” Wen Qing went to your left to clench at your left hand, Wen Ning moved out of the way. “You-! You went to the infirmary so many times I-I, was that the reason?“ She checked your meridians as you nodded your head. You felt Lan Zhan pouring his spiritual energy into you.
“As mentioned, the poison is two steps. Part one was a tasteless, undetectable, dormant poison that was to be ingested with food I helped prepare, and part two was a powdered poison that was to be inhaled. I have fed everyone who shared our sect leader’s ideology part one, and during the battles, I spread part two,” You snickered “Well part one was not technically a poison as it would not have gotten past the poison test tasters, hence why the poisoning process was in two parts,”
“Wen Duzhe, your golden core, and dantian. Even your meridian is…” Lan Zhan said.
“Even if someone survived, the poison will devour their cultivation.” You smiled an empty smile.
“Then-!” Wen Qing channeled her spiritual energy as noticed what Lan Zhan noticed. “How are you still alive!?”
“It surprised me too, to be honest. I had planned to die after taking down the forces in Gusu, but here we are,” You shrugged. You were then hugged fiercely by Wei Ying from behind.
“Y-you stupid- foolish- whatever!” Wen Qing sobbed. Better me than Wei Ying, as this was his place, you thought.
“Better me than you guys,” You said.
After being scolded and lectured with the promise of being hut-arrested to heal. Your group went on to discuss the next topic, the future.
“I think we should change our last name,” You suggested. “It would be good to separate ourselves from Wen to something else,”
“To what though?” Wen Qing asked. You gave a shit-eating grin and looked at Wei Ying.
“To Wei!” You cheerfully suggested.
“Huh!?” Wei Ying flinched in surprise, which meant jostling you as Wei Ying moved to your left, throwing an arm around your shoulder. Lan Zhan is still holding your right hand and channeling his spiritual energy.
“You did a lot for my family, Wei Ying, and I would be more than happy if we could become family,” You said.
“I don’t refute that,” Wen Qing commented.
“I would like that as well,” Wen Ning added.
“Ah, but then there are the more bloodthirsty cultivators. We probably need a clan to back us up,” You looked at Wei Ying and then at Lan Zhan. “Since Wei Ying is here and given that Jiang Cheng doesn’t like me..” You trailed off and the others got what you meant, Yunmeng Jiang is a no-go. “Lan Zhan, do you think you could convince your family?”
“...hm, I will make sure,” Lan Zhan replied.
“Don’t stick your head out for us too much, Lan Zhan. I do not want you to be in trouble,” You added.
“I want you to be safe,” Lan Zhan said.
“Thank you,” You had a dumb thought and since you were still very drained, you voiced it “Eheheh I had a dumb thought, even if we became Yiling Wei, Wei Ying is considered a traitor to the Jiang, and I don’t know, what if Wei Ying and I married Lan Zhan,” However Lan Zhan stared thoughtfully at you and Wei Ying. “Lan Zhan?”
“Huh,” Somehow, you are in Jingshi which has been decorated in vibrant reds. You too are decorated in vibrant reds, in the bridal wedding robes red. Wei Ying is also sitting next to you, in bridal wedding robes, on the bed decorated in red. In the Jingshi which has been decorated in red for a wedding couple, technically throuple in this situation.
“You alright Shen Duzhe?” Jiang Yanli asked, giggling, after hiding Wei Ying’s shoes. Since you were to be married to Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, you decided to change your last name to Shen instead of Wei like all your other relatives.
“...No,” You replied.
“This was your idea,” Wei Qing said after hiding your shoes.
“I, I was joking,” You whined. Wei Qing was about to respond but heard a disciple announcing that Lan Zhan was coming soon.
“Your groom is coming soon, time for us to go,” Wei Qing and Jiang Yanli quickly left.
“Wei Ying, how the fuck did we get here?” You asked.
“It surprised me, too. After our meeting, that fuddy-duddy went and got permission for marriage, to me and you,” Wei Ying replied.
“I expected Lan Zhan to marry you, but me too?” You questioned.
“Huh? Me? Why not you? I thought he would marry you,” Wei Ying replied.
“Well, even though Lan Zhan does get annoyed with you, there is a look of fondness in his eyes towards you from what I observed,” You explained.
“Huh? When we go night hunting together, he sticks to you constantly,” Wei Ying said.
“What? We are not supposed to go by ourselves, though?” You questioned. You and Wei Ying stared at each other, probably. Your red veil and his red veil are hiding your face from each other. Wei Ying lifted his veil to show his face then he lifted your veil to see your face.
“Shen Duzhe, what do you feel about Lan Zhan and what do you feel about me? After all, I’m married as the main wife and Lan-furen but you married as just a consort,” Wei Ying asked.
“I…” You pondered and thought deeply about your feelings. “I do like you and Lan Zhan, but you and Lan Zhan are destined to be together. I don’t know why I’m here,”
“...I want to sleep with Lan Zhan and you,” Wei Ying stated. 
“Huh!?” If your cheeks were any thinner, you might have blushed. Wei Ying made direct eye contact with you and he can tell you are flustered. The door to Jingshi opened and Wei Ying put back his veil and your veil as well. Lan Zhan was quick to find Wei Ying’s shoes and your shoes. Lan Zhan left Wei Ying’s and your shoes by the bed.
“Wei Ying, Shen Duzhe,” Lan Zhan called.
“Lan Zhan-er-gege~” Wei Ying replied.
“Ugh,” You replied in embarrassment. You begin to grow even more flustered, as now is the consummation. You internally questioned if you really were going to have a threesome. Lan Zhan stepped closer to you and Wei Ying. Taking off your veil and Wei Ying’s veil, you stared at Lan Zhan’s face, blue screening.
“Shen Duzhe,” Lan Zhan called. He was standing between your legs, holding you in his arms. You felt Wei Ying move to sit as close as possible to you, side-hugging you and laying his head on your shoulder. Your mind is too empty to think. Wei Ying chuckled near your ears and you shivered as his breath hit your ear. Lan Zhan moved his face close to yours but he ended up kissing Wei Wing over your shoulder. WangXian is kissing over your shoulder while they are hugging you.
“I think A-Duzhe needs a moment, how about you play with this wife first~“
[4]  Like how xiongjie probably means “older siblings” 弟妹 dimei would probably mean “younger siblings”
I have not reached at any point, till now, of writing about kissing in any fanfiction
Next stop, ending Two Threaded Fate aka angst ending
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yumemiruuuu · 7 months
“Nie Huaisang relationship headcanons because he makes me cry and feel some things”
Dates with him would usually involve activities like going to the art galleries and botanical gardens (especially ones with an aviary or butterfly houses).
If, for any reason, your dates outdoors has to be placed on hold because of circumstances like torrential rains and such, indoor date plans would involve activities like arts and crafts session together, or simply cuddling together on the couch (although… to be honest, I can imagine the two of you going outside to frolic and dance around in the rain if it’s not too bad. But I digress…)
As for the cuddling, Huaisang enjoys having his arms wrapped around you while he rests his pretty little head against you. He also especially likes when you pat his head and stroke his hair and tell him what a pretty boy he is, and ask about his art endeavors.
I debated heavily in my mind whether he would be an ass or tits guy but in the end, I see him as a tits guy. He appreciates tits of any kind: big or small, man’s or woman’s, it doesn’t matter to him as long as he can have his head against your chest, hear your heart beating and feel your warmth.
Besides that, I honestly don’t really see him as the groping type despite his canonical pornography collection situation going on, which I still think about to this day.
As a side-note: Please please PLEASE tell him that he’s pretty and that he’s talented, and that you care about him and his artistic creations, and he would most likely cry tears of joy.
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yhwhsdaughter · 1 year
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“Meet or part, live or die,
We’ve made oath, you and I.
Give me your hand I’ll hold,
And live with me till old!”
Lan Xichen x F! Reader (18+)
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Lan Xichen lost his beloved during winter. In his solace, his heart felt colder without her warmth.. his [Name]. The eldest Lan brother yearned to the point he fell ill. Wanji and Wei Ying found him in the cold, watching the snow fall.
One cup of Emperor’s Smile was enough for Lan Xichen to become drunk. Wanji had to pry the jar from him; “She will return.” [Name] was the best healer Gusu Lan had seen yet and her abilities were needed due a plague caused by a flood. Despite knowing she was an accomplished cultivator, he could not help but worry.
Alcohol always put Xichen in a joyous mood. Members of the Gusu Lan witnessed their leader’s flushed cheeks and excited smile turn wider the moment a familiar figure appeared. Her arrival signaled the beginning of spring, flowers now blooming where snow fell. [Name] stumbled slightly with the unexpected weight of Lan Xichen’s body. Lan Wanji moved to help but she made a motion with her hand, placing her arm around Xichen’s waist. “It’s quite a sight to see you like this” she murmured, maneuvering them towards his house. “You’re a sight…!!!” [Name] was a bit surprised, her eyes widening. “Is that so?”
 “Mm.. so pretty..”
With some effort, she slid the door open. “My eyes are always drawn to you..” It was a bit difficult to focus on a task when Xichen’s dark and gentle eyes followed her every movement. “Ah.. Xichen could you not..—!” Her footing stumbled, tripping the two of them just at the edge of his bed. Xichen was quick to swivel their positions so that he would take the brunt of the fall.
“Shh.. shh.. it's alright.”
Xichen’s arms secured themselves around her sides, his breath ghosting her lips. [Name] could smell faintly the richness of the wine. “You're the only one for me..” he didn’t want anyone if it wasn’t her. Not knowing how to answer his drunken confession, she ushered him to bed, “Xichen, go to sleep.. you’re drunk.”
“Mmm.. alright.” Still, he could not. His eyes wandered down, and his mind focused on [Name]’s lips. They were pink, like the flowers outside. Could he taste the nectar of said lips? “..Do you want... to kiss?” He whispered, eyes gazing up at [Name] from underneath his long lashes, cheeks growing even rosier.
“You’re drunk.. I can’t kiss you right now.” Lan Xichen blinked, “Oh.. right.. I.. I forgot” he muttered, rubbing his temples with his fingers. [Name] felt his hand reaching back, holding her nape gently as his head dipped subtly, their foreheads touching. “Kiss later..?”
[Name] blushed under the gaze of his thick lashes. He was too pretty. “If.. you remember, then.. yes..” Lan Xichen’s heart swelled and his body grew warmer at the notion of her acceptance, his ears deaf to all but her ‘yes’. He closed the distance between them, in an gentle yet eager manner. His body pressed closer to hers. “Mmph!” Lan Xichen’s other hand settled on her cheek, cupping it softly. His tongue grazed her mouth and his fingers touched her headband before [Name] pulled away hastily, one of her hands flying to her lips, “X-Xichen.. I meant once you were sober..!”
Embarrassment seeped down to his bones, stammering apologies, “.. I'm... I'm sorry, I..” Despite this, the longing look in his eyes betrayed that he would have done it again in a heartbeat.
The newness of this feeling unsettled the female cultivator, making her wonder if she was drunk as well. “Rest for now. I will see you in the morning.” “Yes, yes.” Lan Xichen murmured, his face a crimson red. He stood up, but instead of leaving, his steps faltered and he collapsed back onto the bed, his eyelids fluttering shut. He was already half asleep. The first time he ever got drunk, he had to do it in front of the love of his life. Such mortifying luck.
[Name] stared at Lan Xichen’s sleeping form, how beautiful he looked even in a messed state. Brushing away some of his long hair from his face, she tucked him in.
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The morning sun and chirping birds alerted Lan Xichen that he had woken late. Everyone was up at 5 in the morning, though that was the last thought in his mind when he opened his eyes. His head throbbed like thunder, and he instantly felt the nausea setting in. Xichen’s body was sluggish as he turned his head to try to avoid some of the light that was entering through. He winced in pain, his face pale in his misery. Oh no, he was going to...
“Uwah!” Lan Xichen cried, and he threw himself off the bed to rush towards a bucket at the very least.
Albeit they’d already broken rules last night, merely by being alone together, [Name] still decided to go in and wake up their leader. Also because Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian kept ushering her towards Xichen’s quarters. She had a feeling they knew something.
“Zewu-Jun..?” She waited patiently outside, announcing her presence first. When she heard distressing sounds, [Name] peeked inside. “Xichen are you alright?”
“I...” Lan Xichen panted, face flushed as he hovered over a bucket, dry-heaving into it. “... I'm dying...”
It was so embarrassing he truly felt death was a better option. The headache, dizziness, and nausea all welling up in his body only made things worse. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, and he looked pathetic. It was not a pretty picture. Lan Xichen was an absolute mess. Closing the door, [Name] rushed to him, her feet making soft noises. Kneeling down beside Xichen, the first thing she did was hold his hair, gingerly moving it away from his face. Her palm hesitantly settled on his back, rubbing comfortingly in circular motions. “I... I feel so sick...” Lan Xichen muttered, his eyes closing. He was trying his best not to vomit, but it was so difficult...
He was ashamed to let [Name] see him like this; she was so gentle though, and her touch was so soft, that it was hard not to relax in her presence. Lan Xichen did not want her to see him when he was at his worst, but he was also glad that she was here. He couldn't possibly bear this alone..
[Name] finally spoke, “Why did you end up drinking so much? Especially with your tolerance..” she chided gently. Lan Xichen panted, his stomach turning at the memory that haunted him. How embarrassing…
“...”Lan Xichen stared at the ground, feeling tears in his eyes. She was stunned by this sight, wondering what could’ve possibly made their leader this depressed. “I was thinking of you..” He admitted, his voice breaking a bit, the floodgates threatening to burst. If they opened now, it’d be hard to close them again. “I missed you.. so much..”
“Miss me..?”
Lan Xichen nodded. He couldn't even look up, because tears were falling from his eyes now, wetting his long, dark lashes. His voice was quiet, but the pain was evident, and he couldn't stop himself now. “Being away from you is the worst thing I can endure...” [Name]’s sleeve was grasped by his fingers as if Lan Xichen couldn’t dare touch her.
He didn't mean to be so emotional like this, but when the liquor loosened his tongue, there was no stopping it. “I don't know how to live without you..”There was a pang in her chest at those words. How could their honorable Zewu-Jun says that seriously.. as if her existence was vital to his??
[Name] watched as tears fell down his pale cheeks, automatically reaching to wipe them. “I’m right here..?” Her confused reply broke his heart, silently pleading that she understand the meaning behind them. How torturous it was for him that she wasn’t near. His throat tightened, “It's not the same.”There was this urge to embrace her, to feel that softness of her body, assuring she wasn’t a visage of his longing thoughts. Instead, he reached out a shaky hand, his eyes wet and desperate. “Please... don't leave me again..”
One of his hands intertwined with hers. “I feel so lost without you..” It was a gamble to admit how dependent Xichen was on [Name]. He feared that they’d be like his parents—his father who fell deeply in love with his mother even when she did not return those feelings. Would his beloved spurn him too? Would Xichen live the rest of his days cursed to love a woman who did not love him back? It hurt, it ached so much. He would die for her, if only to end this pain.
“Is that why you kissed me yesterday..?” Lan Xichen nearly choked, not expecting to be questioned about his actions so openly. He swallowed the embarrassment, his fair skin hot. “Yes...” He admitted, his heart racing so fast that he could barely breathe. “I couldn't stop myself...” Unconsciously, Xichen leaned closer, getting quieter until he was practically muttering into [Name]’s ear. “You're all I can think about..” Both of their cheeks turned red, their bashfulness manifested into their skin. Xichen closed his eyes, that nauseous feeling returning, his stomach churning—waiting for the cold knife of rejection. “I.. I'm sorry...” He whispered, and he looked even more pale. If [Name] didn't care for him, then Xichen could not live. Tenderly, her hand pushed some of his hair back. “Perhaps let’s have you take a bath and we can talk afterwards, mn?” She left his side, working quickly to fill his bamboo tub with water. His eyes followed her as she left the room, and his heartbeat grew even more frantic.
“I.. will wait for you outside.” [Name] was swift in exiting, waiting outside his house to give Xichen privacy. She got into lotus position, mediating to calm her racing heart. Was this true? Could their leader, the eldest of the Twin Jades of Lan, have intimate feelings for her..?
Lan Xichen sat in the bath, letting the warm water soothe away his aches and pains. There was a tinge of anxiety that [Name] would flee after he acted a fool in front of her last night and even kissed her, she’d still comforted him.
Stepping out of the bath, dressed in nothing but a cotton robe, Xichen overheard voices coming from outside. “Please senior, we need you!” [Name] looked into the pleading eyes of her junior and could not refuse. “…Alright. I will be there in a moment.” A sigh escaped her mouth; a few seconds passing before she spoke loud enough for Lan Xichen to hear her on the other side. “Xichen, are you there?” He stood in front of the door, hand resting on it. His fingers twitched, contemplating if he should open it and come face to face with [Name]. “It seems I am needed elsewhere. This junior needs my help. Is it possible for us to talk later?”
Xichen rested his forehead on the door. He felt sick again. Though the Gusu Lan leader tried his best to act normal, and pretend that nothing was bothering him, he was internally panicking and about to cry from discomfort. He couldn’t burden her with these feelings, so he bottled them up deep inside his glass heart. “Yes..” Finally, he slid the door aside, momentarily forgetting he was barely covered by the robe’s thin fabric.[Name]’s eyes briefly wandered down before she quickly composed herself. "Of.. Of course.." Xichen forced out with a smile, trying to sound as normal as he could. "It won't be a problem.."
The day was grueling for both. [Name] had yet to record her experiences that occurred during her mission and travel, on top of helping her juniors whilst Xichen focused on his duties, which he’d neglected a bit. Before they knew it, all of the disciples were getting ready for bed. [Name]’s feet moved softly towards Xichen’s quarters. She hoped he wasn’t cross; after all, she was still unsure how to approach the topic of romance. “Xichen, are you awake?”
He had been watching the door intently. Truthfully, he would have waited for her all night. His heart raced with anticipation, “I'm still here..” He replied softly, his voice barely above a breath. “Come in.” Xichen was lying on his bed, his face hot with emotions. He yearned for her presence with him.
“I apologize. It took a long time to return.” [Name] seemed exhausted and yet, she stood in his room. “I would wait an eternity for you..” After being left alone with his thoughts, Lan Xichen cared little for this shameless behavior. He felt a strong need to touch her.
Before she could respond, he quipped, “You seem tired. Are you alright?” “Ah.. I’m fine. The juniors were eager to learn some techniques and it tired me a little.” Her lips molded into a gentle smile; [Name] was always fond of her juniors since they reminded her of more tender times. “...I see.” Lan Xichen replied, trying to keep his response calm and collected. It made him a little jealous to see how someone else could bring a smile to her face. Especially the way [Name] was easily moved by that junior’s pleas. Xichen wondered if he begged too, would she respond in the same manner? The next few words slipped out even as he tried to bite them back, but he was just so desperate to know. “By any chance... did you find him attractive..?” Her brows furrowed in thought, “Who?”
“This junior that was so effectively able to move your heart into aiding him when you’d already promised to speak with me.” Lan Xichen wanted to cover his mouth. He knew that his jealousy was childish, but he couldn't help the way he felt, no matter how hard he tried.
Finally understanding his worries, [Name] bit her lip. Part of her wanted to tease Xichen, as this was so unlike him but she also didn’t want to accidentally hurt him with her words. “My junior is handsome… but he is not the one that caught my eye.” At this, Xichen’s fingers twitched. His felt anxious as to who was the fortunate individual to capture his beloved’s interest. “There is only one person who is most beautiful to me.”
Blood thundered in his ears, his heart about to beat out of his chest. "And... who might that be..?" He quietly replied, his voice trembling with anticipation. Xichen held onto the tiniest string of hope, almost resigned and prepared for the worst. He held his breath, waiting for [Name]’s lips to utter a name that would either destroy or save him. Her answer would dictate the rest of his life.
“Lan Huan is most beautiful, of course.”
His hands shook from excitement, and he felt himself grow dizzy from the rush of emotions... but all he could do was let out a soft sigh, his breathing still shallow from relief. This was more than he knew how to handle. “Are you alright..?”
“I...” Lan Xichen felt the urge to pull her close and never let go. “I love you...” He uttered with conviction. [Name] smiled, accepting his feelings and the internal turmoil that had now settled. Grabbing his hand, she rested her cheek on it before planting a tender kiss on his wrist. For this first time since he saw her again, Lan Xichen felt calm. His fingers stroked her soft skin. [Name] blushed under his lovestruck gaze. Never did she imagine the beloved Xichen, whom everyone admired and fawned over, would look at her in this way. Was this real? As if to test this newfound knowledge, she removed her cheek from his caress, which he’d been happy doing. “May I touch you..?”
Lan Xichen's face turned red but he nodded. “Of course...” He would never refuse her anything. [Name] could have asked him to fall on his own sword and he would have obeyed without a single reproach. Having his consent, [Name]’s hand slipped inside his robe, running her fingers over his smooth and pale skin. Xichen couldn't stop himself from gasping. This.. felt good. It was easy to get overwhelmed with such an intimate experience. Xichen’s breath caught in his throat, rendered weak against her touch. Although her hand beneath his robes was gentle, it was like a trail of fire especially when…
[Name] ran a thumb over a pink bud, pausing when Xichen jumped a little. “Is this too much..? Shall I stop?”
“Y-No...” Lan Xichen replied, his voice barely above a breath. He sounded like he was ready to melt, his body trembling and aching with love and lust. Although, [Name]’s touch was more addictive than anything in the world. He couldn't get enough of her. He didn't want her to stop, and he would let her do anything she wanted to him. He wanted more..
Obliging, [Name] was quick to undo his robe, letting the material fall off his shoulders. She marbled at his strong physique and smoothness of his pale skin. “Someone as perfect as you..” her hand cupped his cheek, leaning in for a kiss. Xichen’s eyes widened after the initial surprise, before closing them and kissing back. His hold was gentle yet firm, holding onto the back of her head, keeping her there as his tongue made a soft intrusion. “Mmn..” when they pulled away, a thin string of saliva connected their mouths.
Xichen’s hands worked swiftly, pulling at her clothes till she was bare. “Mine.” He squeezed one of her breasts, his mouth taking the other. “A-aah..!” Their bodies collided with desire; soon enough, Xichen parted her legs, “Xichen wait.. nghh.. not there..” It was all new, to touch another this intimately. The former had accidentally found his brother’s stash of ero books, flipping through them in intrigue. “I can’t wait to try all kinds of things with you.” His hand found hers, their fingers intertwining. [Name] swallowed, nodding as she watched Lan Xichen with half-lidded eyes. “Hnghh!” Her hands clutched the sheets tightly, butterflies flying inside her stomach. “It’s.. I’m close..”
Xichen’s fingers soothed the supple skin of her thighs, pulling back with his lips and chin collated in her essence. How undignified and yet..
[Name] pulled him up for a kiss, her tongue trailing upwards as she cleaned his lips. Xichen smiled fondly. His beloved’s embrace was heaven to him. The devotion in his soul, cemented as she returned his affection. Lan Xichen would follow [Name] to the ends of the earth for a mere touch from her, and he would do anything, surrender his everything, for just one more night like this with her.
Lowering his pants to free his hard member, Xichen secured a hold on [Name]’s waist as she looked at him with desire. She wanted this as much as he did. “I will go slow.” Despite his warning, a loud moan threatened to escape her rosy lips which Xichen silenced with his own mouth. Their bodies united and even though he was careful not to overwhelm her with his movements, Xichen panted heavily. It wasn’t enough. “More, more.” His hips met her pelvis roughly, “X-Xichen..!” This only served to excite him, his mouth latching itself onto her neck, “Yes, call for me, beloved.” The Gusu Lan leader’s heart swelled with love.
[Name] gasped as Xichen maneuvered her body with ease, placing one of her legs over his shoulder, the distance between them closing. It’s like he was desperate to become one. His throbbing penis pressed into her in a manner that had [Name] ascending. “Lan Huan.. I’m about to..” He smiled. “Me too.” His forehead was covered in a thin veil of sweat, and his ears a bit red. With one last powerful thrust, Lan Xichen embraced [Name] tightly as if he never wanted to let go. “Become my wife..”
“Yes.. yes..” she clung to his strong shoulders, a bit breathless from the orgasm. “I want to be your wife.” Xichen was ecstatic, kissing her again. [Name] groaned softly as he pulled away momentarily, his seed trickling from her hole down her thighs. Shifting onto her stomach, [Name]’s hips were raised by Xichen, “Then let’s make love like spouses.”
Sensitive from their previous release, her moan was loud. “Ahhhh!” Xichen had the gall to smile sweetly, not stopping—instead, he leaned over, one hand grasping her breast as he pounded deeply into her. “Huan-gege.. nghh!!” The sweet sobriquet sent him over the edge. That night, neither slept; [Name]’s body was stretched to its limit, her skin and womb painted with Xichen’s cum.
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Strong and gentle arms wrapped themselves around her form. [Name] had learned over time what this honeyed murmur meant. That’s how their first child was conceived. “Huan-ge..”
Her soft please were music to his ears, and made Xichen want to kiss her again, again, and again. He could not stop himself from lifting her robes, his member already hard against her ass. Lan Xichen was drunk with passion, his mind and body full of his beloved, and it almost felt like he would pass out from how intense his feelings were for her right now. He slid in easily; [Name]’s body recognized him now, after their daily love making, it was only natural.
Pressed against the wall, [Name] could only whine as her husband penetrated her cunt over and over. Xichen caressed the plumpness of her skin, his fingers putting pressure. His body was shaking and his breath shallow, but Lan Xichen could not stop. “[Name]..”
Shivers of pleasure racked her body as Xichen released. “Its filling me..” [Name] rested her forehead on the wall, her legs trembling with exhaustion. Lan Xichen wasn’t done though, pulling her above him as they settled down on the floor. He was supposed to be doing reports—instead, he was balls deep into his lovely wife. “Lan Huan.. aah..” his hands gripped her hips tightly, unwilling to part. “Are you trying to get me pregnant again..” Xichen blushed at [Name]’s words, his face turning crimson. He mumbled, his voice sounding a bit guilty, "I can't.. help it-!" It was as if a flood of desire had been unleashed in him, like an unstoppable wave, and he was drowning in a sweet and blissful pleasure that was almost too much to bear.. He wanted more, his body was aching for it, and he was afraid that he may never be able to stop once he started again.
“Alright… do with me as you wish.”
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edensrose · 1 year
Hi Eden!! Welcome back!! May I please request Wen Ruohan x reader NSFW please? Maybe on his and reader’s wedding night? Thank you!!
╰₊ 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 ˖ ࣪˳ ꒰ 𝒘𝒆𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒐𝒉𝒂𝒏 ꒱◞ ₊˚:
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. ˚◞♡ 𝒘𝒆𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒐𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓◞ ₊˚﹕after marrying your betrothed, you don't know what to expect during the night of your wedding.
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ ( 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 )﹕f!reader ꒷꒦ arranged marriage ꒷꒦ mentions of childbearing ꒷꒦ biting ꒷꒦ marking ꒷꒦ 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ꒷꒦ dirty talk ꒷꒦ 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ꒷꒦ penetrative sex ꒷꒦ rough sex ꒷꒦ overstimulation ꒷꒦ unprotected sex ꒷꒦ 1.5k ꒱
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ ( 𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 )﹕first time writing for mdzs in awhile — hope you enjoy this dearie!
꒰ links﹕guidelines ꒷꒦ masterlist ꒷꒦꒷ tag list form ꒱
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˚◞❀˳ You were betrothed to Wen Ruohan from the time both of you were young. You watched him grow into the man that he is today — from a humble little boy to the tyrant he was raised to be. It's no wonder that you felt some level of anxiety when it came to marrying him. It always seemed as though he looked at you as nothing more than the partner he was forced to be with. The one who would be at his side and bear his children. Never a wife nor a lover — but a partner. Another duty to his clan. 
˚◞❀˳ Which is what led you to believe that your wedding night would be nothing more than a formal consummation. A simple had to be done for the sake of carrying on his lineage. The ceremony droned on, yet you could only focus on the pair of beady crimson hues that fixed upon your form. Taking in your every feature. From your face, to the stunning scarlet silk that clothed your frame, to the jewellery that your handmaidens dolled you up in. At some point you had considered his gaze to be that of judgement — but perhaps that was simply your nerves. Regardless, when the two of you retired for the evening, you didn't know what to expect. 
˚◞❀˳ It wasn’t until his lips were on your neck and his large hands found their place upon your waist — when lean, strong fingers pulled apart silk and his gaze fell into something dark that you truly knew what you were in for. Your back meets the bed and without a second thought, he’s over you. 
“My, they certainly chose quite the fair wife for me,’’ his murmur lingers heavy in the room, akin to each breath that you take as you lay there beneath him. Scarlet wedding robes long discarded while he still dons his own as he kneels over your smaller form — apart from his lengthy, dark tresses that he has since pulled out of his topknot and now frames you like a curtain. As though concealing you from the world, for his eyes alone.  
Calloused hands that appeared oh so delicate caress your bare sides and his lips find their place back onto your neck. Pressing a series of rough, open-mouthed kisses along your sensitive flesh as he steers his hips into yours. Rolling, grinding and eliciting the prettiest of noises from you. Noises that have his grin curling into your skin that he claims with a series of bites and deep purple marks while you leave a patch on his robes damp from your arousal.
“Excited already?” The sect leader breathes as a warm palm presses over your cunt, pushing another moan from your now-parted lips. “So wet. . .’’ his words fan against your heated ear and you can’t help but buck against his hand with a desperate whine. “It’s almost pathetic.’’ 
  ˚◞❀˳ There was no taking his time when it came to you. Any stories you’ve heard of easy love-making and tender touch on a woman’s wedding night are none of what you received. He grabbed, groped, dragged his nails across your skin — he bit, suckled and nibbled hickeys all over your body. He teased and taunted, mocked and degraded; and you loved every second of it. 
˚◞❀˳ It took little to no time until his slender fingers were buried to the knuckle in your squelching cunt. Thrusting pointedly at a bundle of nerves that had your back arching and hands clambering up to touch him for the first time that night. Your nails find his shoulders, and he hisses under his breath. For a moment you thought he may have reprimanded you, but he responds in the form of digging his thumb against your clit and rubbing quick, frantic circles. Tormenting your inexperienced body and making you beg for mercy from his fingers alone. 
“So tight, how will you ever take me?” 
All you can respond with is a splutter of moans and pitiable whines of his name. Your eyes flutter and loop back as your hips attempt to buck into his hand. “N-Ngh — my - m-my lord,’’ your pant is cut short by a fresh sting on your thigh and you whimper at his free hand that slaps down onto it — leaving behind a blush in its wake. 
“Stay still.’’ Wen Ruohan’s words hold the same authority that he uses on a day-to-day basis. The hand that recently spanked your supple flesh squeezes at it before forcing your hips into the sheets and holding you firmly. His large palm and long fingers press down onto your pelvic bone and the thrusting of his hand buried between your legs abruptly speeds up. You splutter another series of moans dripping with your frantic pleasure. 
“That’s it, that’s it,’’ you swear that you hear a groan resonate from his throat. You’re not sure. The swell of pleasure makes everything far too hazy and all you can do is limp your head back into the sheets and cry out quiet calls of his name and little whines about how it’s too much and you can’t cum again.
“Of course you can — no,’’ his sharp teeth clamp down on your neck just as your body spasms with another approaching orgasm. “You will.” He accentuates the promise with the curling and shallow thrusts of his fingers up into that one spot that made your toes curl and air leave your lungs. 
“You still have to take my cock for the night. Don’t you dare forget.’’ 
  ˚◞❀˳ It’s something that you were far from ready for. The second that he disrobed himself and at last your eyes met the head of his throbbing cock. Pink, pulsing and leaking with precum. Despite your greatest attempts to control your expression, you could barely hide the widening of your eyes from him — and it boosted his already inflated ego. Resulting in a chuckle while he wrapped a hand around himself and gave a few pumps. 
˚◞❀˳ “It won’t fit,’’ you’d try to reason with him as a shred of anxiety swells around your heart. But he merely clamps his hands down onto your thighs and spreads you wide, witnessing the creamy mess leaking from your cunt abused by his fingers only moments prior. “Oh, my dear,’’ he chuckles, and the endearment is enough to put you on cloud nine. “We’ll make it fit.’’ 
˚◞❀˳ It was painful, to say the least. The stretch of his cock had your head spinning and the air knocked out of your lungs. Multiple times you whined and whimpered for him to take it easy — which to his credit he did. Easing you with shallow thrusts and more kisses across your neck already littered with his lovebites. 
˚◞❀˳ It was only when he was certain that you were accustomed to his length and girth did he steer you into the sheets and bully his cock into your weeping cunt until you were keening to the high heavens for him. 
“N-Ngh —! My lord – p-please, oh please ah,’’ 
Every noise that left you only fuelled his actions. His hands refuse to leave a spot of you untouched. Caressing, squeezing and pinching at all parts of you. Thighs, breast — at one point he fixed his thumb onto your clit and delights in the way you fall into the sheets with spluttered gasps and desperate tugs at his wrist. 
“Slow, s-slow,’’ you try to reason with him but are greeted with another onslaught of his hips that leave bruises onto your tender flesh. His large frame drives you into the sheets, holding your squirming form still as his cock parts your walls on repeat. Harsh, quick, as his groans and hushed grunts have long since started to spill from his lips. “Slow? You want me to slow down when you are sucking me in like this?” To prove his point the hand on your clit drops with his index and middle finger splitting into a v-shape to caress your slit stretched out by the girth of his cock. 
“Look at this pathetic little cunt. Can’t even take her husband — hmm? How will you bear my children?” His words prompt you to bite down onto your lip and your nails scratch along his back as you bury your head into his shoulder. “I-I can’t — my lord, please,’’ your whine falls on deaf ears as he only slams the entirety of his cock into your flushed walls and shallows his thrusts into a relentless, constant pound. 
“Sshh,’’ he groans and despite the harsh treatment on your poor cunt, his hand delicately caresses the side of your face and he brings his hungry lips to yours. Devouring you whole as he has the rest of your body. “You’re mine,’’ he breathes, crimson hues half-lidded and hips stuttering as he approaches yet another release. Ready to fill you up and spill more of his cum onto the ruined bedsheets. 
“And what’s mine does not complain. She just takes what I give her.’’ 
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. ˚◞♡ 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕◞ ₊˚﹕wanna join the taglist? fill out this form◞ @m-shade @kiatheinsomniac
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ ( 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 )﹕you make a writer's day every time you like, reblog and/or comment on their piece. if you enjoyed my work, please consider doing so <3 ꒱
꒰ please consider supporting﹕tip jar ꒷꒦ m.list ꒷꒦꒷ comms ꒱
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valentine-cafe · 1 month
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ ROUND 2, voting to determine the posting order of our newest character batch. currently, we have first place, 
1. shimada takara , the killer kitsune ꒱
  RISHEN HERRERA, genderfluid ; a world renowned investigator and mastermind. a grim reaper who tries to ignore his ancestry. he would much rather spend his time solving crimes than reaping souls. alas reaper code tells him otherwise. an extremely intelligent and sometimes cocky person who gets a rush from solving cases ( verse 9819 )
ZHÁO JÌNGYÍ, male ; one of elritea's most influential artificers and clock tower workers. a grim reaper of the renowned zhào family and an investigator. a man of many crafts and skills, with a mission to solve the most recent murders around the city. a sharp minded and wise man with a poetic tongue to riddle his suspects mad. ( verse 9819 )
ALESSIO AGRESTA ARIAS, male ; an enigma and the leader of a crime specialist syndicate. a sort of robin hood figure. outlaw and "highly dangerous to the public", a serial killer of several public figures. with his cunning smile and quick wit, he's constantly evading capture and playing games with the government council ( verse 9819 )
NADIA ARMETTA STENSKJOLD, female ; either dwelling in her famous sculpting store or wreaking havoc within elritea, the harpy villain. harbouring a blood lust not many understand, specifically for the renowned zhào family and it's lady. her fury deeper than the holes she drills into the rock of her newest work. ( verse 9948e )
SHALIKA VAISHYA, female ; a cultivator turned "gods' lapdog" as they call her. constantly running around and solving their bidding while uncovering the mess of magic within the city of elritea. following a lead of disaster, a reporter trying to juggle her life as a cultivator scorned by the divine — and a dark voice whispering vengeance in her mind. ( verse 9948e )
LISSE, female ; a charming nature elemental and the leader of the thorn mercenary syndicate. a woman of sweet smiles and sultry, batting lashes who prefers luring her victims in, playing around, before going for the kill. beauty is a weapon and her act of sweetness paired with seductive allure certainly does the trick. a sadistic woman who loves her flowers and tea. ( verse 9948e )
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boonsmoon · 5 months
Are there any other rules for making requests? Like are there any specific characters or other topics you will or won't cover? Are there any other fandoms you cover? How many characters can we ask about in a single request? And will we get less headcanons if we ask for more characters? For Persona specifically, can we ask about Confidants or characters from side games? Feel free to add anything else. Sorry about all the questions, just want to be sure. Thanks and have a fantastic day!
I'm gonna turn this into my new pinned post so don't mind the first portion.
You may call me Moon. I'm 18+ and in college, so reqs might be slow. I go by she/her and my first (and only) language is English. Warning: I don’t proof read, more like briefly scan so you can correct me.
Let's make this easy and sort into sections lol
Teens (mostly platonic, late teens could be romantic)
Adults (platonic + romantic)
Robot/Mech (full on robo will be platonic, but mech features can be romantic)
Animal (like full on, animal features are OK) i.e. dog reader x dog character = no reader with cat tail x character = yes Characters like Morgana are the exception with being humanoid
Character x reader (m + f)
Character x character
You can request multiple genres i.e. fluff to angst
Angst (not good, but I try)
Horror (I'll give it my best shot)
Yandere (clingy OK)
Dead Dove
Character x OC
Fandoms (more will be added)
Record of Ragnarok (ROR)
Ragna Crimson
Howl's Moving Castle (Movie)
Legend of Zelda (LOZ)
Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF)
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (MGRR)
Devil May Cry (DMC)
A Date With Death (ADWD)
I will write any fandom listed, the reason it's like that is because I probably won't know most fandoms outside what I have
I would prefer 3 or less characters in one request, however if you go one or two over it won't be ignored, just will take vastly longer
Headcanons will NOT be shortened if there are more characters, I usually have a lot to write headcanon wise, so they'll all be beefy
Persona isn't on the list and probably won't be anytime soon, BUT if it ever does get added, I will allow Confidants or side game characters
Where To Request
My inbox is open if I'm taking requests; but you can comment your request too
If my inbox is closed that means I'm not taking requests, anything commented will be ignored or pushed very far back
Crossover Requests
I have a post here if you're interested
Hope this answered all questions you and anyone else had
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sizhuyu · 1 year
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Super late fic HAHAHA I've been so busy lately... I guess this is like a comeback? Anyways, hope you enjoy!
When I first saw you
It has been only a regular day in the daycare. Lan Wangji stays quiet in the corner all alone, other kids run around and play, the teacher calming the kids down clearly stressed. Once the teacher finally calmed everyone down he introduced a new playmate!
"Hi everyone, I'm Y/N. Hope we can all get along well"
Everyone greeted her and you smiled warmly and waved. Lan Wangji was surprised as he lift his head up and looked at your gentle but fierce E/C (eye color) eyes, he stared at you and you asked if you could sit beside him. He scooted a little and you sat down next to him, you talked to him and told him stories and all he did was listen.
"Hmm.. Is my stories boring? You aren't showing any reaction-"
"Continue please."
You were a bit shocked, you havent heard him talk and you were mostly doing the talking.. Nevertheless, you continued to talk and you see his lips curve into a small smile as he listens intently to your stories.
Years pass you and Lan Wangji hang out almost everyday. Telling him stories, ideas for stories, your hobbies, going to places where he and you both like, letting him try out new things and more! He really enjoyed your company (and paid for everything anyways) he wouldn't let you pay a cent/dime in any trip. Lan Xichen occasionally talks to you, he mentioned how his younger brother always had eyes for you and how Lan Wangji would occasionally tell him about you. You laugh and claimed you were just his good friend, you couldn't possibly think Lan Wangji would like you.
Until this moment.
(OOC!!! Lan Wangji! I think...)
"Y/N, may I ask a question?"
You hum as you continue to admire the balcony view of the Lan's summer house. You were a special guest that Lan Wangji invited and Lan Qiren was hesitant to allow you but Wangji was adamant. So, in conclusion, you were allowed! As your gaze softens looking at the calm waves of the ocean and the reflected sunset on the waters Lan Wangji took a deep breath and exhaled.
"What do you think of me?"
You chuckle
"You're my childhood bestfriend, the one person I always hangout with, the one person who has always been there for me like I have been for them, the one person I know I can depend and count on. You're a gentleman, a reliable one who respects people who deserve respect."
You warmly smile at him just like the first time you met him and you see him staring at you, his eyes widen a little.
"Honestly, you're boyfriend material. I don't know why your crush you mention hasn't noticed you at all. Hmph, what a blind-"
"You're my crush Y/N."
You were shocked. To think this crush he has opened up to you about was... YOU???
"Do you really think I'm boyfriend material? If so, please... Be my girlfriend."
"Wait, wait.. When did you start to like me?"
Lan Wangji took a deep breath again and spoke calmly.
"I liked you since you first approached me in daycare, I've only grown to like you since we always spent time together. I know I'm not worthy for your love and affection, I know I'm not your standard... But I will do my best to be your standard, I will do my best to exceed your expectations and be more than worthy for you."
"I've got to say Lan Wangji. You always exceeded my expectations... And I should be saying I'm not worthy, besides the fact you're about to take over the company after Lan Xichen I really think I'm not worth being here and I'm just grateful for you spending time with me."
"Y/N. You are more than worthy, more than enough, you deserve more, you deserve better. And I will be better for you. So please.. I shall ask again, will you be my girlfriend?"
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eyesforahead · 1 year
MDZS fanfic
Mo Xuanyu focused! Pretty short and a oneshot. Includes reader/(name).
Support me by checking it out.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49682026
Name: I feel pretty. You are pretty.
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heirloomgem · 1 month
Monthly Writing Plan
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Hello, my lovely readers. It's me, heirloomgem! I hope that you guys enjoyed my latest fanfic and are doing well.
I'm actually planning on posting a monthly voting poll with 3 different animes or manga with characters to choose from.
You can pick/vote for whoever interests you and either send me any suggestions or request one shot regarding those characters. And whichever character wins on the voting poll, I'm going to post a one-shot series on them.
Please tell me if you are interested in it and I, then, would proceed with this plan.😊
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I'm sorry for the past vote that was erased. I have to redo the voting duration. Please forgive me😫😭🙏
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lunasaysmoneyisbest · 2 months
Hi I am lunasaysmoneyisbest
or Luna/Moon
I use all pronouns
I usually post ideas of fanfics
Some I do not have the ability to write without sounding insane
and others Are ideas of fanfics I am making
I focus solely on Lout of the Count Family
But I do other fandoms as well
Such as
(Fandoms and favorite Characters-Some another list is like on another post)
MCU-Loki and Peter and Deadpool
DEMON SLAYER-Giyuu and Genya
TCF-Raon and Alver and Rasheel
ORV-Yoo Jooghyuk and Kim Dokja
Debut Or Die-Park Moondae
Sander Sides-Roman and Remus Sanders
Moon Knight-Moon Knights
Shazam-Billy Batson and his Divine Twitch Chat
Batfamily-Damien and Bruce
PJO-Apollo and Leo Valdez-also Nico and Will
the scum villain's self saving system-Shang Qinghua and Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu
MDZS-Jiang Cheng
TGCF-Mu Qing
Genshin Impact-Wanderer and Kaeya
Danny Phantom-Danny and Tucker
Bungo Stray Dogs-Atsushi and Chuuya-Also Sigma and Akutagwawa
My Hero Academia-Bakugo Katsuki and Aizawa Shota
DSMP-Tommy and Ranboo
Spy x Family-Anya
Eleceed-Jiwoo and his animals
The Umbrella Academy-Five - Klaus and mostly from fanfics Dave
(More will be added in future)
My explanations of my ideas will either be insane and nonsense
with horrible english because it is my first language and im horrible at it. I am also incredibly awkward so that would not help
My mind sometimes may make it seem sadder or insaner then it actually would be
Fandoms will forever be added
I will always welcome comments or questions
If you want to use my ideas
Please ask and send a link
I have a wattpad account and AO3 account
both share the same name as LunaSaysMoneyIsBest
Ao3 if more of my planned ideas
and Wattpad
has everything else
I hope you enjoy my posts
Have a great day and I hope your entire day makes you smile
or at least a post of mine does
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