#child grooming tw
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heartfeltamanedachi · 1 month ago
Still can't get over how 🐇's gr*oming is so easily ignored because it's a perfect example of unsympathetic victim and charming abuser.
Sure, it's not like 🐇 was *forced* to do anything - but his gr*omer was the adult in the situation, and instead of intervening and getting help for a clearly mentally unstable tween, he decided to enforce those feelings - to be seen, effectively, as a savior for covering up his crime. Not only that, but he went on *to* force another situation like this to happen in the future.
And it works. People say 🐇 is a monster, that he should die - but his abuser? No, he's got 'gay rizz' for seducing younger, unstable men into working for him.
Idk, man. I want him to regress with me to a time before that all happened. I want him to Get Help.
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squirrelstone · 11 months ago
The Manuscript really made me think back to when I was a kid and the internet was relatively new and parents didn’t know what to look out for so I and pretty much every girl I knew was getting groomed on omegle
And then I started rp’ing and met a group of older women (I say older, I’d probably think of some of them as babies now if older me met them) who basically took one look at me and went
đŸ”Ș she’s ours now đŸ”Ș
and used their influence as the cool older women in my life to get me out of those kinds of chatrooms and helped me unlearn some of the shit the pedophiles that trolled those sites taught me and groomed me into thinking were normal.
I doubt any of them will ever see this, but if they do, thank you so much for ignoring my insistence that I was mature for my age and treating me like the kid I was.
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 1 year ago
watching episode ten and the contrast between kaji recognising asuka is literally obviously a child and being incredibly uncomfortable with her making moves on him vs misato who’s entire job is basically grooming children into combat and who has her own issues with expressing herself so she acts suggestively towards shinji despite obviously having no interest in him and seeing him more like a little brother or a son is really interesting. nerv, as a whole, are predatory towards the children piloting the evas, and while they’re not being sexually groomed what’s happening to them to make them child soldiers is still like, literally child grooming, and i don’t think the contrast between that and misato and kaji's response to their respective ward is unintentional. misato is instinctively defaulting to the same thing that’s basically her job description even though she clearly isn’t doing it intentionally, whereas kaji is uncomfortable with the idea of taking advantage of asuka in a sexual way (as he should be, she’s a literal child) but either hasn’t or doesn’t want to come to terms with the fact that he’s taking advantage of her in non-sexual ways and that grooming, even though it’s non-sexual, is most likely a large reason why she and the other children often act out sexually in ways that aren’t entirely typical of young teenagers.
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cybergothvox · 7 months ago
Just to be fully clear in case anyone still following me is seeing the situation:
I handled a situation privately and am being accused of making a callout post
I am being accused of not talking directly to people who the main thing i did was talk to people directly and they won't talk to me
The blog in question was NOT sfw outside of the minors DNI posts including many, many suggestive posts. A directly pornographic post without mdni was post 4 hours before we addressed this with the blog owner. Stop lying about this. Of course we look crazy if you deny this. This was our ENTIRE issue.
We beleived the incident was accidental and never told anyone to cut them off, we literally just asked them to stop putting children in danger by interacting with them from a nsfw blog.
Child grooming happens accidentally and is the proper term when an adult is normalizing nsfw content to children. No, just because we used that term doesn't mean we are trying to make all their friends leave them we just know what words mean.
I am only making a public post about it because they keep making public posts about it full of lies. They are the ones making this more public despite accusing us of not handling it privately, which we did.
We didnt harass or bretate anyone. All we did was politely point out to them directly all the reasons what they were doing was harmful, and answer questions to the one person who asked, and tried to correct someone who was posting lies since we thought it was accidental but since they are continueing to lie we have blocked them and are leaving them alone.
Stop telling lies about us. This is the last I am ever speaking of this. If you think us asking someone not to put children in danger makes us bad to that person idk what to tell you
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
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//....Really, I just wanted an excuse to draw Ruixiong with short hair. Turned out also being a body study to see if I can figure out a body shape for him that isn't too similar to Guy and Giovanni. I don't think I've quite gotten there yet.
Don't mind the chickenscratch on the side, that's meant for me to make sure I got the timeline right with Rui considering, in the Bioshock Verse, he would have been a Chinese orphan born during WWII, and would have been a displaced war orphan forced to survive at a young age before he'd enter Rapture.
Got inspired to draw this anyway when I reblogged the Bioshock Verse portraits. Originally he was going to wear the full-body worker's suit or mechanic's overalls (and he probably would should I write/RP him out in Rapture), but I got too much young Marlon Brando living in my head rent-free and it won't go away, so just a tank top and loose jeans for now pfff.
To go with the Bioshock Abena sketch and backstory, here is Ruixiong's!
Wang Ruixiong has no recollection of how he lost his family by the end of the Japanese occupation of China in World War II; all he knew was that he was constantly traveling with other orphans and adult strangers in the fight for survival. He does, however, recall when he first entered Rapture as a child--he was forced to do assorted labor with what was then Fontaine Fisheries. He didn't know it at the time, but Ruixiong was being groomed into the smuggling business; by the time he was entering his teens, the young boy was well-versed in the most well-hidden parts of Rapture and in the best ways to hide or disguise contraband.
The boy would meet the Frascona Family by around 1950, when Rui was still a pre-teen; it was then he finally had someone to call family, having becoming close to the family's nephew Giovanni and the neighboring Duchamp Twins. Josep would work to become Ruixiong's legal guardian until he became of age in 1957, where he would attempt to make his own home by working as a supplier for Fontaine Futuristics.
Because Ruixiong has worked for Fontaine for all his life by this point, he considers himself in great debt to Frank Fontaine. Ruixiong, after surviving the fight that killed Fontaine, was among the first to rally behind Atlas in rebelling against Andrew Ryan. Ruixiong was among the other Atlas loyalists by the time of the New Year's Riots in 1958. As the Civil War raged on, Ruixiong was forced to separate from the Frascona family, unaware that both Josep, Arcelia, and Giovanni have gone missing.
Ruixiong would not reunite with Abena until sometime during the events of Bioshock 1, unaware of Josep, Arcelia, and Giovanni's fates. By this time, Ruixiong has forgone the fight against Ryan in favor of searching for his missing family. One can imagine his reaction upon realizing the truth behind Atlas once Jack has faced him for the final time.
Rui has mastered the Telekinesis Plasmid and does his best to avoid becoming a Splicer, though he admits the addictive properties often drive him mad.
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throughdarkeningskies · 7 months ago
the fact that people are more pissed with nanowrimo for acceptance of AI than for allegations of child grooming really captures the discourse around AI to me
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howlingtothevoid · 11 months ago
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I didn't realize your reasons and I didn't know your plans, until I became the same age you were back then and it horrifies me. I wish you had done more so I could prove the world I am right, and I wish you had done nothing to me at all. Isn't it weird how it works?
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months ago
'Real intellectuals in fandom love complex ships'And the complexity is rape culture
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logansgaar · 5 months ago
"'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place" was such a batshit insane line they had Tony say with Peter Parker sitting right there, like I don't know how more people don't see how detached from logic Tony became believing he was right.
He had the audacity to lecture Steve about bringing Wanda, a 27 year old woman under house arrest because someone else's bomb went off who participated in her own rescue because she did in fact want to leave, being there when he'd just committed a war crime by kidnapping Peter, a 14 year old boy who said no, from his safe home in Queens to be a child soldier, and grooming him (which btw does not exclusively mean sexual, it also means "the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person [...] or inducing them to commit an illegal act"...like illegal entry into a foreign country or vigilantism that had literally just been outlawed via the Accords).
To be absolutely clear, I think we're supposed to acknowledge this glaring flaw in Tony's logic here, the point is supposed to be that for as well intentioned as Tony is, the statement "you're wrong, you think you're right, that makes you dangerous" applies to him. And it's honestly sad how many people in the last decade missed that entirely
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idleinteen · 1 month ago
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“don’t u think
i was too young
to be messed with?”
“dear john” by taylor swift // would’ve, could’ve, should’ve" by taylor swift // “my boy only breaks his favorite toys” by taylor swift // ezra fitzgerald and aria montgomery in pretty little liars
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icebearluver · 10 months ago
It’s twisted and so, so sick, but c!Dream being the only one who will never leave c!Tommy behind is nothing but the truth. Tommy could drop everything and run back to him, and Dream would welcome him with open arms.
And Tommy knows this.
Everyone Tommy loves leaves in the end, no matter what the circumstances. After they’re done using him, they throw him to the wolves. Or if he ends up ‘betraying’ them they don’t stop and listen to his side of the story. He has to earn their love, and even then it’s only a fraction of what he deserves.
Dream’s ‘love’ doesn’t have to be earned, Dream cares about Tommy no matter what. The man who hurts you, taunts you, and manipulates you, is also the man who comforts you, holds you, and sticks by your side (even though you don’t want him to). The man who drags you down until you’re gasping for breath, but also pulls you up into his arms breathing life back into you.
Tommy knows that Dream is just manipulating these feelings that he has, he’s not stupid and he knows he can never trust that man. But on the other hand, didn’t Dream save him from his loneliness on some level?
“We’ll be immortals together” is nothing but the truth. People leave, and Tommy will be alone again. Except now he has Dream, and it’ll only be them, always and forever.
Together with his friend, his enemy, his abuser, his savior.
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sage-thee-herbmaster · 6 months ago
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Proof that minors are being groomed by PRATS.
This user thinks that the age of consent should be abolished, and that children of any age should be allowed to be in sexual relationships with adults and thinks you can’t be youth lib if you disagree with this. Everyone with a brain knows that, yes, pubescent minors can consent, TO EACH OTHER.
There’s nothing wrong with teenagers having sex, but it’s not healthy for them mentally, to engage in sexual relationship with grown ass adults even if it’s “consensual” as the consent that teenagers give to adults is usually the result of prior grooming (I should know because that happened with me) and there’s countless reliable studies and victim word of mouth recounts proving this.
Children can’t consent to adults, simple as that and hope that “AAM” radqueers realise this and get help.
This account also thinks that “cracker” is just as bad as a slur for white people as the n-word is for black people even though cracker doesn’t have the horrible history behind it like the n-word does, so yeah there’s that

Conclusion: Radqueers are groomers, pass it on.
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hateaintwinning · 6 months ago
Unwelcome-ozian's book selling step by step instructions on how to sexually assault a child. Including which sex positions to rape a child in and what to say to a child while raping them. As well as how to gas light, trauma bond, and abuse the child.
Link to free copy of Rules of Programming - you can see for yourself.
In light of unwelcome-ozian publicly abusing a teenage girl I wanted to put a spot light on this. This comes from someone who claims to have been taught how to abuse children, and is now teaching other people I guess? Presenting it as raising awareness for the sake of survivors of child abuse, but after what been brought to light about them this is a lot more disturbing.
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It provides step by step instructions on how to gas light and trauma bond a child to you after / as you sexually abuse them.
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They are currently threatening to post stories of a teenage girl being torutured and sexually assaulted, along with her identifying information without her consent, again. In retaliation for her coming forward about her experience with them.
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They are undeniably well aware of the damage and trauma they are inflicting.
They openly give "tips" on how to abuse children.
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cosmicsproutcake · 28 days ago
if the writer has put that nasty shit out into the world then my abuser wouldnt have been able to use it to grrom me so actually yeah the writer is worse
And if your abuser had, instead, used puppies or candy to groom you, would you be calling for the eradication of Kennel Clubs and the Hershey Chocolate Corporation?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if that fanfiction hadn't existed, your abuser would've just found something else to groom you with, because that's what abusers do; they abuse.
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animentality · 8 months ago
I knew this girl when I was a kid. she was 13 when i was 11.
we used to talk about this guy she was secretly seeing because her parents didn't approve of him. and at the time, I thought wow that's so unfair. her parents are kinda mean, why can't they let her date who she wants?
but as an adult, looking back at that shit...
dude was fucking 21.
and she was 13.
i have no idea if that guy ever got in trouble but I feel guilty sometimes looking back at it, because I didn't think it was bad at the time, and I didn't speak up.
my parents had a gap of 8 years. I didn't comprehend that the difference in age from 13 and 21 is not only illegal, but also very very different from a 21 year old dating a 29 year old.
hope she's doing alright, and hope he's having an awful time in this economy. maybe choking on the brimstone scent of hell.
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denkilightning · 3 months ago
hi btw at the latest (1900 i.e. before 1901) alastair and charles met when al was 16 and charles was 21. as in al would be a high school junior/ in year 10/11 writing gces and charles would be in fucking college. and theres a very high chance they met even earlier. *points at alastair and shakes the entire fucking cast of tlh* that is not a bad person that is a grooming victim who was still in relationship with his abuser at the start of the series!! not even mentioning his fucking father!!! what the actual fuck!!! at the start of the series that is a 19 year old That Is Still A Child. what the actual fuck
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