#[About Ruixiong]
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
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Section of a Ming period scroll painting depicting Guan Yu's attendant handling his legendary steed Red Hare. He is wearing a green Guo Du as well as a white Han Yao with black border.
Guo Du is a long sarong-like garment worn around the belly, while Han Yao is a fabric or leather corset worn around the lower back. Both were commonly used by soldiers and generals alike to prevent rubbing of scabbard, quiver and bow holster against armour, although it was not unusual for unarmoured soldiers to wear them (shown above).
//Putting this here as a reference, as I always wondered what was that corset-like waistguard I see on soldiers and sometimes bandits and other kung fu outfits in some wuxia films. I always thought they were neat and if they had a function besides guarding the waist.
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So what would be the deep purple garment worn by a yellow sash in this above picture is likely the guo du?? Did I draw it incorrectly? Though I've seen it described as the 'waist cushion' in English too, as seen below:
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Though I think the Han Yao is the 'waist cushion' here?
Istg Chinese clothing history is an entire 4-year university course ;_; I wouldn't mind being given corrections and suggestions from the Chinese side of Tumblr.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
Guy thought the despondence in Marshmallow's eyes was something completely on his end… and not at all the same fear of abandonment Guy goes through every day. At the very least now he will justify it… though he likely will not be prepared for how Marshmallow will take it.
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"I'm cursed. Literally. I don't say that like I'm complaining, be it just regular complaining or how people of my faith often do." He runs a hand up and down his arm as he continues. "I'm more than just beyond an ordinary human. Long ago--many lifetimes ago, in fact--I sold my soul to a Devil. It was initially for survival, and-…. to stay close to family who was undergoing a similar fate. We were desperate. We were dying. And this Devil took advantage of our vulnerable states to make a deal in which the alternative was of slow and… extremely painful death."
Guy bucks a bit, as though to remember something. One of his legs brushes against the other while a hand grasps his chest.
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"And for selling our souls to survive, we have forfeited everything we had as mortals. We lost the rest of our families. Our friends. Our home. Our humanity. Though we try to hold onto that last part, as we watch other humans live and die, our humanities are constantly tested. The Master have tasked us to do… really wicked things. Mostly in taking the souls of others. We often try to stick with stealing the souls of other despicable people, but innocent casualties are a norm. We hate it. We absolutely hate soul raiding. But as long as we are bound to this Master, then we are obligated to do as he wishes and pleases. To make his power grow… or else we'll be severely punished.
"And punishment often requires hurting those he deemed as his 'replacement' Masters. They can be someone we fall in love with, or with whom we start a new family. So we have to be thoroughly isolated. For the sake of others we care for… or else the Master will spot you. And the Master is… very, very jealous.
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"So…. please don't take my, um…. aloofness as personal. I really do want to help you and see you more. Be closer. But I'm-…. I'm scared. Scared the Master will spot you. And see your soul as something he'll command me to steal. And if I refuse..." He lifts the white streak in his hair. "He is in his right to make sure my time on Earth has ended for good."
He held the fruit in his talon after he caught it.  With a dull expression, he rolled it around in his hand, looking at it.  Where he came from, it had its own native flora and fauna, so it was entirely possible he’d never actually seen a peach before.  What he didn’t do was eat it.
Marshmallow had been listening, but what made him start to turn his gaze back to the other young man was when his speech became noticeably disjointed.  Terms like “master” didn’t set off any alarm bells for Marshmallow.  When taking into consideration all he’s ever known was a royal court lorded over by a bigger monster who wanted to be called things like “Queen” or “your Majesty”, it was logical that Marshmallow didn’t find such concepts alarming or wrong… if for no other reason than he had to make peace with it in order to live.
No.  Marshmallow thought something more personal was happening.  His overwhelming fear of humans abandoning him or hurting him blocked out everything else in his mind.  
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He— he knew it!  He shouldn’t have trusted this man!–  Was he going to go away?  …Could Marshmallow even be angry if he did?  Well, better end it now than before things got serious.
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With a breath, he replied, “Get it over with.”
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sapphireregency · 2 years ago
Someone who ISN'T Guy lmao (more specifically Ruixiong or Rashid, or hell, even Morfa)
Send Me A Muse(s) Of Yours And I’ll just stream of consciousness which of my muses would have interesting interactions with them
nil’d want to chomp guy because smells like icky fire.  do not recommend an encounter unless he fancies being a squeaky toy.
Ruixiong - I remember once a joke about Rui annoying Nil.  I was going to comment about Nil being a candidate for a solo relationship, but it kinda just vanished from my brain til now lol.  As to if that will ultimately be a -positive- relationship remains to be seen. 
But an interesting thing with Nil is that she has running themes of pride.  And Nil, more than some others, is drawn to others who share themes with her.  Being as said before, a -prideful- fairy, she sees herself as an authority on everything that she aligns herself with (like ice, metal and pride ((or ahem “demanding appropriate respect” as she’d call it)) as a concept).  Nil has an ego, but being one of the strongest in Theia, she can at least back it up.  And as well, for a fairy, she’s actually somewhat reasonable and isn’t gonna go for the throat off the bat if disrespected.. usually. 
Rui would have an advantage of “ah, this one is like me” to start with to protect him from total bitch mode.  But I honestly can’t say how well they’re going to get along in practice lol
Rashid - I am blanking on, at least as far as the cast available in Sapphire.  I remember mention of him and Marinus from orehorde once, but uh.. this is Sapphire’s blog haha
Morfa - Owl is a good starting character for most muses to meet.  She’s very friendly, will approach readily and is knowledgeable about how Sapphire works.  Funnily enough, she loves moths and butterflies (she even has a luna moth motif).  Owl is probably the easiest monster to befriend out of the entire cast to the point that, if she meets you, you’re already a friend with no additional effort.  So if what you want is a creature who won’t try to eat Morfa and actually be helpful, Owl is the one to go to in Sapphire.
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lookthedevilintheeye · 2 years ago
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In general, the Hero Crews will have a Sin Pirate as their antagonistic counterpart, but it's seldom ever 1:1, especially with the corresponding cardinal sin. For instance, Ruixiong is Sing-Lung's counterpart, but Sing's greated Sin is Wrath (wanting revenge for San-Gwong). Meanwhile, as much as Captain Ravyn is, well, Captain to her Crew, but her Sin counterpart is Abena, despite Ravn's biggest sin being Greed.
It's mostly regarding the personal narratives of the characters. Ravyn is a mother who is aloof and distant from her son, Omar, thus grabbing the attention and animosity of the Sin of Envy (who lost her own child). Meanwhile, Sing-Lung has been removed from Chinese culture as an orphan and dearly loves San-Gwong, and well, Ruixiong has been removed as well and is the one who (reluctantly) killed San-Gwong.
So not everyone is going to have a rough 1:1 thematic match like Phoebus and Isaac. I don't think Isaac's greatest sin is Sloth anyway. Pride?? idk. I'll see in the future when the stories are more developed.
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 months ago
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"All right, I go first. Ahem.
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"Good choice. Her and the Eye of the Needle."
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"...Tower. Princess and the Dragon, and Damsel/Happily Ever After."
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"All right, I will admit--the Witch and the Thorn. If only because they reminded me of Abena."
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".....I'll bet for Phi it's the freakier ones like the Apotheosis, Beast/Den, Nightmare/Moment of Clarity, and the Razor?"
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"Hey, that last one is The Perfect Woman, and she was someone to behold!"
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"I hate you all."
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hymnofshadows-archive · 2 years ago
@immy-ooc @sins-of-the-sea (Yells at tumblr for not letting me tag your main blog)
'aight so, might as well do all of the Seven because I have So Many Thoughts about this.
Option A:
The Seven are Drowned. They exist solely in service to the Lord of the Whorl, Leviathan. Like any who has been claimed by primals, their loyalty to him is unwavering and knows no end. Their continued existence is only to strengthen their god and to summon him unto the world.
They work closely with the Sahagin and the Reavers - plundering supplies as they can, but naturally prioritizing capturing people to sacrifice to him and crystals with which to summon him.
Option B:
The Seven are just another pirate crew in Limsa Lominsa. On the surface, things seem perfectly legal - they have their privateering license and will gladly assure you that the wares they're trying to sell you was, in fact, stolen from a Garlean ship, thank you very much.
But any pirate crew knows how to manage their reputation, doesn't it? Keep a low profile. Stick to the code when you can so you don't draw the attention of the Rogue's Guild. You can get away with almost anything in a nation like this, can't you?
The Crew:
Captain Josep Frascona Race: Midlander Hyur Nationality: Lominsan Classes: Marauder>Warrior, Rogue>Ninja
Marauder and Rogue are both classes that start in Limsa Lominsa - both with a long history connected to piracy, making them easy choices.
Marauders have long had places on ships, their greataxes useful for both combat and felling the masts of other ships. And, as he is the Sin of Wrath... the Job upgrade into Warrior makes sense. He can have a bit of berserker rage, as a treat.
The Rogues are a covert group who serves to enforce the Pirate Code and police the city-state under cover of darkness. So Josep's canon shadowy stealth skills from his fog form can be translated into him having learned from them. I see the Ninja upgrade as something he picks up during a trip to the Far East - noticing similarities in the fighting styles and adapting it into his own.
Abena Frascona
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te Nationality: Ul'dahn Classes: Musketeer (non-playable), Machinist, Alchemist
Musketeer was a planned musket-wielding class that never got added (but there's still references to it in game so it exists it just can't be you).
Machinist, added in the Heavensward expansion, however, is a gun wielding Job... and the poor guildmaster will hand out guns like candy trying to convince people they're viable weapons.
Alchemist is a crafting class... that I really don't think I have to explain, let Abena make fucked up little potions to her heart's content.
Rashid al-Qadar
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn (listen. him big i don't make the rules) Nationality: Thavnairian Classes: Gladiator>Paladin, Arcanist>Summoner
Paladin is your classic sword/shield class. And I know this is absolutely a case of me projecting here but I feel like that suits him somehow.
I choose Arcanist because, well. His ability to summon simulacra in canon I feel translates fairly well to the summoning of carbuncles and egis.
Wang Ruixiong
Race: Raen Au Ra (he's a lizard now sorry i just like the scaley guys) Nationality: Doman Classes: Pugilist>Monk, Lancer>Dragoon
"Adept at martial arts" his bio says. Say no more! I give him the power of punch real good. Open your chakras.
Okay so Lancer is a more strenuous one and I'm putting it on the list because of one glamour item you can get: the Eastern Journey Staff. Become fantasy Sun Wukong.
Guy Duchamp
Race: Woodwight Elezen Nationality: (New) Sharlayan Classes: Thaumaturge/Black Mage, Red Mage, Weaver
GG ez, give the guy with fire powers the class/Job with fire spells. Black Mage is an obvious choice.
Red Mage, as in many Final Fantasy games, is a combination of Black and White Magics... but also they fence. He's got magic. He's got a sword. He'll do a fancy french backflip and you'll like it.
It's hard to give some of these guys crafting/gathering classes but... I dunno, maybe the fashionable man knows how to keep his clothes looking good even after so long at sea.
Phoebus Duchamp
Race: Woodwight Elezen Nationality: (New) Sharlayan Classes: Arcanist>Scholar, Carpenter, Botanist
Okay so, like Rashid, it's a case of "give the guy with summons a summoning class" but Phi goes into Scholar because he's assigned healer of the crew. And tbh I feel like nothing says Sloth quite like summoning a fairy to heal your friends instead of doing it yourself. That MP is better used elsewhere he promises.
Botanist is another easy one. Phi has gardening knowledge? He can grow and harvest plants for Gio and Abi.
Carpenter... I just picked that cause it felt the closest to sculpture to me, I mean wood carving is a thing. Plus having someone who knows how to work with wood on your Pirate crew is useful so like. Bonus points.
Giovanni Vespucci
Race: Midlander Hyur Nationality: Ishgardian Classes: Archer>Bard, Pugilist>Monk, Culinarian
Gio's good with music... so let him use the music. Inspire your allies! Buff your friends! Rain arrows on your opponents!
I've kinda been avoiding duplicate classes where I can but Rui teaching Gio is a sweet enough idea that I'll allow it. He's obviously not as high leveled in it as Rui is though.
Culinarian... listen that's the "cooking" crafting class I literally do not need to justify any further. He would weaponize his frying pan like Julyan Manderville if you commit enough food crimes though.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
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"By your family?! What, is your mom a factory assembly line or something?! Bullshit!" Ruixiong felt a great offense in the idea of someone--a kid, no less--stripped of their dignity by being given a number as a name.
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"Well, at least your name doesn't have '4' in it. I met a kid whose name was literally Four Girl, once. Because she was the fourth one born after three sibling deaths, so she was seen as bad luck. I don't know what happened to her. I pray she's all right… but for all I know, she could be dead in a ditch given how little care her family gave her. I still think about her today.
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"You deserve a real name. Let me think." Ruixiong eyes the tail once more. "You can swim really good… you actually make me think of dragons, like Qīnglóng or Chìlóng. And the fact you're a little guy….
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"I know! You can take the name 小龙- Xiǎolóng! Which is 'Little Dragon'!"
115 was just going to hand over the bracelet and swim off but the offer of staying on the ship enticed him. After all, he'd never been on one before he left Home.
"I don't think I have a proper name. I've always been called 115 by my family."
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der-karibisch-heyder · 3 years ago
Helen, if Ruixiong didn't hook up with you, do you have anyone else in mind to be with? Does your dad have anyone else in mind?
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"Honestly... I'm really not sure. There was someone I was somewhat interested in among Captain Ravyn's crew - her cook and carpenter, Hui Singlung, but... we never really hit it off. He liked me more than I liked him, I guess. Maybe things could have gone different, but I can't really look back and tell how so."
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"As for my father, he only ever pressured me to be more proactive in looking for someone to court me, but never really suggested suitors directly. Though for what its worth, he took a long while to warm up to Rui... for reasons that I would think would be obvious for any concerned father about Rui. Ehehe..."
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lookthedevilintheeye · 2 years ago
//Putting this here before we do interactions with the Hero and Sun Crews.
Because the events and histories are presented in anachronic order (in media res when it comes to the timeline), dramatic irony is in play. THAT MEANS:
Amir doesn’t know he is Rashid’s great-grandson
Sing-Lung doesn’t know the full circumstances of San-Gwong’s murder by Ruixiong
Johnny doesn’t understand why the Sin Crew nearly killed him as a child
No one initially knows about Ulan and La Brujula
Isaac doesn’t know Phoebus is “Adam Loisel”, his sister’s fiance (nor that he has a twin brother)
And so on and so forth.
To the Hero Crews by the start of the story, the Sins are murderous monsters who serve the Devil and want to destroy the world. For the most part, they are referred to by their Sin Titles instead of their names. Helen ( @der-karibisch-heyder ) and Johnny are exceptions in that they got to know the Sins as PEOPLE somewhat first, and the truths of the Sins and the Master are revealed more and more as time goes by. It depends on the section of the tale, time, and place.
But until then, please don’t assume they know everything and are friends. They’re belligerents. Nemeses. Adversaries. And the Sin Crews highly prefer to keep it that way.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
…Okay, yeah that did it. As soon as Ruixiong is shot in the arm, he is now too debilitated to do anything, not even float. Sure, he can still flee, but the initial pain is too much to overcome to even think about fleeing right now.
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"操你妈, 贱女人!! You'll get yours! You'll get yours!!" Ruixiong screams as he writhes on top of the roof, now with an arm and leg shot. And as if things can't get any worse…. his rolling was careless enough to get him to fall off the roof.
And that's not all.
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"Ruixiong! Ruixiong! Where are you?! We need to get back to the ship!" Giovanni calls out, unaware of Malik's party and without any intention to crash it. Nevertheless, he's still an intruder. Don't worry, Nabe, no need to reload your rifle.
Because Ruixiong fell on Giovanni, thereby knocking them both out. It shouldn't take too long for Malik to send someone else to take out the trash.
He looked mad.
Nabe... guessed that was a reasonable response, given the circumstances. He's the one who started it, though.
... That bandage on his other leg looked like it'd make a nice target, would that be too mean?
Probably, actually. It's already hurt.
She decided to hit one of his arms instead.
Hm... most people are right-handed so if Nabe aimed for his left, he should be mostly okay, right? Yeah, that would probably be right.
His left arm... That's the one on the right?
He was moving around too much to make this easy. Rude.
Deep breath and... BANG!!
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imagenashyun · 8 years ago
You wanna know why I'm so anal about research accuracy?
There was a time I went to the imdb forums as a wee youngun, I asked for context as to why Austin Powers in the first movie was yelling 'Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day' while trying to resist seduction of the fembots. Instead of explaining to me that it was an attempt to think unsexy thoughts, I got bashed for not knowing who Margaret Thatcher is. Harshly. As in "Wow, the American education is shit, you are shit for not bothering to use something like Google or a book" harshly.
An earlier draft of the character Hui Sing-Lung (Qing dynasty) had a queue but no shaven head, a yamulke instead of a proper Manchurian or Mandarin hat, and an angsty story about keeping his queue while being dragged around the world outside of China; all this is based off of what I understood as Chinese history from the film Shanghai Noon. Lo and behold, I talk to actual Chinese people (and Taiwanese/Singaporean/other people of the Chinese diaspora) and GOOD FUCKING GOD, it was extremely embarassing when I learned how super wrong (and disrespectful) I was in the character's creation. Along with considerations to Western relations to China during the late 1600s-early 1700s, the character is given a total rehaul and backstory appropriate of a child being picked up by foreignors and raised as their own rather than back home in China.
An earlier draft of the character Emir (Turkish full name pending) had him as a hidden Arabic prince who ran away from some part of what is Yemen today; his father was the Caliph of that kingdom. In the 1710s-20s. OF COURSE, imagine my embarassment when I learned that 1.) The Ottoman Empire is a THING in what is Yemen today, 2.) The Caliphate/Sultanate and administration among regions is a lot more complex than what can be compared as the European model of feudal territories and nobility, 3.) Turkey today is REALLY huge on making sure you depict their culture right.
Do you know who the Tuareg are? If you are any other American, you probably don't. Ever since high school, I've been doing as much intensive research as I could with the Tuareg, but none of the materials I can get provide me enough details to tell the clans apart, what their lifestyles entail, what their naming conventions are, and so forth. Then I see the artist Humon make artwork of the Tuareg, and it made me happy she was able to find some resources to depict their outfits. Lo and behold, as I do more Tuareg research, there are African blogs just viciously tearing the art piece apart, bemoaning that the artist is "typical white trash who water down our culture for cool points" and pointing out everything wrong with the depiction of their clothes.... all without providing how to correct the mistakes. And it drives me up the wall, especially because obtaining information is hard to begin with. What makes it harder is that, from what I can find, Egypt and other countries of North Africa have banned Tamasheq naming conventions and discriminate against the Tuareg, which likely results in the suppression of authentic resources in learning about them.
I'm just... it's frustrating. Normally I don't care about what people think about me or my work, but my goal in writing Devil's Eye is to write an adventure story that includes multiple cultural/religious perspectives. If I am writing about Phoebus and Guy, I'm writing them with considerations that they're Jewish Frenchmen. If about Isaac, then with consideration that he is an Anglican English landed gentry. If of Emir, as an ethnically Arabic Turk. Of Ruixiong, as a late-Ming/early Qing Chinese man. And so on and so forth. It's one thing to develop the skills to find, read, and apply accurate research, it's another when all means of research are shut down from nasty attitudes.
People, if you want representation in your media, don't insult/shut down/bash the people who are goddamn TRYING. Yes, I know, I'm an ignorant American/cis/goy/wtfever position of p r i v e l e g e, but I do genuinely want to learn, do genuinely want to apply, and do genuinely want to create something everyone can enjoy. Don't punish me for trying.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
The Sin Crew watches 'Turandot' live in La Fenice, Venice, Italy, 1926!
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//I was going to seat the boys and have the second Duchamp brother (whom you'd have to guess who is which brother) with them on the same row (and facepalming the whole time), but then I realized balcony seating would have not just allowed more flexible seating for easier posing and composition, but FUCK recreating Teatro la Fenice from the stalls (the ground seats).
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So instead, balcony seating. Guy clearly decided to skip on watching Turandot with his brother and the other Himbos because he wanted to watch Josep and Rashid argue over if the Prince should pair with Turandot or Liu.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
Tagged (stolen from): @shiroi---kumo
Tagging: YOU
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
The rest of the Crew would interrupt Kahann here and there as he told his story, but upon some of the pieces falling into place, they fall dead silent. A few even turn their eyes to their Captain as details are shared about the long lost lad of Barcelona… and the terrible fate that fell upon the House he was born in as well as the boy himself.
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"C-Captain?" Ruixiong starts as he slowly turns his head to their leader while everyone else remained quiet. Even Giovanni seemed afraid to speak.
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The words coming out of Frascona's mouth are in Portuguese. "……………………. Rashid, release our prisoner. And leave me with him."
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"Right away, Captain." Rashid waves a hand; the makeshift jail cell vanishes into stardust, dissipating in the air. As he and the rest are commanded, they turn their backs to the Captain and now their guest, leaving them be.
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Though Giovanni was left behind a bit. He mutters to his cousin in a mixture of Catalan and Venetian. "<Would you prefer I leave too, Cosi? Or....?"
"…….<No. Please stay with me. I do not know if I can remain strong.>"
Giovanni makes one last glance at Abena, who makes her way into the cabin. And now, the men are alone.
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Josep, with his cousin as his strength, grips his hands together as his imposing disposition softens. "…Why do you hope to seek out Josep Frances… and how did you track him down?" He deliberately speaks to Kahann in the third person, as though to avoid directly confirming the boy… indeed… is on this ship. No longer a boy… but a shell that has outgrown innocence.
"Settle down! I'll be more than obliged to answer, but you all are asking your questions at once--" Kahann tried to calm the curiosities of these pirates, but seemingly to no avail...
Until a soul with clear presence of power, in contrast to the others, did. This must be the captain. Kahann, however, wasn't at all shaken to the core. Not as easily-- He has seen and experienced many things. Many secrets. Many dark times.
This life force... It couldn't be. It has been hundreds of years-- A certain Josep he met should have since passed on, unless...
These souls. Him and his crew. Every single one of them. Shackled. Bound to a force of evil he had yet to know of its true nature.
To Kahann, eyes are windows to the soul. The captain's were that of whom had lost too many to count. Too many to remain hopeful, if for long.
So was the man Josep met as a child-- Eyes that saw loss. But eyes that have not given up hope. Not yet.
"Of that, who knows... But if you need to know my name, I am called Kahann."
"I came across a boy, a long time ago. His name was Josep, to be exact. Member of a noble family. I met him in a busy market in Barcelona while I was to come home from buying apples. When asked where I came from, I decided not to answer-- But I did tell him I was well-traveled."
"He wanted to one day become an explorer. His family gave him the means to learn-- Through journals by explorers past. But he did not like those written by Cristiforo Colombo-- An easily lost fool, and seemingly an awful man, at that. To that, I agreed, and made a jab at the famed, albeit to the lad's eyes and mine, a failed sailor. Then we parted ways."
"Before I left, said to him... Till the winds favor our next meeting."
"When next I came to visit Spain, those native to the land told me of him going missing, and tales of cruelty spreading in and around its noble houses, and beyond. His included..." Kahann was not about to tell these six of his true origins and nature... Not until he was ready to do it. And for them to listen, as well. The souls of the dead in there who still lingered at the time told him what happened, too, even if those were only pieces of information, and not the full picture.
"He was never heard from again, memories of him erased from his family. His clan. But I vowed upon myself to find him, no matter what becomes of him. It was clear that he was wronged to an extent, even if I didn't know what, and why."
"I couldn't, though. I lost any trace of him, so I could only assume that he had run away and never again stepped foot in Spain, or had died. It was time for me to return home, far away from any major civilization in this world-- Heartbroken. And then..."
A pause. Kahann wasn't exactly ready as he gulped, but he steeled himself to continue.
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"I came back, centuries later... He is still somewhere. Not dead. I cannot help but fear for the worst-- I don't remember humans being able to live THAT long, unless a curse befell them. I asked myself more than once, on why I didn't continue to find him back then."
What Kahann decided to withhold for now, however, was that he saw it. The aftermath of a terrible rage. A story for another day, perhaps, when tensions would lower.
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"If this Josep is not among you on this ship, then I'm sorry. But the rest of you still await my answer to your questions, don't you? I will answer, and then request to be let go... And may we never cross paths again."
"But if he is here... Let me see him. With me own eyes."
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
May do a creator thing where I try to break something long established in hopes to improve on character writing and design...
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
//I could have sworn I made a post on Chinese zodiac signs of the Seven, because I'm frankly more familiar with those than I am of the Western zodiac. EITHER WAY:
The Seven's Chinese Zodiac signs:
Josep: Horse (1486)
Abena: Tiger (1602)
Rashid: Pig (1575)
Ruixiong: Rat (1600)
Guy: Goat (1499)
Phoebus: Goat (1499)
Giovanni: Horse (1498)
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