#[Giovanni Vespucci]
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artofimmy · 5 months ago
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Tried doing the Color Wheel Meme as a coloring exercise. It ended up not just being a success, but it REALLY helped me grasp coloring in ways I couldn't before, like limiting a palette per character, keeping an eye on values and saturation, and other things of color theory that, while I know what they are, I have a difficult time implementing it.
Some colors are swapped around on some characters like Rashid's kaftan and cloak, while others like Giovanni, Frascona, and Guy are given adjusted hues not only appropriate of color theory, but even what colors would have been available during the early 18th century. Ruixiong may be unusual given that deep purple would have been impossible to obtain unless you're swimming in money, but hey, it's color practice, he probably stole the dyes and made Abena make his hanfu, or just outright stole from a rich person. Or have the Master give him the bajillion sea snails needed to make the dye WHO CARES?
No, Ulan isn't really that blue.
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amethystatargatis · 2 years ago
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“Oh, the Lord God sent you, personally? You really think that? Believe that you are the Scourge of God, a golden, glitzy Atilla?”
Carmen breaks out into a mocking cackle.
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“Silly stupid sailor bold! Are you really so arrogant to think yourself that important! You, a mortal man, so blinded by the shine of gold you can’t even see the soul inside your own self - what idiot god would send someone like you to be the Scourge of anything except perhaps himself! Ha ha ha ha ha....”
The mermaid collects herself, covering her lips with her claws playfully.
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“Your master, the flaccid penis he may be, is not bewitched by glimmer and shimmer like a foolish fish like I may be. For all his boasting, all his showboating, all his arrogance, he does know one thing for certain - the value of a Soul. As do I, and all things of the sea, great and small. You believe him to be sold on pyrite, but in truth it is you who can not tell the difference from it and a ducat. You make quite the poor merchant prince, I do believe! Hee hee hee!”
“Then what exactly did you give to your Master in exchange for his promises to begin with?” @amethystatargatis
"The spiritual equivalent of pyrite--
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"'Fool's gold'.
"The Lord God sends punishment towards sinners of the Earth who go against His Word and His love. And as such, I was sent to spread misfortune upon those who created it to begin with. But misfortune would continue to spread to those undeserving, and yet the Lord would not strike me down and send me where I belong to finish His work. So I decided to to make my own destiny--and give whatever mockery of a soul He gave me to a Devil.
"My Master is not aware of the falseness this soul is. I had to fabricate worth. And right now, he is taken in by the glimmer. I just have to keep on polishing it.”
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lookthedevilintheeye · 1 year ago
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"...the boat has STAMINA?!"
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"What kind of a boat has stamina?!"
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"Especially one that requires furling up your sails to recover?"
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"Nevermind apparently all you need to man it is to just have one person behind the helm and no one else."
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"Splendid!! Hey, Devil Pirates!! Our boat doesn't need a whole crew to man it too!"
Oh, no. La Demonia Roja groans as one of her scuppers very slowly leaks water.
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Giovanni sobs as he hugs one of the masts. "It's okay, Demonia!! You're still special to us!"
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"You made our ship cry!! FIRE!!"
It only took one rinky dink canonball to sink the Hurley Crew's ship instantly.
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"Just gather a couple trees and you can repair your boat."
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"But these trees are already harvested despite no one having come here!"
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"That's a you problem, then."
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iniziare · 5 days ago
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This feels so good to do. Tag drop: Ezio Auditore. Verses for GI/HSR/DA are a WIP.
#[ ezio auditore. ] do not seek retribution or revenge in my memory. but fight to continue the search for truth. so that all may benefit.#[ ezio auditore: ic. ] my story is one of many thousands. and the world would not suffer if it ends too soon.#[ ezio auditore: inquiries. ] clarity is why i have come so far. so i may better understand the purpose of our fight and my place in it.#[ ezio auditore: countenance. ] here i discover a strange truth. that i am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding.#[ ezio auditore: introspection. ] it is our ability to choose whatever you think is true that makes us human.#[ ezio auditore: meta. ] the moral of any story matches the temper of the man telling it.#[ ezio auditore: etc. ] we are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences. whether glorious or tragic.#[ ezio auditore: brotherhood. ] love of people. of cultures. of the world binds our order together. fight to preserve what inspires hope.#[ ezio auditore: templars. ] they recognize there is no such thing as absolute truth. or if there is. we are hopelessly underequipped to se#[ ezio auditore: minerva. ] all of her kind died many years ago. i wish I could show you the magic she performed.#[ ezio auditore: of eden. ] better in the hands of the earth than in the hands of man.#[ ezio auditore: giovanni auditore. ] family. justice. honor. these are my values now father. as they were once yours.#[ ezio auditore: maria auditore. ] go my son. destroy them. but remember for whom we assassins fight.#[ ezio auditore: federico auditore. ] it is a good life we lead brother. may it never change. and may it never change us.#[ ezio auditore: claudia auditore. ] she bears the bravery of a true auditore.#[ ezio auditore: petruccio auditore. ] she will remember you as i will. fratellino.#[ ezio auditore: mario auditore. ] i prefer to fight like a man to filling out balance sheets.#[ ezio auditore: cristina vespucci. ] i wasn't ready! i was planning on being really charming and funny. can i just have a second chance?#[ ezio auditore: caterina sforza. ] that woman is as powerful and dangerous as she is young and beautiful.#[ ezio auditore: sofia sartor. ] forgive me. it is a joy to see someone with a passion so personal and noble. it is inspiring.#[ ezio auditore: cullen. ] gloat all you like. i have this one. / are you sassing me commander? i didn't know you had it in you.#[ ezio auditore: altair. ] the assassins were his life. from beginning to end. he had no other.#[ ezio auditore: desmond. ] your name lingers in my mind. like an image from an old dream.#[ ezio auditore: leonardo da vinci. ] i am a man of peace. yes. but ideas take precedence.#[ ezio auditore: yusuf tazim. ] who is there mentor here ezio? i'm beginning to wonder.#[ ezio auditore: suleiman. ] the world is a tapestry of colours and patterns. a just leader would celebrate this. not seek to unravel it.#[ ezio auditore: v. main. ] auditore. remember that you are not a nobleman. you are not one of the deceivers. you are one of the people.#[ ezio auditore: v. acii. ] i do not know who started this conspiracy. but i know who will end it.#[ ezio auditore: v. acb. ] the greed a the corruption will burn to the ground. and from the ashes of vengeance. a new rome will rise.#[ ezio auditore: v. acr. ] who will greet me: a host of templars as i fear most strongly? or nothing but the whistling of a lonely wind?
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 days ago
Giovanni to Josep, “But he’s your dad!”
Josep still ugly laughs.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
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"Oh, naaaah. That's a trick I can do! Watch!" With a slight movement of his hand, Ruixiong moves a chair for 115 to sit on without even being near it. The chair scooted along the floor at first, making scraping noises. As this was an unpleasant sound, Rui lifts the chair then gets it onto the ground so his new friend can sit. Not once did it touch the ground until 115 would sit.
The scraping sound, though, alerted Giovanni to exit the galley to bark at Ruixiong. "Dammit, Ruixiong!! I told you, that's all going to be-"
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He then jumps back in surprise, not expecting at all to see a young fellow with blue hair and a tail. "Who is that?!!?"
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"Oh, hey, shagua!! This is my new buddy, Xiaolong! Xialong, this is my best friend in the entire world: Giovanni! I call him Jinwan!" 'Shagua' is just a Rui endearingly calling him 'idiot'.
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"H-… Hello…" Giovanni mutters sheepishly. "P-Pleased to meet you... W-Where did you come from?"
"No..." More of that bad feeling about his family. They didn't have tails like him either...
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The thoughts stewed in the back of his mind as he followed and listened to Rui. He was also looking around as well, having never seen cannons or been inside a ship.
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"Oooh?" And then they got to the kitchen area, where all the foods he's never seen or tasted before.
"Wait, Pork can float like it's in water?" Xiaolong asked Rui before grabbing the bun and stuffing it in his mouth. With the chewing and tail wagging, the half dragon seems to love it.
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 months ago
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"Forty USD?! Olala, I don't think even you would stoop this low in the name of Greed, Giovanni! Especially with freshly prepared tiramisu with no given time to soak!"
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"Unless the tourists are obnoxious enough. Then I'd charge them more."
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history-of-fashion · 2 years ago
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1640-1660 Giovanni Martinelli - Isabella Vespucci
(Casa Museo Colocci Vespucci)
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desempero · 2 years ago
Pezzi di vita ritrovati per caso dentro una bozza mai inviata.
Le nuvole mi hanno rincorso in questo week end. La pioggia mi ha sfiorato riuscendo a prendermi soltanto oggi, quando il grigio del cielo si è sciolto in una pioggia triste e senza speranza.
Ieri, quando sono tornato a casa, c'era il cielo azzurro e Firenze mi è sembrata casa mia con tutti i suoi cantieri e le ferite inferte da una fiumana di clienti soddisfatti, arrivati qui da ogni distanza, per passeggiare dentro una storia unica, svenduta un tanto al chilo. Con il tempo ho anche imparato a rispettare la spocchia dei miei concittadini, a ridere della prosopopea con cui si ergono a padri della lingua, unici depositari di ogni verità e competenza in fatto di arte, di costume, di bon ton.
Poi li vedi contare i soldi come qualunque bottegaio e capisci che Firenze è un palcoscenico meraviglioso dove mandare in scena il peggio.
E allora guardi con occhi benevoli quello che sulla spalletta aspetta paziente che il sole scenda dietro Ponte Vecchio.
Con qualche filtro adatto la foto sarà magnifica, racconterà ai suoi amici una magia che esiste solo nella memoria.
Ma è di sicuro la città di mia figlia, è casa sua anche se è nata a Bagno a Ripoli perché il nostro Ospedale di riferimento fa parte di quel Comune: Ospedale Santa Maria Annunziata..
Gli ospedali storici sono quasi tutti intitolati ai Santi: Santa Maria Nuova è quello in centro costruito da Folco Portinai alla fine del 1200, poi c'è l'Ospedale San Giovanni di Dio che invece di illustre ha solo il nome, ereditato dal Vecchio Ospedale San Giovanni di Dio in Borgo Ognissanti che risale al 1300, fatto costruire dalla famiglia Vespucci e infine lo Spedale degli Innocenti, primo brefotrofio in Europa.
A Napoli il complesso de "Gli Incurabili" è un magnifico insieme di chiese, dell'ospedale vero e proprio e della farmacia settecentesca.
Santa Maria del Popolo degli Incurabili.
Ora invece li chiamano Azienda Ospedaliera e non so se sia meglio farsi ricoverare in un posto che si chiama "incurabili" o in uno che si chiama "azienda".
Tutto questo discorso sui nomi degli ospedali non nasce dalla mia depressione.
Lavorando con i medici ho tutti i giorni a che fare con i reparti ospedalieri e mi ha sempre incuriosito la toponomastica. 
A Udine per esempio, si chiama Santa Maria della Misericordia e l'indirizzo è Piazza Santa Maria della Misericordia, a Palermo si chiama Cervello..
Torino invece si è mostrata come al solito con il suo vestito antico ed elegante e le sue periferie degradate. La Stazione di Porta Nuova è una delle più belle in Italia e mi sarebbe piaciuto vederla nei primi anni del secolo scorso. Ho fatto solo due passi fino all'hotel dove c'era il convegno.
Ho ascoltato medici che parlavano anche del mio fegato, usando parole spaventose come epatocarcinoma o sigle poco comprensibili, SVR, che sta per guarigione, eradicazione del virus..
Sul treno di ritorno c'era una giovane donna su una carrozzella con un respiratore, che si esprimeva con suoni gutturali​, non articolati. Sclerosi credo, SLA o qualche altra orribile patologia. Rideva, o forse era una paresi facciale ma tutte le donne che aveva intorno le parlavano, l'ascoltavano.. Mi sono sentito un po' stupido nei miei piccoli dolori ma lo so che è una visione inutile della vita, che non è cercando chi sta peggio che non senti male.
Stasera invece sto cercando il ragazzo senza qualità che assaggiava il mondo a bocca e occhi aperti e a volte mi sembra quasi di vederlo.
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Ma per un attimo soltanto.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
…Okay, yeah that did it. As soon as Ruixiong is shot in the arm, he is now too debilitated to do anything, not even float. Sure, he can still flee, but the initial pain is too much to overcome to even think about fleeing right now.
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"操你妈, 贱女人!! You'll get yours! You'll get yours!!" Ruixiong screams as he writhes on top of the roof, now with an arm and leg shot. And as if things can't get any worse…. his rolling was careless enough to get him to fall off the roof.
And that's not all.
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"Ruixiong! Ruixiong! Where are you?! We need to get back to the ship!" Giovanni calls out, unaware of Malik's party and without any intention to crash it. Nevertheless, he's still an intruder. Don't worry, Nabe, no need to reload your rifle.
Because Ruixiong fell on Giovanni, thereby knocking them both out. It shouldn't take too long for Malik to send someone else to take out the trash.
He looked mad.
Nabe... guessed that was a reasonable response, given the circumstances. He's the one who started it, though.
... That bandage on his other leg looked like it'd make a nice target, would that be too mean?
Probably, actually. It's already hurt.
She decided to hit one of his arms instead.
Hm... most people are right-handed so if Nabe aimed for his left, he should be mostly okay, right? Yeah, that would probably be right.
His left arm... That's the one on the right?
He was moving around too much to make this easy. Rude.
Deep breath and... BANG!!
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jacopocioni · 5 days ago
Per chi abita in… Via de' Pucci
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Via de' Pucci si trova nel quartiere di San Giovanni e si estende dall'incrocio con via dei Servi fino all'incrocio con via Martelli e via Camillo Cavour, per poi proseguire idealmente in via de' Gori che arriva in Piazza San Lorenzo. Circa a meta del suo percorso si incrocia con via Ricasoli. La via prende il nome da una delle famiglie più influenti della città nel periodo storico rinascimentale e, nonostante sia una strada piuttosto stretta, rappresenta un'importante testimonianza del prestigio e della ricchezza della Firenze medicea. In origine la via era denominata via dei Frenai nel primo tratto e via dei Calderai nel secondo tratto. Il nome Calderai derivava dai numerosi artigiani presenti con botteghe impegnate nella lavorazione dei metalli (spadai, corazzai, e simili). Entrandovi da via dei Servi va subito nominato il canto chiamato di Balla. Il nome deriva dal fatto che al tempo della prima cerchia comunale in quel luogo vi era una postierla caratterizzata da un intenso passaggio di merci.
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Pianta del Buonsignori Sulla destra, esteso fino a via Ricasoli, vi è Palazzo Pucci un grande complesso composto da più palazzi fatti costruire dalla famiglia Pucci e che determinarono già tra il Cinquecento e il Seicento la titolazione della via alla famiglia. Il palazzo fu costruito e organizzato in maniera unitaria su tre nuclei, rispondenti ad altrettanti cortili. Oggi solo il terzo complesso, al civico 6, è ancora abitato dei discendenti della famiglia Pucci.
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Il palazzo fu costruito tra il 1528 e il 1534, su dei terreni e case acquistate da Antonio Pucci già nel 1480. L'opera è attribuita a Bartolomeo Ammannati su incarico dei cardinali Roberto e Lorenzo Pucci. Parlare della maestosità e della struttura del palazzo necessiterebbe di un articolo dedicato, in questa sede evidenziamo del palazzo solo la "finestra sempre chiusa" che ricorda l'attentato a Cosimo I del 1559 organizzato da Pandolfo Pucci.
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Da segnalare che al civico n° 2 è stata posta un pietra dell'inciampo dedicata al Rabbino Dott. Nathan Cassuto. Al civico n° 4, sotto la finestra di sinistra, è presente una buchetta del vino che è tornata in attività fornendo beveraggi a turisti e fiorentini. Sempre al n° 4 in verticale sul portone, sotto il terrazzino, è visibile lo stemma della famiglia Pucci rappresentato da un moro (il cognome anticamente era Saracini) sulla cui fronte è presente una fascia con tre T che rappresentano il motto di famiglia "Tempore Tempora Tempera".
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Sulla sinistra della via vi è palazzo Incontri sul cui angolo troneggia lo stemma della famiglia. In quell'area ai primi del '400 vi erano una casa grande e due case più piccole di proprietà della famiglia Medici abitate da Cosimo il Vecchio e Lorenzo il Magnifico. In seguito dopo la costruzione di palazzo Medici e il loro trasferimento, le case furono unificate e vi trovò sede l'Arte del Cambio. Tempo dopo l'area fu ceduta ad Antonio Vespucci, politico e Gonfaloniere di Giustizia, che fece erigere al posto delle case presenti un primo vero palazzo, tra l'altro fu fatto decorare da Sandro Botticelli e Pietro di Cosimo. Nel 1533 il palazzo passò a Piero di Alamanno Salviati, ma a causa dell'appoggio di Alessandro Salviati ai senesi (la famiglia si schierò apertamente contro Cosimo I) i salviati entrarono in un periodo buio. Infatti dopo che fu giustiziato Alessandro per tradimento la famiglia si ritrovò in una crisi politica che impedì di completare i rifacimenti e i miglioramenti avviati nel palazzo e nel cortile.  Il palazzo passò quindi ai Salimbeni nel 1564.
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Nel 1608 il palazzo passò ai Baglioni, una famiglia originaria di Perugia, le cui vicende finanziarie determinarono che il palazzo fosse ipotecato al Monte Comune. Attraverso un'asta nel 1676 lo acquistò il cavalier Ludovico Attilio Incontri, originario di una nobile famiglia di Volterra. Grazie alla famiglia Incontri il palazzo fu rimodernato e sviluppato per giungere sino ai giorni nostri. Il palazzo è passato di mano più volte e più volte ed oggi, dopo l'ultima vendita del giugno 2021, ospita appartamenti di pregio. Oggi, Via de’ Pucci conserva il suo fascino storico e rimane una delle strade più affascinanti del centro di Firenze. Passeggiare lungo questa via ci immergiamo nella storia della città, non solo per i palazzi nobiliari, ma per le botteghe ex artigiane ed oggi negozi turistici. In conclusione, Via de’ Pucci non è solo una semplice strada, ma un frammento vivente della storia di Firenze, dove le memorie di una delle famiglie più influenti della città si intrecciano con l’arte e l’architettura di un'epoca straordinaria.
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Jacopo Cioni Gran Cerusico Read the full article
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theitalianrenaissance · 1 year ago
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Not many people know this, but the Renaissance was the time when exploration became popular. Columbus along with many other explorers during the Renaissance were a part of the Italian maritime republics who served under European Monarchs to do expeditions for them. Other explorers were Giovanni da Verrazzano (sailed for France), Amerigo Vespucci (sailed for Portugal), and John Cabot (sailed for England). Columbus, although he was born here in Genoa, sailed for Spain.When I first arrived in Genoa, I felt a little lost. This city doesn’t have many ties to the Renaissance, and Columbus didn’t spend much of his life here before moving to Spain. Instead of letting the disconnect hinder my plans I walked around the city, soaking in the culture. I can definitely understand where Columbus got his seafaring personality from since Genoa is a port city. It’s right on the water with a curvature on the shoreline, making it enclosed enough to get on the water. Genoa was a lovely city, and had easy access to the water, which Columbus seemed to love, but I couldn't understand why he would leave. 
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Nave Vespucci lascia Dakar diretta a Capo Verde
Lo scalo a Dakar della nave Vespucci si è concluso nella serata di ieri con un ricevimento a bordo riservato alle autorità locali e al corpo diplomatico cui ha preso parte anche il ministro del petrolio e delle energie del Senegal, Sophie Gladima, che si è intrattenuta con l’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Giovanni Umberto De Vito, il Comandante Romagnoli e gli allievi dell’Accademia Navale. A fare da…
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[sins-of-the-sea] 53. A playground
Send me a number and I’ll write a starter for our muses in that setting
The ghost watched from the swing as a young man wandered around. He seemed to be distressed, and searching for something.
After a few minutes of watching, it got up to follow him from a distance.
A glint in the grass caught the ghost’s eye. It glanced down, where a coin sat nestles in a clump of crab grass.
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It picked the coin and rushed to the young man’s side, and held up the coin to him
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 months ago
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"Ewww. Josep."
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His snort-laughing is reaching next levels of ugly.
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freshstartfromscratch · 3 years ago
1920s Ezio story idea
I don't have an illustration yet but I guess that nobody gives a fuck anyway.
So 1920s Ezio idea!
Florence, 1923. Kingdom of Italy went through numerous tribulations between the unification and WWI, the liberal state failed its citizens, and in October 1922 National Fascist Party (PNF) took over the country. The king appointed Mussolini as the prime minister of Italy. Many people support the new leader and hope that he will lead the barely unified country to a glorious future. During those troublesome times, a young Liceo Classico student, Ezio Auditore, tries to navigate his journey towards adulthood. It is a difficult task due to his family situation. His father Giovanni died fighting in WWI. The same conflict left his older brother Federico disabled. Because of the war, Federico never had a chance to finish school, and now he's unable to work. Auditores barely survive thanks to Maria's hard work and the help of Giovanni's old friend - Lorenzo. The whole family is very proud of Ezio for getting to Liceo Classico. This kind of school is the only secondary school from which one could attend any kind of Italian university courses. Ezio's mother and siblings believe that after he graduates and gets a degree, he'll be able to care for whole family, just like Giovanni did.
Ezio is fully aware of the whole situation, but he cannot help but yearn for some freedom from his responsibilities. He's so busy studying that he barely even notices what's going around him. It's not only studying that's on his mind. He's also crushing on his beautiful classmate - Cristina Vespucci. However, he's not the only one desiring Cristina's attention, so is Vieri de Pazzi a huge supporter of Mussolini, a classmate, and a member of Camicie Nere.
Ezio doesn't like Vieri, but he's doesn't have much of an oppinin about PNF and their supporters. After all, his sister is dating Duccio de Luca, one of the Blackshirts. He trusts his sister's judgment.
One day after a semi-successful attempt to get Cristina's attention, Ezio's best friend Leonardo informs him that he and Cristina belong to the same book club that meets after school and, if Ezio wants to get closer to Cristina, then he should drop by. That's precisely what he does.
It turns out that the 'Book Club' is way more sinister than Ezio anticipated. Peiple there meet to read and discuss books forbidden by the new government. There are not only socialists there, but also communists, republicans, Catholics - the whole shebang!
Ezio starts exploring philosophies and ideas he hadn't thought about and starts questioning everything he was taught at school so far. During their studies, he and Cristina fall in love. Cristina rejects Vieri, and she and Ezio become a couple.
Meanwhile, the persecution in Italy is increasing. Camicie Nere is getting more and more violent and the list of forbidden ideas and ideologies is getting longer than ever. Claudia and Duccio fight a lot. He's getting violent and his ideas more radical than ever. Claudia doesn't like how her love changed.
Ezio gets more engrossed in the Book Club, and it afftects his grades and relationships with his family. One day when Ezio's at school, Federico (against his better judgment) decides to discover what is keeping his brother away from his studies, so he goes through his belongings. He discovers the stack of forbidden books. After Ezio arrivés back from school, Federico confronts him about the discovery. Ezio is disappointed but tells his brother about the Book Club, what he has learned, and about Cristina. Federico is understanding but furious with his younger brother. Ezio's Book Club can jeopardize the future of the whole family. If Ezio gets caught he'd be expelled from school or worse.
Ezio gets angry and the next day in school he's unfocused. Leonardo passes him a note with the next Book Club meeting location. Leonardo can't attend this meeting and bring Ezio to the location so he wrote it down for him. Unfortunately due to nerves, Ezio accidentally loses it. Vieri finds the note and get's suspicious. There are stories about a secret association in school but it's pretty impossible to catch the participants red-handed because they're meeting irregularly in different places. The note is proof of a meeting but Vieri can't be sure that it's the club meeting.
Meanwhile, Duccio is leaving the Auditore household after Claudia broke up with him. While leaving he takes notice of the books in Ezio's room and gets suspicious. He goes to the Blackshirts meeting. At the meeting he and Vieri bond over the hatred toward the Auditore family. Vieri says that he has heard about a secret association in school that indulges in illegal activity and he suspects that Ezio is a part of it but he lacks the evidence. Duccio then tells him about the books he saw in the Auditore household. They both decide to report this to the authorities.
Auditore's house gets raided by the police while Ezio's on a date with Cristina, Claudia is visiting a friend, and Maria's at work. The only people at home are Federico and Petruccio. Police find the books and asks questions, Federico knows that he cannot deny anymore that they're innocent so he takes the blame to protect Ezio and ensure that his younger brother will finish liceo and provide their family with a better future. Federico is arrested and Petruccio runs to inform Ezio what happened.
Meanwhile, Ezio and Cristina had a romantic and passionate picnic. After wrapping everything up and walking down the river they notice running towards them Petruccio who informs them about Federico's arrest. The date ends right then and there as Ezio runs to the police station. Petruccio stays with Cristina since Ezio wanted to keep them as far from the police as possible for safety reasons.
At the police station, Ezio tries to learn what happened with his brother, a war hero. He underlines that his brother is a veteran with weak health and cannot stay in arrest for too long. Nobody cares. Ezio spends the rest of the day and an entire night at the police station but gets no information about Federico's fate.
Meanwhile, Cristina takes Petruccio with her to the Book Club meeting since Maria is still at work. Everything is alright until it's interrupted by the attack of the Blackshirt's group. Vieri heard that Federico took the blame and decided to catch Ezio red-handed during the meeting and ensure that he'd get expelled and the Auditore family ends up in poverty.
Ezio's not there and Vieri is even more enraged after noticing Cristina. A massacre takes place, many attendees are beaten up pretty badly multiple are injured and some end up dead. Furious Vieri attacks Cristina and throws her onto a bookcase. The bookcase falls on her and Petruccio and injures a few other attendees.
Vieri is shocked but explains to himself that she deserved it for sleeping with Ezio and engaging in illegal literature. She broke the law! She was a socialist! A traitor!
Meanwhile, Ezio's still at the police station trying to learn what happened with Federico when he gets interrupted by policemen leaving. The entire station gets more lively there's been a fight, Camicie Nere busted an illegal group and there are a few dead. Ezio gets kicked out of the station.
Meanwhile, Maria and Claudia are back home, worried. They've found the police's note about Federico's arrest and they can't find Petruccio.
Around 10 PM they hear knocking on the door. Maria opens, hoping to see Petruccio but it's Cristina's father. She didn't come back home and he suspected that she'd be with Ezio. Ezio's surprised but slowly he pales. It all comes back. The meeting, the police station, the attack, the illegal group - they've been busted!
Auditore and Vespucci's families arrive at the police station. They declared that Cristina and Petruccio got missing and that maybe they were injured during the recent attack.
The police check descriptions. They're dead.
Everyone's crushed by the news. Maria is on a brink of a nervous collapse.
A few days late Auditores get a note from the police about Federico. He died from injuries during the interrogation.
Police wanted to know where he got the books from and if he was a member of a recently busted illegal group. Federico refused to tell them anything.
Maria is left speechless. Her two sons died in such a short time.
Ezio's world just collapsed. The regime took away his lover, brothers, and his life as he knew it.
He'll hunt down everyone responsible.
He'll bring the Fascists down.
Even if it'll take 20 years.
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