#ritual abuse
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am1inside · 3 months ago
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Like a hungry dog
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creature-wizard · 6 months ago
A warning for trauma survivors looking for online support
You may have come across the acronym "RAMCOA", which stands for "ritual abuse, mind control, and organized abuse."
If you search the Internet for RAMCOA, you might come across a result like this:
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If you click the link, you'll be taken to a site that briefly describes what RAMCOA supposedly is, with content like:
MC - Mind Control. A shortened form of TBMC, standing for Torture Based Mind Control. MC is also known as programming, where victims are repeatedly tortured starting at a very young age to intentionally cause a system of dissociated parts that function perfectly to suit the abusers' needs.
alpha : a base program, one of the very first implemented. it trains the victim's mind to accept every order given by handlers willingly. parts with alpha programming will often have no will of their own, and very little personality outside of following orders.
aiw : alice in wonderland. typically split into 3 different sections : black alice, white alice, and crazy alice. ideally, a system scripted with aiw would have all three. white alice makes sure the system forgets the trauma, black alice makes the system feel like theyll be a danger to others if they remember the trauma, and crazy alice makes the system think theyre making it up or going insane if they ever remember it.
Literally all of this comes from a conspiracy theory - specifically, the Project Monarch alter programming conspiracy. It was developed and pushed by far right conspiracy theorists. Most of what people run into specifically traces back to Fritz Springmeier, a man who claimed in the 90's that the fight for gay rights was part of a plot to enthrone the antichrist in the year 2000. The Project Monarch conspiracy theory was always adjacent to the Satanic Panic, if not a somewhat niche part of it. If you start checking citations, you will find many of these people citing Svali, a conspiracy theorist who gets a lot of her material from Springmeier. (Example 1, example 2.)
This is no accident. The term RAMCOA was created by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), which was created by and for psychologists who believed in the myths promoted during the Satanic Panic.
The RA part comes from "satanic ritual abuse," which was coined by Dr. Lawrence Pazder of Michelle Remembers (cw for descriptions of horrible abuses) fame. Lawrence Pazder is the man who effectively started the Satanic Panic. It cannot be overstated that Pazder, now a known malpractitioner, was considered the expert on ritual abuse during this time.
The MC part comes from "trauma-based mind control," which was coined to refer to the alleged abuses inflicted in Project Monarch. Parts of this conspiracy theory that can't be traced back to Fritz Springmeier can usually be traced back to Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, two other (really racist) conspiracy theorists.
Ultimately, the entire conspiracy theory is constructed from tropes that go back to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (a known antisemitic hoax), blood libel, and early modern witch panic.
Searching the Internet for RAMCOA resources, ritual abuse, or trauma-based mind control will always bring you to conspiracy theorists.
(Also, the term OEA, which stands for "organized extreme abuse," will lead you to conspiracy theorists as well.)
So yeah, if you're looking for support, be very wary of this stuff. It will absolutely not help you heal; just the opposite.
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shihkas · 3 months ago
Alison Miller DID NOT have her license revoked
Stop fucking spreading this blatant lie around.
This lie was started by The Satanic Temple, an organization linked with Grey Faction, who routinely denies the existence of DID and inserts themselves into the 80s SRA allegations despite them not even existing at the time (not yet as a recognized institution). Alison Miller had already retired prior to this despite their claims (2). There was no license to be revoked because it no longer existed.
How many times does it need to be stated that The Satanic Temple and Grey Faction are malicious groups that routinely target trauma therapists, survivors and individuals with DID.
For fuck's sake stop using them as sources. Stop citing them. Stop talking about them in a positive light at all. These are terrible people who have said and done terrible (and, frankly, stupid) things and who are clearly not afraid of lying if it fits their narrative.
** I'm not inviting debate on whether or not Miller purports conspiracy theories, if you truly think she believes everything she writes then you REALLY need to take a course on scientific literacy. Writing about survivor beliefs and how to treat them =/= believing they are true.
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ame-col · 5 months ago
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This user hates @ ratinacoat !
(Context: He fakeclaims RAMCOA survivors.)
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hateaintwinning · 6 months ago
Unwelcome-ozian's book selling step by step instructions on how to sexually assault a child. Including which sex positions to rape a child in and what to say to a child while raping them. As well as how to gas light, trauma bond, and abuse the child.
Link to free copy of Rules of Programming - you can see for yourself.
In light of unwelcome-ozian publicly abusing a teenage girl I wanted to put a spot light on this. This comes from someone who claims to have been taught how to abuse children, and is now teaching other people I guess? Presenting it as raising awareness for the sake of survivors of child abuse, but after what been brought to light about them this is a lot more disturbing.
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It provides step by step instructions on how to gas light and trauma bond a child to you after / as you sexually abuse them.
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They are currently threatening to post stories of a teenage girl being torutured and sexually assaulted, along with her identifying information without her consent, again. In retaliation for her coming forward about her experience with them.
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They are undeniably well aware of the damage and trauma they are inflicting.
They openly give "tips" on how to abuse children.
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outnumberedsins · 8 days ago
What "Counts" as OEA?
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I saw a post that disgruntled me enough to want to talk about this, so here we are. There seems to be a heavy amount of misinformation on what "counts" as OEA, often excluding adult victims and non-programmed victims. So, within this post, we'll go over what the terms "OA, MC, and RA" mean, as well as commonly construed myths.
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Organized Abuse
Organized abuse is a wide term that includes experiences of ritual abuse and mind control but is in no way exclusive to them. Often, only organized child sexual abuse is mentioned, which leaves out a lot of experiences it includes.
The most simple definition of organized abuse is "Abuse that involves a number of people doing something together in a pre-planned and/or structured way, rather than acting alone." In short terms, abuse done by multiple people in a planned way. [1]
All groups under the RAMCOA/OEA label will fall under this category. This includes, but is not limited to, Cults, Trafficking Rings, Labor Camps, "Troubled Teen" Camps, Intra-Familial Organized Abuse, and other experiences that fall under this definition. This includes victims indoctrinated into cults, trafficked, or otherwise abused as adults, as well as children born or brought into it. Location of the abuse (at home, in a church, at school, at a daycare, etc) doesn't matter, and someone does not have to go through ritual abuse or mind control to have experienced organized abuse.
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Ritual Abuse
not inherently satanic.
Ritual abuse is a term often confused with SRA, or "Satanic Ritual Abuse," an outdated and often harmful label for forms of organized extreme abuse. Not all forms of organized abuse are ritual abuse.
Ritual abuse can be defined as "Abuse that occurs in a context where symbols or activities have superstitious, supernatural, or religious connotations. It is organised, often involving multiple perpetrators, and the abuse often happens as part of a rite or ceremony." Alternatively, the word 'ritual' refers to "a rite, ceremony or pseudo- religious service which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order and/or at certain times; something that is done in the same way whenever a particular situation occurs." [1] [2]
Because of this, ritual abuse can be defined while including spiritual themes and non spiritual themes. So, many definitions include other forms of abuse that is ritualized/specifically repeated in nature, such as on a specific day or time or in a specific order.
This type of abuse is most dominated in literature by satanic overtones, once again from the term SRA. However, this is not exclusive to satanic cults. Any group based on a belief system or using other reoccurring themes/abuse can perpetrate ritual abuse. Though ritual abuse is also more commonly linked with mind control and child abuse, programming and age have no impact on if an experience is ritual abuse or not.
Survivors of ritual abuse include things like ritualistic ceremonies, games, symbols, set-ups, abuse on specific days/holidays, abuse in a specific order, etc as common experiences.
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Mind Control
programming and beyond
Mind control tends to be the term that receives the most problems, as many people tend to only think of programming when hearing it. However, MC is not exclusive to programming survivors, and many types of MC have been recognized.
A good definition of MC is "Methods of thought reform to force submission or information from enemies and victims, or to indoctrinate and increase cooperation in members and captors," and is a synonym to coersive persuasion, defined as "attempts to force people to change beliefs, ideas, attitudes or behaviors using psychological pressure, undue influence, threats, anxiety, and/or intimidation." [3] [4]
Programming is an example of the far end of mind control, a severe form of conditioning. However, things such as cult and religious indoctrination, psychic driving, terrified submission, etc, are all also forms of MC that can occur within organized abuse. MC is not exclusive to child victims, as most forms of MC can be performed at any age.
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Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or additions, feel free to send an ask or reply to this post. A reminder that I am not a professional, I am flawed, and I am just doing my best.
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granulesofsand · 2 years ago
Reasons people underestimate the prevalence of RAMCOA:
Untraumatized people don’t think about trauma nearly as much as survivors
People don’t know what the signs are. Trainings are shitty when given, attendees don’t think they’ll need to use the information, and trainings offered are usually online and easy to walk away from
Mandatory reporters don’t usually follow through their contracts. This is sometimes a good thing, but it can leave room in the wrong places for endangered children
People who know the signs will ignore them. They think it unlikely, that they’re overreacting, or they just don’t notice
Survivors are quiet. Speaking up puts us in danger, and more people think of us as media material than peers
The police don’t do jack shit for us. Some stations train officers to overlook our cases, and it’s difficult to take to court if a survivor wants to. In larger cases, government works with organized criminal groups that perpetrate or do so themselves for research
We’re a test question. The only time we are brought up in psychology classrooms is if they want to nod to a DID diagnosis. Few therapists are educated and willing to take us on as clients
Abusers know how to make connections with local authority. In high control groups, members may be taught how to abuse and evade interception
All of this makes it hard to report anywhere how many survivors exist free, and the low numbers in turn make us less believable when we do report
RAMCOA includes severe religious abuse, manipulative coercion, programming, cults, trafficking rings, criminal gangs, and more. Survivors are your coworkers, neighbors, cashiers, librarians.
Signs to look for:
Ritual Abuse
History of self-harm, substance use, sui/homicidality, especially with prescribed patterns
Unusual phobias (red or brown foods, kinds of houses, churches, hospitals, fear of the dark or being alone in adults)
Aversion to or obsession with the occult/witchcraft or other faith traditions
Patterns of nightmares, aversions or obsessions with common or nondescript themes (gore, needles, bugs, rodents, monsters, babies, men or women)
Sudden or irresistible urge to relocate, recontact abusers, participate in abusive ceremonies
High pain tolerance
Repeated phrases with violent, aggressive or religious themes
Mind Control and Coercion
Unquestioning obedience of a person or doctrine
Defers to another, speaks as though scripted, frequently accompanied by another or has to ask permission inappropriate for their age
Sudden or dramatic change in behavior, hobbies, or long-standing habits
Refusal to consume media unless approved by another/without further explanation
Anxious or idealized descriptions of childhood home and family, unable to recall these things
No memory of childhood or missing years
Multiple self-states, especially in high quantities
Organized Abuse and Trafficking
Disconnection from peers, family and friends
Does not attend community events or faith services or is perpetually preoccupied with a single group
Repeated unexplained absences from work or school
Disoriented, confused or dissociated for long periods of time or without explanation
Fearful or self-persecutory behavior, especially with allusions to another person or group
Bruises, broken skin or other wounds in various stages of healing
Minors engaging in commercial sex (including CSEM or survival sex)
Timid, skittish, fearful or submissive behaviors (including when this is the norm)
Malnourished, dehydrated, exhausted or with untreated ails
Without belongings or suitable living space
Many indicators of abuses flow together, as do the events themselves. It’s common that RA and OA perps use MC to keep victims in line, and techniques are often implemented by default in abusive environments. A group using RA or MC also qualifies as OA. This is why the community acronym includes all three.
There are more discreet examples for each. It’s possible to find many symptoms of RAMCOA and have none of those maltreatments as the cause. It’s possible to have none and still be abused.
Noticing indicators in children should be followed up by alerting any available reliable authority. Children sometimes disclose using metaphors or slang words they have been taught, so keep this in mind if you work with them.
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thornsent · 6 months ago
On RAMCOA, Satanic Panic, and the dangers of conspiracy theory
Lately I've seen a term gaining usage in online DID/OSDD communities, and I would like to talk about its origins and implications.
I want to establish right away that while I do not believe in RAMCOA or SRA, I do believe that these people are genuinely traumatized.
This is not written with the intent to invalidate anyone, rather I am legitimately concerned about the negative impact this is having on survivors of severe trauma as well as marginalized people targeted by conspiracy theories.
Let's begin with what RAMCOA is, and where the term comes from.
RAMCOA stands for ritual abuse, mind control, organized abuse. The term has its origins in the ISSTD, with the creation of their special interest group (SIG) dedicated to the topic. The ISSTD, which began in 1982, has a long history of controversy and is in no small part responsible for the beginnings of the Satanic Panic.
Multiple significant parties of the ISSTD have made claims of transgenerational Satanic cults dating back to two thousand years.
Michael Salter, who would eventually become the chair of the RAMCOA SIG in 2018, claimed in 2008 that there were secret tunnels and chambers beneath the school to facilitate the abuse. This claim was not only disproven, but it is reminiscent of both the Satanic Panic and Pizzagate-era allegations, both of which have also repeatedly been disproven.
Michael has continued to assert his claim as recently as 2019. In 2023, Michael Salter would become president of the ISSTD.
But Michael isn't the only sketchy person involved in the ISSTD. Founding member and former president George Greaves would lose his license for engaging in sexual activity with his patient in 1994.
Bennet Braun, the founder and another former president, has faced multiple malpractice lawsuits due to misleading his patients, resulting in distorted memories and more harm done to an already vulnerable person. Braun’s license would be revoked in 2023.
Also accused of malpractice by multiple patients is Colin Ross, president of the ISSTD From 1993-94. Ross is also known for his claim that he can shoot energy beams from his eyes. This, unsurprisingly, was disproven.
In 2020, the RAMCOA SIG was renamed to the Organized and Extreme Abuse SIG due to the optics of the term no longer suiting the organization.
We have established that the ISSTD was founded and consistently led by conspiracy theorists and abusive psychologists who have since had their licenses revoked. Let's dig a bit into the Satanic Panic and SRA.
The Satanic Panic is a moral panic that began in the 80s and still goes on today. In recent years there has been a resurgence of the same rhetoric taking new forms, but it all has roots in allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse. The Panic of the 80s properly began with the publication of the book Michelle Remembers, written by Lawrence Pazder and his patient-turned-wife, Michelle Smith.
The text contains an account of SRA recovered through the pseudoscientific modality of recovered-memory therapy. The claims in this book have no substantial evidence and are generally regarded as a work of fiction influenced by social morality and pop culture at the time.
Over 12,000 claims of SRA were given during the height of the Satanic Panic, but even after the FBI launched an investigation no evidence of the legitimacy of SRA could be found.
The stories offered by SRA survivors are shocking: Multigenerational cults, sometimes stretching worldwide, going on for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years, in which children were bred as sacrifices and/or as slaves to “the elites of our society.”
That phrase should give you pause, because it's an antisemitic dogwhistle, and a loud one at that. The Satanic Panic’s roots go deep into history, back to the burning of so-called witches and back to the antisemitic conspiracy of blood libel.
Blood Libel is an accusation that Jews use the blood of Christians (typically children or infants) in the making of Passover bread and other religious practices. Such claims have resulted in the murder of countless Jews.
These accusations against the Jewish people have continued into modern times, seeing a resurgence within conspiracies such as Qanon’s claim that “Hollywood elites” are harvesting adrenochromes by enacting SRA upon children.
You cannot separate the concept of blood libel from the concept of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Satanic Panic, and subsequently, you cannot separate conspiratorial thought from SRA and associated terminology.
Abuse that is orchestrated by multiple individuals is real. Conditioning is real. Religious and spiritual trauma is real. Cults, too, are real-- But Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse is not. Using these terms promotes conspiracy theories that put Jewish people and systems both at risk of harm.
Let's talk about programming now. The idea that a system can be programmed purposefully into a child is unrealistic pseudoscience.
The sheer amount of knowledge and effort an individual would need in order to maintain a constructed system like that is impossible, and this also assumes a much more widespread knowledge of DID and OSDD than is actually present.
While it is technically possible that an abuser (or abusers) may pick up on their victim's ‘quirks’, while it is technically possible that an abuser may realize doing X action leads to Z desired result for them, this is not programming. This is conditioning.
It is still a horrible abuse to inflict upon another person, but the concept of programming and mind control has its roots in yet another disproven conspiracy theory: Project Monarch.
Project Monarch was alleged to be a subset of Project MKUltra. It was said to be a project which trafficked children, using torture-based mind control to force them into becoming sex slaves for international trafficking rings, drug barons, Satanic cults, and “elites”.
These claims originate from Cathy O’Brien, who claims she uncovered repressed memories of this abuse under hypnosis, similar to Michelle Smith. She claims that this abuse led her to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is echoed in the concept of programming as we see it today.
While we are on the subject of DID directly, I'd like to talk about HC-DID.
HC-DID is a community term meaning Highly Complex Dissociative Identity Disorder, which was coined to specifically describe DID caused by RAMCOA/SRA.
Other than the specific claim of origin, HC-DID is virtually indistinguishable from C-DID, otherwise known as polyfragmentation. This is a term with professional research and backing behind it, unlike HC-DID which is a term coined by someone within the RAMCOA community.
In my opinion there is no need for this term when there is already a well-known, scientifically-backed term to describe the same cluster of symptoms, and it is also well known that DID is already a highly complicated disorder with presentation varying widely from system to system. Usage of this term seems at best an alternative description for something which already exists, and at worst a way to further isolate an already vulnerable population.
To be clear, I don't for a second believe that the RAMCOA community has a secret agenda to isolate survivors or anything of the sort. I think the community as it currently stands is full of deeply traumatized, lonely, isolated, and younger plurals who are grappling for language to describe the horrific things they suffered.
I also believe that it has become a dangerous echo chamber that not only distorts people's memory, but may further traumatize and isolate them.
The RAMCOA community does not use plain language to discuss their experiences. Frequently they speak in a code, using esoteric community terms when they do not outright refuse to discuss what RAMCOA may be like whatsoever.
That is not to say that we are entitled to the stories of trauma survivors, rather that this language and how guarded the community is regarding information on RAMCOA results in a very insular community where discussing the subject with outsiders becomes difficult due to this inaccessibility of information. And this leads to these survivors feeling all the more cut off from the outside world, left with only the language coined by conspiracy theorists to describe the indescribable.
This inadvertently pushes the narrative of these dangerous conspiracies I've spoken about throughout this post. To once again make myself clear, I believe these victims in as far as I believe they went through something unspeakably traumatic at a very young age.
But with the volume of RAMCOA claims ever-increasing, yet substantiation of those claims ever-lacking, I cannot logically believe that the intense claims purported are completely and factually true given the evidence in front of me.
https://rentry.co/ssct_satanic-ritual-abuse https://scholar.google.com/scholar? hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C24&q=programmed+dissociative+identity+disorder&oq=programmed+diss#d=gs_qabs&t=1715683073093&u=%23p%3Dc6utAUJfID0J
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am1inside · 1 month ago
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A mother’s embrace
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creature-wizard · 1 month ago
Like, antisemitism is a huge factor in the Project Monarch/alter programming/trauma-based mind control myth, but people have got to understand that it's also recycled witch panic. Like, all of the disgusting and immoral stuff they supposedly do at their rituals is literally right out of old witch hunters' manuals.
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multiplicity-positivity · 1 year ago
Here’s some positivity for HC-DID systems!
Highly complex DID, or programmed DID, is a colloquially coined label for systems who have faced programming in some way as an aspect of their trauma history. This form of DID can occur as a result of ritual abuse, organized abuse, and/or mind control, and can leave systems with purposefully formed alters, polyfragmentation, complex internal structures and splitting patterns, and more. HC-DID systems are important members of our community, and deserve to be shown kindness and positivity and treated with respect! Here’s to all the HC-DID systems out there!
🌱 Shoutout to those who are questioning if their system is complex or highly complex in some way!
🌺 Shoutout to HC-DID systems who cannot remember any of their trauma or effectively manage triggers!
🌿 Shoutout to systems with programmed alters who are working to understand how being programmed has impacted their life!
🌼 Shoutout to HC-DID systems who are unable or unwilling to learn about programming at all!
🪴 Shoutout to HC-DID systems who learned about their highly complex nature through therapy or some other form of recovery!
💐 Shoutout to HC-DID systems whose alters have highly specific or specialized roles!
☘️ Shoutout to HC-DID systems with clusters, side systems, or subsystems that are difficult for them to interact with or understand!
🌹 Shoutout to polyfragmented HC-DID systems with a very high alter or fragment count!
🍃 Shoutout to HC-DID systems who have no fully formed or developed headmates, with all alters or parts having a predefined program, role, or purpose!
🌷 Shoutout to those in HC-DID systems who are afraid of their own systems or who are scared of interacting with certain parts, alters, or memories!
🌾 Shoutout to those who wish it was easier to talk about and try to understand their own experiences as HC-DID systems in plural spaces!
To any HC-DID system who sees this, we want to let you know that we see you, we care about you, and we want to support and uplift you however we can! Your voice matters, your system matters, and we are so very proud of all that you have accomplished. Know that just by taking it day by day and trying to live your best life, you have achieved so much, and you deserve recognition and celebration!
We genuinely hope that you can find peace, rest, comfort, recovery, and self-acceptance in your future. Know that no matter how much or little you know about your system, you are real, your trauma was real, and you are deserving of respect, kindness, and understanding today and every day! We are wishing the very best for you and your system, and are rooting for you in all that you do. Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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magnetothemagnificent · 1 year ago
Just saw someone say that RAMCOA "isn't real and is an antisemitic conspiracy theory" which... I don't know. I think that's dismissive of the pervasiveness of Xian abuse and the actual context of RAMCOA. A lot of Xians are involved in organized cults and traffic/abuse people through various means. At the very least I think there is nuance here. I'd like to hear your take though
For those who don't know the acronym, it stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse, and was coined by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), and organization with a history of past and present abuse and corruption.
It's not real. It's a conspiracy that began in the 1980s and 1990s with the Satanic Panic. Some corrupt psychologists practiced "repressed memory recovery", where they convinced their patients that they were ritually abused by satanic cults as children, but forgot about it due to trauma. In reality, it's actually very easy to convince someone that they remember something, even when it didn't actually happen. There is no nuance. While cults absolutely do exist, there is no underground network of cults (Christian or otherwise) engaging in occult ritual sacrifices and abuses. To assert that there is leans deeply into antisemitic and xenophobic conspiracy.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying that certain dissociative disorders aren't real. They've existed before the Satanic Panic and before the epidemic of false memory implanting by psychologists. However, people with trauma disorders are very susceptible to manipulation, especially by mental healthcare professionals. Someone can genuinely believe they were kidnapped by a network of occultists, that doesn't mean it actually happened to them. It also doesn't mean that they're malicious liars- false memories can feel very real, and as we've learned, it's quite easy to convince someone of a memory that didn't happen. People who believe they were victims of these things deserve our compassion- the bad-faith actors are the doctors and therapists who manipulated them, not the people suffering from mental illness.
More reading:
Evidence Against Dr. Colin A. Ross
Dangerous Therapy: The Story of Patricia Burgus and Multiple Personality Disorder
Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary Legend
Martha Ann Tyo v Ross
Satanic Cults, Ritual Abuse, and Moral Panic: Deconstructing a Modern Witch-Hunt
Dutch Investigators Find No Evidence Of Ritual Child Abuse
Supernatural Support Groups: Who Are the UFO Abductees and Ritual-Abuse Survivors?
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ame-col · 5 months ago
All yall anons hiding in my asks, cry about it. I don’t care what arguments about terminology people use, I only have a problem with actively harassing people. Both ratinacoat and some of y’all cocksuckers sending me hate can smd lmao
I stand by my survivor homies, I don’t care what terms they use, whatever feels right for you.
Also do y’all have no reading comprehension? Most of us are fragments, we’ve gone through some serious shit and split quite easily.
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years ago
Do you have any resources for RAMCOA? Resources for like...the types of programs and stuff like that. We're going through things and trying to research and pinpoint things, but finding resources has been absolute hell. If you get this twice, I'm sorry. Our tumblr is kind of shit.
Hello! I have several resources that I think may be helpful to you:
This document (LINK) of "rare programs" and their descriptions, posted by @killercatboys.
Chapters 4 and 7 of Becoming Yourself by Alison Miller (LINK) discuss programming and chapter 7 includes an anecdote with specific programs and definitions. The entire book is really a great read and is geared towards survivors of RAMCOA, just be sure to take it slow and take care of yourself.
Common Programs Observed in Survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse by David W. Neswald (LINK) - massive trigger warning for suicide, self-harm, and abuse.
Spin Programming: A Newly Uncovered Technique of Systematic Mind Control by John D. Lovern (LINK) - includes symptoms, implementation, and uses of spin programs; trigger warning for abuse/torture methods.
Healing the Unimaginable by Alison Miller (LINK) is geared towards therapists and professionals and includes more in-depth information about RAMCOA than Becoming Yourself does. Again, massive trigger warning throughout the book for RAMCOA.
Kinds of Torture Endured in Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - partial list of torture methods used in RAMCOA; trigger warning for abuse, near-death, and torture.
Mind Control: Simple to Complex by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - describes twelve "stages" of mind control and programming, going from outward compliance to torture/trauma-based mind control; trigger warning for descriptions of abuse.
Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides common indicators of TBMC; most survivors of programming will have many of these indicators, but their presence does not prove the existence of TBMC and their absence does not prove that one has not experienced TBMC.
Adult and Adolescent Indicators of Ritual Trauma by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides indicators of ritual abuse in teens and adults; as with the last bullet point, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
Child Indicators of Ritual Abuse Trauma in Play and Art by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides potential indicators of ritualized abuse in children and pre-teens; as with the previous two bullet points, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
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outnumberedsins · 2 months ago
Scripts: What are they, and what aren't they?
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Unfortunately, scripts have been subject to major misinformation within certian OEA spaces. Examples are terms such as 'miniscripts', how many scripts a system can have, what media can be a script, etc. This post will cover all of that, as well as provide sources to the best of my ability. These sources contain material that can be triggering, so please tred carefully.
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What are scripts?
The term 'script' itself is linked to svalispeaks, who is not a good source. However, the concept itself is documented and referenced to in other ways, so please keep that in mind.
Simply put, a 'script' is a piece of media used as an internal organization program to lay out a systems innerworld, hierarchy, and parts. When done properly, scripts will be a seen in almost everything in a systems internal parts. Those scripted in a particular media will have alters based on characters and a piece of the innerworld based on the universe, each serving a specifically programmed purpose.[1, chp 4 & 6][2 , pg 94]
Scripting will typically begin in infancy or very young age, as any programming does. [3][4][5] This is because the older the child is, the more difficult it is to implement programming, as possible dissociative responses and state of integration have already begun to develop. [6]
Groups that attempt scripting are typically large, sophisticated and organized, as they require a substantial amount of space and time (ex. Multiple rooms and prompts, ability to perform wide ranges of abuse, ability to have frequent access to child). [3][4][5][7 , chp 2 & 4]
Internal structures are common in those who have dealt with TBMC. However, not all of them are scripts. The difference between other structures and scripts are the addition of specific media, such as a religious book, to outline the system.
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Scripts vs Forced Introjection
Programmed Introject =/= Script =/= Forced Introject
People often confuse forced introjection for scripts. Sometimes, survivors may even confuse a general introject for a part of a script. While scripts do involve forced introjection, not all forced introjection is scripting.
A script involves more than one alter, programmed around one another, as well as effects to the system structure, innerworlds, and applied programs. Forced introjection does not have to be a part of a script, or even part of OEA at all.
A common example of non-scripted forced introjects, that may themselves be programmed, are abuser introjects. These introjects can be programmed, but may not be a part of a script. [8 , pg 51]
Outside of that, systems may have forced introjects that aren't programmed, or involved in OEA at all. This could be possible from further abuse at a later date, where the perpetrator utilizes the persons CDD to try and get them to split a certian introject. This could be an example of conditioning, but not programming.
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Myths and Misinformation:
1. Any piece of media can be a script.
1a. Viable media for scripting must be simple enough for a young child to understand, must have clear and reoccurring themes and morals, and has a consistent storyline. This is due to age of the victim. Media that has been around for a long time are more than likely able to fit these things, along with the fact that repeat adaptations and reoccurrence of the story is common. New, complicated, and long pieces of media make scripting extremely difficult or impossible. Groups that do have the resources to script victims are more likely to resort to tried and true methods, and media that reflects their values [ex. Religious documents], rather then making up an entirely new scripting method.
2. There is no limit on the number of scripts you can have.
2a. Due to the nature of scripts being the complete base of the system, or a major part of it, it would be incredibly difficult to implement more than one script without it failing and breaking down. The child would become very confused and internal structures wouldn't work as required. There is hardly any reason to have more than one script anyways, given the time and effort gone in to creating one.
3. 'Miniscripts.'
3a. 'Miniscripts' are the idea of a script that purposely only involves one layer, or only a couple of alters. While it is possible to have failed or broken programming that results in a broken script, the purpose of a script itself means that it will inhabit more than just a small area of the system. Like previously mentioned, the presence of multiple scripts can easily cause dysfunction and break down the system. Often, 'miniscripts' are just other organizational programming, forced introjection, or simply introjects by themselves.
4. Every TBMC survivor with a CDD has a script.
4a. This is completely false. In fact, it's likely less common to have a script, let alone a fully functioning/complete one, due to the time and effort it takes to implement. You can be programmed and not have a script. It's possible to not have a script yet have other organizational programming. You do not need one.
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Specific Scripts:
There were a lot of sources on this matter that I've found but don't particularly trust, but have been sited by ones I do. For this reason I have left out mentions of specific scripts as I didn't have detailed references. However, for the sake of this post, I'd like to mention these following specific scripts I've seen mentioned, however brief, in reading:
The Wizard of Oz
Alice In Wonderland
Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales
Original Disney Princesses
Religious Texts
This is not to say these are the only scripts possible, ever. These are just ones I've seen referenced to in a clinical sense, and thus I assume are the most common.
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Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask or reply to this post. A reminder that I am not a professional, I am flawed, and am just doing my best.
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sysmedsaresexist · 8 months ago
I'm doing an essay on RAMCOA myths with a focus on the system community. A lot of it has my own personal experience as a system and survivor but I also want to include quotes from others in the community. That's why I'm doing a small survey! Would you guys be willing to boost it? https://forms.gle/2br6Cso5rkuDp8uC6
Sure! Good luck with your essay!
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