#but not six of crows which I loved
zoueriemandzijnopmars · 6 months
Anyways, has anyone been reading This Woven Kingdom? Because I just finished part 2 (these infinite threads) this weekend and I have conflicting feelings and I wanna talk about it
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mercuryferns · 29 days
So, my Czech friend was telling me something really interesting about Kaz’s name. Apparently in Czech, “kaz” means a flaw, a defect, if you make an adjective of it, it means "rotten". As he said, it suits the “dirtyhands” persona perfectly.
However, this also made me reflect on the more “Dutch inspired” names of the book, and specifically Wylan van Eck. I speak Afrikaans (a Dutch creole). Dutch people can sound off in the comments if it’s different for them, but these languages are obviously mutually intelligible so I’m going to assume what applies to us applies to Dutch too.
Wylan’s name was an issue for me for a huge reason: It’s spelling is aggressively American English, while the character himself is tentatively “Dutch-coded”:
1.) “W” doesn’t exist as a sound in Afrikaans. The letter represents a “v” sound.
2.) “Y” also doesn’t really exist in the same way as it does in English. In English it seemingly means whatever you want it to be in the given moment. But in Afrikaans, it’s “ay”. As in the word “ray”.
3.) “a” never means “ih”. Depending on accent it’s usually either “ah” or “uh”.
This may seem inconsequential, but let me tell you my surprise when my partner told me that his name is actually “WHY-lin”. WHATTTT??? I’ve been saying “VAY-lahn” this whole time????
(Not to mention his surname also means “of me”, which is clever, but to be honest it reads a bit stupidly to someone who speaks the language being imitated. She succeeded in other ways though!)
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Remember when they stole a tank in Six of Crows?
I have not seen enough people talking about that one scene in Six of Crows where Inej, Jesper, and Wylan steal a tank. It is probably my favorite scene in the entire book and I am going to talk about it.
The chaos. The gremlin-ness of all of them. Jesper being so excited to drive the tank. Wylan and Inej manning the turret and laughing their asses off. The tank dragging a dirty, soot-stained banner that says “Fjerdan might” behind it. The poetic revelry and beauty that they all see in the complete and utter destruction they leave in their wake.
The way Nina, Matthias, and Kaz react when they see the tank. Nina starts shouting for joy. Matthias is in so much shock he just does not speak for a minute. Kaz is, and I quote, “grinning like an idiot,” which is one of the only times we see him really truly smile, and it’s an enormous, insane, excited grin. Kaz immediately denies being happy at all and keeps grinning at the tank.
Inej and Wylan popping out of the top and waving to them before blowing up the bridge.
Plus, this is one of the only times we see these characters laugh so much and be so overtly joyful. Wylan laughs so hard his stomach hurts. Kaz is grinning like a little kid. Inej has just bested her abuser and is riding the high of that and of firing a massive gun with Wylan.
And it gives us little snippets of dynamics that aren't focused on as much, like Kaz and Matthias or Inej and Wylan.
Truly one of the most chaotic, hilarious, and fun moments in the entire duology. It’s right up there with Kaz and Wylan crashing through Van Eck’s ceiling and onto a full dinner table to escape the guards, in my opinion.
Anyway I love this scene and we should talk about it more. 1000/10, will continue to re-read forever
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fantastic-nonsense · 8 months
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neptune-scythe · 7 months
Once again going feral over wesper and their queerplatonic feral cat boyfriend that breaks into their house and watches them while they sleep
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jeremysknoxes · 1 year
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reminder that this guy threatened to throw kuwei into the canal
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olskuvallanpoe · 7 months
I’ve noticed this just in my own life so idk if it’s universal, but it seems like people only accept touch aversion as valid if there’s some sort of “reason” behind it. And people especially only really validate FICTIONAL touch aversion as opposed to the touch aversion of real people.
But real people who just ARE touch averse and maybe always have been, seemingly for no “reason,” aren’t treated as valid. Like, personally, I have always been disgusted by touch, and it gives me panic attacks sometimes. Even just the possibility of touch can give me a panic attack, or a crowd of people around me. But it’s not valid because I don’t have a “reason.”
My touch aversion is a huge reason why I relate so much to the character of Kaz Brekker, and Six of Crows felt special to me because my touch aversion looks almost EXACTLY like his. But I realized on a reread that HIS touch aversion will always be viewed as more valid than mine because there is a concrete childhood trauma at the center of it, whereas I couldn’t stand to be touched from the moment I was born. There is no universally-understood-as-bad traumatic event that I can use to explain my touch aversion.
Idrk where I’m going with this. It just makes me kinda sad. People should be more understanding of touch aversion, no matter how or why it has manifested.
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its-tortle · 1 year
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this was the kiss he’d been waiting for. it was a gunshot. it was prairie fire. it was the spin of makker’s wheel. jesper felt the pounding of his heart—or was it wylan’s?—like a stampede in his chest, and the only thought in his head was a happy, startled, oh.
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Kit Young and Jack Wolfe in the “Shadow and Bone Season 2″ blooper reel.
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jazzy-a · 1 year
So... Have we made headcanons and soft scenarios for where Jesper's rings are from yet?
We should start...
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kittywaffles97 · 2 years
Funny how people write Wylan as a soft baby uwu when:
“I’m not big on killing unconscious men.” “We could wake them up.”
“If only I could talk to girls in equations.” “Just girls?”
“Where do you think the money went?” (...) “Bombs?”
he was thrown out of the house because he couldn’t read, yes, but also because he was caught? With his tutor? Doing something else than studying? Hello???
Wylan ran his tongue over his lips and spat in his father's face.
He’s just so fucking brilliant?
Remembering things people tell him word for word? Sometimes entire documents?
Finding ways around his dyslexia?? On his own????
Understanding numbers and chesmistry but also complex technical aspect of anything that comes to demo.
Like when he understood what David Kostyk (so brilliant he and Nadia carried Ravkan thechnical advances on their back) was working on with Nikolaï’s missiles and what was wrong with them on first try.
Wylan shrugged. “Maybe. Not all poisons have an antidote.” Jesper snorted. “That’s why we call him Wylan Van Sunshine.”
Lying to Kaz Brekker
sAsSiNG Kaz Brekker????
“If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” “Take your time.”
Also he’s pretty??? He was told he would make good work in the brothel area with a face like his????
Despite Jesper’s flirting, he’s always the one taking his chances (“Just girls” and the final kiss) Like the only time Jesper’s the one to take the first step, it’s with the wrong dude...
And he’s so morally gray too?
He’ll do anything for the ones he loves.
Even if it’s illegal.
Kaz smoothed a gloved hand over his lapel, looking at no one. “It’s for Inej.” Wylan set down the dirty glasses. “Why didn’t you say so? What do you need?”
Someone needs to do him justice????
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five-of-cr · 1 year
ok but can we PLEASE talk about Her
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theamazingannie · 2 years
Realizing that if the crows get their spin-off and they do the Kuwei storyline then that means we won’t get to see Jack for way too long😭
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monstress · 10 months
there's still gonna be a six of crows movie series right
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hexgrifa · 6 months
Hey! Question: do you ship Nina and Matthias? (Crooked Kingdom version of Matthias not the prejudiced dummy he once was)
Okay. Im going to be careful about my choice of words lest the fandom eat me alive loll.
I do think Helnik is a really good ship! It's important for Nina's development and her story in general!! That being said, im personally a huge fan of Ninej, so yes I understand the ship, but no its not my go to <3
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lady-a-stuff · 2 years
it is impossible not to go feral with Kaz taking someone's eyeball because of Inej scene but while he was madly concern with her and the thought of losing her nearly drove him insane his mind goes back to his revenge, to Pekka and his brother quite quickly
In the dim confines of his cabin, Kaz whispered, “Brick by brick.” Killing Pekka Rollins had always been tempting, but that wasn’t enough. Kaz wanted Rollins brought low. He wanted him to suffer the way Kaz had, the way Jordie had. And snatching thirty million kruge right out of Pekka Rollins’ grubby hands was a very good way to start. Maybe Inej was right. Maybe fate did bother with people like him.
Inej is injured and he needs her to live but the fate put him and Pekka into the same path to Fjerda so Kaz can have his revenge
He tried to think of his brother, of revenge, of Pekka Rollins tied to a chair in the house on Zelverstraat, trade orders stuffed down his throat as Kaz forced him to remember Jordie’s name. But all he could think of was Inej. She had to live. She had to have made it out of the Ice Court. And if she hadn’t, then he had to live to rescue her.
He tries to think about his revenge and his brother, but it's for Inej that he wants to survive, so he can help her if she needs
There was nothing they could do but stand there like fools and watch her shape get smaller in the sky—a distant moon, a fading star, then gone.
Van Eck’s guards and Grisha closed in, sweeping the mercher and the trunk of kruge through the air, onto the waiting brigantine. Vengeance for Jordie, all Kaz had worked for, was slipping away. He didn’t care.
Kaz worked soo hard to get his revenge, to be powerful enough to beat Pekka, and after Inej is taken he doesn't care about it, cause they took her away.
If only Inej could see inside of his mind she wouldn't doubt him the first time he said he would come for her
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