#but i still like how thomas and Martha were alive
oifaaa · 1 year
You know what I cant stand people who try and say that if Martha and Thomas Wayne didn't die when they did and were able to raise Bruce then Bruce would have grown up to be a rich spoiled asshole fuck those guys I actually think Bruce would have turned out better if he had Martha and Thomas with him the whole time
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sakuravalelp · 2 months
Phantom letters - DPXDC PROMPT
The bats wake up one day to the internet going crazy; people around the world were getting letters from they're diseased loved ones. The reactions are mixed, from people being outraged for the "prank" to people crying in melancholy at getting closure.
All the letters have something in common: They're closed with a green sealing wax that had an stylize DP and the name Phantom beneath it. Posts about the cards were using the # Phantom Letters.
The bats are discussing the viral posts in the cave when Alfred comes holding a basket filled with letters, announcing they were left at the doors. The letters had the sealing wax that they recognize from the posts. Checking the cameras they can see how they glitch before the basket appears.
Alfred starts to distribute the letters that had only one destinatary. Letters from each Thomas and Martha to both Bruce and Alfred. Letters from each John and Mary to Dick. A letter from Catherine to Jason. A letter from the Drake's to Tim, and another one to Bruce.
Once they had calmed down enough from the shock, Alfred proceeded to read the shared recipients. From Thomas and Martha to "The grandchildren we never got to meet." From John and Mary to "the family that took our little Robin in." Letters from Catherine to "My little boys family." The letters were directed to people the deceased didn't get to meet.
As much as the mere existence of the letters tugged at their hearts, they decided to not read them until they verified that the handwriting actually belong to the ones it claimed. They checked each letter, and in the end confirmed the letters were in fact from they're lost love ones.
After much discussion, each person makes the decision to read they're own letters later in private, and they proceed to read the ones that shared recipients out loud. The letter mentioned specifics like names and events that the deceased shouldn't have been able to know, including they're vigilante abilities, which had them pause each time to panic a bit. But what was more interested were certain pieces of the letters that mentioned a Prince Phantom.
"Prince Phantom said to don't mention things past our death, but it wasn't a command, so we're hoping this won't be much of a problem." - John and Mary
"I still can't believe Prince Phantom is letting us do this, but I'm so glad." - Catherine
It finally paints the mystery in a more concerning light when at the end of Thomas and Martha's letter there is a call for help.
"We're sorry for ending the letter on a serious tone, but seeing the kind of job you all get involved in, we wanted to ask: Could you please help Prince Phantom? Phantom had asked us to not give information about this, but he's so young, and has already been hurt so much. Please, check on Amity Park, Illinois."
Meanwhile, team Phantom has decided that they needed to get the news about the GIW out of Amity and ask for help. Two problems:
the GIW blocks any technological attempt made.
People might be afraid to learn that ghosts exist and side with the GIW.
As a way to deal with the public image, Phantom opens a possibility that the death have never had:
"All afterlives are open to write letters to their love ones that are still alive today. Nothing that includes threats, and don't go talking about the anti-ecto acts or Amity Park yet, we're trying to ease people into our existence first. Also, I know you all check on your love ones when the veil is thin, but please keep the things you shouldn't know out of the letters if possible. If you want your letter to be sent in the first batch, make sure to deliver your letter before the week ends."
Letters are a good way to reconnect people with the death, they aren't digital, and the GIW won't be able to intercept letters if they're send through inter-dimensional portals. Two birds in one shot.
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Hear me out
Wayne Family court of owls
Can you imagine!? Martha and Thomas Wayne were part of the Court, and obviously Bruce is as well! He’s basically known as the Prince of Gotham anyway. What they don’t know is that he’s always been in line for the position as Voice of the Court.
When the Waynes die, the Talon is sent out to dispose of their killer. Bruce gets closure when the Talon brings him Joe Chill’s head.
Bruce is raised with the near constant protection of the Court (they cannot allow the Wayne name to die out) and when Dick’s parents fall in the circus… Bruce still takes him in. Defying the Court’s excited whispers of the Gray Son joining the ranks as a future talon, letting them know in no uncertain terms that he is now Bruce’s ward and thus untouchable.
Bruce presents Dick with proof of Zuccos… “disappearance” as a welcome home gift and introduces him to the world of the Court. How to manipulate high society and pull string behind the scenes to make the Court stronger, and Gotham a better, safer place.
Bruce never becomes the Batman. But his code name, before and after becoming the Voice of the Court, is still Batman. And Dick’s code name is Robin, now likewise under the Talon’s (Cobb) protection, and a menace to the criminal underworld because he has a penchant for going out into the streets in person instead of acting from the shadows like Bruce. (Poor Talon‘s got his hands full keeping both those idiots alive now).
And then comes Jason, who’s a street kid, and everything the Court would turn their noses up at— but their Voice takes interest in this one, too. And oh do they know by now how this story goes. (Cobb does not despair. He’s TALON. He’s above such silly things as despair. But BOY does he wish he could file for a vacation right now.)
While Dick is the charming circus boy turned court darling turned Robin turned Gray Son of Gotham, Jason is the gutter trash turned son of a billionaire turned youngest acolyte turned Heart of the Court. (Cobb refuses to acknowledge that he might actually like this firecracker of a kid. Wayne can shove his smug little grin where the sun don’t shine-)
I should probably stop now 😭
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bruciemilf · 6 months
Hi, I am simply thinking about what the unhinged Elder Waynes would do if they were still alive when the Clown killed Jason
(I mean thinking about them as grandparent menaces in general is INCREDIBLE
Martha and Cass at a vanity as Martha does her makeup and puts her in family heirloom jewelry? Thomas and Alfred lowkey kidnapping unhinged stalker baby Tim? Thomas painting a pregnant Steph's toenails? Martha becoming Duke's feral PTA mom? Thomas "Dick can do a little homicide, as a treat" Wayne? etc etc???)
They have the patience and the resources to wait out Joker being an ambassador or can get him someplace that even as ambassador he shouldn't be.
Martha and Alfred helping Harley get away from Joker (Thomas is so proud his baby girl is a doctor *SNIFF*)
Also Thomas and Martha being involved with protests all the time and getting arrested all. The. Time. Alfred doesn't come with because someone has to be ready to bail them out along with everyone else who got arrested
Anyway. Thomas Wayne kneecapping the Clown for Jason. That's all.
I genuinely believe Thomas would’ve folded Joker like a wet napkin and send that bitch to hell crawling. Protective Batfamily is one of my all timefavorite tropes!!!
Also, Thomas referring to Harley as his baby girl :(( that’s so real. No thoughts, only Thomas beating himself up for not being there (death will do that to a guy) for her, and Harley fearing she’s too inadequate for love.
If the lowest form of life doesn’t find her worthy, what’s the point?
“Oh, honey. You’re too good for that guy. For anyone . And I’m so sorry he convinced you of the opposite,” just cradling her against his chest, the smears of ice cream on her mouth forgotten,
“Let me tell you. When i walk you down the aisle to Pammy, you know what she’s gonna think? ‘The funniest, prettiest, smartest, craziest woman in the world is gonna be mine forever. How lucky am I?’”
And Martha comforts Bruce when he has yet another argument with Jason, over something tiny, but everything tiny is everything sharp for them, — and she tells him,
“I miss your little tantrums so much,” she sighs, petting his hair, not as curly as hers but just as soft, “You used to stomp your little foot and yank on your daddy’s hand. If that didn’t work, you’d run to your papa and screamed until we started laughing. You’re lucky, you know.”
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nitewrighter · 1 year
So last night I was watching the JLU episode "The Man Who Has Everything" and the plot synopsis was, "Wonder Woman and Batman visit Superman at the Fortress of Solitude for his birthday, only to discover he's been captured by Mongul." And I'm walking in like "Cool, fun, I'm going to see Bruce and Diana punching Mongul while surrounded by a whole bunch of nifty little Fortress of Solitude easter eggs" but NO it turns out that 80% of the episode is Clark trapped in an Illusory Krypton where he has everything he wanted and it turns out that just boils down to being a chill Dad on a farm (but also the farm is on Krypton which didn't die and also his dad is still alive). And when Clark finally realizes that this Krypton is an illusion, he takes his son by the shoulders and he's like "I love you and I'm so proud of you and I remember the day you were born and how it was the happiest day of my life and I am packed with all of these amazing memories of watching you grow up but I don't think you're real" and you straight-up feel your heart get ripped out of your chest at the concept of Supes having to make the conscious decision to part with all this to get back to reality and save his friends
And when Superman finally breaks free of the illusory Krypton he goes completely apeshit on Mongul and it's so satisfying.
But then also Bruce gets trapped in the same 'prison of what you most desire' and it turns out he just wants to see his dad beat the shit out of the dude that killed him and Martha.
It's honestly kind of funny because Clark's 'perfect prison' was this highly complex conceptualization of Krypton where Jor-El is talking about how it took him years to salvage his reputation after mistakenly predicting Krypton's destruction, and Clark's wife is this obvious fusion of both Lois and Lana, and Clark has to remind his kid to take the dog out, and it keeps cutting back to Bruce's fantasy which is just "Hell yeah, Thomas, beat his ass."
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
What characterisation do Thomas and Martha Wayne have (in your opinion. canon is all over the place again)? And how would they interact with the Batkids?
I am a personal fan of Girlboss Martha Wayne, and Kind-soft Thomas Wayne.
The Kanes are a millitary family, so it just makes sense to me that Martha is tougher and all that. And Thomas followed the Hippocratic oath no matter what the circumstance was, so in my brain it makes sense that he was a lot softer.
Though, I don't think Canon Bruce would know Martha's tough side, because she was probably a total boy-mom, and coddled Bruce //pos, but as he grew older, she was definitely the tough love kind of mom. Pretty strict. Made him finish Med school.
idk why, but I feel like they would treat Dick more as their son, because Bruce started parenting him at a young age. Like, if Bruce said yes to Dick, but Martha said no, it was a No. If Dick really wanted something he knew Martha and Bruce would say no to, he would got to Thomas, and yeah.
With Jason, they definitely are more Grandparent-y with him-- at least Thomas is in full on Grandpa mode by the time Jason rolls up, but also, we know Jason's mommy issues. We know he would totally suck-up to Martha. So she would fill in that mother role, but more often than not, she would give Jason what he wanted If Bruce said No to something, Jason would ask Martha, and she'd say yes, and it drives both Bruce and Dick up a wall because Where was this leniancy when they were growing up? (Basically, what I'm saying Bruce is their oldest child, Dick is their middle, and Jason is their youngest-- but Jason is still more Bruce's child, just with more parenting help)
Cass is their little angel. They watch her ballets, and spoil her, and youngest daughter type beat. She's Grandpa's and Daddy's girl. And Martha would love finally having another girl in the family.
Idk if Jason dies in this world or not but either way, I think Martha and Thomas would treat Tim like the kid next door, just to put a bit of emotional distance, or they would treat him more like a grandchild. Though, I do feel like they would play off of Tim's unspoken bounderies.
Steph is the family-friend girlfriend. If yk what I mean. She's the one Martha's rooting for to eventually get with one of her children/grandchildren, and any person Tim, or Cass bring home will most likely never hold the place in Martha's heart reserved for Steph. (this also technically applies to Jason, but Jason never brings anyone home so ya)
Duke would be treated similarly to Tim, they would play off of his bounderies. Be Grandparent-y if he was accepting of that. I mean, Duke's parents are alive, just jokerized, so....
Damian gets the crazy stories from their youth Grandparents. I'm not gonna explain. He's their youngest grandchild. He gets the crazy stories that Blows Dick's mind because "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE CONNECTIONS TO THE MOB, BUBBE???!!!"
Thomas would be against getting any and all of the animals Damian asks for, but then spends more time with Ace and Titus, and Alfred (the cat) and Batcow, and GOLIATH than he does with any of his kids/grandkids. His excuse--"You all moved out! What else am I 'posed to do?"
I also feel like Thomas would play a different sport with each of the kids. Tim taught him how to skateboard, and now he's the coolest grandpa at the skatepark.
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cosmic-crybaby · 10 months
Break My Heart Again- Tommy Shelby x Reader
Part 2
Summary: After being childhood friends, you and Thomas made a promise one day to get married, but when he returns from France, he comes back a completely different man.
Warnings: ANGST, Tommy being a jerk, talk of trauma/death/etc. Platonic(?) betrayal.
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It had been what seemed like weeks after the men were shipped off to France to fight in the war. When in reality, it had been only a week. [Name] had went back to work rather quickly, her mother preferring not to have her daughter mope around the house like a widow. So, she wrote her first letter to him.
You've just left us and it's already quiet here. Too quiet. The betting shop, the street, and the pub are all silent compared to the liveliness we were used to when you were home. When we came back from the platform, Polly, Ada, Martha, and I had walked in silence. Even Finn wasn't being his usual disorderly self. It's almost as if no one knew how to fill the silence. No one can fill the void that you three left.
In all honesty, I am scared. Terrified something will happen, and you won't return home to us. I want you to know how much I think about you, how much I need you to come home to me. I want you to be my first everything, I want you to keep that promise you made me before you left. Even now, as I write this letter, I stare at the ring on my finger, imagining how our future would be. We will pray for you every morning for a safe return.
Stay safe and please watch over each other. We are sending our love and prayers.
Sincerely, Your love [Name].
The whole of Small Heath seemed to be silent the first few days, but the women quickly took over while most of the men were gone. She had worked and worked everyday with the other women in the shop. Polly and Ada were strong women, and they were cracking down on the books like no other. They had involved themselves with their work that [Name] didn't expect her letter to come a few weeks later. Ada came running in with the post, handing her Aunt Polly the letters, and dropping Thomas' letter on the desk in front of her new close friend.
[Name] had never pulled out her letter opener so quickly. She nearly missed the blade as her hands shook to open it. The pages of parchment fell on the desk, unfolding it to read the letter he sent. Her colorful eyes went wide as she read the first page, heart fluttering and beating fast as she imagined his voice saying these words.
When the train had left the station, I had already found myself missing home. We Small Heath boys sat together and no one knew what to say. We try to stay optimistic but news is that the odds are not in our favor. It hits harder the further we are from home. I am currently at a training camp, and even when my face is in the mud I still think of you. Your eyes, your smile, your voice. You visit me in my dreams, even when I'm in this hell you still feel like home.
No matter how long this will last, it will be difficult for you as it is for us. But Polly with take good care of you, you are no doubt a part of this family already. You will soon be a Shelby. I had never forgotten my promise to you. You are my dearest friend, and the most beautiful girl I had ever met. I knew from the day we met, you were special.
I will be safe [Name] I promise you that. We are going to make this out alive and you and I will get married and have our future together, building our legacy. Keep your thoughts clear and your mind positive until our return.
Until I write again my Love, Tommy.
The single tear ran down her cheek. Smiling a bit as she folded the paper again, placing it back in the envelope and into the drawer. Hearing Polly and Ada read the letters out loud from Arthur and John as they laughed through the sniffles. It made her lean back into her chair, looking up from the ring to the ceiling.
"[Name]! What did Tommy say?" Ada ran into her office, leaning on the door frame. [Name] turns to the younger Shelby sibling.
"Wouldn't you like to know," She teased with a light-hearted smirk.
"Come off it, lemme see!" Ada skipped to the desk, sitting down on top as [Name] gave in and took out the letter again, handing it to Ada. She smiles brightly as she read over the letter.
"Oh, [Name], that's so nice...I've never heard him be so...well, that before," She laughed. The girl tsked and grabbed the letters back from the Shelby.
"You'd be surprised, he's quite the romantic," She arched a brow at Ada.
"Yeah sure..." She shook her head.
"How are John and Arthur doing?" She had asked, putting the letters back.
"As good as they can be, [Name]...as good as they can be..." She paused. "Have you talked to Martha?" Ada asked. [Name] shook her head.
"Is she still sick?" She asked, her voice laced with worry.
"We think so, Polly's gonna visit her after work today, give her some medicine make sure she's okay, but just don't say anything to Tommy about it...She doesn't want John to worry," Ada explained.
"Of course, your secret is safe with me," Her lips formed into a tight lipped smile.
"I'll leave ya to write your letters," Ada hopped off of the desk and left her office. [Name] lets out a heavy sigh, moving the record books out of the way to pull the typewriter forward, placing the paper in before thinking of what exactly to write. How she could pour her feelings into one letter. Taking her fingers away from the keys to take a quick prayer, the same prayer that Polly taught all of the girls at the shop.
It had been years since the men from Small Heath had left. During those years, the two of them wrote letters back and forth as often as they could. At some point the letters began to slow. Anyone could imagine the reason why. In the last letter Tommy sent, he gave [Name] an idea of what he had to endure. The carnage and violence was only the beginning. The deaths he encountered, the injury and damage that had happened to him physically and mentally was enough to hurt her. Just from reading it. It was the middle of July of 1918. She was writing another letter to Thomas.
I received your letter last night. I miss you more than words can describe. Everything is starting to feel like normal again, as normal as is can be. I suppose the women taking over the jobs while most of the male population being away was the norm for the time being. It was still strange though. However, business has been slow recently. Ever since Martha had passed Polly and I had been taking turns to take care of the kids. Cooking for them and cleaning up after them nearly every day was just as hard as I imagined, Martha made it look so easy. Please give John my condolences once again and that we are thinking of him. And let me know how he is holding up.
The horses are looking healthy, Curly has been taking good care of them. My mother and I take walks in your uncles yard after dinner nearly every night just to see how the horses are doing, and so far he has been doing a wonderful job.
As much as I want to keep this letter forward-looking and cheerful, I do hope you are doing alright Tommy. The last letter you sent me had me worried for you. You told me you were going to be in charge of digging tunnels to bury explosives, I just hope you make it out alive. You had been there for me when my father had passed, and I hope you will let me be there for you after this is all over. Of course I have no real insight of what you are going through, but I hope you are safe. You were always so determined and strong. Make us proud, you always do.
Please give my love and support to your brothers.
Your Love, [Name].
It took months to receive a letter back. Longer than usual, but you didn't question it as you knew his job was hard, but you'd be lying if part of you didn't think the worst. But those clouds that plagued your mind were clear upon seeing his letter. It was a short one this time, but you imagined that he barely had any time to write these days.
I am writing this by candlelight, Danny and Freddie doing the same. Writing wills and writing home. I have left everything I had to the family, you included. I'm sorry it's not much or what we had planned, but this is inevitable.
Knowing what's waiting at home encourages me and I will do my best to come out alive.
I will make sure to relay your kind words to John next time I see him.
Until I write again, SMG, Tommy.
Her hands shook as she read over the short letter. Again and Again she couldn't believe what he was saying. She set the letter in the desk drawer, along with the other piles of letters, before shutting it. She didn't want to believe it, not one bit. She was still hopeful that he would live. He even said 'Until I write again,'...but she didn't expect the letters to completely stop coming after that. No matter how many letters she had sent his way, she still didn't receive one back.
Weeks had passed, as Ada and Polly were receiving letters back to back every week, while [Name] came to an empty desk, but she never told them, afraid to hear if they received his letters as well or not. It made her heart hurt to think of the possibilities.
On November eleventh, a boy ran through the streets blaring the news. The war had ended. There was a shift in the air after the news broke of the war ending and the men finally returning home. The entirety of Small Heath seemed to be rushing to prepare for the return of the soldiers. Even Polly seemed increasingly distracted as she prepared for the return of her nephews, leaning on [Name] to review additional books and records. But tensions arise further as the official date was announced of the soldiers arrival.
Ada and the other girls grew giddier with each passing day, making [Name] just want to smack them. She was happy for them of course but, how could she witness their excitement for their men if she hadn't heard from hers in months. When the day finally arrived, it felt like the entire town was rushing to the station. Polly and Ada were waiting in anticipation for the train to arrive, while [Name] kept her brows stern in worry as she kept her gaze to the cement floor. She honestly had no idea what to expect. If he wasn't to return she would be heartbroken, if he was she would be confused by the cold shoulder he gave her. The sound of people cheering and screaming caught her attention as the train approached. Polly and Ada pushed their way forward as the train came to a stop. [Name] made sure to hold onto Finn as tight as she could so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
"Where are they?" Polly asked, excitement seeping in her voice.
"I dunno, [Name], do you see 'em?" Ada asked as she pulled her quiet friend along. Her eyes barely scanned the area as families reunited in tears, the boys finding their family members and just melting into their embrace.
"Um..." [Name] tried to get a better look, but the hordes of people blocked her vision.
"[Name]!" Ada called next to her...and she felt your heart drop. "I see them! Aunt Pol, look! There they are!"
[Name] couldn't catch her breath as Ada pointed somewhere in the distance. She squealed as she pulled [Name] with her. The closer they got, the more her heart began to beat. It felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. She almost didn't want to lay her eyes upon them. In fear she would end up like the women receiving bad news that their own soldier had died in the battlefield.
But, she finally looked up. Ada, Finn, and Polly running to hug Arthur and John. [Name] stood in her place as she met this eyes. Those icy blue eyes and suddenly the air flew back into her lungs.
He was alive.
"Thomas?" She called, he stared at her. "Thomas!" She took off from her planted state and ran towards him. Throwing herself in his arms as she held him tightly, his arms wrapped around her tightly as he burred his face into her neck, inhaling deeply. She smelled like florals, an exotic blend of jasmine and violet. She smelled like home.
"You're okay...you're alive," She whispered to remind herself that he was in the flesh. She lifted her head to look at him, tears flooding her eyes as she rekindled with him. His hair was cut, short on the sides and back, nearly to the root with longer hair on the top that draped just across his forehead. The square of his jaw was clenched and sunk at the cheeks, sharp cheek bones...sharp enough to cut glass. Dark circles under his eyes and pale skin, but the same freckles littered his nose and cheeks. He looked so different. But nothing could beat the look in his eyes. He looked like a man that had gone through hell.
She supposed he actually did.
"My love? Are you really here with me?" She asked him, bringing her hands up to his face.
"I am...[Name], I'm here," He slightly smiled at her as he kissed her forehead. She knew he was physically here, but part of her knew mentally...he was distancing himself.
As the days passed, his once beautiful, vibrant blue eyes turned dull and emotionless. Just like before, he was sweet with her at first, but he started to grow cold. On some nights, she would sleep in his small bed, just waiting for him to come home in the late hours. When he did come home late, he would be drunk and simply stumble into bed, the faint smell of roses on his neck. He was a shell of the man she used to love.
One morning, she walked into his office.
"We need to talk," She told him, standing in the doorway sheepishly. He barely looked up at her before lighting a cigarette.
"What is it [Name], I am extremely busy," He huffed. The woman rolled her eyes, clenching her jaw as she closed the door behind her and walked to his desk until she were standing in front of him.
"You have been acting strange with me all these weeks, Tommy...What's happened?" She finally asked.
"Nothing happened, [Name]…Is that all this is about?" He asked, standing to grab some books from his shelf to look over, still avoiding her eyes. She almost felt delirious as she just wanted him to look at her. Her eyes followed him.
"You barely talk to me-"
"We're talking now," He quipped. She refrained from tearing her own hair out at how dismissive he was being.
"What is the point of this conversation [Name]?" He asked, arching a brow as he went back to his desk, again her body followed him, facing him again.
"The point is you don't treat me like I matter to you anymore, you hardly treat me as your bride-to-be let alone a friend! Does our friendship even matter to you anymore?"
He stayed silent as he just kept his head down.
"For Christ sake Thomas, look at me!" She shouted in frustration. His head snapped up to look at her. Surprised she had raised her voice as she had been so quiet since his return.
"You want to know what really happened, [Name]? Eh?" He quickly stood up and stalked towards her, her breath shuttered a bit as she was backed away into the wall, he stood tall over her.
"I saw people die, for four fucken' years! I nearly died in those tunnels, drowning in the mud and still, you assume I'll forget that ever happened?!" He shouted, getting closer.
"I don't blame you for what happened while you were gone...I understand-"
"No you don't [Name], stop fucken' saying you understand me when you don't! You weren't there, you will never understand what happened to me out there!"
"So what changed Thomas?" She asked, her lip trembling a bit. "What did I do to make you treat me this way?"
He scoffed, shaking his head as he pushed himself off of the wall and distanced himself from her.
"I thought you died out there Thomas, you didn't respond to my letters for weeks, I...I was so scared, and to find out you were alive and now? You treat me like a stranger... What did I do wrong?" Her voice was stern, but even Thomas heard the unstable wavering of some of the words. Thomas eyed her, looking at her like she was some common woman, not his closest friend and love of his life.
"You drain me...just being with you is exhausting, I mean for fucks sake [Name], you cling to me more that a fuckin' leach from the cut,"
"A leach?...That's what you think of me now?" She shook her head.
He hesitated.
"So that promise you made me was all fake?"
'What can I say? France gave me clarity..." He shrugged. [Name] was fuming. This wasn't the man she loved. Not anymore.
"I don't know who you think you are, but I loved you Thomas...But you're not the man I fell in love with,"
Thomas bit his lip before reaching into his pocket to grab another cigarette. There was still light in his eyes but he was too deep in his memories of France that he couldn't get out. He hardly slept as he heard the digging in the walls every night. She would have made those noises from his head and those terrors in his dreams if he had just given her the chance. He'd rather spend his nights elsewhere getting drunk and sleeping with the prostitute he met shortly after returning home.
"The old me died in the tunnels..." He spoke softly. She wanted nothing but to just kiss him and tell him everything would be okay. But the memories haunted him. And therefor turned her love away.
"I suppose the new you doesn't have love for anyone?"
"No," He replied quickly.
She nodded slowly. Reaching into her left hand and debating if she wanted to return the ring he gave her before he left. Tears brimmed her eyes as she slipped the gold band off of her finger. Thomas' eyes widened ever so slightly as he watched her walk over to him, grabbing his hand and placing the ring in his palm before folding his fingers over it, moving past him as she left his office without any last words.
she had stormed to her own office, slamming the door and quickly gathering her thoughts before gathering her things. She had left the shop in silence, Polly had called her name as she watched [Name] leave without a trace.
"Where has she gone, why is she leaving?" She asked her nephews and niece before going to investigate the now empty office. Thomas watched in shameful silence as Polly confirmed that her things were gone. Though the reason was unknown, Polly accused of Thomas being the reason for the young woman's departure. After she had voiced her (harsh) words, she left him in silence again.
"Trouble in paradise?" His brother asked, smirking a bit after watched their aunt butchering him with her words.
"Shut up John," He rolled his eyes before returning to work.
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graysonshmayson · 9 months
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OK HEAR ME OUT but I think I finally cracked the code on who these wackos are, and that is none other than the WAYNE FAMILY OF GOTHAM. 
Everyone and their mother has heard about Bruce Wayne, but a lot of people forget how lowkey fucked up his family life is! Starting from this beginning, Bruce Wayne tragically lost his parents, socialites Thomas and Martha. He was a total recluse for a while until he emerged eventually as a charming playboy. He can be a bit of an airhead, but he takes his company, Wayne Enterprises (WE) seriously and it's an old FAMILY BUSINESS. The ages are a little off, but very close to the ages Bruce was when he took in Dick Grayson after his parents died. The records are kept super private, but there was a leak a few years back and it came out that Wayne never technically adopted Grayson. He always called him his “ward”, which is a little outdated, but just means that Wayne was granted custody of Grayson. They’ve never spoken publicly about this. The only rub here is Grayson’s role in the company? Publicly, he took no such role aside from occasional trips to WE, press tours, and attending charity events. But WE is an incredibly vast private company with more sectors than I can count. It’s perfectly reasonable that he might have fulfilled a role we just don’t know about? Like maybe being Wayne’s assistant, or charming people into investing? All we know about the role is that it is dangerous, and doesn’t have to be a child but would be slightly strange if it wasn’t. Sort of stumped me, but I’ll get to it.
According to paparazzi and friend’s social media posts, Grayson moved out of Wayne Manor at 18, probably to go to college, because we know on his LinkedIn that he has several degrees. He kind of went dark during this time, which was hot gossip because he was a big teen heartthrob in Gotham and in the media and he just disappeared. Later that year, Wayne adopted Jason Todd. They kept his family history out of the papers for the most part, BUT I was able to do some digging and ask around Gotham because I know he was adopted from somewhere near the Crime Alley neighborhood (IK, it's like the most Gotham name for a neighborhood, sue us). According to some of Todd’s childhood friends and neighbors, his bio dad was out of the picture and his mom was an addict that OD’d ages ago. He abused, and everyone knew it, was functionally homeless for a time. We don’t know how long the adoption process was or exactly when it happened, but it is pretty self explanatory why Wayne, seeing a dark haired kid without parents in the same area where his parents were killed would fastrack that adoption, especially after Grayson just moved out. Also OP’s comment about J’s room situation tracks because how many people are well off enough to have several empty rooms? PLUS, Jason = J! It just makes sense. Jason later died when he was a teenager in a terrorist attack overseas on WE BUSINESS. Wayne fell out of the public eye for a while, understandably so. The only problem at this junction is that Jason Todd is still dead. Or IS HE? 
My loyal theorists know that I talk about a lot of urban legends/events in my hometown of Gotham and this is one that I haven’t been able to touch on a lot. What if Jason Todd is still alive? Here’s some evidence: Wayne was incredibly quiet about Todd’s death. We’re talking closed casket, no PUBLIC FUNERAL (the dad not inviting OP? Ringing any bells?). Plus, no public funeral for the young son of BRUCE WAYNE is crazy optics-wise!! Plus, there's lots of speculation about some photos that look suspiciously like Todd. This is around Gotham, and AT WAYNE FUNCTIONS. There is this guy in Gotham that has maybe vitiligo or something (which, admittedly, we don’t know if Todd had, but this guy just has a white streak in his hair), but he’s built like a tank and has all these scars. Very scary looking, very RBF. Definitely could be a vengeful person that survived an accident. He has been seen at Wayne events, usually not very social, and has been seen with the Wayne boys around Gotham. A lot of people thought he was a bodyguard, but it could totally be Todd!
I’m not sure exactly why they wouldn’t have announced his return, but it could have something to do with how he got involved with crime. It is no secret that violence, drug trafficking, and just like all crime are rampant in Gotham. It’s also well known that the Wayne family had plenty of mob connections in the past, the most recent being Thomas Wayne’s association with Carmine “The Roman” Falcone, the biggest mob boss in Gotham at the time. Is it so hard to believe that Todd could have utilized these connections to start and continue his life of crime? If he really wanted to get back at his dad, using these connections would be the ultimate spit in the face as Wayne has declared public disdain for the mobs in Gotham. Even if this disdain isn’t true, something we have to keep in mind is that J expects OP’s dad to KILL the man that was behind his death. He believed Bruce Wayne capable of murder and EXPECTED him to do it. It's not hard to speculate how a billionaire could have someone killed, but for Bruce Wayne to kill someone is unthinkable to many. He’s the shining star of our city, Gotham’s certified babygirl and daddy wrapped into one. His philanthropy is staggering and life changing, especially compared to other billionaires and elites. We’re talking about a man known to pay off his barista’s student loans and provide housing to entire homeless camps. I doubt anyone could get away with framing Wayne for murder, so what does J know that we don’t? Perhaps he was expecting him to use his family mob connections to avenge his son's death? But he didn't, OP's dad is someone capable of finding and killing criminals, but refused to. Sounds like a billionaire philanthropist to me.
Here’s where I make a couple leaps. We just don’t know enough about T in the story to make too many connections, but we do know this: T’s father was in an accident and later died. T spent a lot of time with OP’s dad. Then T was then adopted. That brings me to Tim Drake, the third adopted Wayne boy. Note the T in Tim, there. Drake’s biological father was indeed hospitalized and confined to a wheelchair. Classmates and teachers in his high school confirm that Drake was acting out a lot in school and had a strained relationship with his dad. Drake often showed up to school with bruises that he didn’t explain away very well, and it was known that he spent a lot of time with Bruce Wayne. There was actually some concern about it! After Tim’s father died, he was adopted by Bruce Wayne. The problem here is that we don’t have anything that corroborates Tim being T when it comes to interpersonal stuff with OP and his dad. 
OP  says he had established a life in another city by the time T came around asking him to come back. At the age OP was in this post, Dick Grayson was living in Bludhaven, and joined the police force there, a city less than an hour away from Gotham. Totally feasible for a 14 year old kid. He also said that “our line of work” was dangerous, implying that he’s still involved with the occupation he worked with his dad and with his friends after he moved out. It’s possible that he had some sort of side hustle going, but honestly the hardest part about this theory is figuring out what the hell he actually does independent of WE. There’s also Wayne’s mental state to consider. Wayne has never spoken about his own mental health as an adult and OP makes some pretty serious allegations to his fathers mental state and self destructive behavior. We don’t see Wayne exhibit these things. The closest thing we have is anecdotal evidence from many sources that Wayne is incredibly flaky and cancels last minute to events all the time. Could this be him neglecting himself and throwing everything he has into WE?
Moving onto the “Stealing my dad’s son” post, this has SO MUCH INFO. D enters the scene as  a young kid, after an old fling drops him off, which is so clearly DAMIAN WAYNE. Come ON people!!!! We don’t know a lot about how Damian came into his father's custody, but we do know that he was 10 years old and that Bruce Wayne sleeps around. It’s really not surprising that a surprise baby came out of that. We have next no info about Damian’s previous family situation, but he was kept out of the public eye for SO LONG and first hand interactions found him to be abrasive, violent, cocky, and note his overly formal vocabulary. Definitely the type of person to tell his adopted brother to “remember who the blood son is”. Plus, classmates of Damian have expressed how truly odd he is to talk to because of his vocabulary, that is if you can get through a conversation without him threatening to end your bloodline. Typical kid stuff. Sounds very culty to me personally. The whole thing about reconciling his image of his grandfather who he idolized (could have been the cult leader), Wayne seemingly going NC with Damian’s mom, and how hush hush his past is matches very neatly to the cult idea. And there’s like no records at ALL of Damian before he was 10 years old. It could also explain why the dad didn’t trust D for so long, after all that cult brainwashing
Plus some little details lineup here. T being “too much like him”? Tim was literally CEO for a time. OP scorning him? Dick was not seen in Gotham for like a year after he moved out. D is mouth and precocious? Damian is described as a child genius with a very sharp tongue. Around the time of the post, Drake was seen in Gotham less and less, eventually moving to Bludhaven, matching up with how he is no longer working with his father. Plus, Grayson was spotted in Gotham a lot more right before and for a while after Wayne announced Damian Wayne, which correlated with OP sticking around to help train D.
Now for the hard part: OP’s dad was presumed dead and Bruce Wayne is not. Oh, did I say hard? I meant super EASY. I’m not going to bore you with too many corporate details, here but in short Bruce Wayne was missing and Wayne Enterprises COVERED IT UP. Oh, you want evidence? 
March 25th. Bruce Wayne leaves the country on a BUSINESS TRIP. There’s no records about exactly what he’s doing overseas. Bruce Wayne does not step foot on american soil for MONTHS. The public line for the company was that he was on a work trip negotiating a deal and then decided to extend the trip for a long overdue vacation, but emails among board members speculate otherwise. There was a lot of concern about his well being and that his excuses were flimsy. They needed him to come back and he refused. If you look at WE market fluctuations, you can see that stock took a decent hit during this time. Company emails also confirm that no one had talked to Wayne outside of his general statements and very rare board meeting. So, Wayne wasn’t appearing in public, no one spotted him overseas, and he wasn’t running his company. So where was he?
Well, if he disappeared “on the job” like OP said, it makes a lot of sense. We know he was negotiating some sort of deal, and any Gothamite knows that if there's one thing Bruce Wayne is gonna do, he’s gonna get kidnapped. This man is kind, a little stupid, and insanely rich. He is the PERFECT candidate to hold for ransom, but the Bat couldn’t save him overseas. The stock was already taking a hit from his absence, and if they announced he was missing, it would have gotten SO much worse. There’s also the fact that Damian and Wayne’s butler moved out of Wayne Manor and to the penthouse on Wayne Towers. Why would they move out if he was just on vacation? Dick Grayson also left Bludhaven around this time, and there are tons of paparazzi shots of him with Damian in Gotham. 
ONTO THE FAQ. The details added on OP’s updated, answering questions, only support this case, so I’ll do them rapid fire. The dad took therapy consistently when he was young, and I know this is a stretch, but possibly Brruce Wayne’s grief counseling? The only people that live with OPs dad are 2 of the 6 kids and their grandpa. RIght now, Bruce lives with Damian, and his new adoptee Duke Thomas. Them along with OP and his two other brothers only account for 5 of the Wayne children. If only Wayne had another adopted child- OH WAIT HE DOES. She’s not mentioned in the posts (probably because she's an unproblematic queen), but a few years back, Wayne adopted one Cassandra Cain. The grandpa is admittedly a tough one to explain away, but I think it could mean Alfred Pennyworth, the Wayne Family butler. We all know that Wayne’s parents are dead, BUT Pennyworth was granted custody of Wayne after his parents were killed, meaning he raised him since childhood. He would totally be a grandfather figure to the Wayne kids,a dn the phrasing is sort of odd; “he has no family and lives alone now except for 2 of us kids and our grandpa”. No family but the kids have a grandpa? Sounds like a surrogate father to me. 
The only difficult thing to account for in the FAQ is Bruce Wayn being a “haven for wayward teens”. It is no secret that Wayne picks up orphans off the street of Gotham like nobody’s business, but the phrasing seems to imply that there are teens that he works with that aren’t legally his kids. I couldn’t find anything about Wayne working extensively with any youth groups, youth shelters, or nonprofits that would put him in consistent contact with young people. There are some individuals that hang around the family a lot though! Stephanie Brown dated Tim Drake and despite their breakup, still is with the family a lot . Brown is also from the streets of Gotham, went to school in Gotham Heights (so, lower tax bracket). Classmates said her father was in prison and there were rumors that her mother was an addict. She got pregnant as a teenager before giving up the baby for adoption. The point is, she definitely fits the wayward teen bill. Harper and Cullen Row also seem troubled, emancipated from their father and often appearing in public with bruises. Tons of rough looking teens are seen with the Waynes. Yeah, it’s a bit of a tough fit, and these could just be the kids' friends, but I think it's completely plausible that even if they are friends of the Wayne kids, Bruce took some responsibility to help them out. 
The most difficult part of all of this is trying to figure out WHAT the job is that OP made. It’s gotta be something nonessential, but helpful (because it didn't exist before him), would be weird if an adult did it, and can be fulfilled by children. I cannot at all wrap my head around what WE needs for all these teens and sometimes literal children to help with? Is it just like, intern work? My first idea was that it was to use the child card to get investors or cooperation with other entities but I honestly can’t see Wayne pimping out the kids like that. Which leads to the final twist in my theory: the Waynes are still linked to the Mobs in Gotham, and BATMAN. 
Think about it. Thomas Wayne and Carmine Falcone were close associates, and the Waynes are the oldest and wealthiest family in Gotham that we have on public record on being corrupt. Those ties go VERY deep. Thomas Wayne was a good egg, but it's a known fact that Bruce doesn't approve of his mob connections. But criminals are persistent, so I think that Bruce Wayne is trying to take down the mob from the inside. He gets insider information, funds things here and there and then gives the information to Batman, in exchange for protection. This is why he gets saved so fast by Batmans whenever he gets kidnapped, held hostage, etc. It would make sense how Dick, as a child, was able to sneak around or appear innocuous while gathering information. As he got older, he also got very charming, something that would help him get out of binds when he lost the baby factor. It makes sense why kids should take the job, even though it's dangerous, and why wayward teens, often with first hand experience with the violence and issues created by criminals, would give insight and street smarts where Wayne lacks it. It could also explain why he was hesitant to take T on; Tim Drake is from a wealthy family, so he had to prove he could do the job. How did he know about the Job? Probably from a gala or something, high society gossip. Drake was no Wayne, but he was RICH RICH. Again, these connections also explain how J was easily allowed to slip into a life of crime and why he was so mad at the dad for not avenging him. 
These also support my working the idea that Batman is a soldier for the elites of Gotham and our shadow government! If Bruce Wayne is giving information to Batman, it makes sense that he’s also funding him. As many jokes as we make about Wayne being Batman’s sugar daddy, I really think this idea has merit. BUT I am from Gotham, and I center a lot of my theories around my city so maybe some of this is wishful thinking? But I think a LOT of this stuff adds up objectively!!! Anyways, I stand by it, let me know what you think!
⇧ 20k 
SuperFun1229 OP
Oh…. oh my god. Congrats on being my favorite reply because the fuck dude, you are insane for this one. 
⇧ 8k
⇧ 14k 
uhhhhh hey dude. It’s me, you know, T. my lovely boyfriend showed me this post and i IMMEDIATELY made this account to. dude, i cannot BELIEVE you made a reddit AITA thread about us 😭😭😭. i promise u guys im not a victim lmaoooo
my brother, dear OP has neglected to share some interesting details about D, like how he LITERALLY TRIED TO MURDER ME. like pushed me off a roof and tried to stab me multiple times, he wasn’t just sad he was so dangerous.
everyone here says we need boundaries (so real) but i’m gonna tell everyone and J will probably kill you <3
can't wait to hear more updates on our wackadoodle life from you 👍
P.S. some of ur ideas are spot on yall should be detectives
⇧ 18k 
SuperFun1229 OP
He’s told you that?
⇧ 8k
SuperFun1229 OP
It’s been implied 
ASHDHJDHJK OP T SHOWED ME THIS I CANT BELIEVE U FRFR…. Didn't even mention me 💔💔. I just wanna say that we all forgive D for trying to kill T that was soooo forever ago we’re all passed it, he just liked being bitter. Anyway NTA, ur dad can be soso mean and harsh, especially back in the day. But like so can you? Idk you can do the same things when it comes to not trusting people so keep an eye on yourself 💕 
⇧ 15k 
SuperFun1229 OP
I always knew you would find this. 
⇧ 5k
 U were seriously beefing with 12 yo me 😂grow up
⇧ 11k 
SuperFun1229 OP
You CANNOT make fun of me for this shit you’ve fr tried to shoot me for no reason and tried to kill T at like 15 for the same thing 😭 you have no place to talk 
⇧ 11k 
And i’d do it again
⇧ 9k 
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Every Monster Can’t Be Your Kid, Bruce.
Inspired really heavily by You, Me, and the Humanity in Between by JUBE514, which I misunderstood the first time I read it and thought they were all going to be different types of monsters. So Dick & Jason are very close to that story in their origins here. You should absolutely read that fic, because it’s fantastic, but the major take away for my AU is that if you pour enough love into something, it can come to life, and the more life & love it carries the more “real” that life becomes.
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Dick is an antique doll, handed down through generations of Graysons, becoming gradually more alive & aware as time went on. It was John Grayson and eventually his wife Mary who managed to tip Dick over into being animate even when people were watching him. Dick only became more & more real from there, as John & Mary shared their love of flying with him, and eventually shared the spotlight & love of their audience. The circus as a whole saw Dick as a blessing, being fully aware of his inhuman nature but accepting him as a source of good luck… until John & Mary fell, leaving their doll-son behind. Dick could actually see his place in the family he’d been part of turn towards superstitious whispers, as his movements stiffened and his joints became more visible. He wasn’t anyone’s good luck charm anymore.
Bruce also saw how everyone turned on that poor little boy, and rushed to give Dick a place to stay, haunted by the whispers of his own childhood that found ways to blame Bruce for what happened to Thomas & Martha Wayne. Bruce isn’t exactly great at expressing his love, but Dick never needs to doubt it when he can see & feel the evidence right there in his own body. And when Robin met the rest of the hero community, they loved him too, giving Dick the chance to actually grow up for the first time in almost 150yrs.
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The first thing Jason ever experienced was love, as the city itself brought him to life. The second thing was freedom, as Jason slipped from the rooftop he’d been carved for and for the first time experienced flight. The third was agony, as Jason struck the ground and his wings snapped right off.
Jason’s not technically a gargoyle. Gargoyles are structurally important, directing water away from the building, and basically never come to life. Jason is a grotesque, carved for decoration & to ward off evil spirits. Without any family to go to, Jason stuck to that second job, protecting the people of his neighborhood as best he could. Batman investigated what he thought was a new vigilante, and found a boy carved from solid stone who could almost pass for human if he stayed out of the light. Bruce worried Jason would suffer the same rejection Dick had, and offered Jason a home; it took some convincing to tempt Jason away from his territory, as it is in Jason’s nature to stay in place in order to protect, but eventually Jason agreed in exchange for training.
(The new Robin doesn’t bend or jerk the way the last one did, but he hits the ground like a meteor strike, and rakes gouges in brick with his claws. He doesn’t shatter & grin through any injury, because most weapons glance off or shatter themselves against his stony skin.)
(Joker submerged a boy carved from centuries-old limestone in an acid bath, and by the time it was drained there wasn’t enough left to animate. Bruce still called every magician he knew, hoping to hear someone say Jason was still alive despite that.)
(Talia had a marble sculpture carved, and had what was retrieved from Jason’s coffin sealed at its core. It still took one hell of a ritual to bring him back, now with a tail that lashed & wings that swept the ground behind him to go with the fangs & claws he’d always had. The new body was perfect in the way only sculptures can be, and Jason just kept himself covered up rather than bother painting & repainting color onto his skin every time he went out in public, lacking the love to lock it in.)
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Tim was the opposite of his brothers. If you love something, anything, you can bring it to life; if something goes unloved & ignored, on the other hand… Tim just slowly faded into the background of his own life. Nobody talked to him at galas. His parents overlooked him at dinner. Other kids avoided him, while staff wouldn’t look him in the eye. Until one day Tim’s teacher was calling attendance and called Tim’s name three times before Tim abruptly stood up, chair screeching across the floor, and snapped, “I said, I’m right here!” The whole class stared wide-eyed, as though Tim has appeared from nowhere.
Tim learned to take advantage of it. He learned what he could do, as something reality itself sometimes ignored (if Tim closes his eyes and has no one else observing him, he can even bypass laws of physics to move through walls or take a few steps out on open air.) Tim tried to convince himself it was just meta-powers manifesting, and it was pure coincidence how closely his condition mirrored mythical Echo (at least people always hear her voice.)
The only time it doesn’t work is if someone wants to notice Tim. A paradox, as first they need to know the true Tim well enough to want to notice him, rather than their own preconceived notion of Tim or one of the masks that Tim puts on. On the plus side, once Tim became Robin that meant he had people he could reach out to who would answer the phone & talk him through it when reality felt especially swimmy or Tim’s own sense of self might waver. Being overlooked is also just one hell of a superpower, and Tim puts it to good use.
(Tim is eternally annoyed once he starts getting close to people and can no longer slip past them. He demands to know why they can see him, and they’re like, “Because we want to? Because we care about you?” and Tim’s like, “Well that’s inconvenient!”)
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Finding a decapitated teenage girl caught under one of the docks was just an especially depressing day for the Gotham PD. Finding a corpse that grabbed back when the coroner went to move it meant it was time to call in the Batman. Steph didn’t know Morse code and her eyes & ears were currently stuck somewhere in muffled darkness far away from the rest of her, so communication was rough but they eventually got her story out of her. Revenants come back for specific reasons, so it was expected she would be there when her father was apprehended; the words he screamed when he saw her corpse, and the beeline Steph made for the box under his workbench put any remaining doubts to rest. Steph picked the lock by touch, and retrieved her head with a huff of relief.
Then Robin said, “Did you find it?” and Steph jumped, throwing her head at him on instinct. It was very embarrassing for both of them, and when Robin handed Steph her head back and she balanced it back on her neck, she immediately started blushing.
(Bruce buys Steph a whole lot of beautiful “necklaces” to help keep her head balanced. Spoiler is the Headless Horseman of Gotham, and Steph finds it hilarious to play into the image. She no longer experiences true pain, just deep discomfort, and gets very good at lobbing her head like a grisly dodgeball at anyone she dislikes.)
(Steph’s a lot more lively than most people expect of the undead, eating & chattering, even getting sick sometimes. She loudly proclaims that the best part of losing her head is that she no longer has to taste it when she throws up, as long as she’s quick enough removing it—when Steph does puke, it’s mostly bilge-water, no matter what she put in her stomach ahead of time.)
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Cass is a homunculus, but I have no details. Damian’s got his “mixed DNA clone” origin going on. That’s where I’m at with this one.
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distort-opia · 2 years
Can you compile some examples of Batman losing/killing the Joker for whatever reasons and how it has a negative effect on him? Off the top of my head I’m thinking of TBWL and the Arkham series, both in which the death of the Joker haunts and corrupts Bruce. But I’m hoping there’ll be more.
Those two are already solid examples, but if I were to point out some more, there's also Batman: Damned and Injustice: Gods Among Us!
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Batman: Damned #3
Damned can be difficult to interpret at times, but the premise of the story is really interesting. What if Batman was dying? Would he kill or let Joker die, to make sure he wouldn't murder more people after he was gone? (Same question as Endgame, in a way.)
And the answer is that he'd be tempted to. The whole story is a metaphysical journey, in a strange afterlife where we can't be sure what's real and what's symbolic, but the end suggests that Bruce's spirit could not move on with Joker's death on his conscience. And so, at the end of the comic, we see Joker surviving the fall in the water, very reminiscent to his emergence for the first time in The Killing Joke. Though what gets me about this line is that... it isn't "He should be alive," or "He doesn't deserve to die", or any other possible iteration that points to morality or justice. It's Bruce saying "I wish he were still alive." Him, personally, despite all the potential destruction Joker might wreak after he's gone.
And well, we are all familiar with how unhinged Bruce gets in Injustice: Gods Among Us, after Clark kills Joker for what he's done to Metropolis, and to Lois:
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Injustice: Gods Among Us -- Year 1 #11
Bruce's hypocrisy in this comic is... painful, at times. He ends up overlooking crimes done by others in his fight against Clark, but he cannot forgive Clark Joker's murder-- and that's a huge factor contributing to Clark's descent into the dark. Clark didn't just flip a switch and become Evil, he does so progressively, and Bruce could've helped, could've tried to be a friend; but instead he's hostile and interprets every action of Clark's in a negative light, causing him to become defensive and double down more and more.
In the end, there's a reason Clark accuses Bruce of loving Joker. It's not at all out of the blue. A lot of Bruce's behavior in the story of Injustice only makes sense if you take into account the fact he cared about Joker, and that he took his murder personally (yet even then, he cannot admit it).
Anyway! Perhaps Flashpoint Batman attempting to resurrect Martha Wayne in The Fall and the Fallen (his Joker, who he thought had died from a fall), once he's in Bruce's world, counts as a Batman haunted by a Joker's death too.
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Batman (2016) #73
Still sends me that Bruce asks about Martha's fate in Thomas' universe and he's just like "...actually better that you don't know." (And I'm still bitter that DC freaking refuses to show us Bruce reacting to the news of Martha being Joker, despite now it being canon that he knows, as shown in Flashpoint Beyond.)
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talxns · 6 months
hskgkdjd ok so i was doing some research on the idea of bruce never becoming batman and what his life would be like if thomas and martha were never murdered. and of course since this franchise is saturated like an undersea sponge there is canonical rep of this occurring one way or another. this page is from batman (2016) #45.
(spoilers below for the 3 issue long story)
we are shown a timeline where bruce’s parents are not killed, and so he’s just a rich guy not doing much to stop the rampant crime in the city (while being very creepy with his mom apparently).
joker gangs plague the city, dick grayson is batman (who uses guns and mercilessly kills anyone he finds dangerous),
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jason todd is a tire salesman (because GET IT!? JASON TODD. TIRES. THATS HIS WHOLE THING, RIGHT!?)
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tim drake works a boring desk job at one of wayne’s tech companies,
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duke is an invalid, damian was never born, and selina is completely deranged serial killer in arkham asylum and only speaks through meows (why the absence of bruce wayne’s batman would cause this is left as an exercise to the reader).
this is all thanks to booster gold, who is trying to give bruce a wedding gift for his marriage to selina. he has gone back in time to purposefully save bruce’s parents from being murdered. he wants to show how much worse off gotham would be if he didn’t become orphaned/batman. booster gold explains this to this timeline’s bruce who says he always felt like something was “wrong” in his life.
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but everything backfires pretty spectacularly when bruce destroys the time travel device booster gold was planning on using to reverse the whole thing. because. y’know. he’s living pretty fancy free and wants his mom alive so he can still hit on her i guess.
booster gold figures that if he brings selina kyle to bruce, he’ll… idk, have a change of heart because of the power of love.
well he brings selina over who immediately rips thomas’s throat out, and dick shows up to shoot selina, and in the scuffle shoots both her and martha, and then bruce shoots dick.
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bruce’s mission then is to fix booster gold’s time machine so he can take him back to ten minutes before his parents were killed (he’s been training to kill both selina and dick!batman for this purpose). booster gold seizes the opportunity to take bruce back to 10 minutes before thomas and martha wayne were supposed to be killed (when bruce was 8), and forces bruce to watch thomas and martha be killed in crime alley. adult bruce promptly shoots himself in the head after witnessing it. what a romp for the whole family!
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gotham time feat. special guest Phoebe
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what's up everybody, time for a special liveblog featuring the cat who I'm currently babysitting and subjecting to my awful taste in television!
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last time I was babysitting Phoebe and made her watch Gotham with me she tried to smother herself to death in the couch, so I really can't wait to see what she thinks of season 5.
Gotham 5x07
I am actually going to stay mad about how stupid it is that Barbara somehow knows she's pregnant like a week, tops, after she and Jim had sex
the passage of time in this season is in shambles. like it's never been a particularly solid timeline, we are infamously NOT running a tight ship over here on Gotham, but come on
whatever compliment sandwich: sweet young David Mazouz really mastered the Bruce Wayne tendency to stand hunched over a series of maps looking stoic and haunted in a black turtleneck
this episode just casually drops that Bruce's parents were murdered on June 27th and I'm so glad that I'm watching this episode today (June 24th) instead of three days from now because I probably would have been so unnerved seeing the real date reflected back at me from this show that I'd like. I don't know. start believing in angel numbers and crystal healing or something.
Barbara asking Lee to be her obstetrician is actually like. insane 4d chess flirting. yes I still think they should hook up I don't care they've both done worse (Jim)
is Lee even qualified to be an obstetrician.
anyway I don't believe for a second Barbara wouldn't abort that thang for the love of god the city is a smoking crater
this is what happened when Oswald hoards all the Plan B (a joke exclusively for @dykerory and I)
Cameron Monaghan's Jeremiah look is so fugly but that purple (???) lip is kind of cunt cunt serve
once again begging for literally any information on how old the Valeska twins are supposed to be as Jeremiah becomes more and more of a yandere to our little teen Bruce. for those of you just joining us Jeremiah is played by a mid-twenties Monaghan but is old enough to have had a very successful career in architecture prior to becoming basically the Joker, so. truly anyone's guess.
in conclusion: why is he obsessed with this teenager.
sorry maybe I should clarify that the main Bruce plot of this episode is tht Jeremiah has kidnapped and brainwashed a.) Alfred and b.) two randos who have been given plastic surgery to look like Thomas and Martha so that he can force Bruce to relive the night they were murdered BUT with Jeremiah there this time because he's upset that he wasn't there for one of the most important nights of Bruce's life. they're currently having dinner in the Wayne Manor kitchen while Jeremiah breathes heavily at Bruce about how intimate this is.
what I'm saying is that this would all be deeply and upsettingly erotic were one participant not almost certainly too young to vote
like I said the timeline is SO funky and they're so careful to never tell you how old Bruce and Selina are but David Mazouz is 22 RIGHT NOW four years after the series ended. so.
"I've realized if we can't be friends then we can be connected in... other ways" Jeremiah I'm calling the cops
how were the first six episodes so nothing and then this episode has literally everything happening all at the same time
okay so Wayne Manor just got blown to kingdom come
they literally have Ecco zipping around fighting on roller skates... you wanna be Harley soooo bad
honestly love to see the #growth of Oswald not immediately offering to suck off anyone who helps him anymore. Alfred just saved this little bitch's life and Oswald promptly told him to go fuck himself, which rules extra hard because you all know I hate Alfred
man this part in the movie theater is like that part of Joker War in the movie theater if Joker War didn't fucking suck
wanting to kill Bruce's father figure and going after Jim instead of Alfred is so disrespectful jesus christ
also god there's never been a Leslie Thompkins who is LESS of a mother to Bruce get out of here
wait oh my god Selina had a whole thing last episode about how much she hates herself for being too selfish to help when she (at 12 years old) saw Bruce's parents get murdered but she's going to come in now to help him stop Jeremiah from recreating that night with Jim and Lee... I see the vision I GET IT
this is like a freshman level plot to thread the needle on but that's really impressive for Gotham
oh my god Jeremiah fell in a vat at Ace Chemicals that's crazy. I'm sure that'll stick he's definitely dead.
they even managed to cram the Riddler in this episode jesus christ. pengriddler are fighting about Oswald homosexually naming his dog after Ed if you were curious. Oswald would like it to be noted that this was a compliment because he's VERY fond of that dog.
left off on Pengriddler deciding to make nice again and then promptly cuts to Oswald leading Ed into his house... this close to inventing m/m sex in the Gotham universe if Barbara hadn't interrupted
the Riddler has like 9263 unpleasant and unnerving traits but being able to look at a woman who's three days pregnant and instantly clock that she's expecting just rocketed to the top of the list
honestly. honestly. Emmy for Cory Michael Smith's delivery of "it's a submarine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯."
Barbara can't... kill people anymore... because she's pregnant... okay...
if we don't get the rogues throwing a baby shower literally what's the point of anything. this will all be for nothing.
genuinely thank god I'm only doing the one episode tonight this is SO LONG
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lilithmymind · 18 days
I had a very interesting Marmaid/Middle ages AU idea for Batman but thought I wasn't so into it I want to share because I think this is very good.
Let's start with underwater and up world. I decided what it's all takes place in England somewhere at times when witches and demons were actively haunted. It was some small territory where was the main ruler who kinda rules everything(Put any Mayor of Gotham on his place) and here's not much to talk about.
Though underwater world I thought more about. There is a very strict rules to Mermaids, Sirens and I don't have a translate to word Полудницы[Poludnitsy], it was kind of mermaids who just wanted people to have fun so they tickled them to death. Mermaids can't kill even bad people, Sirens can't sing when someone is near so they won't make havock and stay under the watch, Полудницы can't have fun with others and stays under strict watch too (Only when no one is near because that's literally part of a nature of this creatures and without that it would be hard for them to exist since there are already majority of problems with all that stuff in the underwater world). Though all those rules work different for each in the each side of the ocean, but that's the main rules. Under water there was somewhere some main king/queen(Random Mayor of Gotham№2) but each territory has their own little ruler as well. At the territory where I putten this Waynes, as the wealthiest and with the deep connection with king/queen family, are the rulers. Now about the Waynes themselves.
Alfred Pennyworth is a kind and helpful merman but, like many mermaids and mermen, can kill a bad person, thought mostly mermaids kill only ones who treat women badly.
Batman at night is a mysterious knight who, when light from the outside world is down, fightes with everyone who's too cruel and murderous and underwater forces of evil. Due to his armor nobody can tell what specie is it but decided what it's a merman. Though on reality it was Bruce Wayne and he is a Siren.
Waynes always has been Sirens, and a cruel ones, but Thomas and Martha proved what Sirens can be good too and raised Bruce to be a good and lawful too. Once little Bruce and his parents went to watch jellyfishes and when they were already returning they went through short way when pirates was fishing. Thomas and Martha tried to went quite but some Полудниц[Poludnits] Joe Chill decided to play a little perfectly well knowing what this will make pirates react to the sounds of the laughter under water and catch Thomas and Martha while Bruce was standing on the side instead of playing. Joe quickly left once he noticed knights passing by in the further away, leaving kid alone with hatred towards pirates and ones who don't follow underwater law and trauma.
How topic with Bats appeared? Bruce once playing with mermens find some cave where was still water but just a little, while his friends refused to go there with him he did it himself and accidentally got catched in a trap by moving some bricks. His friends quickly went to call adults while Bruce was left with a little amount of water, some dirt and awakened bats flying around and one if them bit him. Later in adulthood he returned there to think how he can name his vigilante persona and a bat sat on his shoulder.
Now I'd want to move to other characters, please:
Mad Hatter is something like Ursula in My little Mermaid, has magic, turns a main character into a human. During one fight with Batman he took his ability to speak and left him only singing, knowing what Batman would never use it, and gave him legs wich made Bat got up and try to survive somehow. Without Batman does havock in an underwater world.
Selina Kyle is an orphan and a thief know as Catwoman for her cat-like outfit and behaviour. She is counted as 'Wanted dead or alive'. She breaks social norms by wearing pants and treating women like equal to men. A good fighter and a good woman though she often uses flirt to make people stop paying attention while she steals their money and jewelries. Also can kill without even blinking. She was the first one who saw some pretty muted man sitting on a rock near water in some random dirty sheet and decided to help him thinking what it is some rich boy with amnesia and no tongue. Kinda interested in him but she don't think this will be big of a deal.
Edward Nashton was Selina's good friend but when he become a priest under the name Edward Nygma they became rivals, If not enemies. Ed became a priest because he wanted to 'Understand God's Riddles' because he always foung bible confusing, people who goes by that religion otherwise of what Bible teaches, and God a man with many questions. That's how appeared his Alter Ego, The Riddler, and he leads a cult of 'The ones who can understand God truly!!!' and hides himself behind clothes what he thinks represent God, always asking not understanding God people riddles about him.
Pamela Isley was a very smart woman who even got an education under the fake man's name and was an alchemist who tried to raise new types of plants, but once she got catched for 'Not following god' and her science was called a Witchcraft, truth about her gender were find which ended bad for Pamela. When Pamela ran out of the gate she tried to escape so she went to the sea, stealing a boat and trying to escape to the ocean, but guards find her and threw a torch in it so Pamela had to jump off. When she hoped to swim away a algae catched her leg, making her drown. Cause technically she was drowned by humans she turned into a Siren and later, after she used her alchemist knowings to raise murderous plans who will listen and follow her orders and few brutal murderers of ships full of people, other underwater creatures called her Poison Ivy.
The Joker was some French guy Jack Napier who met a love of his life and moved to England with her. To get money he wanted to become a jester but failed wich led him to having a deal with pirates. During their heist of very rich and welthy ship he got distracted by a small part of Siren song which made him fall in the waters. Once Batman noticed what, his supposingly lonely practice, has been noticed and what it've done he quickly tried to save the guy, but he lost him, while Jack saw the mysterious Siren(Aka Batsy) and got obsessed with him and, in hopes to catch him later, swam out, losing his mind and totally forgetting about his previous life, including pregnant wife who, without Jack's knowing, already died. He makes himself look totally different and gives himself a name Joker, becoming a captain for pirates and making his group of them. His main goal right now is to find that armored Siren and either take revenge, either marry on him.
Harleen Quinzel was a self-educated but smart woman thought neither her family, neither society appreciated what, which led to a tonns of curses what others said to her and attempts to make her marry rich and shut the fuck up. Once she got caught in the middle of heist of the street by The Joker's pirates and got interested in him. Trying to reach out for him and understand how his mind works she slowly fell into his manipulations and got obsessed with him, but noticing his obsession with a Sirens she left a house at night and made a ritual to become a Mermaid for him. Joker wasn't really happy what she is a mermaid and not a Siren, but he decided to keep her close and called her Harley Quinn.
Jim Gordon was one of the knights which was exhausting for him. He never liked the whole inquisition thing and how othher knights acted, also didn't like church very much and always tried to change the system, getting shutten up immediately and staying alive only because he's the only knight who can lead other morons.
Barbara Gordon has always gotten all smart books from her father, which made her very well educated too, but being a low-class woman made her mostly stay silent about this. Don't like the attention priest Edward gives her and wishes she could born a man to be as cool as her dad, helping people. In secret she actually runs away from home at night to help others but she can't do much. Later when Joker shoots her she loses ability to walk, but after a ritual what Bruce helped her to do she becomes a mermaid, which makes her and Jim's interactions difficult, but they still try to stay one family.
Harvey Dent was a rich kid and the one who always came to court many times, telling about other people's crimes and witchcraft, but often didn't support church and openly called an absurd the whole situation with Pamela or others like that, which led him to a very unpleasant situation. Some church-loving lunatics attacked him, trying to fire him down so 'hell fire will erase his sins' but missed a little bit which made only one half of his body burned. After that Harvey got multiple personality disorder, one of which was Executioner and other were The Judge, but due the fact what people mostly saw only Executioner they called Harvey two-face. Executioner chooses his victims' fate by the flip of the coin which's one side got burned altogether with him.
Dick Grayson was a guy playing with his family in moving circus but during one of the tricks his parents tragically died. Bruce quickly took a kid in and later Dick became a hero of up world, helping Bruce watch it when he returnes under water and becomes a Siren again.
At the start it was supposed to be one-sided Batjokes au where Joker was haunting Batman and once he hears Bruce sing a little bit somewhere he recognizes him and tries to catch him now there and Bruce kinda charms him trying to make him stop being pirate and yada yada yada, but I think it can work with literally any ship and it doesn't matter that much since this setting can have more to itself If someone with imagination will take it and make something out of it.
If someone is interested you can do literally anything with all of this, I'd be glad to watch or read something about it and the way other people view this. You can change it or play with it whatever you want.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
wait I have got to hear your thoughts on bruce being lottie!!
Rewatching Princess and The Frog has got me in a chokehold! But basically, the AU as of now;
It's a well established, well know, well respected fact from the White House to the Bayou; If you ain't Wayne rich, you ain't rich at all.
But you won't catch Thomas Wayne bragging and boosting and yapping about hot cars, or big mansions, or pearly white yachts.
Thomas' pride and joy is one tiny, fawn eyed, overly energetic boy that made Gotham collectively swoon.
"And I want a princess when I grows up!" Bruce is just prancing around in his pink prince costume, adjusting a paper crown that Alfred made, " Or a prince! Can you get me a prince, papa?"
"You know the deal, Bruce; You wish it, daddy grands it; Ain't that right, Martha?"
Martha Kent chuckles in that warm, knowing way of hers. Her friend is infamous for the way he spoils his boy. But the Waynes are good people. And not just because they keep her farm afloat.
"Yeah, you're good on that front. But you know, sweetheart; It doesn't matter if you marry a prince or princess. As long as they make you smile, that's all that matters."
Lois, just a bit older than Bruce, makes a disgusted noise, " I don't want no prince or princess. I just want Princess money."
Bruce squeals, " But a PRINCE. I'd love to marry a Prince. We'd have a big big wedding and the sweetest cake in the world, and everyone would have fun, -- Clark! You gonna be at my wedding, right?"
Clark, dressed up in his blue overalls and paper sword, to fit the knight Bruce always calls him, nods, with a smile that doesn't match his words, " Course I will, Bruce. If you'll have me."
Now. Bruce is so very good at forging fantasies. But when a princess from a far away island rumoured to be populated entirely by women comes into town, it doesn't look like make believe at all.
"Women only? Lucky."
Lois doesn't have the time for dreams; She's a bonafide, concise, straight to the point realist. Taking truth by the throat and brings it to light.
And often enough, truth isn't pretty. And ugly truth, as Parry said, right before booting her right out of her job, doesn't sell.
Luckily, Clark's folks were nice enough to give her a delivery job cause Clark can't drive worth a damn. Still. If she's gonna watch him contain another dreamy sigh for Bruce, she'll blow chunks.
"Did you see her in them papers?! That's the prettiest woman I ever did see!"
Mr. Wayne growls behind his newspaper (that Lois could've written better than fucking JIMMY) and Bruce doubles down, " Um. After mama."
Mr Thomas smiles. "Hm. Guess you're finally getting that princess, huh, Brucie?"
Even in adulthood, Bruce squeals like a strangled kitten, " Where's Clark? Can't have the perfect wedding without the perfect best man!" Lois bites her lip and stacks up the peaches in Mrs. Wayne's Cafe.
After all these years, she just refuses to let that old place go. Lois has to respect that. Martha gives her a sympathetic look, warms her up with a mother's love. " How's work, Lo?"
"It's work, Mrs. Wayne. Thank you for that big order for the masquerade ball. At this point, you're the only ones keeping that farm alive..."
"Give those apples some credit," she winks, but squeezes Lois' hand, " If you ever need anything..."
"Thank you. But I don't take handouts."
"Pride won't buy you food, honey. But I guess I gotta wait for you to open your own newspaper. Then I'll make you rich. You'll see."
Bruce is just hugging and squeezing on Clark's arm, ranting a mile a minute about his wedding colors, his cake flavor, the honeymoon, all while nuzzling Clark's toned arm.
And Clark does what he does best; Hide behind a smile.
Alfred sighs, " If he wasn't mine, I'd whack that boy's head with a pan."
"You'll do no such thing, or so help me!"
"Save it for the after party, Tommy dear," Martha chuckles, " But I gotta understand, -- this Diana lady's making waves. I never even seen a woman talk to the mayor before. Let alone yell at 'Im."
"That's cause Tommy Elliot only wants women under his desk," A roll of the eye, a coil of disgust fanning resentment In her gut, Lois takes the box. "Sides, little miss princess probably ain't better than he is. "
The problem with always looking back is you're never ready for the forward.
When Lois bumps up in something tall, solid, and warm, she thinks its Clark. Except neither she or Clark smell like vanilla ice cream and clean air and blue oceans.
Clark certainly doesn't have long, majestic hair gracefully dancing in the winds. He doesn't have blood red lips, or strong blue eyes.
Clark's eyes were summer sky blue. Not a blue Medusa herself couldn't stone.
And he certainly doesn't make her heart stop with a smirk.
"Well," Diana Fucking Prince says, voice satin and velvet, "I don't know about being a better. But I could change your mind about that."
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asilentguardian · 1 year
Hey friends! Long time no see!!
Just wanted to pop on here to let you know that the fanzine I was apart of (@thebatmanfanbook) just announced that leftover sales will be available later this month!
This means that I can post the piece that I wrote for this zine! This was my first fanzine and I really loved the experience. The book and all of the merch items are truly beautiful and there are so many wonderful artists attached to this project. If you didn't get the chance to grab one the first time around, please consider checking out the left over sale!
My piece is written from Alfred's perspective, which was actually really challenging for me. I'm not used to first person. I'll probably post it on Ao3 later, but for now it's below the cut!
Thursday, November 7th
Bruce came back.
The city has flooded, but Bruce came back. Only for a moment. I could barely see him, crouched in the window of my hospital room. I couldn’t tell if he was injured, but at least he was alive. If I hadn’t been watching the window, I may have missed him.
The hospital has been in overdrive since the explosions rang out around the city.
I can no longer see the streets from the safety of my room. The news has mentioned the Batman a few times, so I know he’s still standing. I don’t doubt that he’s working himself to the bone to try and fix this in any way he can.
I know that Gotham needs him. That his presence is doing more good than he knows, but I can’t help but feel that I need him here more. I fear that he’ll collapse, that he’ll push past his limits and drown in that wretched sea.
He’s always looked more like his mother, but I suppose he’s more like his father than either of us realize. Thomas always loved Gotham more than Gotham loved him—he was committed to the city in the same way he was committed to his family. It seems that Bruce has inherited this. Perhaps he’s inherited that particular brand of Wayne stubbornness, too.
Once Thomas got an idea in his head, it was impossible to sway him. I saw it in Martha, too, and now I see it in Bruce. It scares me how much Bruce reminds me of Thomas. I worry he’ll make the same mistakes.
Thomas was a good man, but he was blinded by his belief in other people. I often wonder why he didn’t come to me before going to see Falcone in the first place. I knew he was worried, agitated by what they were digging up about Martha, but he didn’t say anything. He was never overly candid with me, and I’m afraid that’s another trait he’s passed to his son.
Death has always followed the Waynes, and I fear that it will follow Bruce into this madness. Bruce, who once spent his evenings rescuing bugs from the manor halls, even after being told that they would only find a way back inside. I can’t imagine him committing the kind of violence that lesser men have. But I never imagined Thomas to be one to inflict violence, and, indirectly or not, he was responsible for a man’s death. Perhaps he was even responsible for his own and Martha’s.
This path that Bruce has chosen is not one that will remain bloodless. The weight on his shoulders has already permanently changed him. How much more weight until he breaks under it? How long until I attend another funeral?
I am not a young man, but I have many years left to live. Martha once confided in me all that she had sacrificed to become Bruce’s mother, and that she would do it all twice over. If Bruce has chosen his path, then I must stop shielding myself behind my title. To be truthful, I stopped thinking of myself as Bruce’s butler many years ago. I do not wish to bury my son.
I fear for him. I’ve always worried for him, as parents are wont to do, but this helpless worry is a beast that is still unfamiliar to me. And yet, also as unfamiliar is the bright hope he’s unearthed in me.
I am proud of the effect Bruce has had on Gotham, however small it may be. I know that he can do more, if only he would get out of his own bloody way. Perhaps if he sees the good that Bruce Wayne could accomplish his weight would lessen.
I know he’s made some vows of his own, to his parents and to his city. If this is the path he’s chosen, then I vow to follow him and keep him on the right path. If not for his parents, then for me. If not for his parents, then for himself.
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lilyqueenoffrogs · 1 year
Hometown AU I have kinda gone off the deep end with this one besties....
Okay so, this AU has been rattling around my brain for a long long time and I just recently put it into motion. I want for there to be a series of shorts within this AU but that means I have to actually write and we all know how that goes.
But I digress, HERE is things to know about the Hometown AU:
No Justice League (members are still in story but not as heroes)
No powers
Bruce’s parents are ALIVE (What!?, crazy I know)
There will be no Taila bashing→ Following note: Ra’s is long dead like dead dead (I hit him with my car dead)
Bruce is a doctor and works with Harley and Leslie Thompkins at her practice
Tim’s parents are divorced and he lives with his mom his dad is in California with Dana
Martha, Thomas and Alfred live together….(need I say more)
Dick still does acrobats, Jason plays Baseball and Hockey, Cass Dances, and Damian doesn’t do anything cause he’s a baby
Tim has a weak immune system 
Janet and Talia met at a PTSA meeting and have been friends ever since
The Town is some how close to Kansas and the ocean at the same time (don’t ask questions cause I won't answer)→ I just don’t want to take Clark’s Farm boy life away from him cause he visits his parents like all the time and I won’t take that away from the poor man.
Daina works as a museum historian and also gives tours to local schools she likes to teach them new stuff.
Much Like Clark, Bruce also visits his parents all the time and it may be hard when he’s a doctor but he’s trying his darn best
Dick says he doesn’t have a lot of siblings when his parents and siblings are literally adopting everyone the meet
Dick’s friends are family by association
Thomas and Martha were still shot but they made a full recovery, the shooter was not caught though.→ they know Bruce is still scared about that night.
Bruce is papa bear to the max
Bruce, Oliver, and Harvey are all childhood friends
Duke’s parents aren’t sick 
Duke met the family through dance classes he takes with Cass
The Core Four are all in the same class at school (bless those teachers)
holy shit that’s a lot, but I am far from done. 
okay bye
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