#but i find it quite common for these ones in my experiences because they’re often viewed as ‘dangerous’ or ‘unpalatable’ by society
mlgrace · 14 days
it’s unbelievable how “all people deserve human rights and no matter what circumstances they’re in shouldn’t be stripped of these basic rights” is a controversial statement. people will support human rights until they’re reminded that criminals and those with mental illness and/or addiction and poc and asylum seekers and children also deserve them. it doesn’t suddenly become conditional when someone of a certain demographic has their rights violated because we are in fact all humans actually.
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starmosaics · 2 months
Natal Sun square Uranus
I have this aspect in my chart and it's one of the most challenging ones I have so here's some things I've piled up from my own experience with this aspect and how its manifested within other people's charts;
Those with a Sun square Uranus aspect often experience a strong need for personal freedom and originality. This aspect gives one a drive to break away from the conventional road and way of living to forge something that is uniquely their own. As a result, conformity can feel uncomfortable and frustrating for these individuals. Most people with this aspect feel very drawn to seek out radical and original experiences, often finding themselves fighting against societal expectations and standards. These folks are not seeking conventionality, they're seeking radical and original experiences.
Because of this they can feel out of place a lot of the time. Their takes and opinions may be very outlandish to others because of their free thinking abilities. They may feel like the odd one out, feel like they stick out like a sore thumb, feel like they do not quite fit in, or feel like an outsider within in their environment. Sun-Uranus folks have a very hard time accepting their differences and the things that make them unique at first. Because of their crave for unorthodox experiences, this can lead to feelings of alienation. This can be particularly challenging when their innovative ideas or unconventional approaches are met with resistance or misunderstanding from others. Their sense of not belonging can become a battle within themselves, which could lead to suppressing their unique traits in an attempt to gain acceptance in worst case scenario. They can also end up pretending to be someone they’re not because of rejection from society/others.
This can make one a rule-breaker, an inventor, risk taker, a contrarian, defiant, a rebellion, scientist, alchemist, villain, etc. These people will refuse to do something if it goes against their beliefs or is unethical to them; they can be incredibly set in their own ways. They tend to do things with a different approach that works for them which tends to piss others off, especially those who like control. Often needing to do things differently than the common person, they may purposely take the harder route and go against the grain. This resistance to approach things in a conventional way can be liberating, but can also lead to conflicts and a lack of compromise with those who take more traditional approaches. People usually have a hard time figuring out those who have this aspect.
Those with a Sun-Uranus aspect thrive on innovation and variety. They are unpredictable and hate being told what to do. Their open-mindedness make them willing to try almost anything as they view most things an experience to learn and expand. Nothing feels normal to these folks. Sun-Uranus people are the types to act first, think later. They're also frequently changing things about themselves internally and externally. If stuck in one place for too long, they tend to feel restricted and restless.
Famous people who possess this aspect include; Doja Cat, Dennis Rodman, Elon Musk, RuPaul, Sky Ferreira, Mitski, Grimes, and Frida Kahlo. These people are known for their unconventional lives, innovative ideas, unique/distinctive styles, and refusal to conform to societal norms.
Some scenarios a Sun-Uranus person might experience:
Not trying at all in school because they know it won't be relevant to their future aspirations.
People having to compromise with them a lot because they tend to want to do things their own way.
Leaving their 9-5 job because they got tired of the same day-to-day tasks.
Facing issues in their personal relationships because of lack of communication.
Doing the opposite of what someone wants them to do because they don't like being ordered around.
Getting up and leaving one day without telling anyone because they felt trapped being in one space.
Deciding to do something last minute, neglecting their responsibilities.
Having issues with their bosses or other authority members.
Challenging rules and those of authority because they might believe certain rules don't apply to them.
Waking up one day and deciding they want to completely change their appearance/ways of living.
Creating a trademark for themselves whether it's through fashion, music, art, etc.
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pallastrology · 1 year
🖤 astro notes 🖤
🐇 sun in the eighth house has always interested me, because i have found they try to be seen as enigmatic and shadowy, the way scorpio placements can be. i don’t know if this is a conscious want or a subconscious illumination of those traits due to the sun’s influence, though
🐇 women with cancer and pisces placements often find that they give off a safe, “familiar” vibe. people entrust them with secrets and sensitivities, sometimes without really knowing the native at all. in my experience, it’s most common that men empty their heads into your hands, leaving you unsure of what to do with the pieces
🐇 venus in sagittarius comes across as well-travelled and cultured, even if they’ve never left their hometown. i think it has to do with their dreaminess; they are accepting, intrigued and open to learn from those around them and the wider world. nowadays you don’t even have to leave your house to become acquainted with other cultures and places, either
🐇 sun, moon, venus, jupiter and ceres in the second house can point to a love of cooking. it can be a way to nourish and nurture yourself and your loved ones, a useful skillset and an intersection of art and science. with moon or jupiter in the second especially, the native may have inherited a love or need of cooking
🐇 taurus sun, leo moon natives often become a focal point of their social circles. they have an almost regal energy about them, and when they’re at their best, they can really light up a room and make everyone feel appreciated and welcome. at their worst, they can attract drama and chaos however
🐇 people whose chart falls into a wedge pattern can often, seemingly ironically, find themselves feeling lost and rudderless in life. i think it’s because the rigidity of the pattern leaves little room for exploration, and so the native can feel like they’re being squeezed into a hole. when their path isn’t working out, they can feel there aren’t any other options for them, though this isn’t really true
🐇 natives with significant virgo placements are often quite closely connected to animals; especially house pets. they may be one of those people who always end up making cat friends while out walking, or have a lot of pets, or even work around animals in some way. this is something that shows the softer, more nurturing side of virgo brilliantly
🐇 air moons are incredibly intelligent, but their intellectualising can be a massive pitfall for them. gemini moons overthink to the point of paralysis and catastrophising. libra moons won’t allow themselves to feel “ugly” emotions, and care so much for others’ comfort they push their own feelings aside. aquarius moons turn off their softness and can become cold and seemingly heartless, to their own detriment
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catscidr · 5 months
Could we get some Dottore x escaped experiment reader? Gn if possible, doesn't even have to be smut. I just can't find anything along those lines and I like your writing style :)
i. note — hehehoho i might have uuuhhh used this ask as an excuse to go off a lil and try something new teehee °ᗜ°) but this was really fun to write!! thank you nonnie for the suggestion, and thank you very much for liking my stuff enough to req something!!! i hope u all enjoy ii. includes — dottore, gn!reader iii. cw — unhealthy and toxic dynamics, no dialogue, mentions of cannibalism, mild body horror, one (1) dead body, not quite stockholm syndrome but maybe kinda, reader is a mess and dottore is not a good person (shocker). minors do not interact, age in bio or block. iv. wc — 2k -> posted on ao3 too!
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To humans, running is what they do when they’re late to work, when they’re working out, or even when they’re playing games at recess as children. To predators, running is what they do in order to secure their next meal. To prey, running is what they must do so they can escape from the predator’s clutch in one piece, to not end up as a mangled corpse serving as someone or something’s food. 
You have more in common with prey than you have with humans, despite being one yourself. 
It hasn’t always been that way. One moment you were enjoying the warm afternoon sun of your home region out on a walk, and the other you found yourself thrown over someone’s shoulder with a bag over your head. 
You always find yourself reminiscing, yearning to feel the warmth you felt that day— minus the incident. You used to be a model citizen; someone people would rely on. 
A shame no one helped you when you desperately needed it. 
Your own mind is all you’re left with, as you’re clumsily tripping over your feet, rocks scraping your skin and blood trickling down your legs. The feeling is almost peaceful; but after running for so long, and with how often you’ve gotten yourself in this exact situation, you’re starting to second guess your motive for running in the first place. 
Is it a form of entertainment, are you growing bored of the four padded walls engulfing your five senses at all hours of the day that you feel the need to get the energy out of your body like a hamster does by using the wheel in its cage? Is it to leave the predicament you found yourself in after trusting someone you, under no circumstances, should have trusted? 
Or is it because you gradually have come to find yourself sharing more similarities to a dog, begging its owner to even unenthusiastically throw a plastic frisbee for a smidge of attention to fulfill your need to be seen, to be heard, and now you feel the responsibility to own up to that label you inflicted upon yourself? 
The lines between reality and your thoughts have blurred so much it frightens you. 
...Or, rather, it should scare you. After spending so much time in your own head, one would find that it’s surprisingly easy to come to distrust your own mind. You’re not sure if you should believe what goes through your head, even less believe what you feel. But at the same time, you’re all you have. You have no choice but to trust yourself, even when you shouldn’t. 
Only a select few are aware of how dreadfully strong and outright stubborn the human mind can be, whether it be from their own personal experience or from seeing others slip into a state like yours. 
Unfortunately for you, He’s familiar with your situation. Painfully familiar. 
Sometimes you wish you were a luna moth. Delicate and radiant, people would be torn between praising you for your beauty and shunning you away for the crime of looking different than what they’re used to. You wouldn’t be a butterfly, would not conform to what society wants you to be. You would be able to be who you want, look however you want to without worrying over other’s opinions. 
The people that did like you, though, would treat you with care and would do everything in their power to make your stay in this world a pleasant one. A stay that would only last a week. 
Not long enough for you to become familiar with the horrors that await humanity. Seven days filled with nothing but genuine smiles, void of empty promises. 
You’d crawl out of your cocoon, eat good food, find someone to help continue your bloodline, then die somewhere peaceful and hope that your crumbling, decomposing body will bring relief to someone desperately needing something to eat. 
But you’re not a moth. 
It’s unbearably cold when you come to your senses. Peeling your eyes open, you glance around to find yourself surrounded by cold limestone, barely illuminated by the cave’s entrance just a few feet away. The hairs on your skin rise from the wind guiding snow through the passageway, making you curl into yourself in a pathetic attempt to keep your body’s temperature from dropping too low. 
You look down at yourself; your pants are ripped at the hem, and you see messy splotches of brownish red staining the fabric and your skin, going all the way down to your calloused feet. You’re not sure how long you’ve been out for, but it must have been at least an hour given how the bleeding from the numerous scratches and gashes on your legs stopped without any assistance. 
The cave felt completely foreign to you, but even then, it brought you more comfort than He had. Or at least you think it does. 
You feel free. Despite the way your body shivered endlessly from the wind howling into the cavern, despite the dull but searing pain that made it feel like your feet were scorching that traveled up your legs, despite the way you couldn’t move your lips from how dry and cracked they were, split from sheer cold. 
You think this is the most freedom you’ve felt since you’ve gotten yourself stuck in His maw. 
The wind is reduced to a soft, soothing melody when you wake up again. Almost calming enough for you to drift off to sleep a second time, but a nagging feeling in the depths of your gut told you that it was a bad idea to fall unconscious this time around, so you try to shake off the numbness in your limbs instead of succumbing to the call of the void. 
Standing up proves to be a challenge as your legs buckle under your weight. You catch yourself before you fall, holding onto the rough formation of a rogue stalagmite; it’s a struggle to hold yourself up, but at the very least you didn’t give yourself a concussion. 
The pain isn’t completely unwelcome, though. Your feet are throbbing, and the palm of your hand holding yourself up with the help of the stalagmite stings. As you blink the drowsiness away and the blood begins to flow through your limbs correctly again, you straighten your back to take in your surroundings properly. 
The cave’s entrance was filled with thick snow. There was enough that it would reach your stomach should you walk up to it, ignoring the snow that fell into the grotto, and not the snow that partly obscured your way to the outside world. You can’t see much outside, only the faint outline of pine trees wavering in the distance, far enough that you can only barely make out their form. 
Looking away from the blinding whites outside, you notice how utterly desolate the cavern is. Not even a single trace of a life was left behind in this cold, worn hollow. Maybe it’s better this way. You’re not sure you would have appreciated seeing even a wild hare or a fox in here, much less a bear. 
Sitting down on the rocky ground again to give your legs a break, you take a moment to think back to what got you here in the first place. 
You faintly recall rusty medical equipment, convulsing organs, and seeing Him jot down notes. You remember a plate being handed to you, the vague image of a man covered by a stained sheet of what used to be white, and the bile that rose to your throat when your gaze focused on what was on the plate itself. 
Everyone knew the Doctor was a twisted man, but you doubted He was twisted enough to force someone to cannibalize one of their peers. 
Clearly, you were wrong. 
Then, you remember making a mad dash for the thick iron doors of his laboratory. By the grace of god, you were able to leave; and you now found yourself in this desolate cavern, tucked away from civilization. 
As far as you were aware of. 
But you shouldn’t trust your mind. You knew this, yet you also knew not to trust yourself when you told yourself you couldn’t trust yourself. Simultaneously believing in logic and being a mess of paradoxical jargon— it exhausted you to think about. So you try not to. 
Whether by a stroke of bad luck or because of something else entirely, your dull sense of hearing picks up the faint sound of snow crunching beneath boots. Your hands and legs scramble to take you where you can hide as much of yourself as you can behind a rock formation, and you stare out of the cave’s entrance, holding your breath. 
The sound becomes louder. An almost gentle woosh noise accompanies the scrunch of snow, and soon after it stops, you’re able to make out a blurry figure approaching the cave’s entrance. The icy flakes make way for Him at His command, hand waving to get rid of what was keeping you physically separated from Him. 
The pure white snow behind His body glinted off his intricate accessories, the light forming a halo so otherworldly that it left you utterly breathless. 
His boots make a soft clicking noise against the limestone as He steps into the grotto, your safe haven for however long you had been here— now not. Not a single word left His lips as he assessed your rugged appearance. 
You wish He would smite you right then and there. He was most likely able to, and with ease, but you doubt He would willingly discard one of his longest-running experiments for disobeying a rule that you had broken many times before anyways. 
Your jittery gaze follows His movements as He outstretches His arm, offering you a gloved hand, silent. 
Did he know how much you simultaneously trusted and distrusted your own judgement? You stare at His hand, unmoving, heart racing against your ribcage— torn between bolting away, into the darkness of the cave, or intertwining your fingers with His, allowing Him to take you away voluntarily. 
This was mercy either way. You could either die at the hands of whatever lurked in the shadows of the grotto, or you could die at the hands of the man that brought you so much pain it morphed into comfort, solace. He stood, unmoving. Observing you. 
You knew Him well enough to know that He was taking mental notes on your behavior even now, outside of the familiar comfort of his lab in Haeresys. 
Both options were foolish, but you weren’t exactly known to be in the sanest state of mind. 
Pulling your arms away from your body, you bring a shaky hand up to take ahold of His, allowing Him to pull you up to your feet. You almost fall as a result of your nerves, but thanks to His quick reflexes you find yourself tucked in his arms, cheek pressed up against His navy cravat. The hand that wasn’t holding yours comes up to pat your head, gently untangling the knots that had formed in your hair. You melt into His touch, eyes fluttering shut to bask in the warmth He provided. 
As you stand there with Him, knees weak, body upheld by His will alone, you shove down the thoughts that brew in the forefront of your mind. Usually you would welcome the noise, even be grateful that you, at the very least, had yourself to lean on. But you find yourself wishing to lean on Him more than yourself, both literally and metaphorically, keening at the comfort He brought you. 
You knew you couldn’t trust your mind, so why not trust His instead? If you couldn’t rely on your own instincts, judgement or thoughts, then how bad would it truly be to let someone other than you become fully responsible for your wellbeing? 
You were neither a moth nor human.
You were a dog.
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esther-dot · 10 months
But why do you think jonsa wasn’t more foreshadowed if they’re the main romantic pairing?
Well, I think we have comparable foreshadowing, often as a positive contrast to Jonerys foreshadowing which the entire fandom believes is the big romance of the series, so I’m gonna challenge your premise and argue that it isn't the lack of foreshadowing for Jonsa that you're noticing, but the fandom's refusal to accept it. I believe that's because Jonsa is a threat to their priors (Jon and Dany are the heroes, they will meet, fall in love, and defeat the Others together, something that is impossible to believe when Martin says things like this) rather than it being a fair evaluation of the existence or merit of our foreshadowing.
Below I'll point out a few kinds of foreshadowing/examples and present the similar Jonsa version so you can see what I mean.
The premise for Jonerys seems to be that every similarity in their arcs is a parallel, but they are actually contrasts if you read closely (fedonciadale's post about that), and Sansa too has parallels with Jon as you can see in @thewindsofwolves's beautiful parallel series. Their similar journeys are also captured in this gifset and this gorgeous art, and it is certainly intentional, as Sansa seems to pattern Alayne in part on Jon ie we're being told she's getting to experience parts of his life. And, unlike Dany whose plan to conquer Westeros puts her at odds with the Starks, Sansa and Jon are written as having the same, very simple, compatible dream,
If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya. (ASOS, Sansa II) I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb. (ASOS, Jon XII)
If we're looking for a romance, foreshadowing that is about a personal relationship, this seems pertinent? And then there's Jon's desire to rebuild Winterfell, and the scene of Sansa literally building it out of snow:
Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it. Surely his father would have wanted that, and Robb as well. They would never have wanted the castle left in ruins. (ASOS, Jon XII) The snow fell and the castle rose. Two walls ankle-high, the inner taller than the outer. Towers and turrets, keeps and stairs, a round kitchen, a square armory, the stables along the inside of the west wall. It was only a castle when she began, but before very long Sansa knew it was Winterfell. (ASOS, Sansa VII)
Those two, back-to-back chapters, are absolutely full of parallels. They share a dream, and upon their reunion, will have a common purpose. I'll also link my post about how Sansa's forced marriage to Tyrion has connections to Jon's relationship with Ygritte, and @stormcloudrising's post about the similarities between the interactions of Sansa and the Hound & Jon and Ygritte. There are tons of these, but you get the idea. If we're looking for parallels between experiences, we have them.
Now, a popular method of finding foreshadowing is chapter order, but Jonsa has that too. Here's a 2018 post by @julibf that talks a bit about it, and @istumpysk's ASOS recap talks about that here and here.
There are two moments I've seen Jonerys shippers point to quite often as foreshadowing. Jon and the moon, Dany and the wolf. But the thing is, Sansa is the sun, and one of the "Jonerys" (Jon and the moon) passages has Jon running away from the moon to the cave with the sun (fedonciadale's post about that). The wolf moment also has a Jonsa contrast:
Off in the distance, a wolf howled. The sound made her feel sad and lonely, but no less hungry. As the moon rose above the grasslands, Dany slipped at last into a restless sleep. (ADWD, Daenerys X) All around was empty air and sky, the ground falling away sharply to either side. There was ice underfoot, and broken stones just waiting to turn an ankle, and the wind was howling fiercely. It sounds like a wolf, thought Sansa. A ghost wolf, big as mountains. (AFFC, Alayne II)
Far be it from me to say that Dany hearing a wolf but being lost to her desires and Sansa hearing a wolf, a ghost wolf, and finding it an overwhelming presence (mountain) means something, but if one does, the other does too. And if we're reading them both as foreshadowing, I think there are some reasonable, and unreasonable conclusions to draw from them. So, you can see why imo the fandom employs a double standard in how they weigh the merits of foreshadowing and interpret one as nonexistent and the other as real and positive.
Another oft referenced bit is Dany's vision of the blue flower and the dream of the shadowy lover, so I'll link some analysis of those that I think is far more...uh, shall I say, contextualized. There are @agentrouka-blog's posts on Winter Roses here and here, and her tag for it if you're interested in really exploring it thoroughly. There’s fedoncidale's post about it, her post about the shadowy lover, and @ladyofasoiaf's spec about how the shadow lover foreshadowing is actually Euron.
Oh, and I almost forgot Val who I've seen brought into the picture as foreshadowing for Dany, but there's a funny thing with her hair which again, if we're gonna look at her hair color and say she's a stand-in for Dany, we should be able to look at it and say, ok, but that means over here she's a stand-in for Sansa, and besides, the connotations for Jonerys there are very bad as discovered by @wintersnow39.
Basically, I don't think there's a lack of foreshadowing, I think there's simply a bias in the fandom that rejects Jonsa foreshadowing while happily accepting incredibly similar foreshadowing for other couples.
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toten-kunst · 4 months
behold, my tf2 oc
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more info about him below the cut!!
meet the artist! his real name is oliver pick and he is a sarky little bloke from the city of britsol in england. after a run in with merasmus left his art supplies cursed/enchanted he can now use them either as projectile or melee weapons. mann co. soon gained knowledge of his abilities and hired him to fight in the gravel war alongside the rest of the cast. my bf helped me a lot with his lore ^w^
he is an attack based class, mainly dealing up close hits with a giant paintbrush/pencil or widespread attacks (eg. splattering acidic paint everywhere). i don’t have any illustrated depictions of how his attacks work so sorry. his art supplies have an “attack mode” and a “resting mode”. what this means is when they are in “rest mode” they appear as normal art supplies and when in “attack mode” they enlarge or become more hostile looking. all of his art supplies typically have bright green paint on them to signify their connection to merasmus and glow bright green when they’re preparing to engage in “attack mode”.
in terms of his personality, he is quite introverted and awkward. his only real friend in the base is scout, because he’s one of the younger mercs and artist finds it difficult to converse with the older mercs. he’s 19 years old, so, pretty young compared to the rest of them. here is a more in depth list of what his relationships with the others are like:
scout - pretty close with him in a brotherly way. they tend to shit talk the others most of the time and scout likes to ask him to draw stuff.
soldier - artist is actually kind of afraid of soldier, mainly because he dreads to imagine what would happen if solly found out he was british.
pyro - artist and pyro share a common interest, being art, so they get along fine. pyro likes to put stickers on artist’s art supplies and artist likes to paint on pyro’s mask.
engie - he really really really likes to help engie draft his schematics. engie typically lets him do a few lines at a time before taking over again, because artist is a dumb kid who shouldn’t be trusted with drafting schematics in his eyes.
heavy - heavy tries to take on a more father-like role with artist because he worries for the little baby man. being faced with so much atrocities at such a young age cannot be good for him. artist likes spending time with heavy, playing catch and other such games. he doesn’t really understand why heavy’s so worried about him though.
demoman - demo and artist get along fairly well. artist doesn’t really interact with him often but every time he does it’s always a positive experience. demo typically offers him a drink like that cool uncle at family reunions and he gifts him some shrapnel from the battle field sometimes.
spy - artist hates spy. point blank. even thinking about him makes him wanna throw up. do not ever mention the frenchman to him. ever.
sniper - artist doesn’t really like sniper either. he finds the whole concept of jarate weird and gross. his first death was due to the enemy team’s sniper so there’s also just some mild resentment there.
medic - artist is unbelievably terrified of medic. he’s afraid of the things he’s capable of doing but chooses not to. he’s always avoiding him, even on the battle field. this leads to artist having a very high death streak compared to the others.
so yeah that’s a somewhat-not-really brief overview of my silly little guy!! if you have any questions about him i’m more than willing to answer! thanks for listening to my mad ramblings!!!
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philosophersystem · 6 days
A post trying to make people that suffer from delusions realize they have delusions. by Sayuri, Madara and Mono
So far this is blogpost untested but it aligns with actual used therapeutic strategies. It is also the same approach I used when trying to convince my brother that he has paranoia. I hope this will work for some. If you tried to use this post, please give me feedback in the comments or via DM. I hope it'll be positive feedback in the way that it worked. Though if it doesn't work, I'll work on it based on feedback and science and perfect it :) Edits:
V2 = Expanded the explanation of it and reworded it. V3 = Covered the most common 9 delusion types according to scientific literature and explained the delusions aka "Thinking Patterns" in a less triggering way
Important note: This won't work if the person suffering from delusions doesn't trust you. You need to build trust first.
No guarantee that this will work since it's untested.
Its the third version so far!
Understanding What Your Mind Might Be Telling You
It’s important to acknowledge something right from the start—whatever you’re feeling, you’re not alone. Whether it’s a sense of being watched, the feeling that something extraordinary is happening around you, or a belief that others are out to get you, these experiences can be deeply overwhelming. It’s not easy to live with these thoughts, and it’s understandable to feel anxious, stressed, or even isolated because of them.
Many people have gone through similar things, and that’s why we’re here. Let’s explore some ideas together, with care and understanding. We’re not jumping to conclusions, and we’re not labeling anything—just taking a gentle walk through what might be happening.
Different Types of Thinking Patterns
Before we go any further, it’s helpful to know that people can experience many different kinds of thinking patterns. You might relate to one of these, or a combination, and that’s okay. Here are some of the most common types:
Persecutory Thinking Patterns Sometimes, it can feel like others are paying too much attention to you, maybe even watching or monitoring you. You might have the sense that people are trying to harm you or plot against you in some way. These thoughts can be very stressful, and many people experience this kind of thinking, especially when they’re feeling anxious or vulnerable. How common? Quite common, especially when people feel unsafe or are going through challenging situations.
Grandiose Thinking Patterns Have you ever felt like you have unique abilities, talents, or that you’re meant for something extraordinary? Maybe there’s a belief that you hold a special status or role that others might not fully understand. It’s natural to feel this way sometimes, especially during moments of emotional highs or intense focus on your sense of purpose. How common? This type of thinking is also common and tends to happen more when someone’s mood is elevated or they’re feeling especially confident or excited.
Thinking Patterns of Personal Significance Sometimes, you might notice that everyday events or things happening around you seem to be connected to you in a special way, almost like they hold a personal message or meaning for you. These patterns often come up when we’re feeling hyper-aware of our surroundings and searching for signs or meaning in what’s happening. How common? It’s quite frequent to experience these thoughts when we feel more sensitive to what’s happening around us or when we’re trying to find meaning in our experiences.
Somatic Thinking Patterns You may feel like something is not quite right with your body, like there’s a serious health issue that others don’t seem to notice. It could be sensations or discomfort that feel very real, even when tests or doctors suggest everything is okay. These thoughts can arise when you’re particularly focused on your body or health. How common? This type of thinking occurs moderately often, especially for those who are concerned about their health or bodily sensations.
Suspicious Thinking Patterns (Jealous Thinking) Have you ever found yourself feeling suspicious that someone close to you, like a partner, might be hiding something or not being completely truthful? These thoughts can come from a place of worry or fear of losing trust in someone, even when there may not be any clear signs of dishonesty. How common? This happens occasionally and often surfaces when people feel insecure or uncertain about their relationships.
Thinking Patterns Around Control (Thought Insertion/Broadcasting) It might sometimes feel like your thoughts aren’t entirely your own, or that someone else is influencing your actions. Perhaps there’s a sense that your thoughts are being broadcast or shared with others without your consent. These experiences can feel unsettling, especially when you’re under stress or feeling disconnected from yourself. How common? These kinds of thoughts can be moderately common, especially during times of high stress or when someone feels out of control.
Romantic Connection Thinking Patterns (Erotomanic) You might feel a deep connection with someone, maybe someone you admire or look up to, and believe that they feel the same way about you. It’s possible to feel that this person is reaching out to you in subtle ways, even when there hasn’t been direct communication. This often happens when we’re longing for connection or feel emotionally linked to someone. How common? This type of thinking is less frequent but can happen when feelings of admiration or connection are especially strong.
Existential or Disconnected Thinking Patterns (Nihilistic) There might be times when life feels strange or unreal, or when you feel disconnected from yourself or the world around you. It may feel like you, or even the world, don’t truly exist, or that something fundamental has changed in a way that’s hard to explain. How common? These thoughts are less common, but they do occur, especially when someone is feeling deeply disconnected or going through difficult emotional periods.
Spiritual or Religious Thinking Patterns Have you ever felt like you have a special connection to a higher power or that you’ve been chosen for a divine mission? These kinds of thoughts often come from a deep place of faith or spiritual searching and can bring a sense of purpose or importance, especially during times of self-reflection or stress. How common? This thinking pattern is seen fairly often, especially for those who have strong spiritual or religious beliefs.
Sometimes, Our Minds Connect Dots That Aren’t Really Connected
What if these feelings are your brain’s way of trying to protect you from something? It’s possible that stress, anxiety, or a deep emotional experience might be amplifying your thoughts, making things seem more connected than they really are.
Have you ever noticed that your mind sometimes connects things—like seeing someone glance your way, or hearing a random comment—and it starts to feel like those things are all part of a bigger picture? It’s completely natural for our minds to try to make sense of things when we’re under pressure or when we’re feeling on edge. Our brains are wired to look for patterns, even when there may not be one.
Could There Be Other Explanations?
It can be tough to think this way when everything feels so real, but what if there are other explanations? Have you ever noticed that sometimes things aren’t as connected as they seem in the moment?
For example, a car following the same route as you might just be heading in the same direction, or a person staring at you could simply be lost in thought. These things don’t always mean what we think they do, but our minds can sometimes make these connections, especially when we’re feeling stressed or anxious.
You’re Not Alone—These Feelings Are More Common Than You Think
It might surprise you to know that a lot of people experience thoughts like this at different points in their lives. Under stress, anxiety, or even after major life changes, many people start to notice things that feel connected in ways they weren’t before. It’s actually quite common, and you’re definitely not alone in feeling this way.
There are stories of people who felt like something extraordinary was happening in their lives—whether it was a sense of being watched, or a belief that they had special powers—but with time, they learned that these thoughts were being influenced by things like stress, anxiety, or other emotions. These individuals often found peace through talking to a professional, learning to manage their emotions, and slowly understanding that their minds were working in overdrive.
There’s Always a Way Forward—Let’s Take It One Step at a Time
Here’s the good news: there are ways to feel better. You don’t have to deal with these feelings on your own, and you certainly don’t have to go through this without support. There’s always a way forward.
You might find it helpful to talk to someone about what’s going on. A professional could help you work through these feelings in a way that feels safe and comfortable. Maybe they can help you explore other explanations for the things you’ve been noticing. This isn’t about forcing any answers—it’s about finding relief and clarity, one step at a time.
You Deserve Peace—And Here’s a Little More to Know
I’m not here to tell you what’s happening in your mind, because only you know how real these experiences feel. But I want to reassure you that whatever you’re going through, you deserve to find peace. If there’s even a small chance that talking to someone or exploring other explanations could help, then that’s a step worth considering.
You’ve been reading about different thinking patterns—those moments when our minds connect things in ways that might not be fully accurate. And here’s something that might surprise you: in mental health, these types of thinking patterns are actually known as delusions.
I know that word can sound a little intense, but it’s really just a way of describing how our minds can sometimes create strong beliefs or ideas that don’t match up with reality. And the good news? Delusions, or thinking patterns like these, are something that many people experience, and they’re something that can be worked on and managed with the right support.
There are also medications that help with delusions that you could try out for a few weeks to months. If you're unsure that you're suffering from delusions, it could never hurt to go to a psychiatrist and try that experiment!
You don't have to try them out forever, just for a few weeks to months.
You’re doing great just by being open to thinking about these things. Take your time, and remember that you’re not alone in this. There’s hope, and there’s always a way to feel better.
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apriciticreveries · 8 days
ok so . . this . . is seriously my last lil guy . . im really done this time . . i don’t think i can keep up with posting about all of them consistently and equally,
and since i actually rushed all of their existences, and also just made a lot of them on whims, ill be honest . . im not even that attached to like, any of them anymore ( which means that im not motivated or interested in thinking about them or expanding them ) 😭
ill try to be, but im really, really struggling . even with zero who i wanted to spend more time on but ended up rushing too in the end . .
welp, anyways,
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introducing zero !
honestly made this one on a whim . started out wanting to tailor him to @junebluues sirius, but eventually kinda lost my way on that route . also kinda rushed his profile since i promised it today . but,
here’s some additional and extra details on him ! :
he / him pronouns, but he’s more genderfluid in general . . also, he’s both demiromatic, and demisexual . though he struggles a bit with physical intimacy .
his guardian is named guardian keirii ! although there’s not much information about them, but they’re known to be a pretty rare species of segyein, similar to phan, hyuna’s guardian . they’re also a researcher who specializes in ▉▉▉▉▉▉ !
not a very opinionated guy . pretty neutral on everything, unintentionally uninfluenced, in a way . because of this, he often just takes popular or common opinions as examples when asked particular things .
^ partly because he wasnt really attended to, and wasn’t opened to any outside experiences . in his younger years with keirii, he was often locked in his room for days, the door only being opened for him to be given food and water, but when he got older, he was free to wander around the lab . ( as long as he didnt touch anything . )
( this also kinda stunted his emotional and imagination growth, so he’s commonly logical in a lot of things, and can also be cruelly apathetic towards others . he lacks a lot of basic human compassion and empathy, too . )
his like for sirius ( although it’s still generally a like ), is more of an interest ! hes aware of their true nature ( and other actions ), and as a result finds them quite intriguing . he also finds their presence quite pleasant . ( basically, “ huh . i actually really like you . . “ )
calming but also unsettling to be around at times .
plain asf . he gets good grades in all fields but nothing really sticks out about him . easily forgettable .
anyways, that’s all for now . . i shall do some lore posting about him next ( i think ) . . oh, here’s his full profile without the error sign !
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credits to @shakingparadigm for the profile assets ^^ !
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ghostly-runes · 22 days
Deaf/Hard of hearing Black family (And a bit of the Tonks/Rosier/Malfoy/Lupin/Riddle family (Pretty much everyone in the family tree I could think of))
Note: I am not deaf but I am disabled so I am somewhat pulling from my experiences so, if I get anything wrong or am insensitive in anyway please please let me know
- Sirius was born hard of hearing but never got the support he needed in childhood
- He didn’t know and wasn’t taught sign language until he was older and could learn it by himself
- Regulus and Andromeda were the only ones to learn BSL (British sign language) with him (More so Reg than Andy because he lived with Sirius)
- Deafness runs in the Black family but most of them learn to live with it so they don’t seem “crippled” (Narcissa and Orion are the only ones that aren’t hard of hearing or deaf in the family)
- Regulus grew up hearing but midway though his years at hogwarts he started losing his hearing (Pandora pointed it out)
- This is one of the few times during their years at Hogwarts and after Sirius runs away, that Regulus comes to Sirius because “How can he be the perfect heir if he’s ‘defected’. ”
- They had a long conversation about how that didn’t determine his worth and he wasn’t ‘defected’ or anything of that sort
- In a They all live!AU Regulus would have been completely deaf by 30
- Luckily though, at the age of 15 Regulus has a close knit friend group and they’re all willing to learn sign language for him (He sucks at lip reading)
- Sirius also has incredibly close friend group and they all start to learn sign language for Sirius, even if it’s just common signs
- Sirius actually doesn’t tell his friends that he’s hard of hearing, James just picks it up 2nd yr and when asked Sirius tries to deny it but he sucks at lying to James
- After a bit they tell Peter and then Remus
- After Remus, Sirius finds it gets easier and easier to tell his friends and soon most (if not his whole) friend group knows
- Regulus on the other hand doesn’t tell anyone but Dorcas, Barty, Evan, Pandora and Sirius for a while. (James and Lily have to learn about it from Sirius)
- Andromeda is born completely deaf and it scares her mother half to death because it’s not often that the Black children are born that way
- Because of this she isn’t able to talk very clearly and struggles quite a lot
- Bellatrix, like Sirius is Born hard of hearing but her mother is a little more accepting of it and makes sure her daughters learn sign language
- So the girls grow up learning and knowing LSF (Langue des signes française/French sign language)
- They teach the brothers bits and pieces when they get the chance but Orion refuses to let them use it in the house
- Orion and Cyprus both don’t start becoming hard of hearing until they are teenagers and even then they never go completely deaf
- Walburga was born hard of hearing like Sirius and was considered a failure by her mother for this (she continued the cycle of this to Sirius)
- Alphard was not born completely deaf but is by the time he is a small child he is (His parents are reallyyy not happy about this)
- Because he went deaf after he began to talk he can talk mostly clearly, he does struggle a bit at times but it’s not normally noticeable
- However, he cannot speak English as he didn’t learn any before going deaf (French is his first language) and he only knows bsl after he moves out
- Tonks (Nymphadora) is born hard of hearing and grows up in a house that uses sign language
- Draco, like his mother is one of the few family members that are born hearing but he starts losing his hearing a bit earlier than most folks
- Teddy is also born hearing but grows up with Andromeda so they learn sign language as one of their first languages
- Scorpius was surprisingly born hard of hearing considering his mother, father and grandparents are not deaf or hard of hearing
- But not to worry, the family trauma is being healed and he grows up with a good support system and people who know sign language and use it with him
- Delphi and born hearing and doesn’t usually have any problems with her hearing until she’s a preteen
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markerofthemidnight · 6 months
Danganronpa Settings And Why They Work
(and also an analysis on Blackened Skies and Project: Eden’s Garden’s settings because why not)
I’ve had a pretty long day today and I’m currently nursing a mental headache that’s slowly over time evolved into a physical headache. What better way that to try and help with that then to get my brain working in an analytical way?
So, Danganronpa settings are cool and interesting. There’s a lot of different ways you can take them, but- as we’ll soon see when we get into this analysis properly- most take the form of some kind of prestigious or fancy area that’s been twisted into a mockery of itself.
Another thing they have in common is that wether a school like in DR1 or a chain of islands like in DR2, Danganronpa settings are secluded places closed off from the outside world, naturally as the goal is to get out. If it would be possible to escape it in normal circumstances, it isn’t now.
So without further ado, let’s talk about them:
Hope’s Peak Academy - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Hope’s Peak is the main standard that all DR settings meet, as it is the first in the franchise. As to be expected from such, it’s rather straightforward when you get down to it, but there are a few interesting details:
Hope’s Peak is a prestigious academy for Ultimates that’s been turned and twisted by Monokuma into a frightening, almost claustrophobic nightmare.
And boy, is its appearance good at nailing that frightening feeling down and making it feel even more oppressive.
The school- specifically around the ground and first floors- is filled with these bright colours all over the walls and floors, in a way that, in any other case, would probably feel bright and happy, but now taken to such an gaudy extreme that it circles back around to being uncomfortable. It’s really dark, too. The shadows feel unnaturally strong.
Why, exactly? Well, if you ask me, that’s because we know that schools aren’t supposed to look like this. Colouring in real schools, to my experience anyways, tends to be quite muted. There might be a splash of colour here and there, but nowhere near like the way it is in Hope’s Peak where you’ve got countless colours being thrown at you and none seem any more overpowering than the other.
The best part about this effect is that, as I specified earlier, it’s most noticeable in the first two floors: ie, Chapter 1. The chapter where finding a way out of the school, no matter the cost, was at its most important: the rest of the game seemed to be more focused on why it was happening, and as soon as that was resolved, the issue of them being stuck there was fixed almost immediately after.
Also, is it just me, or do the rooms in Hope’s Peak either feel incredibly claustrophobic or incredibly agoraphobic?
The 2D rooms feel claustrophobic, since they all open up with the little cardboard cutout props appearing into the room, either popping up by themselves or scuttling in from offscreen.
The 3D rooms feel agoraphobic, since they’re rooms that, unlike the rest, you can move around in, and often tend to be incredibly big compared to all the rest.
Either way, there’s a sense of dread following you wherever you go in Hope’s Peak, and that does a lot to add to the overall feel of the game.
Setting Ranking: 8/10
Jabberwock Island - Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Now, Jabberwock is where things get interesting. This actually might be the most interesting setting on the list, now that I think about it: first of all, it’s the only entry on the list to be set outside rather than inside.
Secondly, and less obviously, getting off the island wasn’t really that… important in DR2? The game, at least the first few chapters, was more focused on getting it back from Monokuma.
However, there is one thing of interest about Jabberwock Island that I feel like I need to bring up: the sheer uncanniness of it.
It’s not as obvious as it was it Hope’s Peak, for multiple reasons (the game’s on an island so it feels more open, the sun’s almost always shining so there aren’t any strong shadows, and while there are still a lot of different colours, they don’t contrast each other and instead come together in a beautiful tropical aesthetic) but that’s all balanced out by Hajime repeatedly stressing, in the prologue, that something is wrong with the island.
And I have to say, I can’t blame him. Jabberwock, specifically the first island, feels almost… too perfect. The sky feels too blue, the beach too yellow, the whole situation is just too good to be true.
Rocketpunch has just about everything you could ever want, even if it shouldn’t realistically be found in a supermarket, like night-vision goggles. The hotel has personal cottages for everyone- all separate buildings no less, not different rooms in the same building- and its own restaurant.
Just like Hope’s Peak, there’s a sort of uncanniness to Jabberwock. An uncanniness that is repeatedly stressed by Hajime, specifically near the beginning of the game.
Admittedly, that uncanniness sort of… dies down after the first half of Chapter 1. I feel like SDR2 probably should have leaned harder into it, but I realise why it didn’t.
The uncanniness is replaced with a more desolate feeling in the 3rd and 5th islands, not to mention… you know what? This deserves its own section.
The Funhouse
Admittedly, there are times in the game where you come to appreciate the fun island aesthetic. The soundtrack, specifically Beautiful Ruin, really nails that feeling: it reminds you that, no matter what Monokuma and his killing game leads you to think, you were originally supposed to enjoy the school trip.
So naturally, the Funhouse segment says to you, “Hey, you know that fun feeling you’ve been appreciating while you can this whole game? Let me hold that for a second,” rips it straight out of your hands before you can even answer, and throws it out of the window for the rest of the chapter.
The Funhouse is everything I described earlier about Hope’s Peak but amplified to 11. The bright, eye-burning colours are back with a vengeance: but whereas Hope’s Peak at least had different sets of eye-burning colours, here, it’s just the same two dumbass patterns on bright lime green and pink wherever you go.
Also, since the Funhouse seems to consist mainly of 3D segments, you’d think it leans harder into Hope’s Peak’s agoraphobia, right? No, actually, it manages to flip that concept on its head: somehow, the 2D rooms seem too big and the 3D ones seem too small.
The fact that the entire cast are slowly starving whilst having to look at images of strawberries and grapes wherever they go just add to that feeling.
Setting Ranking: 7.5/10 (The Funhouse: 4/5)
The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Now, I’m probably gonna say this a lot in this analysis, but the Ultimate Academy is… interesting, because it doesn’t really feel like the first two.
It doesn’t have the same uncanny vibe that Jabberwock and Hope’s Peak have: rather, it feels more desolate. The sort of dreary aesthetic it has, and the overgrowth everywhere, adds to that feeling. That your life ends there.
But then, there’s the more futuristic aspects of it. The technology in the school feels high-end, like it takes place a few decades in the future.
Sure, it can be written off as the futuristic parts being Monokuma’s renovations and that the school itself is ancient… but you can never really tell.
And then there’s the Ultimate labs. I don’t know about you, but they’re probably my favourite part of the setting: they’re just so interesting!
We never got anything close to a talent lab in any of the other games… and for good reason, because I couldn’t see it working in any of the other ones.
I think we can all agree on this: if there wasn’t a Killing Game going on, and the place was cleaned up a little, the Ultimate Academy would be a really good place to stay, and the talent labs are part of the reason why this is, wouldn’t you agree?
The characters certainly seem to agree. The only ones who seemed to outright dislike their labs were Ryoma and Maki, who never liked their talents themselves to begin with.
All of the above come together to create a sort of… conflicting feeling about the Academy. Do you like it, or do you not? Is it futuristic, or is it from the past?
Which, I’d say, is quite fitting for a game about the relationship between truth and lies. It makes you question the reality around you…
And then there’s the End Wall. I… honestly don’t have much to say about it. It’s certainly interesting, but probably the most I could add to how it makes one feel is that really pins down the feeling of being trapped, and its sheer size makes you feel a part of something bigger than yourself.
Setting Ranking: 6.5/10
The Despair of the Seas - Blackened Skies (AO3)
(I’m including this because I think it’s a really good an interesting setting. If any of you would like to read it:)
The Despair of the Seas is much like the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles in that it’s unlike anything else we’ve seen in the list so far… but mainly because it’s actually a blend of the previous three, in its own ways.
The logic behind making it a cruise ship didn’t make much sense to me until starting this analysis, but now I start to realise: Blackened Skies takes characters from all three of the games, and what do you get when you take two prestigious schools and merge them with a tropical island? A cruise ship, obviously.
The Despair of the Seas, as described in the fic, is a very large ship. And, additionally, a ship with a very nonsensical layout. Now, it’s quite difficult to tell how this would make the player feel if it was a game, because it’s not, but… if I had to guess, I assume it would be similar to the feeling of uncanniness DR2 had.
The inconsistency of the ship, and the strange way it seems to be laid out, would make you feel almost… detached from it. Whereas Jabberwock Island felt simply odd in a way that was difficult to keep your mind off of, the Despair of the Seas would feel outright liminal.
Much like, say… purgatory.
It’s also interesting how the outside of the ship is described as just being a dreary ocean painted by grey clouds (or should I say, BLACKENED SKIES?!) It adds to the uncanniness the ship has, and amplifies the feeling of there being no escape.
And not to mention, when you start to think about it… it also highlights the themes of guilt and sin that the story has.
Rough seas are perfectly normal. Unpleasant, but common. And yet, despite your desperation to escape the ship, when you look out the window, suddenly you decide you want to stay?
Naturally, you would. Of course you would. And yet this feeling doesn’t do anything but make you feel worse about yourself.
It’s like you want to stay there, almost. The Despair of the Seas is an incredibly fancy ship, and not even in a gaudy or tasteless way: again, if they weren’t stuck there, the cast might actually want to stay.
But what I have to stress is that it’s like that on purpose. In just Chapter 3 of the story, it’s stressed that the protagonist feels as if the fanciful nature of the ship is Monokuma’s way of rewarding them all for killing.
So it makes you feel… tainted, almost. Like you’re in on the joke. Like you’ve been consumed by pride and greed, and the only reason why you want to leave is your weariness of all the other selfish murderers around you.
Of course, that’s just my interpretation of it. Anyways, the Despair of the Seas is cool and great and go read Blackened Skies if you haven’t already!
Setting Ranking: 9/10
Eden’s Garden Academy - Project: Eden’s Garden
Eden’s Garden Academy is… I dunno, it feels very down to earth in comparison to all the rest.
Of course, I can only go off of what little we’ve seen of the academy in the prologue, but… the best I can describe it is like a cross between the uncanniness of Hope’s Peak and the dreariness of the Ultimate Academy.
Hope’s Peak managed to feel both claustrophobic and agoraphobic depending on the area. Somehow, Eden’s Garden Academy manages to feel like both no matter where you are.
As soon as you wake up in the academy, it feels desolate. Like it’s been abandoned for a long time, and only recently renovated for the sake of the Killing Games: much like the Ultimate Academy except less obvious.
The entire school has a haunting feeling not made much better from the portraits scattered all over the walls. It feels almost like a horror game in that regard, like something’s going to jump out at you.
Another thing that adds to that feeling is how we’ve never actually seen the outside. We’ve been tricked into thinking we were outside, but we’ve never even encountered a window.
What results from that is a feeling of separation from the outside. You could be anywhere right now, and you have no way of figuring out where.
It also really adds to the feeling of being trapped. If the recent teaser is anything to go by, there’s also a fake exit somewhere in the new area, which if anything adds onto that feeling by a long shot.
I don’t really have much else to say since we’ve only seen so little of the academy so far, so… yeah.
Setting Ranking: 6.5/10 (but only because I haven’t seen enough of it)
Thanks for reading!
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Rachel Connolly:
Earlier this year, I had a bout of what my friends and I term “mental health”. I was always tired. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt burnt out by the volume of communication that social media facilitates. I am 31 and, like many people my age, I’m in multiple group chats on WhatsApp and often find myself added to new ones. I use Instagram to post work and selfies, and to chat with people via the DM function. I use X similarly. (I’m too old for TikTok.) I enjoy some of this. I like talking nonsense with my friends. But I’d started to question how deliberate much of it was. I’d find myself posting a picture of a book I was reading and think, why do I need an audience to read? I began to wonder if, in the cycle of curating, recording and publicising our lives on social media, the things we do that are not seen and affirmed by people online feel somehow less “real”. My work as a writer means I probably get more online communication than the average person. Last year I published my first novel, and I have since noticed the slightly strange way that novels are discussed online. I get tagged in Instagram posts saying that my book is about a messy girl, a sad girl, a distant girl or a cold girl. There is an algorithmic basis to this. The easiest way to attract attention on social media is to talk about a trend everyone else is talking about, or to slot whatever you’re talking about into one of these trends.
So everywhere you look it is Brat summers or trad wives, cottage-core or bloke-core, high-functioning anxiety, parentified children or whatever happens to be the latest term for pathologising your life experience. Everything is flattened, simplified. I worried that being immersed in it was making me think this way too. A friend recently got a “dumb” phone, a Nokia 3210, to use when she’s out of the house. She leaves her smartphone at home like a landline. It has made her happier, she says. I needed a break too, but I was drawn to the idea of spending some time cut off from all communication. A reset, of sorts. I found a weekend-long silent retreat, no phones allowed, and booked myself in. My craving for a break is not uncommon. Social media is such a constant background presence in our lives that it’s easy to forget how recent it is. Facebook, which feels impossibly passé, is only 20. Instagram is not yet 15. Researchers first used the term “digital detox”, to refer to a period of abstention from phones and laptops, in 2012, around the same time that social media was really taking off (chat rooms had been around since the turn of the 1990s without the concept surfacing).
Digital detoxes remained unusual for a time. In 2015, Essena O’Neill, an Australian influencer with 612,000 Instagram followers, made news around the world when she released a statement about quitting the platform. Today, similar moves by celebrities are so common they barely make headlines. Billie Eilish deleted all social media apps from her phone. Actress Tavi Gevinson wrote about using an assistant to manage her Instagram. It has been hard to keep track of the number of times Stephen Fry has quit and rejoined Twitter over the years. These dramatic exits can seem amusing, especially when they’re followed by sheepish returns, but mostly they underscore how addictive and overwhelming social media can be. My silent retreat took place in a large house in rural Devon. I arrived on Friday, one of a group of about 50. We were allowed to speak during registration and, because I had gone there determined not to use reductive labels, I could already sense myself reaching for them. A young man told me he had done several silent retreats before. Ah, I thought, so you’re the type of person who does these often. Then I caught myself. What type would that be?
During the first meditation session, our instructors explained that we would sit and try to embody, rather than think about, the question “What is this?” This distinction struck me as confusing to the point of meaninglessness. But they explained that one way of attempting “not to think” about the question was to resist the urge to answer it. They encouraged us to focus instead on how we felt, on the physical sensations in our bodies. If you have never tried this, I will say that it is extremely difficult. We sat cross-legged for 30 minutes. I stared at a wall. Then we walked in a circle for 10 minutes. Then we sat down again, and so on, for about two hours. Then it was bedtime. I enjoyed the communality of me and the other girls silently working through our evening routines together. I realised that I had never decided to bring my phone everywhere, like an appendage to my body
The next two days were structured around meditation and chores. At 6.30am we were woken by a bell. We did two hours of meditation, after which we had breakfast. Then a break, followed by another two hours of meditation and lunch. My chore was washing up after we ate. Then more meditation, dinner, another break, meditation, bed. If sitting in an uncomfortable position and staring at a wall while trying not to think sounds impossibly boring, I would say it is not so different from the way my days would unfold when I worked in offices, traipsing from my desk to the tea station and back. More earnestly, I would say I could not have imagined how much I would enjoy the retreat, or how much I’d get out of it. Over the weekend, one of the instructors spoke about trying to be more conscious of the labels we put on our experiences and interactions. It struck me that a similar fatigue with the overload of digital communication is probably what draws a lot of people to try a silent retreat. We were all the type of person who is fed up with “types of people”.
On my first morning after breakfast, I went outside. The countryside seemed fantastically vivid. The blackbirds looked as beautiful as anything I had seen before. I watched one, like a dash of ink, flickering against the mottled grey sky, then two sailing as a pair, in tune with each other. I watched a cloud of them, pulsing. It reminded me of a jellyfish. Back inside, from my seat in the meditation room, I could see a tree that the birds would visit. When I was frustrated with the way my thoughts rattled around my head, reviewing unsaid rebuttals to months-old arguments, I watched the birds and imagined the paths they were taking in the world. One of my issues with the task “embody but try not to think” is that the semantic distinction between thinking and feeling is hard to grasp. If you notice that you feel happy or sad, is that a thought? Or a feeling? I found animals a useful framework to try to understand the distinction, as they negotiate the world using senses. A bird might fly north because of an environmental cue, but it does not say to itself in words, “I want to fly north.” I came to understand the task not as emptying your head of thoughts, but rather resisting the tendency to narrate things to yourself in words. I noticed that this interior monologuing would lead me along familiar, superficial trains of thought, to recent memories associated with certain feelings, say, and soon enough back to mundane anxieties.
At night, I would sit outside and look at the stars. The clouds, invisible in the darkness, shifted to expose one patch of stars, then another, making it look like the sky itself was swelling and shrinking. Memories and ideas still came to me, but deeper, more interesting ones than before. It was as if I had cleared the way for them. I remembered that I used to look at the stars when I was a teenager. I used to read about how they’re born, how they sustain themselves, why we see only some of them, how they die. On Monday morning at breakfast, we were allowed to speak again. Some participants had found the weekend hard, they said. One person had cried repeatedly. Others said that eating in silence had made them feel as though everyone was being cold towards them. As they talked, I remembered old corporate jobs where I was always the office loser. People could sense the aura of failure emanating from me, so I would eat lunch by myself, in silence. I got used to it. I didn’t feel I was learning anything valuable at the time, but life can surprise you. Sticking out is not so bad, I realised. This is the message of most children’s books, but one it’s easy to lose sight of as an adult. Other people’s perceptions of you, real or imagined, don’t have to influence how you see yourself. Social media is designed to erase this perspective. Much of the anxiety it fosters comes from forcing you to see yourself, constantly, as relative to others.
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freelanceexorcist · 5 months
Cut for FFVII Remake/Rebirth and Sliding Doors spoilers and length.
So the FFVIIR Ultimania pretty much confirms that we’re dealing with the multiverse. I’m loving it, too, because I love the multiverse in fiction.
There are two types of multiverse in fiction that I’m familiar with. The first is the most common one, I find. In this one, the other universe or several other universes have always existed alongside the “prime” universe. This is the multiverse that’s seen on Fringe and in the Marvelverse, among other places. Travel between universes isn't often possible unless a machine or special ability is used.
There’s also a version that doesn’t appear quite as often at least in my experience, and that’s one where a new universe is created by a point of divergence. This could be a spawned universe in which an event has the opposite outcome (character dies in the prime universe, creating one where they lived; character makes choice #1 which spawns a universe where they make choice #2 instead). There’s a hypothesis in the real world about something like this called the quantum multiverse, but I’m nowhere near being a theoretical physicist so I’ll stop talking about that now.
When this plot device is in play, the terms "alternate universe" and "alternate timeline" are sometimes used interchangeably. In the latter, the point of divergence is someone going back in time and changing something and a new timeline is spawned where things progress differently and can lead to a different outcome, which is a good way in fiction to avoid temporal paradoxes. Even though the multiple timelines exist in a single universe, I can see how they can become universes unto themselves, so the interchangeability makes sense.
One example of this second type is the movie Sliding Doors, at least to my eye. Helen misses the train then gets mugged and goes home to her cheating boyfriend none the wiser and her life goes on as usual. This is the point of divergence, because it creates a universe where she catches the train, gets home in time to catch her boyfriend in bed with his side piece and begins a whole new life as a result. From what I remember from the movie (it's been a minute since I've seen it), both Helens have some sort of low-level awareness of each other.
It’s made pretty clear in Rebirth that we’re dealing with this second type. Zack dying in the prime universe is the point of divergence that creates a universe where he lives. Him choosing to confront Hojo about a cure for Cloud is the point of divergence that spawns a universe in which he chooses to go to Biggs instead. Cloud and Aerith not becoming the official couple in the prime universe is the point of divergence that spawns the universe where they do. Cloud not getting to the altar in the Forgotten Capital in time to stop Sephiroth is the point of divergence that spawns a universe in which he does get there in time and disarms him, and we see both things happening at once. There’s also the implication that Sephiroth slashing Tifa but not killing her is the point of divergence that spawns a universe where he slashes and does kill her.
That’s what we’ve seen so far. We’ve also seen things that make me wonder about how they’re telling the story. There’s a poster of Yorkie!Stamp in what we assume is the prime universe, where we’ve seen that Stamp is a beagle. Cloud and Aerith’s antics as a couple appear to take place in the same universe where he’s still in a mako coma. Sephiroth somehow has time to both unite the multiverse in the prime one while pursuing the Black Materia and engage in political intrigue and beat the war drum for Wutai by impersonating Glenn and trolling the holy hell out of Rufus.
What if they’re showing the story progressing across multiple universes and doing it so seamlessly that we don’t know whose story is being told in which one? Right now we have Cloud as the protagonist in the Beagleverse and Zack as the deuteragonist in the Yorkieverse, or so we think. What if we’re seeing multiple stories playing out across multiple universes with multiple versions the main characters? That’s a pretty bold storytelling choice if that’s what they’re up to. So far it seems we’re dealing with about 5 or 6 universes. Wow. If so, maybe this story should have been called Everything, Everywhere, All At Once if the movie hadn’t gotten to that title first.
And Sephiroth seems to be the Big Bad in all of them, because the points of divergence all occurred after the Nibelheim incident.
But speaking of those points of divergence…
If there were those that occurred after the Nibelheim incident, there would be ones that occurred before it as well, wouldn’t there? There are strong hints that one of these points was Sephiroth succumbing to Jenova after torching Nibelheim and carving up Tifa, which could have created a universe where he didn’t succumb (hence the retention of the Ore pronoun in Japanese). This is assuming, of course, that this version of Sephiroth is not one of Cloud’s hallucinations. I have more to say about this part, but that’s another manifesto for another day.
It follows that there would also be universes where the point of divergence was the Nibelheim incident. Could this have spawned a universe where he doesn’t torch the town? You would think so. What other outcomes could there be? Would he pack up and go back to Midgar to force the truth out of Hojo? Would he resolve to destroy Shinra instead?
Would he maybe follow through on his desertion plans, head to Wutai and make plans with Old Man Shinra to resume the war while taking on the appearance of his now-deceased childhood brother figure who just happened to foment a coup in Wutai and become a pretty prominent figure in its interim government? Hm…would he, now? Is this how he preserves the life of the planet? By duping the old man and later Rufus into buying into the destruction of Shinra without even realizing it?
The scenes between Glenniroth and Rufus could possibly take place in a universe where that last scenario could have played out without the destruction of Nibelheim in the mix.
Going back to the idea that we’re viewing multiple universes all at once. We see the main party infiltrating the ranks, and Captain Cloud is leading his troops through the parade in the prime universe. All in pursuit of saving the world from Big Bad Scary Evil Man Sephiroth.
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In another universe, Sephiroth-As-Glenn is meeting with Rufus, presenting his war plan and giving him shit about being an idle trust fund baby. In this universe, Cloud is marching in the parade as a regular old trooper, Nibelheim still stands and Tifa is probably contemplating getting the hell out of Dodge because my god, that place sounds like where tradwives go to die.
See where I’m going with this? I hope so because I’m not sure I do.
Anyway, it seems that at least two versions of Sephiroth are able to access a space in between the universes and pull others into it as well (Edge of Creation). How he does this is not made clear, and we know little to nothing about the version Cloud meets there at the end of Remake and the Rebirth Ultimania doesn't seem to add more to that story.
There’s also the possibility that Jenova’s plan to unite the multiverse is already underway and what we’re seeing with the way the story is told is all of the universes bleeding together. That would probably be easier to pull off than my last suggestion, but I hope the last one is the case because I want to see how well they can pull it off.
The lack of clarification in the Ultimania about the different versions of Sephiroth or why things seem to be happening that shouldn’t be happening is-I hope-avoidance of spoilers in order to set up some big reveals in Part 3 and not them just losing the plot big time and writing by the seats of their pants. Making a big deal out of a character then just abandoning said character and their storyline is an amateur hour move expected from novice fanfic writers still growing into their craft, not professionals with 30+ years of experience. I'm going to put my faith in Kitase and his team and say that they just don't want to ruin any surprises.
That’s all I’ve got for now. And I acknowledge that I’m inconsistent with my speculation. If you’ve been following along, you know that I change my mind more than the day changes to night. That’s the beauty of this story: the more you think about it, the more you rub your chin and think “hm, maybe THIS happened instead of THAT.” And then an Ultimania here and a dozen interviews there comes along and says “NOPE. It’s that third or fourth other thing we just came up with.”
Anyway, thank you for indulging me if you chose to stick around for the whole thing. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day or night!
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scythemichaelfaraday · 10 months
“A Nice Guy”
Edgar Vargas is painted as a kind Christian soul with conviction and faith that was tragically brought to an untimely death at the hands of Johnny C.
Sure no one wants to die horrifically by the works of a homicidal maniac, but the way that Edgar goes about attempting to do so is quite covert and sheds a lot of light on who he is not only as a character but as a self-proclaimed person of faith.
Also to note before I begin: this is not a personal attack against those that see Edgar in a positive light.
Playing Nice to Get You to See Their Way (And Get What They Want)
A common tactic of Christians is to find the downhearted, the “broken”, the outcasts and build them up with friendship, affection, and support that susceptible people often lack. But their goal is not to make a lasting relationship, it’s to chip away at the person’s boundaries ever so slowly until they can indoctrinate them.
Now, Edgar’s goal obviously is not to indoctrinate Johnny, but he uses the same tactic of listening to Johnny rant about the mistreatment he experiences, offering some degree of sympathy, and ultimately showing that his primary goal of hearing Johnny out is so that he can slip in the request that he be freed. And he does this several times, most prominently, here.
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The common pattern of listen, wait, and ask for what they really want.
Christians Don’t Deserve Bad Things Obviously
When asked about what he’d done to Johnny to end up in the torture device, Johnny responds that he hadn’t really done anything except for being a person.
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When Edgar learns about this, he questions why then Johnny, as person, doesn’t kill himself.
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The first hint that he believes only the bad, the unworthy (whatever that could mean to him) should die. Johnny is just one of the unsavory, evil people that Christians like Edgar believe deserve to be condemned (unless they ask for divine forgiveness).
And the second hint is illustrated here:
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“What if I’m not like all those goblin people? You just randomly picked me out, when you could’ve taken someone more deserving.”
Many Christians like to believe that they are holy people divinely picked by God himself to show the people of this Earth how wrong they are and to come to faith to be fixed. So why would bad things happen to them? Are they not God’s special children, his “Army?”
Don’t those queers, those atheists, those left-wing lunatics, that street performer who impersonates robots and makes that irritating wheezy whistle noise more deserving of this anguish than them?
Christians don’t see any other line other than “people of Faith and my lifestyle” and “people not of Faith and my lifestyle” and anyone who fits into the latter is grouped altogether whether they be child abusers, people who get abortions, or a little child in Africa that worships another higher being than them.
Why poor innocent undeserving Edgar?
“A Heaven for Me, and a Hell For You”
This deserves its own point because in addition to claiming he is undeserving of his death, he also makes it clear that he believes in divine punishment (and reward) as all Christians do. And finally the niceties that Christians wear falls away.
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He doesn’t know really anything about Johnny other than he’s a deranged, ill murderer, but he has already decided that he is deserving of Hell. Again, anyone that a Christian perceives as not being of their lifestyle and Faith is condemned to Hell.
In fact, as a bit of an anecdote, a youth group leader at a church I used to attend was very adamant and very certain that children who die before they are “saved”(including infants) go to Hell. It doesn’t matter that they are innocent and have done nothing wrong, just because they don’t serve their God, that person deserves to go to Hell.
If one takes all of this into account, the only thing we can credit Edgar with is that he was civil with Johnny until he wasn’t (I think telling someone they’re going to Hell kinda ends a civil streak). We don’t really see much more about him outside of this brief interaction, but I think most people who have been burned by Christians can see through the kind façade that he puts up.
Again this is all just my personal opinion. Take what you like and leave the rest.
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Can you do 2p England nsfw alphabet?
(Read more here for now so people don’t accidentally read this kind of content without wanting to!)
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
• He takes his time to make sure that they feel loved afterwards. He makes sure to get them something to drink and a little snack if they seem tired. He does fall asleep quite fast afterwards so it’s common for him to just cuddle up to them and fall asleep.
B - Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• He loves his smile, people used to make fun of it a lot due to his “bunny teeth” but he’s really grown to love it despite that
• He loves their face, he thinks they’re adorable no matter what and he’ll pepper little kisses all over their face whenever he can
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
• Prefer to cum on their stomach, prefers they do the same to him. He sees it as easy to wipe off that way, not much effort.
D - Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• He used to have a lot of one night stands when he was younger, it’s not the biggest deal to other people but he’s forever embarrassed about it
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
• He’s not super experienced compared to the other countries but he’s definitely not clueless or anything
F - Favorite position (This goes without saying)
• Classic missionary, he can give them as many kisses as he wants that way.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc.)
• He’s not serious at all, he doesn’t see it as something that should be serious
H - Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
• He keeps it trimmed as best as he can, it’s a shade of strawberry blonde since that’s his natural hair colour (in my head) before he dyes it. He’s considered dying it the same shade of pink as his hair but is too scared to put dye anywhere near there.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
• He’s usually very romantic and soft with his partner, he absolutely loves being intimate with them during sex
J - Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
• Not often, he really only does if he can’t get to sleep because he’s hard
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
• Food play (shock to none)
• Praise/Degradation (He won’t degrade his partner but he won’t complain if they do it to him)
• Secretly loves his hair pulled
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
• His room, he’s just most comfortable there and he hopes they feels the same
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
• Massages, number one way to get him hard, he loves them more than anything
N - No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Causing them any kind of pain, he doesn’t want to do that to them at all, the most kind of pain he would inflict is a little bite when he’s overstimulated and he feels bad even with that
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• Shock to most, he’s really good at giving head. He prefers to give, he wants his partner to feel as good as possible.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
• He defaults to slow and sensual with his partner, he wants them to know how much he loves them.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• Not a fan, he prefers something intimate with them
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.)
• Experimenting and risks both worry him, he’s not entirely against it but he’s prefer to just stay as is
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
• He’s good with two rounds, he just wants to sleep after that. He lasts for around 8 minutes, pretty average.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
• Way too embarrassed to get any, he’s absolutely mortified at the idea of anyone finding them so he doesn’t have any
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
• He doesn’t tease his partner at all, it just doesn’t do anything for him
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• When he tops, he’s more verbal, a lot of praises and “I love you”s. For vocalness, it’s really only shaky breathes and the occasional moan.
• When he bottoms, he’s more vocal. Moans, whines, he even whimpers sometimes (especially when he’s overstimulated). It’s very easy to get him to be loud.
W - Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
• He’s easily embarrassed about sex. Not in a “smol innocent bean” way, he was just raised religious so it’s always a weird topic for him.
X - X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• He’s a little smaller than average, around 4 inches, and it’s not that thick. It’s the same shade as his skin tone.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
• It’s not that high, he usually has sex when the other person asks rather than him actually being horny
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• Almost immediately, he would fall asleep in 5 minutes flat, if he didn’t feel the need to reassure them he loves them
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I am once again experiencing the Horrors™️, so you know what that means! ME/CFS information time!
Though often associated with fatigue and neuro-immune dysfunction, ME is actually quite prevalent in the gut as well. Intestinal and stomach issues are not uncommon, so here are a few to mention (these are not an exhaustive list, please add if you experience others!)
IBS: possibly the most common diagnosis, IBS can cause a whole host of lower GI dysfunction, including indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and cramping. It can range in severity and form between individuals.
Gastroparesis: a paralysis of the stomach muscles that causes delayed and sudden stomach emptying. Symptoms include bloating, fullness, pain, nausea, and in cases vomiting. Let me tell you, this one’s a doozy.
Bacterial overgrowth: Unfortunately being chronically ill has consequences on the gut microbiome too, and some studies have shown evidence that individuals with ME/CFS (and its comorbidities like fibromyalgia and IBS) have an overgrowth in the small intestine, which causes side effects similar to those mentioned above.
ME/CFS really is a systemic illness, and if you are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms, please seek the help of a trusted physician. If there is no one you feel comfortable speaking with, there are a few things I find help me.
Stay upright, slightly reclined if possible. Being completely flat makes me more nauseous and painful.
Small meals. Big meals only serve to instigate the nausea and cramping.
Avoid heat unless your guts are cramping, for example with constipation. Otherwise I find heat makes my nausea worse.
Try liquid replacements. I’m currently trying Boost, and have experienced good things with it.
This one’s the toughest, but avoid stressors. I have GAD so I never like hearing this but unfortunately anxiety and the gut go hand in hand. If you can try to distract yourself, it may ease the symptoms a little.
GINGER GRAVOL! If all else fails, these supplements work wonders for my stomach, and start taking effect in around 30 min. They’re last on the list because they can run a little expensive, but if you need relief fast, these are a life saver in my experience.
Stay safe out there, everyone, and feel free to add to this! These are just my sleepy, nauseous ramblings, and ME/CFS is not a monolith. I’d be happy to hear your thoughts and experiences
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starlupis · 10 months
Heya! I go by Star(I’m also figuring out a secondary online name because Star is very common I realize :( ) and I use she/her pronouns! This is my only blog and I post pretty much anything on here, but mostly art and alterhuman stuff.
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(Blog title loosely translates to “May the stars always be in your favor” in Latin. It’s something random I came up with one day and thought it sounded cool)
✧★ ABOUT ME !!! ★✧
I’ve been doing art for essentially my entire life(no idea when I started digital art, but my guess is around 2018? No idea) and animating since late 2019/early 2020(don’t know the EXACT time)!
Furry 🫵(you can find my fursona here if you’d like to see them!) + wolf/dog kemonomimi
I am type 1 diabetic but heavily doubt I’ll mention it often(excluding during disability pride month probably).
I’m also a malaptive daydreamer and it’s where a lot of my OCs’ lore/backstories originate from lmao
involuntary pet regressor + age regressor but I’m still kinda aware of stuff when regressed? It’s complicated idk
I am an alterhuman/nonhuman. this is the ONLY platform I talk about it on and that’s pretty much the sole reason I don’t link my tumblr anywhere. Bit more on my experiences/-types below if you’re interested!
I am a wolfdog(specifically stray/wild) and dromeosaur(haven’t figured out the specific species. Might be otherfix/otherspin?) therian, cryptidkin(possibly monsterkin), and dragonkith/hearted.
My wolfdog theriotype is sorta complicated?? Some days I feel more stray/wild dog some days I feel more wolf. I also don’t have the high prey drive(or the aggression a lot of the time) associated with wolfdogs. But I DO feel like a wolf and a stray dog and associate myself with being both.
My dromeosaur theriotype I’m not 100% sure on. VERY likely otherspin or otherfix.
My cryptidkin(perhaps monsterkin) kintype is hard to call a kintype because it’s sort of on the physical level? I don’t have a tangible “cryptid” form other than associating it with fog, claws, and glowing eyes(and sometimes back spikes, I don’t know). This and my wolfdog theriotype sorta mesh together sometimes.
I feel very connected to and drawn to dragons and also did when I was younger. I’ve always found myself empathizing with them more even when they’re made to be villains in stories. Might be dragonkin but I’ve never really actually bothered looking into it.
Wolf. Not wolf therian or wolfhearted or anything just wolf. I can’t explain it.
Not really questioning anything but I’ve been getting pretty intense wing phantom shifts for some months now(on back and VERY rarely sides of head) and also thinking “woah that’s literally me” towards border collies. I also HEAVILY associate myself with werewolves and sometimes joke about myself being one but I’ve never really used the werewolfkin label.
punk(working a battle jacket!! will post photos when I’m done if anyone wants to see it)
aroace + agender spec
^I don’t explicitly use xenogenders but dirtgender and werewolfgender really resonate with me!
I do have anxiety(diagnosed) so my apologies if I take a while to respond to something!
ALSO EVIL!!!! /j (acting like a fictional villain is a functional coping method I swear)
If anyone’s wondering! My username(I use the same one or some variation of it on nearly every platform) is star(I don’t know quite where this came from but I blame StarClan from Warrior Cats) + wolf in latin(Lupus) but the second U is replaced with an I :D
my interests are paleontology(THIS ONE IS A REALLY BIG INTEREST I’VE BEEN OBSESSED WITH PALEONTOLOGY SINCE I WAS LITTLE I usually refer to it as my special interest but I’m not quite sure if I can call it that since I’m not diagnosed with autism or ADHD yet. heavy emphasis on dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals but ancient plants n stuff are rlly cool too), marine biology, wolves(another interest I’ve had since I was a little kid :D), Greek mythology, and birds ^^
DNI if Zooph*lia, NSFW/k!nk blog, radqueer, or basic DNI criteria
#✧star drawz - art/animation/doodles/etc
#✧star makes things™ - cosplay, physical/3D art, that kinda stuff
#✧feral things - alterhuman stuff
#✧the creature speaks (and will not stop send help) - rambling/long text posts
#✧chaos control - I DO plan to post stuff about my webcomic eventually so this would be the tag for that
some other socials/accounts if anyone wantz them:
Instagram - @/starwolf_art (this is where most of my art is)
YouTube - gonna clean up a bit then relink
DeviantArt - @/StarWol3 (I rarely post there)
Etsy - ConstellationWares (no listings currently but I plan to sell device backgrounds and OC adoptables, and cat masks eventually?)
Ao3 - StarLupis
Artfight - StxrWolf (I revenge every attack !!)
gonna also link my webcomic here when I finally redo the first chapter!
I usually follow back unless you don’t want minors on your blog or you’re in my DNI!
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