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th1rdt3chnician · 8 months ago
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who up hating pop psychology
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aphrodeiities · 3 months ago
ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴꜰᴊ ᴀʀᴄʜᴇᴛʏᴘᴇ
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↳ the sub-group archetype of the diplomats
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INFJ ⟶ introveted intuition, extroverted feeling, introverted thinking and extroverted sensing.
breaking down the archetype ⬎
♇ the archetype is made up of Ni Fe Ti and Se.
I = introverted.
N = intuition.
F = feeling.
J = judging.
 the first two functions that determine the INFJ TYPE CODE ⬎
Ni Fe Ti Se
♇ the Ni and Fe within the INFJ function makes up for the two missing letters in the middle of the type code: I _ _ J because the two missing letters in the middle are the first two functions!
♇ the Fe is the _ _ F _ because it is about extroverted feeling.
♇ the Ni is the _ N _ _ because it is about introverted intuition.
but what makes up the first letter in the code?
♇ what makes up for the first letter in the code is the second letter to the strongest function for the archetype. and the strongest function for INFJ is Ni and evidently the second letter is “I” which causes the function to now become from _ N F _ to I N F _ .
♇ but what makes up the last letter in the code?
♇ you’ll have to look back at the first extroverted archetype in the entire code. and for INFJ it is ⟶ Ni Fe Ti Se. the first extroverted function in the type is Fe, which is extroverted feeling.
♇ Fe belongs to the judging function which displays the fact that the last letter to I N F _ will be I N F J.
explaining the archetype ⬎
❦ INFJ people are very sensitive and aware of their surroundings. empathetic people who are artistic and usually are in their own world, they are considered as people who are good at trusting their own instinct, especially when they're at their worst point of their lives.
❦ they're motivated by what they imagine, being visionaries and great at seeing the potential of something. they're great at seeing the bigger picture and intricate details, they're like a scale and usually can see both sides of arguments.
❦ when people dont believe in them, they dont allow it to stop them from achieving their goals. INFJs are usually very charming and charismatic people, so getting people on their team is something that isnt difficult, they're persuaders and leaders. they think for themselves but also what can help the people around them.
❦ they are people who like peace, and can be the type o do anything to achieve it. harmony and tranquility is vital to them, but sometimes they can fall into the cycle of being people-pleasing and can become a walking mat if not careful enough.
❦ as they're people who can read the room easily, INFJ people can understand the nature of other people, and handle individuals who are more complex than the other.
its a function that's about perceiving, which involves unique takes and observations to the world around them. they're realistic and use it to set their direction. due to them being able to see different sides of things, it's easy for them to make intuitive links.
they're people who are inspiring, and have a lot of aspirations that make people adore them. they always want to have a goal to reach, a reason to live, a purpose. they're insightful and determined, like a bull charging towards people to get what they want.
they're tactful people, not irrational, so when they're excited and ardent about a goal, they make sure to not overlook hurdles that can come their way. but when they're underdeveloped, they can be unrealistic, delusional, and could be ungrateful with what life has to give them.
when it comes to other people, underdeveloped INFJs could put people on a higher pedestal very quickly.
♱ when developed, they care for other people and not only themselves, they're considerate of the people around them are are aware of collateral damage. they're trusting of other people and can be very open-minded to ideas that aren't theirs.
♱ they set healthy walls and boundaries for themselves and other people. and in new scenarios and circumstances they can easily adapt into it, and become interactive with the people around them.
♱ they're a big people person and have a good comprehension about community, people and society.
♇ underdeveloped INFJ's usually care about the opinions of other people too much, it could cause them to easily fall into other people's lies and manipulations. usually, it is due to a fear of being judged and hated, a strong dislike of being the black sheep.
♇ when they're dysfunctional, the lack normal boundaries and could want to be like others too much in order to relate to them, or have other people relate to them. they twist and bend themselves to fit into social norms.
♇ can become people who are very judgemental of others, because of what other people say about them, the epitome of judging a book by its cover. making them being considered as people who have terrible judgement.
♇ the type of people to not see how having self-destructive emotions and habits ruin their personal life. only believing what they think is true and dismisses other people's helpful opinions. when something goes wrong, they'd rather blame someone else rather than taking accountability.
♇ believe that they're self-aware but cannot express their true feelings or thoughts. due to this, they'd rather critique other people and focus on another person's flaw. the type to think they have good reason to do something but cannot express why they do, falling into very combative ways once questioned.
can be easily provoked, people might feel like they have to walk on egg-shells around them, but even if people are patient for them, they're not patient for other people. on the other hand, they can sometimes feel like they're a fly on the wall, which can sometimes make them become attention seekers.
self-destructive is something that would be evident when they're underdeveloped, and they could hurt the people around them; they can become hermits by separating themselves with society and obsessing over flaws and imperfections. and when questioned of their behaviour, they always want to justify it.
because they're always hyper-focused on flaws, they regret focusing on things that are insignificant. this is a trait of theirs that always wants to control everything, even if it's about physical exercise, cleaning or organising.
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sentienceisoverrated · 1 year ago
Down with MBTI!
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mbtitime · 2 years ago
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The 16 Types as Symbols
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else @mbtitime and @typefy
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rainytypology · 1 year ago
MBTI Color Palettes
Just color palettes I associate with each type. Just for fun.
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MBTI notes
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veilofthorns · 1 year ago
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cherriiramen · 8 months ago
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Some more ISTP + INFP art because there needs to be more light shed on their dynamic smh 🙏 (coming from my experience with an ISTP)
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mr-entj · 2 months ago
As a leader, are there any MBTI types you dislike leading or having on your team?
I dislike people who are incompetent, unreliable, and lack integrity regardless of MBTI type.
In general, though, all the types are pains in my ass in their own special ways:
Doesn't play well with others; I constantly need to fix the feelings they hurt and cushion their communication so they don't end up pariahs that no one wants to work with.
Bulldozes through people to get things done, requires a 'pause' button and calm hand because they get frustrated easily with things going slow. Sometimes you need to go slow to go far.
Struggles with 'team building' and 'that touchy feely shit'; highly transactional.
(ESTJ & ISTJ) "Mr./Mrs. No", too quick to shoot down ambitious but unproven ideas because it hasn't worked before or will take a lot of effort to accomplish.
(ENTJ & INTJ) Convinced their weird 'reads' into things are correct despite evidence to the contrary staring them right in the face. Not everything has a deeper and hidden meaning.
Whines a lot, about everything, and requires a lot of time and energy listening to their feelings.
Needs external validation and requires regular praise/feedback or else they'll assume you're mad at them. The sulking and internal spiraling is a bit much.
Avoids confrontation, mirrors other people's opinions, and requires pushing and pushing to get them to reveal their true opinions and stand their ground. Uses stronger people around them to represent their views (human shields).
Tendency to gossip, can't stay out of people's business and spreads misinformation like wildfire.
A company isn't a family-- not everyone wants to attend your weekend team potluck.
Always causes more chaos than clarity, requires a ton of work to fix the confusion bombs they drop into groups.
Debates endlessly, needs everything personally spoonfed and explained to them in exhausting detail until they're satisfied or else they can't accept the plan and they won't commit. This slows down everything for everyone.
Flaky, can't hit a deadline to save their lives. Requires check-ins and external pressure (group work) to hit milestones.
(ESTP & ISTP) Out of sight doesn't mean out of mind. There are things that can happen later in the future that we should plan for now.
(ENTP & INTP) Just because you read a book about some obscure topic once doesn't make you an expert. Books =/= reality. Don't be a backseat driver-- do it and prove it.
Half asses everything they don't enjoy doing because this isn't their passion and their parents made them take this job when they really wanted to do art/music/acting something something.
Struggles to work with people who hold different political views than them; self-segregates.
Terrible at taking constructive criticism and feedback, gets defensive, shuts down, and takes everything personally.
(ENFP & INFP) Highly idealistic to the point they're blind to data that tells them the hard and cold truth, they struggle to manage practical things like resources, time, money.
(ESFP & ISFP) Out of sight doesn't mean out of mind. There are things that can happen later in the future that we should plan for now.
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glendasguidance-inactive · 2 months ago
💛 pick a card, mini reading 💛
Affirmations You Need to Hear
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how to pick a card and disclaimers
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Pile 1 / Pile 2
Pile 3 / Pile 4
deck: Affirmators!
Inhale, exhale, repeat 2 more times. Now read!
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Pile 1 🎲
Get Centered: When it gets to be too much, whatever it is, I close my eyes and return to my center. In my center, I have the wisdom and tranquility of a (favorite animal), holding a (magical item), floating through space on a (piece of furniture).
Pile 2 📱
Ultimate Potential: I choose to live a life to my fullest potential. I trust that this will draw me towards experiences and people that support my growth and accomplishment. Tuning into this frequency, I now reach higher heights than I ever thought possible. Knowing that's an option, why would I have ever tuned into anything else? (I'm looking at you, smooth jazz and talk radio).
Pile 3 💍
Love: Love is a many-splendored thing. Today I will notice and appreciate at least three of those splendors. Like the fact that puppies make me feel like a parent, Of the surge of self-congratulation I feel when I sink a three-point trash-basket shot on the first try. Or how 'bout the chills I get while singing along to (name of song -- you know the one).
Pile 4 🪽
Beauty: I'm beautiful even when I don't think it. I'm beautiful even when I don't see it. I'm beautiful, no matter how many people don't say it. I'm beautiful, and I don't care if you know it. I'm beautiful, which is why I don't have to try so hard all the time to show it.
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🦢 ♥︎ much love - Clarissa Liddy ♥︎ 🦢
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lisablack000 · 1 year ago
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shadowviixen · 1 year ago
INTJ : The calm and affirmative
INTJs have this annoyingly calm demeanor that perceives everything will be alright. A plan fails? It's a learning experience.
You did not achieve your goal? It's still part of the stepping stone towards better progress.
You overlooked the details? Then it will be considered the next time. Do we think we're better than you? Hardly! INTJs are just competent and we trust completely in our skills and intellect.
Do we want to be better than everyone else? Well, we can't really lie about that category however it barely scratches the surface of our sense of purpose, integrity, and philosophy...
If we think we have things, actions, habits, etc. to improve for necessary means--as we see fit, we simply will. Keep an intj close and earn their trust... and you'll surely find yourself a valuable piece to their grand schemes in life. Per se, INTJs believe in equal exchange... trust that you won't be empty handed in any bargain.
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infpspsspspsp · 2 years ago
ISTP: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
INFP: I know. Whenever I'm near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
ISTP: But you're always acting stupid?
INFP: Yeah, don't think about that too hard.
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inkedbydave · 2 months ago
I've started working on a detailed essay about the compatibility of INTPs and ISFPs, using Ty and Kit as examples. The essay explores how their relationship allows room for growth and healing while also addressing the struggles and potential conflicts they might face in their everyday lives. It delves into the impact they've had -and can continue to have- on each other's lives, both positively and negatively. My obsession with MBTI and KitTy is definitely fueling this project.
Also, just to be clear: I’m not open to debates about their types. Ty is an INTP, and Kit is an ISFP. End of discussion. If I see one more person claiming Ty is a Sensor or Judger instead of an Intuitive Perceiver, or that Kit is a Thinker or Extrovert, I might lose it. That said, if you're curious, I’m happy to explain my reasoning. But my opinion on this is final.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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666candies · 1 month ago
prime member of the infp mafia⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆
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mbtitime · 7 months ago
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The 16 types as things they love
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else @mbtitime and @typefy
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gigijenga · 2 years ago
I can’t believe people don’t know how cognitive functions work
so if you’re INTJ your stacking is Nickel Tellurium Fi Selenium
Get it right people 
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