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mistype360 · 1 year ago
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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saja-star · 1 year ago
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credit goes to calle börstell for this one
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natsuluna · 9 months ago
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heavenpureheart · 1 month ago
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typologyinfo · 3 months ago
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THE BASICS OF MBTI (from Carl Jung's personality theory - part 1)
In the next post, we’re going to talk more in-depth about different categories of Intuition, Sensing, Feelings and Thinking called: Cognitive Functions.
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linguisticillustrations · 11 months ago
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Table with the partinioning of the TREE-WOOD-FOREST semantic domain.
Georgakopoulos, Thanasis & Stéphane Polis. 2018. The semantic map model: State of the art and future avenues for linguistic research. Language and Linguistics Compass 12(2). e12270. https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12270.
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rainytypology · 1 year ago
MBTI Color Palettes
Just color palettes I associate with each type. Just for fun.
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MBTI notes
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horrordroid · 8 months ago
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There are three triads in the enneagram: heart, head, and gut. All consist of three enneagrams, which represent the core's fixation.
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Heart triad consists of enneagrams 2, 3, and 4, and the fixation of this triad is shame. 2 externalizes shame, 3 represses shame, and 4 internalizes it.
People belonging to heart triad deal with self-hatred and try to gain love and approval from others.
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Head triad consists of enneagrams 5, 6, and 7, and the fixation of this triad is fear. 5 internalizes fear, 6 represses fear, and 7 externalizes it.
People belonging to head triad deal with paranoia, anxiety, and suspicion of the world.
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Gut triad consists of enneagrams 8, 9, and 1, and the fixation of this triad is anger. 8 externalizes fear, 9 represses fear, and 1 internalizes it.
People belonging to gut triad deal with anger in different ways, but they all view the world as a dangerous, flawed place.
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doctorl3cter · 1 month ago
MOOT UP IF YOU'RE ON YANBLR, EDBLR, SHBLR, JIRAIBLR. bonus if you use xenogenders, are a kemonomini, are neurodivergent, are a proshipper and open-minded, like genshin, typology, hannibal, dexter, and okegom.
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mr-entj · 2 months ago
As a leader, are there any MBTI types you dislike leading or having on your team?
I dislike people who are incompetent, unreliable, and lack integrity regardless of MBTI type.
In general, though, all the types are pains in my ass in their own special ways:
Doesn't play well with others; I constantly need to fix the feelings they hurt and cushion their communication so they don't end up pariahs that no one wants to work with.
Bulldozes through people to get things done, requires a 'pause' button and calm hand because they get frustrated easily with things going slow. Sometimes you need to go slow to go far.
Struggles with 'team building' and 'that touchy feely shit'; highly transactional.
(ESTJ & ISTJ) "Mr./Mrs. No", too quick to shoot down ambitious but unproven ideas because it hasn't worked before or will take a lot of effort to accomplish.
(ENTJ & INTJ) Convinced their weird 'reads' into things are correct despite evidence to the contrary staring them right in the face. Not everything has a deeper and hidden meaning.
Whines a lot, about everything, and requires a lot of time and energy listening to their feelings.
Needs external validation and requires regular praise/feedback or else they'll assume you're mad at them. The sulking and internal spiraling is a bit much.
Avoids confrontation, mirrors other people's opinions, and requires pushing and pushing to get them to reveal their true opinions and stand their ground. Uses stronger people around them to represent their views (human shields).
Tendency to gossip, can't stay out of people's business and spreads misinformation like wildfire.
A company isn't a family-- not everyone wants to attend your weekend team potluck.
Always causes more chaos than clarity, requires a ton of work to fix the confusion bombs they drop into groups.
Debates endlessly, needs everything personally spoonfed and explained to them in exhausting detail until they're satisfied or else they can't accept the plan and they won't commit. This slows down everything for everyone.
Flaky, can't hit a deadline to save their lives. Requires check-ins and external pressure (group work) to hit milestones.
(ESTP & ISTP) Out of sight doesn't mean out of mind. There are things that can happen later in the future that we should plan for now.
(ENTP & INTP) Just because you read a book about some obscure topic once doesn't make you an expert. Books =/= reality. Don't be a backseat driver-- do it and prove it.
Half asses everything they don't enjoy doing because this isn't their passion and their parents made them take this job when they really wanted to do art/music/acting something something.
Struggles to work with people who hold different political views than them; self-segregates.
Terrible at taking constructive criticism and feedback, gets defensive, shuts down, and takes everything personally.
(ENFP & INFP) Highly idealistic to the point they're blind to data that tells them the hard and cold truth, they struggle to manage practical things like resources, time, money.
(ESFP & ISFP) Out of sight doesn't mean out of mind. There are things that can happen later in the future that we should plan for now.
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blnxpc · 15 days ago
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lttledog · 3 months ago
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Linda Gregg, Etiology.
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blueopinions49 · 7 months ago
Enneagram 4 Subtypes Explained
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Social 4 "Shame"
The social 4 looks to create connection with others through the exploration melancholy and brokenness. Unlike the other 4s this subtype looks to share their depth with others. Imo they subvert allot of the traditional notions of the E4. They aren't as withdrawn as the SX and Sp subtypes. And whole they do maintain a level of difference within they still look to fulfill that need for emotional depth with others. A tendency that pops with the So4 is the need to create that social circle while struggling to remain their own self. This subtype tend to express their difference through being an outsider or extremely sophisticated with unique tastes. Usually among to attract others while maintaining their boundary of eccentricity. They are hard to mistake as any other type in my opinion however they can look like the stereotype of a 3w4 (due to being pretentiousness) or a 9.
Characters: Anna Karenina, Mark Jefferson, Blue Diamond, Diane Nyguen, Lisa, Anne of Green Gables, Jin Kazaa and Catherine Meyer.
The Self Preservation 4 "Tenacity"
The Sp4 finds it self trying to mitigate their envy due to being a counter type. Usually this 4 is not looking to be different but rather to have a different type of life. As the counter type of 4 they dont overexposes their melancholy and rage but rather they tend to keep it to themselves. This 4 tries to find a different path in the world without following tradition or social expectations. They are a bit more idealistic with their pursuits choosing lifestyles, style or professional life. This subtype can look like a 6 (due to their calm and environment oriented thinking).
Characters: Elio Perlman, Rose DeWitt Bukater, Eleven, Belle, Sebastian, Wicked Witch, Violet Harmon and Susana Kaysen.
The Sexual 4 "Hate"
Probably the most well known 4. This subtype is the most expressive and "aggressive" about their sense of uniqueness. They are highly interested in creating a relationship with another that fulfills that bond of difference and uniqueness. They tend to be the most expressive of their envy. To the sexual 4 the most important thing is not to be mediocre. By this I mean that the 4s see everything that doesn't have emotional and personal depth is beneath them. While many texts describe them as aggressive id say they are closer to passionate. The SX4 interest and frustration find depth within interpersonal relationships leads them to look like enneagram 8s.
Characters: Kylo Ren, the phantom, Maleficent, Loki, Jason Todd, Helen Sharp, Lucille Sharpe and Zuko
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kleinefreiheiten · 4 months ago
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07.2021 Heidingsfeld
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taxominn · 11 months ago
Spoilers up to chap 303 of tsctir
When you're on your Enneagram bs & realize that Sung Hyunjae is self-pres/sexual 7 & Han Yoojin is self-pres/sexual 2.
...the fact that they both prioritize self-pres instinct while wielding the sexual instinct second would explain some of the odd chemistry in their semi-transactional relationship. They both are, or at least were, using their growing connection with the other as a tool to satisfy their own needs, and both of them see this as reasonable and fair because they know the other is doing the same thing.
Hyunjae only rejects the chemistry between them when his dominant instinct is threatened... needing to risk his arm to help everyone get out of the Japanese dungeon bcuz of whatever funky stuff Yoojin's got going on. He literally says to Song Taewon, after running away from Yoojin, in ch.296:
“No matter how much I like him, I come first. He’s mine to the end, and while he’s something I treasure, the one I value is myself.”
No wonder dude spirals out of control until he's literally contemplating wiping Yoojin off the face of the planet. he's a pleasure-seeking sp7 that ensures the satisfaction of his needs by building interpersonal alliances, & the passionate, dreamy energy of his sx7 instinct serves that end. if the focus of his current passion is abt to risk his survival, if he's gonna have to start making actual sacrifices, then it makes sense that he'd think abt cutting his losses. but... he doesn't want to kill him. cuz he liiiikes him. so he just ghosts him lol
& Yoojin's reaction to it is so freaking funny dude. he's like a crazy ex Hyunjae broke up with over text. & that makes sense, too, bcuz he's beginning to actually care about Sung Hyunjae in a non-transactional way, so Hyunjae just up and ghosting has to absolutely trigger the 2's fear of being unloved and abandoned, like it did when he thought Yoohyun abandoned him pre-regression. and because 2's are hiding insecurity and entitlement for love & attention behind a veneer of altruism, which wells into anger & resentment if they don't get the love that they're due, Yoojin literally threatens to blow up his house if he doesn't respond to him. and does, like, a 24 hour death countdown before barging into Sung Hyunjae's house when he STILL hadn't responded to his texts lololol
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