#periodic table of elements
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cacartoon · 1 day ago
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Patreon’s Elemental Forces Wallpaper
Thanks you patrons for giving permission to share :)
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 5 months ago
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sreegs · 6 months ago
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wronghands1 · 2 years ago
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esters-notepad · 8 months ago
Can you lick the chemistry?
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ilikeit-art · 2 years ago
Periodic table with particles of these same elements.
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element-tournament · 1 year ago
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Forms the basis of all life
What diamonds, coal, and pencil lead are made of
Used to make graphene, one of the strongest materials (one atom of thickness is 200x stronger than steel)
Not to be confused with Silicone
Could potentially be used to make life instead of carbon
Used in a lot of electronics, hence the name of silicon valley
Has a distinctive purple glow
used in neon signs
often mistaken as a pirate's favorite element
Found in high quantity in bananas
burning it produces a light purple or red flame
the first metal to be discovered by electrolysis
Used in cancer treatment
Used in toothpaste
The most accurate atomic clock (to one second in the 200 million years) uses strontium atoms
the most receptive and most electronegative of all the chemical elements
oxygen, helium, neon, and argon are the only elements fluorine can't react with
the only element that can react with noble gases, specifically xenon, krypton, and radon
the most diamagnetic metal (meaning it gets repelled by magnets instead of attracted)
Known for its unique shape and colorful style
the last lanthanoid to be discovered
Named after the dwarf planet Pluto
Was once thought to have been discovered by Enrico Fermi along with element 93, but he was actually mistaken. He named it Hesperium.
An unnaturally poor conductor of electricity
Used to make atomic bombs, even more powerful than uranium
Known by some as the "forbidden gummy"
Turns a vibrant blue when heated to extreme temperatures
Named after kobolds, who are "mythical, death-dealing goblins" (not the lizard kobold)
One of only three elements that are ferromagnetic at room temperature
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hadthatdreamagain · 6 months ago
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HAIII making adoptables based on periodic elements, check them out here
comment to claim :)
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circles-of-gallifrey · 9 months ago
PSE, but make it gallifreyan and queer 😌
If you're missing a particular flag, I'll be glad to add more :)
For now I'mma do these ten Tumblr let's me post in one go
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maspers · 6 months ago
Whether or not you can or should fight people based on the Element that best represents them:
Hydrogen: You can if you'd like and they'll totally fight you back if prompted but like why
Helium: They're so detached from everything you couldn't fight them if you wanted to. 
Lithium: Oh believe me they want to fight you but if you do you'll just feel bad for hurting them
Beryllium: They are dramatic and vaguely poisonous so you'd think fighting them would be a bad idea but trust us you really need to
Boron: You totally can and it's usually pretty easy but don't let your guard down because they're really good at last-second victories
Carbon: DON'T. Their defense is impeccable and their attacks are razor-sharp. You will be hurt. 
Nitrogen: Everyone wants to but nobody can figure out how
Oxygen: In most cases, you can and should. But in some cases you will sorely regret it and you can never tell which cases those are.
Neon: You might need to, but they'll just laugh it off once it's over. 
Sodium: Please fight them before they get worse. You'll have a ton of fun too. As a side note, if you're fighting *alongside* them all you need to do is give them time to prep and they're the best ally you can ask for. 
Magnesium: You might not want to but you really should. Don't worry it'll be over quick. 
Aluminium: Nah. 
Silicon: Strike fast, strike hard, don't let them access the internet or call a Carbon for backup. 
Phosphorus: Do you like to gamble? It's basically a 1 in 3 chance of A) You could but it won't do much B) You can and should as soon as possible and C) DO NOT THEY WILL EAT YOU
Sulfur: You'll regret fighting them, but it needs to be done
Chlorine: Best not to unless you are truly prepared to combat their aura of doom. 
Argon: Good luck finding them in the first place, and even if you do find them it'll just be like Neon
Potassium: You should but it won't be as fun as fighting Sodium
Calcium: Why would you want to? They're busy contributing to society best not to bother them. 
Scandium: Ugh I suppose if you HAVE to
Titanium: Please do. You won't accomplish anything but at least you'll know you tried
Vanadium: It'll be difficult because they never shut up but once they run out of breath their fate is sealed
Chromium: You should fight them but watch out they have a good reputation so if you aren't careful everyone will hate you. 
Manganese: Please don't. Chances are they already feel like they've lost, so just pat them on the back and tell them it's gonna be okay. 
Iron: You shouldn't. You'll want to. You'll really want to. But they're too important and if you win everything will be ruined. 
Cobalt: Don't bother. They'll flee at the first sign of conflict and your victory will feel hollow. 
Copper: You should fight them, but don't destroy them too hard because defeat means friendship in their eyes and they're actually really really helpful in just about every context
Zinc: Why on earth would you they are precious babies who never do anything wrong and just want to help don't hurt them! 
Gallium: You probably shouldn't, seeing as they're always on the verge of a nervous breakdown. 
Germanium: You won't want to fight them because they seem like Silicons or Carbons but it's all an act you should totally fight them to make you look better. 
Arsenic: Don't fight them. Even if you think you've won they'll already have put things in motion to ruin your life
Selenium: You totally should if only to experience the bizarre disorienting feeling of not knowing who won
Bromine: You can, and you'll think it was a really bloody defeat but actually they'll be totally fine and you'll get a headache an hour or so later once you realize what happened
Krypton: Bold of you to assume you can even hurt a superhimbo
Rubidium: You'll hear about them and think they're worth fighting, but then you meet them and discover they aren't. Fight them anyway as punishment for wasting your time. 
Strontium: You can and should, they seem normal but are secretly a menace. 
Yttrium: Don't, they're way too weird and all their weird friends will join in. 
Zirconium: Fire a shot and then run for the hills, #totallyworththepain
Niobium: Don't, they've lost too much already
Molybdenum: Really don't. They'll punch your face in then go back to whatever project they were working on
Technetium: It's a bot. It's a freaking bot. Why are you trying to fight a bot? 
Ruthenium: I'm not sure they even know how to fight
Rhodium: They're like Chromium but genuinely harmless, so while you can fight them there won't be much point to it
Palladium: Why on earth would you fight them, they're hot AND reasonably sane! 
Silver: Yes, please. They start by throwing your arguments back in your face, and then turn nasty before trying to finish you off with memes. But since they're really predictable once you've fought one you've fought them all. 
Cadmium: Not worth the sick feeling you'll get afterwards. 
Indium: PLEASE fight them. They're really easy to deal with, but if you leave them alone too long they start screaming so you need to fight them regularly
Tin: You can totally fight them, they'll sit there and take it with minimal complaining, but don't push them over the edge unless you want to deal with someone even more ruthless than Carbon
Antimony: Don't, you're just giving them more blackmail material on you. 
Tellurium: They sit on a throne of lies, so really really don't fight them unless you're trying to protect Gold. 
Xenon: You'd think fighting them wouldn't be worth the effort because they lurk most of the time but if you start a meme war you'll summon them and it'll be like fighting an epic secret boss in a video game
Cesium: You should NOT. They will overwhelm you quickly and then continue to harass you at regular intervals
Barium: They're really boring but you can still fight them to kill time
Lanthanum: Go ahead
Cerium: You can fight them but it'll really take a while for them to really get going. 
Praseodymium: Heck yeah. There's always two of them but neither should be a problem because neither knows what they're talking about. 
Neodymium: Heck no. There's always two of them and they both fight dirty. 
Promethium: You should, they make for good practice
Samarium: Only fight them if you want a lot of attention. 
Europium: Ugh, no. They won't fight back, just repeat everything you say really loudly and in a sarcastic tone of voice. 
Gadolinium: You can try, but they're usually busy listening to music. 
Terbium: They're one of Yttrium's weird friends. The geeky one. 
Dysprosium: Frankly you should just reward them for being willing to fight for whatever bizarre argument they're making. Sure you could defeat them easy, but letting them live is so much funnier. 
Holmium: Go right ahead. They are loud and precise and need to be stopped
Erbium: One of Yttrium's weird friends. The mystical one with the Crystals.
Thulium: Sure. You probably already have. 
Ytterbium: One of Yttrium's weird friends. This one actually can fight so keep them distracted while you deal with the other weirdos
Lutetium: Pfffft don't bother nobody takes them seriously anyway. 
Hafnium: Do it and do it soon, because otherwise they shall surprise attack you
Tungsten: They are very very good at fighting, but have flaws you can exploit. Which is good, because it will be necessary. 
Rhenium: You'll never get the chance. They'll fly in, pepper you with obnoxious memes, then go back to lurking. 
Osmium: They are older and wiser and know more than you and any attempts at fighting them will just lead to them giving you advice and helping you learn. But you should still fight them because… 
Iridium: ...when you attempt to fight an Osmium an Iridium will show up to defend them, and you NEED to fight those stuck-up prats. 
Platinum: Everything bad that people say about Gold is a lie, because they're true about Platinum instead. You must fight them. It will hurt a lot but they really need to be stopped. 
Gold: You will never fight them because you will be too busy protecting them. They are too pure for this world and deserve love and support, regardless of what people may say about them. 
Mercury: They are a writhing mass of insults and memes. Approach them with cold logic and only cold logic, otherwise you will die. 
Thallium: You won't realize that you really need to fight them until it's too late. 
Lead: They've been fought and defeated in the past so just let them go about their business fixing their mistakes. 
Bismuth: No don't, why would you even want to. They're like the most helpful people, and even if you did fight them they'd just outlast you with a patient smile. 
Polonium: I guarantee you've beaten a bunch of them before without realizing. If they argue back then you'll definitely die but they never do
Radon: It'll be hard because they seem untouchable but they are a cancer on society and must be dealt with posthaste. 
Francium: I mean you could but they'll totally destroy themselves if you give them a couple minutes so just wait it out. 
Radium: Idk I guess if you can if you want to but they're usually too busy reminiscing to notice
Actinium: Nah. They're just attention seekers. 
Thorium: Oh please like you could
Protactinium: You'll think they're an Actinium so you won't fight them, but if you did fight them it'd be very cathartic. 
Uranium: Do it, but hold back. They're loud and annoying but they're really just a kid who doesn't know better. 
Neptunium: No need, they're already playing damage control and dealing with everyone else. 
Americium: You'll want to because of how loud they are, but don't mistake volume for anger. They're actually pretty chill and only get genuinely mad if there's already a flame war going on. 
Curium: Leave them to their science, they're busy. 
Berkelium: They're like cardboard. You could fight them but it won't mean anything. 
Californium: Please do, and bring me pictures. 
Einsteinium: You shouldn't. Because if you do it will be because they want you to and are recording your actions for future analysis. 
Fermium: You'll never need to because they only seek out and interact with people who like and agree with them
Mendelevium: They are social experts who know everything about everyone and would be very dangerous if they weren't completely stupid. OHKO them and then let them go back to their ineffective scheming
Nobelium: If you somehow manage to beat them everyone will love you for it, but that's never happened. 
Lawrencium: No need, they're busy spinning. Wheeee! 
Rutherfordium: You can and should, but be aware fighting them will reveal uncomfortable truths about yourself
Dubnium: In Soviet Russia, Dubnium fights you. You'll be fine. Probably. 
Bohrium: Hit them once to prove a point then let them go back to reading, because if you  interrupt them for more than a minute they will destroy you out of spite with their intellect. 
Hassium: If you want to, sure. 
Meitnerium: Don't. They've worked hard to get where they are today and don't have time for anyone's bullcrap, including yours. 
Darmstadtium: See Hassium, though make sure you don't lose because that would be REALLY embarrassing. 
Roentgenium: NO. They will target all your weaknesses and atomize you. 
Copernicium: Lolololol sure it'll be easy since they're in dreamworld half the time
Nihonium: You can, but only if you're willing to fight fair. They are always up for an honorable duel but the moment you try to fight dirty they will call you out and cut you down. 
Flerovium: Go right ahead if you like, no one will care either way
Moscovium: See Dubnium except they're more ruthless and cold so just fire a parting shot and back off
Livermorium: I actually don't really know what fighting them is like, but it's probably lame
Tennessine: DON'T. They will compose a song about you. A mean song. You will cry.
Oganesson: You totally can, but honestly that might be a bit cruel.
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cacartoon · 2 days ago
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Working on the next Patreon wallpaper
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periodictableofdragons · 5 days ago
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This guy has two heads because hydrogen is so unstable that it bonds to itself so you’ll find it as h2. Blue because hydrogen flames burn blue, and a nice fierce look because ya know, hydrogen is super reactive.
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mar-why-am · 8 months ago
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Walked around campus finding all out exam venues... Found this beautiful stained glass periodic table
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officialish-cdc · 16 days ago
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dankmemes23 · 5 months ago
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dominicdelagol2 · 7 months ago
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Kalium's technology, Polygon, in use!
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