#rune’s headcanons
ghostly-runes · 24 days
Marauders era 🚬 headcanons
Note: I tried to keep this as historically accurate because I personally don’t like when people ignore that they came from the seventies, but even with my research it’s probably won’t be perfect so just keep that in mind.
Also, if I come up with more I’ll add them, as this isn’t everyone and I know that.
- She smokes Marlboro reds
- Started smoking in 5th year
- Is a social smoker
- Owns a single red bic lighter that has somehow not been stolen from her yet (because she keeps stealing Pete’s and Dorcas.)
- Keeps a cigarette with Dorcas’ number on it (she refuses to smoke it)
- Lily doesn’t stick to one brand of cigarettes as she tends to just bum one from the people she knows here and there.
- Lily is a stress smoker, meaning she smokes when something stressful happens. One example of this I can think of is the Marauders and the Pantheon getting in some trouble together and upon finding out, Lily puts her hand out to Dorcas and says, “Can I bum one off ya?” Dorcas, without hesitation, takes out her pack of cigarettes and hands one to Lily, flinging her lighter open to light it for her.
- Carries a pink bic lighter with her just in case she needs it.
- Her lighter is covered in those produce stickers that you get on fruits.
- James doesn’t smoke because Fleamont has asthma and used to smoke and now he has health issues. So because James’ mom and dad aren’t sure if he has asthma, have drilled it into his head that he will never smoke under their roof (It’s one of the few things they’re strict about.)
- He’s the type of person to be hanging out with someone and if they pull out a cigarette to tell them, “Y’know that can kill you, right?” (He does this with Remus, especially when he first started smoking and it pisses Remus off)
- Pete smokes Rothmans blues, because he likes the taste of tobacco and they’re popular.
- He started smoking in his 5th year after Sirius and Remus started smoking.
- He didn’t like the ones they smoked though so after some experimenting around he found Rothmans blues and now they’re the only ones he’ll smoke.
- He’s a social smoker
- He doesn’t smoke cigarettes as much as he smokes weed though.
- Has a green and a yellow bic lighter to light his cigarettes (and blunts)
- His lighters get stolen constantly, he’s never ran one through (Sirius and Marlene use them and forget to return them)
- Sirius smokes Winston ultra lights, because they’re more expensive and taste the least like tobacco to him.
- He hates the taste of cigarettes but smokes to calm his nerves.
- Started smoking the summer between 4th and 5th yr.
- When he moves in with the potters in 6th yr he doesn’t smoke in the house as Effie and Monty disprove of it but he secretly smokes on the balcony of his room at night.
- Owns a Vivienne Westwood cigarette case (he uses it a lot because it’s “punk”)
- Has a Silver ornate “zippo” lighter that has the letter “B” carved into it that he never uses unless it’s the only thing he has. (He hates how “posh” seeming it makes him (it’s also a family thing))
- He normally uses a regular zippo lighter.
- Sometimes just lights his with Remus’ cigarette.
- He gets a fancy gold “Zippo” lighter that has the letter “P” carved into it from Monty for Christmas that used to be Monty’s when he smoked. (He doesn’t use it a lot because it’s too sentimental to him (it’s one of the few things Remus has of Sirius’ when he’s in Azkaban that he keeps))
- Remus smokes cigarettes that he rolls himself because it’s cheaper than buying the tailor made (factory made) ones.
- He started selling them in 3rd year but started smoking them in the summer between 3rd and 4th.
- He sells them without filters but rolls them with filters for himself because he’s burned his lips one too many times and hates it every time he does. (Sirius also complains about it)
- Used matches to light his cigarettes.
- Reg smokes pall mall filters, because they’re higher quality and easy for him to get.
- He started smoking in 3rd year.
- His first cigarette was one he bummed from Barty but he didn’t like the menthol taste so he sticks with the regular filter kind.
- Regulus actually was the first in his group to smoke regularly as he becomes addicted to things so so easy.
- When Sirius found out that Reg smoked he lectured him for 2 hours on how terrible it was for him, even though at that point Reg and Sirius had been smoking for years.
- Owns a Vivienne Westwood cig case and lighter (uses them religiously)
- Has a silver fancy zippo lighter that has the letter “B” carved into it all ornate. (He stops using it in his 4th year)
- Barty smokes Pall Mall Menthols, he’s never smoked anything different because he prefers the familiarity.
- He started smoking in 2nd year after his mamá passed away but didn’t start smoking daily until 4th year.
- He started with pall mall menthols and hasn’t changed since.
- He at first stole them from his dad and smoked them after their fights to ease his anxiety and just never stopped
- Eventually he started buying them himself with money he stole from his dad.
- He uses Evan’s pryokinesis or a purple bic lighter that he stole from Dorcas to light his cigarettes.
- Dorcas smokes Class A’s with no filter because they’re cheap and she buys them with the money from her summer jobs. So she has to get the cheap kind to save her money and make it last.
- She started smoking in her 4th year but started smoking regularly in the summer of her 5th year after her parents divorced.
- She buys them in bulk right before she leaves for Hogwarts and during holiday break.
- At one point she bought cigarettes from Remus, but found she didn’t like them as much as the tailor made (factory made) cigarettes.
- Uses a silver zippo lighter that flicks open because she lost all of her bic lighters.
- Panda smokes the same as Reg because she just bums them off of him.
- She only smokes when she drinks.
- She smokes weed a lot more than she smokes cigarettes like Pete.
- She keeps a box of matches on her at all times.
- Evan buys cigarettes from Remus just because they’re easy to get and he doesn’t mind Remus.
- He doesn’t smoke often and is really just a social smoker but carries his tin of cigarettes on him at all times in case his friends need one.
- Evan uses his Veela pyrokinesis to light his and sometimes his friend groups cigs.
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rannnem · 15 days
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It's how I think Kris would look like as a 16-17 year old (iirc they're roughly 14 in TR). I'm dying to do more fanart of this slightly older TR!Kris design so I'll totally make more
Twin Runes by @akanemnon their artstyle is so gorgeous i hope I did it justice
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foggymvp · 1 month
This is cannon
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the-sunshine-dims · 1 month
You ever think that when Rune was younger maybe he'd go on the swings and just go as high as he could? Pretending for a moment that he was amongst the clouds the same way his peers were? Pretend that he wasn't sickly and the wind wasn't making his lungs ache just enough to put a strain on his breathing? That for a moment, he was in the sky, and that nothing else mattered, not the ifs or buts, and that maybe, for a moment he understood the greek myth of icarus like a close friend?
you ever think about Rune having grasped onto any chance at being in the sky, amongst the clouds, the breeze flowing past him? Using it as an escape?
Yeah, yeah me neither
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feralwetcat · 27 days
(hc:) Sylph puts those little colorful butterfly hairclips in Runes hair while he sleeps at their desk, he knows about it but lets xem do it:]
There are broken butterfly clips on the lower islands near the obelisk.
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Oooh~ how about a Rune factory 4 & 5 ask for Scarlett ,Dolace and Clorica with an S/O that's the opposite of them personality wise. They're just hyperactive, bubbly and a bit mischievous
(Rune Factory 4/5) Scarlett, Dolce, and Clorica with a hyper S/O
I just started replaying RF4/5 so I'm very much at risk of vanishing again, but I will try my best not to. (Project Zomboid and painting my space marines is doing a good job of that anyway)
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Scarlett's duty as a ranger of SEED is to make sure the peace is maintained in Rigbarth.
Which her lover does a very good job of disrupting, much to her annoyance.
Whether it's indulging Cecil and his tendencies to investigate "mysteries", going along with Ludmilla's plans, or whatever the hell Ares and Alice was up to, S/O was at the scene of the crime.
Her fingers pinch the bridge of her nose as she sighs in frustration.
Meanwhile, S/O just laughs and bats their eyes innocently.
(S/O) "Hello, Scarlett!~"
(Scarlett) "Do not use that tone of voice with me. What are you doing?"
(S/O) "If I tell you, will you not get mad?"
Scarlett crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
(Scarlett) "That depends on your answer."
Though truthfully, Scarlett is grateful that S/O is with her at all, despite their difference in personality.
She's aware of her tendency to be a bit square and rigid, yet S/O loved her all the same.
Their overbearing love teaches her to loosen up, at least in some capacity.
Because sometimes, it was a bit too much.
(Scarlett) "S/O, I refuse to let you redecorate your room!"
(S/O) "Aw, but it'll be really cute!"
(Scarlett) "My face plastered all over your walls is not cute!"
(S/O) "...Palmo thought it was a good idea-"
(Scarlett) "CEASE AND DESIST!"
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Dolce's face remains unchanged as both S/O and Pico engage in tomfoolery around Selphia.
Especially the fights where they fight for her "eternal love".
(Pico) "NO! Milady is MINE!"
(S/O) "Dolce would choose me, right sweetie?!"
(Dolce) "Call me that again, and I'll choose to do violence to both of you."
She dares not utter a word of how much she enjoys watching S/O brighten her day, lest she never get to live it down.
Pico and S/O would tease her about it until the end of time.
And since Pico was already a ghost, she actually could do that.
Rarely, Dolce cracks a smile as they both get reprimanded by Nancy.
(Nancy) "S/O, Pico? What have we talked about regarding fighting during breakfast?"
Nancy's menacing smile is enough to get both of them to sit up straight almost bend 90 degrees to apologize.
Making Dolce giggle softly.
(Dolce) "So that's what it takes to make you two be quiet? Maybe I should ask for Nancy to come with us at all times."
(S/O) "N-Not that I'd mind but...!"
(Jones) "Now now, Dolce. Us old timers shouldn't be interfering with your love life."
Dolce's eyes widened a little at Jones' teasing, making Pico and S/O laugh now, with even Nancy joining in.
Dolce glares at the two of them.
(Dolce) "I will kill you two."
Every dramatic and affectionate gesture makes Dolce blush madly, as she tries her best to keep her poker face intact.
All the while, Pico is either hissing, or encouraging S/O.
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Clorica is unused to the sheer energy S/O brings to her. And here she thought Amber was a lot sometimes.
But it wasn't unwelcome at all. Having someone so bouncy was helpful in keeping her awake.
...Most of the time.
Whenever she performed her duties around the castle, she always had S/O to talk with, usually about something amusing happening around Selphia or just nothing in particular.
(S/O) "Cloricaaaaa!"
Clorica spun around and caught S/O, who leapt into her arms dramatically.
She almost fell over, but managed to stand her ground, letting out a soft giggle.
(Clorica) "Hello, S/O. I just got done with my duties for now. Would you like to get lunch?"
(S/O) "Heck yeah! I'm starving, let's get going already!"
Clorica is almost dragged along, making her smile even bigger.
Despite how enthusiastic they were, they always made sure to never force Clorica to do anything.
And even S/O understood that sometimes, she just needed the nap.
(Clorica) zzzz.....
(S/O) "Wow! It never fails to amaze me that she can sleep while cleaning!"
(Vishnal) "I aspire to reach that level of efficiency!
(S/O) "Maybe I can ask her to teach us that!"
(Lest) "I...don't think anyone can be at Clorica's level when it comes to that..."
(Frey) "Not even us."
(S/O) "It's a worth a shot! I'm already halfway there, she taught me how to fall asleep on command! Watch-"
(Clorica) "...Huh?"
Clorica's eyes slowly blinked open before her head fell down, and went back asleep.
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akanemnon · 2 years
Here’s a question for all of you. How old are you? Just curious is all.
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I made a small and kinda inaccurate chart a while back that mentions the human's ages. Please take it with a grain of salt though. I messed up big time with the sizing... As for Kris' classmates, they're probably around Kris' age.
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rune-rambles-art · 2 months
Okay I have to yell about Koleda Belobog Zenless Zone Zero because I feel like I love her in a very specific way that I haven’t seen a lot of people talk about. More under the cut because I have,,, so many thoughts.
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Koleda is such a good portrayal of someone who struggles with their perception as an adult. A pretty easy conclusion to make with the first thing she usually says on the character select screen being “Hey, don’t look down on me!”, but it definitely goes a lot deeper the more you spend time with her. Specifically, she seems to struggle in her perception of herself as someone much more mature than her younger peers, but still not on the same level as the adults in similar positions of power as her. I kinda. Hate zenless for not explicitly stating how old she is, but given she rose to her position at Belobog “when she came of age” (which honestly, I still can’t give a concrete answer to what hoyo means by this? Some searches I found claimed the working age to be 16 in China, I’ve seen others online claim 18 but that’s not reliable. Hoyo I'm begging you put official ages on your characters it's a cool and based practice), she waited for a significant amount of time before taking up her role as president. She is an adult from what the game implies, and a core part of her character is fighting against the constant infantilization she faces due to how she looks.
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Let’s start with her love of desserts (and a honestly this is the reason I started writing this). It’s her most highlighted character trait (it is also the first known attribute in her trust rank profile when you unlock her), and most of her trust events on 6th street revolves around them. Initially, she hesitates in proclaiming her love for them, likely to avoid being perceived as childish.
Her rank 4 trust special event is, admittedly, my favorite, but it’s one of the best breakdowns of this.
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In order to maintain her image as a mature adult, she uses her position as company president to get around having to request a special dessert drink by name (in her defense, "Sweet Girl Fluffy Marshmallow Lambkin Milk" is an insane mouthful of a product name). At the end of the event she admits that saying its name “wasn’t as bad as she thought”, but her initial kneejerk reaction was a complete rejection of even entertaining the idea of doing something that could put the image she worked so hard to create and maintain at risk. Despite this, she still refuses desserts that aren't tooth-rottingly sweet, even if they are seen as the more mature or "refined" option. It's only around people that she really trusts does she allow this part of herself to be known, because she knows they wouldn't misconstrue this behavior as childish.
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I also think her perception on the differences between kids and adults is interesting ("thank you agent story quest" we all say in unison). She doesn't ever feel like she fits in with other kids, probably due to all the responsibility she had to take on as the eventual heir to her father's company. But she also holds a vocal distain for many of her adult peers. Her declaration of "When I was younger, I thought the whole world was rotten, trying to make people just as rotten when they grow up." is a reflection of how she struggled to find her place in the world as she was forced to suddenly transition into adulthood, while still trying to understand the actions of the adults around her.
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Her relationship with her father becoming strained contributed significantly to her world outlook as well, and may have caused such a specific distinction of what she deems "the world of adults". I don't want to dive too specifically into that because spoilers and the game is only a few weeks old so. Pin that for another time maybe? It definitely matters in the sense that the loss of her father is the catalyst for the loss of her childhood, but a lot of the specifics in how that affected her are speculative (and I don't wanna get too headcanon-y in this particular post) and she explicitly chooses not to discuss it too in-depth with the proxy (which, girl. Valid). But she's slowly learning to cope with that loss, at least it seems that way by the end of chapter 3. Honestly I could probably find more to add about the agent story in particular, but I would have to replay it to get a better idea.
To me, Koleda Belobog is very solid representation for women who had to grow up too fast, struggle with the perception of being seen as an adult, and hold guilt about indulging in acts that can be perceived as childish by their peers because they never fully got the chance to just be a kid. It truly did resonate with me, and it feels like such a specific "if you know, you know" kind of experience that I don't feel is talked about as much in media, especially with people who identify as female during their youth.
Also, also! I hope they dive in a bit more on how she got/has so much hollow corruption at a young age. Because they imply that she is so short as a result of this hollow corruption. Like that's so damn interesting conceptually and I know they delved on it more in Rina's agent story but. It was more of a mental affliction than a physical one.
Anyway I've been working on this for like 2 days now but that's all I have in terms of like. A canon-compliant character analysis.
TLDR; Koleda is such a perfect example of "God forbid short women exist" and I love her for that. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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lalovi · 6 months
can you do dark cacao x male affogato's priest reader both headcanon and one shot
extra: reader was allowed to stay after after affogato exile because he was the one who noticed his foul intentions first and didn't just mindlessly follow his commands
AN: I'm sorry I finished this kind of late- I was having some MAJOR writers block, but! Look! It's here! I know it doesn't say it in the title, but it IS with male Affagato's priest. There will be some HC in the beginning and the oneshot will be at the bottom. Enjoy♡
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Dark Cacao x Male! Reader. HEADCANONS
Warnings: Mentions of injury (very mild)
You were one of very few priests that were allowed to stay after Affogato's exile
You, unlike most, were able to see through his antics
You first met Dark Cacao during a meeting, where people discussed weather or not you should be allowed to stay within the kingdom
At the end of the discussion, you were allowed to stay, although it was ultimately Dark Cacao's input that decided it
You started talking more, and eventually began dating
It took a long time to break his cold shell, but once you did, you realized how much of a softspot he had for you.
Dark Cacao seems like a very cold person to strangers, but you now know a much different side of him
Sometimes you hear people complaining about the obvious favoritism
It makes you laugh
On really cold days, you two will huddle up by a fireplace
He let's you braid his hair a lot
If he ever comes back injured, you'll quickly heal him back up
Not the biggest on pda, but may let you hold his hand if he's in an especially good mood.
Anything you want, you can have
If you ever want to go out, he makes sure you have an escourt
He just doesn't want you to get hurt ♡
Dark Cacao x Male! Reader. ONESHOT
Warnings: None
Today was an especially cold day in the kingdom. Anyone outside without the proper clothes would get frostbite. That's why you and your boyfriend were huddled inside by the fireplace.
Currently, you were in the middle of braiding his hair.
"Your hair is always so soft." you would chime while not taking your eyes off of your current goal. He would only hum a response, not saying much.
"You know, some workers are upset. They think it's not fair that you're showing so much favoritism towards me. They're jealous." You'd tell him.
Dark Cacao would just keep staring into the fireplace.
"Let them be. You're the only person deserving of my attention." He'd say.
You would smile. "So that's what you think.."
"Is it wrong to think that?"
"I dont think so. I kind of like being your favorite." You would finish the braid you were doing up.
"I'm done." You'd chime.
Dark Cacao would turn his body to face yours, and you would put a hand on his cheek.
"You're so handsome.." you would say quietly while looking into his eyes.
"You flatter me too much, love." He would say as he draped his cape onto your shoulders. You would smile, but not resist whatever plan he had in mind.
The warmth of it was nice.
"What's this for?" You would ask him.
"Your hands felt cold, so I assumed you needed something else to keep you warm," Dark Cacao would explain.
You would stand up and do a little twirl. "Do I look nice?"
"You always look nice, my love."
"You do too."
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buffyspeak · 1 year
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shadowhunters rewatch 2023:
2.01 vs 3.10
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wikitpowers · 9 months
anyone: is something bothering u? what's on ur mind?
my mind:
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i'm making this fanart my entire personality
artist: @elisial
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ghostly-runes · 22 days
Deaf/Hard of hearing Black family (And a bit of the Tonks/Rosier/Malfoy/Lupin/Riddle family (Pretty much everyone in the family tree I could think of))
Note: I am not deaf but I am disabled so I am somewhat pulling from my experiences so, if I get anything wrong or am insensitive in anyway please please let me know
- Sirius was born hard of hearing but never got the support he needed in childhood
- He didn’t know and wasn’t taught sign language until he was older and could learn it by himself
- Regulus and Andromeda were the only ones to learn BSL (British sign language) with him (More so Reg than Andy because he lived with Sirius)
- Deafness runs in the Black family but most of them learn to live with it so they don’t seem “crippled” (Narcissa and Orion are the only ones that aren’t hard of hearing or deaf in the family)
- Regulus grew up hearing but midway though his years at hogwarts he started losing his hearing (Pandora pointed it out)
- This is one of the few times during their years at Hogwarts and after Sirius runs away, that Regulus comes to Sirius because “How can he be the perfect heir if he’s ‘defected’. ”
- They had a long conversation about how that didn’t determine his worth and he wasn’t ‘defected’ or anything of that sort
- In a They all live!AU Regulus would have been completely deaf by 30
- Luckily though, at the age of 15 Regulus has a close knit friend group and they’re all willing to learn sign language for him (He sucks at lip reading)
- Sirius also has incredibly close friend group and they all start to learn sign language for Sirius, even if it’s just common signs
- Sirius actually doesn’t tell his friends that he’s hard of hearing, James just picks it up 2nd yr and when asked Sirius tries to deny it but he sucks at lying to James
- After a bit they tell Peter and then Remus
- After Remus, Sirius finds it gets easier and easier to tell his friends and soon most (if not his whole) friend group knows
- Regulus on the other hand doesn’t tell anyone but Dorcas, Barty, Evan, Pandora and Sirius for a while. (James and Lily have to learn about it from Sirius)
- Andromeda is born completely deaf and it scares her mother half to death because it’s not often that the Black children are born that way
- Because of this she isn’t able to talk very clearly and struggles quite a lot
- Bellatrix, like Sirius is Born hard of hearing but her mother is a little more accepting of it and makes sure her daughters learn sign language
- So the girls grow up learning and knowing LSF (Langue des signes française/French sign language)
- They teach the brothers bits and pieces when they get the chance but Orion refuses to let them use it in the house
- Orion and Cyprus both don’t start becoming hard of hearing until they are teenagers and even then they never go completely deaf
- Walburga was born hard of hearing like Sirius and was considered a failure by her mother for this (she continued the cycle of this to Sirius)
- Alphard was not born completely deaf but is by the time he is a small child he is (His parents are reallyyy not happy about this)
- Because he went deaf after he began to talk he can talk mostly clearly, he does struggle a bit at times but it’s not normally noticeable
- However, he cannot speak English as he didn’t learn any before going deaf (French is his first language) and he only knows bsl after he moves out
- Tonks (Nymphadora) is born hard of hearing and grows up in a house that uses sign language
- Draco, like his mother is one of the few family members that are born hearing but he starts losing his hearing a bit earlier than most folks
- Teddy is also born hearing but grows up with Andromeda so they learn sign language as one of their first languages
- Scorpius was surprisingly born hard of hearing considering his mother, father and grandparents are not deaf or hard of hearing
- But not to worry, the family trauma is being healed and he grows up with a good support system and people who know sign language and use it with him
- Delphi and born hearing and doesn’t usually have any problems with her hearing until she’s a preteen
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sheigarche · 6 months
I really love the complex dynamic between Amicia and Beatrice.
And I have the headcanon that until she was 10 years old it was Beatrice who taught Amicia her hairstyle and how to braid her hair. It was their thing.
Then Hugo was born and all of their mother's attention went to taking care of him and Amicia kept braiding her hair in a way to feel close to her.
Interestingly enough, in Requiem, the Count cutting her hair at the exact moment she is about to lose her mother forever feels very symbolic.
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boybandposter · 5 months
Did anyone else ever play the Rune Factory Series? Golden Sun? Harvest Moon? WHAT GOOD GAMES WTH. I wanna write for some of the people tbh…..
LIKE…. lemme show some of these mfs ‼️‼️
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you’re telling me that no one likes these fine ahh people ⁉️
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pepperangers · 14 days
i like to think that mack and wes would have been great friends even before they became rangers because they always saw eachother at galas/business meetings or something and they weren’t really exposed to many other kids their age outside their parents’ circles
jen: now that you’re a ranger you have a big responsibility, and your identity MUST remain a secret
wes, who called mack the Literal Second he got his powers: for sure for sure of course obviously
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runekirikjartan · 5 months
Mandokarla Aran AU notes
Fox has tattoos all spanning his shoulders/back with ritual rites and the names of the vode sacrificed
the guard have the protection of kad ha'rangir
Fox's batchers are Bacara, Neyo, Faie and Doom
Fox is the second oldest in his batch
Fox's hair started going grey 3 months into the war from shock
he has a scar on his forearm where Carver and Murmur had him in surgery for six hours
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