ghostly-runes · 22 hours
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ghostly-runes · 1 day
- final ode
technically a jegulily piece <3
no proof reading lmaoao
cw/tw !! selfharm scars, death, kinda postpartum depression, badly badly wrote bby
a pang of pain hit james as he glanced at the once buzzing room, now covered in a thick layer of dust, regulus had always been an artist, his studio was now just a shell of what it had been, the sense of chaos yet tamed by regulus' soothing presence. in the center of the room regs last piece stood, never to be complete. an painting of lily
regulus had always struggled with words - for as long as james had known him.
reg contrasted james' brash personality same could he said in the sense they both showed their love,
james preferred loud actions, and could easily speak 1000s words standing on top of a table in front of all his friends
where as regulus had always shown his feelings in small and gestures which silently spoke all the words he struggled to say, and thats what this painting perfectly embodied.
shortly after lily had given birth, she entered an deep depression and james tried everything, millions of sweet nothings muttered in her ears, yet nothing seemed to come through to her
but this painting was regulus last love letter for lily, his last ode to them , for all his love for them. thats what the incomplete canvas embodied. the oils still drying, yet the eyes of the artist who had been painting it were dryier then they had ever been. his body was never found so maybe the was hope, hope this painting could be complete, hope they could be them again
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ghostly-runes · 3 days
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Lyrics underneath
Regulus Lyrics- (The Exit - Conan Gray)
I can’t hate you, for getting everything that we wanted. I just thought that I’d be part of it.
Sirius Lyrics- (The Show Must Go On - Queen)
Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking but my smile stays on!
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ghostly-runes · 3 days
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Probably one of my favorite characters from the Riordanverse <3 and she does have cleft lip btw
My art style had a relapse but she’s still cute :)
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ghostly-runes · 12 days
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why is your face old!!!!!
this is how mumbo is to me btw
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theyre so crazy abt each other lowkey
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ghostly-runes · 13 days
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Sapphic Regulily
I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. - R.A.B.
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ghostly-runes · 18 days
Mary macdonald light study
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ghostly-runes · 18 days
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I colored those sketches :]
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ghostly-runes · 19 days
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ghostly-runes · 19 days
barty with piercings and tattoos!
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a commission for @/battycunts on twitter! full body and background for a pierced and tattooed barty :)
I wanted to give him a more brutal/aggressive (idk if these words are the right ones but) vibe but I think we don't really see his cool and relaxed side enough... I imagined him being surprised by one of his friends visiting him unprompted and catching him sneakily smoke on his balcony (father doesn't allow him of course).
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ghostly-runes · 19 days
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I didn't know I needed saphic regulily until now.
I'm not sure if I will finish this so here is the sketch.
I can't see any dynamic between them where Regulus doesn't worship Lily.
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ghostly-runes · 19 days
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ponyo au part 3 🐟
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ghostly-runes · 20 days
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north carolina miku!
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ghostly-runes · 20 days
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North Carolina Hatsune Miku
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ghostly-runes · 21 days
Marauders era characters and their siblings headcanons/ocs
I saw someone on here say that it’s out of character for most of the Marauders Era characters not having any siblings and I agree. So I compiled a list of most of the characters that I think have siblings. Ask if you want to know more about any of them :]
(Also, I’ll probably make separate post for all the family’s and include some more info and face claims.)
Pandora and Evan
Pandora and Evan Rosier’s siblings
A little background:
- The twins were raised by their grandparents because their mother’s husband despised them as they weren’t his. However, to not cause any uproar he claims them as his so they have his last name.
- Their father is a lestrange and their mother had them through an affair
- They went to school from '72-'79
- Pandora is older and transfemme so she’s the heir of the family
Dahlia Rosier:
- Goes to school from ‘73-'80
- Slytherin
- French
- 1/4 Veela
- half sibling from their mother’s side
- She was raised by their mother and her husband (Who is Dahlia’s bio father)
- Growing up she’s taught to despise her siblings as well by her father, however after she starts at Hogwarts she learns slowly that they aren’t as bad as her dad makes them out to be
- She’s jealous for quite a while that even though Pandora isn’t her dad’s bio kid she’s the heir of his family
- she’s a snobby kid when she’s younger but grows up to be kinder person (still sarcastic and blunt though)
- She’s the rich wine aunt to Luna when she’s older
Rodolphus Lestrange:
- Goes to school from '64-'71
- Slytherin
- French (fathers side) + Russian (mothers side)
- is aware of Pandora and Evan but doesn’t have a relationship with them
Rabastan Lestrange:
- Goes to school from '68-'75
- Slytherin
- French (fathers side) + Russian (mothers side)
- is aware of Pandora and Evan but doesn’t have a relationship with them
Marlene McKinnon’s Siblings
- Marlene’s mom is Chinese from Canada
- All of Marlene’s siblings have a English and Chinese name, I’ll include both (please let me know if I fuck these up any as I’m not Chinese)
- Marlene goes to school from ‘70-‘77
- Her Chinese name is “Mǐn Jūn” for those of you curious
Cecelia "Chen" McKinnon:
- Goes to school from '73-'80
- Gryffindor
- Canadian + Chinese (mothers side)
- Cecelia tends to be the typical “perfect” younger sibling to their parents and is treated like it, putting a strain on hers and her sisters relationships
- She’s a shy girl that is creative and good at most forms of art (Painting being her favorite)
- She is also good at sports but doesn’t like them
Lillian "Lihua" McKinnon:
- Goes to school from '69-'76
- Gryffindor
- Canadian + Chinese (mothers side)
- Plays as quidditch Beater while at Hogwarts
- Lillian is the more “rebellious” sibling getting into trouble with their parents often
- She’s the most charismatic out of her sisters
- She is closest with Marlene and they both tend to get in trouble with one another
- She’s also where Marlene got her love of quidditch from
Shannon "Xīn yán" McKinnon:
- Goes to school from '68-'75
- Gryffindor
- Canadian + Chinese (mothers side)
- Shannon is quiet and stoic but is very much a person her sisters go to for advice if they need it
- She’s the reader of the family
Alice Longbottom(neé Fortescue)’s sibling(s)
- the siblings live and grow up in Italy, going to Hogwarts for school
- Bartimeus Crouch is a family friend to their father (Enzo Fortescue)
- Barty grows up living close to the Fortescue’s until he moves at 9 back to Scotland
- Alice goes to school from '68-'75
Florian Fortescue:
- Goes to school from '62-'69
- Hufflepuff
- Italian
- he’s the sane one, he tends to be pretty laid back and hangs out in his family greenhouse often
- He’s so emotionally aware and just really good at comforting people, Alice and Barty learn this skill from him
Barty Crouch Jr.:
- Goes to school from '72-'79
- Ravenclaw
- Scottish (dad’s side) + Puerto Rican (mom’s side)
- Plays as quidditch Beater while at Hogwarts
- him and Alice argued all the time when they were little but also practically joined at the hip until he had to move
- Alice and him write letters to one another as often as they can
Xenophillius Lovegood’s sibling
- Xenophillius is born under a different name and changes it after he moves away and cuts contact with his family
- Xeno goes to school from '72-'79
- The Malfoys are ethnically French but live in England
Lucius Malfoy:
- Goes to school from '65-'72
- Slytherin
- British + French
- growing up him and Xeno didn’t get along, Lucius always thought his siblings was strange and teased them
Peter Pettigrew’s siblings
- Pete goes to school from '71-'78
- Because his sisters are older Peter isn’t really close with them
- The Mckinnons and Pettigrews grew up together as neighbors and consider one another family
- The Pettigrew siblings were raised by their aunt (Mother’s sister) as their mother wasn’t considered fit to raise them
Diana Pettigrew
- Goes to school from '67-'74
- Gryffindor
- German + British
- Diana is sarcastic and can be kind of mean at times but is generally a good person
- She’s one of the only people to see through Peter and suspect something of him when the Potters pass away and he suddenly goes missing
- She also figures out he’s a death eater after he goes missing
- She refuses to go to his funeral after he’s presumed dead and it strains hers and her sister’s relationship for a while
- Goes to school from '68-'75
- Hufflepuff
- German + British
- Heidi is the sweetest girl you’ll meet but is bad for letting people walk all over her
- She believes her brother is innocent even after he’s proven guilty and is revealed to be scabbers and a death eater
- She’s one of the only people to show up to his funeral (the other being her aunt)
Mary MacDonald’s sibling
- Mary grows up with the kind of parents where they’re not divorced but should be
Jack MacDonald:
- He doesn’t go to Hogwarts as he’s born a muggle
- Is almost 4 years older than Mary
- Jack didn’t do well in school and dropped out in secondary school
- He’s extremely hardworking though and when his sister loses all her memories he helps her get back up on her feet
- Growing up he was fiercely protective of Mary and practically raised her even with not much of an age gap
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ghostly-runes · 21 days
Remus: describe Regulus in 3 words
James: mysterious, snarky, and hot
Lily: sweet, precious, and cute
James: are we talking about the same person?
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ghostly-runes · 21 days
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Lily and her pretty boy, reading together. I don’t even think she’s paying attention, but honestly, I get it.
( Idea from: @aithusarosekiller ( I hope I did them justice :] ))
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