#but he's very alive in pretty much any other timeline/au
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noirapocalypto · 1 year ago
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ᴄᴀꜱᴇʏ ʜᴀʟᴇ
Age 30, year 2046. Father of Isiah Hale aka SVLEM
Do not repost anywhere.
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meowzcw · 6 months ago
I finally drew my oc A-Sans normally on here instead of kawaii doodles 🔥🔥 (By the way he stole that jacket off a coat rack like a hermit crab, that's why it's like size asgore)
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Reblogs are appreciated ‼️
His/au backstory down below if you wanna read 🦟 just a warning it's not original or anything and there's obv a lot of hcs and things picked from the multiverse because why not I just made him for fun 🎉
it's missing some info but those parts are mostly from Frisk's side of things since they're what caused everything to happen 🐺
Frisk basically got trapped in the underground for 7 years since the barrier wouldn't open due to one of the souls dying out and one day they selfishly yet desperately decided to go through with a genocide route for the first time, they didn't want to but they felt as if there was no other way
Sans met Frisk in judgment hall to stop them obvi and he tried to talk them out of continuing but Sans sucks at saying the right things so Frisk continued on anyways- Frisk struck first and got him on the face and Sans in return charged up his very op everything attack which is a one shot kill (can explain in another post if anyone's interested 🌹 it's a bit long but in short Frisk hopped into the core and some things bugged out bad, including stats of some monsters) and Frisk struck him again in the last second.
They died at the same time and due to the fact Sans shouldn't be able to use a move like that he ended up glitching out of the timeline into a battle sequence like out-code where the fight couldn't progress or end because Frisk wasn't there to do any actions. While Frisk continued into the judgment hall, except Sans wasn't there and things started to glitch out when they tried to go past the area. so they were forced to give up and go back to how it was before the genocide route. Just without Sans there
Sans got stuck in there for a few months until Error accidentally opened up the area during a silly fight with Ink- which Ink swiftly ditched Error to go check it out
Sans grew paranoid after being in there for so long so he started fighting Ink the second he saw movement thinking it was Frisk, but he was even more confused when he saw someone that looked exactly like him just in different clothes so he panicked and teleported outta there. And since he had dust all over him at the time Ink obvi wanted to know what happened, so he went to go look for him.
Ink soon found him and reassured him that he didn't need to worry about anything since everyone in his AU was alive, but advised him not to go back since Frisk might try another genocide run and succeed.
Sans accepted that and took his advice, Ink then explained the whole multiverse business, AU's and such, since Sans was pretty confused. He then asked Sans for his name since they didn't do a proper introduction, which Sans decided to call himself "A-Sans" because pretty much everyone that's usually out of their au is a sans.
A-Sans took Ink's advice the wrong way and forced himself to stop worrying about anything involving his AU since everyone was alive unlike those in the multiverse that were more unfortunate. which was hard to do since he missed everyone, felt guilty for leaving them behind all miserable and such so he took up drinking to help him stop worrying about it all.
Now he just hangs around in busy areas to nap all day by himself, people avoid talking to him because of the dust on his face and assume he killed someone.
-End 🔥
Personality wise A is very laid back and friendly, usually sleepy. He doesn't hold grudges and he forgives easily if it isn't too bad. He doesn't blame Frisk for what they did, he just wishes he was able to do something sooner to help them out before they got to that state.
And sorry if I repeat things or explain it all weird 🙏 it was 11am when I wrote this and I didn’t slept a wink but Imk if you have any questions!
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that-hazbin · 15 days ago
For The Media Demon AU, what's Velvette's role in this?
The first post about this only mentioned Vox and Valentino's hold over entertainment, but Velvette is/was the third Vee, the Overlord of Social Media. I highly doubt she won't see some rise to power before Alastor notices her once she comes down.
I'm not entirely sure if it's been confirmed that Velvette's area of expertise is just social media, actually? Honestly I thought it was more than just that, considering she's in the fashion scene AND is a potion-brewer. I just know she's a trendsetter, and I HC that she was at least well-versed in chemistry when she was alive, which translated well into potioneering in death.
In any case, Velvette doesn't have the support of the other Vees in this AU, which means her influence is definitely nowhere near where it was in the canon timeline. I think with Vox's brainwashing, Velvette had little trouble in swaying the masses. Of course, I also think that out of the Vees, she understood the masses way more and wouldn't have as much trouble with them, just wouldn't be able to get as many people agreeing with her opinions.
Alastor doesn't have as much personal beef with Velvette in comparison to the other Vees, so while he does note her presence, he doesn't actually care too much about any popularity she garners. And likewise, Velvette's not going to want to piss off Alastor at all. Why would she? She's also an artist, and Alastor is, indirectly, supporting her in her artistic endeavors.
And in this AU, Alastor is going back to his roots with regards to magic, since he can no longer rely on the magic he acquired from his deal in the last timeline. So he's also pretty good with potioneering, as well as runes, spells, charms, etc. Velvette might actually kind of look up to Alastor in this AU, even if she does think he's a little old-fashioned.
There's... a small possibility that Velvette may become the figurehead of social media in this AU, but I'll hold off on that judgement until we see more of her personality in canon. At the very least, she can't be the figurehead for fashion, because Alastor would definitely already have that role filled by this point.
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weird0artgalonsocialmedia · 14 days ago
So this AU basically focuses on Silent Salt. As much as I'm aware he isn't released yet, LET ME HAVE THIS WRITE THIS PLEASE-
[warning, some stuff may not make sense]
This AU focuses on silent salt being the least-affected one when the beasts get corrupted. The only thing that was affected was losing his voice, he had violent tactics, but his un-corrupted mind senses were still there. So even when he did lose his voice, he tries to save other cookies from getting harmed from his friends that are fully corrupted.
So, you can say that he had violent tactics but his full-on senses snapped onto him and really looked into reality of the current situation.
During beast-yeast, when he gets out of the tree. He actually ends up in a forest rather than the beast yeast continent. He actually lost some sense of purpose in him and unsure what to do with his life now, sometimes he wonders about his friends and hoping they'll snap out of it eventually[HE WAS WRONG].
So, during the beast yeast. Elder Faerie actually lives[Technically half-cookie since he still gave half of his life-powder to White Lily in this au]. Until a "mysterious" cookie in the shadows makes that timeline pause[which most likely, knocking both the ancients and the beasts out].
Of course, I decided to make Dark Enchantress cookie more evil cause why not, she's the villain after all and I will give no mercy for her. Those "Mysterious" cookies were made by her, any gender, any look. But remains the same color palette as hers.
Call it, "Candy Mask Cookies" they were made literally and specially to be skilled with pure loyalty and no absolute mercy. So they are not easily spotted during that. And they're insanely fast too, the "perfect" minions and creation that Dark enchantress cookie ever made.. She left the ancients cookies alone for now, her main focus was the beast cookies, she pretty much backstabber them. Sending them to eternal pain and stealing their soul jam like how they did to the ancients.
Since Dark enchantress cookie was made by white lily falling into the "Ultimate Dough" she wanted to be the one to take the ancients down. Also the fact that darkness was influenced among the former virtues which is how/why they became corrupted.
・Mystic Flour
-Yes, I'm very much aware that she can turn things into flour. But only when things are still in place[more logical?: In One Place] where she can focus her power. Or more cannon: at will.
But candy mask cookies are really fast and more smarter than they look, so even despite that ability they'll move around fast enough to eliminate her.
・Burning Spice
-As much as he is as the: "Cookie/Beast of Destruction" again, they have enough agility to Dodge his attacks they have agility and endurance to eliminate him.
・Eternal Sugar
As the Cookie of sloth she is, you might think she'd be lazing around to be much easier to find. But she's a little more aware of this situation, so she hid herself in a bush. But again, Candy Mask cookies are much more smarter, they found her and eliminated her.
・Shadow Milk
Even through he can make other cookies into his puppet, candy mask cookies are much faster to avoid/prevent that. They both almost have the same amount of speed, but even he can't outrun or lie to them, eliminating him in the process.
But he stays likely alive, just in pain. With the last bits of his soul slowly going away from his "supposed to be dead" body, since his soul jam was taken away from the candy mask cookies and those bits of his soul is trying to return back to the soul jam. It took weeks and he felt himself rotting and unable to walk, he can only crawl with his arms and hands. He wondered why he's the only one with this effect while the others soul had returned to their stolen soul jam.
[I kinda made Shadow Milk suffer here, whoops]
・The pre/non-corrupted forms and the corrupted forms of the beast cookies are actually separate in this AU, so when their soul jam loses contact with their corrupted form, they'll reform back to the pre/non-corrupted forms. Even if their soul jam gets corrupted their pre/non-corrupted forms is hidden somewhere in there. No personality change through, they'll be the same just an appearance change.
・For soul Jam holders[former and current]:
If they get harmed or "supposedly" die and gets their soul jam taken, [if] the soul jam loses contact with their physical body and reform their souls into ghost forms. Since, their immortality and soul is in their soul jam[It's called "Soul" Jam for a reason, it's not following the cannon but this AU is not following the cannon anyway].
So, yeah. That's some/or most of the lore so far.
Normally I dont put theme songs for AU's I make, but this was an expectation:
This is the other beast cookies theme if they saw silent salt again[Ghost form]. And yes, I'm aware of that songs meaning[#I love Mitski <3].
I like putting a bunch of angst in my AU's <3
Also the fact I was listening to this song while writing this AU's lore lmao-
Makes an art idea now, but I need motivation and time BECAUSE SCHOOL IS STARTING AGAIN 😭
I feel like I should make this into an ask blog but I'm not sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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writingnekoo · 2 months ago
Odysseus' character analysis & how we overlook his trauma
Okay, this will be a long post about Odysseus and what could be happening in his head after his return to Ithaca because I really need to share these ideas <3
During the last few days I've been thinking about the whole Poseidon-obssesed-with-Odysseus concept (thanks to @rin-solo for inspiration :)), and that's how I recalled one headcanon of mine about Odysseus and his possible perception of his conflict with Poseidon.
A disclaimer first: I know that Epic is sometimes historically and culturally inaccurate, but! I want to include some of the cultural norms of ancient times because they will make things much more interesting.
So, since early August I've had an idea that Odysseus' personality during the post-Odyssey timeline would be heavily influenced by PTSD. That's just reasonable: the war takes its toll on the person anyway, especially on the warrior like Odysseus. He saw the nightmares of the Trojan War, lost his comrades and faced things that made him lose his sleep.
I actually like how Odysseus' trauma is depicted in Epic. We have these parts with the voices of Polites, Eurylochus and Anticlea and see just how much these losses affected Odysseus (take the ending of "Love in Paradise"). But instead of focusing on the losses like the musical does I'd rather talk about those who had caused them. It's a curious thing about the mentality of those who survived the war and similar events: their mind tends to demonize and hate those who caused pain deeply. It produces the ultimate hatred that is able to overcome any other feeling. This is the idea that I want to pursue in my Monster AU (might write about it later because that's another long talk) about the overwhelming feeling, produced by trauma, that can't be distinguished. And Odysseus is the only character in the story who has endured that twenty-year long nightmare: his comrades from the Trojan War didn't have the decade of journey back home behind their backs, and those who sailed with Odysseus died.
But there's one more layer to this scenario. While we've covered the idea about the war victim demonizing the aggressor, we can't forget that we're talking about the religious society of ancient times. Poseidon and Zeus are the two godly villains of Odysseus' story. However, they're also the god of the tides, who must've been one of the most widely worshiped in Ithaca (since it's an island... yeah), and the King of the gods.
That leaves Odysseus in an even more complex situation. Because he most likely highly respected both of them for his whole life. Eventually, they left Odysseus ruined. The people of Ithaca didn't stop worshipping them, and Odysseus has to follow the same religious rituals and celebrate annual festivities, which definitely reminds him of what had happened.
Once again, no one understands what he's gone through. Even Penelope and Telemachus, no matter how supportive they are. Thus, the trauma is left unseen and unhealed. Too bad there was no therapy in the ancient world, Odysseus would've needed it.
Finally, this whole set of reasons serves as a perfect background for deep and tragic obsession with those who hurt him and inability to let go of the past. Do the voices fall silent after Odysseus defeats all the enemies? No, they probably don't. Because even though physically Odysseus is already home, mentally, he's still fighting with the ghosts of his enemies. This is a desperate feeling that belongs to a broken man who no longer fits into society like he used to. And it eats him alive, kills him from the inside. No ruthlessness or bloodshed can help Odysseus to run from this despair. It fact, they might only make it worth by reminding who made him a monster! :)
Generally... this is pretty much it. The whole idea of all-consuming despair and trauma is what I've wanted to pursue here because I find it very natural in terms of everything that Odysseus has been through. I'd also like to analyze the whole Vengeance saga (especially my fav Six Hundred Strike) from this perspective because it actually makes perfect sense for me, but that's one more long post of another time lmao.
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thecatundertheladder · 10 months ago
how about fsm's and lloyds first meeting in the fsm lives au?
First of all thank you so much for asking!!! I had a lot of fun writing this even if took ages. Right so I haven't completely figured out when the ninja actually meet Fsm, but I'll get to that later. I do have a rough timeline so probably in between seasons five and six (Possession will obviously get retconned a lot). Garmadon is alive btw.
Lloyd had never really made the connection between his grandfather and the First Spinjitzu Master. Like sure he knew it logically, but there was a real difference between 'my grandfather is the First Spinjitzu Master' and 'the First Spinjitzu Master is my grandfather'. And besides, the guy was dead, as far as he could tell, so it didn't really matter other than 'hey I inherited cool powers and also his arch nemesis'. Honestly, the only things Lloyd knew about his grandfather were that he invented spinjitzu, used the golden weapons to create Ninjago, fought the Overlord, and he had two kids, who happened to be Lloyd's dad and uncle.
So naturally it was quite a shock when one day at breakfast Wu announced that his father was coming to visit in a few days.
What resulted from that statement was a rather long and, uh, productive (not really) conversation (a very loud debate).
Cole: What?! But he’s supposed to be dead! Kai: No no one of my village elders said he just left this realm and would return when we need him most. Morro: Nah grandpa just does whatever he likes. Though he was in another realm last time I checked, at least that's right. Jay: What the fuck does that even mean?!
That ,of course, sparked a whole other debate about why Morro knew that. It got sorted out in the end, eventually, after a few thrown noodle bowls.
But while the others seemed to calm down after that, Lloyd steadily got more anxious. Because this was his grandfather, the man who had created Ninjago itself, and fought the Overlord the first time. Yes, Lloyd had done that as well, but what if he didn’t met his grandfather's expectations? What if he was disappointed in him?
Morro, on the other hand, was pretty excited to see his grandpa again; it had been two years, and despite Morro taking advantage of Fsm's omniscience to inform him about various coming and goings, he hadn’t had an actual conversation, and he had a lot of things to show him as well. But Lloyd had seemed pretty anxious since Wu’s announcement, so, like any good older cousin, Morro cornered him on the way to breakfast.
Morro: What’s up with you? You’ve been anxious ever since dad told us grandpa was coming here. Lloyd, mumbling: What if I don't live up to his expectations? Morro: Huh? Lloyd, louder: What if he's disapointed in me? Morro: As someone who's actually meet him, his expectations are don't die, and don't kill innocent people. Pretty low expectations if you ask me. You'll be fine.
This makes Lloyd feel a bit better, but he's still anxious, and he refuses to talk to anyone else about it because, to him at least, it seems a bit dumb to be anxious about meeting his grandfather when no else is (they are, Lloyd just hasn't noticed).
Anyway fast forward to The Day of The Arrival. Lloyd gets up earlier than usual in order to mentally prepare himself for meeting God. And, since he's expecting to have a few hours before the First Spinjitzu Master arrives, he doesn't really bother to make himself presentable before making his way to the kitchen.
This was a mistake.
Because when lloyd enters the kitchen there's man(?) sitting at the table wearing a black kimono with gold detailing. And Lloyd's first though is 'fuck, its the First Spinjitzu Master' before he realises that the man (? seriously why is it so hard to tell) is in his late thirties at most. So Lloyd's next thought is 'why is this random person in my kitchen?'
Lloyd, suspicious: Who are you and why are you here? Fsm, smiling: I'm your grandfather, and I'm your grandfather. Lloyd: You can't be my grandfather! You're like thirty! Fsm: I am not thirty, I'm a shapeshifter. Fsm, now vaguely concerned: You didn’t know that? Why didn’t you know that?
So, luckily, Fsm, by being themself, manages to almost completely allay Lloyd’s anxiety by getting up, telling Lloyd to follow him, and going to find both his children so they can smack them on the head because come on you two this is Morro all over again (Fsm can't really talk though, his godly domain should really be 'forgetting to tell people important information'). Because he can understand Morro not knowing that Fsm - and subsequently their descendants - isn’t human, but Lloyd is actually related!
Lloyd, meanwhile, is shocked. God, his grandfather, is in his house, looking all of thirty, and stalking through the monastery all while grumbling under his breath about his kids not telling Lloyd something, all while Lloyd trails behind him like a lost fawn.
It’s then Lloyd remembers his pyjamas and bed hair, and he just, internally cringes. Like, c'mon, this is the First Spinjitzu Master, and here he is looking like he just got out of bed (that he actually did just get out of bed is completely pointless in Lloyd’s mind). But something about this thought process must have shown in his face and body language (never mind that Lloyd is behind his grandfather), because suddenly the First Spinjitzu Master (man Lloyd really has to get his name) is turning around, stopping Lloyd in his tracks.
Fsm: Stop that. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I am 25,000 years old, and I have raised two children, I have seen a lot worse than bed hair.
That makes Lloyd blush, but his grandfather is already on the move again, seeking out his children.
Of course, once Fsm does find their children, Lloyd has the pleasure of finding out that his grandfather his half oni, half dragon (“dragoni”, his father says, “easier on the tongue”).
But once Lloyd processes that he’s not fully human (and, like in the show, he’s pretty calm about because it makes a lot of sense when he actually thinks about) he starts to bond with his grandpa and damn the First Spinjitzu Master is not anything like he expected him to be, but honestly, Lloyd is actually kinda relieved about that. He’s a lot more approachable than Lloyd expected, and it seems he’s where Wu and Garmadon got the more, um, eccentric sides of their personalities. Lloyd is still a bit nervous around him, but that slowly goes away over the few weeks that Fsm is staying for.
Throughout those weeks, Lloyd kinda starts to get comfortable around Fsm. Lloyd shows Fsm a bunch of video games (I've decided this includes Minecraft because, listen, Fsm would be great at Minecraft (specifically creative mode) and you can't tell me otherwise), as well as board games, which leads to the interesting revelation that Mystake (Mystake?! Who runs the tea shop?!) banned Fsm from playing uno a few months after it come out because he tackled someone after he had to pick up 16 cards.
Hope you enjoyed!
But yeah I’ll probably do a separate post for the family bonding.
Also I feel like I need to give fsm a proper name at this point. I’ve been calling them imaragami (ih-ma-rah-gar-mi) since I started thing this whole idea up but tbh it’s just a bunch of random syllables put together (I’m kinda attached to it at this point tho). But anyway what do you think?
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year ago
more Donnie VS The World content. It makes me vibrate and scream and wiggle like I'm off my meds. I would love anything, even a solid block of text, but your doodles/full artworks/comics are my favorite.
Please? All I've found so far is what we see in the donnieverse comic and the MVA/AMV (music video animatic/animatic music video). So many questions, like - is Casey (Sr) involved in any way, whethercas a fellow captive or rescue mission teammate? Is this the True Apocalypse or Averted Apocalypse timeline? If the latter, where is Casey (Jr)? How is Splinter handling it? (Is he even still alive to be Having Emotions About It?)
(Please feed me.
B L E A S E)
(If you don't mind, could you show/tell how Donnie escapes, one of his first Big Leads that gives him so much hope he cries, and/or the Big Reunion? One would be nice, two would be great, and all three would be amazing. If they aren't planned/are too spoilery, that's okay. Anything you can/are willing to give would be lovely.)
Thank you!! I'm glad you like it : ) I don't think I've answered many asked about this particular au, so i'm more than willing to talk about it! : )
I don't really have much up for it, mostly b/c it deals with a lot of angsty material that i can be a little uneasy about posting. I have a bit of old concept art, and an unposted fic i'm editing/rewriting (b/c it's the first fic i wrote for Rise and i did not have those character voices down lol.) I can probably post the first bits of it later this week. I did say at one point that i would once 'proud family tradition' was over, and it now is.
but yeah, here's the concept art, i'll put the explanation under the break b/c i'm going to be rambling lol.
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So Donnie vs. takes place after the thwarted apocalypse (not-apocalypse future). They get taken by Bishop a few months afterwards, and it isn't until about a year after that, that Donnie gets free.
He's the last one still with Bishop at that point, and had been told/convinced through various means that his brothers were dead.
Bishop did a lot of experiments on him, leaving a lot of scaring. One of which was injecting him with Krang DNA to see what would happen. (the eye and veins thing. I think he has some side effects from that but i'm not entirely certain what they are atm)
The fic itself starts after his rescue, b/c i'm focusing on Donnie's search for his brothers (and his own recovery) Rather than the traumatic event itself.
The rescue itself, was certainly a rescue. April, Casey, and CJ worked together to get him out of there as well as gain whatever information they could before they were found out. (Casey went undercover and was able to get some incomplete files and help get donnie out before she was discovered and had to leave.)
donnies in...pretty bad shape at that point, mentally and physically. Physically, he's malnurished, injured, scared, the works. Bishop did a number on him in the year he had him.
Mentally, he's pretty much shut down. He's completely non-verbal, unresponsive most of the time, when he does respond it's very slow and seemingly difficult for him to do so. He describes it that it feels like he's behind several plates of thick glass. He can see and hear what's happening, interacting (or even just feeling anything about it) is very hard to get past the glass.
How he goes from that state to hunting down his brothers is fairly simple. One of the broken, encripted files Casey acquired was Leo's file. None of the three could open it, but they managed to get Donnie to try to do so. He manages it, sees the file, and for the first time in about a year, has hope. He doesn't even wait to show the other three, he just takes off while no one was looking, with April's laptop and CJ's coat (he steals a backpack along the way.)
I don't really want to say much past that. A lot of the rescues/reunions are pretty spoiler heavy, and i don't want to ruin some of the mystery of what's going on in the fic. But know this, he does get all his brothers (and family in general) back. Also, splinter is alive and is part of this, but again, that's spoilers for some things i don't want to ruin.
Again, i'll probably start posting this sometime this week. It's an interesting fic that i've put quite a bit of time into at this point, so i'll be excited to see what is thought of it.
Thank you!
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deconstructthesoup · 12 days ago
Some more thoughts and considerations for the Dead Boy Detectives noir AU (original post here):
-I've decided that this takes place in 1935, which means that Edwin and Charles will both be, well, thirty-five---if we're setting this story in the early twentieth century, it only seems fair that Edwin should still have been born in 1900, and Charles should be around his age. The differences in the way that Edwin and Charles talk come down more to their differences in upbringing, as Edwin grew up in a posh family and Charles's family was more working-class. (I think the girls, by contrast, are probably in their late twenties---less experience than the boys, but with just as much grit.)
-Honestly, the timeline works out perfectly, because it's endlessly easy to replace the "Edwin was in Hell" storyline with a "Edwin was in WWI" storyline. I think he got drafted as soon as he was of age---early in 1918, since he's a January boy---and managed to hold on for those final eleven months before the war finally ended. He still has nightmares and flashbacks from that time, and while he doesn't pretend that he's not affected by it, he doesn't really let people help him through it. (Charles managed to avoid the draft due to running away from home on his eighteenth birthday, and it's pretty difficult to sign up for the military when you're a missing person.)
-Since Edwin and Charles are a) alive, and b) well into their thirties in this story, their agency is simply called "Payne & Rowland Investigations." There was much debate over whose name should go first, but they wound up settling on just going by alphabetical order.
-Tragic Mick runs a pawn shop about a block away from the agency, and while he's very much the kind of guy who likes to keep his head down and stay out of other people's business, he also happens to be kind and calming enough that people wind up telling him their stories anyway, which means that he usually knows a lot of random little secrets. Edwin and Charles tend to visit him whenever they're in need of a lead on a new case, and while Tragic Mick knows better than to give them anything too specific, the little tidbits he offers usually send them in the right direction.
-The Night Nurse is the head editor at Crystal's paper, and the one who keeps her on the society pages instead of letting her take the more investigative side of things. This is mainly because she's very focused on making sure that the paper continues to receive funding and doesn't ruffle any bigwig's feathers, but it's also because the Night Nurse doesn't really take Crystal that seriously---she's got movie stars for parents and still has hints of her "spoiled rich girl" past in the way she interacts with the world, so she genuinely believes that writing about society gossip is where Crystal's talents are best served.
-While Niko's perfectly happy with her job as a secretary, especially since Edwin and Charles have no problem inviting her onto the cases, she dreams of someday becoming a well-known novelist, and is more than a little inspired by her adventures with the detectives when it comes to actually getting her stories down. In fact, I've actually been toying with the idea that that's how she and Crystal met---they were college roommates who had the same writing class, Niko kept on attempting to bond with Crystal despite her very much being in her mean, party-girl era, and after Crystal wound up in an incredibly harmful relationship and realized that she needed to pull the plug, Niko helped her through it, cementing their status as genuine friends. And, well... maybe, throughout the years, they wound up becoming something a little bit more.
-Jenny is the bartender at the Cat King's nightclub---which I'm still debating a name for, though I am leaning towards "Pussycat" because, well, reasons---and she also happens to be his closest friend, in that achellian/sapphic solidarity way where you're bitching at each other constantly but unquestionably have each other's backs. They've known each other for years, they're in business together, she did a lot of the bootlegging during Prohibition... hell, they even got married for tax benefits, even though both of them are very open and honest about their sexualities. And unfortunately for Charles, Jenny is very tight-lipped about the Cat King's secrets.
-Charles was the first person that Edwin came out to, when they were sixteen, and he was also one of the only people in Edwin's life to accept that part of him unconditionally. On the flip side, Charles has always assumed that he was straight, but in the past year or so, he's been questioning his sexuality... and though Edwin knows about this, Charles still hasn't told him that he's part of the reason he had that realization. As it stands, they're only partners in the business sense---though, that'll be changing soon if their secretary and her reporter friend have anything to say about it.
-Anything I tell you about Esther and Monty is a spoiler. I might wind up writing this. You must not know.
-I've been debating whether or not I want to include the original characters I made for Put Your Records On in this story to better flesh out the world---at the very least, include Cecil and their girlfriend Alice, since they seem to have backdoored their way into becoming Dead Boy Detectives OCs---and I'm still not quite sure. I mean, for one, it'd be cool to have, say, Laura as a librarian who helps the detective agency out with research every now and then, but on the other hand, they're all very much tailored to that specific story... so, I guess you'll just have to see. (Though, I have an excellent idea for Arasha that I don't think I can ignore.)
And that's what I got for now!
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nortism · 8 months ago
Nor's Les Mis Fic Recommendations
I've been scouring les mis ao3 for a few months now so here are my fav fics I've found. I've tried my best to tag tumblrs where I can but let me know if you are the author of any of these and I'll tag you!
Three Days (or The One Where Javert and Valjean Take a Road Trip Through France and Raise a Child) by zamwessel
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Javert calls what he thinks is Valjean's bluff about needing three days to find the child Cosette and intercede for her. The Inspector comes along for the ride -- and gets much more than he bargained for, in the process.
Notes: First Les Mis fic I ever read and its an absolute banger. It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I'm a sucker for a kid fic so I absolutely adored it.
A Change of Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Six months ago, Doctor Henry Jekyll sought to escape the dramatics of London by coming to M-sur-M. Tonight his murderer pays a visit to the Mayor Madeline. (Being the Curious Case of Inspector Javert and Mister Hyde)
Notes: Criminally underrated. Jekyll and Hyde AU but I went in knowing very little about that book and I could understand what was going on. Each chapter contains bits from the past and present day until the timelines eventually add up which makes the main mystery all the more compelling. Also Fantine is alive and well which is always nice.
Our Souls Still in Fetters by Cinaed
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After Javert is assigned to discover a blackmailer within a public-house that caters to men who prefer other men, Valjean is unexpectedly drawn into the case. Together they must stop the blackmailer before any lives can be ruined...including their own.
Notes: This author has so many great Valvert fics but this one is probably my favourite. There's the classic "undercover as a couple" trope as well as old timey gay bars. Also a huge fan of how this author portrays Cosette and Valjean's relationship.
In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile
Rating: T
Ships: Combeferre/Enjolras/Grantaire
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Notes: I love a good poly fic and this is one of the best. Also just a generally fun and wholesome friendship fic. Definitely a nice comforting read after all the old man angst I've got on here.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Need_To_Comment_Rising (@aromantic-enjolras)
Rating: T
Ships: Courfeyrac/Enjolras, Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Its complicated)
Enjolras takes a swig of his drink with everyone else, and then smirks at Courfeyrac over the rim of his glass. "You didn't seem to mind much me being bossy yesterday night when I had you in my bed..." At his side, Grantaire chokes on his drink and starts coughing. But how did we get here, you might ask? Well, let’s rewind. ------- Enjolras and Courfeyrac have had a friends with benefits arrangement for a while. But when Coureyrac starts dating Combeferre, Enjolras is left with the question of where he fits in the new status quo...
Notes: Another poly fic with aromantic!Enjolras. I love fics with unconventional relationship dynamics as well as people actually communciating with each other (though not before there's been some hijinks ofc). Criminally underrated.
How Marius (Painstakingly) Won the Hand of Mlle. Fauchelevent by writingsyrup (@syrupsyche)
Rating: G
Ships: Cosette/Marius
When setting out to woo his beloved Cosette, Marius had never imagined that it would bring him to this: sitting at a dining table next to her grim-faced father, and staring at the marble that was Enjolras picking at his peas. Or; Enjolras and Cosette are siblings in 19th century France. Marius has to deal with the consequences of this.
Notes: Probably the best Marius characterisation I've ever read, he's just so awkward and weird bless him. I love a good awkward "meeting the parents" and this filled that hole in my heart. Is part of a wider series but can be read as a standalone.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit by Apathy and saltedpin
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Cosette/Marius Pontmercy
Valjean's panting breath does not belong to him. He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles on too-light feet to the mirror in the corner, although he already knows what he will see. Peering back at him from behind a curtain of dark hair, wide-eyed, is Éponine Thénardier. Jean Valjean awakens one morning from uneasy dreams to find that something quite unexpected has happened during the night.
Notes: Cosette and Javert get bodyswapped and Marius is weirdly into it, if that's not enough to convince you to read this fic then idk how to help you. Not normally a huge body swap fan but this was absolutely hilarious as well as having some genuinely sweet moments. Also Theodule is there which means something to some people.
It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster (@shamedumpster)
Rating: T
Ships: Enjolras/Grantaire
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Notes: SO SO GOODDD!! Top tier slowburn kid fic, I could wax poetic about it for days. Had me gripped from start to finish.
Acts of Mercy by cruisedirector and Dementordelta
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After witnessing and reporting a murder, Javert is dismissed from the police and takes a job protecting the women in a brothel, where many of his long-held ideas about justice are challenged.
Notes: Breaking, man from the 1800s finds out that life for women is hard. Such a solid redemption arc fic with some really memorable ocs.
Lynx's Claws and Wolf's Mane by Kaleran
Rating: T
Ships: None
When he is older, when he is a prison guard, he thinks back to his childhood and realizes he had been considerably fortunate. "Prison is no place for a girl like you," his mother told him often, usually fussing with what rags they could use for clothing. "Forgive me for this, draga mea." And so, instead of a daughter, she pretended to have a son.
Notes: Completely canon compliant except Javert is trans and the impact that has on the story really adds an extra layer to his character that I find really compelling. Warning, it is very depressing bc canon.
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livmightlive · 24 days ago
Hi, I am here in your humble ask box to yap about your 2 adventures AU :)
Well, more like ask questions, but not important.
First, I'm currently writing a fic based on it (not finished, but ~3.7k words rn and not much left), starting with the 2nd adventure because it's fun and I wasn't in the mood to write Warriors suffering THAT much (he still is tho, but less, kinda)
Second, as I'm directly writing in your AU—and not just inspired or based on—I like to keep things as close to what you've said as possible, at least in the beggining.
...So, questions! No need to answer if you don't want to, or even just do a few of them, I was just wondering. I'll still be releasing the fic and @ you anyways, I just like to hear your opinion.
1. I made Four (called Minish early on in the fic) have changing eye color based on his mood, but the colors (characters) aren't present when merged. What do you think of them appearing? Are they all in Four's head? Take turns? Do they only exist when split? Are they sometimes there and sometimes not? Something else?
2. Four and Shadow relationship. Has Shadow existed? Is he dead? Alive? They dating/engaged/married/exes? If <-, is it only Vidow or Fourdow? Is he their housecat?
3. Any change of appearances outside of obvious height? I imagine then to look pretty close/the same to their original, especially those who's ages are close to or are often headcanoned to be close to their age in the comics.
Also if there's something special you want to mention for their 1 adv./2 adv. Say it under this question?
Also if Shadow how do you imagine he looks like?
4. Thoughts on Warriors ship? I usually don't really ship him with anyone, I sometimes put him with Artemis but mostly just so he's taken...Or go all out with Warrahim, but that needs more explaining than I usually bother with. Honestly, him dating a (male) OC had gone to mind a bit whilst writing, but I think I'm making it into another seperate fic than this one.
Either way, I was wondering if you had any ships of him in mind? Ofc it wouldn't be there immideatly, but something that could be built up when/if I—or others—decide to write in this AU.
Totally not because I was planning on writing Artemis x Impa in this AU. Nope. Not at all.
I probably have more questions that I've forgotten about, but I can leave that to another day.
There was a lot of ramblings about Four, but I love him so that isn't suprising. Even if you ignore this, I hope you have a great day/evening/night, and that you drink a lot of water and get your favorite snacks <3
Hello 💕
First of all this is so EXCITING!!! I feel so honored to have inspired you!! Omg I genuinely have chills 
And I’d like you to know that I am perfectly okay with you adapting my AU in any way you wish. I appreciate you giving me credit but I’d never post something without fully intending on sharing it! So please do whatever you wish! Don’t let me hold you back!
That being said though, I’m also really really excited to talk more about this AU! 
In the second half of the journey I think the colors appearing are fair game! I personally think that when they’re merged as Four they’re generally one person again. Like, they’re Four now. I kind of follow Steven Universe rules when it comes to Four for myself if you’ve ever watched the show 😭 but basically, when the colors merge as Four, they are a separate person while being a combination of theirselves if that makes sense? I think they still kind of have some kind of autonomy, like if Four were to pass a bookstore he might get a very sharp urge to go there that he might not normally have. In stressful situations I think his thoughts would fragment more. I like all different writings of Four though! Honestly, him going down more of the taking turns path might be more interesting in this story but I’d have to play with different ideas. 
As for Shadow… I forgot to think about him 😭 I think it depends on your opinion if he’s dead or alive… for a timeline, my headcanons teehee, Four went through his Four Sword Quest when he was somewhere between 14-16? I’m not entirely sure which age but teenager. Four reunites with the chain when he’s like… we can say 28? I believe Four would appreciate Shadow enough to want to bring him back or resurrect him. To save him from that fate. Whether or not 10 years is enough time for Four to save him is your judgement 👀. I think Vidow is real 😭 like it doesn’t even matter whether I ship it or not. I read the manga and those boys had something going on. I think when Four remerges the rest of the colors, and Four himself might love Shadow or at least really understand why Shadow does. Maybe it’s more complicated than just a matter of romantic love, duty, or respect. Maybe Shadow and Four has something weird… (but yea, I ship it. I’ll ship anything with a good enough plot)
Honestly for change in appearance, I don’t think much would change. Least of all for Twilight and Sky who don’t have any more quests. Hyrule might be a bit surprising, during his second quest he learns magic so maybe that does something to him. He also might be better fed by now, better at coping with the cult. Wild would be pretty drastic actually, he has scars now and a wild look to him. If you think he’s gone through totk maybe he’s missing an arm? As for Shadow, I think it’s funny when people keep his manga emo boy look, but that’s just me 🙂‍↕️
For Wars, I didn’t have a ship for him in mind, I honestly think he’d be a bit busy for anything like that, but at the same time if it works for him it works! I personally headcanon him as gay, I have nothing to base this off of. I think it’s the scarf. It whispers to me… but that being said, I’d never slander anybody’s ship or opinion. But also CRAAZZZY that you mention Impa x Artemis bc I love that ship. I think Artemis is also gay. WLW and MLM solidarity.
Please feel free to ask me anything you’d like!!! I love these types of talks more than anything. They really make my day! Please don’t be shy!
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kate-m-art · 2 years ago
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Been forever since I've shared anything for my cryptid blorbs so yeahhh ajskdl some sketches of Link and Zel, concepts for skvader blupees and reimagining of majoras mask keatons, and one with tiny Link and his pa ♡ Was looking through old posts the other day and don't think I've shared any backstory for these guys so akdkf I'll put some under the cut TvT
So uhh forget how much I've said but basic concept for the AU and why Link and Zel are monsters is because they were given too much power from their patron goddesses (Nayru for Zelda and Farore for Link.) Mortal Hylian bodies weren't created to possess divine power and being touched by it in such a raw state warped them.
Setting for the AU is the downfall timeline, when the goddesses seem distant and most all monsters are seen as evil and dangerous. Friendly Zora are a thing of the past, Goron's are scarce, and the sight of monsters and creatures near a village fills it with fear.
Link grew up in this kind of small village. His family never had much but they made it day to day and were all very close. Link's the oldest of 4 and has 3 younger sisters who all love him a lot. He's close with all of them, but especially the youngest, Avalina, who he's sort of taken under his wing. Link is very fond of music and pretty skilled with his ocarina, something he picked up from his dad (who taught him everything he knows.) The guys never been the most comfortable with words, he has a mild stutter, but his music speaks where he struggles to. It's something he would have loved to pursue further but since his dad passed, he's felt responsible for his ma and sisters and had been working really long hours to do his best making sure they're taken care of.
Things changed for him as word started spreading about rising monster attacks through the kingdom. Links village was so remote and he was so caught up in day to day life he didn't pay the rumors much mind, just continued working himself thin and stealing away to the forest outside the village occasionally for solitude and a few moments to lose himself in his music and clear his head. He probably should have been paying more attention though because one night, deep in the forest, alone, and where no one could hear him scream he was attacked by moblins. As he was lying on the brink of death, Farore intervened. She's the most impulsive of her sisters, and as goddess of the forests, life and winds she had taken notice of Link, his gentle soul and appreciation of her work. She couldn't stand the thought of him being lost so young and breathed life back into him. It came at a cost though, Links hylian body couldn't handle such direct contact from the goddess and when he came to,, he didn't recognize what he'd become as an amalgamation of the goddesses power. Deer features from forest life, wings that could master the winds, his own face and hands intact to keep the ability to play, and the mark of the goddess seared onto his forehead so anyone could see she'd claimed him as her own.
Link couldn't stand the thought of his loved ones seeing him alive this way and figured they were better off assuming he'd passed so they could move on. Ashamed of what he had become, he resigned himself to his fate of being tied to the forest, another one of the lost woods' enchanted creatures.
Zelda's plight is a bit different. Her parents both passed when she was young and the kingdom is waiting for her to come of age to be queen. She's done her best to prepare for the role, learning all she can from within her palace under strict supervision. She could tell though that her advisors, regents, and the kingdom at large viewed her as young and weak. With word of growing unrest in the kingdom and rumors about the return of an ancient evil, she knew she needed to establish herself before her position and Hyrule as a whole crumbled. She prayed endlessly to her patron goddess, and eventually her pleas for blessing, strength and wisdom were granted but not in the way she was hoping. After much consideration, knowing it would come at a steep cost, the goddess of wisdom and waters gave in and began to give the princess an abundance of her power.
Like Link though, Zelda got more than she asked for; she began to notice more and more changes, shortness of breath and thirst giving way to scales and gills. With growing panic she started to realize if she didn't act fast, if too many caught on to what was happening to her, everything she had worked for to try to establish herself and gain her castle and kingdoms trust would be for nothing.
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14muffinz · 1 year ago
About your fusion AU, since you're open to asks
How would the fusions remember the different April's and Casey's (and Splinters for that matter) ?
Would their memories conflict, would it be muddy, or they'd prefer not to think about it?
(So i'm gonna go with 2012 as the other iteration for now, but if yall want to talk about it with a different set just say the word and that's how i'll answer)
I feel like memories get blurrier the further they get from the date of their fusion. Like, if you ask them about events a month or so before it, they'll be able to explain some pretty big chunks of memory, but their childhoods don't make a lot of sense to them.
Memories also have a bit more clarity depending on how 'similar' they are to their other self during them. Bad example, but Mikey has trouble remembering climbing on Raph's shell, because while he's still the shortest of the four, the fusions are all around the same size and he's way too big for that. But a memory of, say, a kitchen food fight would be more distinct, since the rise bros are a very lighthearted (not the word i'm looking for but still) set and the 2012 bros tease eachother often
we've also got to pick a spot in the timeline so we know if 2012 splinters alive or not.
All brothers know both aprils and caseys and can tell them apart, since all four have been worrying over them almost nonstop since they first fused
brother by brother below the cut:
Leo can remember the first time they met each Casey, because all three were initially perceived as threats. If someone gives him a brief explanation, he can remember their first fight where they failed to save 2012 April, but a lot of the time he won't remember the girl as Aprils He doesn't know how they met rise April, but can remember a lot more bonding moments with her than anyone else. As for splinter – he's one of the things that makes his memory sort of fight itself. Because of how much he loves to train, he doesn't have any clear memories of rise splinter, only 2012. Some memories of rise splinter, when he's more serious, he can recall in 2012's voice. When he interacts with rise splinter, there's a 50% chance he flips out thinking he's hearing Tigerclaw
Raph has most, if not all of his memories of the Casey seniors. A lot of them he remembers the wrong Casey out of the two being there, but he can usually recall it. Casey helps both Raphs unwind, meaning those memories are often where the Raphs are at their most similar. They remember meeting rise April a lot clearer, seeing the surface for the first time gives them a huge rush of freedom and they associate her with that because of rise. They don't remember the first fight where 2012 April got captured, but they remember her rescue. Raph remembers being ignored by his father. He remembers coming to rise splinter with concerns about one of his brothers and being brushed off. He remembers when Leo overtook him in training and how 2012 Splinter was suddenly more focused on training Leo instead. He remembers Splinter as one guy, but after the first few times the supporting cast tried to tell him about the fusions, he's begun doubting his memories.
Donnie has shoved all the memories they think have been altered deep within a mental cage. To be dealt with at a later date. They have informed Splinter (at least rise, dunno if 2012 will be around) that they do not remember much of the positive things in their childhood, and have decided to focus on separating the two Donatellos rather than their tainted opinion on their father. When they first fused, the 2012 april crush remained, but once they were filled in on the situation that stopped fast. Depending on when the 2012 bros are yoinked from, the power inside her episode would be a very distinct memory and would definitely change their interactions with 12 april. 12 casey is allowed in the lab because they know he has some sort of engineering talent, though they're not sure how good. They don't really remember Cassandra. In their brain, Casey Jones is the man with long black hair, and Cassandra is not that. They recognise her as Foot Recruit which has caused a lot of tension. June is a bit (a lot) skittish around them but they will try and interact if nothing else than for knowledge of future tech. Rise April is the only one who can get him to unwind, she knows all the tricks (this mistifies the 2012 humans, they've never seen donnie that chilled out outside of movie nights)
Mikey remembers the most of his childhood(s). He doesn't talk about it a lot since it seems to conflict with Leo and Raph's memories, but he remembers his first meeting with each human, first time watching the favourite media in each dimension, and a bit more. He gets along with all of them really well, but he's more focused on how weird his brothers have been acting lately. They're just so off, he swears…
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cult-bull · 5 months ago
The Fear of Death AU - Purgatory Lore
Since im currently grinding Purgatory some more for them important tears, I wanna write down my thoughts on how it works/what it is for the AU. Hopefully I can explore it more artwise too eventually as I get more and more comfortable doing like, shot comic sketches like im trying to in private.
Anyhow, lets start with it! (under the cut that is)
The timeline Fear AU follows is pretty close to a regular playthrough of the game nowadays with all the updates, meaning the mysterious Merchant (just called The Merchant/The Trader in this AU), appears pretty soon after Lamb fells and replaces Narinder as a death god.
The Merchant tells Lamb about Purgatory and his now given duty to go into it to make unresting souls find piece, be it through putting them out of their misery, or reviving them if they arent dead for too long yet, like the bishops who are partially kept alive through worship.
The purgatory itself thus isnt much of a daily grind but more of a place no one knows how to get into but Lamb and Narinder which calls out to Lamb whenever too many souls have flooded in there.
Time doesnt stop while Lamb is away in it, but it does slow down tremendously. 1 week in purgatory would be around a day back the cult camp most likely.
Its ever shifting, branching in pathways, and the different fleeces in lore are just how Lamb's body slightly changes to adapt to a certain area of purgatory as to actually do his duty there.
Said duty is both fighting the angry, violent souls, as well as making sure any lost ones find their way to the end of the branching path so they can move on.
One of the branching paths and areas is actually Narinder's holding place. He was tied up there, meaning he could still somewhat complete his duties with the help of Aym and Baal, but he wasnt able to return to the living world. It also colors his already very long imprisonment in a worse light I feel like, seeing how his irl time tied up is basically tripled in purgatory.
Another Area is where the corruption is housed which eventually spawns the goat. However that one is not like the game timeline and comes faaaaar later. Soooo since im still in the early stages of the au, poor goat will be benched for a long time I fear XD He's there though, waiting.
Purgatory isnt just home to new souls though. The longer a soul is down there unable to move on but also too old to be revived, it becomes a shade, an inhabitant which can barely be perceived. Like memories forever stuck in a loop of wandering.
Some are the barely animated remains of old gods, though Lamb doesnt recognize them. Others he does recognize is other lambs. Older flocks the Bishops eradicated way before this Lamb's time had come, thus making them too far gone to interact with. Not a violent threat but a dreadful reminder of the past.
And purgatory likes preying on weakness. So whenever lamb is reminded of the old flock he was a part of and lost? Or of bad fights and worse days early on into the cult making? Its not a pleasant duty to be down there.
A small part of him does hope though that he might eventually either find another Lamb thats alive, or a soul of a lamb that he can revive and get out of purgatory. Who knows if that will or even can happen though.
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AU of an AU: BaTIM
(There's a lot to read, guys) I haven't got much sleep, so this is my justification for making mistakes in text, if there's any. (The short summary: When server has a terrible admin, so some random cheater overthrows him and takes control👌. But I didn't write where it happens yet)
(I mention violence/murder btw and I will say a spoiler for Abomination comic ending) …
The AU of an AU starts as a changed Abomination comic ending. Like more people were alive (just like in my old batim rp). So, Magenta is an Ink Demon now, and after he became him - first yet alive person who found it out was Alice and got damaged or killed, then Sammy who didn't die before also found it out or I forgot what I wrote in here. Then everyone in this timeline is dead, Ink Demon laughs and suddenly the ink server resets itself. Demon doesn't understand wth is going on and looks up. Sees Joey the original one and tries to get his attention by yelling. Joey looks at him, surprised that he can see him for he never did that before, and explains that this timeline was crap and they gotta reset it. Ink Demon doesn't get it and boom, he's Magenta again. Alive. Get's a deja vu. For a while everything looks like abomination canon, but then Magenta tries to get Joeys attention from above again. And tries to ask what he expects from this scenario anyway. But Joey replies with "I don't fcking know, it just wasn't perfect" so Magenta doesn't have a clear scenario and fcks up everything again. (I'm not the type of person who swears a lot, but judging by what texts I saw in tumblr this is the way I should write it like?) Then another reset and another correction by "God" happens, and this time Magenta argues more — "it's not my fault timeline isn't perfect, it's yours, you don't even know what you want!" This argument comes to nothing. And a few more timelines keep appearing and resetting, with very slight changes. Except for Magenta tries to argue with Joey more and more, and more while the timeline goes by, probably making anyone who sees it think that he's a bit more insane than usual 👌. Then there appears such corruption thingy as cartoonifying the timeline (or how to write this word). When he noticed that this universe it pretty much drawn he started making it more cartoony by behaving like a cartoon, which twisted the reality and caused a much earlier reset. Magenta saw it as a very funny thing while Joey said that it was even worse than usual stop it. Then they were bullying or trolling each other for 10 minutes until Joey gave up and reset the timeline again. Magenta didn't get the memo and corrupted the timeline so much that it had reset itself and wiped his memories out. Memories about such timeline. This could 50/50 either cause him to stop cartoonifying timelines or make him repeat his tricks again. … Another thing - he wrote diaries and things on walls sometimes, in some secret locations only he could normally enter, bc usually the resets didn't save all the memories and just gave deja vu or flashbacks that it happened before. So he wrote himself hints while he still tried to do what Joey asked - "create a good timeline". But nothing worked, so he just wrote the outcomes of his arguments with Joey and insults in his address. Also things for those who would find out he had diaries. … Another thing - obviously clone would eventually annoy Joey so much that he would reset even the clone himself. So kinda deleted or threw away and spawned a new and clean one. And communicated with him right away bc all clones were finding out the author exists, it's not something to reset. Also that meant he .. could give them the actual steps to follow? .. Nothing worked anyway-
Also back to cartoony timelines: when Magenta broke the timeline this much he could leave the map. Find a breach. He also had a motif - he wanted to get away from Joeys foolish control. This man doesn't even know what he wants, what's the point to follow his lead? So once he did find a breach and left the map. He wandered into a place I called "behind the fourth wall", but it's actually the black backrooms. Joey saw nothing in here, it's out of bounds, so he just assumed his clone deleted himself somehow and created a new one. While the old one was wandering this place. At first it was like an interesting adventure and finally freedom. .. But then he never found an exit and was locked in the void for eternity. Being in the void also made him lose his old looks and he looked more like a lost one than Joey. Also got a shape shifter ability. Also I will say what I forgot to mention, the main point of the AU: after many resets Magenta started to think of his identity, why tf he looks and even thinks like Joey while being not him and .. probably why he likes cartoony things that much? So he once randomly remembers that he was Bendy once, before turning into Joey to do his bidding. That makes him hate Joey on a new level and argue 3 times more. After which he probably got reset once, but regained memories again. …
And now back to our lost in the backrooms guy: He was wandering there for eternity, thinking what could he do to prevent or fix anything. And he saw that another Joey clone entered this realm, and to not repeat the story came to him and showed the way out 👌. … It did change the fate of the second clone, but didn't change the fate of the main one. So he wandered again and even entered the other timelines. It made him know the entire story and he was thinking of a plan to change everything. Again. Then was traveling the timelines and his inky out of bounds realm again, and this how he collected an army of 5 other inky creatures (btw I call this guy "Formless Inky Creature", FIC for short👌) and once again met a clone who tried to enter the backrooms. But this time he told him what happens in other timelines and that he should do something else, not what Joey said. And that he was Bendy once👌. And that he should kill both Henry and Joey somehow. …
Phew, this story is long, yes. I will also mention that these timelines can go not only as far as abomination goes, but to Henry's arrival too. And I initially started to write it since the moment he tried to get "the secret ending" and ran into the backrooms away from Ink Demon, who followed him and found out he looks like Magenta again when he's in here. And tried to find Henry, but got lost here and found a place that .. idk, works off fantasy? It gives you anything you think about, but literally anything and constantly, also it has invisible walls, you will get trapped in here and all your thoughts will materialize forever. Or there's actually a chance to get out, but then you'll meet FIC's fate. But in the first story Henry and Joey clone actually found each other, talked and Henry went to another timeline. But in the second story, which is this one: Henry got the idea he got away from the ink demon and was looking for an exit. And was noticed by FIC. FIC was angry at him bc he's the reason Joey clones even exist and suffer for idiot's sake, so he approached and pushed him to some random timeline to break the fourth wall in. And went to find the second clone to tell him to start the plan. And here I got tired of typing, so for now that's all. Oof. Also the backrooms probably give them the knowledge of everything, but I don't remember the exact amount.
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year ago
WIP Tag/Reblog Game
Thank youuuuu @aidanchaser!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
Specifically 5 fanfics this time around - the things that are loudest about rattling my head at the moment.
Timetravel AU - Septimus Heap After a series of escalating deaths, Marcia and Septimus use the House of Foryx to travel back in time and - hopefully - fix things.
Merlin Resurrection AU - working title "I Refuse" Merlin has been alive for a thousand years, and he just found out that the rest of the gang is back. The problem is, none of them fully remember anything: It's only just enough to spook Arthur hard enough that he cut contact with all of the others and is trying his hardest to just be an obnoxious college student.
Three is Company - Septimus Heap, role swap AU. Prequel/Equel to The Long Way Home. Answers such thrilling questions as "how did Septimus get adopted by the Queen?", "how much trauma can you put into one freshly-minted EOW?" and "What exactly IS going on between Marcia, Milo and Cerys?"
The Egypt Agenda Part 4: The Distant Goddess I have yet to properly write out my Egyptian analysis of Nona the Ninth! Also I've been meaning to put the other parts on Ao3 for a while
Gideon the Musical Ohhhh boy I just rediscovered this while going through my drafts and?? I mean no there's pretty much nothing in that file yet but now I really want to pick it up again
I am two-thirds through the scene in which Septimus and Simon infiltrate the Young Army to rescue 412. I'm not sure why I haven't kept working because technically I'm at such a juicy point? 412 thinks he's about to be thrown into DN1, Septimus can't tell him what's really going on, and Simon is being told to do a spell that this-timeline Simon has no reason to know. It's GOOD I think I'm just scared I can't hit the correct balance for it
sgahjhgsshfdg Merlin just met Gwen and the Knights at a metal concert and they made their way backstage to greet Morgana and Morgause but like. Morgana is half-convinced he'll try to kill her again. Gwen is crying. Merlin is inwardly screaming because if THEY'RE all back does that mean Arthur is as well??? I probably COULD skip the explanations and just continue the scene where he confronts Arthur. I'm just.... not sure how to resolve it yet. Stubborn Prince is being Stubborn.
Milo just fished a baby from the river and is walking towards the Palace to greet his wife and newborn daughter. He is about to a) be accosted by a very panicked Marcia b) have to fast-talk his way past the Supreme Custodian and c) find out that his daughter is very dead. Noone is having a good day, except maybe for me, because all of this is setup for some VERY stupid miscommunication.
DID YOU KNOW that there's an actual myth in which "Alecto" runs off to live in a land where "John" has no direct jurisdiction so he has to send "Ianthe" to cajole her into coming back? YEAH. THAT
Act I works pretty well! Even Act II is fine! It gets more difficult after that. Anyway I have decided there's going to be a song called "To the Floor" and then it can have reprise elements in all the other duel scenes. How? I dunno whatever gave you the idea that I know what I'm doing
No way I can think of 10 and I don't know if any of you have already been tagged but hmmmm - @echo-has-queries @into-september @trainsinanime @liesmyth @septimus-heap
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anotherrosesthatfell · 1 year ago
What if Killer ran away from Alphonse like have she ever consider that before?
What if she ran away with the kids and stumbled across any of good guys?
I'm not sure if I write this before- but okay!
(Let's just have Angst still well and alive-)
It was that day when Killer was trying to protect Merciless from getting hurt but Angst took the hit instead.
Part of Killer snapped and she was broken but that was until Angst is still breathing. That's when she know she had to take action.
Killer fought Alphonse back and let the children ran away as she distracted their father. Killer manage to let Alphonse caught off from his guard and escape.
She took her children with her and just keeping on running because she can't teleport.
It was a coincidence that Dream was there to investigate something and Killer ran into him.
Dream saw how injured Crescent, Angst and Merciless are. Plus Killer is losing bloods from fighting with Alphonse. He immediately teleport all of them to the light castle to be healed.
Killer stay wary around Dream but slightly open up when he introduced infant Palette to her. It's a feeling that Killer understand very well. Being a parent is a blessing after all..
Angst recovered after a month but Alphonse is searching for them. So Dream found a solution which is to let Killer and the children stay with Hope. Sure he can let them stay in Blue's Au because it's positive and Alphonse can't enter but Ink doesn't trust Killer that much to be in Blue's home.
So Killer and the children are living with Hope from now on. Alphonse can't detect them even one bit because Hope use their magic to make their tracks gone.
Killer get to have a real help and is doing much better now. She is not mentally ill anymore
Crescent became a priest because he admires Dream so much and really enjoy to do something good.
Since Angst is alive, he is pretty decent guy and want to live a normal life. He is not depressed like any other timelines I made-
He will not be Lux sidekick like the original. Since he grew up in a healthy environment and completely forget who is his father, he became a holy knight of Light kingdom and serve for Palette. Other than that, Lux may develop a crush on him and it'll be healthy and sweet- Drop is the same, still in love with Merciless 💀
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